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09:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Mysterious Student from Abroad.

Posted by CerebroFor group 0
Jubilation Lee
player, 41 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 20:58
  • msg #51

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Jubes politely sat him down. "Right Well we're supposed to look out for you so try to find the old guy standing around googling "Emma Frost Nude pics" and probably drinking while people run screaming around him and doing just absolutely nothing. he's our teacher and the driver."she quipped dryly and then began skating and grinding the rails back to Monet and the battle it took a couple minutes but using the railings let her circumvent the sea of bodies. She landed in the chaos and threw out two very large fireworks in between the tsa agents and the baddies. "This stuff is above your pay grade.... Run!" she shouted to them then focused and made a firework explode right by the ear of the guy glaring at Monet. Not trying to blow his head off but rather to deafen him, give him a headache and annoy him. "You guys aren't going to win this. Why don't you try your luck with the Great Lakes Avengers or Alpha flight."  she snarked skating to stand by Monet glaring at the enemy.
Monet St. Croix
player, 56 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 18:19
  • msg #52

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Monet wasn't about to get close to the masked figure and his minions. Especially given her now confirmed suspicions about who he was. There was no way she wanted to get pulled into the void that he was vanishing into. She did flash a rather worried smile at Jubilation. The words she used cut through her concern for a few moments but that humour didn't stop her doing what she had to do. Stop the TSA agents getting eaten

Placing the two other mutants on the floor with a 'I'll be back' she ripped a fire hose from the wall and used her super speed to entangle the TSA agents pulling them away from the void without getting closer than she absolutely had to.
Jubilation Lee
player, 42 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 23:33
  • msg #53

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Jubilee kept throwing fireworks at the villains to keep them back. Occasionally making actual dangerous ones mixed with the annoying flashes to keep them back. She was sweating a bit trying to cover Monet and push them back into retreating.
player, 25 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 00:38
  • msg #54

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Cordelia didn't need any persuasion, taking her companions exit she headed out of the terminal as quickly as she could.
GM, 41 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 17:22
  • msg #55

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Jubilee's fireworks had been more than enough to ward the group of agents off. It successfully prevented them from getting caught in the void as it pulled the three baddies into darkness and out of the room before the mist itself vanished.

Monet tying them up and additional fireworks were more than was necessary, instead causing them to find themselves bound and cowering under the assault of explosions around them. The explosions did do a good job of finally getting the lookie-loos to finally become self-aware again and finally put down their phones and get away.

Only the woman who had been trying to attend to Jono was standing to put up a weak protest of, "Hey, wait. We need to ask you some questions..." though she said it so weakly, probably still freaked out about this whole incident, that it didn't sound like she would put up any real fight.

The new boy with the fiery hole in his chest shook his head and looked out towards the gate. He saw Cordelia making her way off and questioned, again using telepathy that everyone nearby could hear <<I'm guessing we're not stickin' 'round to answer those questions? I should get my bag before we go.>>

As any of them neared the exit gate they had passed through earlier would see that Banshee was waiting there looking quite nonchalant, as though he were just patiently waiting for the students to come back through. If he had just now arrived or had been standing their watching for half the struggle was anyone's guess.
Jubilation Lee
player, 43 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 17:34
  • msg #56

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Jubilee looked at Monet's shredded clothes and flushed a bit taking off her jean jacket and giving it to her. "Me and the others can't answer any questions we're minors. But our chaperone can" she said pointing Banshee out to the TSA agent and leaned in whispering. "He's washed up ex British special forces so when you put the screws to him don't bluff just get him on everything you legally can Google stuff if you have to" she whispered then smiled at the girls and skeleton. "Let's go get an Uber to the school and maybe grab some  drive thru on the way home sounds good? Sean will handle the TSa for us let's go since he's probably not in any fit shape to  drive" she pantomimed drinking not caring if he saw her.
Monet St. Croix
player, 57 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 17:44
  • msg #57

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

"I'm sorry. They were going to kill you all if you got close" Monet called "Look at what he managed to do, and then give a thank you prayer that you survived. I will" As well as pray for inspiration in 'what on Earth to do now'.

"Thank you Jubilation" Monet said taking the jacket. "Maybe I need to invest in diamond laced underwear to stop it getting shredded. Not fun. That whole thing was horrible. And it's not over"

She responded with her own telepathy to the boy "I'm sorry I didn't manage to stop that." she didn't add that she'd tried her best. Not a lot of point really. "I hope we can find a healing mutant who can do something about that. Even if you are walking around ... it has to be uncomfortable. Maybe Banshee" she looked at their Chaperone "or our headmistress has a suggestion"

She left the travel plans to Jubilation. On her own she'd just pick up the car and fly away
Jubilation Lee
player, 44 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 17:49
  • msg #58

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

"Yeah maybe." she answered face red suddenly trying to not think about Monet in her underwear. She dashed into a gift shop and "Bought" a raincoat. More like leaving money on the table since they probably fled while setting up an Uber before coming back with it for Monet so she could have a bit of dignity. She then skated her way out to the vehicle to wait on their Uber and also get any of their personal stuff to transfer to it.
GM, 42 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 20:35
  • msg #59

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

The boy responds to Monet's telepathic message, though he can't select just one target and it radiates out of him. He brought his hand over the hole in his chest as he explained. <<You mean this? No worries, luv-- it's been like this for more than a year.>>

So the frightening injury wasn't the result of today's encounter at the hand of Emplate. It seemed he had just been dazed from having his energy siphoned. Although that left plenty of question as to how he ended up in this state to begin with.

The boy then wandered off for a moment to retrieve his large black suitcase from the baggage carousel and returned only a few moments later.

Meanwhile Sean was able to handle the one remaining TSA agent pretty well. Although the exact name and location of Xavier's school was still publicly unknown, the knowledge of the existence of the X-Men as an organization that trained mutants to handle terroristic threats by other mutants was. Only Monet was in earshot to hear him describe them as X-Men trainees and that the boy was a new recruit.

This was different from the details that had been given to the students. No one had ever said that going to the school meant signing up to be X-Men. In fact, the encounter today almost defeated the entire purpose of her having attended the school in the first place. But it was probably best to skirt the truth a little for the sake of not letting the government in on the precise details of their arrangement.

In the parking lot, upon bringing up the Uber app Jubilee would quickly recall that the trip from the school to here had been over an hour-- a 90 mile uber trip wasn't going to come cheap. She could buy herself an entire set of clothes for the cost of the trip.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:36, Tue 31 Jan 2023.
Monet St. Croix
player, 58 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 21:01
  • msg #60

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Monet felt a tightness leave her. She'd had that natural worry that this was her fault. She'd tried to not make it worse, but in combat like they'd been in it was hard. And now it was clear she hadn't. So she could celebrate the fact they'd succeeded. With Jubilation's help they'd driven the attackers off and saved the people

she introduced herself "Some people call me M because apparently it helps to have a super hero name. What can I call you?"

Monet had a lot to think over. A lot. And choices to make. Hard ones. Most of all she had to decide on who she could trust. Trust was sometimes a hard thing. Saying 'I trust you like a brother' had taken on an entirely new meaning recently. Jubilation probably. She liked the other girl, and she'd kept her head. Cordelia... absolutely not. Emma... the same. The Headmaster she wasn't sure about. Jubilation was down on him, but she'd keep an open mind for now
Jubilation Lee
player, 45 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 22:06
  • msg #61

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Jubilee put the charge on the school account because she was, in her mind justifiably, upset at Banshee. This wasn't, other knowledge a simulation in cerebro or something. And Banshee to her knowledge didn't hire villains to attack to test their skills. Instead the trained Xman stood by and did nothing while people's lives were in danger. Shit like that was why Wolvie may have paid the Xmen membership dues but rarely actually spent time with them. He has to act on his beliefs not stand around. She bet if Wolvie was around he'd have broken banshee's nose already. But as mad as Jubilee was assaulting a teacher wouldn't help. She sighed I'm frustrated disappointment. She wondered if the reason she was sent here was because they thought she was just as incompetent as banshee..
GM, 43 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 20:51
  • msg #62

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

The boy gave a nod of his head, substituting for a handshake or a bow as he sent out the telepathic message. <<The name's Jono. Jono Starsmore.>>

It seemed that, once he had regained his senses from Emplate's attack, he had become quite adept at communicating solely through telepathic messages-- even if he couldn't seem to selectively direct where the messages were aimed. It might lead one to wonder if sending messages and creating that cold fire were the extent of his psychic abilities or if he had only mastered what was necessary for survival.

<<D'you tangle with tall, dark and spikey often?>>

While this was the first time the students of the school had encountered Emplate, he had also screamed Monet's name. Jono would probably believe any explanation-- but answering questions from Cordelia, or worse, Jubilee would make it harder to lie.
Monet St. Croix
player, 59 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 22:00
  • msg #63

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

"Not looking like that" Monet said looking pensive. "I didn't recognise him at alluntil he called my name. I'm putting on my 'hey I'm really calm' face at the moment, but the more I think about it, the more freaked I am. That was frankly terrifying. A Cannibal Mutant who can teleport and has slaves of other mutants. Sheesh" she wiped her hair "There's nothing good about it" the was a shudder which belied the 'hey I am really calm'.

"Let's talk about something else while we are in a place where people might over hear us. And until I've stopped freaking. And the most important is you. That guys claw" she shuddered for a moment "was inside you. Are you alright now Jono or is there anything we can do to help you"
player, 26 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 22:59
  • msg #64

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Cordelia noted Croix disapproving glance Reaching the vehicle Cordelia squeezed into it with the others, she slammed the door closed and stared out the window.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:26, Tue 07 Feb 2023.
Jubilation Lee
player, 46 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 23:39
  • msg #65

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Jubilee having gotten everything they needed got in with them luckily it was a van so they didn't have to clown car into it. She was also as pensive as serendipity seemed to be though likely for different reasons. She had fought with Wolvie, with the Xmen, with various other heroes before coming here. And Banshee just seemed.... Hopeless. In fact the more she thought about it the less angry she was and was more just.... Sad. It was like if she found Dazzler waiting tables in some backwater town in Ohio. Banshee was washed up. A shell of the man he once was. He wasn't a hero anymore just a sad broken man.
Monet St. Croix
player, 60 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 09:08
  • msg #66

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

If anything Cordelia's attitude made Monet feel a little better. Her father had taught her that you could tell a lot about a person by the quality of their enemies. Given her current view of Cordelia and her sister, being 'disapproved of' by Cordelia told her she was doing something right

She gestured to the car for Jono to get in. "I'm going to fly cover over head" she said to the others. "I don't want any more surprises..." She had bad memories of car rides and her brother. She didn't want to be reliving that again and again for the hour's journey back.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:03, Fri 03 Feb 2023.
Jubilation Lee
player, 47 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 09:15
  • msg #67

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

She looked out the window as Monet talked about flying support and opened the door. "Let's not make more of a news story than we have to you sit in the back with me and we'll keep an eye out. " she said to Monet and patted the seat beside her. "Uh is this gonna be a problem?" The Uber driver said. Jubilee turned around to face him. "No sir we're just a group of private school kids who's teacher made a mess and now we're going back to school on the private school's account" she said emphasizing the implied well paying fare.
player, 27 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 09:55
  • msg #68

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

reply to Jubilation Lee (msg # 67):

Codelia leaned forward and patted Jubilation's hand sympathetically.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Sun 05 Feb 2023.
Monet St. Croix
player, 67 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 17:55
  • msg #69

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

"Ah...right" and Monet sat in the indicated seat. She wasn't going to cause a scene, even though she really wanted to get into the air. She needed time to think things over, to pray, to seek insight into how to proceed.

Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she saw Cordelia touch Jubilation's hand, and she opened her telepathic senses to see if what she suspected was happening, was in fact happening. Corderlia was Emma's sister and for all Monet knew, she had the same powers...
Jubilation Lee
player, 50 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 18:06
  • msg #70

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

She turned to Cordelia. "Could you not? Because if you want to play the game of calling out people did you do literally anything during that fight? At all? Hell were you even freaking taking selfies and streaming? Because me and Monet were actually fighting to not let our new classmate get killed. So unless you did a damn thing to pull your weight maybe shut your mind mouth." she said with vhlare.
Monet St. Croix
player, 68 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #71

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

"Relax" Monet said putting her own hand on Jubilation's "Not everyone wants to be a heroine. It was scary and Cordelia just freaked. We've had the misfortune that it wasn't our first rumble so we sort of knew how to deal with the being scared." Monet didn't like Cordelia, or her sister, but she was at least trying to be fair

"It's rude to force your mind on another though Cordelia. Please don't do it again. And definitely don't do it to me: you absolutely do not have my permission. It's clear you don't have Jubilation's either. If you think that doesn't matter, say so now please and we can have it out. Otherwise let's keep this nice and polite"
Jubilation Lee
player, 51 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 18:38
  • msg #72

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

She sighed a bit calming down some. "Ok. ok. Your right. I'm still more angry at Banshee. He's our teacher. but he makes Dumbledore look like a pillar of competence. It's a rough day." her thumb brushed against Monet's hand in solidarity.
player, 30 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 00:42
  • msg #73

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Cordelia's hand sprang away from Lees like she'd touched something revolting. She waved a dismissive hand in their direction in a manner indicating they didn't know what they were talking about. The only forcing anything on anyone that's taking place here are both of your erronious accusations. Cordelia responded.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:19, Sun 05 Feb 2023.
Jubilation Lee
player, 52 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 00:48
  • msg #74

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

"Uh huh... well when we get back to School you can tell the Ice Queen you'd like to stick to desk work. Maybe work in the library not everyone is cut out to be a superhero" she said.
player, 31 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 00:54
  • msg #75

Re: The Mysterious Student from Abroad

Ha ha ha. That's as funny as the gum bubbles you make.

ooc perhaps you should review the fight sequence.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:58, Sun 05 Feb 2023.
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