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11:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[12.3]The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn.

Posted by Hand of FateFor group archive S
NPC, 30 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 11:01
  • msg #3

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Okini follows the jubilant rogue and takes a seat as well.  "It may be a short lived celebration Bec.  Sacrificial oaths can be very dangerous.  We have just sworn our lives to a cause of good, but at what cost?  We will not know until the morning."

The cleric pulls her leather pouch of coins from her belt and lays it upon the table.  "I do need a good meal." She says, looking for the serving girl usually here.  "Where is Mari?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:01, Wed 01 Feb 2023.
Player, 131 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 11:01
  • msg #4

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1600 low Sun

"Oi, can we get some service over here too? We want meat, bread, cheese, and all the beer we can hold! We're celebrating!" Ori yells to the barmaid! He sits next to Becca, with Lloyd and Okini on either side of them!
This message was last updated by the GM at 11:01, Wed 01 Feb 2023.
NPC, 34 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 11:00
  • msg #5

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Lloyd is next to sit.  He produces his pouch of coin as well, then rests his head between his hands with elbows on the table.  It has been a hard day.  Traumatic for the mage in fact, if he were to describe it.  Underground passages is not his thing.  And now they are thinking of making it their own stronghold.  What madness.  Give me a tower any day, he mutters to himself. Maybe some mead will ease the headache he has felt ever since entering those tunnels.

He looks up, "I would like to flay the bastards that blew that hole with us in there." He states.  "I might just go have a word with that miller."
This message was last updated by the player at 11:00, Wed 01 Feb 2023.
Player, 307 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 16:08
  • msg #6

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1600 low Sun

"Do any of you recognize any of these people? I vaguely remember seeing one or two in here the other night." He looks around at his friends to see if anyone else recognizes anyone.
Hand of Fate
GM, 546 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 16:14
  • msg #7

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Mari, a young woman coming of age, comes from behind the curtains to the kitchen in a quick walk to the newly seated table.  "Sorry, m'lords and ladies.  Kitchen is busy right now with coming of the evening meal.  We have fresh lamb, roasted chicken, or fish stew.  Bread and cheese aplenty.  Ale, beer, mead, and wine as you wish."
NPC, 16 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 16:19
  • msg #8

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

"Aye, that be Orikson Gnob, a fellow dwarf from the mountain home." Thorgwain replies to Valeros.  "Was in e're last eve talk'n boot clear'n out a warren 'neath tha mill.  Right good head on 'is shoulder, I be think'n, but one of 'em be miss'n.  The lass wi' tha sword."
Player, 131 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 11:00
  • msg #9

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

"Plenty of mutton, cheese, bread and Ale for me Mari, thank you! Then we charge our glasses and steins to our Ola!"

This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 11:00, Wed 01 Feb 2023.
NPC, 50 posts
Female Human Rogue
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 16:27
  • msg #10

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

"Okay, I am off to the lower market first." Dani says, slurping the last of her ale down and standing.  She glances at the other table when Valeros asks, but she knows none of them.  One, though, seems familiar.  She plays with her hair for a moment, then smiles.  "I got to get my pack, then I will be leaving.  Anyone wants to come, we go there first, then the high market."
Player, 308 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 16:31
  • msg #11

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

"I'll go, I need a good new cloak and plate armor and a few knick-knacks! Anyone else for the trip to town? Larn? Anyone else?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:46, Sun 29 Jan 2023.
Player, 6 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 16:57
  • msg #12

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

When Daniella mentions heading to the market, Elmona stands and shoulders her bow. "I'll go with you. I have all my gear here already, so can leave immediately."
Player, 32 posts
Dancer and singer
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 17:48
  • msg #13

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

The youth hadn’t grown a taste for ale nor hanging around in taverns. At the chance to go do something more interesting Larn stands up ready to go “yes I’m keen to go to market and spend some of this coin” he agrees with his companions. The youth busies himself with clearing the table and returning mugs to the innkeeper whilst the others made their decisions.
Player, 50 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #14

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Duivelssmak quickly finishes the piece of bread he’d been nibbling and joins the party headed out to shop.  He wants something a little more substantial between his bare flesh and the teeth of ghouls.
Player, 110 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 02:04
  • msg #15

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Hearing everyone talk of leaving, Alarion nodded his head as he had a mouthful of roast chicken.

Tossing a few chunks of chicken meat to Loki and it seemed he was ready to go.  He wiped off his hands on a table rag.

"I'm good to go now."

He was ready to move and patted the side of his leg calling Loki to his side.
Player, 2 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 09:57
  • msg #16

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

So... this was the "Sitting Duck" Tavern Finn's Da had told him all those stories about.  Glancing about to make sure no one was looking the man checks how many coins he has in his pouch.  It was thin and he figured it best to spend it on room and to loosen tongues for rumours of work.  At least some one here could read and write.

Perhaps not all of them, he thinks as the man in good clothing enters the Tavern and wipes his riding boots.  Pulling the hood down from his cloak he glances around the place.  It lookes comfortable enough and it lookes like he will be spending some time here.  Best to put his best foot forward; the right one.

He looks to find the barmaid and runs his fingers through his hair as he makes himself presentable.  Seeing her conversing with other patrons Finn makes his way over to speak to her.

"Excuse me Miss." he says politely, a smile on his face.  "I just arrived in to town and am looking for a place to bed down and perhaps read a local news post or pole."
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:21, Tue 31 Jan 2023.
Player, 309 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 15:27
  • msg #17

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

"Let's go to Armor All and order some plate from Hylgrid, she makes excellent armor and as a Dwarf, that would be her specialty, though not called for commonly Thorgwain, Dwarf sized! Where else you want to go? I need a new cloak too, the old one got burned up saving Dani and Myshra from the pyre!"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:30, Mon 30 Jan 2023.
Player, 33 posts
Dancer and singer
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 16:08
  • msg #18

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

“More armour and a sword” Larn nods to Valeros. “Let’s visit Hylgrid.” The armourer is sure going to be busy!
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:48, Mon 30 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 556 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 18:35
  • msg #19

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Mari turns to the newcomer and when he finishes speaking, she says, "Welcome to the Hollow sir." She gestures around the floor. "Please, sit anywhere. I will be with you shortly."

Within a couple of minutes plates are brought from the kitchen and placed before Orikson and his crew. Mounds of hot and juicy mutton, baskets of fresh bread, a jar of honey, a plate of cheeses, and two pitchers of ale.
Player, 131 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 10:58
  • msg #20

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

"Thank ye Mari! Ahh! Mutton and Ale! Dig in gentle friends! Anyone know who those folks that just left were, I seen a few of 'em around afore, but don'nae know any of 'em, 'cept Thorgwain, the Dwarf, my cousin." He waves to Thorgwain as he passes by, talking to the stranger.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:58, Wed 01 Feb 2023.
NPC, 17 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 18:46
  • msg #21

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Thorgwain eyes the young lad who walked in. Watches him look at a limp money pouch. He looks at all the food left on his table then addresses the newcomer.

"Oi mate! New in the hollow are ye?" He says, more a statement than a question. "Ye look road weary 'n famished. Have a seat at the table here. I cant let all this good food go to waste."

He pushes a half filled plate of mutton in his direction. "Mari, more ale if'n ye will 'n a cup!" He shouts to the serving girl at the other table.  He hooks his thumbs in his girdle and squints his eye. "By the way, m'names Thorgwain. Where ye be head'n lad?"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:14, Tue 31 Jan 2023.
Player, 313 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 18:51
  • msg #22

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Valeros pauses and watches Thorgwain, and then nods his head, wondering why he hadn't thought of that! That was a good thing to do, and an excellent way to make friends! They needed all of those they could get.
Player, 3 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 08:15
  • msg #23

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Finn sits down at the table and takes the plate offered by Thorgwain.  He rolls up his sleeves and grabs his dagger, deftly cutting a small piece of mutton and spearing it.

"Thank you.  Yes, I am new to town, having traveled from Falcarragh.  My name is Finnigan the Seer, or just Finn to my friends.  I've come looking for work hopefully beyond the reach of the Mage's Guild until I have enough knowledge and wealth to take my exam."

"I thank you for your hospitality.  I do not know who left earlier fellow Dwarf..."
He says, looking over at Orikson "...but if there is anything I can do for you I would be more than willing to help, Thor-gwain."

He pops a delectable morsel into his mouth.

[Private to Finn: Edited for present tense.  Also, only one dwarf at table.  Other dwarf is at another table. There are TWO parties of adventurers in the tavern.  Orikson, Rebecca, Lloyd, Okini are at another table.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:55, Wed 01 Feb 2023.
NPC, 20 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 01:22
  • msg #24

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Thorgwain scratches at his beard, squinting at the lad across from him. "Aye, mebbe you can. Mages guild ye say. Well now, we be set'n out on a quest of quite some import.  An adventure ye see.  Are ye look'n fer to be adventure'n lad?"

Thorgwain thanks Mari as the serving girl sets Finn a cup.  The dwarf pours ale and sits back down.

"True adventures be dangerous yah. We be look'n to find a necromancer by tha name 'o Zarrin, and no to put too fine a point on it, but a mage more we can use.  We jus hafta find tha lead on'im. Does tha sound interest'n to ye?"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:23, Thu 02 Feb 2023.
Player, 111 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 07:15
  • msg #25

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Alaion was happy with his trip to the market.   As he noticed Valeros picking up chainmail for himself he smiled in approval.

"Ya know, that looks good for ya.   I'm think I'll get some armor for Loki and scale mail for myself."

Speaking with the armorer, he outfitted Loki with leather barding and bought scale mail for himself.  If she didn't have any, he would get him fitted and return in a day or two when it was ready.

While they waited and rested in the tavern, Alaion was friendly with all but made his focus checking his adventuring gear.

He dug around and repacked it and smiled as he pulled out a mid-sized bottle.

"Ahh.  I have a bottle I have been saving.  Elven wine.  Let's all have a small glass and have a solid drink before we start our next adventure."

Pouring a small glass for everyone, he raised his up and toasted before savoring one last drink of the wine he had been saving.

[Private to GM: Scale mail for Alaion and leather barding for Loki.  (50 gold total)]
This message was last edited by the player at 07:22, Fri 03 Feb 2023.
Player, 4 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #26

The Sitting Duck  - Adventurer's Tavern and Inn

Finn cut himself another piece of mutton and chews it in thought.  An adventure with a ton of risk and a nice reward is offered to him as soon as he got into town, it was hard to believe his good fortune.  Plus they have another mage to compare spells with.

""Sounds like something I would be interested in, Thorgwain.  Death magic is not something I have dabbled in, although I understand it.  My magic is not useful against any undead we encounter but I will pull my weight, I promise you."

Hand of Fate
GM, 563 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 18:53
  • msg #27

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1600 low Sun

Continue posting in The Book of Vile Darkness"  or "A Sacrificial Oath" depending on what game you are in.
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