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08:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

1 - A Night In The Cells.

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Game Master
GM, 15 posts
Danger Points: 6
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 20:49
  • msg #1

1 - A Night In The Cells

They had come for you last night.

The door to your lodgings had exploded inwards and then they were upon you with billy clubs and kicks, bearing you to the ground before you could put up much of a fight. Your hands were tightly bound behind you and you were dragged to your feet and only then did Freiburg's constabulary deign to introduce themselves with their official credentials. Other than informing you that you were wanted for crimes unspecified they would provide few details and were not minded to listen to any protestation of innocence.

After that you were dumped unceremoniously into the back of a barred carriage and conveyed across the city to the Stein, the old military fortress which makes up the heart of the city and from whose centre the Wachtturm rises. There you were escorted into the dungeons beneath the Guard headquarters, unbound and roughly shoved into a large cell, shortly to be joined by five others in a similar state of confusion and disarray.

That was several hours ago.

Through the small barred window near the ceiling you have watched the night turn into tentative dawn light and now the beating sunlight of midday. Other than the occasional passing of guards on patrol you have seen nobody bar your cellmates and have certainly had no more information about the reason you may have been of interest to the guards.
Just then you hear the noise of approaching feet and low voices;
"We've got them all now Captain Faeser."
"All six?"
"Yes sir, every single one of them on the list from Master Tchernivich."
"Excellent work sergeant. Any sign of the item?"
"No sir, didn't seem to be with any of them."
"Nevermind, we'll get the location out of them and get it back to the good merchant before the day is out."

Then the owners of the voices come into view before you. Three men, all in the uniform of guardsmen and the one in the centre, given the overly ornate nature of his doublet, must surely be the captain you heard referred to.

The captain nods his head to one of his colleagues who runs his baton along the bars of your cell ensuring the attention of anyone either sleeping or otherwise not paying him attention. He then barks at you in the assured voice that only authority figures on their own turf can ever quite manage;
"Right you lot. Master Tchernivich has had an item of particular value stolen from him and he's named the six of you as the prime suspects. I want to know where the eagle is and I want to know now. Fyodor Tchernivich is a big deal in this town and we intend to keep him happy which means I'm in no mood for games. So, who wants to share?"

You still have no idea what he's talking about but the name gives you a moment's pause. You know Fyodor Tchernivich and he knows you. But why does he think you've stolen from him?!?

OOC: This is just an opening post to broadly introduce your character such as the others may have gleaned from several hours stuck in a dank cell with you. You can respond to the captain or not as you please.

Also, when posting can you set out what your characters connection to Fyodor Tchernivich is (for those who haven't seen there is a bit about him in the Dramatis Personae thread). Your link to him could be as fleeting as one meeting in passing some time ago or having met him at a party mere days before and your relationship could be friendly or antagonistic (maybe not 'I killed his father in a duel' antagonistic, don't go crazy) but why would he remember your character in particular to set the guards on them some days/weeks/months later.

I've kept Fyodor intentionally something of a vague sketch so you can fill in any blanks you want. From a plot perspective the key facts are that he is a bachelor and he is, if not always a good person, at least a man of his word who sticks to his own code of honour. Pretty much anything else about him is up for grabs.

Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 5 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 21:08
  • msg #2

1 - A Night In The Cells

The Baroness had come from a party at which a number of courtiers and socialites were in attendance and had just gotten undressed for bed when the rather rude constables had broken in and manhandled her.  She met their brutish takedown with stony, haughty silence.  This was far from her first arrest, not that she would let on to these scoundrels.  She maintained a stony silence in the cell, sitting in a corner in her silken nightgown.

Arioushka Raskolnikov is a tall, slender Ussuran with red tresses that fall well below her shoulders.  Her skin is pale, except for a reddish birthmark in the shape of a chevron below her left ear.  She maintains a silent indifference, not having stolen anything recently, at least nothing for which it would be worth carting a boyar off to the houscow.  At mention of Fyodor Tchernivich, however, she cocks an eyebrow ever so slightly.  She had managed to have drinks with him and was hoping to catch up with him again later in the week.  He is someone in whom she has a great deal of interest.  If not a possible suitor, he could be very helpful in achieving her goals.  She looks around at the others with growing interest and suspicion.
Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 6 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 23:39
  • msg #3

1 - A Night In The Cells

Ivan had just returned home after a late night repast at the Weisse Kaninchen Tavern when he was arrested and dragged to the jail by the members of the watch. He was still dressed in his Ussuran Orthodox finery when he was rudely thrust into the cell with the others.

"Da. You go bring Fyodor Tchernivich here to discuss whatever dis business with dis Eagle is. And tell him dat he didn't have to send da authorities to roust me just to get my attention." Ivan snapped at the guards in heavily Ussuran accented Eisen.

He was clearly annoyed, but also perplexed as to why his long time friend would do such a thing. Ivan met Fyodor over fifteen years ago when the businessman was but a young trapper and hunter. Ivan was close to death, having been wandering naked through the Ussuran wilderness for over a week when he stumbled upon Fyodor and his hunting party enjoying a meal around a cozy fire. The group rescued Ivan, feeding him and providing warmth and provisions, saving his life.

That began a relationship marked by mutual respect and from Ivan's perspective, heartfelt gratitude. Over the years, Ivan and Fyodor met several times a year for dinner and drinks even as the two grew apart in their careers. Ivan joined the church, dedicating his life to helping the people of Thea. Fyodor gravitated towards mercantilism, rising to be one of the leading traders and currying favor with the Czarina. They also grew apart in their politics, Ivan questioning Katheryna's legitimacy and sympathizing with Ilya's claim to the Ussuran throne. Their friendship cooled slightly as a result, but Ivan still considered Fyodor a friend. Ivan was now wondering if the feeling was still mutual.

Turning to regard the other occupants of the cell, Ivan's annoyance with the situation melted away. He cocked an eyebrow as he noticed the young woman in the corner dressed only in her undergarments. Ivan shed his outer fur trimmed priestly robe, holding it out to the red haired woman saying "Please take this. You look as if you could use some warmth in this drafty cell." He purposely did not make reference to the social awkwardness of her dress.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 6 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 23:57
  • msg #4

1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya stands at the Priest's approach and accepts the robe gratefully.  With a baleful glare at their captors, she notes haughtily in unaccented Eisen, "I am Baroness Arioushka Raskolnikov of Calpurna," shifting her gaze to the nice man, her expression softens and she smiles the sort of smile that makes people want to do nice things for her.  "But you may call me Arya.  Thank you for your kindness, brother," she says in equally unaccented Ussuran.  She wraps the robe around her, although in truth, she did not seem as bothered by being so scantily clad as one might have expected.
Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 7 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 00:04
  • msg #5

1 - A Night In The Cells

Ivan helps the Baroness wrap herself in the coat. "A pleasure to meet you Baroness...ah...Arya." He gave the noblewoman a small bow in recognition of her station. "I am Father Ivan Somojez Dragov, but please call me Ivan...or Father Ivan if you must. I must say that I am surprised to find one of my noble countrywomen here in such circumstances. It seems that Fyodor Tchernivich has overreached his authority in some desperate attempt to recover this eagle, whatever it may be."
player, 4 posts
Vodacce Entertainer
She sings, dances, acts
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 01:16
  • msg #6

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Game Master:
"Right you lot. Master Tchernivich has had an item of particular value stolen from him and he's named the six of you as the prime suspects. I want to know where the eagle is and I want to know now. Fyodor Tchernivich is a big deal in this town and we intend to keep him happy which means I'm in no mood for games. So, who wants to share?"

You still have no idea what he's talking about but the name gives you a moment's pause. You know Fyodor Tchernivich and he knows you. But why does he think you've stolen from him?!?

So. The three guardsmen and the captain are reminiscent of a Prince's bumbling henchman and brutes. They likely do not know much of anything about this eagle, as about as much as the five other prisoners here do.

Cristina does not know the name Fyodor Tchernivich. Perhaps he was one of the unnamed persons at the little party she attended. Nor does she have knowledge about some eagle. Better say little directly right now. Stirring things up, however, is one possibility. How about talking to the others?

She observed each of the others rather than the guards. The guards likely were going to be a waste of time until what's his name shows up. Watching the dynamics among the prisoners, she decided now was the time to begin focusing.

<Old Thean> "Hello! My name is Cristina! I have just arrived from Vodacce. Let's introduce ourselves and speak a bit about Signore Tchernivich and his missing eagle."

She looked around to see who would say what.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:59, Fri 07 Apr 2023.
player, 7 posts
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 01:33
  • msg #7

1 - A Night In The Cells

In the corner slumps a man in a now-rumpled deep red doublet, still slightly inebriated.
Fyodor Tchernivich, why does that name sound familiar? he muses.  The man I was trying to interest in a shipment of wine?
His mind still muddled, Dithyrambos tries to sober up as quickly as he can.
Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 3 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 19:49
  • msg #8

1 - A Night In The Cells

Griselda looked nonplussed at the Captain's comments.

"A Falken does not need to steal."

Her only dealings with Fyodor Tchernivich had been an enquiry on who she should present her letters of patent to.

Griselda is a tall, blonde Eisen woman, currently wearing a long, loose chemise. It's spattered with blood, much of it not her own.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 3 posts
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 01:40
  • msg #9

1 - A Night In The Cells

A drowsy voice from a corner replies "A muzhik sometimes needs to steal. But me? Now? No."

True enough, it's an Ussuran peasant, dressed simply per his station, curled up to make the most of such warmth as the corner affords. He does not rise to the occasion. "My name is Sislau," he says, to the wall"- honored to be on the same list with a Baroness, an Otets, a Falken and a Vodaccewoman.

Perhaps, we should conserve our energy. We will, probably, have a short ceremony to attend in the morning, after which we will fall from the stage erected in our honor. And at the invitation of Fyodor Tchernevich!

Such august company. Mother would be so proud.

He idly hums a bar of Eisen, the Free before starting to drift off, again.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:43, Sat 08 Apr 2023.
player, 5 posts
Vodacce Entertainer
She sings, dances, acts
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 12:02
  • msg #10

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Stirring things up, however, is one possibility.

No one seems to wish to speak up. Wonderful.

Cristina is awake. She knows that she is unlikely to get back to sleep. Pass some time until the bad guy shows up? Why not?

Are the Brutes and their Captain likely to object? If the rest of the prisoners wish to object, they may do so, despite her already having given them all the chance! Ha.

She clears her throat, looks around, then begins a serenade to the four guards in Old Thean.

Fly, fly then, cruel girl:
Leave my heart
to its suffering.
Only tell me how I wronged you
since you call me a traitor.
Tell me that you do not love me,
I am faithful, my beloved.
I love you even though you despise me.
For a mere suspicion
it is folly to nurture jealousy in your breast.
Listen, I swear that I am innocent.
Listen to my plea!
Fly, fly then, cruel girl!

This jewel and this letter,
Greedy for my death,
Were surely spewed out
from the mouth of Hell.
But fly then if you know.
I shall always follow you
and always love you.
I shall be faithful.
Fly, fly then, cruel girl!
This message was last edited by the player at 12:05, Sat 08 Apr 2023.
Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 8 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 18:19
  • msg #11

1 - A Night In The Cells

Ivan listened to the young Vodacce singer, nodding and smiling at her pleasant voice. When she was finished he gave her a round of enthusiastic applause, commenting in Ussaran accented Vodacce, "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful my dear. It is they who should be imprisoned for caging such a wonderful singer."
Game Master
GM, 18 posts
Danger Points: 6
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 20:41
  • msg #12

1 - A Night In The Cells

The singing seems to be the last straw for the Guard Captain, already frustrated by the somewhat muted response to his questioning, and he snaps back at the group of you, "Right, if you want to have it that way then so be it. You'll be begging to tell me which of you has the damn eagle when the men have finished with you!"

He starts barking orders at his subordinates to fetch all sorts of menacing equipment and one of them swiftly dissapears back the way they had come. Then passes a slightly awkward few moments while the captain leers at you in, at least what he clearly intends to be, a threatening manner.

The situation is then broken by the sounds of tramping feet returning and the captain's face breaks into a broad smile. Then the lowly guard returns into view joined by a large man; Fyodor Tchernivich himself. The Ussuran is a man of average height but large build though what was clearly once knotted muscle is now running to fat. He is dressed, as he always is, in traditional Ussuran muzhik dress though the sharp eyed can spot a silk vest against his skin under the rough woolen outer clothes. Now slightly past his prime he's still a reasonably handsome man if thick set,  heavily bearded and wealthy is your thing. As he enters the captain beams at him,
"There you go Master Tchernivich, the ones you wanted rounded up are all right here.
The merchant initially seems pleased and then seems to notice the surrounds and his face sours,
"I can see that Faeser, but why are they in a cell?"
The captain is obviously put on the back foot,
"The suspects...we caught the suspects for you?"
Tchernivich sighs deeply and runs a hand over his face muttering something in Ussuran which is, even if you don't speak the language, obviously extremely rude,
"No captain, I wanted them found; not thrown in a cell like common criminals! Get them out of there immediately."
Captain Faeser looks somewhat uncertain but a fearsome glare from Tchernivich and a wave of his hand leads him to step forward and unlock the cell door, pulling it open and standing back to let you out.

As you file out of the cell Tchernovich claps a big hand on Father Dragov's shoulder in greeting and then the Ussuran merchant looks almost sheepishly at you and shrugs his shoulders slightly, he speaks in extremely accented Thean;
"My friends, I can only apologise. I know you all either personally or by reputation to be men and woman of honour and reliability and I had hoped to speak to you about a matter of some delicacy to me. I had enlisted the guard to help track you down and bring you to a meeting. Sadly it seems that there was a misunderstanding..."
He shoots Captain Faeser a glance as cold as the Ussuran tundra and the guardsman has the good graces not to meet his gaze and find something very interesting on his boots.
"Please let me make it up to you. Come back with me to my residence for a good meal and then I can discuss my issue with you in confidence. If you then aren't interested in assisting you can leave, no sore feelings and a full belly all the same."
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 7 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #13

1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya hands the robe back to her brother Ussuran, perhaps feeling that Master Tchernivich should get a better idea of the inconvenience she has been put through.  Walking barefoot in her silk nightgown she stops in front of the guard captain on the way out of the cell and lifts his chin with one manicured nail, the bruises from the bonds still clearly visible on her delicate wrists.

With an icy stare and equally chilly tone, she notes, "I will remember you, Captain Faeser."  She then continues out of the cell.
player, 8 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 02:39
  • msg #14

1 - A Night In The Cells

The man in red opens his eyes, taking in the situation.  He looks closely at their purported savior, and at each person he shared the cell with, then shrugs and slowly gets to his feet.

He walks to the guard captain.  "When your men took me, I had a hat.  A red hat.  A bycocket. I would like my hat back."  He just stands there, taking the measure of the guard captain.
player, 6 posts
Vodacce Entertainer
She sings, dances, acts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 02:57
  • msg #15

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Game Master:
"No captain, I wanted them found; not thrown in a cell like common criminals! Get them out of there immediately."

"My friends, I can only apologise. I know you all either personally or by reputation to be men and woman of honour and reliability and I had hoped to speak to you about a matter of some delicacy to me. I had enlisted the guard to help track you down and bring you to a meeting. Sadly it seems that there was a misunderstanding..."

"Please let me make it up to you. Come back with me to my residence for a good meal and then I can discuss my issue with you in confidence. If you then aren't interested in assisting you can leave, no sore feelings and a full belly all the same."

Cristina offers an honorable bow to the Ussuran Priest, a smile and a bow to Tchernivich, and a not too ironic smile for Captain Faeser.

Hmmm. One woman and one man just ignore her. One woman and one man seem stupified or drunk or both. One honorable man, four rudesbies.

Perhaps the rudesbies need some lessons in deportment? Time to stir up a bit more!?

She follows the priest out of the cell, ignores the rudesbies, grins at the guards, and meets the merchant.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:09, Sun 09 Apr 2023.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 5 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 03:08
  • msg #16

1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau hops up to his feet and slaps the dust off.

"Well, then! A misunderstanding." If nothing else, Sislau knew what an honest misunderstanding looked like.

He walks toward the door, as if someone might misunderstand something else soon. Still, he stops to be sure everyone gets out as well, rather than leaving immediately.

He offers Cristina a quiet, understanding "Critics, eh?" with the slightest point of the chin at the Captain.

(If Sislau accidentally attracts the Captain's attention, he is sure to ask his cobbler's name, given the sturdiness of the boots he felt, before. And how thoroughly the Captain was staring at them.)

Sislau was also quite interested to know where Tchernovich knew him from- because, for all Sislau knew it was something he'd forgotten about, or maybe a case of mistaken identity.

"No matter! All is forgiven."

With this, Sislau joined the group to see what was being served. Things were looking up after all!
This message was last edited by the player at 03:15, Sun 09 Apr 2023.
player, 7 posts
Vodacce Entertainer
She sings, dances, acts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 03:12
  • msg #17

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau Nelovky:
"Critics, eh?" with the slightest point of the chin at the Captain.

One spoke up in leaving the cell. She smiled to herself. He might be redeemable after all.
Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 9 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 03:49
  • msg #18

1 - A Night In The Cells

Putting on his coat, Ivan commented to his friend Fyodor. "I see dat it is hard to find competent help deez days, da?" He flashed the man a smirk. "Nothing that a good meal and some vodka cannot fix, no? You do have vodka, Da?" He followed along at the back of the group as they made their way out of the cell.
Game Master
GM, 19 posts
Danger Points: 6
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #19

1 - A Night In The Cells

When Dithyrambos enquires after his hat Captain Faeser starts to respond but the big Ussuran beats him to it;
"Get the man's hat, send it to my residence and be quick about it."
Tchernovich turns to Dithyrambos,
"Fear not, it should be with us by the time we finish lunch."

The journey up from the cells is considerably more pleasant than your trip down was as you follow Tchernivich up; the big man marching through the corridors with purpose as guardsmen find themselves jumping up against the wall to get out of his way.

You emerge into bright light; the sun showing in a near cloudless sky and the day warm. Outside the guard quarters are three large, armed men who fall into step with your liberator (clearly his own personal guards) as he leads you out through the Stein gates where two carriages are waiting.  The carriages are much like your benefactor; the exterior is somewhat plain and practical though when you get inside they are rather lavishly appointed. You help yourselves to some light refreshment provided inside as the carriages move off towards Tchernivich's home.

For those in the carriage with him Fyodor is happy to make polite small talk but refuses to speak of the secretive business he sought you out for. The carriages rattle through the streets towards the High Quarter. In doing so you pass the wide green expanse of Griffon Park and are treated to the pealing rings of the bells of the Gulbrandson clock as it chimes out the hour of noon. The clock itself is one of Freiburg's newest developments; an innovative 30 foot tall pendulum clock erected at the edge of Griffin Park and deisgned by Hadewig Gulbrandson a Vesten inventor of some reknown. The fact that Trage managed to get Gulrandson to construct his latest innovation in Freiburg was no small coup.

Once through the main gates into the High Quarter it is a short further ride to Tchernivich's estate; a sprawling manor house with immaculate gardens sitting behind a six foot wall that looks strong enough to stand a siege. The carriages pass through the gate and you can see the presence of several more armed guards moving in and around the house. This isn't unusual for Freiburg where the wealthy tend to maintain their own security given the rather patchwork quality of the city guardsmen.

From the carriages you are escorted through the home, tastefully decorated in the Ussuran style throughout, to the grand hall where a huge dining table is already laid. Tchernivich takes a seat at the head of the table and beckons you all to sit down where,  once seated, servants bring you platter after platter of food. The lunch is a simple affair; cold cuts of meat, roasted vegetables and bread but it comes in huge quantities and is accompanied by excellent wine.

As the meal winds down you are all provided with glasses of vodka of a quality which shows it has clearly been imported from the motherland. Tchernivich drains his with a single gulp and then spreads his hands in an expansive gesture,
"Well my friends I believe the time has come for me to explain why I asked you here. It is a matter of some personal delicacy for me which is why I wished the assistance of people of honour and discretion - qualities I either know or am informed each of you have in abundance.
I have, for some time now, been courting a lady by the name of Mistress Synder, daughter of a local merchant here. My life has left me little time for romance but Inga has found a way into my heart like nobody before her. I have recently returned from Ussura to find that she has a new suitor, some dog of a Sarmation noble."

He catches himself suddenlty and turns to Dithyrambos, "No offence, it's his attitude not his country I find distasteful.
Anyway, whilst back home I had commisioned and have brought back with me a gift for my love. It is a figurine of an eagle crafted from silver and studded with gemstones and with that item I was intending to propose to Miss Synder this very day.
However, last night the eagle was stolen! From this very manor! I had locked it in the safe during the day and when I returned from a meeting after dinner it was gone. I immediately arranged a search for it but, knowing the local guardsmen are not always the most efficient, I sought out the assistance of some skilled, and discrete, contacts. I sought out you fellows.
So, I would ask if you would be willing to do everything you could to find my item and find it swifty? If you do then I will owe you a boon and I hope you realise that a favour from me is no small thing in this city or, indeed, anywhere East of here."

Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 4 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 07:50
  • msg #20

1 - A Night In The Cells

Griselda wasn't sure everything was a 'misunderstanding'. It might also be an implied threat, or to make them feel like they owed him. Still, she was glad to be out of the cells, and seeing plots everywhere was an occupational hazard for the aristocracy.

"Thank you."

She looked at the carriage with approval. Nothing flashy or ostentatious on the outside, but comfortable on the inside. A carriage for traveling in, not for showing off. Out of habit, she paid attention to the direction they travelled.

It didn't surprise her that the estate was similar, for Fyodor Tchernivich came across as a man of practicality and taste.

She was hungry, and ate well. She declined the vodka, but drank well of the excellent wine.

Griselda listen to the sad tale of the eagle that flew away. Despite her misgivings, she was swayed by his obvious distress.

"Of course. Was the safe broken open, or did the thief have a key?"
player, 8 posts
Vodacce Entertainer
She sings, dances, acts
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 09:10
  • msg #21

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina entered the extra carriage, the one without Tchernivich. She didn't know anything about him, but perhaps some of the others did and might use the chance to speak with him. She ate little, looked out of a window at passing scenery, including an unknown clock.

Once in the grand hall at the huge table, she picked and choose from among the platters of food, of cold cuts, roasted vegetables, and bread. She drank little wine and no vodka.

She said and answered little. She watched and listened, as well as touched, smelled, and tasted.
"Well my friends I believe the time has come for me to explain why I asked you here. It is a matter of some personal delicacy for me which is why I wished the assistance of people of honour and discretion - qualities I either know or am informed each of you have in abundance.

So. Honour and discretion yes. He finished his tale of the eagle.
"So, I would ask if you would be willing to do everything you could to find my item and find it swifty? If you do then I will owe you a boon and I hope you realise that a favour from me is no small thing in this city or, indeed, anywhere East of here."

A boon and a favour. Interesting.

Finding was not precisely directly among her skill sets, but some of her other skills might be of assistance. She continued to watch, listen, and await developments.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:11, Mon 10 Apr 2023.
player, 9 posts
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 16:16
  • msg #22

1 - A Night In The Cells

Dithyrambos is happy to take a seat in the second carriage, keeping silent, looking out at the countryside.  He is attentive as they all sit to eat, only answering if he is directly addressed. When Tchernivich addresses him, a smile crosses Dithyrambos' lips.  "No offense taken.  I find most nobles to be dishonorable dogs and curs."  He goes back to his wine, swirling it in his glass before taking another sip.  "This is a fine vintage, one of the better Syrahs.  Though I'm not certain it pairs well with the fare." Like the Eisen woman, he is happy to have his wine glass refilled, though he declines the vodka.

After hearing the Ussuran's pitch, he excuses himself to use the bathroom. "I will return with haste.  This situation you propose intrigues me, but first..." He goes to use the washroom right off the dining hall.
Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 10 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 17:44
  • msg #23

1 - A Night In The Cells

Ivan steepled his fingers listing to Fyodor's situation. "Of course I vill help you however I can my friend," he said after taking a deep draught of vodka. "I haff but von small ask, however. You assembled this group because you believe that we collectively haff ze skills needed to find and retrieve your item and of course we were here in the city so you had to work with who was available. Fair enough. Vould you mind, dear friend, to illuminate us on what you think each of us brings to the table?"
Sislau Nelovky
player, 6 posts
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 02:15
  • msg #24

1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau found the carriage even more comfortable than the cell- the trip went by in a series of hoofbeats and cobblestone-bumps rather than a view.

When he saw the estate, he straightened up and instinctively smoothed his hair into something approaching organized.

His lack of education in proper court etiquette made the next part more of a genteel assault on the food rather than a luncheon, but to his credit, none of it left his plate once it got there (aside from the usual way), and he didn't talk with his mouth full.

He didn't drink more than anyone at the table, but he certainly drank faster.

For a moment, it seemed like he hadn't heard the magnate's problem at all, but he definitely gave it consideration. Then, he asked a version of the infuriating question that was always asked, back home, when anyone lost anything- where did you have it last?

"May we see the place where you last it in your hands? Once we're done here. "

Sislau, personally, didn't seem to be done there.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:07, Tue 11 Apr 2023.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 8 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 02:53
  • msg #25

1 - A Night In The Cells

As several people head to the back carriage, Arya finds herself in the front one.  She watches where they go, committing the path to memory, although she already knows about where Fyodor Tchernivich lives.  As they enter the grounds, she looks around for how she would enter and exit the place, were she so inclined to do so.  Similarly, as they head into the house, she does the same, as well as noticing the guards and servants.  In her experience, most jobs are either inside jobs or require some insider to accomplish.  So she tries to measure the morale of the guards and servants as well as looking for any indications of guilt among those she witnesses.

While not at all dressed for the occasion, Arya does not seem to be too concerned.  She sits where indicated and watches and listens.  She doesn't show much in the way of emotions until the drunk from the cell suggests that she is a bitch, at which point her eyes narrow slightly as she stares at him.

She allows the others to eat first and does little more than tasting a bit of the food when she does partake, as well as downing a couple of glasses of vodka.
Game Master
GM, 20 posts
Danger Points: 6
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #26

1 - A Night In The Cells

"Of course. Was the safe broken open, or did the thief have a key?"

"That's the strangest thing, neither. When I returned the safe was still sealed tight but there are only two keys. One is with me at all times," he reaches into his vest and produces an intricate key on a leather thong around his neck "and the other is in the possession of my butler, José. Before you ask I trust that man completely, he would not have done this."

"Fair enough. Vould you mind, dear friend, to illuminate us on what you think each of us brings to the table?"

"My friend I had no doubt that you would be willing to help me. As for your comrades here today I do not feel it is my place to detail their various skills; some are quite private people and how much they wish to share is up to them."

"I accept that there are likely those whose skills lend themselves more to this kind of investigative work than some round this table but the reality is that I needed people swiftly. Suffice to say that you are all exceptional individuals and I have no doubt as to your capabilities whatsoever.

"May we see the place where you last it in your hands? Once we're done here. "

"Absolutely, when everyone is finished I shall show you the scene of the crime."

When everyone has eaten and drunk their fill the servants arrive to collect the crockery and Tchernivich shows you through the house and up to the first floor into his personal study; a richly appointed office of rich mahogany panels and fine leatherbound books on every wall dominated by a massive desk against a large leaded window. On one side of the room is a door into a small closet which contains only one item - a metal safe some two feet square raised to chest height on an ornate wooden stand.

"There you have it my friends, a pristine safe but no gift for my love. Foul play there must have been but I'll be damned if I can explain it.

You have free run of my home to look into this. I have instructed my staff to offer you every assistance in your investigation and I expect to hear about it if anyone stands in your way.

For my part I can answer any more questions you may have and then I intend to make some enquiries of my own. There are few merchants in this city who could move an item of such value and I want to know if any of them have been approached.

There is a garden party at 3.00pm this afternoon at which I had intended to propose to my beloved. If you can obtain the eagle please bring it to me there, José has the details, if we do not see each other beforehand."

OOC: Right just to get some involvement with the system I think it might be fun to play this as a dramatic scene.

I'm thinking if everyone can tell me what their character is going to be doing (and in OOC what their approach, in terms of Trait+Skill, is and go ahead and roll it) as in are you searching the study, examing the safe, speaking to the staff, searching the grounds etc and how you will be going about it. Then I'll update with what you get from a cursory examination and then what various additional information there might be to spend raises on (as ever, if you have a good idea for an opportunity then shout out!) and you can decide what you want to spend raises on. No need to do it all at once and you can keep some raises back if you want for developing situations.

No need whatsoever for characters to stay together if you all want to go and do different things. If anything quite the reverse; there's lot of different things you can be looking at and doing.

You can also ask any questions you want of Tchernivch. That will never cost you any raises (he's the one asking you for help!) so don't worry about factoring speaking to your patron into an approach - you get those questions for free.

Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 11 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 16:45
  • msg #27

1 - A Night In The Cells

Father Ivan nodded as he considered his friend's words. He turned to the others. "Da. Before we go running off like rabbits to their warren, I suggest dat we coordinate our investigations. I vill not pressure you all to reveal your particular skills in dis area, but iff you are so inclined to share such, it would be greatly appreciated. I haff spent much time in my life speaking vith people as you can imagine. I believe I vill speak vith the staff, to see if anyone saw anything out of da ordinary. Who knows iff dere vas a witness to da crime."

The big man stroked his beard, looking from person to person to see if anyone volunteered a reply.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:54, Tue 11 Apr 2023.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 9 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 18:12
  • msg #28

1 - A Night In The Cells

"Perhaps we could work together on talking to the servants?" Arya suggests.  "I have a lot of experience dealing with servants and we both understand how Ussurans think."
Ivan Somojez Dragov
player, 13 posts
Ussuran Orthodox Priest
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 18:14
  • msg #29

1 - A Night In The Cells

Ivan nodded to the Baroness "It would be an honor to accompany you, Arya." he replied.
player, 10 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 18:59
  • msg #30

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Ivan Somojez Dragov:
I haff spent much time in my life speaking vith people as you can imagine. I believe I vill speak vith the staff, to see if anyone saw anything out of da ordinary. Who knows iff dere vas a witness to da crime."

Arioushka Raskolnikov:
"I have a lot of experience dealing with servants and we both understand how Ussurans think."

Cristina overhears what two of the Ussurans say, and responds, "I too have much experience interacting with people, although not necessarily servants or Ussurans. In fact, I don't know if I have spoken to Ussurans before.

Perhaps your skills will aid you with them. However, my skills do not require speaking with peasants or in Ussuran. In fact, they likely might work in any culture in Theah.

Why don't you two give it a try at first, and I'll begin with something different?"

Sislau Nelovky
player, 8 posts
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 02:14
  • msg #31

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

"Your assembled Graces and Devoutnesses, might I suggest that I try? As I am both a servant and an Ussuran, I might possibly notice things your variousnesses might not."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:15, Wed 12 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 22 posts
Danger Points: 6
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 13:15
  • msg #32

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

In terms of staff Tchernivich is happy to give you a breakdown.

He employs a number of guards but they aren't allowed into the house proper save for his two personal bodyguards. Both were with him when he went out yesterday so he knows they are in the clear.

He also has a number of household staff but the majority live in Freiburg and only come into the home at set times for set jobs, none are allowed into his study.

His live-in staff consist of:

José Gadeva - the butler and head of his household. The only other person entrusted with a key to the safe.

Alisia Gadeva - José's wife and takes the role of a senior maid. She is the one who cleans the study as the more junior maid staff aren't allowed inside.

Karl Múller - The groom who sleeps in the loft above the stable but has access to the servant's areas of the rest of the house. He isn't usually allowed within the main part of the house though Tchernivich doesn't particularly police this and wouldn't expect his staff to when he isn't about.

Franz Becker - The underbutler who has access to the entire of the house, including the study, but is not entrusted with a key to the safe.

You can speak to them either in groups or individually as you may wish.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 9 posts
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 21:27
  • msg #33

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau is struck by the faith Tchernivich has in his staff- he suspects that someone stole something, but also thinks that the culprit wouldn't go where they weren't allowed.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Wed 12 Apr 2023.
player, 10 posts
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 21:38
  • msg #34

1 - A Night In The Cells

When Dithyrambos comes back into the room. "Tchernovic is right about secrets, and there is something you all should know of me. I..practice a form of occult from my home lands of Curonia.  I can...learn things, mostly.  Though sometimes in order to learn these things, you will see me act in ways I normally don't, to feed the...magic."  He stops for a moment, lost in thought.  "If any of you find a servant who you suspect may have been involved in the theft, I can learn things from them.  They will not be harmed by my methods."

He turns to our host.  "And this Sarmatian noble, why do I think I might know this gentleman?  I have learned coincidences are all too common in this world."
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 11 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 00:11
  • msg #35

1 - A Night In The Cells

"It seems that there are plenty of staff to go around," Arya notes.  "I think that I will start by speaking with the groom, Karl Múller.  See if I can soften him up."  Looking over at Dithyrambos with a fake smile she adds, "I'll bark if I find anything suspicious."

With that, she turns gracefully and heads off in search of the young man.
player, 11 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 02:39
  • msg #36

1 - A Night In The Cells

"Tchernovic is right about secrets, and there is something you all should know of me. I..practice a form of occult from my home lands of Curonia. "

Cristina frowned at Dithyrambos upon his return to the room. Did his going to the rest facilities and his Sorcery have something in common?

She looked at each of the others. "I practice another form of entertainment besides performance. It's with and through the use of a sword.

I'm thinking that it might be useful to entertain one or more of Tchernivich's staff in this way. Perhaps these staff members might be willing to share information about themselves or the others about secrets regarding the safe, the eagle, or its current location."

She drew her sword, looked at Becker up and down through a squinted eye, then waved it about, coming closer and closer to him each time. "What do you know about the eagle Herr Becker?"
Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 5 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 07:54
  • msg #37

1 - A Night In The Cells

Griselda seemed to briefly start at something Tchernivich said, then carried on.

"So, either someone took a copy of your keys, or we're talking sorcery."

There was distaste in her voice. She knew that not all sorcery involved messing with corpses, but it was enough that some did. When Dithyrambos revealed his secret, she gave a grimace and turned back to Tchernivich.

Seeing that the others were talking about questioning the staff, Griselda concentrated on getting more information about the theft.

"When was the last time you opened the safe? Before you discovered the theft, I mean."
Game Master
GM, 23 posts
Danger Points: 6
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 14:08
  • msg #38

1 - A Night In The Cells

OOC: I'll update with the outcome of investigations etc. which some of you have already posted when everyone has decided an approach and what they want to do. Just wanted to respond to the questions asked of Tchernivich while I had a moment. 

"And this Sarmatian noble, why do I think I might know this gentleman?  I have learned coincidences are all too common in this world."

"The scoundrel's name is Nowak, Jaroslaw Nowak. Some minor aristocrat from your homeland who has some business interests in the city and is here to oversee them for the foreseeable future. He's been getting his fingers stuck in all sorts of pies since his arrival and seems none too bothered about ruffling feathers."

"When was the last time you opened the safe? Before you discovered the theft, I mean."

"That morning to place the eagle in the safe. I normally go into it once or twice a day as I keep my more important papers in there as well as valuables."
player, 12 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 14:33
  • msg #39

1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina rolled 9 + 1,6,10,5,2,8,8,1,2,9 rolling 10d10. Rerolling one 1 gets 3.

Six 5 raises.

exploding 10s is in 1.0.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:04, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 12 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 17:31
  • msg #40

1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya finds her way to the stables with a little help.  They are really nice.  Nicer than most people's houses.  The stalls are all clean, with fresh hay and the animals all well tended with immaculate coats.

Finding the groom, and ensuring there is no one else about, she approaches.  "Karl Múller, I presume?  I am Baroness Arioushka Raskolnikov and Master Tchernivich asked me and a few others to investigate the disappearance of a silver statue."  Looking around pointedly, she continues, "you are quite meticulous and thorough, very admirable qualities.  I am hoping that you can help me out.  Of course, I will respond in kind.  I am afraid that a couple of my associates are a little more . . ." she makes a gesture as if stabbing someone repeatedly with a knife, "pointed, in their methods."

Sitting on a barrel and crossing her legs, and 'accidentally' showing off a bit of her well-shaped calves, she continues, "I try for a softer approach.  Mutual assistance if you will.  People who make me look good are afforded my protection. So, perhaps you saw something or know something that could be helpful?  Maybe you overheard something, someone with a grudge, an odd statement, something out of place?  And just so that I can get a sense of what you would have been exposed to, perhaps you can just run through what you did and where yesterday, prior to Master Tchernivich returning?  It will help me understand what areas you can help with and what I might need to ask others about."

Arya leans forward, expectantly, the neck of her nightgown drooping somewhat.  Not quite indecently, but at least a little enticingly.  She smiles invitingly, the sort of smile that encourage sharing in at least one direction.

Today: Arioushka Raskolnikov rolled 59 using 9d10 ((5,9,10,6,8,8,3,5,5)). Eight d10 + 1 lowest re-roll.  Five Raises. 
Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 6 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Sat 15 Apr 2023
at 09:58
  • msg #41

1 - A Night In The Cells

After Tchernivich's response, Griselda was more convinced than ever that someone had copied one of the keys. She sought out José Gadeva. Tchernivich had complete faith in the butler, and Griselda was willing to trust him based on that, but that didn't rule out someone getting hold of his key for the few seconds needed to take an impression. Subtle questioning wasn't really her gift, but threatening violence was clearly the wrong approach.

"José Gadeva? I'd like to ask a few questions about your master's safe, if I may."
Game Master
GM, 24 posts
Danger Points: 6
Sat 15 Apr 2023
at 13:01
  • msg #42

1 - A Night In The Cells

OOC: Just by way of update so far I have in terms of next actions:

Griselda is speaking to the butler - 2 raises.
Arya is speaking to the groom - 5 raises.
Cristina is speaking to the underbutler - 5 raises.
Sislau is searching the office - 3 raises.

Not sure I've seen actions from Dithyrambos and Father Ivan yet though tomorrow I'll do a little update as they can always catch up later on; with a dramatic scene it matters less who spends raises when.

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:25, Mon 17 Apr 2023.
Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 7 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Sun 16 Apr 2023
at 10:52
  • msg #43

1 - A Night In The Cells

Griselda smiled at the butler.

"What is the routine with the safe keys, particularly at night?"

11:48, Today: Griselda Lorenz Falken rolled 30 using 5d10 with rolls of 3,9,6,3,9.  Talking to butler.
2 raises.

Game Master
GM, 25 posts
Danger Points: 6
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 20:16
  • msg #44

1 - A Night In The Cells

The butler, José Gadeva, is thin and impeccably turned out. He responds to Griselda politely but in a reserved manner, clearly ill at ease with being spoken to so directly and being more accustomed to being part of the background.

He explains that he has worked for Tchernivich for nearly ten years as the head of his household in Freiburg and occasionally in Ussura though the merchant usually has seperate staff for his property in his homeland. He values Tchernivich both as an employer and, dare he say it, a friend.

When asked about the theft he knows nothing about it. He saw nothing untoward during the day though with his employer out at meetings for most of the day, including for the evening meal, there was less for him to do and he spent most of the day in his room reading.
When asked specifically about the key he goes slightly pale for a second but recovers swiftly. He keeps the key on him at all times during the day, he produces it for you and it's linked to a chain attached to his inner pocket, and at night he keeps it next to his bed.

OOC: There's definitely something he's hiding about the key and you can get it out off him for 1 raise.

You can also spend 1 or more raises to ask me any question that you can think of which you think you could deduce from speaking to the butler and I'll either give you a straight answer or refund your raise.


The groom is a teenager and barely that. He's from a local family though clearly much better with horses than with people as his immediately awkward manner with you shows from the moment Arya meets him. For caring for the horses gets to live above the stable and receives a small payment.

Karl is initially almost mute with you but the 'good cop' approach is pitched exactly at the right level and he begins to open up. He's obviously nervous though exactly of what is unclear given his generally awkward nature. He claims to like working for Tchernivich well enough and seems to be honest enough about that though accepts he has very little to do with the man himself and deals more with the more senior servants.

When pressed about the previous day he is clearly shifty and when pushed again simply whispers, "I can't say ma'am, if I do they'll kill her. I just can't say..."

OOC: It will cost you 1 raise to get more out of him. Equally you can spend 1 or more raises to ask me any question that you can think of which you think you could deduce from speaking to him and I'll either give you a straight answer or refund your raise.


The underbutler, Franz Becker, reacts more poorly to Cristina's more direct approach to questioning. At the sight of the drawn sword his face runs through the gamut from fear, to indignation and back to fear. He ultimately settles on indignation, likely buoyed by the fact he's in surroundings he feels secure on.

"What is the meaning of this?!? This is Freiburg, your noble blood may give you the right to terrorize the bauren in your homelands but not here. I may only have been working here a matter of months but that gives you no right to threaten me. I ask you to sheate your weapon immediately my lady or I will be forced to inform the guardsmen...and my employer."

OOC: It will cost you 1 raise to get more information out of him.
In addition there is a 2 raise 'risk' representing his raising his issues with the authorities. You can spend either 1 or 2 raises to mitigate it (2 raises removes it entirely, 1 raise reduces any comeback).

Equally you can spend 1 or more raises to ask me any question that you can think of which you think you could deduce from speaking to him and I'll either give you a straight answer or refund your raise.


Sislau spends his time looking around the study. It occurs to him that the obvious option, assuming it wasn't a member of the more senior household staff, would be entry through the window to avoid someone making their way through an often busy house. Sure enough as he approaches the window he finds a fine trail of dirt between the window and the closet the safe is contained within. Furthermore around the windowsill is an orange powdery substance. The window itself appears to be lockable from the inside but otherwise would swing open enough to allow a medium built person into the room without too much difficulty.

OOC: So there's a few things there you might want to look into in more detail. Rather than list them all out you can spend 1 raise to ask a question about any of them (or anything else you might want to) and I'll  either give you a straight answer or refund your raise.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 10 posts
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #45

1 - A Night In The Cells

OOC: I will spend it. Here's what I'm wondering:

-Could Sislau 'make the trip' (ie go through the window and out onto the roof, to follow what might be a trail)?

-What is the orange, powdery substance? (I assume it's not more dirt, or you'd have said so.)

Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 9 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 06:47
  • msg #46

1 - A Night In The Cells

"I know you are not involved," Griselda reassured the butler, "But someone else was, and they don't have good intentions towards your master. Has there been any time when the key's been out of your sight?"
player, 15 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 07:02
  • msg #47

1 - A Night In The Cells

She drew her sword, looked at Becker up and down through a squinted eye, then waved it about, coming closer and closer to him each time. "What do you know about the eagle Herr Becker?"

"What is the meaning of this?!? This is Freiburg, your noble blood may give you the right to terrorize the bauren in your homelands but not here. I may only have been working here a matter of months but that gives you no right to threaten me. I ask you to sheate your weapon immediately my lady or I will be forced to inform the guardsmen...and my employer."

Cristina gives Becker a practiced grin. "I am not My Lady, Herr Becker, any more than you are My Lord. The meaning of this is that your employer has asked us to question all of his employees about the theft, and that includes you! So your righteous indignation is misplaced. Your boss will take our side versus the guardsmen." She will lower her sword.

Cristina will spend one raise to continue questioning and one to try to mitigate the threat with the authorities...

"The eagle is missing. Someone stole it. If not you, then who?" She turns her collar back to reveal the pin of a Duelist. "Do you know what this is, Herr Becker? It is a Duelist's Pin. I can legally challenge people to Duels. You and/or Herr Tchernivich's other employees. Your employer has authorized us to find the culprit! Will you support his efforts!? Would you like to continue to work for him? He might be very grateful if he were to regain the eagle, and if you were to help him."

She turns on her 'performer' aspect of chit-chat while Dueling. "f course, if you prefer, we can find you a sword so that you may defend yourself in a duel. Or, we could forget the duel and make Herr Tchernivich an employer who is grateful to you."

OOC: Equally you can spend 1 or more raises to ask me any question that you can think of which you think you could deduce from speaking to him and I'll either give you a straight answer or refund your raise.

I don't think I can deduce anything at this time. Perhaps after the one raise?
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 14 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 17:19
  • msg #48

1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya nods, a look of concern gracing her features.  "Of course, that is very noble of you to act as her protector.  Tell me more about her and about them.  If I am to help you protect her, I'll need to know what we are up against," she replies, forming the idea of the two of them, up against all comers.

The smile returns, but this time more comforting.  "And of course, tell me more about what you observed so that I can assess the danger," she continues, two fingertips lightly touching his forearm.

OOC: Spend 1 raise to get more information out of the lad.
Game Master
GM, 27 posts
Danger Points: 7
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 20:05
  • msg #49

1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau looks more closely at the powder around the window and is immediately hit by the smell of it. It's unmistakably cumin powder which is rare, but not unheard of, in this part of the world needing, as it does, to be imported through the Crescent Empire. It looks like it's fallen from someone's shoes or perhaps other clothes as they came through though for it to be in that kind of quantity suggests whoever it was has been around a lot of spices.

He finds completing the trip back through the window easy enough once he opens the catch from the inside (though it's not an overly elaborate security measure and would likely cause a skilled thief much trouble to jimmy open from the exterior). There's a short drop onto a small jutting eave which overlooks the rear of the property and from there it would be a drop of about six feet to a flowerbed below (a casual comparison would suggest the soil of that flowerbed being the source of the dirt you have seen). It wouldn't be a hard climb for someone determined to do it.


The butler shuffles nervously, "Well madam on one occasion, and just the once mind, I returned from my evening ablutions to find another member of staff in my room and holding the key. I took action immediately and terminated their employment for the breach of trust so they no longer have any access to the house. I am absolutely sure that they wouldn't be involved in this and how could they?"


After their shaky start Cristina's slightly softer approach works better with the underbutler and he opens up, "Look, there's only one person I can think of who might be involved in this - my predecessor left a few months back and the other staff tell me it was all very hush-hush and sudden. It's especially juicy gossip below stairs as the last underbutler was José's own cousin! And I understand there's no shortage of ill feeling as a result of that. If I were you I would start there."


The groom opens up to Arya's reassuring smile though he is pale as a sheet as he speaks, "It's my mum, miss, they said they would kill my mum if I said a word to anyone." With a little probing he opens up further, "It was yesterday. I saw Jens, one of the guards, letting in two men through the side gate. And they looked like right wrong 'uns too. I tried seeing what they were up to but Jens caught me watching. He gave me a right cuff to the head and said he would get her, my mum, if I said a word. He can find out where she lives easily enough and he's got a sword miss. He's going to kill her!" His eyes are wide with fright.

OOC: Just an update on where we stand with raises:
Griselda - 1 raise.
Arya - 3 raises.
Cristina - 2 raises.
Sislau - 1 raise.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:45, Thu 27 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 29 posts
Danger Points: 7
Fri 21 Apr 2023
at 20:36
  • msg #50

1 - A Night In The Cells

OOC: Has been flagged with me that I may not have been overly clear in how to proceed from here following the last round of spending raises.

You are welcome to continue grilling the subject of your current discussions as you wish. Either to ask points of clarification or, as ever, spend a raise to ask any question you think the current line of investigation might resolve.

Alternatively there are now a selection of leads you have which may take you outside the manor. You could follow up on some or all of them.

As mentioned previously I think we can assume you will all share information so feel free to discuss how you want to proceed. There is no need to stick together as a group; if you want to split up into smaller groups to follow different things then that's cool too.

Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 15 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Fri 21 Apr 2023
at 22:50
  • msg #51

1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya updates the others on what she learned and is especially interested in the information about the crime scene, giving Sislau a smile and "well done."

"I am going to talk to the guards next, seems this Jens might have useful information about who came.  It wouldn't surprise me if the former employee made a copy of the key but we'll find out," Arya explains before heading off once more.  It seems best that given her attire, she remain around the estate.

With that, she asks around about where to find the various guards and their names and plans to locate Jens last.  Approaching each guard in turn, she inquires if anyone saw anything out-of-the-ordinary or knows anything about the heist.  She also asks what guards were where during the prior day when the robbery occurred. 

Once done with the other guards, she locates Jens.  Smiling pleasantly, she says, "good afternoon.  As you have no doubt been informed, a silver figurine was stolen from Master Tchernivich's safe yesterday and he brought in myself and some others to locate it.  The staff all claim to have seen nothing," she says this in a way that suggests she does not believe them, "but a search of the area revealed that someone entered the room through the window and used the side gate.  I have spoken with the other guards but all I was able to learn is that you were by that gate (she will lie if she wasn't told that it was his post or that one of the guards saw him there) so I am hoping you might have seen something."

An inviting smile, Good Cop activated, "we want to recover the stolen item, not punish those who might have inadvertently helped the robber.  So any help you can provide will of course be appreciated and I will do what I can to shield anyone who does help from unwarranted consequences."
Sislau Nelovky
player, 14 posts
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 00:53
  • msg #52

1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau, continuing to try to think like a lower-class person who wanted to commit a heist, sneaks out the window and onto the rooftops.

He does make notice of the cumin, for later. He makes sure to look for more on the outside of the windowframe, as he goes.
player, 18 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 04:37
  • msg #53

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arioushka Raskolnikov:
Arya updates the others on what she learned and is especially interested in the information about the crime scene, giving Sislau a smile and "well done."

"I am going to talk to the guards next, seems this Jens might have useful information about who came.  It wouldn't surprise me if the former employee made a copy of the key but we'll find out," Arya explains before heading off once more.  It seems best that given her attire, she remain around the estate.

An inviting smile, Good Cop activated, "we want to recover the stolen item, not punish those who might have inadvertently helped the robber.  So any help you can provide will of course be appreciated and I will do what I can to shield anyone who does help from unwarranted consequences."

Cristina also updates the others with what she has learned. It seems fairly certain that the former relative of the butler is the obvious suspect. Cristina is willing to accompany and support Arya. She has no trouble acting as the Bad Cop, especially while vigorously brandishing her sword, alternating a Slash Maneuver as a Duelist with guards who might be intimidated, as well as talking trash and grinning like a devil.

She promises to protect any of Tchernivich's employees against outsiders coming to threaten or harm themselves or their families.

With other guards and Jens: "Of course we all can play nice if it is warranted. Or, carefully slice and dice the bad guy who cheated on his employer. It's all the same to me, practicing maneuvers with the sword now and again! Just to see how I can closely cut parts of your clothing away and just miss your body each time!" She will show her Duelist's Pin if it might help, but not go too far for Arya's Good Cop.

One raise.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:48, Mon 24 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 30 posts
Danger Points: 7
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 19:31
  • msg #54

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Out on the roof Sislau surveys his options but there aren't very many. There's access to a couple of the other second floor rooms through windows, presumably also locked, like the one he has just come through and then a short drop to the flowerbeds below. Alternatvely you could look to climb higher, up one more floor and then onto the pitched roof.

As expected there is the same dusting of cumin on the outside of the window as well. Someone covered in the spice came and went through that window to access the home and they did it recently.

OOC: No raises needed for any of that :)


Arya and Cristina don't have trouble acessing some of the guards. They need only to stick their heads outside the front door and find one waiting. Going through things with each of them in turn you get a pretty clear idea that Jens was, or at least could easily have been, stationed by the side gate yesterday. It's a quasi-secret entrance being shrouded in bushes on both sides and is barely used (Tchernivich treats it more as an emergency exit) but always has one man posted on it. While few guards know, or care to absolutely confirm anyway, who was doing what at any point in time all agree that it would be entirely possible for Jens to have been that man yesterday.

Jens himelf is then easy to locate having been currently posted as one of the three men on the front gate at the moment. You can see him standing outside with his colleagues, clearly conversing but keeping their eyes on the road and passers by. Jens is every inch the professional guardsmen; large and thick set with small beady eyes that keep a careful watch on everything near him.

He glances up at you as you draw near aand then goes back about his business but as you start to speak to him he becomes obviously quite uncomfortable. He responds in a local accent, "Yeah I was on the side gate all day, nobody came through all day - nobody ever does. Your search must have been mistaken...yeah, I think you probably made a mistake there. Sorry you've hit a dead end."

He keeps a careful eye on Cristina's blade; enough of a fighter to realise just how good she is.

OOC: No need to spend a raise to cover finding Jens and getting the answers sought out of the other guards; that's all well within the ambit of things they are happy to share with you.

But Jens is obviously hiding something so you can spend another raise to get it out of him but there is also a risk which requires someone spend one raise to avoid. Not that you have to of course...

Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 16 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 21:49
  • msg #55

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

"Now don't be that way," Arya coos, "we are not after you, we are after whomever took the figurine, and we want it back.  I will do what I can to protect you if you help us.  But if you are not inclined to do so . . ." Arya lets the thought drift off as she turns the stage over to Cristina.

OOC: Assuming that Cristina is still good spending a raise to get the information, Arya is happy to spend a raise to avoid the risk.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 15 posts
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 07:18
  • msg #56

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya updates the others on what she learned and is especially interested in the information about the crime scene, giving Sislau a smile and "well done."

Cristina also updates the others with what she has learned.

At some point, this involves coming across Sislau outside the window, possibly hanging off the roof.

He seems politely interested in the progress they've made so far, if somewhat distracted by his position. ("Oh?" "Well, that sounds promising." "With a sword, you say?", etc )


OOC: So, questions: is it as simple as 'follow the trail of spicy footprints'? I'm going to have Sislau go up one floor, rather than down, to see if 1) there's any special information up there (ie, was someone trying to be clever and came down rather than up), and 2) see if the slightly higher view tells him anything useful.

He'll head down (via the outside) afterwards, if nothing shows itself. Plans change if it does. :)

This message was last edited by the player at 07:20, Tue 25 Apr 2023.
player, 20 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Thu 27 Apr 2023
at 15:07
  • msg #57

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina nods to Arya and then turns to smile at Jens. "Now, we know that you assisted someone the other day at the entrance. Could it be Jose's relative, the one that worked here until he was dismissed?"

She recognizes that Jens is a pretty good swordsman, and that he should be able to determine that she is much better than he is. She will try a few subtle maneuvers that might intimidate even him, but nothing too overt that other guardsmen might notice.

She smiles again, nods to Arya, then back at him. "We are only interested in getting the eagle back for Tchernivich, that which was stolen, not in punishing you or anyone. Well, we might give Tchernivich the name of the actual thief, but not mere accomplices. We are not guardsmen, after all.

Do you think the eagle may eventually be turned over to Jaroslaw Novak? That might change things around a bit."
She gives him a devilish grin and laughs loudly!

One raise.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:43, Thu 27 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 32 posts
Danger Points: 7
Thu 27 Apr 2023
at 20:44
  • msg #58

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

On the roof Sislau finds little of real interest - there's no sign of anything higher up indicating anyone had passed that way and beyond a slightly better view of things developing on the ground at the front gate it doesn't reveal any further information.

OOC: There's not quite enough of the spicy footprints to follow back to their source (that would be quite the spicy fellow to do that!) but for someone to be shedding this much cumin is unusual and the spice is rare enough that places where it is kept in such quantities locally could probably be counted on one hand. Asking around, via a Raise, would give you some leads in that vein.


At the gate Jens maintains an easy smirk as you speak to him until he hears mention of Jaroslaw Novak and that wipes the smirk straight off his face. Looking obviously rattled he moves forward and leans his head in conspiratorially, "Okay, okay...look, I think I can help you out but we can't just chat here." He throws a sideways glance at one of the other guards on duty.

Though just as he steps in close as if to speak quietly he lunges with a hand towards Cristina's chest. Fortunately Arya's hand lashes out and knocks aside the concealed dagger which the burly guardsmen had intended for the Vodacce and the weapon clatters across the cobblestones.

In a blink Jens has turned on his heel and fled; moving faster than you would have given him credit for. Across the road he skirts the outside of a wagon delivering produce to another home and lashes out, scattering fruits and pieces of wood into your path in a desperate attempt to delay any pursuit...

OOC: So the scene (for Cristina and Arya at least, though anybody who wishes can also join in and it can be assumed you were nearby at the time) has changed to a Chase Scene. I use alternative rules for this which I put up in the 'Game Information' thread a short while ago.

This is a basic footchase so you need to hit a Momentum of 4 within 3 rounds. There is also, this round, 1 obstacle in the form of the classic 'scattered goods in the road' (what can I say; I love a trope) which costs a raise (from anyone) to deal with.

Anyone involved in the chase will need a new Approach (Trait + Skill) to roll.

If you don't fancy the exercise feel free to speak to anyone else, investigate what you might or follow up any other leads back at the house or elsewhere.

player, 21 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Thu 27 Apr 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #59

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Game Master:
In a blink Jens has turned on his heel and fled; moving faster than you would have given him credit for. Across the road he skirts the outside of a wagon delivering produce to another home and lashes out, scattering fruits and pieces of wood into your path in a desperate attempt to delay any pursuit...

Cristina shouts to Arya, "Thanks for that!"gives a quick look around, then takes off after Jens in a sprint. "I'll head him off by going to the left or right, not directly. Let's go!"

Scattered fruits and pieces of wood? Nah! Piece of cake! She will leap, dodge and weave, to avoid this bothersome trouble.

She yells ahead of Jens and points at him with her off-hand. "Stop that criminal! He's accused of stealing. There may be a reward if he can be stopped before he gets away!"

Cristina is quite experienced with these chases, and lets out a yell! "YAAYY"

One raise to counter the stuff in the path.

18:17, Today: Cristina rolled 47 using 8d10 with rolls of 8,5,4,5,9,8,5,3.  Chase, 4 Finesse + 3 Athletics + 1 Flair. 4 raises so far.
14:39, Today: Cristina rolled 5 using 1d10 with rolls of 5.  Flair.
Still 4 raises...

This message was last edited by the player at 19:41, Fri 28 Apr 2023.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 17 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Fri 28 Apr 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #60

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya prefers to avoid solving problems physically but when Jens takes off running there is little for it but to give chase.  While not as quick as Cristina, she is not far behind the lithe duelist as they come upon the scattered fruit and vegetables.  As Cristina clears a path, Arya manages to catch one of the errant apples and tosses it mid-stride with as much force as she can muster at the back of Jens's head.

Today: Arioushka Raskolnikov rolled 23 using 5d10 ((4,5,4,4,6)) - Finesse + Aim.  Two raises.

Use a raise to slow Jens's momentum.

Game Master
GM, 33 posts
Danger Points: 7
Sun 30 Apr 2023
at 19:27
  • msg #61

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya and Cristina hurtle after Jens with barely a moment's hesitation though the big man is definitely swift as he starts to increase the distance before Arya's hurled apple knocks him off balance and careering into a fence. He bounces off and is recovering when Cristina's shout  causes the owner of the produce wagon to bravely try and apprehend Jens, grabbing his arm and slowing him further.

Sadly the wagon owner proves to be no match for the bigger man who cuffs him roughly around the head and pushes him forcefully towards you where he stumbles into your path in a daze.

Jens uses the distraction caused by his would be assailant to dash down an alleyway between two of the larger properties over the road. You smile as you see that it ends in a 7ft wall but Jens hits it a dead run and hauls himself bodily over the top, dropping over the other side in an uncontrolled manner and hitting the ground with an ungainly grunt.

OOC: Momentum now 2 out of the 4 needed, 2 rounds of the chase left. So if you get four raises between you then you can end the chase now if you want to ignore the obstacles.

Two obstacles to deal with this time (both requiring a raise to overcome); the hapless wagon owner and the wall.

Time for new approaches and new rolls.

Sislau Nelovky
player, 17 posts
Mon 1 May 2023
at 10:40
  • msg #62

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau, taking the route down the building that seems to make the most sense, aims to land in the flowerbed. From there, he just takes another look around, to see what he can see.

OOC: Roll?
Game Master
GM, 34 posts
Danger Points: 7
Mon 1 May 2023
at 19:24
  • msg #63

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

OOC: No need to roll or spend a raise on this one - Sislau can see some footprints in the flower bed which appear to support the idea that two or three people came through it to scale the wall. They came from the direction of some bushes on the far wall (which investigation or discussion with the others reveals is the location of the side gate).
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 18 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 2 May 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #64

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya dodges the vendor and heads in pursuit of Jens down the alley.  Noting a trellis on the property bordering the right side of the alley, she grabs it, ripping it from its mooring, and uses it as a ladder to scale the wall.

Today: Arioushka Raskolnikov rolled 28 using 6d20 with rolls of 10,9,2,4,1,2.  Brawn+Athletics.  Two Raises.

Use one raise to remove Wall Obstacle and one to slow Jens's momentum, if possible.
player, 22 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Tue 2 May 2023
at 17:42
  • msg #65

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina tried to understand what was happening here. One idea after another rushed through her thoughts.

Jens had tried to use a knife on her even though he was not the eagle thief. Why? Did Jens' wounding or killing her fit her part in this? Was there another crime here? Did this other crime not involve Tchernivich at all? Did Jens believe his life to be in jeopardy from other crimes, or a life of crime?

She had begun her chase after a quick look around. She knew she was quick. How had Jens kept ahead of her? He must be very quick himself.

Or, had he realized that he would be caught shortly, and tried to use the fence as a new tactic? Or, had he plotted to use the fence to ambush them, the grunt was a ruse, and he was waiting to attack them in detail on the other side?

His other crimes did not matter. He was not the eagle thief. The danger was not worth the risk. "Stop Arya! This is too dangerous! Jena is not worth it! Let's think about this!" Cristina grabs at Arya to try to keep her on this side of the fence.

Use one raise to stop Arya on this side of the fence.

12:43, Today: Cristina rolled 41 using 6d10 with rolls of 2,10,8,5,8,8.  Brawn 2+Perform3+Flair1.  Cristina rolled 9 using 1d10 with rolls of 9.  Perform 3 reroll. Second Flair
13:23, Today: Cristina rolled 7 using 1d10 with rolls of 7.  Second Flair for first use of Perform. Four Raises

This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Tue 02 May 2023.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 19 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 2 May 2023
at 17:52
  • msg #66

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Physical feats are not Arya's strong suit and it takes little more than a suggestion from Cristina to halt the young woman at the top of the wall, one foot still on the trellis, watching Jens retreat into the distance.  IN truth, she is not exactly sure what she would have done had she caught the guard.

She turns to look down at Cristina, cocking an eyebrow.
player, 23 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Tue 2 May 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #67

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina breathes a sigh of relief. She composes her thoughts and speaks, "This chase makes little sense to me now.

Jens tried to use a knife on me even though he is not the eagle thief. Why? Did Jens' wounding or killing me fit my part in this? Is there another crime here? Did this other crime not involve Tchernivich at all? Did Jens believe his life to be in jeopardy from other crimes, or a life of crime?

I thought he may have plotted to use the fence to ambush us, the grunt was a ruse, and he was waiting to attack us in detail on the other side? If I am wrong, so be it. I prefer not to be a thief-taker, even if the man is a thief elsewhere.

His other crimes do not matter. He is not the eagle thief. The danger is not worth the risk. We must try another lead. Or find and talk to Tchernivich, tell him what we have found, and let him direct us."

She tried to project sincerity via perform.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 20 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 2 May 2023
at 23:01
  • msg #68

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya shrugs, "maybe he is a little more involved than simply being bribed?  He could have been employed by Jaroslaw Nowak for all we know, maybe even suggested the theft?  He certainly reacted strongly to that name.  My main concern is that I don't know that we have much else in the way of leads and time is running," she replies.
Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 10 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Thu 4 May 2023
at 19:49
  • msg #69

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Meanwhile, Griselda was still questioning José Gadeva.

"They couldn't be involved, not directly. But someone else may have had some control over them, and used them for their own ends. Who did you catch?"

Griselda could see a possible pattern emerging. She didn't expect the household had employed a thief, but that someone had bribed or otherwise persuaded a member of the household to take an impression of the key. It would have been the work of moments, and should have been safe; it was their bad luck for the butler to catch them anyway.
player, 26 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Fri 5 May 2023
at 03:51
  • msg #70

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina says to Arya, "Let's go back and put more pressure on the butler, Jose Gadeva.

We know the underbutler, Becker's predecessor, was a relative of his, and that man was dismissed for some kind of unauthorized use of the key. Let's get Alisia, his wife, and get more information from the two of them."

Cristina returns to Tchernivich's home with Arya, rounds up Alisia, and finds Griselda together with Gadeva. <Old Thean> "Well, well, well! Senor Gadeva! Or is it Herr Gadeva! Your accomplice Jens got away. So, we are back to get the information on the stolen eagle from you and your wife.

So, Senora Gadeva? Are you aware that a relative of your husband might be involved in the theft of the eagle? Or is the thief your relative? In either case, Herr Tchernivich is likely to involve the Guards for a visit with you. Certainly, you both may lose your employment, if not end up in prison!

Now, that would be a shame, right? Perhaps we could negotiate? If we can get the eagle back, from Herr Novak or someone, perhaps, we might put the blame on Novak and/or Herr Jens. Yes?"

She gives her performance with a little extra force (Brawn + Perform) by getting into his face and growling.

Two raises. One as an Opportunity for the Gadevas!
This message was last edited by the player at 03:55, Fri 05 May 2023.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 19 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 14:30
  • msg #71

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau leans out the side gate, to see if anything presents itself.

Other than that, his next inclination is to go to the kitchens and see what he can find there.
Game Master
GM, 36 posts
Danger Points: 7
Sat 6 May 2023
at 20:41
  • msg #72

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya and Cristina end the pursuit of Jens at the wall he leaped over leaving him to escape into the backways of the High Quarter.

Returning into the home they pass Sislau heading down into the kitchen and the three of them then meet up with Griselda who is still speaking to the butler. From there you escort the butler down to the kitchens and Alisia meets you there.

As Cristina takes the lead in the questioning José is clearly confused, "Jens, who...oh, the guard? What's he got to do with this?"

The questioning over the relative brings a lot more fruit, however. The butler and his wife share a look before she nudges him and he opens up, looking down and sighing as he does so "It was my cousin, Javier. We had taken him on as the underbutler and he was with us for a while but his heart was never in it. Always had his head on his studies. Then he started sneaking around a bit, I found him in places he didn't need to be. And that came to a head when I found him in my chamber and I let him go the very next day. I don't see he can be involved in this though, he can only have had the key for mere moments."

"You have to believe me though, I had nothing to do with the loss of the eagle. I love my employer dearly and would never betray him!

OOC: It feels like we're coming to the end of the investigation within the home so I thought I would bring all the characters together for this last bit and then you can decide how you wish to proceed.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 21 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Sun 7 May 2023
at 21:17
  • msg #73

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya does not have any current ideas on how to proceed, so she just watches.
player, 27 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Mon 8 May 2023
at 21:09
  • msg #74

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina is frustrated. Jens is gone for now. Gadeva's nephew is not here. There seem to be no other leads, and time is running out.

"Where can we find your cousin, Javier, Herr Gadeva? He might have takes the eagle from the safe. He could have given, or sold, a copy of the key to someone.

Where can we find him now?"

There seems to be only one other alternative, waylay Herr Novak on his way to the celebration at 3PM.

one raise
Griselda Lorenz Falken
player, 11 posts
An Officer and a Duelist
Wed 10 May 2023
at 19:15
  • msg #75

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

"I believe you," Griselda reassured José, "I suspect Javier of nothing more than curiosity and, perhaps, foolishness."

Either Javier himself, or a third party, had likely made him curious enough about the contents of the safe to take an impression of the key. As she'd suspected, he didn't sound the criminal type, but he could have given or sold the impression in a fit of anger, or it could have been stolen from him. But she didn't want to distress the butler by expounding her theory in front of him.
Game Master
GM, 38 posts
Danger Points: 7
Thu 11 May 2023
at 19:32
  • msg #76

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

"I cannot believe that Javier took the eagle but, you are right madam, he may have got himself involved in something foolish.

He very quickly went to work for a Sarmation nobleman newly arrived in the city. I believe he holds a senior household position there. It's a Jaroslaw Nowak. Something of a sore point as my employer loathes him.

Nowak has a property here in the High Quarter, he"
and with this the butler sniffs with what seems to be mild disgust "is renting it while he stays here."
player, 29 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Fri 12 May 2023
at 16:20
  • msg #77

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina tried not to grin, smile, or even blink an eye. Hadn't Nowak and his particulars been suspicious, and he their greatest suspect all along!? "That is what we suspected all along, Herr Gadeva! Thank you for confirming this for us. We shall inform Herr Tchernivich that you and your wife were most cooperative in our investigation." She smiled at the man's wife.

Turning to Arya and Griselda, she continued. "Shall we pay a quick visit to Jaroslaw Nowak's household? Things might become quite interesting there."

One raise to make a smooth getaway.
player, 33 posts
Vodacce Entertainer. She
sings, dances, performs
Mon 15 May 2023
at 19:42
  • msg #78

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Cristina smiled and got the directions for Nowak's direction in the High Quarter.

Last raise.

She looked about to see if others were ready to pay the suspect a visit. When it seemed that there were none additional, she yelled, "Avanti! Let's Go!"

The distance couldn't be far.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:17, Mon 15 May 2023.
Arioushka Raskolnikov
player, 27 posts
Baroness of Calpurna
Tue 16 May 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #79

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Arya goes off in search of appropriate clothing before venturing back outside.  If everyone is still around after she procures some, then she will tag along.  Otherwise she will stay at the mansion and attempt to stall things as necessary.
Sislau Nelovky
player, 25 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 01:28
  • msg #80

Re: 1 - A Night In The Cells

Sislau, unobtrusively, tags along with Cristina.
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