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11:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[B.0]  A Sacrificial Oath.

Posted by Hand of FateFor group archive S
NPC, 33 posts
Orikson's Crew
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 22:29
  • msg #17

A Sacrificial Oath

"Near the road, its bandits and almost a certainty." Okini mutters. "Out here, its not the bandits, but the predators and maybe a roving band of kobolds."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:15, Thu 15 June 2023.
NPC, 62 posts
Orikson's Crew
Kitty - 24cp, 2 gems
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 22:31
  • msg #18

A Sacrificial Oath

"At least that is a maybe and not a certainty." Bec adds, climbing the boulder and looking down on the other side. "A little lumpy.  And, lets hope it doesn't rain."
Player, 138 posts
Orikson's Crew
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 11:42
  • msg #19

A Sacrificial Oath

"Yes, we need a watch out here, let's get a fire going for supper and heat, then get a watch up, 2 hour shifts, I'll take the darkest shift, I can see, that would be second or third, Ola got the other, which you want sweetie? Becca, you want first shift? Lloyd and Okini can take last shift so they get their rest and can prepare their spells in the morning. When we can afford it, a mule and a tent will be added for this kind of shyte."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:43, Sat 04 Feb 2023.
NPC, 63 posts
Orikson's Crew
Kitty - 24cp, 2 gems
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 15:14
  • msg #20

A Sacrificial Oath

"Right, first shift then." Bec agrees.  "Let me get a fire going."

Rebecca starts gathering wood for a fire.
NPC, 36 posts
Orikson's Crew
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 22:49
  • msg #21

A Sacrificial Oath

Lloyd leans against the boulder with a large tome; the one taken from the hobber's room below the mill.  He thumbs through the pages, reading the script in the light of the campfire.  Suddenly, he sits up straight.

"Bahhh! It's a damn book of recipes!" the mage exclaims dejectedly.  "What am I to do with that?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:50, Sun 05 Feb 2023.
NPC, 24 posts
Orikson's Crew
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 22:52
  • msg #22

A Sacrificial Oath

"Perhaps improve your cooking skills?" Ola offers with a mischievous grin.  She lies back on her blanket, looking up at the sky.  "What would be in there for a hobgoblin?  Pickled human toes?  Tongue of Dwarf?"

Her giggle is stifled by a slap on the arm with the book.
NPC, 34 posts
Orikson's Crew
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #23

A Sacrificial Oath

"Shhhh.  Get some sleep." Okini spats, rolling over onto her side to get away from the firelight.
Player, 139 posts
Orikson's Crew
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 09:17
  • msg #24

A Sacrificial Oath

"Hehehehehe, Hobo died guarding a recipe book! We killed him to take it! Hehehehehehe. The irony of it!" He rolled over to get some sleep before his watch.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:18, Mon 06 Feb 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 562 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 18:45
  • msg #25

A Sacrificial Oath

26th Muin,  Wednesdaeg 1100hrs high sun

The night passes without interruption giving the companions what rest they could harness from a hard, lumpy, uncomfortable ground. Breakfast consists of whatever rations were gathered for the trip. Before the sun has breeched the horizon the companions are back on the road to Varvellion.

The river turns more toward the west and soon disappears from view. The road continues north, then turns eastward continuing to circumvent the woodlands and mountains to the east. As the sun climbs the wind picks up, stirring dust across the fields. Breezy as it is, there are no clouds save some very high cirrus. Ahead a village comes into view There is traffic on the road; farmers and produce merchants coming and going mostly. The people seem distressed and preoccupied.  The village is a collection of businesses around a crossroad in the heart of farmland. Trees are sparse with occasional groves or smaller copses.

The center of the village is a small market.  The temple of Cluvia is by far the largest building in the village. The stone walls surrounding it are fifteen feet high with the sides and back walls covered in ivy and vines. The painted wood roof slopes gently up to a verdigrised bronze dome covering the central part of the temple.
Player, 140 posts
Orikson's Crew
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 18:54
  • msg #26

A Sacrificial Oath

"So, this is Varvellion huh? Shall we eat lunch and have a beer before we greet our new master? Or see him first then go to the tavern and look for a room. Perhaps we'll be provided a roof over our heads by what's his name, the new master over us until our debt is paid. It might be years by the way."
NPC, 64 posts
Orikson's Crew
Kitty - 24cp, 2 gems
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 19:04
  • msg #27

A Sacrificial Oath

"Yeah, this is literally it." Rebecca replies, looking at the string of small businesses and vending venue. A rogue would have a tough time of it here, she determines to herself.

"Not much to look at. Except maybe that temple."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:17, Mon 06 Feb 2023.
NPC, 37 posts
Orikson's Crew
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 19:05
  • msg #28

A Sacrificial Oath

Lloyd shifts his pack. " Wouldnt mind a bite to eat myself."
NPC, 25 posts
Orikson's Crew
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 19:12
  • msg #29

A Sacrificial Oath

"Look." Ola says , pointing down the street. "Mid-town Pub. That's original."
NPC, 65 posts
Orikson's Crew
Kitty - 24cp, 2 gems
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 19:15
  • msg #30

A Sacrificial Oath

"Lady said best beer around." Bec says grinning. "Famous even."
Player, 141 posts
Orikson's Crew
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 14:32
  • msg #31

A Sacrificial Oath

"Let's get a drink and a bite to eat then, then go see our man. What's his name Lloyd? I've forgotten it, must be getting old! Then we'll find out what the job is here in this town, if you can call it that. Not a thing here by the gods! I hope we can make some money!"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:33, Tue 07 Feb 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 567 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 23:23
  • msg #32

A Sacrificial Oath

The Mid-Town Pub is a single story building on the main road north. It sports one large fireplace one one wall, currently unlit, three windows currently opened, and a dozen tables with four chairs apiece. A long bar is on the back wall, along with a couple of doorways with curtains. In the center of the back wall are racks of kegs.

As your eyes adjust to the dim lighting of candles in sconces along the walls and what light filters through the windows, you see a portly fellow behind the far bar wiping cups dry with a cloth. He eyes the five of you as you enter.

"...t'was Gillum's ol' man. Jus last week." Says a patron to his mates. The patrons go quiet as you pass their table, eyeing you as strangers.

"Hey lass with the sword." Another patron at another table calls to Ola. "That's a nice asset you got there."

This gets several snickers from others around the room. Ola gives the rude man a baleful glare and puts a hand on the hilt of her sword. A scowl erupts upon the portly fellow's face behind the bar.

"Stow it Traegen, or you're cut off for the week!" The man retorts. He gives you an apologetic look while putting five cups to a tray. "I am Gentry Dugal. Ignore these drunken sots. What can I get you to slake your thirst?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:58, Sat 25 Feb 2023.
Player, 143 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 11:24
  • msg #33

A Sacrificial Oath

"A tall cold ale and a plate of ham please." he says and looks to the others.
Gentry Dugal
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 12:25
  • msg #34

A Sacrificial Oath

"Varvellion beer. The finest in the barony." Gentry says. "We only have cheese and bread in the way of food though. If it be food n drink you seek, Garden Spot down the lane serves a hearty vegetable soup and thick pork loin cutlets daily. They also have beer, but more costly."
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:56, Sat 25 Feb 2023.
Player, 144 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 12:32
  • msg #35

A Sacrificial Oath

"Cheese and bread will be fine good sir, We be hungry, but thirst is greater! Where might we find Brother Philbert? Does he come here at all? Or do we have to find him in the church?" Ori says to the man with a jovial smile, he was very happy to have his team back together!
This message was last edited by the player at 12:43, Wed 08 Feb 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 568 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 12:50
  • msg #36

A Sacrificial Oath

" bandits. But why? No ransoms are sought..."

"I hear tales tis tha Kabran Bloodfiend in Falcon's Holler. Tak'n folks fer secret sacrifices 'n those warrens b"neath 'is brothel. Kill'n men on tha altar gives 'is girls the power 'o seduction."

"That's absurd."

"Be tha as it may. I have seen their power at work."

"Uh huh... Jaren is right, no ransoms. Could be slavers from the borderlands, but there hasn't been any sightings of orcs, ogres, or goblins in the lowlands."

"What's the mayor doing about it?"

"Pay'n 100 gold to persons that finds out."

"No, it's a chest now. One thousand gold to persons who end it."

The three talking patrons suddenly stand and head for the exit.

"C'mon Jaren, those beans won't pick themselves. If only a magic was out there tha..."

The door closing muffles the rest of their words.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:56, Sat 25 Feb 2023.
NPC, 66 posts
Orikson's Crew
Kitty - 24cp, 2 gems
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 12:51
  • msg #37

A Sacrificial Oath

Rebecca leans in to Ola, "Hear that? What's going on in this town."
Gentry Dugal
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 12:56
  • msg #38

A Sacrificial Oath

"Prelate Philbert? Ah, no. He does not frequent this place. You will find him at the temple." Gentry replies to the dwarf's inquiry. "Please sit at any table. I will bring your food n drink."
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:55, Sat 25 Feb 2023.
NPC, 38 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 15:30
  • msg #39

A Sacrificial Oath

Lloyd chooses a table and takes a seat. When the drinks and charcuterie of bread and cheese is served Lloyd asks, "What were those men talking about?"
Gentry Dugal
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 15:57
  • msg #40

A Sacrificial Oath

The portly Gentry walks over with a large tray with cups and two pitchers of beer. He sits them all on the table and readies to bring the food when the question is asked. He becomes dismayed, but replies. "Whole town is worried. People keeping indoors. This place is normally busy."

He turns to the nearby counter and grabs the board with a cheese wedge and bread on it. Putting it on their table he adds, "People been coming up missing." He looks around nervously, as if talking about it would bring bad luck. "Used to be, maybe once every three months. Then it began happening more often. Maybe once a month. Now, its once a week for the last six weeks. No one knows what is happening."
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:55, Sat 25 Feb 2023.
Player, 145 posts
Orikson's Crew
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #41

A Sacrificial Oath

"Hmmm, must be what Philbert summoned us to take care of. Find out what is happening to the people and bring them home if possible. This might not be too easy."
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