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18:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

New Friends, Old Horizons.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 3497 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 05:24
  • msg #1

New Friends, Old Horizons

Kythorn - 14 Eleasias (August), 1361 DR

Summer settles in to the Dalelands, and the Dreams of the Ancients settles into Ashabenford. After some discussion, the group agrees that, while tempting, it's not a proper time for a scouting trip to the Three Rivers Land. The group might just be able to fund the building of a small stronghold, but Corym is replete with examples of projects abandoned or malformed due to things stretching past that mere "just." And you all don't want to merely build something, you want to do it right.

So instead you stay put, hiring rooms for the long term while Corym and Kora knuckle down to the task of finishing Kora's apprenticeship. Tarron and Kitheras help as well, when they're in town, providing their own flavor to the instruction and preventing Kora from wanting to throttle Corym more than once a tenday or so.

Not that they're always there. Krackor hires on with a barge, sailing south down the Ashaba as a guard for a bunch of merchants carrying Dalelands furs and leather south. Unlike your first trip, this barge is heading for the town of Feather Falls, as far east as lawful merchants are interested in traveling. He gets a good look at the Three Rivers Land and the Pool of Leven, and arrives back just before Kora finishes her apprenticeship. ((ooc: Krackor, give me an Intelligence check and let me know what you're looking for in the 3RL. You also earn 20 gp.))

Kitheras and Tarron as also frequently not in town. Kitheras has not forgotten the promise the group made to find the missing elven woman Syndra, and when Tarron learns of her plight, he's also interested in learning as much as possible. ((ooc: Roll Local History or Intelligence checks, please.))

So it's a tired but cheerful group that gathers at the Velvet Veil for a feast and toast to celebrate the end of Kora's apprenticeship. There's even a cake, and if the place is a bit rowdy, well, after two months of intensive studying, Kora's earned a bit of a party.

You're midway through when a loud, dwarven voice interrupts you. "Ah, there you are! I thought you were off to Myth Drannor, months ago! Or did your wits finally catch up with your foolishness?"

Turning, you see a grinning Rethusra standing near the bar with a mug in one hand. Neldor's factor is grinning at you, and has deliberately pitched her voice to carry across the entire tavern. The rowdiness doesn't pause, but it does lull a bit as more than one person turns to hear your response.

Almareth and Torvek

Since your chance meeting at the extreme western end of Mistledale, and the battle against the mated pair of owlbears that Torvek aided Almareth in besting, you've ridden eastward with purpose. Torvek has started to feel the pull of Myth Drannor strengthen after more than a year of only-sometimes-purposeful travel, and Almareth's infrequent visions of a bow have been coming more frequently.

You've both agreed that Myth Drannor should be your destination, but both of you are experienced enough, and wise enough, to know that you would need more than just two to survive the ruins. So you've kept your eyes open since arriving in Ashabenford earlier today. By the standards of Cormyr it's tiny, but it's your best place west of the ruins to find other adventurers willing to dare mighty Myth Drannor.

No one's been particularly interested so far, however. It's the start of the truly heavy caravan season, as winter wheat is harvested and other early crops are gathered, and most sword swingers are more interested in the steady coin and low danger of caravan guard work.

You've gotten rooms at the Ashabenford Arms inn and are midway through your meal when you hear a young dwarven woman loudly asks a mixed group of elves, a dwarf, and a human whether they're already back from Myth Drannor. You're close enough to hear their response.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 545 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 05:47
  • msg #2

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kythorn - 14 Eleasias (August), 1361 DR

Summer settles in to the Dalelands, and the Dreams of the Ancients settles into Ashabenford. After some discussion, the group agrees that, while tempting, it's not a proper time for a scouting trip to the Three Rivers Land. The group might just be able to fund the building of a small stronghold, but Corym is replete with examples of projects abandoned or malformed due to things stretching past that mere "just." And you all don't want to merely build something, you want to do it right.

So instead you stay put, hiring rooms for the long term while Corym and Kora knuckle down to the task of finishing Kora's apprenticeship. Tarron and Kitheras help as well, when they're in town, providing their own flavor to the instruction and preventing Kora from wanting to throttle Corym more than once a tenday or so.

Not that they're always there. Krackor hires on with a barge, sailing south down the Ashaba as a guard for a bunch of merchants carrying Dalelands furs and leather south. Unlike your first trip, this barge is heading for the town of Feather Falls, as far east as lawful merchants are interested in traveling. He gets a good look at the Three Rivers Land and the Pool of Leven, and arrives back just before Kora finishes her apprenticeship. ((ooc: Krackor, give me an Intelligence check and let me know what you're looking for in the 3RL. You also earn 20 gp.))

Kitheras and Tarron as also frequently not in town. Kitheras has not forgotten the promise the group made to find the missing elven woman Syndra, and when Tarron learns of her plight, he's also interested in learning as much as possible. ((ooc: Roll Local History or Intelligence checks, please.))

00:34, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 7 using 1d20.  Intelligence check (17).

So it's a tired but cheerful group that gathers at the Velvet Veil for a feast and toast to celebrate the end of Kora's apprenticeship. There's even a cake, and if the place is a bit rowdy, well, after two months of intensive studying, Kora's earned a bit of a party.

You're midway through when a loud, dwarven voice interrupts you. "Ah, there you are! I thought you were off to Myth Drannor, months ago! Or did your wits finally catch up with your foolishness?"

Turning, you see a grinning Rethusra standing near the bar with a mug in one hand. Neldor's factor is grinning at you, and has deliberately pitched her voice to carry across the entire tavern. The rowdiness doesn't pause, but it does lull a bit as more than one person turns to hear your response.

A moon elf--lordly in bearing--tands to greet Rethusra.  The cut of his clothing is that of the Western Heartlands and bears some travel wear, but his elven mail gleams with care. He raises his cup to greet the dwarf and gives a beaming smile that never touches his eyes. Matching the tone of the dwarf, "Witlessness is a common affliction. The moreso because people believe age and power to be an adequate substitute." He passes a silver to a passing waitress, "Whatever my friend cares to drink."

The absence of an invitation to join them is deafening as he returns to his seat and the prior topic of conversation.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:55, Thu 07 July 2022.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2562 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 05:52
  • msg #3

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun is an odd seeming elf these days.  His clothing is fine and new, but is local in style and gnomish in make. Fine black fur gloves adorn his hands and a tuigan horsebow sits in a case beside him.  He sits closest to the human woman, and clearly beams with pride in her presence.

At the dwarf's announcement he seems to shrink--cringe even.  When his noble companion gives answer he closes his eyes in an attempt to re-acquire his composure.

Eventually he re-opens his eyes, and continues the sentimental presentation of his first apprentice.

"I know I've had months to think about it, but I'm still not really certain how to end this, so I will borrow the sentiments of a famously unlikely wizard named Rubeus." He grips Kora forearm affectionately, but with excitement, "You're a wizard, Kora."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:44, Thu 07 July 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 9 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #4

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Interested in this group Almareth somewhat stares at them. He thinks some of them resemble the description Ciyradyl had given him. He whispers to Torvek "Give me a moment, they look like the people a friend of mine mentioned, so I am going to ask if they are who I think they are." as he slowly gets up and approaches their table.

Almareth is dressed in green and brown clothing with the style and symbol of Bristar's scouts, wears elven chainmail on top of that, has a beautiful bow on his back, and a pair of swords at his waist. He starts, in a calm, measured voice "I am Almareth Siannodel, and please forgive me for overhearing, but you have been to Myth Drannor and returned? A friend of mine, Ciyradyl, mentioned a group, which some of you resemble, named the Dreams of the Ancients, and how she asked them to look for her sister. If you are that group, I was on patrol at the time you visited my people, and since then I have been called to go to Myth Drannor, myself, for personal, religious reasons, so I promised her I would also look for her sister, if you are going back, would it be possible for me, and my friend Torvek here, to join you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:42, Thu 07 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1722 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #5

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Almareth Siannodel (msg # 4):

Krackor had been very vigilant on his guard duties and watching different areas of the journey through the woods, in his eyes, very fastidious, this didn't mean he was looking in the right direction to spot something but close enough in his view, he'd even increased his potential with casting the Blessed Watchfulness spell every day he was in the woods area of the journey and a little into the 3RL, giving him enhanced observational abilities.

On returning, he was acutely aware of the training of 'Mistress Lightbearer' and looked forward to her apprenticeship being over, partly so she could join them and feel more useful than she did in the Eastern Forest.!

During the party in the tavern, Krackor was enjoying the merriment when he heard the voice of Rethusra, he had only met her once but was impressed with her, he had heard the tale but that was nothing to fret about, after all, it was a misunderstanding.  He heard the response from Kitheras and assumed it was an open invite to their gathering, when the stranger from Bristar, Almareth spoke up, he couldn't help himself.

Rethusra, nah we haven't gone as yet, this stranger offers to join us, are you strong enough to do likewise?  He meant it with all honesty as always, even with mirth in his voice and that huge smile on his face.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 9 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 20:57
  • msg #6

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth Siannodel:
Interested in this group Almareth somewhat stares at them. He thinks some of them resemble the description Ciyradyl had given him. He whispers to Torvek "Give me a moment, they look like the people a friend of mine mentioned, so I am going to ask if they are who I think they are." as he slowly gets up and approaches their table.

Torvek nods in agreement and stays at the table. It's probably better let his Southerner elven friend do the first approach.  He keep an eye and an ear on the development while quietly sipping his mead.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 546 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #7

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth Siannodel:
Interested in this group Almareth somewhat stares at them. He thinks some of them resemble the description Ciyradyl had given him. He whispers to Torvek "Give me a moment, they look like the people a friend of mine mentioned, so I am going to ask if they are who I think they are." as he slowly gets up and approaches their table.

Almareth is dressed in green and brown clothing with the style and symbol of Bristar's scouts, wears elven chainmail on top of that, has a beautiful bow on his back, and a pair of swords at his waist. He starts, in a calm, measured voice "I am Almareth Siannodel, and please forgive me for overhearing, but you have been to Myth Drannor and returned? A friend of mine, Ciyradyl, mentioned a group, which some of you resemble, named the Dreams of the Ancients, and how she asked them to look for her sister. If you are that group, I was on patrol at the time you visited my people, and since then I have been called to go to Myth Drannor, myself, for personal, religious reasons, so I promised her I would also look for her sister, if you are going back, would it be possible for me, and my friend Torvek here, to join you?"

Kitheras rises and smiles genuinely at Almareth. "We would be honored if you would join us for the evening. I am Kitheras Sunblade.  My companion Tarron and I have been scouring the Dales for the past two months by horseback to see if we could get some sense of where young Syndra has gone. The People of Bristar are welcome at our company's table." He offers his seat to the priest, and motions to Torvek for him to join them at their table.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:51, Fri 08 July 2022.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 132 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 11:14
  • msg #8

New Friends, Old Horizons

19:11, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 3 using 1d20.  Int check. – [roll=1657365091.9596.359800]

Tarron knew nothing of the local history of the place, but he was fairly well versed at tracking down people who had decided to leave their current location. He visited the local taverns, looked for where people were taking on new workers, and even spent a little time among the homeless. “It’s been quite some time. Do you know if something may have happened to her?” he asked the locals.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 10 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 22:35
  • msg #9

New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek raises from his seat, grab his drink and walk over to the Kitheras and Tarron's table.  He is a tall lean man with black hair and pale skin.  His eyes are steel grey and intense.

"Well met", he says with a friendly smile, "I must however admit as you may have guess to not being from Bristar.  Torvek Ragdar, Wizard of Silverymoon...", he pauses for a moment and adds, "currently in a sabbatical" as he offers his hand.
Kali Xilrora
player, 77 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #10

New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali, throughout this entire break, easily settled back into her old habits. She would been seen at odd hours making random connections with general success with a variety of people throughout the area. An observant person could easily notice that there were many messages that would arrive through various methods throughout the day to distract her from the terrible affliction known as boredom.

Regardless, without fail, Kali would frequent the evenings by the fire in the tavern with her favorite deck of cards and a drink. She would casually play a variety of solitaire games while listening in on the conversations around her. Any time a villager would mention some manner of discontent, Kali would take note.

She had survived all manner of chaos in the past because of keeping a keen ear to the ground.

Kali was in the midst of writing a response to one of her more dubious contacts when the two newcomers entered earshot. She watched out of her peripheral as Kitheras addressed one of them, though she was careful not to move her head so that she would not appear to be eavesdropping.

As more and more of her group began a more lively discussion, Kali carefully pocketed the missive and paid closer, personal, attention.
GM, 3498 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #11

New Friends, Old Horizons

Tavern, Current Day

Rethusra raises the mug of ale Kitheras bought her to the group in salute. "Years away, Master Krackor. I'm years away from that sort of skill. So make sure you leave some of it intact for me!" She laughs, and turns back to chatting with the barkeep.

Kitheras and Tarron

It takes you the better part of a month before you find your first clue about the adventurers Syndra joined. No one had heard of her or a Sembian adventuring group anywhere in Mistledale, so taking your new horses you ride all the way over to Essembra, the Battledale town that sits astride Rauthauvyr's Ride. It's the last place to resupply between Myth Drannor and the lands to the south, and it's there that you finally pick up a lead.

"Oh aye, the Sable Borne," says Durn the Red, a massive giant of a man who runs Essembra's smithy. "Woodsmen, black bear patch on their shoulders. Their leader had ordered a blade from me and was picking it up as they came through. Arrogant, but they're Sembians so what can you do? I marked your elf because I was surprised to see they were running with anyone who wasn't human."


The Three Rivers Land is open, rolling grassland. You're not really sure what caused the forest to peel itself back from the land, though you see young trees advancing in a vanguard from the edges both north and south, so you suppose it might not remain open land if left to itself for another century or two. The Ashaba flows swiftly in most places, though there are a few areas where it widens into a smallish pool and the current dies down to almost nothing.

In several places the hills come right up to the river and peer down upon it from ten or twenty feet, though they never get any higher. One of the hills hosts the remains of a ruined building of some sort on it peak, and you see two other ruins (one east of the river, the other west) along your trip. There isn't much in the way of trees in the open land itself aside from an occasional copse, nor is there any exposed stone. You also don't see any people, though every now and then you see a wisp of smoke rising off in the distance.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:45, Mon 01 Aug 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 547 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 05:14
  • msg #12

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Torvek raises from his seat, grab his drink and walk over to the Kitheras and Tarron's table.  He is a tall lean man with black hair and pale skin.  His eyes are steel grey and intense.

"Well met", he says with a friendly smile, "I must however admit as you may have guess to not being from Bristar.  Torvek Ragdar, Wizard of Silverymoon...", he pauses for a moment and adds, "currently in a sabbatical" as he offers his hand.

"A long ride from the Gem of the North," Kitheras says as he pulls up two new chairs for himself and Torvek. "I thought it was only our academy that granted that long of a sabbatical! You'll be grayer by the time you return." Taking his seat, Kitheras gets down to business. "We're a careful band.  We take extreme measures to avoid conflict in the ruins.  The whole place is overrun with the most terrifying nightmares you've ever thought to imagine.  Fighting some means alerting the rest to your presence. That's how you die in Myth Drannor. None of us have died so far and we're not looking to break that record."

"Gentlemen, our company is happy to take on new help. I'm serving the current term as Captain, but that means little enough when we're amongst ourselves.

"The thing that distinguishes us from the more common bands of grave robbers and pillagers is that we have a genuine interest in what we find and want to preserve it for its rightful owners or see it used to the benefit of the communities to whom they are a legacy. The profit and power motives are strictly secondary. Distribution of wealth is strictly controlled by our charter. Adhering to its dictates allows us to claim legitimacy where others merely claim ability. Corym was our first Captain and the author of the charter.  He'll be more than happy to explain the particulars.

"Listen close tonight, drink deep and let us get to know you. In Vino Veritas. Then sleep on it.  If you're still up for it, we'll vote to admit you and let you buy into the company."

Corym Ildroun
player, 2563 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 05:36
  • msg #13

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym looks a bit put upon by Kitheras. This was supposed to be a party after all. With a sigh, he draws out his ledger.  The first several pages contain the text of the charter, with two pages set aside for signatures, and then several more for transactions. The script flows with precision--more like it was drawn than scribed. You can tell that he's weighing the merits of reading the text.

"Our aim is the acquisition of antiquities. We all have our various reasons and require access to them for various ends.

"The core of the matter is this--whatever items of magic are found, these are owned solely by the company. Their value is difficult to quantify and the irregularity of the acquisitions precludes an even distribution.  If we find an item you can use--you can use it, but the company owns it.  If you leave, it stays."

"If you're uniquely attached to the item--if it comes to mean something to you and you wish to own it outright--it can be purchased from the company at a discounted price agreed upon by a majority of the partners present."

"Currency and easily liquidated items are divided evenly, with the company taking a percentage for collective expenses--equipment, potions, resurrections, lodging and the like. We're all staying here on the Comapny's dime. Only partners present when the fungible assets are acquired earn a share."

"It's at this point that 'buying in' becomes relevant.  Adding you as partners to our company would dilute the value of each of our respective shares of the Company treasury.  Your buy-in price is the current value of the treasury divided by the total number of partners. In this way the share value remains constant after your addition.  If you wish to leave at some point you can remain invested--as Karilla and Elorfindar have, now residents of Bristar--or you can cash out."

"If you're shy of coin currently, we're happy to extend you credit.  In some cases--like Kora, here--it's possible that some of the current partners will like you so much that they'll pay your stake for you."

"To give you a practical example--let's say that we investigate one of the fabled colleges of wizardry in Myth Drannor.  We may find some gold--true--but mostly we'll find spells and arcane implements.  That'll be amazing for myself, Tordrek, or Tarron, but will leave the rest of the company risking their necks for little gain under a standard arrangement. Certainly we're unlikely to find much of use to Krackor. The company might then out vote us and seek to liquidate some of what we gained to even the scales. Under a standard arrangement the situation might come to blows.  Under our charter we will have the option to purchase the items from the company directly to keep them, or allow them to be liquidated to make sure that everyone comes out ahead."

"The particulars are spelled out in the first several pages.  I've recently calculated the treasury and should be able to give your an estimate. If you have questions, I can explain further, but I'm told that I can run long on this--so I'm going to go get a drink to spare you further explanation.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:43, Sun 10 July 2022.
GM, 3499 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 06:59
  • msg #14

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: To make it easier for me to track treasure and things coming in and out, I'm going to DM-fiat that if you want to join the "company" (which is not required for joining the adventuring party, but makes life easier for everyone), you have enough money on you in easy-to-carry gemstones to buy in immediately.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1723 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 20:27
  • msg #15

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The Three Rivers Land is open, rolling grassland. You're not really sure what caused the forest to peel itself back from the land, though you see young trees advancing in a vanguard from the edges both north and south, so you suppose it might not remain open land if left to itself for another century or two. The Ashaba flows swiftly in most places, though there are a few areas where it widens into a smallish pool and the current dies down to almost nothing.

In several places the hills come right up to the river and peer down upon it from ten or twenty feet, though they never get any higher. One of the hills hosts the remains of a ruined building of some sort on it peak, and you see two other ruins (one east of the river, the other west) along your trip. There isn't much in the way of trees in the open land itself aside from an occasional copse, nor is there any exposed stone. You also don't see any people, though every now and then you see a wisp of smoke rising off in the distance.

(ooc: Are the ruins in the woods beside the Ashaba or in the plains area? Krackor was looking more in the woods and if a slowing area just after hills is around, this would pique his interest more, especially if the closer to the edges of the woods, thinning or a clearing)

Krackor had reported his findings to the others of his trip before the day of the party, now he enjoys the thoughts of adventure and his family gelling more.

It helped that the obvious slight thrown towards the Patron at the bar that they knew, he was able to turn and make all seem happier.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:29, Sun 10 July 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 548 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 03:34
  • msg #16

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth Siannodel:
Interested in this group Almareth somewhat stares at them. He thinks some of them resemble the description Ciyradyl had given him. He whispers to Torvek "Give me a moment, they look like the people a friend of mine mentioned, so I am going to ask if they are who I think they are." as he slowly gets up and approaches their table.

Almareth is dressed in green and brown clothing with the style and symbol of Bristar's scouts, wears elven chainmail on top of that, has a beautiful bow on his back, and a pair of swords at his waist. He starts, in a calm, measured voice "I am Almareth Siannodel, and please forgive me for overhearing, but you have been to Myth Drannor and returned? A friend of mine, Ciyradyl, mentioned a group, which some of you resemble, named the Dreams of the Ancients, and how she asked them to look for her sister. If you are that group, I was on patrol at the time you visited my people, and since then I have been called to go to Myth Drannor, myself, for personal, religious reasons, so I promised her I would also look for her sister, if you are going back, would it be possible for me, and my friend Torvek here, to join you?"

"You mention religious reasons. Have you taken up a quest, or do you serve the Seldarine? For some time we traveled in the company of a priest of Labelas Enoreth. It would be good to have divine guidance of that sort again."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:53, Mon 11 July 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 10 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 09:20
  • msg #17

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"First things first, let me get this out of the way." Almareth says as he signs where he needs to and pulls out a pouch with enough gems to cover his buy in to the group. Then, turning to Kitheras Sunblade, "I am a member of Solonor Thelandira's clergy, and he has requested that I find the ruin of his main temple in Myth Drannor to recover a bow and restore it to the temple in Bristar. So, by the rules of the company, I'd like to claim any religious relics easily liquidated as the bulk of my share of wealth, and if, somehow that isn't enough, I know Bristar, and other elven communities would likely reward their return quite well. And as soon as I can afford to, I will buy the bow, and any religious items not easily liquidated we may find. I have no issue with these rules, and I am mostly interested in Solonor's items, so those are my priority. My spells are excellent in combat, but I confess I don't have much power over time like Labelas Enoreth's clergy do. However, I am far greater an archer and warrior than his priests are, so it all evens out in some way. However, just as importantly, though I fear the worst for Syndra, but if Ciyradryl is right, then finding her would be the most important achievement in my book. She was one of my finest students."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:32, Mon 11 July 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 549 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 12:56
  • msg #18

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras looks about at the assembled partners. "I vote to renounce my claim on any item holy to Solonor. Should we recover them, they are his and his priests'. They should be returned. I know that Corym will support me in this. What say you company?"

"As for Syndra, we were able to finally make a little headway on that matter.  The company she joined were the Sable Borne.  We know their emblem and that they departed Myth Drannor from Essembra.  We also know the make of one of their blades. I was hopeful that this might improve the results of the divinations we've attempted until now. You were her teacher? Perhaps if you have something of hers that might strengthen the divination as well."  Kitheras looks to Krackor, "Have you any thoughts on that count?"

Kitheras puts a hand Almareth's, "I don't know whether she's alive or dead, but companies have been pouring into Myth Drannor.  We've found their wreckage and their survivors alike. We'll keep looking."

"Do you know the approximate location of the Solonoran temple?  Here is a map that we've been able to put together.

To Everyone:

"There are only two other immediate items of interest for us.  The first is that there is a disembodied voice--likely a dragon speaking telepathically to my thinking--in the old Silver Smith's guild that promises a reward in exchange for eliminating a nearby Alhoon.  The other is the Alhoon who himself is guarded by a clutch of trolls."

"Aspirationally, we've approximated the locations of the main schools of wizardry in the city and thought it would be profitable for everyone if we were able to penetrate them and recover lost mastery."

This message was last edited by the player at 14:11, Mon 11 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1724 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 17:02
  • msg #19

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 18):

On the newcomers proclamation of wanting All Religious Artefacts, Krackor almost spat his Ale out, not that it was a good ale but it wasn't bad...Almost.
Ahem, I don't know much about your lord Solonor but if, like you, he was a warrior as is Gorm, there is a chance that I shall also wish to vie for such items although I doubt this for weapons, Solomon Items from a Solonor temple obviously go to a Solonor Temple. Your claim is All religious items, so from a Dwarven stronghold within Myth Drannor, you claim these too? His smile lessens to a stern look, something only once seen before and that was to Kora about her first Torch.

I suggest we continue our exploration and see what we see. The Bronze Mask sent me here, I still know not the reason other than to guard my greatest treasures, my Family gathered here.  He looks for approval then continued.

I vote these two able to join The Company if able and aid in gathering the Dreams of the Ancients, so they can be returned where appropriate and where possible.  He felt this an appropriate response as the votes hadn't taken place before Gems hit the table.

Items of value to and owned by those being devined may, should help with locating.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:09, Mon 11 July 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 11 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #20

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Forgive me, I just meant items for the Seldarine, I sometimes forget the proud, premier multiracial city of Myth Drannor also held temples to other race's deities. There are shrines and temples in to all Seldarine in Cormanthor, so I plan on restoring any that I find. Solonor is one of the protectors of my race so I just meant to safeguard those I know where they'd likely belong in the region. Of course dwarven religious artifacts belong to dwarves, and human artifacts to humans, and so on. If you all would be willing, to forgo any claim on any holy items to Solonor then I would greatly appreciate it. The other items holy to the Seldarine can be easily liquidated to the clergy of those deities, so it matters not who sells the items to them." Almareth says.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 11 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 23:10
  • msg #21

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek looks thoughtful listening to the conversation.

"I am not sure I understand very well, Corym.  Most of what is found is divided evenly between the members after a tax is collected as a shared fund for company business, common expenses, etc.  To join, we need to pay an even share of the current value of the company assets.  This all sounds fair.  I also have no issues that items founds that have a rightful owner should be returned to this rightful owner or that could be used for greater good should be used for the greater good. I am not a highly spiritual person but I have seen enough sufferance in my life to want to help where I can.

I am however confused about the items of magic being solely owned by the company rather than divided fairly.  What decides which items of magic are going to belong to the company rather than shared or liquidated and profits shared? "

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 550 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 00:07
  • msg #22

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth Siannodel:
"Forgive me, I just meant items for the Seldarine, I sometimes forget the proud, premier multiracial city of Myth Drannor also held temples to other race's deities. There are shrines and temples in to all Seldarine in Cormanthor, so I plan on restoring any that I find. Solonor is one of the protectors of my race so I just meant to safeguard those I know where they'd likely belong in the region. Of course dwarven religious artifacts belong to dwarves, and human artifacts to humans, and so on. If you all would be willing, to forgo any claim on any holy items to Solonor then I would greatly appreciate it. The other items holy to the Seldarine can be easily liquidated to the clergy of those deities, so it matters not who sells the items to them." Almareth says.

"Thank you for clarifying, that is what I understood you to mean. Does that help, Krackor?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 550 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #23

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Torvek looks thoughtful listening to the conversation.

I am however confused about the items of magic being solely owned by the company rather than divided fairly.  What decides which items of magic are going to belong to the company rather than shared or liquidated and profits shared? "

Kitheras fields that question as Corym has not yet returned with his drink.

"If you can use it, and the company benefits by you using it, its assigned to you. You hold it and use it. I can't recall that we've ever had any argument about it, but Corym is the last of the original company member and he could speak to that."

"By default, ALL magic items are held in common.  Part of this has to do with the research and recovery mission of the company.  For instance, Corym has held a potion of extra healing aside for awhile now so that we can perform an alchemical analysis on it so that it could be replicated in the future. He made the proposal, we voted on it, but he's been tied up with Kora's apprenticeship for sometime so it has been delayed."

"Another recent example is that we located a scroll of seven 9th circle spells. It took over a month to decrypt the scroll--partly because the school of magic it belongs to no longer exists, and was encrypted on top of that. Consider the problems of simultaneously determining the cipher and then subsequently reverse engineering the magical principles.  The scroll was useless to every one of us, and was unlikely to be of use any time in the near future. We voted to trade it for some expanded magical training, the location of a wish for the resolution of a related project, and a promise that the sage would magically train any resident of Bristar seeking training in the Art pro bono. The terms were sound, were accepted, we were able to secure a community benefit for the cultural heirs of the item.

"Probably the question that will be brewing after our next expedition is what to do with the company's assets.  The company has acquired a generous sum, and not all of it is easy to transport.  A pair of our members have aspirations for building a Stronghold, but I doubt that their personal finances will solely underwrite the venture. Is it in the company's interest to invest in real estate? Or political endeavors. That's a question we've yet to take up formally."

This message was last edited by the player at 00:21, Tue 12 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1725 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 00:32
  • msg #24

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras Sunblade:
"Thank you for clarifying, that is what I understood you to mean. Does that help, Krackor?"

Krackor nods and his beaming, cheery smile returns.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 12 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 08:24
  • msg #25

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I don't know where the bow is, because Grathgor Hawksong died in battle against the army of darkness in the southwest part of the city where he led the final stand giving his life so that the rest of the refugees that were able to flee the city and survive could get far enough in time. Honestly, one of his opponents could have taken it, and kept it in another part of the city, though. I do know that the last few nights my dreams have been clearer and left more of an impression on me than the ones before, and I think, not in words, as is the way of deities, Solonor will give me enough clues at some point to find it, or at least greatly reduce the area it may be in's size. I am not sure if he wants me to put it in the temple, or recover it, so some other worthy hero can use it again. Deities like their hints and riddles you know. If any hero were to be enshrined as a servant of Solonor, a heroic archer like Grathgor makes a lot of sense. If we do find one of the two shrines to Solonor, however, perhaps there is something I can recover there as well."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:43, Tue 12 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1726 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 12:45
  • msg #26

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Almareth Siannodel (msg # 25):

Krackor listened, he drank, he ate and listened some more.  He liked that Almareth didn't want the item for himself even though, if his patron Deity was showing him these things, then they wanted Almareth to have it.

"Almareth, this seems a worthy quest and in line with The Companies own, do not feel pushed to give away that which your God has shown you to take, they may have done this for a quest that is yet to be presented, although this would be a quest in it's own right."

He smiled outwards and prayed within for Gorm, the guardian of his kin to talk with Solonor, the guardian of Almareth's kin, to show the Elven priest his worth.

Then he turned his attention to Torvek Ragdar.  He looked him up and down and remembered others that had been and left the group, still family, he looked at the back of Corym as he stood at the bar and at his front as he returned with drinks. His smile, the ever infectious cheery grin present on his face as he looks at Torvek.

"Torvek, you need to get more sun, you look so pale, I have an idea, a good ride and walk North maybe, one through the woods to a city of marvel, or Splendour that once was.  I'd wager that would help.  The best thing about the Company owning the items, it doesn't feel as much of a sore hit when someone else needs to use it or them.  Lets say you are an archer or great worth and measure, then a strange bow, not the one Almareth is looking for, is found and you want it but you have a deep connection with your own and the others in the party have their own, then this new bow belongs to The Company and should you lose your, it can replace it until another time when you have retrieved it or got another, then this 'loan' gets returned.  However, if it was your family heirloom, would you be so willing to pass it on if the need arose?  Probably not.  So this is fair, if you have use of Dwarven Plate, I'm sure I could give you what I have on as long as you have better armour for me to wear, this is the remit of my faith."

Krackor doesn't talk much until he starts to feel the affects of the alcohol and has a target, so he stops, nods and has another drink.

"I have need to continue my duties, I will be with the horses."  Gets up, gives a small bow to the "Captain" and leaves.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 12:45, Tue 12 July 2022.
GM, 3500 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #27

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The ruins were all in the plains. There weren't any visible ruins in the forest either north or south of the Three Rivers Land. Which isn't to say that there aren't any, just that they couldn't be seen from the river.


Rethusra gets you to buy her another round and then cheerfully says, "Oh, aye. I remember that. He took it the same day. Teleporting's the same as cheating, and I wish I knew how. There wasn't a return letter, but Neldor did say that he left the guy packing for a trip." She shrugs. "Sorry I can't be more specific; Neldor's good at keeping secrets."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 12 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 23:55
  • msg #28

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek smile at Krackor's comment.

"Dwarven plate... Yes I am sure that would fit me just right would it not?" he answers back with a smile while looking up and down at himself.

Torverk continues politely but more seriously "But I am still unsure about this setup.  Suppose I came here dishonestly and claimed that I am on a mission from Lady Alustriel seeking, let say, a powerful staff that is needed to reinforce the Mythal of Silverymoon.  Then if we'd find a powerful staff, you would give it to me.  Instead, if I come here honestly and tell you that after spending the last ten years studying at the College of Thaumaturgy and serving with the Spellguards, I decided that it was time for me to explore and experience the rest of the world.  Then if we were to find a powerful staff, it would become company property and I would get no share of it.

"I understand that your goal is for the greater good.  And I also understand that it has worked for you so far.  But if you allow me, a system that risks rewarding dishonesty more than honesty is, shall we say, sub-optimal."

"I doubt I will change your mind tonight.  For now, I have met a group of adventurers who seems with whom I have a lot of common ground and similar goals.  Corym, can I borrow a copy of your charter for bedtime reading and this estimate of a share?  I'll give my answer in the morning.  Right now, believe it's my round.

On this Torvek orders a round of drink.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 133 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 01:32
  • msg #29

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I think you would find that your staff issue would only be an issue if you believe that the company would leave the staff rotting in a backpack rather than providing it to you to use in your time in the company. The way I see it working is that the company has a long standing goal, and to achieve its goals it occasionally includes skilled participants such as yourself in its travels. Fortunately, the company has acquired a number of powerful magical items which may be called upon during your time here, and if you were to ever leave the company you would return them." explains Tarron.

"However, as you continue to provide your services, your service is rewarded by being provided a share of the wealth. This wealth can in turn be used to purchase company property to be able to take it with you when you leave. There only ever becomes an issue in the event that an item is contested by others, and in your case you are correct in stating that if somebody has a particular claim that appears stronger, the company may feel more inclined to sell the item to that person."

"It's an imperfect system, but I see a lot of merit in it."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2565 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 16:25
  • msg #30

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"I understand that your goal is for the greater good.  And I also understand that it has worked for you so far.  But if you allow me, a system that risks rewarding dishonesty more than honesty is, shall we say, sub-optimal."

"I doubt I will change your mind tonight.  For now, I have met a group of adventurers who seems with whom I have a lot of common ground and similar goals.  Corym, can I borrow a copy of your charter for bedtime reading and this estimate of a share?  I'll give my answer in the morning.  Right now, believe it's my round.

On this Torvek orders a round of drink.

Corym returns with drinks for himself, Kali, and Kora.  "The goals and values are the main thing. Mutual consent, mutual understanding. If we take our measure and take you in, and you know what that means--it tends to work itself out."

"That Mythal in Silverymoon, though, I'd be happy to talk you out of patching or strengthening it.  In my research, I haven't found a city yet where its worked out.  It produces comfort, well enough. But that comfort leads to lethargy, and within a few generations no one aspires high enough to even be able to grasp the workings of the thing. In the meantime the forces without have their ambitions heightened and staying firmly in touch with the practical realities of the world soon come to overwhelm what the ancestors had wrought. Over reliance on magic is the common theme is the destruction of every ancient society. Including our own."

Corym Ildroun
player, 2566 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 16:35
  • msg #31

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Link to the charter: link to a message in this game
Torvek Ragdar
player, 13 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 23:28
  • msg #32

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
"That Mythal in Silverymoon, though, I'd be happy to talk you out of patching or strengthening it.  In my research, I haven't found a city yet where its worked out.  It produces comfort, well enough. But that comfort leads to lethargy, and within a few generations no one aspires high enough to even be able to grasp the workings of the thing. In the meantime the forces without have their ambitions heightened and staying firmly in touch with the practical realities of the world soon come to overwhelm what the ancestors had wrought. Over reliance on magic is the common theme is the destruction of every ancient society. Including our own."</Royalred>

"You may have misunderstood me, I am not an any official mission to find ways to strengthen Silverymoon's Mythal. I do not want to claim what I am not. I was using this as an example.  That said, I am attached and owe a lot to the city and if I find something that I believe would be important for Silverymoon, then this might trigger a calling in me that I will need act upon."
Kali Xilrora
player, 78 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 18:48
  • msg #33

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali nodded in quiet thanks to Corym and took a sip of her drink. Upon hearing the discussion about the charter and how it works, Kali smiled at Kora.

"I've never been happier to by unaligned and unaffiliated. They are making this sound so much more arduous than it should be." She sighed. "However, it's better to hammer out the terms and conditions at the beginning of a partnership to save your throat being slit later when a resolution can not be found. Cheers."
GM, 3501 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #34

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


You've spent much of the past two months catching up on your correspondence. This has been either a very good, or very bad, time to be away from Cormyr. The Crusade that Azoun led east against the invading Tuigan resulted in victory the previous year, but it's only now as everyone has been trickling back in that the cost has become clear.

Most of the nobles who left with the army, including many of your friends, are dead. They were concentrated heavily in the Crusade's cavalry, as befit men and women wealthy enough to have been owning and riding horses their entire lives. Unfortunately, the cavalry was drawn into a Tuigan ambush early in the campaign and slaughtered almost to the last. The shockwaves at the loss of so many of the current generation's best and brightest are still spreading through Cormyr's upper society.

On the one hand, you're sure there's all sorts of wheeling and dealing happening amongst the grief, as everyone tries to figure out what the new status quo will be. That means plenty of coin available for someone fast and clever to make.

On the other hand, that's a lot of memorials you don't have to attend.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1727 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #35

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kali Xilrora (msg # 33):

Cheers Kali.  I'm so glad you are on my, I mean our side.!

He looks at Torvek and says Cheers for the Drink.  Who's up for a bit of singing?  I know some of you have wonderful voices, even if the singing voice is a little too high pitched, yes Corym I'm looking at you.  He can't control himself, he bursts out laughing.  It is a sight that the newcomers had probably never seen or heard before, not only a Dwarf but a Dwarven Priest of a Guardian Diety.

Unbeknown to those who hadn't been there since the Dragon, Krackor was Always on Duty and knew where every person, every tankard and every weapon was in that Tavern Room, even the sword and axe behind the bar which moved every time anyone leaned heavily against it.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:45, Fri 15 July 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 14 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #36

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek raises his tankard to the dwarf.

"Let's hear it then!  I'll have to warn you my ears are finely attuned to the great miners song of Mirabar.  You will have to give it all your heart to measure to the best Northern Dwarves!"
Kali Xilrora
player, 80 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 14:01
  • msg #37

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


On the one hand, you're sure there's all sorts of wheeling and dealing happening amongst the grief, as everyone tries to figure out what the new status quo will be. That means plenty of coin available for someone fast and clever to make.

On the other hand, that's a lot of memorials you don't have to attend.

Kali raised her glass to recognize Krackor's compliment. Her smile was kind, but did not reach her eyes and faded rather quickly. She couldn't deny that she wasn't in the right mindset for playful banter. She sighed slightly as her mind kept drifting to the letter she received earlier that day.

More tragic news about those who had left on campaign, but also an interesting business opportunity that she would have to make a play on before heading out on the next adventure. She knew that her options were limited so far from the city, but she also knew that being home would be mentally painful and physically draining.

She continued to drink as she politely listened to the others while absentmindedly shuffling her deck of cards.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1730 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 08:50
  • msg #38

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Torvek raises his tankard to the dwarf.

"Let's hear it then!  I'll have to warn you my ears are finely attuned to the great miners song of Mirabar.  You will have to give it all your heart to measure to the best Northern Dwarves!"

Krackor gives his best reduction of a Caravan Song he picked up on his first trip that got him to Berdusk before he met Corym and Elorfindar. After all, they were to take a journey themselves once more.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 17 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 21:42
  • msg #39

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The next morning, Torvek comes to talk to the company.

“I read the charter and I think this is a fair contract. If we work together for a time and it came to a point where I needed to leave, the charter provides clauses that would make that possible fairly.  The reason could be as simple as due to the fact that I’ll probably get old sooner than most of you. The clause to purchase important items from the company is also good. So here is my signature and gems for my share.

GM, 3503 posts
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 05:38
  • msg #40

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Setting Out

With Kora's apprenticeship celebration done, your bags packed, and spells traded between Torvek and the various Art-using folks in the company, you get one more good night's rest in Ashabenford and then set out onto the road again. It's a glorious summer day, and with Krackor riding a horse conjured for him by Torvek, the group makes rapid pace across the plains.

Summer is a lovely time to visit Oakengrove Abbey. The trees are all in full leaf, the glorious green of an ancient grove in excellent health. Its caretakers are in finer spirits as well, tending the trees and undergrowth in short sleeves, their old arms wrinkled by both age and sun.

Oakfather Gannon Durei meets with you as soon as you make yourselves known at the gate. At first he tries (again) to recruit you to adventure in the temple's service, but when you decline, he agrees to store your material in the temple. It costs 50 gold a year, but he promises that it will be buried somewhere in the vast abbey and hidden from all save Silvanus's priests.

Your business concluded, you retrace your steps to Ashabenford, restock your supplies, and march out to the east. The road is busy (for Dalelands standards of busy), and a sudden thunderstorm drenches you for a bell one afternoon, but otherwise your journey is uneventful all the way to the Standing Stone and a full day south.

Almareth leads the way, Solonor's champion extremely familiar with this stretch of forest. Though his patrols usually take him through the forest and not along the road, he knows exactly where all the rough patches are, and guides you through them.

Midmorning, however, Almareth pauses. He can't say precisely what is wrong, but he knows something's changed. Holding up his hand, he brings the rest of the group to a halt, eyes searching outward just as the ground erupts. Four ankhegs leap from the ground on either side of the trail, where they had been waiting for someone to wander through. Their mandibles wave eagerly as they surge towards you.

((ooc: As is traditional, I'm following a new character introduction with a battle, to walk everyone through the process when it's less life-or-death. The format for combat posts is pinned, but I've also included it here.

Format for combat posts:
<orange>((ooc: [Describe Actions Here]
Initiative: [Initiative Roll]
Weapon speed: [Weapons Speed/Casting Time and Modifiers]
Modified THAC0: [From combat sheet, show situational modifiers separately]
Attack: [Attack Roll]
Damage: [Damage Roll + Modifiers]))</orange>

Everyone please roll initiative and declare actions!))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2573 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 12:59
  • msg #41

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: [Corym is going to cast Evard's Black Tentacles on the area occupied by the two to the North East.  8 Tentacles are created.]
Initiative: [Casting Time is 1 Round]

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 553 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 13:07
  • msg #42

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

(( I think we've been doing the Strength Spell incorrectly.  Casting time says one turn.  I had been reading that as "one round," but I noticed the difference in nomenclature when Corym was casting Evard's Black tentacles.  Since it lasts for eight hours, I think I'll just start casting it right before we set out for the day.  I rolled for it in the dice roller, and picked up an 8--so I'm currently at 18/10 strength.

ooc: Cast Mirror Image, draw swords, move towards the one closest to me
Initiative: 9
Casting Time: 2
Four images are created))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1732 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 14:29
  • msg #43

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 40):

With little that can surprise him when he is on Guard Duty as he was right now, he heard the Ankhegs erupting from the ground and turned to face the nearest, crossbow that had been across his lap now pointed at the creature intent on attacking them.

Krackor knew that the monsters loved Horse Meat but conjured or not, the magically created creatures may have come from somewhere else and the group needed them.  He needed them.  So his pointed and fired.

((ooc:  Krackor will Fire his Crossbow at the Ankheg to the South.
Initiative: 6 - 1 reaction = 5 [Dec Reaction is supposed to be fore Initiatives too but can't recall if did that here (it's been Ages since we had a battle]
Weapon speed: 7 - 2 = 5
Total: 10
Modified THAC0: 16 - 3 (non-Proficient) = 19
Attack: 17 + 1 (Dex) +2 (Magic) 20 (AC -1)
Damage: 1 + 2 (Magic) = 3hp))

Torvek Ragdar
player, 20 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 09:01
  • msg #44

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek sees the ankhegs appears and quickly spring to action.  I'll try to freeze a few of them he says.

Cast Hypnotic Pattern. Casting time: 2 30' cube.  Can I catch all 4 ankhegs in that area? If not, place the area to catch as many as possible
Initiative: 2
Casting Time: 2
Total: 4

09:50, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 2 using 1d10-1.  Initiative.

Almareth Siannodel
player, 16 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 09:45
  • msg #45

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: [Almareth draws his blades and waits until an ankheg comes into melee with him and will strike with both swords at it.]
Initiative: [18]
Weapon speed: [Longsword (1) 5 and Shortsword (2) 3]
Total: 23 and 21 respectively
Modified THAC0: [13 for both]
Attack: [11 for longsword and 10 for shortsword]
Damage: [2 for longsword and 6 for shortsword]))

GM, 3506 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 00:32
  • msg #46

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 1

Kitheras waves a hand and the air around him blurs. When it settles, there are a mass of Kitherases, all looking steely-eyed at the rushing ankhegs. On the other side of the marching line, Corym focuses on the two ankhegs ahead of them, and begins a long, involved chant.

Kora retreats to put herself beside Torvek. Though she's left her two-handed sword behind, until the reflexes of a wizard have had time to take hold, she does have a staff, and looks entirely ready to defend the other wizard. He nods to her once and finishes a quick enchantment. The air around the forward two ankhegs roils and shimmers in a dizzying array of colors. Both of the giant insects freeze, staring into it blankly.

On the left side of the group, Kali charges the ankheg closest to her. She's intent on keeping it off the squishier members of the group. She reaches it as it is pulling itself free from its burrowed concealment, and slams it repeatedly with both of her scimitars. The ankheg hisses in pain and lashes out at her with its mandibles, but she pirouettes away.

Krackor plinks the final ankheg with a crossbow bolt as it rushes towards him. His conjured horse skitters uncomfortably, and he's unable to dodge as the creature's massive mandibles latch onto his waist and begin to squeeze. ((ooc: Krackor, take 13 damage, 3 of which is acid damage.))

Corym finishes his spell, and a seeming forest of black tentacles erupt from the ground around the two ankhegs in the front. Four attack each one. Two bounce off the first ankheg's hard chitin and vanish, but the other two wrap around and begin to squeeze. The other is even unluckier: only one of the tentacles doesn't manage to find a purchase. The two ankheg shake off the effect of the hypnotic pattern, and now are hissing and thrashing in the grip of the tentacles. Almareth looks on, neither of them having moved close enough for him to attack.

((ooc: Round 1 is over. Kali and I did the dice rolling live; she'll be posting formally later today. Actions and initiative for Round 2, please!))

Kali Xilrora
player, 81 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 02:12
  • msg #47

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Kali runs to attack the one to the North West)
Initiative: 4
Weapon speed: 3
Modified THAC0: 7/8
Attack #1: 5
Damage: [3 + 6= 9]
Attack #2: 16
Damage: 7 + 6 = 13
Attack #3 (off-hand): 10
Damage: 5 + 5 = 10))

Kali’s eyes flashed dangerously as she quickly surveyed the battlefield. Everyone around her was focusing their spells on the two in front of the party and so she was not directly needed. Not yet, at least. She glanced over and noted that Kora was flanked by Corym and Krackor, meaning that the fledgling mage was not an immediate concern.

However, in looking over at the final creature, she saw that Kitheras was directly in harms way with no one to easily assist. She dashed over and put herself in between the ankheg and Kitheras.

Kali almost felt relieved as her swords sunk into the creature’s scaly hide and was very pleased with the ichor that gushed from its wounds. She was especially thankful that her Sword of Scolding was going to be directed at the monster, rather than herself. With the last successful hit, the Sword of Scolding’s magically enhanced voice bellowed to the ankheg.

”Come, come, you froward and unable worms!”
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 554 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 05:25
  • msg #48

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras advances to support Kali and unleashes a flurry of sword strikes towards the underbelly of the beast.

Initiative: 6 (+3 Dex) = 3
Weapon speed: 2
Modified THAC0: 8
Attack #1: 6
Damage: 12
Attack #2: 5
Damage: 12
Attack #3 (off-hand): 7
Damage: 11

Corym Ildroun
player, 2575 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 05:36
  • msg #49

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Seeing Krackor alone facing a monster with a Crossbow, he weaves a spell to remove it from the equation... temporarily. Blacksphere.

Initiative: 3 +2 = 1
Casting Time: 4
Total: 5
Damage: 11
Save vs Spells: If fail, the Ankheg is entrapped within a 10' Sphere of Force. If the save succeeds, the Ankheg is blown out of the sphere, but still takes the full damage.

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1739 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 15:16
  • msg #50

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
Save vs Spells: If fail, the Ankheg is entrapped within a 10' Sphere of Force. If the save succeeds, the Ankheg is blown out of the sphere, but still takes the full damage.</Orange>

((ooc:  This is brilliant but with Krackor clamped in the mandibles, anything that affects the Ankheg by "Entrapped within a 10' Sphere" or "blown out of the sphere", will no doubt affect the Dwarf too))

Krackor could see how this was going, held in place also meant he had a clean shot and so used his Devine Blessings, "Old Fire Eye, see through mine as your servant, trapped, unable to defend, lend me your fire so I can protect once more" And thus, molten fire was released from his un-visored eyes straight into the face of the Angheg.

<orange>((ooc: Not sure what bonus you want to give as Krackor really can't miss (barn door)
THAC0 = 16 - Shoots 2 Rays for 8 rounds, can be trained on more than one target.

16:13, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 3 using 2d8.
16:13, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 9 using 2d8.  Damage: Fire Eyes.

16:12, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 19 using 1d20.
16:12, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 7 using 1d20.  Attack: Fire Eyes.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2576 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 15:19
  • msg #51

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

I didn't take from the description that you were grappled. DM?
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1740 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 18:53
  • msg #52

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 1

Krackor plinks the final ankheg with a crossbow bolt as it rushes towards him. His conjured horse skitters uncomfortably, and he's unable to dodge as the creature's massive mandibles latch onto his waist and begin to squeeze. ((ooc: Krackor, take 13 damage, 3 of which is acid damage.))

((ooc:  This ^^^^ Pink highlighted bit))

DM, 'Held' or just 'Nipped'?

This message was last edited by the player at 18:59, Thu 21 July 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 26 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 22:46
  • msg #53

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
I didn't take from the description that you were grappled. DM?

DM, while you are at it, any chance Torvek could fire a lightning bolt at the ankheg without hitting Krackor (I assume not but checking in case the larger beast gives me a target)
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 134 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #54

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Initiative: 9
Weapon speed: 2
Modified THAC0: 6
Attack #1: 18 (AC -12)
Damage: [10 + 8 = 18]
Attack #2: 10 (AC-4)
Damage: 6 + 8 = 14

09:38, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 14 using 1d12+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1658453934.99607.359800]
09:38, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 18 using 1d12+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1658453930.44463.359800]
09:36, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 10 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1658453780.9781.359800]
09:36, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 18 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1658453776.46736.359800]
09:33, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative. – [roll=1658453630.62531.359800]

Tarron, who had clearly been stunned by the initial attack, sprung into action as he leapt towards the closest enemy. He joined Almareth, but advanced closer to the Ankheg to have an immediate effect.
GM, 3507 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #55

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Krackor, you are not grappled. I will let you know explicitly if something like that happens.

Torvek, we're loosened the rules around wizards and moving while spellcasting. You can move half your speed (which is 60') and cast a spell. So yes, you can maneuver so you can hit the ankheg broadside with a lightning bolt without hitting Krackor.))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1742 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 16:01
  • msg #56

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tidied Up for ease

Krackor is p'd off that he missed the Ankhegs, so blazes them with his Fire Eyes spell.

((ooc:  Krackor casts Fire Eyes at Ankheg attacking him.
Initiative: 7
Spell speed: 7
Total: 14
Modified THAC0: 16
Attack: Ray 1 = 7 + 1 = 8 (AC 8)
Damage: Ray 1 = 3
Attack: Ray 2 = 19 + 1 = 20 (AC -4)
Damage: Ray 2 = 9))

This message was last edited by the player at 16:12, Fri 22 July 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 27 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 16:55
  • msg #57

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC:  Is there a scale for what is 30' in the map?

With two ankhegs busy fighting tentacles, Torvek decide to help the injured dwarf.  He moves sideway to get a good line of side and unleash a lightning bolt

Action: cast Lightning Bolt
Initiative: 2
Casting Time: 3
Total: 5
Damage: 28

17:54, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 28 using 9d6.  Lightning Bolt damage.
22:31, Yesterday: Torvek Ragdar rolled 2 using 1d10-1.  Initiative.

GM, 3508 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #58

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Ankheg Battle, Conclusion

Torvek and Corym both turn their focus on the southern ankheg attacking Krackor. Corym tosses a piece of onyx into the air, and a burst of black light erupts just behind the ankheg. It manages to twist aside, only for the rapidly-expanding sphere of force to throw it into the air. It flies directly through Torvek's bolt of lightning and lands in a charred heap.

On their other side, Kitheras charges to Kali's aid, and together they eviscerate the already-wounded ankheg. And to the front of the group, Tarron and Almareth advance on the two ankhegs that were entrapped by the black tentacles. The giant insects are being relentlessly crushed, their shells breaking and limbs twisting, while being waved around in the air like signs at a riot. The two elves put the creatures out of their misery with a couple of precise thrusts. The black tentacles continue to wave and crush the corpses.

((ooc: Well, that's one combat encounter completely shredded. My poor, beautiful ankhegs...

Torvek, the maps don't have precise measurements. This game leans more towards theater of the mind, but that's really hard on a message board without at least some visual reference. Each of the character portraits is 5 feet, and I can give distance estimates if asked. But it's not something we obsessively stress over.))

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 555 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #59

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Well done everyone!

"Almareth--let's see how many of their plates can be salvaged.  A good armorer can make a fine suit of mail from them.  I'm told the faithful of Silvanus prize such suits. They also have a gland of acid near their mouths.  If they can be removed intact they're useful for creating traps or making our way through rusted locks and hinges."

"Corym and Kali--check the tunnels to see if they've dropped anything valuable along the way."

"Krackor--can you see to setting a perimeter while we go about our work?"

GM, 3509 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 19:55
  • msg #60

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Of the four ankhegs, only the one killed by Kali and Kitheras might have shells still in usable condition. Almareth or Kitheras, roll 1d20; on 11 or better, you can harvest enough shells to make one set of armor.

All of them still have their enzyme sacks. Each one requires a Survival check to extract successfully. On a failure, you take 1d4 damage. I assume Corym lets the two doing the rave dance down?

Corym and/or Kali, roll Survival or something equivalent (Intelligence if you don't have anything) to see if you can find any burrows.))

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 555 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #61

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Of the four ankhegs, only the one killed by Kali and Kitheras might have shells still in usable condition. Almareth or Kitheras, roll 1d20; on 11 or better, you can harvest enough shells to make one set of armor.

All of them still have their enzyme sacks. Each one requires a Survival check to extract successfully. On a failure, you take 1d4 damage. I assume Corym lets the two doing the rave dance down?

Corym and/or Kali, roll Survival or something equivalent (Intelligence if you don't have anything) to see if you can find any burrows.))

Shells acquired: 15:03, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 19 using 1d20.

Given his priestliness, I get the feeling that Almareth's survival is better than mine.  I'll sing him a bard song to give him a +1 to the roll.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 20:05, Fri 22 July 2022.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2578 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #62

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Of the four ankhegs, only the one killed by Kali and Kitheras might have shells still in usable condition. Almareth or Kitheras, roll 1d20; on 11 or better, you can harvest enough shells to make one set of armor.

All of them still have their enzyme sacks. Each one requires a Survival check to extract successfully. On a failure, you take 1d4 damage. I assume Corym lets the two doing the rave dance down?

Corym and/or Kali, roll Survival or something equivalent (Intelligence if you don't have anything) to see if you can find any burrows.))

Got it! 15:05, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 5 using 1d20.  Intelligence check (17).
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1743 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 21:36
  • msg #63

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Of the four ankhegs, only the one killed by Kali and Kitheras might have shells still in usable condition. Almareth or Kitheras, roll 1d20; on 11 or better, you can harvest enough shells to make one set of armor.

((ooc:  Would this be for Human/Elven sized people or enough smaller bits for a Krackor sized person as well?  Krackor is an Armourer and Weaponsmith of passable skill; Kitheras and Corym know this.
GM, 3510 posts
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 02:56
  • msg #64

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Ankheg Corpse

With several sharp knives and a lot of cursing, the two rangers manage to separate the toughest, and most segmented, parts of the ankheg's hide. Fortunately, both Kali and Kitheras were precise in their strikes and a minimum of the hide is damaged. The end result weighs close to sixty pounds, but you're confident that a skilled armorer has the raw materials to make a suit of armor.

((ooc: The armor can be sized to fit whoever you like. It's an exotic material and therefore more complex than working with iron or steel, so there would be a penalty to the proficiency check.))

Ankheg Tunnels

Two of the areas that the ankhegs emerged from have collapsed beneath their weight and thrashing, but Corym is able to find a third that is still mostly open. The ankheg left behind it a passage roughly six feet in diameter that angles down into the dirt, twisting to and fro. You descend a bit, letting your eyes shift into the heat spectrum, but the tunnel isn't shored up by anything save the tree roots so you don't want to go too far.

You do find what's left of some traveler. The ankheg's acid has eaten away everything organic, leaving behind little more than buttons and buckles, and a small pile of silver coins.

((ooc: You find 220 sp, which you can take if you wish.))
Almareth Siannodel
player, 17 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 03:28
  • msg #65

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth gets to work on the enzyme sacks. He manages to get the first one, but on the second he damaged himself by accidentally cutting it open, but no quitter, Almareth manages to get the other two as well.

22:23, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 3 using 1d4.  failure.

22:22, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 9 using 1d20-1.  Ankheg enzyme sack.

22:22, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 1 using 1d20-1.  Ankheg enzyme sack.

22:22, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 12 using 1d20-1.  Ankheg enzyme sack.

22:20, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 2 using 1d20-1.  For collecting ankheg enzyme sacs

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 135 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 03:45
  • msg #66

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron helped where he could. His blade skills were evident and his skill at skinning and foraging from dead animals was also clearly present. He wasn't a professional by any means, but he had technique.

"It's been a long time since I've been accosted by these. They can be deadly to initiates, but easy to deal with if you're experienced." he says. It's about the most he's said in a long time.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1744 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 10:59
  • msg #67

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 64):

Krackor looks over the chitinous shells from his Armourer perspective to ensure only the useful parts are collected, he hasn't practiced with making armour in a while and that has been mostly fixing or Dwarven sizes, so he suggests a few smaller pieces too which although may not be full armour bits, they may be worth for patching up. ((ooc:  this reflects missing by 2 points but not making it, just checking for use))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 556 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 04:37
  • msg #68

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"We can see what you can make of it Krackor. For now, let's get back on the road.  We'll rehearse the battle signals--visual and audible."  The ranger whistles a bird song and gives the accompanying gesture to move forward.
GM, 3511 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #69

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Ankheg Wrap-Up

Almareth is able to extract three of the ankheg enzyme sacks. Figuring out how to safely travel with them is a bit difficult, but eventually a way is found.

((ooc: Each sack is effectively a vial of acid. Someone should add them to your character sheet. They won't last indefinitely, but they'll at least last you through the start of your time in Myth Drannor.))

The ankheg hide, though it will eventually become light and tough armor, is heavy and bulky fresh from the creature. But Krackor's sure that there's enough material for a single suit of armor.

((ooc: The hide weighs 60 pounds and is rather bulky. Who's carrying it?))

Corym glances around in the ankheg tunnel, evaluating options.

((ooc: Doing anything else down here?))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2579 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 15:08
  • msg #70

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym glances around in the ankheg tunnel, evaluating options.

((ooc: Doing anything else down here?))

Pick up the 200 SP and flip on Mage Sight to see if the buckles or buttons are magic.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Mon 25 July 2022.
GM, 3512 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 15:20
  • msg #71

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

They are normal buckles and buttons.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2580 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 15:22
  • msg #72

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Back out on the surface.
GM, 3513 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #73

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym emerges just as the rest of the group finishes with the ankheg corpses.

((ooc: Where to now? And who is carrying the various ankheg parts?))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 557 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #74

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tie them in a bundle and strap them to a Mount. On to Essembra. Essembra has armorers, or else we can have them shipped to Glen from there.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 28 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 21:06
  • msg #75

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek keeps careful watch while Corym is in the tunnels.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1745 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 22:58
  • msg #76

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor was more than happy to use the mount rather than walk like they had before and was happy to keep watch over the Ankheg Shell bits.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2581 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 00:14
  • msg #77

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((OOC: I'm assuming that we were all riding Mount spells--otherwise, we're holding Krackor back now.  Fair enough?))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2582 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #78

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym will prepare a mount for Krackor each day.  There's no benefit in mounting everyone.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 29 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #79

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

As the company prepares to move on, Torvek asks: "How far did you say our destination is again?"
GM, 3514 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #80

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Travel through Eleasias 23

With the ankhegs summarily summarily dispatched, it's as though everything else in the forest has retreated and decided to leave you be. Nothing bothers you the rest of that day, or all of the next. And by mid-afternoon on the second day since your fight, you see the first cottages that are the outskirts of Essembra.

Even by the standards of the Dales, Essembra is small and strange. It basically consists of a single row of cottages and small houses that line either side of the road. The trees of the forest crowd close, only occasionally giving a grudging back yard or garden. The road is busy, however. You count almost a dozen caravans, all intently bargaining with Dales farmers for wagonloads of produce and healthy livestock. In the mid-summer boom, a group of adventurers isn't even worth a second glance.

The center of town is marked by little more than a watch post (currently empty) and a small field (currently full of caravan horses and other livestock). There are several open-air stalls selling food and another filled with skeins of wool. It's a happening place, at least by the standards of a farming village.

((ooc: Welcome to Essembra! What would you like to do?))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 558 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #81

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Kali, we're looking for information on the Sable Borne--a Sembian adventuring company that wore a bear emblem. They had one elf in the party--Syndra.  I'd like to know if they had a specific interest in Myth Drannor.  Something that might help us orient ourselves. If there's an inn or tavern it might be a good place to check."

"Krackor--we got our lead from the Blacksmith, but maybe he'll remember a little more if he's talking shop with a fellow craftsman."

"Both of you pick a companion--your choice--to cover you."

"Any other ideas?"

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1747 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 20:29
  • msg #82

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 81):

This was an easy choice for Krackor, he saw Kora as an apprentice and someone special he would look after, after all, he didn't make the her "Mistress Lightbearer" for nothing.  He looked at her with his cheery demeanour and Kora, care to join me and see if they have anything you'd like, maybe a nice dagger that goes well with that sword I gave you from our last trip to Myth Drannor?  He was more tahn hopeful, Kora had joined him many a time and it wasn't as if the place held much in the way of other entertainment, plus, she can be a good distraction when discussing trade with people, he enjoyed watching her twist traders around her little finger.

Guardian Priest and wannabe berserker (Mistress Lightbearer aka Kora) headed to chat the Blacksmith.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 30 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 22:45
  • msg #83

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Being new to the area, Torvek will quietly follow behind the group while trying to listen for rumours and have friendly talk to the local folks.  Torvek  also checks for anyone selling interesting trinkets, just in case something of value was hidden in there.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:09, Sun 31 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1749 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 14:09
  • msg #84

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Being new to the area, Torvek will quietly follow behind the group while trying to listen for rumours and have friendly talk to the local folks.  Tavern also checks for anyone selling interesting trinkets, just in case something of value was hidden in there.

Krackor leaves it open for anyone else to join him. I will be going to the Tavern afterwards, being around a Forge is thirsty work.  I'll see any of you there that have done some checking or there for such a purpose.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 559 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 03:05
  • msg #85

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'll seek out the headman of this town.  Almareth--will you accompany me?"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 32 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 10:15
  • msg #86

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“Kali, should I join you looking for info about the company? Cities and people are things I am used to” says Torvek

Afterward, Torvek will join with Krackor and Tora.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:19, Sun 31 July 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 18 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 10:20
  • msg #87

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Sounds like a place to start, so sure."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 136 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 21:58
  • msg #88

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron joins Kitheras in his explorations. "I'll also join you. Can't let you have all the fun now, can we?"
GM, 3516 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 00:07
  • msg #89

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor and Kora

As in most towns, it's easy to find the local smithy. In this particular case, it's on the western edge of the only large, open space in this forest-enshrouded community. Asking about, apparently the open area is the Battle Court, an agreed-upon marshaling ground for Dale armies. Its relatively confined nature rather speaks to the low population of the Dales.

The smith's name is Durn the Red, and he is a massive, jovial human standing closer to seven feet than to six, with a physique to match. There's a bit of grey in his hair and beard, and more than one faded scare across his gleaming torso, as he works stripped to the waist in the warm summer afternoon. He and two apprentices are currently churning out horseshoes to add to a half-filled bar on one side of the anvil, though you see a sword to two around the smithy as well. When you step inside, he glances up and smiles. "Welcome, Master Dwarf! Always a pleasure to see a friendly face step through the door." He shoots Kora a wink; the young woman is staring at the muscled smith with wide eyes.

Kitheras, Tarron, Almareth

After some asking around, you eventually find the leader of Essembra, War Chancellor Ilmeth, at the Hitching Post, Essembra's main tack and wagon supply store. He's deep in conversation with the proprietor about the minutiae of road conditions along Rauthauvyr's Ride, and turns to you with a frown. "Yes? What is it?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 559 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #90

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras, Tarron, Almareth

After some asking around, you eventually find the leader of Essembra, War Chancellor Ilmeth, at the Hitching Post, Essembra's main tack and wagon supply store. He's deep in conversation with the proprietor about the minutiae of road conditions along Rauthauvyr's Ride, and turns to you with a frown. "Yes? What is it?"

Kitheras gives a country bow, and compliments the War Chancellor's settlement.

"War Chancellor, I am Kitheras Sunblade and my companion Tarron Ianfiel--formerly of Evereska.  And this is Almareth Siannodel of Deepingdale who has newly joined our company.  A young maiden from the village of Bristar joined herself to a Sembian band of adventurers and hasn't been heard from since. As far as we can tell they were last seen here before passing on to Myth Drannor, and we wanted to get a better sense of what they might have been hunting there to improve our chances of locating our lost maiden. Did the Sable Borne attract your attention while they passed through?"
This message was last updated by the player at 04:04, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Kali Xilrora
player, 82 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #91

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

An eventful day passed as Kali went about her usual business whenever she arrived at a new place and was in need of information.

As she walked back to the group from an informative, yet slightly off-putting conversation, she paused as she regarded the elves in her party.

“Forgive me, if I were to say to any of you ‘Damned Symbaern,’ how offended are you?”

Kali carefully regards everyone’s reaction to the words.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2584 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 11:49
  • msg #92

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym looked confused.  "Were you called that? That would be an odd sort of insult.  House Symbaern was one of the only noble houses of Myth Drannor to survive the Fall intact.  My understanding is that they are one of the pillars of the army of Evermeet currently.  Do they have some sort of legacy here in Essembra?"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1750 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 14:27
  • msg #93

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 89):

Seeing a jovial person always made Krackor feel at home, especially around a Forge, he had met many a Blacksmith with a dower demeanour and the odd one that smiled at their work, this one however seemed the pillar of happiness within such a small place.  He looked around and nodded appreciatively.

Giving a sign to acknowledge a fellow smith,  the friendly Dwarf introduced himself. Well Met Sir, This is Kora 'Mistress Lightbearer' and I am Krackor Steelfist, Barakor and Lord Protector of the Dreams of the Ancients Exploration Company and The Wardens of Oak Haven.  If I'm not interrupting, we have been quested to locate a missing lady of Bristar.  Have you seen or heard of the human adventuring company known as Sable Borne, there was an Elven lady with them, this lady is whom we have been asked to locate, not retrieve, just locate by concerned family.  Can you assist at all?

Krackor knew that any mounts that came by would have their shoes checked and would tend to visit the Blacksmith for the shoes to be repaired or knew ones purchased and fitted.  He also knew that it was probable that this was the last place to increase any armourment or fix armour.
Kali Xilrora
player, 83 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 14:31
  • msg #94

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
Corym looked confused.  "Were you called that? That would be an odd sort of insult.  House Symbaern was one of the only noble houses of Myth Drannor to survive the Fall intact.  My understanding is that they are one of the pillars of the army of Evermeet currently.  Do they have some sort of legacy here in Essembra?"

Kali shook her head. "No, nothing of the sort, my dear. I've been making inquiries into our missing elf. The phrase was overheard being said by one of her Sembian associates and while it meant nothing to me, it sounded elven. I was hoping that it was more of a clue than the fact that they hate elves.

From what I have gathered, it seems that their group have entered into...less than legal ways of earning revenue. If we are tracking them, we should be prepared for them to be very unhappy to see us. Or at least very eager to relieve us of all of worldly possessions and possibly our lives."

Corym Ildroun
player, 2585 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 15:38
  • msg #95

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali Xilrora:
Corym Ildroun:
Corym looked confused.  "Were you called that? That would be an odd sort of insult.  House Symbaern was one of the only noble houses of Myth Drannor to survive the Fall intact.  My understanding is that they are one of the pillars of the army of Evermeet currently.  Do they have some sort of legacy here in Essembra?"

Kali shook her head. "No, nothing of the sort, my dear. I've been making inquiries into our missing elf. The phrase was overheard being said by one of her Sembian associates and while it meant nothing to me, it sounded elven. I was hoping that it was more of a clue than the fact that they hate elves.

From what I have gathered, it seems that their group have entered into...less than legal ways of earning revenue. If we are tracking them, we should be prepared for them to be very unhappy to see us. Or at least very eager to relieve us of all of worldly possessions and possibly our lives."

“I would surmise that some member of the Symbaern family had provided some obstacle to their endeavors. Either that or they were a partner (perhaps in the retrieval of family heirlooms) who was behaving in an adverse way. Almere th is local—he would know better the disposition of any local Symbaerns.”
Kali Xilrora
player, 84 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #96

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
“I would surmise that some member of the Symbaern family had provided some obstacle to their endeavors. Either that or they were a partner (perhaps in the retrieval of family heirlooms) who was behaving in an adverse way. Almere th is local—he would know better the disposition of any local Symbaerns.”

"Then that's where I'm off to. If one of you elves would be willing to join me, I would greatly appreciate it. I am resourceful, but my elven knowledge is lacking to say the least. Not to mention that it's highly embarrassing to have to stop a conversation to ask for a definition or take notes. Also, one of you might catch something I miss. Anyone game?"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2586 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #97

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali Xilrora:
Corym Ildroun:
“I would surmise that some member of the Symbaern family had provided some obstacle to their endeavors. Either that or they were a partner (perhaps in the retrieval of family heirlooms) who was behaving in an adverse way. Almere th is local—he would know better the disposition of any local Symbaerns.”

"Then that's where I'm off to. If one of you elves would be willing to join me, I would greatly appreciate it. I am resourceful, but my elven knowledge is lacking to say the least. Not to mention that it's highly embarrassing to have to stop a conversation to ask for a definition or take notes. Also, one of you might catch something I miss. Anyone game?"

“I’ll accompany.”
GM, 3517 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #98

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras, Tarron, Almareth

Ilmeth snorts derisively. "They were Sembians and they were moving out of my dale. Why should I give the least thought to such as them. They weren't going to do anything for this dale. Nor will you, by your looks." He turns back to the man he had been talking to.


"Oh, aye, I remember them," Durn says. Waving his apprentices back to work, he steps over to a water bucket and takes a long drink from a dipper. "Adventurers out of Sembia. They've been wandering through a couple of times a year for the last decade. Their leader, Manthar, would come over and make heart eyes at my blades."

Durn reaches up into the rafters and pulls out a massive two handed sword. Its blade gleams with oil in the sunlight coming through the door. Without looking, he swings it one handed towards a wooden post with a helmet atop it set up beside the forge. The sword sails over the head of one of his apprentices (who doesn't even flinch), and cleanly cuts the post just below the helmet, which goes flying out the door. Grinning, Durn puts the sword back up in the rafters.

"He must have been doing well for himself, because two years ago he came and paid me to make one of his own. He picked it up last autumn. Why're you asking about him?" I haven't seen him since then.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 33 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 03:01
  • msg #99

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
Kali Xilrora:
Corym Ildroun:
“I would surmise that some member of the Symbaern family had provided some obstacle to their endeavors. Either that or they were a partner (perhaps in the retrieval of family heirlooms) who was behaving in an adverse way. Almere th is local—he would know better the disposition of any local Symbaerns.”

"Then that's where I'm off to. If one of you elves would be willing to join me, I would greatly appreciate it. I am resourceful, but my elven knowledge is lacking to say the least. Not to mention that it's highly embarrassing to have to stop a conversation to ask for a definition or take notes. Also, one of you might catch something I miss. Anyone game?"

“I’ll accompany.”

"If I can be of use, I'll also come along" offers Torvek.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:02, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 560 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 04:09
  • msg #100

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras, Tarron, Almareth

Ilmeth snorts derisively. "They were Sembians and they were moving out of my dale. Why should I give the least thought to such as them. They weren't going to do anything for this dale. Nor will you, by your looks." He turns back to the man he had been talking to.

Kitheras is momentarily taken aback at being so summarily dismissed. "As I said, we're looking to do something for the family of the maiden in question. We're certainly not averse to benefiting your Dale if doing so would make you more amenable to remembering with greater accuracy the passing of the Sembians. It's frequently a concern of a local lord to mark the comings and goings of heavily armed foreign bands--or so I've heard."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2587 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #101

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym draws Almareth aside from the conversation with the War Chancellor.  "Almareth--do you know of any members of house Symbaern in the area?"
GM, 3518 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #102

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Don't play games with me," Ilmeth snarls. "You adventurers, you're all alike. All posturing and preening and sure of your own importance. And then you swan on your way and leave honest folk to clean up your mess.

"No, I will not be bribed. No, I don't care what Sembians who are stupid enough to plunge into the heart of the Elven Woods get up to before they die. It just means there's fewer for me to worry about. Now go off and find your own way to die and let us figure out how to survive."

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 561 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 04:43
  • msg #103

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"We'll be on our way as soon as we can.  Sorry to trouble you."  Kitheras bows and leaves, motioning for the others to join him.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1751 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 14:54
  • msg #104

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


"Oh, aye, I remember them," Durn says. Waving his apprentices back to work, he steps over to a water bucket and takes a long drink from a dipper. "Adventurers out of Sembia. They've been wandering through a couple of times a year for the last decade. Their leader, Manthar, would come over and make heart eyes at my blades."

"He must have been doing well for himself, because two years ago he came and paid me to make one of his own. He picked it up last autumn. Why're you asking about him?" I haven't seen him since then.

The way a two-handed sword was swung one handed was indeed impressive and by the looks of the apprentices, this was a common occurrence, showing off or just demonstrating, it made as clean a point as the cut it made.  Glancing at Kora as the blade was put away, he could see that she desired that sword, she had wanted once ever since, well, forever from what he gathered during her training, she had said she wanted one back then, that was before her proper training as a Wizard but he was sure she'd want one herself.

This is great news, thank you.  My reason is as I said as I made my introduction, it's the Elven maiden that we are more interested in.  Did this 'Manther' give any indication of what he was looking for in Myth Drannor?  He looked once more at Kora and then the Blacksmith, her gaze was no doubt flitting between where he had put his sword and the blacksmith himself, occasionally back to Krackor almost expectantly.

Mistress Lightbearer, not yet but soon.  He felt this was all that was needed to be said then followed it up with How much for a sword such as yours for the lady?  She has aspirations of wielding such a blade but her training currently is in a different direction.  So he listened and took in all that was said, ready to return to the Tavern.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 14:54, Wed 03 Aug 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1752 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #105

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Krackor Steelfist (msg # 104):

Then a thought came to him, what if the group had been followed and accosted them between here and the ruined city!  Asking the Blacksmith I don't suppose anyone else has been looking for these same people since you last saw them have you?

It was a long shot but what if the Zhents were after them or bandits!!
This message was last edited by the player at 14:18, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 19 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 08:37
  • msg #106

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"House Symbaern, well I know a little about them, ancient mid ranked noble family, after the fall they lived in the Elven Court, which us in Bristar aren't in contact with much. During the early days of the retreat however, I heard at least most of them have left to Evermeet, so there isn't any organized house presence in the area anymore, though there may be a few adventurers related to them in the area. I've heard that the Elven Court is pretty empty these days overall."

When Kitheras is done talking to Ilmeth, and they are out of Ilmeth's earshot he says to him "I forgot to warn you, but he's infamous for being like that to about anyone not of Battledale. He is a dedicated defender of Battledale, he just has no tact."
This message was last edited by the player at 08:44, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
GM, 3519 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 05:04
  • msg #107

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kora flushes. "Ihaveonethanksbutthesearereallynice." The words all come out in a rush, her eyes blinking rapidly as she follows the sword being put back in the rafters and the arm that effortlessly decapitated the post.

"Might have seen her once," Durn scratches his chin. He shoots Kora a grin, but keeps his focus mainly on Krackor. "She was an archer, had one of those massive elven bows and didn't much need a weapon like mine. I haven't seen them since, and you're the first to come asking about them, so I don't know how much I can help you. Did they get into trouble?"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1753 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 13:58
  • msg #108

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kora flushes. "Ihaveonethanksbutthesearereallynice." The words all come out in a rush, her eyes blinking rapidly as she follows the sword being put back in the rafters and the arm that effortlessly decapitated the post.

"Might have seen her once," Durn scratches his chin. He shoots Kora a grin, but keeps his focus mainly on Krackor. "She was an archer, had one of those massive elven bows and didn't much need a weapon like mine. I haven't seen them since, and you're the first to come asking about them, so I don't know how much I can help you. Did they get into trouble?"

Unable to stop his smile becoming a chuckle, Krackor gives Kora a reassuring hand on her arm "It's OK Kora, I don't think he is going anywhere, you could always 'visit' again to let the gent know we've found the lady. No sir, no trouble, just her parents are worried as she left but had no contact in over a year. You know how Elves can be when they 'fly the nest'. I'm sorry, Kora didn't catch your name or the name of your sword. Would you be up for a commission for one such blade with a lighter weight but equal cutting power?.

Krackor continues this chain of conversation a short time later, paying for the weapon if the Blacksmith was up for making it.  He then 'pealed' Mistress Lightbearer away and headed to the Tavern to update them on his findings.

On arriving at the Tavern, probably there before anyone else, he got a large enough table for the group along with 2 pitchers of ale and enough tankards plus 2 in case of guests.  When Kitheras arrived and majority were there, he repeated what had been said by the Blacksmith, omitting the state of Kora's flustered state.
GM, 3520 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 18:05
  • msg #109

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I've got order booked out for the next two years, but you're welcome to put your money in," Durn grins. "You're also welcome to stop by and chat whenever you like." His smile widens.

Kora follows you reluctantly when you leave, but she does follow.

((ooc: Anything else the group would like to do in Essembra?))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1754 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 19:54
  • msg #110

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 109):

Krackor will put money down on the sword and let Kora know she can always visit to 'check progress'.

((ooc:  Nothing else from Krackor other than to take the money off of his Character Sheet. 50gp))
This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 137 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:36
  • msg #111

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Evermeet." snorts Tarron. "Great. Just great.?"

He glowers behind the comfort of his mask, and then returns to standing impassively at the side of Kitheras.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 34 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #112

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"So it looks like the locals are not very helpful in helping us to find info about Syndra and that group." says Torvek sounding a bit down.  "Where was that Alhoon that you where talking about again? Should this be our next stop or are we going directly to Myth Drannor in the morning?" he asks
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1756 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #113

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"So it looks like the locals are not very helpful in helping us to find info about Syndra and that group." says Torvek sounding a bit down.  "Where was that Alhoon that you where talking about again? Should this be our next stop or are we going directly to Myth Drannor in the morning?" he asks

Knowing the answer to the question and feeling that the Blacksmith may have not deserved the title "not very helpful", Krackor piped up The Alhoon is in Myth Drannor, so the next step would be out safehouse there after evaluating it's continued safety.

The Blacksmith was most helpful.  We must remember that the last we searched was 3 months ago or more.  The leader of the Sembian company was Manthar and they wander through here a couple of times a year, probably going out and then in, this means that they are no mere green adventuring group but well established.  The Lady we search for has a great Elven Bow and was seen with them.  Nobody has asked after then but us and they are doing well for themselves.  Manthar has a replica of the Blacksmith's 2-handed sword, so should be easy to recognise by that, he didn't mention any other description, though he was happy to give the information.

He wasn't for travelling to the other side of the land and over through the Underdark to get to Evermeet, he had heard the tales, just to chance up a saying!
Torvek Ragdar
player, 35 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 02:41
  • msg #114

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Apologies, I was not present with the blacksmith.  Indeed he did provide some useful information. And now that you mention it, with the description of the sword and maybe with access to its twin, would there be some object locating divination that could direct us towards that sword and hopefully its owner?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:42, Tue 09 Aug 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 36 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #115

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

At the end of the day, before resting prior to the journey to Myth Drannor, Torvek seeks to plan the need of the company

"You said that to explore Myth Drannor, we should be discrete and hide or use invisibility" Torvek asks, "How many spells do you think we would need for the group and who should be casting them?  I can prepare two or three.  We could also cast them the night before we arrive at a dangerous destination so that we are already hidden."   
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1757 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 19:02
  • msg #116

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
At the end of the day, before resting prior to the journey to Myth Drannor, Torvek seeks to plan the need of the company

"You said that to explore Myth Drannor, we should be discrete and hide or use invisibility" Torvek asks, "How many spells do you think we would need for the group and who should be casting them?  I can prepare two or three.  We could also cast them the night before we arrive at a dangerous destination so that we are already hidden."   

This is kind of what we did on the way in last time, roped together when we got close with a Silence Spell for good measure.  In case you haven't noticed, I'm light on my feet but nothing compared to them  He throws a thumb over towards Corym and Kitheras.  Not sure about you and Almareth.  At least you ain't wearing plate mail.

Wasn't it explanation enough?  Probably not. Anyhow, Silence was centred on a stone I carried, doesn't have to be a particular one, just any as long as I have hold of it.  When get close, Illusion of the door as it is so as when it opens until it is closed again, it doesn't look any different.
GM, 3521 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 05:53
  • msg #117

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"And then we got lost in the woods trying to travel invisibly, and needed elven death priests to rescue us," Kora puts in, dryly.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1758 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 11:59
  • msg #118

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"And then we got lost in the woods trying to travel invisibly, and needed elven death priests to rescue us," Kora puts in, dryly.

Ah, the good old days eh!! hahaha.  He chuckles some That wasn't on way to Myth Drannor where we didn't forget to rope up, it's how we rescued some of our previous companions, whom are now on their way homes if not already there.  Roping means we won't separate, Kora is right to mention that although she was found quickly tending to the flowers next to a river  He gives her a rye wink and then takes a deep drink of Ale Another Jug of this please and if the stew or broth or soup is ready, some of that too.  Thank you  He was always polite to the tavern staff, you never know when you may need their assistance.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 562 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 02:47
  • msg #119

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

When the party is assembled again, Kitheras summarizes the findings.

"The Sable Borne have a bear for a symbol, and a bad reputation.  At some point they expressed antipathy towards house Symbaern, and have been passing through here for about a decade.  That maybe all this town has to yield."

Kitheras sighs, and continues, "We're not especially welcome here, so we'd best be prepared to head into the forest tomorrow. Get rest, and top off your rations.  We'll be practicing our 'stealth' protocols on the way through the forest to acclimate everyone."
GM, 3522 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 18:00
  • msg #120

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Last call for Battledale things before we move forward!))
Kali Xilrora
player, 85 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 23:35
  • msg #121

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth Siannodel:
"House Symbaern, well I know a little about them, ancient mid ranked noble family, after the fall they lived in the Elven Court, which us in Bristar aren't in contact with much. During the early days of the retreat however, I heard at least most of them have left to Evermeet, so there isn't any organized house presence in the area anymore, though there may be a few adventurers related to them in the area. I've heard that the Elven Court is pretty empty these days overall."

"Huh...good to know." Kali stores the information away, but doesn't comment in any other significant way.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 138 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sun 14 Aug 2022
at 21:06
  • msg #122

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron follows along, contemplating the potential to visit Myth Drannor at long last. It had been too long...
GM, 3523 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 20:14
  • msg #123

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


Your explorations and conversations finished, you spend a lovely evening at one of the several inns along the Ride, its rooms mostly filled with merchants and travelers. The food is as excellent as you've come to expect in the Dales.

The next morning, your bags packed with both fresh food and longer-lasting rations, you set out. Several caravans are heading north, deeper into the Dalelands. However, you are moving lightly, with Krackor on a conjured horse, while they all have wagons or pack horses, and you quickly leave them behind. Once again, Cormanthor swallows you, the great boughs sliding right up to the edge of the trail, and their wide canopies blocking the sun.

The forest is quiet as you ride through it. But it's never too quiet, and unlike your trip south, nothing springs from the ground or the shadows to disturb your ride. Eventually, you reach the Standing Stone, and the moment when your journey to Myth Drannor truly begins.

Almareth and Kitheras put their heads together, Kitheras explaining the route they'd previously used and how long the journey took. Given Almareth's familiarity with the area, he's confident that he can get the group there in three days.

((ooc: You're now heading to Myth Drannor. It will take three full days to get there, with Krackor riding and Almareth blazing the way. You can choose what time of day or night you want to arrive. Also, where specifically do you want to go, and what precautions are you taking, if any?

Going forward, I need folks to track who is casting the Mount spell, and whether anyone is memorizing a backup.

Also, remember you're carrying 60 pounds of ankheg scales, unless it's been decided to drop them.))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2588 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 13:18
  • msg #124

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


((I got permission to run this conversation in tandem... because I forgot about the Ankheg Scales))

Corym asks Krackor if he found an armorer in town, or had an opportunity to look at the Ankheg scales to see if he was sufficiently skilled to forge them into armor.

"We either need to drop them off here for construction, or arrange to have them shipped to Oakengrove Abbey--one of the two.  We don't want to be hauling these around Myth Drannor."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 563 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 13:28
  • msg #125

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Group: Standing Stone

Kitheras sighs heavily at the sight of the stone.  Intended to be a sign of cooperation and respect between men and elves, the Stone was a bittersweet sight in the aftermath of the fall of the Elven Court.

"Neither Torvek nor Kora can see in the absence of light.  Best if we make our approach to the city at Dawn.  We'll bed down early outside the city to cast our invisibility and wake early enough to prepare spells before the first light.  We'll make our way first to Bhephel Tower to hold up while we can engage in some scouting."

"Corym, if you can prepare the illusion to cover our entrance to the tower, yours will be more convincing given your familiarity with the environs.  From their we can do some scouting to see what has changed in the neighborhood and try to verify the presence of the Alhoon.  Torvek--how familiar are you with planar creatures?  Illusions of Abishai or low level demons have served us well in terms to averting danger or enabling ambushes."

"What defenses have we against fear and mental attacks?  We've been lucky up until now that the panic that takes hold in the sight of True Evil has not cost us lives."

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1759 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 19:14
  • msg #126

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 125):

On the night of a camp after the standing stones near any naturally occuring water, knowing he has at least 3 days to cast the spell and knowing there would be some water along the way that has pooled, Krackor uses his Reflecting Pool spell to devine changes in the surroundings of the Bhephel Tower. Although the spell isn't crystal clear enough to read scripts, is is good enough to check surroundings of the tower and their intended arrival points in the city.

The Reflecting Pool spell that I have used before with success, finding Kora, I'll use when we find a small pooling of water, even if it is in the bough of a tree.  I'll devine the surroundings so we done have immediate surprises like we almost did with those monkey type demons that chased that other party when last we were there.

By inserting the terror that had occurred before, it emphasised Kitheras' notion of his last sentence.  He then, on the next morning, asked for different spells to help survive and achieve their goals.  I shall ask for the silence spell once more, it probably saved us on more than one occasion when invisible.

Of course he was correct, it had, most of the others didn't need it but he knew he, Kora and Tarron certainly may do.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1760 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 02:20
  • msg #127

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Krackor Steelfist (msg # 126):

First sleep at or after Standing Stone (which ever comes first), Cast the following (memorise if not already), ((ooc: Then change list to what is current on Character Sheet)):
- Weighty Chest on Axe
- Sacred Guardian on everyone
- Divination regarding entry to Myth Drannor until safe inside the Bhephel Tower
- Reflecting Pool to look around area like using a crystal ball

*The night before entering Myth Drannor:
- Cast Alert Allies in case of attack.
- Iron Vigil on self and will keep full watch
This message was last edited by the player at 02:20, Wed 17 Aug 2022.
GM, 3524 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 03:59
  • msg #128

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Krackor, what specifically is your question for Divination, and where, specifically, are you scrying with Reflecting Pool?))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1761 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 11:29
  • msg #129

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Krackor, what specifically is your question for Divination, and where, specifically, are you scrying with Reflecting Pool?))

Reflecting Pool, any small pool of water as per previous post. As it's a lush forest, that means water, even a clear mossy pool.
Divination, "The path that we take if full of potential danger, will the surrounding buildings of the Bhephel Tower and our path there, with our precautions, will it be safe enough to arrive without incident."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:30, Wed 17 Aug 2022.
GM, 3525 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #130

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Reflecting Pool

I need to know where you are trying to scry. You can find enough water to cast the spell, but where are you looking?


You receive a short response: "The City of Song is blocked in my sight.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 37 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 22:57
  • msg #131

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I have ways to see in the dark despite my genes.  Or to make light but that less subtle." says Torvek with a smile, "However, if this is a place filled with demons and other monstruosities, day time could be safer than night time anyway.  It could save us from meeting some of the night crawlers, undeads or other beasts that might prefer roaming in the dark.  And if we are all invisible, this should not disavantage us.  I believe that even elves and dwarves see further in the lights than in the dark too."

"I can prepare four invisibility spells for the night before our arrival and one or two to recase when needed afterwards.  How many do we need in total?" , he asks
Torvek Ragdar
player, 38 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #132

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Unfortunately Kitheras, I do not have spells to protect against mental attacks or even to bestow courage.  Maybe our clerics have this capability?" Torvek adds
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1762 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 23:21
  • msg #133

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 132):

Previously I used a spell called Cloak of Bravery, it helped with overcoming Terror, although not quick enough to save someone And Corym, sorry again Corym. He looks a little sad at this tale.

I will have at least one ready unless my Reflecting Pool spell doesn't work. I may have to try it inside the city area, Gorm is unable to see inside the Ruined City  He was hopeful on finding a Pool someone before the edge of the city, if it doesn't work, he'll try again near the outskirts of it when the temperature changes.
GM, 3526 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 23:40
  • msg #134

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Reflecting Pool

You find a puddle that has filled the space between two branching tree roots and cast your spell, focusing on the Bhephel manor. The spell's energy is released, the water ripples as though someone tossed several pebbles into it, but no image appears. The spell ends a moment later.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:51, Wed 17 Aug 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 20 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 09:15
  • msg #135

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I have remove fear and protection from evil prepared that can help with that. Considering where we are, I am going to pray for a lot of different spells than I normally do. I also have several of my own divination spells prepared to try out. I know they are extremely hard to use in the city though." Talathel says.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:17, Thu 18 Aug 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1765 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #136

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Almareth Siannodel (msg # 135):

Watching the ripples in the water, Krackor almost wills something to happen, it does, the spell fizzles and the waters calm once more.

"Kitheras, as before, the Divination Spell, my God couldn't penetrate the cities protections, the Reflecting Pool appears to be the same.  I was hoping.  Tomorrow I shall try again but this time, see if I can focus on the groups leader, Manthor and his Sword, if I can't see anything, I feel it will be safe to presume that they are within the Ruined Cities boundary,  otherwise we can avoid the cities dangers and aim for the location the spell shows when I pull away from him to see the area."

It was a long shot once again but at least it has the possibility of narrowing the search area, alive or dead.
GM, 3527 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #137

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

You set off into the forest, leaving behind both the Standing Stone and the road. Kitheras points the way, but even with Almareth's skills the woods slow you down. The trees are a bit less dense near the road, but within a few miles you're back into the deepest glens, walking past trees that seem to have existed since before humanity crossed the sea. It is cool and dim under all of the canopies, and your way is impeded by smaller, dark-loving plants.

Still, you're making good time, and aside from the occasional small mammal rustling in the underbrush nothing disturbs you the first day. You pass a pleasant night, with one of Krackor's good meals speeding your rest.

The morning finds the ground covered in a low-hanging mist. Your feet and ankles disappear into it, and packing up takes a little longer to ensure you haven't left anything by accident. You've barely been marching when Almareth's keen ears catch something to your right. A moment later, Krackor's conjured horse snorts in alarm.

Looking over, you see three equine figures clustered together, their white hides blending in with the fog. Great ivory horns rise from the foreheads of the two large creatures, while the colt huddling between them has barely a nub.

The unicorns watch you, warily, waiting for your reaction.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2589 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #138

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym hesitates, then takes a step back and bows--half to the unicorns and half to Almareth whom he believes will know what to do.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 564 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 04:44
  • msg #139

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras takes a moment to consider the factors at hand.

(I failed my bardic knowledge check, passed my knowledge local check--is there any local lore than can guide my approach here?)
GM, 3528 posts
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 06:07
  • msg #140

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Not particularly. Kitheras has heard the occasional rumor of unicorns in the woods, but all in a "theres a [this/that/the other thing] in the deep forest! Watch out/go hunting!" sense. Nothing about these in particular or really much in general.))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 40 posts
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 14:30
  • msg #141

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

(ooc: quickly checking pockets for unicorn hair wand... none found, phfew!)

Torvek stays behind Corym, looks at the Unicorn and bow his head also hoping that a ranger would be better versed in the correct protocol than a city dweller.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1766 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #142

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 137):

Seeing everyone stop and the conjured horse snorting, not feeling the alarms going off that anyone is in immediate danger, Krackor waves, bows on the back of the horse and says "Blessings and greetings mighty ones".  He didn't have a clue, he had never seen one of these magnificent creatures before. He looks at Kitheras and the females of the party, he was sure there was something about Unicorns, females and virgins but imagined that the last was a bit of a red herring.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 565 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 23:39
  • msg #143

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras blends his knowledge.  He knew how to positively impact the emotions of beasts and men.  He suspected that a unicorn was similar to both in some ways.  He forewent the use of his stringed instruments and began humming wordless sounds--sounds that he would use to calm a bear or a wild horse--but with a tune.  The volume was low initially--almost imperceptibly so.  The ears of the wild were more keen than the ears of men.  He adjusted his posture to signal a peaceful intent and deference to the family of unicorns.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 21 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 00:22
  • msg #144

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Not knowing the sylvan language, bowing to the unicorns, Almareth speaks to the beautiful lord and lady of the forest in elven

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
"Greetings great lord and lady of the forest, I am Almareth Siannodel, and these are my companions on a journey to visit the fallen city of my people and did not mean to disturb you. It is our honor to be in your majestic presence and we mean you no harm."
in a calm and not overly loud voice. Unicorns are just as intelligent as any human, and several know more than just the sylvan tongue.
GM, 3529 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 00:14
  • msg #145

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The unicorns watch you, their heads turning from one speaker to another. The male keeps his attention on Kitheras, his head turning slightly to better hear his humming. They don't speak, but they do appear to understand, and after a few long moments, both adults nod to you. Turning, they guide their child back into the forest. In moments, they have disappeared, despite the bright color of their coats.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1767 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 16:12
  • msg #146

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 145):

Wow, now that is something to tell the Grandkids, and kids, and anyone else that will listen.  Did they communicate telepathically with their thoughts?  He had seen someone do it before and knew it was possible but these magnificent Unicorns, not just one but a full family, gave him hope that it was safe around here.  If they are here and not spooked, surely we are in a safe place right now, lets move a little ways on and have a snack, is this an Omen?
Torvek Ragdar
player, 41 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 13:52
  • msg #147

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"That was nice to see real unicorns" says Torvek, then after a moment he adds "I guess it's a bit late to offer them our help but hopefully they did not need it. They looked well.  A nice family. 
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 566 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 13:22
  • msg #148

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I've always heard that the elves of the forest keep the horned horses in high esteem and that they are a source of great boons or great woe for those that offend them. Perhaps when we rest you will be able to correct our ignorance, Almareth.  Until then, let us continue."
GM, 3530 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 22:05
  • msg #149

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Eleasias 29 and 30

Shaking off the awe of the unicorns, you press forward again. The forest is alive around you, warm enough to be a pleasant journey, with bird song echoing back and forth through the trees above you in a constant chorus of "nothing dangerous is here." It won't last. Many of you remember the unnatural silence of Myth Drannor, the still air of fear. But for another day or two, you're on a pleasant walk through a forest that hasn't shown you its fangs.

The rest of the day passes without incident, and the night as well. The next morning would be your final day of travel, if you pushed on through all the daylight. But you don't want to reach Myth Drannor just as the sun is setting, so instead you wait a bell or two in your camp before heading out. You'll be able to camp only a mile or two from the edge of the mythal, and have a full day to explore tomorrow.

The morning passes without interest, Kitheras pointing out places they had come previously, and Almareth finding the best way through the thick forest based on those points. The morning speeds past, the spectre of Myth Drannor starting to loom large in your minds. It's a pleasure to stop for a mid-day meal and at least settle your stomachs with some good food. You've mostly eaten through the fresh food you bought in Essembra; from here on it'll be trail rations and whatever you can conjure or scavenge.

Starting forward once more, you're barely into the march before Almareth holds up a hand. A few moments later, Krackor's horse sidles as the wind shifts. Ahead of you, eating their way through a pair of carcasses, are five brown bears. They don't seem to have taken notice of your group, but that could change at a moment's notice.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1768 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 17:05
  • msg #150

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 149):

Krackor was surprised it wasn't another Unicorn but pleased the bears were eating the carcases rather than them. Kitheras, would it be an issue if we waited for the bears to move or can you and Almareth work your magic on them so we can pass?
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 567 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 03:02
  • msg #151

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Well, magic in an informal sense.  I suppose the best thing to do is to circumnavigate them and ease their minds about our presence if that fails. Almareth?"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 42 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 11:01
  • msg #152

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“Can anyone figure out what the carcasses might have been?  I am not sure I can recognise these left over from here”. Torvek asks in a low voice
This message was last edited by the player at 11:01, Sat 27 Aug 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 22 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #153

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Other than being curious what carcasses they are scavenging off of, if we just give them a wide berth, we should be fine, it's unusual for bears to attack a group of this size, so if Kitheras and I keep an eye on them and start trying to calm them if they start threatening us. They probably won't care about us so long as we stay out of their way. Don't get between a bear and his food."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2590 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 14:28
  • msg #154

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“I don’t know that the carcass is so interesting that we should get between brown bears and their food, no matter how many rangers we have with us. We’re after deadlier prey anyhow.”
Torvek Ragdar
player, 43 posts
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 19:01
  • msg #155

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I meant are they eating animals remains or does this look like people?" Torvek adds to clarify
This message was last edited by the player at 19:02, Sun 28 Aug 2022.
GM, 3531 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 00:00
  • msg #156

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Kitheras or Almareth, make an Intelligence check.))
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 140 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 01:21
  • msg #157

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron kept quiet as the others conversed. He had nothing to offer right now, but would continue to look for signs of a disturbance. He flew to the branch of a tree to keep a better view of what was going on.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 568 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 11:03
  • msg #158

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Nothing of interest.  Just other animals. Let's circumnavigate and proceed."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1769 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 16:07
  • msg #159

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor made the sounds and the motions for his mount to carry on, it was a little nervous still but the circumventing of the bears, turning it's head away from the, the priest felt would help.  He even contemplated using a Cloak of Bravery on the mount.
GM, 3532 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 19:39
  • msg #160

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The group circles widely around the bears, giving them plenty of space. Most of them ignore you, though one raises its head long enough to make sure you're not going to approach. Once it's satisfied itself of that fact, it returns to eating.

The rest of the march progresses without issue. As evening approaches, you make camp in a little dell that's mostly enclosed by the trees and underbrush. You're now only about a mile from the edge of the mythal, and the forest is quieter than normal. Tension has settled into the center of your chests. There's less talking as you set up camp, and you light no fire. The baatezu and tanar'ri may not be able to leave the ruins, but everything else in there has no such difficulties. In a very real sense, your adventures in Myth Drannor have begun tonight.

Watch is set, people sleep in rotation, and when morning comes there's a tangible sense of relief that you've made it through without issue. After a good morningfeast fried up on Krackor's griddle, the group's casters make final changes to their memorized spells, the camp is packed away, and you set out.

Not long after you start your march, a grey haze comes into view ahead of you. It's the fog that tends to linger at the boundary of the mythal, where the city's constant temperature meets that of wider Faerun. It's not as thick as it was at the height of winter, but it still blocks your view of the city at large.

Taking a deep breath, you plunge into the mist. The world is reduced to hazy shapes as the wet chill tries to burrow into your bones. Just ahead now, is your destination. Myth Drannor.

((ooc: Stopping here. You're on the edge of the city. What precautions are you taking? If I remember correctly, you're heading first to the Bhephel manor. Is that still correct?))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2591 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 13:37
  • msg #161

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

DM--I think it's probably a good time to make sure everyone have their spell sheets ready to enter, and make sure that spells we want in place(active) are active.  I know that I haven't updated that in a bit.  I'll get that done today.

Minimally though, I want everyone going in under cover of invisibility.  Kitheras stipulated a couple of times that we would be rehearsing our invisible protocols on the way here, so ideally people are accustomed to them and have a working knowledge of the audible codes (even if they can't produce them themselves).
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1770 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #162

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 161):

Roped together?
Everyone will be able to hear Krackor walking, the rope is whilst in the woods, remember last time!
Torvek Ragdar
player, 45 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 14:23
  • msg #163

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Kitheras, were you planning for everyone to be invisible or just those that are not good at hiding? I am myself fairly good at being subtle and silent" Torvek asks

"Being roped in sounds like almost dangerous.  Did you consider using a branch or something like that to signal each other position?"

(OOC: my understanding of the rule is that if an invisible charater pick up a branch, the branch stay visible unless tucked away into clothing"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:24, Sun 04 Sept 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1772 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 17:54
  • msg #164

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"Kitheras, were you planning for everyone to be invisible or just those that are not good at hiding? I am myself fairly good at being subtle and silent" Torvek asks

"Being roped in sounds like almost dangerous.  Did you consider using a branch or something like that to signal each other position?"

(OOC: my understanding of the rule is that if an invisible charater pick up a branch, the branch stay visible unless tucked away into clothing"

We don't have to be 'tied' to the rope, holding it would be fine but I like the idea of a branch as long as it is held low.  Unfortunately, when the Silence 15' Radius is cast, unless watching the branch, people will wonder, we could use a string instead, it is far less visible, unlikely to be seen, especially if made dark with dirt!  The silence will be centred on me when we are closer, I can also make our travel as a group twice as fast for a few hundred strides.

He was holding out faith that the journey would not need such precautions however, this was Myth Drannor and there was no telling what manner of creatures may be lurking in the streets or the shadows.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 46 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #165

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"What about centering the silence on a pebble that you carry.  That way if you need to cast spells, you can throw the pebble away.  And if we have to fight a spellcaster, you could even throw the pebbled at it." suggest Torvek.

"If I recall correctly, silence is not a very long lasting spell, 'though.  I've never been to Myth Drannor but I would expect that we might explore for hours.  How do we plan to handle that?" asks Torvek
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1773 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 00:04
  • msg #166

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 165):

You are correct, Silent is short lived, use when a lot closer to base.  On a Pebble is exactly how it is cast for that very purpose, or on shield is close enough to the base but the illusion spell caster would need to be outside the spell effect.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 47 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 18:36
  • msg #167

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I can make four people invisible including myself before we rest.  Someone else will have to help for the others",suggest Torvek.

Before they set for the night, Torvek looks to plan the day ahead a bit more.  Since he is not yet familiar with his new group of companions, better plan too much than assume incorrectly.

"For exploring, I understand that you tried to dispel a magical barrier previously but did not succeed.  Is this one of our goal here?  If so, I think I probably should prepare a dispel spell too.  I am able to cast a dimension door that could take me inside a closed structure, however, I could only take one of you or at best two.  I'll also make sure to be able to cast illusionary diversions.  Any other things you think we would need?  Oh being able to see invisible things ourselves if needed could be useful too."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1776 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 21:38
  • msg #168

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 167):

You can save the Dispel Magic until day after tomorrow, I wouldn't suggest Dimension Dooring as we don't know if it is sealed to keep people out of the tower or keep something in what ever is behind the door.  I always have a Dispel Magic stored.

He didn't think that it would be necessary but if Torvek did memorise a Dispel, it would mean they could try the door tomorrow too.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2593 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #169

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

My thinking is that we make camp in the tower for a day or so to watch the neighborhood a bit and see what’s gone on since we left. The windows are one-way and the whole tower is sound proofed. The door only opens for elves. I would say that Dispel Magic is a good preparation for an Alhoon anyway, and if we can try our luck on the door (which I hope to be able to take with us once we penetrate it) so much the better.
GM, 3537 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 02:28
  • msg #170

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth and Kitheras, one invisible, the other nearly so in his cloak of elvenkind, lead the rest of the group into Myth Drannor. Kali, Corym, Tarron, Krackor, Torvek, and Kora, all invisible, move together in a group centered on Krackor and his quietly clanking armor.

The mist parts, and once again the ruined city of Myth Drannor is spread out before you. The air is completely silent, without so much as a bird call or a rustle in the underbrush that has encroached on once-neat streets.

You're along the southern edge of the city. A large pile of rubble, the remnants of at least a dozen destroyed buildings, is heaped up in front of you. A large pool is near to your left, its placid waters welling up from somewhere underground and flowing north in a stream. That stream is familiar, and you realize that you've entered the city a little to the west of the Way of Heroes, the street on which Elaethen Bhephel’s mansion stands.

Heading northeast, you make your way around a pair of massive trees that have been cut down and fallen parallel to the road along its southern side. They have decayed somewhat, though not as much as you would have expected from the age of the cut. When they were standing, both trees supported a number of sizable wooden buildings; those buildings are now shattered and scattered all across the ground east of the stream and south of the road.

These were the Rose Tree or Towers, an inn run by humans in the boughs of the trees, and it sat at the southern end of the Way of Heroes. Once you make your way around its ruins, you head north. There's a burned out shell of a building on your left. To the right, a massive stone building sprawls out along both the Way of Heroes and the Street of Song. It was once a truly grand building, and even now you can see fragments of elaborate carvings on the walls and bases and pieces of magnificent statuary around the grounds. The building’s southern face is crumpled and collapsed, as though a massive titan punched through it in four or five places, but the northern two thirds of the building is in good condition. A few faint notes of music drift out of upper story windows.

There are other buildings further off the road to the right, past the massive former inn, but you have eyes for the Bhephel mansion, which stood about midway up the Way on the left. The old hands have told the newcommers a bit of the mansion's story: that it was the home of a wizard and his school of apprentices, and that the building had been shaped by magic into an advertisement of his Art. Whatever its original construction, it seemed to be made from a single crystal, its curving walls looking like the frozen sea in a storm, with tiny magical lights gleaming and racing along its edges.

The building is still there, but as you approach you realize that all is not as you left it. The lights running along the building's walls are gone, and the outer shell is cracked and lusterless. More importantly, several large holes have been torn or blasted into the walls, including completely destroying the retracting door. There's fresh rubble in the ground, white crystal and yellow stone mostly yet untouched by plants or weather.

The Bhephel manor looms ahead of you, suddenly ominous.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1781 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 15:21
  • msg #171

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Ssshhhuussshhh Krackor whispers as they carry on up the Way of Heroes towards the tower, like a reminder to those around him of the dangers from too much noise.

He wondered if all of the attacks were from the outside!
This message was last edited by the player at 22:20, Sat 10 Sept 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 50 posts
Sat 10 Sep 2022
at 10:47
  • msg #172

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek was fortunately invisible or his fellow travellers might have been concerned by the giddy expression on his face as he looks in amazement at all the wonders of Myth Drannor.  Nevertheless, he stays on his guards moving from shadows to shadows as silently as he can.  As they approach the manor, Torvek tries to peer if he can see anything inside.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 569 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 10 Sep 2022
at 18:28
  • msg #173

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor Steelfist:
<Ssshhhuussshhh</green> Krackor whispers as they carry on up the Way of Heroes towards the tower, like a reminder to those around him of the dangers from too much noise.

He wondered if all of the attacks were from the outside!

Kitheras wasn't content to let Krackor make the call.  There were several other sites here that were considered 'safe' a couple of months ago, but now that would require scouting.

Whispering, Kitheras advised "We need to get most of us down behind some cover.  The situation has changed in this neighborhood, and some reconnaissance will be necessary."

"The halfling tavern (10) we cleared out has a simple floor plan, and more than one way out.  I suggest we aim for there. It will take hours to re-secure Bhephel tower--hours we don't have."

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1782 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 10 Sep 2022
at 22:24
  • msg #174

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 173):

Option A
Isn't that on the other side of the Manor to where we are?  What about our original base?  As was his way, Krackor was keeping everyone safe or trying to advise in order for that to be the case.

((Unless I've got the map the wrong way around, in which case))

Option B
Sounds like a sound plan as even the previous occupants needed to duck to get in, making it awkward for most.  He was certain that caution would still be needed.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:25, Sat 10 Sept 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 51 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2022
at 13:06
  • msg #175

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek pauses for a moment to look around the area for any sign of trouble while listening to the quiet conversation.  He spots what looks like a dirt mount across the road nearly opposite the Bhephel mansion and wonder if this would be the burrow Kitheras is talking about.  He pauses to carefully look at signs of recent dangers in that direction.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 23 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 09:19
  • msg #176

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth felt sick to his stomach the entire time they were in the silence of Myth Drannor. He knew the stories of course, but to feel the silence as thick as death itself was still an unsettling experience. He followed along in silence with everyone else though.

As they gaze upon the dark destruction of the building the others had said was their previous base, he was disheartened by its current condition. "Whatever we do we need to do it now. The halfling inn sounds as good as any other plan right now, we likely need to fight wherever we end up today. I have silence prepared as well if everyone would like a second use of it."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1783 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 19:04
  • msg #177

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((OOC:  Krackor goes with Option one as I now read the map correctly. Which means YeS to going to 10
I've struggled often with what is where.))

GM, 3540 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #178

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The group backs away from the manor, turns around, and moves off-road. Set a bit back from the street is a largish mound of dirt and debris. If it weren’t for two gaping holes on either side of the mound separated by about a hundred and fifty feet, you would think it was a normal hill. But it looks like someone has dug into it. Both of the entrances are facing the Way of Heroes.

This was once Curiosities Cold and Clear, a halfling-run inn once famous for its fried mushrooms. More recently, it was the lair of a tribe of hobgoblins, who raided the ruins in search of prisoners and plunder. The Dreams of the Ancients killed them during their last visit to the ruins, and freed a pair of adventurers who were their captives.

None of the bodies of the hobgoblins, which you had left behind when you returned to the manor, are still on the ground. Many of the bloodstains are, but of the bodies there's no sign. Cautiously, you work your way through the first level, through kitchen, guest rooms, and tap room, checking to ensure there's nothing of danger. Finding nothing, you do a sweep of the lower level, with its former storerooms and gnome-themed guest rooms. They, too, are empty. At last, you're able to take a breath. There's nothing here. You don't know how long that will remain true, but at least for the moment, you're safe.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 53 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 21:11
  • msg #179

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I must admit that visiting a magical mansion would have been more exciting that an old halfing tarvern.  But I guess that will have to do", says Torvek in a lowish voice.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1784 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 23:29
  • msg #180

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"I must admit that visiting a magical mansion would have been more exciting that an old halfing tarvern.  But I guess that will have to do", says Torvek in a lowish voice.

"You never know, I suspected that the door led to a tunnel, why can't that tunnel end here in this Tavern?  Who's good at finding secret passageways? We didn't do much in the way of searching the last time we were here.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2595 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #181

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"I must admit that visiting a magical mansion would have been more exciting that an old halfing tarvern.  But I guess that will have to do", says Torvek in a lowish voice.

"As intriguing as it would be to perform a forensic investigation of the wreckage to determine what could have possibly penetrated the formidable protective magics, there is also a chance that whatever did so is still there."  Corym tisks disapprovingly. "We're at our optimal strength now, and off-course exploration will only erode our readiness for the battle to come."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 570 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 16:57
  • msg #182

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras nods in approval at Corym's analysis.

"We need to do some reconnaissance. The biggest danger in fighting in Myth Drannor is the potential for chain-reactions of combats. Make too much noise and you draw the attention of predators."

"We're here for the Alhoon and it's troll bodyguards
(6). We know that the entity next door (7) wants them dead but not why. We don't know what else might be in the neighborhood now.  If we have to flee we need to know to avoid them, or pit them against our foes.  If we succeed we need to determine whether to occupy the lair to recover, or whether to fall back to a rally point."

"Most importantly, if I have the opportunity to observe the Alhoon I can give us the element of surprise.1  This seems like a good fall back position if the need requires.  If we have the ability, we can lay traps here that we can avoid but our pursuers will trip."

"Who will join me for reconnaissance?"

1Kit ability.  If I observe an enemy for a full turn, I can coordinate our attacks for automatic surprise.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:58, Wed 14 Sept 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1785 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 21:46
  • msg #183

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 182):

Of course Kitheras was thinking straight, so was Corym for the moment too, yet an opportunity had come their was, an informant if you would.  I recall our last visit to 'The Voice' who knew quite a lot about the creatures here abouts, why not revisit to a) ensure it still exists, b) let it know we are looking to do the favour and thus it owes us one or more. If it's knowledge is as it claimed as accurate previously, maybe it has updates, save time and danger.

As usual, just a thought.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Wed 14 Sept 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 54 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 22:22
  • msg #184

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I could help with the reconnaissance" offers Torvek.  "Krackor's suggestion sounds interesting.  Whatever that voice is, it could be considered as an ally and it might be able and willing to provide us useful information.   If I understand, the voice is on the way to the Alhoon so we could stop there on the way."

OOC: I am assuming that someone drew a map that Torvek is able to look at

"What's the distance between here and the Alhoon house?", he asks
GM, 3541 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 04:23
  • msg #185

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: The Myth Drannor map is taken from the post map from the original Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set. Tracking down a scale for that map is surprisingly difficult, but apparently it's 1" = 100 feet. So it's 400 feet from the intersection at 18 to the intersection at 4. It's between 300 and 400 feet from Curiosities Cold and Clear (10) to the Alhoon lair (6), depending on where from the inn you're going (the inn is about 90 feet north to south).))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 57 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 21:54
  • msg #186

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I have a door spell that would allow me and one other the retreat quickly if needed.  I think I could retreat back all the way to here unless we go too far.  In fact, I think I should prepare somewhere."

Toverk goes towards the northern end of the tavern to find a suitable location and clear out furniture to make it a safer landing place.

"Do we need anyone else on this recon trip?  Does The Voice prefer to talk to someone in particular?" asks Torvek
This message was last edited by the player at 21:57, Sun 18 Sept 2022.
GM, 3542 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 00:25
  • msg #187

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The lower level is not as large as the upper level, so to get as far north as he can, Torvek heads back upstairs. Back when this was a working inn, the southern end was the public area, and the northern held the kitchen and guest rooms. The kitchen is the northern-most, though it has the difficulty of an open doorway leading out into the city. But there's also a small pantry, whose door is still intact. Torvek spends a bit of time pushing debris up against the walls, and in the end has an area large enough for two people to safely teleport into.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 571 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 11:14
  • msg #188

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Ok.  I'm going to do a quick look at all the buildings between here and the Alhoon's lair.  I won't try to penetrate the lair without Corym so as not to set off any traps or wards."

"Corym and Torvek should pay a visit to The Voice. See if it's still there, or perhaps the Alhoon killed it and took over the Silver Smiths. We'll rendezvous here in half an hour."

"Kali, Almareth, Kora, and Tarron--make yourselves ready."

(( Rolled stealth.  WTF?!?!?))

06:13, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 97 using 1d100.  Move Silently.

06:13, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 98 using 1d100.  Hide in Shadows.

Corym Ildroun
player, 2596 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 11:17
  • msg #189

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym notices the loud sounds of Kitheras' footsteps as they are about to depart. What in the world?!?

"Hey--Kitheras.  If you're not going to use your boots of elven kind, could I wear them? Maybe you should put them on, though, if this is the best you can manage without them?"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1786 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #190

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

I'm going to study the open doorway to the outside in the kitchen area, see if I can protect it somehow, which I'll sort tomorrow.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:25, Tue 20 Sept 2022.
GM, 3543 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 05:00
  • msg #191

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras, Almareth

You head out just ahead of the party heading to the Voice. Myth Drannor is its usual silent self; the only noise is a gentle breeze ruffling the leaves. Aside from the Bhephel mansion, the neighborhood looks much like it did last year, at least superficially. Nothing has burned that wasn't already ashes and char, nothing new has collapsed. Which somehow just makes things worse. Once again, there's no telling what might be inside.

((ooc: Please roll some general find traps and Intelligence checks. Are you looking for anything in particular? How much time are you spending on your scouting?))

Corym, Torvek

The Voice was holed up in the basement of Silvershingles, the remnants of a large, impressive building that was the headquarters of the Society of Silversmiths & Fineworkers. The building is granite, with a broken and flaking silver plaster still clinging to a few of the sides. Pieces of broken masonry and statuary are mostly-swallowed by the waist-height grass that surrounds the building, but a few pieces occasionally peek into view.

Though the building proved to be empty (save the voice) on your last visit, you approach it quietly and carefully. For Torvek and Almareth, Silvershingles is their first real example of Myth Drannor, and as you step into the entry hall you realize that it is everything that came to your minds when someone first said, "Myth Drannor." It is grand and beautiful, white marble streaked with gold stretching the length of the building to an elevated platform where musicians might entertain or a host speak words of welcome. The upper walls arch delicately inwards, towards what must once have been a vaulted roof. Five columns, each a different color of marble, line each long side of the room. As a statement of wealth and class, it has few equals.

It is also a complete ruin. The ceiling has collapsed entirely, leaving the vault and arches open to the misty sky. It its ruin, it has formed great heaps of rubble along the floor and pulverized much of the coral-filled marble paving stones that once greeted visitors. Two of the columns have collapsed completely, the rest have been broken or damaged to a lesser extent.

Four inset niches, two on the left and two on the right, once held statues. Only one is still partially intact; a male elven body missing his head, right arm, and about a third of his torso. The others lie shattered in their alcoves.

((ooc: Corym and Almareth, please roll Move Silently. Torvek, please roll a general Dex check.))

((ooc: Map from the group's previous visit.))

Everyone Else (Krackor, Kali, Kora, Tarron)

Though it's not nearly as nice as the mansion, the lower floor of Curiosities Cold and Clear does have the advantage of a thick roof and close-able doors to keep any noise you might make contained. You wouldn't want to throw another of the parties Kora once used to distract the Zhentarim outside of Hill's Edge, but with a bit of care you should be able to avoid setting the wider ruins on alert. The building is well-constructed; though it's been centuries since the city fell, the walls are solid and the ceiling stable.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:00, Thu 22 Sept 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 58 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #192

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek, still invisible and trying to be as silent as possible stops near the entrance and waits to see where Corym, who has come here before, will go next.

23:21, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 5 using 1d20.  Dexterity check.
23:21, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 18 using 1d100.  Move Silently check.
Both succeed

Not sure if these were needed for Torvek's group too:
23:17, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 4 using 1d20.  Observation NWP .
23:16, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 5 using 1d20.  Intelligence check.
Both succeed

Almareth Siannodel
player, 25 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 09:31
  • msg #193

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth, while lacking many thief skills was quiet in his search with Kitheras. His intelligence may not be great, but he makes up for it in his wisdom in knowing where to look.

04:28, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 17 using 1d100.  Move Silently 47% (including armor penalty).
04:31, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 12 using 1d20.  Wisdom 17.
04:31, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 17 using 1d20.  Intelligence 10.

This message was last edited by the player at 09:34, Fri 23 Sept 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 572 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #194

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras isn't a thief, but he's sharp eyed and wise.  Mainly we're looking at the back end toward the objective area.  I also want to see if I can pick up tracks--especially Troll tracks, and get a sense of what might have gone into our out of Bhephel Manor.

09:11, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 7 using 1d20.  Intelligence check (17).

09:12, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 20 using 1d20.  Wisdom Check.

09:13, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 3 using 1d20.  Tracking.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2597 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 14:14
  • msg #195

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Silent as the grave:

09:14, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 3 using 1d100.  Move Silently.
GM, 3544 posts
Thu 29 Sep 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #196

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Torvek

Warily, Corym does a quick circuit of the ground floor of Silvershingles. The last time they were here, they found nothing hiding in the many ruined rooms. It seems too much to hope for such a large building to still be empty, but once again, Corym finds nothing in the rubble-choked rooms and hallways.

Satisfied that they aren't about to be pounced upon, Corym leads the way into the left wing of the building. Here there are several former workrooms, notable mostly for the lack of ostentatious decoration that covers the walls and floor of the public areas of the building. And in the back corner there is a set of sturdy stairs down into the earth.

The stairs are made of the unadorned granite and about twenty feet wide. They're in good condition, though from the wear they were well-used at one point. There's a landing about fifteen feet down where the stairs do a U-turn, pointing to the cellar being directly under the hall rather than extending beyond the walls. The two of you descend to the landing and glance around the corner: the cellar floor is maybe another twenty feet down and the small piece of it you can see is empty.

Taking a near-silent breath, Corym leads the way down the final stairs. The basement is quite large, stretching most of the length of the hall above, though it's not nearly as broad.

Aside from a slightly thicker layer of dust, it appears exactly the same as the last time Corym was here: a former multi-function cellar, with lots of old, degraded wine casks along the walls, as well as a fair amount of general storage; old tables, the remains of chests, and the general detritus of both a meeting space and an assay office.

The room is silent.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2598 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #197

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"When I last came, The Voice found me though I was invisible, and didn't originate from anywhere in particular. I'm assuming that we'll be greeted again as we progress."

Corym will progress to about the point that he had previously been at.  If not halted this time, he'll continue his exploration in a more traditional fashion.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 59 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #198

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'll be a few yards behind", says Torvek softly.

Torvek will try to keep about three tiles behind to prevent them both falling in the same trap.  He carefully examine the room as he slowly moves forwards.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:59, Fri 30 Sept 2022.
GM, 3545 posts
Sat 1 Oct 2022
at 22:42
  • msg #199

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras and Almareth

Your first stop is the Bhephel Manor. The ground around it is more overgrown that it had been when you were hiding there, which makes your jobs somewhat easier. After some extensive looking around, you don't find any tracks that seem to lead into the building. There are a couple of old tracks in the general vicinity, the occasional depression or broken greenery that happened too long ago to give you any information aside from the fact that there have been relatively large things moving around. But there's nothing near the giant hole that was once the door, or the smaller holes that pierce the walls elsewhere. Either no one's been going in and out for several months, or they haven't been walking.

Leaving the manor behind, you head north along the road. The treehouse (#8) is still in good condition high up in the branches of the tree that is somehow still alive, healthy, and full of bright green foliage centuries after the Fall. Once again, there aren't any tracks around the tree's base. The same is true of the tree house in the petrified tree that faces it across the street (#3)

You have a bit more luck around Silvershingles. There are enough tracks in the surrounding yard to make you confident that something large has been moving around fairly recently. But whatever it was, it was deliberately trying to avoid leaving a trail, and the plants are rebounding faster and more robustly than you would expect.

And then there's the relatively modest stone building that, at least the last time you were here, housed an alhoon and its troll slaves. Here, the tracks are blatantly obvious to read. There are still trolls, shambling hither and yon with a very un-troll-like gait. But there are also a number of boot and shoe prints mixed in, of a size that humans or elves would wear. You don't see any tracks that scream "alhoon," however, the last time you saw the creature, it was floating.

((ooc: Are you heading back, or scouting elsewhere?))
GM, 3546 posts
Sat 1 Oct 2022
at 22:48
  • msg #200

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Torvek

Corym also reaches the center of the cellar, with Torvek following a few steps behind, when a familiar soft voice fills the air around them. "Well, if it isn't the tel'quessir. And someone new. What brings you back to my house, little elf? I thought gone or fled months ago."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2599 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 11:32
  • msg #201

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Torvek

Corym also reaches the center of the cellar, with Torvek following a few steps behind, when a familiar soft voice fills the air around them. "Well, if it isn't the tel'quessir. And someone new. What brings you back to my house, little elf? I thought gone or fled months ago."

Corym bows.  Though he is invisible, he suspects nonetheless that the Voice can see him. "As it happens, not all of my party were on board with the task you set before us.  I've returned with a group more eager to engage. Two of our party are scouting the neighborhood now to ensure that your target still remains. The others are waiting for our return. Do you know if the Alhoon and his guards are still at the end of the lane?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 573 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 11:35
  • msg #202

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras and Almareth

Your first stop is the Bhephel Manor. The ground around it is more overgrown that it had been when you were hiding there, which makes your jobs somewhat easier. After some extensive looking around, you don't find any tracks that seem to lead into the building. There are a couple of old tracks in the general vicinity, the occasional depression or broken greenery that happened too long ago to give you any information aside from the fact that there have been relatively large things moving around. But there's nothing near the giant hole that was once the door, or the smaller holes that pierce the walls elsewhere. Either no one's been going in and out for several months, or they haven't been walking.

Leaving the manor behind, you head north along the road. The treehouse (#8) is still in good condition high up in the branches of the tree that is somehow still alive, healthy, and full of bright green foliage centuries after the Fall. Once again, there aren't any tracks around the tree's base. The same is true of the tree house in the petrified tree that faces it across the street (#3)

You have a bit more luck around Silvershingles. There are enough tracks in the surrounding yard to make you confident that something large has been moving around fairly recently. But whatever it was, it was deliberately trying to avoid leaving a trail, and the plants are rebounding faster and more robustly than you would expect.

And then there's the relatively modest stone building that, at least the last time you were here, housed an alhoon and its troll slaves. Here, the tracks are blatantly obvious to read. There are still trolls, shambling hither and yon with a very un-troll-like gait. But there are also a number of boot and shoe prints mixed in, of a size that humans or elves would wear. You don't see any tracks that scream "alhoon," however, the last time you saw the creature, it was floating.

((ooc: Are you heading back, or scouting elsewhere?))

Torvek Ragdar
player, 60 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 08:49
  • msg #203

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek pauses for a moment, despite expecting it, the strange voice coming from nowhere is still disconcerting.  Torvek listens carefully to try to identify if the voice comes from a specific direction or is filling the basement from everywhere.  After his initial paused, Tavern bows slightly and introduces himself.

"Torvek Ragdar, Grand Wizard of Silverymoon. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:13, Wed 05 Oct 2022.
GM, 3547 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2022
at 05:02
  • msg #204

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Torvek

"A pleasure, Torvek. Always a pleasure to see Myth Drannor's social circles expanding. I, as I am sure your companion has told you, am Cera." The voice does not appear to emanate from any one point as far as you can tell, instead emerging from the air all around you.

It pauses for a moment before it returns. "The alhoon. Ah. Yes, it is still there. Likely not for much longer. It is gnashing the teeth it does not have in anger and, I believe, fear. But yes. It, and no doubt the magic it has stolen and excavated, are in that smelly building to the north."

Kitheras and Almareth

At a quiet whistle from Kitheras, the two elves turn around and independently make their way back to the old halfling inn. Not needing to keep quite so tightly together, the rangers make a quick return, while still working to hide their passing. The city is quiet around them, and they don't see anything untoward.

Once back inside, you find Krackor carefully studying the kitchen's exterior door, being careful to keep out of sight of the general outside. The rest of the group is in the cellars, finishing their modifications into a decent living area.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 61 posts
Fri 7 Oct 2022
at 23:42
  • msg #205

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Nice to me you Cera", says Torvek. "As Corym was saying, we are planning to go after this Alhoon. Would you have any information that could help us?  Alhoons often have slaves doing their bidding.  Would you know what additional enemies we would face or specific defences he would have set up in and around that building?"

OOC: Torvek would like to try to get some information from Cera about the Alhoon.  So he would continue this conversation if he is still making progress, In real time, this might require a long conversation where Torvek would slowly ask questions but pbp medium is not ideal for it but I am happy to continue pr'ing the conversation if @DM feels it would be appropriate.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1787 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #206

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 204):

Acknowledging the return of the Rangers, Krackor nods at the Exterior Door from the kitchen and turns to the new Captain. Captain, the exterior door at this end is as secure as it will be, I will set Glyphs of Warding up tomorrow on both entrances when I have asked the Lord of Protection for that Blessing.

He thought on and absentmindedly touched his badge... Captain, did Corym pass on the 2 spare badges for our Company?  These are used for the safe passing of people through the Wards, I believe I have one spare on me.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2600 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 9 Oct 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #207

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"Nice to me you Cera", says Torvek. "As Corym was saying, we are planning to go after this Alhoon. Would you have any information that could help us?  Alhoons often have slaves doing their bidding.  Would you know what additional enemies we would face or specific defences he would have set up in and around that building?"

OOC: Torvek would like to try to get some information from Cera about the Alhoon.  So he would continue this conversation if he is still making progress, In real time, this might require a long conversation where Torvek would slowly ask questions but pbp medium is not ideal for it but I am happy to continue pr'ing the conversation if @DM feels it would be appropriate.

"It'd be quite unfortunate for us all if we failed and became his thralls. Your bid to eliminate him would strengthen him.  Information could turn the tide."
GM, 3549 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 03:44
  • msg #208

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Torvek, we're previously done some real-time NPC conversations over discord, and then I format the results and post it in the IC thread. Would that work for you?))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2601 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 03:56
  • msg #209

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Torvek, we're previously done some real-time NPC conversations over discord, and then I format the results and post it in the IC thread. Would that work for you?))

If so, I should be available on Discord pretty frequently in the first half of this week.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1791 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 22:12
  • msg #210

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor searches around his Pack and finds spare badges with the company image on it, ready to pass out to the new four so they can pass his Wards without incident.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 63 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #211

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Torvek, we're previously done some real-time NPC conversations over discord, and then I format the results and post it in the IC thread. Would that work for you?))

OOC: I am happy either way.  We can just assume that this was a long conversation or we can do it over Discord at a time that suits
GM, 3551 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 00:09
  • msg #212

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Since you're seeking actionable intelligence, I'd lean towards discord, if we can find a time that works for all of us in the nearish future.))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 64 posts
Sun 16 Oct 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #213

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
Torvek Ragdar:
"Nice to me you Cera", says Torvek. "As Corym was saying, we are planning to go after this Alhoon. Would you have any information that could help us?  Alhoons often have slaves doing their bidding.  Would you know what additional enemies we would face or specific defences he would have set up in and around that building?"

"It'd be quite unfortunate for us all if we failed and became his thralls. Your bid to eliminate him would strengthen him.  Information could turn the tide."

OOC: Torvek pause hoping for an answer from Cera. @Corym feel free to jump in too

"Thanks, any help you give us may heighten our chance of success in getting rid of this Alhoon.  How much are you able to observe outside this building and in the neighbouring area?  Are you able to know what he is up too at this moment?  That would help us.  How long has he been in the area."

OOC: Torvek pause waiting for an answer from Cera. @Corym feel free to jump in too. Generally speaking, Torvek will try to be respectful while asking for more information but if he feels Cera get annoyed, he will stop.

"You said something about the Alhoon being angry and scared?  Information is power and knowing what he is scared of could sure be useful.  What makes him angry could also be used against him."

OOC: Torvek pause waiting for an answer from Cera. @Corym feel free to jump in too. Once Torvek feels kite he had enough information, he will try if they could gain additional specific help for the fight

"I have access to powerful magic but Alhool are known for mind control and resistance to magic.  Unfortunately, I have limitation in my abilities to protect our group from mind attacks.  Would you have anything that could help us on that matter, protective magic or something?"

OOC: Torvek pause waiting for an answer from Cera. @Corym feel free to jump in too. If Cera still appears in a good mood, Torvek will try to gain one additional type of info.  If Cera sounds annoyed, Torvek will avoid that line

"Could ask one more thing?  Maybe you've already mentioned why to my companions but forgive me I was not here at the time. I'd like to understand why do you want us to kill it?  Don't get me wrong, I am no friend of Alhoons and maybe I would decide to go after it for my own reasons but if I understand, sometimes ago you asked Corym and his friend to kill to Alhoon.  I always prefer knowing the reason before I kill anyone or anything.  Could you help me understand why you think this Alhoon should be killed?"
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 142 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 00:50
  • msg #214

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron accepts one of the spare badges from Krackor gladly. "You are a man with a wealth of talent. I can only hope that we can adddress some of the issues that have plagued Myth Drannor since it's fall. It's a wonder it still survives. Perhaps a testament to the skill of our elders." he says.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1792 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 21:39
  • msg #215

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Tarron Ianfiel (msg # 214):

To everyone he gives a badge to and anyone who has one already that is nearby.

"If you do not have this badge and say these words as you try to enter, you will be affected by the Wards, "Krackor's Valiant Rescuers". If not said correctly, you will be struck with a debilitating curse.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Tue 18 Oct 2022.
GM, 3552 posts
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 05:12
  • msg #216

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Thanks, any help you give us may heighten our chance of success in getting rid of this Alhoon.  How much are you able to observe outside this building and in the neighbouring area?  Are you able to know what he is up too at this moment?  That would help us.  How long has he been in the area."

"I first noticed him about a tenday before I first met your group. I've seen him come and go several times, but he is skilled at wrapping the mythal around him. I cannot see what his plans are.

"You said something about the Alhoon being angry and scared?  Information is power and knowing what he is scared of could sure be useful.  What makes him angry could also be used against him."

Cera chuckles. "Why, he's scared of the thing that sits in the mansion across the street. The alhoon are many things, but they are pragmatic above all."

"I have access to powerful magic but Alhool are known for mind control and resistance to magic.  Unfortunately, I have limitation in my abilities to protect our group from mind attacks.  Would you have anything that could help us on that matter, protective magic or something?"

"I do not, I am afraid. Such things are rare and valuable, well worth a search in fallen cities."

"Could ask one more thing?  Maybe you've already mentioned why to my companions but forgive me I was not here at the time. I'd like to understand why do you want us to kill it?  Don't get me wrong, I am no friend of Alhoons and maybe I would decide to go after it for my own reasons but if I understand, sometimes ago you asked Corym and his friend to kill to Alhoon.  I always prefer knowing the reason before I kill anyone or anything.  Could you help me understand why you think this Alhoon should be killed?"

"I have made this city my home for over a century. Perhaps that is foolish of me. But its treasures are mine, its holes are mine to delve, and I do not appreciate slimy intruders who care only for how much magic they can suck from a corpse." After a long pause the voice adds, "And I dislike how they take thralls as well."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 66 posts
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 21:49
  • msg #217

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"You said something about the Alhoon being angry and scared?  Information is power and knowing what he is scared of could sure be useful.  What makes him angry could also be used against him."

Cera chuckles. "Why, he's scared of the thing that sits in the mansion across the street. The alhoon are many things, but they are pragmatic above all."

Torvek is is somewhat concerned at this statement and thinks that self preservation justify asking for a bit more

"I see.  In this case, I assume I should also be concerned about that thing too.  Would you mind telling me what I should be scared of or probably even more importantly how to avoid getting in trouble with it?"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 67 posts
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 22:23
  • msg #218

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I have made this city my home for over a century. Perhaps that is foolish of me. But its treasures are mine, its holes are mine to delve, and I do not appreciate slimy intruders who care only for how much magic they can suck from a corpse." After a long pause the voice adds, "And I dislike how they take thralls as well."

Torvek listens carefully at Cera's explanation.  This however leaves him with some doubt and he decides that he would prefer understanding his own position in this story.

"I see.  But then I feel I must also ask directly, to make sure I understand... Do you object on us being here?  Do you consider us unwelcome intruders?"

Torvek takes a short pause and explains further

"We are here for multiple reasons.  I seek knowledge and am extremely interested in the secrets of Myth Drannor.  We are also looking for a group of Elves that may have come this way... you would not happen to have knowledge of them, would you?  Material gains is not our main aim but I'd be lying if I said that this is of no interest at all.  If we go after the Alhoon, we would expect to keep the treasures we find in the process.  Would there be a problem with this?"
GM, 3553 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 03:02
  • msg #219

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I don't know the word for it in your language. It's a powerful wizard, and vicious, and ruthless. Not something to tangle with lightly."

When you ask about objections, the voice chuckles. "I object to many things. But then, I am old and cranky. I'm not going to eat you if you grab a scroll. Better ask that of the elf beside you."

Another chuckle. "If you kill the alhoon, you'll grab and run I'm sure. But one pair of grasping hands will be gone. That will suit me."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2602 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 21 Oct 2022
at 04:18
  • msg #220

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym listens closely but holds his peace.  Torvek had already learned considerably more than he had been able to in his encounter with The Voice.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 574 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Fri 21 Oct 2022
at 04:22
  • msg #221

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras relates to the rest of the party that the Alhoon has accumulated further thralls, and continues to retain his troll body guards.

"We broke off our scouting mission after verifying these facts.  It seemed unlikely that we'd find more outside, and indoor scouting is more a matter for Corym Ildroun."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 69 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #222

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek can't help but crack an invisible smile at Cera's response.

"I will also make sure to watch out for any elf salivating while looking at me." he says with a chuckle of his own before continuing more seriously "I thank you for your time, Cera.  I think it is time for us to go and join our other comrades. Shall we, Corym?"

Torvek salutes with a slight bow before turning and moving back towards the stairs.
GM, 3555 posts
Sat 22 Oct 2022
at 16:13
  • msg #223

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek and Corym

The voice falls silent, and the two of you retrace your steps up to the surface. The old guildhall is as quiet as before, and together you make your way out to the street and then south to Curiosities Cold and Clear. As Kitheras before you, you find Krackor studying the kitchen from just out of sight of the main door. You let him know that you've returned, that everyone has made it back safely from their scouting missions.

((ooc: I'm going to assume everyone reconvenes in the basement where talking is safer. You're now free to discuss amongst yourselves. What's the plan, Stan?))
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 143 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sat 22 Oct 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #224

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Trolls should be no danger. I'm happy taking on those, but the alhoon will be the concern. I don't know what kind of defense I might have against it's powers." admits Tarron. "And what might we know about it's other thralls?"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 70 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 23:25
  • msg #225

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek tells the other about their encounter with Cera.

"Cera had limited information about the Alhoon, apart from having added new slaves and being scared of what is in Bhephel Manor.  Unfortunately, I am also limited in defences against the type. of mental attacks that an Alhoon can produce. We would need to hit fast and not let him time to deploy all his capabilities"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2603 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 17:29
  • msg #226

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I think our best bet is for me to try to hit it with my Black Sphere as soon as we see it.  If it makes it through its magic resistance, we'll have several rounds to polish off its thralls before it becomes an issue."

"Shield spells might be helpful for the inevitable Magic Missile attacks"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:31, Mon 24 Oct 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 575 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 17:31
  • msg #227

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Almareth and I can pepper the Ilhoon with arrows if that fails.  That should keep its spell casting to a minimum, though I'm not sure how that will effect its psionic attacks."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 71 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 19:14
  • msg #228

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Corym, I fear that the Alhoon strong magic resistance would likely waste such a powerful spell.  However, the tentacles you summoned against the Ankheg would be able to grab him as they are summoned matters rather than magical force."

OOC: @DM please confirm Torvek's understanding that summoned creatures or tentacles are not subject to Magic Resistance.
GM, 3556 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 20:57
  • msg #229

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Summoned creatures are not subject to another creature's magic resistance, though that magic resistance would apply if a summoned creature used a spell or spell-like ability. Magic resistance is effective against purely magical spell effects, but not against magic animating something real. So a rock thrown by telekinesis or a wall of stone isn't affected by magic resistance, but Evard's Black Tentacles, wall of force, or Mordenkainen's Sword would be.))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 72 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #230

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: As Torvek is a trained mage, I assume he would have known this so if you don't mind, I'll change his dialog slightly

"Corym, I fear that the Alhoon strong magic resistance would likely waste such a powerful spell.  It might be better to use it against its most powerful slaves.  Summons would work or using magic to attack him indirectly like making a tree fall on him."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2604 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Thu 27 Oct 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #231

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Sounds like the wizards are tasked with crowd control, and the Alhoon will have to be the province of the warriors.  If we have the opportunity to prepare, are you all willing to be hasted?"
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 120 posts
33/33 HP
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 05:19
  • msg #232

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'm not." Kora ostentatiously swings the long braid she's made of her hair around one shoulder. "My uncle will kill me if I come come with grey hairs."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 73 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 23:07
  • msg #233

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"As a human, the cost on my life of being hasted is very high.  And as a wizard, the value of being hasted is limited.  So I am afraid I'll decline", say Torvek
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1794 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 30 Oct 2022
at 18:21
  • msg #234

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 233):

I have no reason to be hasted.  I have all on trying to be silent.
I shall however offer blessings and a Cloak of Bravery should the need be called.

Torvek Ragdar
player, 74 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 23:50
  • msg #235

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I suggest we attack at first light in the morning.  Hopefully that means they'll be tired from all their nightly activities. We are unfortunately at a disadvantage of not knowing the terrain.  Krackor, if I understand divination don't work in here so we could not get information on the layout of the lair that way?"
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 144 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Tue 1 Nov 2022
at 00:40
  • msg #236

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Although my life has a lot to give, taking away years for the sake of a short period of combat prowess is not something I would like to succumb to." says Tarron, rejecting the notion of being hasted.
GM, 3557 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 05:57
  • msg #237

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Okay, pulling threads together again. Is the group okay with a fight early the next morning? If so, I'll advance time a bit so you can have some "fireside conversations" before heading into the evening. You've picked a decent hiding spot, but that doesn't mean something looking for a lair might not wander by...))
GM, 3558 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 23:34
  • msg #238

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Your plan set, the group settles down in the subterranean rooms you've taken to wait out the rest of the day. The bells pass slowly. It's quiet down here. Which is good, but also means that any noise you make sounds remarkably loud. More than once you have to tell yourselves firmly that a seemingly-loud murmured conversation is not actually going to be heard by all and sundry in the street above.

Krackor's enchanted pan proves its mettle once again, frying up a warm and hearty evenfeast. There's nothing quite like a hot meal to raise spirits, no matter the surrounding circumstances.

As the sun begins to set on the ruins above, you begin to settle down into what will eventually become an evening's rest.

((ooc: I'm traveling this weekend, so I probably won't be able to find a map. But there are six rooms, all of them decently sizable, down here in this basement. How many of them are you using, and is anyone keeping watch?))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1795 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 5 Nov 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #239

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 238):

Krackor casts Thieves Lament at the entrance on one end of the complex, further inside than the Glyph of Warding and at the other, Squeaky Floors.  Both lasting 8 hours.  He then casts Sentry of Gorm at the entrance to the lower level and promptly falls asleep as the spell dictates, the Sentry pacing the area marked out in silent movement, ready to waken Krackor at the first sign of danger or intrusion, an Anti-Vermin Barrier just outside of that before the sentry spell, so smaller creatures than a cat wouldn't get through, cat size and upwards would set off the Sentry.

He did recall that the rooms were downstairs (if I recall correctly from previous descriptions), bar, pantry and kitchens on entry level.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2605 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 6 Nov 2022
at 04:17
  • msg #240

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: My spells are set.  I've got two choices though I'd like to offer for discussion.

First: I get two 3rd level spells.  I always keep a Wraithform to help me escape because I'm squishy.  My other is a Fireball.  I was thinking of taking a second Wraithform to help me scout the interior of the Alhoon's lair quickly and with minimal danger.  I have three other fire spells prepared for trolls if that's a concern--and Kitheras has a Fireball as well.

Second: For my 4th level spell we already decided that Blacksphere would be a loser.  I was going to go with Fire Shield in case the Alhoon attacks with fire spells, but if we like the crowd control aspect of Evard's Black Tentacles, I could go with that instead.

Please advise.

Also--I refitted my stats to reflect the loss of my Elven Chain Mail
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 576 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 6 Nov 2022
at 04:30
  • msg #241

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: Spells prepped--casting Strength before we leave since it lasts for hours. Rolled a 4 (darn) bringing me up to 17.

((Imagine this battle plan as being all lordly and such--but I'm going to lay it out in plain English))

We know that the Alhoon has thralls--notably trolls, but also apparently a band of adventurers. We also know that the Alhoon is invincible to spells.

Roughly, the plan is to penetrate deeply, avoiding conflict to the degree possible, locate the Alhoon, and kill it.

That task will be up to Kira and I--our primary melee combatants. If I have enough forewarning, I'll haste myself. To the degree possible, you're going to need to bolster our ability resist its mental attacks.

Tarron, the fact that its undead invalidates your biggest melee advantage--your ring.  Stick to the living targets.

Almareth, assuming that there's some lag between the time that its spotted and our ability to engage it--you feather it with arrows with the idea of disrupting its spells. Hopefully it doesn't lead with its mental attacks.

Our tendency is to cluster up, but both its mental attacks and its spells are most effective when it can catch many of us, so spread out or get near one of its allies.

Torvek, Kora, and Corym are on burn duty.  A troll's wounds won't heal if they're cauterized.

Almareth and Krackor--you're our life savers, both ours, and the thralls.  If you can Hold Person on the adventurers, that will remove them from the battle and we can potentially free them.

Questions? Suggestions?
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 577 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sun 6 Nov 2022
at 04:31
  • msg #242

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

DM--I have to inspire people for three rounds before the start of a battle.  You've been a stickler on that.  Can I give my speech here and the effect can begin once the battle is joined?  Like if I give a speech directly related to the Alhoon, can we be inspired once we come face to face with it?
Torvek Ragdar
player, 75 posts
Sun 6 Nov 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #243

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek watches Crackor intensely has a setup and prepare the protections and falls soundly asleep.  He looks around the others and says:  "So that takes care of the watch then.  If that's it, I'll rest and prepare for the morning then."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1796 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #244

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 241):

Noding and shaking his head in places, Krackor reminds Kitheras of his capabilities.  Captain, I will not stand at the back, I shall draw off attacks as they are less likely to get through my protections, this will be enhanced with the very effective spell, which you may recall from when we took this compound originally, the Defensive Harmony spell, which acts like a Stratagem mystically empowered, without knowing, we will swerve and weave to aid others in a more concerted, combined effort. ((ooc: Give extra 3 bonus to AC if four are affected, 2 bonus if 3 are affected.  With his shield in hand, it would give Krackor and AC of -8.))  Krackor demonstrates bobbing and weaving for his and others benefit.

The spell will need to be cast at the start of any single battle, so it will be which ever most affords danger.  All recipients need to be within 3ft of me but only when cast., after which, a Prayer wouldn't go amiss at engagement.  Crossbow attack with Light Bolt, then Battle Axe and Shield.  Should a large group come at us and the ground be of stone, Stone Spikes WILL grow from the ground near them.  Will you be trying communication first, remember how badly that went at the Castle!

He had said his piece and settled back to listen more.

((ooc:  Spell List
1st: Command : Bless : Pro. from Evil : Weighty Chest : CLW : CLW
2nd: Hold Person : Draw Upon Holy Might : Silence 15' Rad. : Aid : Chant
3rd: Prayer : Invisibility Purge : Prayer : Dispel Magic
4th: Defensive Harmony : Cloak of Bravery : Abdure : Cloak of Bravery

Cast once a Day-Granted Spells: In Bold are offensive.
At 1st : Sentry of Gorm or Blessed Watchfulness
At 3rd : Sacred Guardian or Iron Vigil
At 5th : Spike Stones or Shield
At 7th : Fire Eyes

GM, 3560 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 05:46
  • msg #245

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

That Night

You bed down for the evening, your plans set for the morning. Your blood is pumping at the thought of a battle against a deadly foe come morning, but you're all experienced adventurers, and you soon calm yourselves and slip into slumber or reverie.

Krackor lies sleeping at the foot of the stairs leading up to what had been the kitchen and pantry of the tavern. His eyes are closed and his chest rises and falls slowly, while above an unseen presence keeps watch on the stairs and the kitchen. It's a spell he's used more than once in the past. Then, it had expired without issue.

This time, Krackor is jerked awake a fell bells after he falls asleep by the warding spirit. Something has triggered the ward. As consciousness comes to him, he can also hear the squeaking of the squeaky floors spell, echoing somewhat as it flows down the staircase.

((ooc: Map of the lower level. Ignore the windows in the outer walls and the southern door "out;" I couldn't find a good basement map. Krackor is by the stairs up, which is the only exit from the lower level.))

GM, 3561 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #246

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


Having volunteered to take the middle watch, since you already have all the spells you require for the next day's battle, you're the only other person to be awake when the squeaky floors spell triggers. You can hear it faintly, filtering through earth and stone in a way that no non-magical sound could duplicate. You don't know what's caused it, but you know that something must be up on the first floor.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 579 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 19:09
  • msg #247

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras will rouse Almareth first--"Krackor's wards have been triggered, ready them all for battle, I go to support our Guardian."

Kitheras moves silently to the door leading to where Krackor is and peaks through maintaining cover to see if the dwarf has been roused.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1797 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 03:36
  • msg #248

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 246):

As soon as his alarm goes off from the Sentry, Krackor is awake, he listens at the Squeaky Floor above, his Crossbow loaded and ready.

He listens to gauge numbers, sizes, armour, any other details from his analysis of the sounds. He hears Kitheras moving the door, the Elf's armour and breathing, silent as he may be, giving him away. He signals numbers and to show he is ready, lifts the Crossbow to prime position. Having studied the area thoroughly when Kithera et al were out, he pin points the exact place for any enemy to appear in view.
GM, 3563 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #249

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor and Kitheras

Both of you pay close attention to the noises coming from above. Krackor readies himself for a charge, and Kitheras comes running towards the stairs.

Unfortunately, while excellent as an alarm spell, the squeaking floors don't provide much additional information. It squeaks as loudly for a rat as it does a mail-covered knight. But both of you do hear the squeaks of multiple beings moving through the kitchen. A few moments later and all but one of the squeaks stop. The last squeaking slows down, becoming a regular creak creak pattern that Krackor recognizes as coming from someone who is standing still inside the enchantment.


Almareth jerks awake as Kitheras shakes his shoulder. Pushing the slow river of memories that come with reverie away, he shakes his head and starts waking the rest of the group. As each person comes awake, you can hear the faint squeaking of Krackor's spell, the noise greatly attenuated as it makes its way through the earth. There's no sign of combat yet, but that may be coming.

((ooc: Almareth, Torvek, and Tarron are all awake now. The rest of the group will wake up next. Everyone who can hear the squeaking knows it's coming from the kitchen.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1799 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 23:30
  • msg #250

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 249):

Krackor waits, maybe those in the kitchen will just wander away, he is prepared and listening, listening to the sounds of the complex, the almost silent creaks of the closed doors and the  soft leather of his companions wakening up in the room behind.

(ooc: do you want a Sound Analysis roll?)
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 580 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 00:46
  • msg #251

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

He knows he's caught, but he doesn't know by what. From his vantage point, Kitheras nocks an arrow and trains it on the stairs.
GM, 3564 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 04:27
  • msg #252

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: There isn't enough sound coming from the spell to get more information. You've got general numbers and direction, and that's about it.))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 77 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #253

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek opens his eyes as soon as Almareth touches him but does not move a muscle until he assess the situation.  Hearing the floors squeak, Torvek very slowly and silently gets up on the wall side of where he laid.  As he gets up, his hand reaches to his belt pouch and comes out with a stone that he immediately releases, the dark purple stone flies up and starts circling over his head.   Torvek takes position in the corner, ready for action.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:04, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 581 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 23:06
  • msg #254

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

An impasse.  A critical opportunity for intelligence.  The cloak and boots should help shield him--Kitheras was going to take a look at their wary intruder.

17:06, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 71 using 1d100.  Move Silently.

17:05, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 78 using 1d100.  Hide in Shadows.

GM, 3565 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 23:40
  • msg #255

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


As Torvek pulls himself up and clears his mind for battle, Almareth moves to the rest of the group and starts shaking people awake.

((ooc: Everyone is now awake. I'll handle Kitheras's advance in a separate post.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1800 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 23:52
  • msg #256

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 254):

Krackor waves Kitheras on so he knows he isn't getting in the way.
Kali Xilrora
player, 86 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 00:14
  • msg #257

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali stashes her talking scimitar in favor of her silent magical one. Kali positions herself along the wall of the entrance, so that she can spring into action as best she can. She pushes her thoughts of being lesser than aside in the calm before the storm.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 582 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 15:09
  • msg #258

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras creeps back, and whispers to Krackor, "Bearded Devil--keep watch."

He continues back to the rest of the party and still whispering, briefs them. "There's a Bearded Devil standing on the stairs with a glaive.  He's standing sentry.  I can't tell whether he's aware of the ward he tripped or not.  He seems patient though--not moving.  With my reconnaissance I can guarantee a surprise attack, but I can't guarantee that we could take him down soundlessly in a single strike.  I'm concerned that he may be securing the area for a larger group to pass by.

Or we can wait and see if he loses interest."

Torvek Ragdar
player, 78 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 16:58
  • msg #259

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Caved in, damaged, empty room illusion, mabye?", whispers Torvek.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:59, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
GM, 3566 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 17:55
  • msg #260

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Map hasn't changed much, though some folks have shifted around. Kali is by the room's door, Torvek is in the far corner furthest from the door. Time is passing. What do you want to do?))

Kali Xilrora
player, 87 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 00:25
  • msg #261

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali was waiting for her more magically inclined allies to voice their opinions. All she knew was that rushing the creature up the stairs would probably lead to more terrible creatures showing up and flanking them. She had been in a few sword fights in stairwells and none of them were pleasant encounters. She was contented to keep her weapons at hand and wait.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 147 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 02:38
  • msg #262

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron had never fought devils, so he waited for word to strike. He was as ready as he could be, sans his armour which he could see beside his sleeping quarters. He placed his mask upon his face, trying to see what magical auras might be lingering that he should be aware of.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 583 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #263

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

After considering the problem--tactically and strategically--Kitheras presents his analysis.

"We're at a tactical disadvantage if we rush the stairs, and given its positioning its unlikely to be alone. Perhaps we could bait it down here, but its just as likely to bring its reinforcements."

"Strategically, this is a trap. We are likely to need most--if not all--of our resources to deal with the Alhoon.  Dealing with this makes us less capable of dealing with that.  If we could convince it to go away with an illusion, we could--but that's impossible given our subterranean base."

"I counsel that we prepare to ambush the devils if they descend the stairs, but to let them pass unmolested if they are willing to pass without molesting us."

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1802 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 11:20
  • msg #264

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 263):

He hears Torvek's words even though not next to him, Krackor nods in agreement as he does with Kitheras' counsel.

His full focus on the noises above, listening to the creature rocking, its breathing steady.

His only motion, to swap the clay covered light bolt for a normal one, sliding it into place, the light bolt placed ready to use should the need arise. Krackor remains unmoving, silent, ready to fire.
GM, 3567 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 17:46
  • msg #265

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Agreement of a sort reached, and Kora eventually talked down from wanting to come (mainly by reminding her that she doesn't have a magical weapon, and therefore wouldn't be able to hurt a baatezu regardless of how hard she hit it), the group moves out to join Krackor at the stairs.

The squeaking has continued unabated while you've had your discussion. It becomes steadily clearer as you move through the two rooms that separate you from the stairs' lower landing.

((ooc: Each square on the map is 10 feet, so you can cram a max of 4 people into a single square, if you want to clump up. How do you want to arrange yourselves, and are you just waiting to see what happens?))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 584 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 17:50
  • msg #266

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Turn the table on its end in the South East corner to make a redoubt for Almareth, Corym, Kora, and Kitheras (who's actually a really good archer). Kali and Tarron can't quite flank the door, but should be prepared to do so.

If they come through, Almareth, Corym, and Kitheras feather them with arrows, our melee folk cover down on them.

That's how I see it.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 79 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 23:33
  • msg #267

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek watches Kitheras prepare the ground and go takes a place behind the table with the others.
"I could cast and maintain an illusion that the basement has caved in and is filled with rocks and wet with water hence not a nice place to come and rest.  Or do you think we just hide?"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2606 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 03:01
  • msg #268

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“If we could pull Krackor back quietly enough and set the illusion at the doorway Kitheras wants to fortify, that should work. He shouldn’t have been able to see that far yet.”
Almareth Siannodel
player, 27 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 04:53
  • msg #269

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With bow and arrow in hand Almareth takes his position.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1803 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 11:45
  • msg #270

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 268):

In the cellar, it is so quiet that Krackor hears the request and moves back two steps, lays down (sniper style), far enough that he can still see the top step of the stairs clearly, yet far enough to make any illusion work and if the creature causes through illusions and invisibility, that it may think him just a dead body.

Whispers really quietly. if its hearing is good, everyone needs to be quieter, Torvek I suggest holding your magic back unless you know if the creature likely senses magic or not, then if it comes down the stairs, the have your illusion have the side wall to the rooms collapsed, the spaces out of its initial sighting, like behind my waist, I'll raise a finger or two if it or they start moving.

He was aware that Kitheras had already been to see before this one settles at the top of the stairs, he would know if the creatures saw him or not and say otherwise, making it that the illusion could be done earlier, making Krackors body to appear dead a week or so.
GM, 3568 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 06:51
  • msg #271

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Baatezu Fight, Round 1

A sudden increase in the amount of squeaking coming from the kitchen gives all of you a mere few breaths of warning before suddenly there's a rumbling on the stairs as things come rushing down. From where he's lying at the foot of the stairs, Krackor can see the wildly swinging beards and tails of the hideous barbazu, as at least two fling themselves down the steps in a full charge, glaives held out in front of them. Their battle howls nearly drown out the squeaking of the floor above.

As the first one comes down enough to catch sight of the group sheltering behind the overturned table, it bellows something in a harsh language. Glaive leading the way, it runs towards you.

((ooc: No one is surprised, so we're going to go right into normal initiative. Everyone's initial positions are shown below. Since Krackor is on the ground, I'm not sure where the barbazu are ending up just yet. They're coming right at the folks in the south that they can see. I'll update the map after Round 1 is done.

The group in the southwest corner is behind an overturned table - I can't modify the image, but consider it there. The table grants 50% cover, which gives a -4 against missile fire and a -4 saving throw bonus. It doesn't affect melee combat.))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1804 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:09
  • msg #272

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 271):

Hearing the squeaking getting more.. more, Krackor prepares himself at his guard post.

(In addition, barakor always win initiative rolls when on active guard duty, even when they are charged by multiple opponents coming out of the darkness.)

He sees 2 then their acknowledgement of seeing his companions and the battle cries, and fires a bolt, straight at the lead one. His patience and surveying of how each step flows, allows the bolt to hit true.

(Initiative = 1st
Attack: Xbow = 14 = AC 2
Damage: Xbow = 3)

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 148 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #273

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron holds, waiting for the enemies to appear before he can strike...
Corym Ildroun
player, 2607 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #274

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym fires two arrows into the charging Barbazu, to no effect.

14:05, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 8 using 2d20 with rolls of 3,5.  Arrow attacks.

14:04, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 585 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 20:09
  • msg #275

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras fires his arrows at the charging Barbazu, but only one really has a chance of striking.

14:09, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 8 using 1d10 with rolls of 8.  Initiative.

14:08, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 1 using 1d8 with rolls of 1.  Arrow Damage.

14:08, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 25 using 2d20 with rolls of 17,8.  Arrow attacks.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 80 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 21:10
  • msg #276

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Let's try to slow the charge down the stairs", says Torvek as he starts casting a spell

Cast 'Web' starting at the foot of the stair and with the 8,000 cubic ft volume going up the staircase as far as possible.
Initiative: 9
Weapon speed: 2 Casting
Total: 11

21:08, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative.

GM, 3569 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2022
at 22:01
  • msg #277

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 1

Krackor's bolt releases the instant he has a shot on the first barbazu. It hits the fiend square in the chest and sails through, as though the fiend was made of smoke.

Webs erupt from the walls, bouncing and splattering back and forth along the stone stairwell. The first baatezu slides out of the way just as they close around him, while the second doesn't seem to affected by the spell. A third barbazu, trying to follow them, gets stuck for a moment further up the stairs. Then something much larger coming behind it shoves it forward. The barbazu tears through the webs and nearly collapses as it emerges.

The two lead barbazu both mark Krackor where he's lying on the floor, pointing at him and shouting in their language. They don't slow, instead flinging themselves straight at the barricade. Corym and Kitheras loose arrows at them, but the non-magical weapons sail through the baatezu with as little impact as Krackor's bolt.

Kali is more effective. As the lead baatezu runs past, she scores a wicked hit on its shoulder, nearly taking off its arm. It snarls in her direction but doesn't change direction. ((ooc: Tarron, you can attack either the first or the second barbazu as it goes past.))

The two barbazu reach the table barrier and swing their wickedly-barbed glaives. Both Kitheras and Almareth are hit, the jagged blades tearing open rough wounds. ((ooc: Kitheras takes 14 points of damage, Almareth takes 8 points of damage. Both elves will take 2 points of bleeding damage each round until someone takes a round to bandage the wounds.))

Back at the stairwell, the creature that shoved the last barbazu forward pushes effortlessly through the webs. It fills the stairwell with its winged, spiky, scaled bulk. A graceful bastard sword is clutched in one hand and its gaze falls upon Krackor. "Well, well, what do we have here?"

((ooc: Map updated. Actions and initiative for Round 2!))

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 149 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #278

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron moves to intercept the devil attacking Krackor, using his skill with the longsword to poke several holes and slash multiple times across the chest of the infernal enemy. Frost brand delivers, the magical blade penetrating the flesh of the devil with ease.

13:49, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative. – [roll=1669355385.00374.359800]
07:45, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 13 using 1d8+8.  Damage 3. – [roll=1669333524.43751.359800]
07:45, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 12 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1669333516.32511.359800]
07:45, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 14 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1669333506.22619.359800]
07:33, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 8 using 1d20.  Attack 2 r2. – [roll=1669332835.79271.359800] Attack hits AC -2 for 13 damage
07:33, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 16 using 1d20.  Attack 1 r2. – [roll=1669332825.5507.359800] Attack hits AC -10 for 12 damage
07:31, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 5 using 1d20.  Attack r1. – [roll=1669332674.51797.359800] Attack hits AC 1 for 14 damage

This message was last edited by the player at 05:50, Fri 25 Nov 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 585 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 30 / 44
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 05:05
  • msg #279

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras does his best to fight his way clear with short swords blazing--but to little avail.

22:58, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 2 using 1d10 with rolls of 2.

22:57, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 6 using 1d6+5 with rolls of 1.  Damage.

22:55, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 26 using 3d20 with rolls of 20,4,2.  Short Sword Attacks.

This message was last updated by the player at 05:05, Fri 25 Nov 2022.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2609 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 05:22
  • msg #280

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

23:16, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 1 using 1d10 with rolls of 1.  Initiative.

Corym mentally recites his spells, and comes to the realization that the spells he'd prepared for the trolls will be useless against the Baatezu. He watches Kitheras struggle with his swords. Kitheras is arguably our best bladesman, I'll only get in the way.  If the Alhoon mission isn't going to be scrubbed, they had to finish this fight efficiently--preserving strength and spells.  He mentally rattled through his inventory.

He draws forth the Potion of Language Learning and takes a draught and focuses on the devils before him to learn their tongue.  Then, in their own tongue, he addresses them, "Lords of Hell--let us speak!  We prepare to strike against those that grieve you.  If our interests align, do not let us weaken each other in the face of our enemies!"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:22, Fri 25 Nov 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1805 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 15:56
  • msg #281

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor sees the first fiends go passed and knows his companions will deal with them, the Web was just in from, out of swing reach.  He had the idea that magical weapons were needed here, so leg go of his Crossbow, taking out his magical dagger as he rolled to almost a coach ready to spring, then the big one spoke.

He didn't comprehend the sounds coming from Corym. Why had the others run by him. He waited for the big Pit Fiend to come at him, he was ready to cast Adjure and send it back to it's fiery home, he knew he would react first, knew how it would have to lunge at him.

"I am Krackor Steelfist - Barakor, Lord Protector Steelfist of the Vigilant Host. Here to find someone and rid the area of the Alhoon.  This is our hold, cease and withdraw."

(ooc: if fiend takes a swing, Krackor casts Adjure and rolls, if it stands and keeps talking, he'll hold.)
Torvek Ragdar
player, 81 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 23:49
  • msg #282

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Hearing Krackor attempt to talk to the baatezu, Torvek decides to wait for the result rather than anger him.  He reaches in his belt pocket for a gem but pauses before casting his spell, waiting for a reaction.

Action: Cast Black Chromatic Orb at the lead baatezu if he is still showing intent on fighting
Initiative: Wait to being last in round
Modified THACO:  18 - 1 (Dex) -2 (Range 10-20y) = 15

23:47, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 20 using 1d20.  Chromatic Orb .

GM, 3570 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:34
  • msg #283

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 2

Corym takes a quaff of the potion of language learning, and immediately his mind erupts into pain as it tries to pull the language out of the minds of the baatezu. The psyches of fiends are alien and evil in a way just not found on the Prime. To look into them is to risk madness, and for a moment, Corym is afraid that he's made a very bad mistake.

And then a great, steadying weight settles around Corym's mind. Myth Drannor was a place of cultural exchange and appreciation, and damaged though it is, its mythal still supports and encourages things like language learning. With an unyielding mass like a mountain backing him, the language of Baator slots into place with ease. The mythal recedes once more, and Corym begins speaking.

The massive fiend, the cornugon, settles back on the stairs while Corym talks. Then she chuckles. "Well, well. How interesting. Very well. Prove your worth." She crosses her arms, blade held out to one side, and watches the battle.

((ooc: Corym, you can add Baatezu to your list of languages known.))

Tarron, having hit the second barbazu to go running by a solid blow, leaves the first two to his comrades and darts into the first room to help Krackor. He cuts deeply into the lesser fiend's back, baatezu blood flying in all directions. The fiend staggers, but turns the impact into a massive swing that carves into Krackor's shoulder, ruining his spell. ((ooc: Krackor, you take 12 damage. You are bleeding and will take 2 damage per round until you bind the wound or cast a healing spell.))

The other two barbazu continue assaulting the barricade. Both Kitheras and Almareth are able to land blows, though the fiends keep fighting as though they barely feel it. Kali moves up behind them, her scimitar cutting deeply into the back of the barbazu fighting Kitheras. It's barely standing, but swings wildly and cuts Kitheras again. Its counterpart also stabs Almareth. ((ooc: Kitheras takes 6+2 bleeding damage. Almareth takes 10+2 bleeding damage. Both of you are now bleeding for 4 hp/round until you take a round to bind them or healing magic is cast.))

Torvek takes careful sight on the barbazu attacking Kitheras and flings a dark blue orb of light at the fiend. The orb breaks into pieces just before it hits, shattered by the baatezu's magic resistance. ((ooc: At your level, a blue orb is the most powerful one you can throw.))

((ooc: Round 2 is over. The cornugon is not fighting. Two of the barbazu are on death's door, the third is badly hurt. New map with current positions below. Actions and initiative for Round 3!))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1806 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:30
  • msg #284

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Having not cast his spell previously because he was waiting for the Fiend to make a move, he rolls with the Baatezu attack, sees the Pit Fiend (it is to him just now) sit back waiting, chuckling and wanting to "prove your worth", he attacks the Baatezu.

(ooc: wow, they hit well to get through Krackor's defenses. Time to strike back

Initiative: First as he is still at his guard post
Attack #1: 13 = AC 3
Damage #1:8hp

Attack #2: 9 = AC 7
Damage #2: 7hp
Not added anything for flanking opponent, unsure if facing me or companion, one of us gets rear attack)

This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 150 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #285

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron continues his assault on the lone baatezu, his attacks ringing true and deadly. "I've got this." he says to Krackor, hoping that the cleric will be able to help in other ways.

08:06, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 9 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1669766806.77837.359800]
08:06, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 12 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1669766801.31174.359800]
08:06, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 20 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1669766770.84377.359800] Hits AC -14 for 9 damage
08:06, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 17 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1669766764.19872.359800] Hits AC-11 for 12 damage
08:06, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative. – [roll=1669766782.08833.359800]

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 586 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 12:17
  • msg #286

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Prove your worth...

If he could put the fiend down now, Kitheras should be able to bandage himself before he bled out.

06:15, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 1 using 1d10 with rolls of 1.  Initiative.

06:14, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 12 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,6,5.  damage.

06:14, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 29 using 3d20 with rolls of 7,7,15.  Attacks.

Should be 18 damage.

Torvek Ragdar
player, 82 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 22:41
  • msg #287

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: @DM just posting it now so that it's available to progress the game if the manoeuvre is allowed.  If not, let me know and I'll change my action

Torvek is disappointed that his lovely orb failed to work, most likely due to magic resistance, he thinks to himself.  With the cornugon not fighting and then barbazus looking baldy damaged, Torvek choses not to waste anymore spells.  Looking for a barbazu to be occupied fighting with his companions and not give him enough attention, Torvek waits for his moment, sneaks behind it and gives it a mighty wack just at the base of the skull.

22:20, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 6 using 1d6.  Base damage. x3 multiplier=18+2 Bonus = 20 damage
22:19, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 18 using 1d20.  Backstab attack quarterstaff. Hit AC -6
22:18, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 72 using 1d100.  Move silently.  (against 95%)
22:17, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative.  (Weapons speed 4 + moving in position?)

GM, 3571 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 00:46
  • msg #288

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 3

With the barbazu bleeding freely and striking out more wildly than just a few moments before, Torvek goes back to his roots and circles around to the rear of the duo. He can't line up the precisely perfect strike when the fiends know he's there, but he can still wallop the thing over the head. His blow staggers it, allowing Kitheras to surge forward the cut it down.

Next to them, Kali's two-handed scimitar blow takes the baatezu's head from its shoulders. In the other room, Tarron and Krackor combine to take down the third barbazu while it's still trying to decide who to attack.

As the three baatezu corpses hit the ground, they begin to smoke like a frozen pond on a warm day. Their glaives dissolve, and a few moments later there's nothing to mark their presence aside from the spattered blood and ichor on the walls and floor.

On the stairs, the cornugon gives a little nod. "Very well. You have surpassed my exceedingly low expectations and proven yourselves worthy of a chance of alliance. So. Let us speak of phaerimm hunting."
GM, 3572 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #289

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: As a note: the phaerimm are generally a total unknown in Faerun at this time. Someone with Ancient History for an area that would have overlapped Netheril can roll a check to see if you know anything, but there will be a hefty penalty to the roll.))
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 151 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 03:42
  • msg #290

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Phaerimm? Is that a colloqualism for the Alhoon?" asks Tarron, wary of the devil suddently launching an attack on the party.
GM, 3573 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #291

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The word "phaerimm" strikes a distant chord. A stray memory of an off-hand remark between two senior Evereskan wizards you overheard while practicing stealth during your Knave apprenticeship. A powerful magical race, somehow mixed up in Netheril's last days, and almost completely unknown. It's the only time you've heard the word.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1807 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 08:12
  • msg #292

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With the Baatezu dead, Krackor didn't let his guard down, so he listened. He listened to the Fiend, he listened to the continuing sounds of his companions breathing, knowing where each one was and their condition.
He got his ioun stone in its pouch and passed it backwards to Tarron, they had used it often and discussed how it had saved all their lives many times in the past and would stone the injuries just incurred now. No words needed, hopefully.

He called to the Vigilant Host to heal his own wounds.
(ooc: CLW on self for 5hp, stops the bleeding)
This message was last edited by the player at 08:15, Sat 03 Dec 2022.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 152 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 09:25
  • msg #293

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron was not injured, but he could see that Kitheras was. He passed the stone back to his companion.
GM, 3574 posts
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 17:36
  • msg #294

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: I forgot to include the bleeding in the Round 3 post. Krackor takes 2 damage, Kitheras and Almareth each take 4 damage. Since we're out of combat, I assume each of you immediately binds up the wounds, stopping the bleeding. Or you can cast a healing spell, like Krackor.))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 83 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 00:18
  • msg #295

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

While his friends are busy tending their wounds, Torvek watches the cornugon carefully as he speak for any sign of deception.  Satisfied, he move towards the fiends as says "Could you tell us a bit more about what that would entail?  Maybe that's because I am a northerner but I am not familiar with phaerimms."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2610 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 11:34
  • msg #296

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Phaerimm? I've heard of them, but only in brief. What of these Phaerim? You have an interest in this neighborhood. It's occupied.  We're in the process of unoccupying one of those buildings. If there are Phaerimm, there we will evacuate them from this life. See? There is no reason for us to fight--we fight those that you fight."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:04, Wed 07 Dec 2022.
GM, 3576 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 17:19
  • msg #297

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The cornugon chuckles and nods at Tarron. "Quite alike, yes. The alhoon and the phaerimm are rivals, scratching in the dirt in hopes of finding some lost gem of lore. Both spellcasters, both fond of making slaves of those such as yourself."

When Corym speaks, the fiend turns her full attention to him. "You are excellent at our language. I would love to meet whoever taught you."

She licks her lips. "I agree, we should not fight. But, well, you slaughtered my lesser kin. That is an insult to all baatezu. I might be willing to overlook it, but there are more and greater baatezu than I in this city, and their pride is signifiant. This is, how do you call it on this world? A slap in their face. But if you aided me in slaying one of our foes, like, say, the phaerimm rooting around in the mansion across the street, well... Bygones and such."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2611 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 17:43
  • msg #298

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I think you might find that meeting to be quite amusing."

"You propose that we should pay for an insult, but that insult was a test you yourself proposed. How can we enter into an alliance with good faith with one who so readily reimagines the circumstances of the arrangement."

"If we should agree to help you, you would no doubt be in a better position to achieve your aim than previously. However lowly you assumed we are, we are less lowly than the soldiers you brought with you. We create value for you. You will return to your superiors having accomplished your task with only the expected losses, while minimizing your own risk. More importantly you will have access to personnel that your kin are unaware of, and access to the resources of the outside world if you facilitate our survival."

"What do you offer?"

This message was last edited by the player at 17:49, Wed 07 Dec 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 587 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 17:45
  • msg #299

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In elven Kitheras whispers to his companions--"I have no idea what Corym is doing, but whether we fight now or in the Alhoon's lair, we should heal ourselves nonetheless.  Lets be about it.  Spells before potions."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1810 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 17:56
  • msg #300

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras Sunblade:
In elven Kitheras whispers to his companions--"I have no idea what Corym is doing, but whether we fight now or in the Alhoon's lair, we should heal ourselves nonetheless.  Lets be about it.  Spells before potions."

Krackor chimes in "Stone before spells if not fully healed" never once taking his gaze from the Fiend.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:57, Wed 07 Dec 2022.
GM, 3577 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 21:23
  • msg #301

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"You were the one to first speak of alliance," the cornugon replies. "As recompense for intruding into a baatezu base I had assumed. A most fair bargain to avoid the wrath of the baatezu. And now you ask what I offer?" She laughs, the sound booming and grating in the enclosed space. "I offer your lives. You are deep within Myth Drannor, and there are so many baatezu. And should this phaerimm be slain, I am sure there will be trinkets enough to spare."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2612 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #302

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“Difficult to lay claim to the neighborhood with so many filthy Tanar’ri about.  Bar-lugra by the stream, Chasme in the trees, and occasionally Vrocks preparing their famous dance in the clearing. Myth Drannor belongs to the strong, and only fools spend their strength where they need not. There are no fools present.”

“If we aid you and succeed, you will do by us no harm. Do I understand your terms? So that I may discuss them with my men?”
GM, 3578 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 22:46
  • msg #303

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth quietly chants a healing prayer and lays a hand on the worst of his wounds. The great gash closes up, and the horrible bleeding stops. He's still hurt, but it's manageable.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 154 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 23:11
  • msg #304

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron had no skill in the language of demons and devils. It sounded like fighting talk, regardless. Maybe that was a feature of the language, however? He stood by, cleaning the blood of the fallen devils from his blade, but keeping a watchful eye on the cornugon in case it suddenly sprang into attack.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1811 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 03:08
  • msg #305

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

He hears the laboured breath of Kitheras and realises that there is more injury than he had anticipated.
"Kitheras, to me" The normally jovial Dwarven priest sounds stoic, almost harsh, more proof that he was still ready for the fight.

He reaches to Kitheras, casting CLW twice, maybe it is Myth Drannor or maybe it's the proximity to a Fiend but the magical healing barely stops the bleeding, he gets another magical stone out, allows it to float from his hand and casts another CLW.
(ooc: CLW = 1+2+4 = 7hp back. Talk about poor)
GM, 3579 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #306

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Certainly." The cornugon grins, showing all of its sharp teeth. "I smell much magic on all of you. It would be such a shame if word of a rich party's presence was whispered throughout the city."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 84 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #307

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek watches the discussion between Corym and the cornugon looking for body language clues..
This message was last edited by the player at 19:42, Thu 08 Dec 2022.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2613 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 21:07
  • msg #308

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym turns and explains the situation to his companions.

"Our new acquaintance has taken issue with our presence in this neighborhood, but is willing to allow us to work off our debt.  Across the way in Bhephel Tower, there is a Phaerimm--I only have a vague notion of what that entails--and he requires that we assist him in hunting it in exchange for our lives and, apparently, discretion.

"Presumably we'll be getting a tactical briefing before engagement, that's in our mutual interest, but its immaterial to the choice at hand."

"If we do not help him, we will have to fight him. In either case, our shot at the Alhoon today is likely scrapped since he can't fail to notice the conflagration with will surely follow in either case. Understanding that we've got a hell of a fight on our hands either way, all we have to decide is whether we'd appreciate a Greater Baatezu on our side when we go into it."

"I'm sure that there are some ethical and theological concerns that will have to be considered.  Feel free to think it through and talk it over before casting a vote."

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1812 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #309

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 308):

He hadn't understood a word of what had been discussed but he surmised it would be one sided, he listened to Corym's explanation of the conversation, neither nodding nor shaking his head. Corym knew Krackor well enough to know, he was poised, it was his guard post and that Fiend wasn't going yo step into it, leaning forward as it crept closer to the last step, his intent ringing like an alarm bell in the centre of an echo chamber.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 155 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 01:10
  • msg #310

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I've never dealt with a devil, and who can say if they would honor such an agreement. It could be just as likely to switch allegiances midway through the fight and share the spoils with the Phaerimm. Still, it would be more useful to have an ally in the fight than to go against it devoid of help. Perhaps an alliance would be to our advantage, the change that shifts the tide from a neutral stand off to the devils gaining a stronger foothold." says Tarron.
GM, 3580 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 06:01
  • msg #311

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Call me a devil again," the cornugon growls from where she's watching you on the bottom stair, "and I'll eat you." There is very obvious malice in her tone that was missing in all of her previous speeches and banter.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 156 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 09:07
  • msg #312

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"What are your preferred pronouns?" asked Tarron, none the wiser regarding devil/demon naming conventions.
GM, 3581 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #313

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I am a baatezu, from Baator," the cornugon growls. "Anyone who calls it the 'Nine Hells' gets dragged back there and shown its wonders, personally." Almost as an afterthought, she adds, "I am also female, in this incarnation. If such a thing matters."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2614 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #314

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Krackor--at ease.  We're all just talking for the moment.  Tarron, we're in deep enough with the insults to Baatezu pride.  I'm inclined to agree with Tarron, though.  An ally--even a temporary one--is a luxury one can ill afford to lose in Myth Drannor. What of the rest of you?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 588 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 18:33
  • msg #315

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"The tactical advantages seem obvious. Death to the Phaerimm."  Kitheras muses with a lack of enthusiasm.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1813 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #316

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
"Krackor--at ease.  We're all just talking for the moment."

It is only at this point that Krackor seems to ease...a little, after all, Corym wasn't the Captain at the moment but Krackor respected him and since he was the only one able to understand the 'creature', Krackor looks to Kitheras for confirmation whilst resting back, more upright than forwards, his crossbow on the floor, close to his leg, ready to be picked up and loaded.  He makes a note to bless the next bolt that it firsts at one of these creatures.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 589 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #317

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras nods to Krackor in sign that he agrees with Corym's recommendation.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1815 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 20:47
  • msg #318

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 317):

Krackor sees the motions from Kitheras and rocks onto his feet, scooping up his crossbow with his axe hand and steps backwards to the wall corner of the walls, ending with the door on his left.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 85 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 15:47
  • msg #319

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek listens to the conversation and turns towards the cornugon "When you say that you won't attack us, does that apply only to yourself?  I would be much happier to work with you if I could count that the other Baatezus on the area won't be coming after us either"

Torvek wait for the answer and continues "Do you intend that we attack the phaerimm together or just us?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:10, Sat 10 Dec 2022.
GM, 3582 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 00:13
  • msg #320

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Oh, I'll be right there with you. Nothing is quite as tender as phaerimm meat," the cornugon says, her lips pulling back into a leer. "As for other baatezu, well, known allies are a useful resource. One that a wise commander husbands carefully. The real questions becomes, are you a known ally? Or enemy?"
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 157 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 00:48
  • msg #321

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I believe we can settle for an uneasy alliance for the moment. We don't yet know the strength of your words, and no doubt you have your own doubts about our intentions. For now, a common enemy unites us." says Tarron.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2615 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 01:40
  • msg #322

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"We haven't shed any Baatezu blood while we've been here.  I can't say the same for Tanar'ri."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 86 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #323

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Good.  I am looking forward to this then", says Torvek with a smile.

"I would venture that the phaerimm and the alhoon might not like each other.  Would anyone have a suggestion on a way to get them to fight each others?  We could then just kill whichever survives. ". Tavern look around for suggestions.  "I wonder if an alhoon, or something looking like one, went to annoy the phaerimm in his lair and then ran away... Would the phaerimm chase after it?"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2616 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 20:41
  • msg #324

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“I would think that everyone in this place would fear the Doom of Netheril. Cera seemed edgy about it. I’ll bet the Alhoon is holed up waiting for it to pass on.”
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 590 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #325

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Having received Krackor's assent, Kitheras nods and remarks, "That settles it.  We're agreed to your terms, madame. Can you provide a tactical briefing so that we can best deploy our assets, or will we need to perform reconnaissance?"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 87 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 23:20
  • msg #326

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Where are my manners, I am Torvek Ragdar.  And what should I call you, new ally?", he asks politely.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1817 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 00:30
  • msg #327

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Intrigued, suspicious, hopeful, cautious, grateful. He was all of these things at once and it confused him a little, enough for him to listen without the cheery look to his face but not so much as to let his guard down even though others would have though he had, he was very mindful of everything going on, where people were, other noises taking place, the fact the safeguarding spells had been activated and how the slithering tongue of the Baatezu 'Ally" moved as it spoke.

A silent prayer to the Bronze Mask. He had heard tales before, of Guardian Priests having to help the undesirables, in order to protect from a greater threat, he didn't expect to be one of those but he could see the value, but mostly, he liked that Manor house and wanted to know if the cellar door was now breached because it was the Phaerimm being kept there!?!
GM, 3583 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #328

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The cornugon gives you all a wide, toothy smile. "Excellent." She slides her sword into a sheath hanging on her back. "You may call me Lydzin. Now, we tracked the phaerimm to the crystal mansion across the street. It's new to the neighborhood, and foolishly made a great deal of noise breaking down the door. Since it hasn't emerged, it clearly found something of value. Phaerimm always lair up with slaves. Since scrying is pointless, I was planning to spend some time keeping watch to see what might emerge. But phaerimm rarely wander once they've found a place they wish to study. With our new alliance, I propose that we attack hard and fast, and kill it before it knows it's under attack."

((ooc: Just to confirm, yes, the phaerimm is lairing in the Bhephel mansion.))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 591 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 04:42
  • msg #329

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"It's a terrain that we're actually quite familiar with.  We spent a tenday or so in there.  We stripped the place bare with the exception of a single door in the basement."

Kitheras begins tracing out the floor plan of the bottom floor.

"We haven't any idea what was on the other side of the door.  Apparently it predated the construction of the tower, and the Archwizard that resided there felt that it was best left alone."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2617 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 04:43
  • msg #330

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"For the record--regardless of what was on the other side of the door, the door itself was a work of art, and that was my primary interest."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 592 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #331

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras clears his throat to continue.

"The door resisted the efforts of three of our spell casters over four days of castings to penetrate its wards. Either the Phaerimm is struggling as much as we were and is holed up in the kitchen cellar, or it has penetrated the door and has begun an exploration of whatever lies beyond."

"For the uninitiated, this puts us at a distinct disadvantage.  In confined quarters Lydzin's size and our numbers will be a hindrance and easy prey ray and cone attacks. Our only real chance is to lure it into the adjoining room where our forces can spread out, and all of our attacks can be focused on it, while it must focus its attacks on one of us at a time."

"I suspect that Corym and Torvek will be the best suited to bait the creature out, while the rest of us lie in wait for them to draw it into the kill box."

"Lydzin, can you share what information you have about the Phaerimm's combat abilities? Torvek is gifted in illusion magic--what might be of sufficient interest to a Phaerimm to make it come running?"

This message was last edited by the player at 04:51, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 158 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 05:00
  • msg #332

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"What can you tell us about the combat and magical skills of the Phaerimm?" asks Tarron of the cornugon.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1818 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #333

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Tarron Ianfiel (msg # 332):

Krackor was more practical, would they be at a disasvantage or would the Phaerimm be at a disadvantage?

What can you tell us about the size of the creature, how many arms, legs, hands etc?
Does it have a visible head, eyes, ears etc?
Would the Phaerimm's size give it a disadvantage in a confined space as shown here?
points at the map.
GM, 3584 posts
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 03:53
  • msg #334

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"A phaerimm is a giant, floating sock," Lydzin says. "It's my height or somewhat longer, but doesn't fly as quickly as you walk. All of the phaerimm we have encountered here have been powerful wizards with a wide variety of spells. They love only magic, so unless one of you can turn into a rare and valuable book of elven spells, I'm not sure your plan to draw it out will be of use. Phaerimm also keep slaves and are utterly indifferent to their wellbeing. Eventually, they eat them."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2618 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 16:04
  • msg #335

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Oh, that should be fairly simple.  Torvek could put together an illusion of a Tenser's floating disc laden with books and crumbling scrolls.  We can pile up some stacks somewhat loudly, and talk about how we need to hurry up and get out. When it comes at us, we flee, the disc bobbing behind us."
GM, 3585 posts
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 17:18
  • msg #336

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The cornugon stares at Corym, blankly. "I would see through that. The phaerimm is at least as smart as I am."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 88 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 00:04
  • msg #337

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"My preference would still be for the phaerim to go and attack the alhoon" says Torvek. "Any chance we could motivate it to do it?  I could produce an illusion of an alhoon or even polymorph into one."
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 159 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 03:54
  • msg #338

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"It sounds like our preference isn't what we will get. We are familiar with the location, by all accounts. If Kitheras and Corym can give us an overview of the access and egress points, perhaps we can co-ordinate an attack that will leave the phaerimm and allies reeling before they can retaliate?" suggests Tarron.
GM, 3586 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 05:36
  • msg #339

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"An alhoon would certainly love to eat a phaerimm's brain," Lydzin says. "But how would you pry both of them from their lairs, when neither of them wants to fight the other?"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2619 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 14:27
  • msg #340

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"The only viable option would be to make a scene that would attract both their attention. In Myth Drannor that sounds a lot like suicide since there are certainly more than two parties in the neighborhood."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 593 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 14:47
  • msg #341

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras shakes his head at the speculative amateurism of his companions.

"None of the tactical requirements for an ambush exist in this scenario.  We neither know where the enemy is, nor have the ability to direct their movements.  Nor do we have either cover or concealment from them because the previous condition hasn't been met.  We won't be ambushing either the Phaerimm or the Alhoon, and we weren't even if we had proceeded to our objective unmolested by the whims of fortune.  This was always a breaching operation, with a kill objective."

"We know that the Phaerimm is in the lower levels.  We know it has slaves that likely have been posted as sentries. We know the layout of the building, and so we know the most likely locations for sentries having stayed there ourselves for extended periods."

"Corym and Torvek have the capacity to non-magically and non-lethally incapacitate humanoids.1 Among our spell casters, we should have the ability to liberate their minds, converting opposing sentries into additional tactical assets.2 The liberated sentries can then provide more actionable intelligence to guide our further steps. Of course, the sentries may not be able to be subdued, so while the initial approach is made by Corym and Torvek, we all need to be close at hand to silently eliminate them to avoid rousing an alarm."

"We can't fight the Phaerimm in tunnels, but if we convert or eliminate enough of its slaves, we can draw it to us.  Any ambush at that point will have to be improvised. As with the Alhoon and our new ally, we should likely assume that a Phaerimm has significant spell resistance, so avoid spells that directly target it. That will invariably be the responsibility of our warriors."

Kitheras looks to their diabolic ally, "Does that sound more workable?"

1 Nephew, John. The Complete Thief's Handbook. Mugging-the Thief's K.O. "The eligible thief character simply makes a mugging attack instead of a normal backstab. The thief gains his +4 backstab bonus and the victim loses shield and Dexterity bonuses. If helmets are detailed in the campaign, the victim has AC 10 unless the head is protected. If the thief scores a hit, the victim must make a saving throw versus petrification or fall unconscious for 2d8 rounds. Modify the saving throw by the difference in level or hit dice between the mugger and the victim."
2Per the DM, Dispel Magic or Protection from Evil will eliminate magical mental domination.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 160 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 05:39
  • msg #342

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: I'd like to point out that Tarron specifically has the Ambush skill in the elves handbook :)
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 594 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 12:33
  • msg #343

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron Ianfiel:
OOC: I'd like to point out that Tarron specifically has the Ambush skill in the elves handbook :)

I'm unfamiliar with it, and couldn't find it in the book.  Kitheras has an Ambush power too as part of his kit, but it requires extensive observation of the foe first. How does yours work?

In either case, Tarron had not been contributing to the speculation, and so would not have been included in Kitheras' internal monologue

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1819 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #344

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor closes his eyes and draws out, in his mind, the layout and sightings of each part of the Manor House. His eyes still closed "I see the layout of the Manor and can draw it in the dirt for you."
GM, 3587 posts
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 19:10
  • msg #345

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The cornugon nods to Kitheras. "A pleasure to work with a professional. Let's do this."

Backing up to the stairs, she turns and moves quickly up toward the first level. For a moment, you're alone in the old basement.

((ooc: We have agreement from the group and the baatezu on a plan of attack. Anyone who wants to do pre-engagement prep, now's the time. I'm assuming Corym and Torvek are going in first. How closely is everyone else following?))
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 161 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 22:04
  • msg #346

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras Sunblade:
Tarron Ianfiel:
OOC: I'd like to point out that Tarron specifically has the Ambush skill in the elves handbook :)

I'm unfamiliar with it, and couldn't find it in the book.  Kitheras has an Ambush power too as part of his kit, but it requires extensive observation of the foe first. How does yours work?

In either case, Tarron had not been contributing to the speculation, and so would not have been included in Kitheras' internal monologue

Try as I might, I can no longer find it either. Crazy.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1820 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 01:56
  • msg #347

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor was by no means, a good artist or mdp maker, yet his diagram discernable,  he didn't draw details with the Efreeti room, just in case it was needed for the Baatezu or Phaerimm.

Before walking up the stairs, he scuffs the diagram in case anyone else happens by, taking stock of remaining spells and checking who has the regeneration Ioun Stone.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2621 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 20:48
  • msg #348

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Lydzin, your party interrupted our rest which is necessary for the preparation of spells for mortals like ourselves. If you could permit a couple of hours further, we would be able to complete our rest and then prepare our spells to more fully confront our mutual foe, and with a far higher probability of success."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1822 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #349

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 348):

Speaking up for the first time, Krackor hoped that lending his voice when he had been reluctant, would help.  "This would be a good thing for all"
GM, 3589 posts
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 18:31
  • msg #350

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym runs up the stairs, wanting to ask the cornugon for some additional time. He finds her at the top of the steps, her scaly body blocking the way forward. When he presents his plea, she cocks her head to one side. "Interesting. We bargained for an immediate attack on the phaerimm. It may otherwise move on, and our efforts be wasted. What will you give me for delaying the attack?"
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 162 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 23:35
  • msg #351

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I don't need much time to prepare, personally. I have my spells fixed in mind still, and my health is feeling fine." says Tarron.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2622 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 04:07
  • msg #352

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym runs up the stairs, wanting to ask the cornugon for some additional time. He finds her at the top of the steps, her scaly body blocking the way forward. When he presents his plea, she cocks her head to one side. "Interesting. We bargained for an immediate attack on the phaerimm. It may otherwise move on, and our efforts be wasted. What will you give me for delaying the attack?"

"An improved performance, and a more likely success." Corym states matter of factly. "We've no wish to fight you or it, but in the absence of choices I'd rather fight for you against it. Three hours rest, twenty minutes for preparations.  The spells required to liberate the mind controlled aren't part of our normal repertoire.  Most of the time its a waste of space, but in this instance, its a force multiplier."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 91 posts
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #353

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek approaches Corym and Lydzin, interested in where this conversation will go but choosing to stay silent this time.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1824 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 03:19
  • msg #354

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor heard Coryms request for rest time as he went after the Fiend, so he waited at the guard post he had spent the rest of that night on guard. He returned to his guard, resting.
GM, 3590 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #355

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Lydzin considers your argument for a few moments and then slowly inclines her head. "Very well. Show me what you can do." She moves off, deeper into the former inn and away from the open door.

((ooc: The cornugon is okay with you finishing your rest. You may now update spells. In the future, please don't change your spell lists until I've explicitly said you can.

You also get 3 hours worth of healing from Krackor's ioun stone, which is 18 hp. That can be spread out as desired across the party.

Once everyone has finished updating spells and hit points, we can jump forward to the attack.

Finally, Almareth has stopped responding, so I'm going to drop him from the game. I'll DMPC him for this attack. Assuming you all survive the upcoming fight with the alien archmage, I'll see about gracefully withdrawing the character from Myth Drannor.))

Torvek Ragdar
player, 95 posts
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 22:41
  • msg #356

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

(OOC: Guilty as charged to having updated my spell list just after we went to sleep but before it was confirmed that we succeeded in sleeping a full night.  Apologies )

OOC2: Torvek has still only been in the company for a limited amount of time.  He will be happy to trade spells during his travels (as he did with Corym already) but might not be quite ready to fully open his entire spell book to everyone.  So back in time, during travels, Torvek could have had a conversation with Tarron along the line of:

"Tarron, I think that spell of yours that makes you incorporeal is fascinating.  I could teach you a flying spell if you teach it to me."

If Tarron is receptive, on another day, Torvek would continue magical discussions and exchanges

Just after he casts a spell to create a phantom steed for Krackor to ride, Torvek sees Tarron observing with interest.

"Would you like to learn this spell ?" he asks It conveniently makes slow peoples move faster over long distances. he adds quietly with a sly smile making sure not to be overheard by anyone who could be offended "But I heard you have a spell to make fast enemies move slower.  I'd be interested in that."

One day, Torvek and Tarron were talking about using magical energy in fight

Yes, I can produce a powerful bolt of lightning.  If you are interested, I could teach it to you if you help me learn to send a ball of fire in combat.  I also have a simple spell that sends magical missiles, it does not do a lot of damage but it always hit.  It's very useful when you want to make sure to hit the ennemies. I think your spell that makes the ground very slippery or your spell to mend and fix things sound interesting."
Almareth Siannodel
player, 28 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 08:28
  • msg #357

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

While he isn't enthusiastic about teaming up with a devil, he sees its tactical necessity and is ok with it. At least it isn't a Tanar'ri he thinks to himself. He just silently prays to Solonor that things work out.
GM, 3592 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 20:06
  • msg #358

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With the cornugon's grudging agreement, the group settles back into your blankets and bedrolls. It's not the most restful sleep you've ever had, but when you wake up your heads are clear and, after a quick bite to eat and some time spent praying or flipping through spellbooks, you're ready to take on the day.

And a phaerimm. Apparently.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 169 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 23:27
  • msg #359

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron had switched up his spell selection, ready to take on a for he had never seen before and thoroughly afraid of what might be the result of their trust in the devil that had convinced them to take on this attack.

Elves were slow to reproduce, and thousands of years of knowledge could be wiped away by this rash choice. He was starting to regret agreeing to take part.

Nevertheless, he stoicly sharpened his sword, checked the straps and fit of his armour, and prepared for what might be the last day of his life.
GM, 3593 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 16:56
  • msg #360

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The invisible Corym and Torvek ease out of the old inn first, heading for what used to be the home and school of the elven archmage Elaethen Bhephel. The rest of the group forms up in the inn's kitchen, and is joined by their cornugon ally-of-convenience. Lydzin grins. "Nothing like the start of a mission to get the blood pumping."

((ooc: Move silently rolls for both Torvek and Corym, please. Are you going in what was once the main door, or looking for a different entry?

How far behind is the rest of the group trailing?))

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:57, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1831 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 17:48
  • msg #361

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 360):

((ooc: Krackor will follow as instructed by Corym, a count of 30 or 60 kind of thing.))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 595 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 01:16
  • msg #362

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras observes Bhephel Manor from the dark of the inn for a few moments.

"Corym, you and Torvek scale the spell tower.  If I were securing the place, that's where I'd put one. From there you'll be able to see the rear balcony and determine if it is guarded. Since we're not all invisible this time, those sentries will have to be eliminated before we make our cross. Give the signal when it's clear and we'll head to the front door."

18:43, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 2 using 1d20.  Observation (17).

Corym Ildroun
player, 2626 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 01:21
  • msg #363

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym saluted, but no one could see him.

"Stay five feet to my right. We'll go finger tip to finger tip. We mug whoever is at the top. We won't have time or opportunity to coordinate. Once you get your feet set, slow count of ten, and then we strike."

18:44, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 75 using 1d100.  Climb Walls (80%).

18:44, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 1 using 1d100.  Move Silently.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:23, Sun 22 Jan 2023.
GM, 3594 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #364

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Torvek

The two of you quickly scale the tower. The magically-shaped stone, now dull and lifeless, is slick in the early morning mist that so often cloaks this part of the city. Both of you nearly slip more than once during your climb, but eventually manage to leverage yourselves up onto the tower's roof. You move carefully and quietly, alive for the presence of guards. But as you straighten up and look around, you don't see any. Neither on the roof of the tower, nor, looking down, on the roof of the main building. You do see the roof's door, but it's closed.


You keep careful watch of the buidling, both earlier, while the group was assembling, and once the two thieves head out. Nothing seems to move. There's the gaping hole in the eastern wall where the retracting door used to be, and you can see a bit into the mud room that was on the opposite side. But you don't see anyone in that limited slice of room, nor do you detect any motion at any of the now-visible windows.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2627 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 21:24
  • msg #365

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym will check the roof top door for traps and try to determine whether it is locked.

15:21, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 36 using 1d100.  Find Traps/Secrets 95%.

Corym tells Torvek--"There aren't any guards anywhere.  Shimmy back down the tower, and I'll signal for the rest to join you.  If I can go through this door, I'll work my way down from the top.  Keep an eye out for new wards and locks."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1832 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 21:52
  • msg #366

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

He was ready, not as ready as he was for the Fiend attack, he was on guard then but he remembers every part of the unbroken Manor, sounds and sights will be different now! he thinks to himself and the Bronze Mask.

He awaits the animal noise signal from Corm which would inform Kitheras of the move action.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 99 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #367

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Are you sure you want to go in alone?" asks Torvek "Would it not be safer if we either both go through or we both join with the others?"

23:41, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 65 using 1d100.  Move silently. --> success

Corym Ildroun
player, 2628 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 02:41
  • msg #368

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"More would heighten the chances of my being caught. If I can proceed alone, I can determine the standing of the tower and possibly eliminate a guard. If I go with you, I add little value.  If I see more than I can handle, I can return the way I came and give warning. I'm wearing Stone Skin, and have a Wraithform ready to hasten a retreat."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 100 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 18:42
  • msg #369

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Ok, if you're confident that you're safe, I'll see you at the bottom... correct that, we meet at the bottom but still don't see each other."

Satisfied, Torvek proceed as planned
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 170 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 00:59
  • msg #370

New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron awaits the signal to approach, somewhat nervously since half of their team was absent and approaching a phaerimm infested building whilst he remained with a demon that could likely split him asunder with ease.

" you come here often?" he says, attempting to calm himself down in the demons presence.
GM, 3595 posts
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 18:05
  • msg #371

New Friends, Old Horizons


"I don't get to come to your world nearly as often as I would like," Lydzin says, her gaze sliding between you and the building with equal intensity. "Though I haven't been able to see as much of it as I would prefer. Maybe when we've all retreated from here with gold and magic, you should summon me some day."


The hatch built into the roof of the tower is locked solidly. It doesn't budge the least bit when you try it. There isn't a lock on this side. From your time living in the mansion, you remember that it was barred from the inside, but it feels like there's been an additional enchantment laid over it. You would guess a wizard lock, but you'd have to do further inspection to be certain.


You climb down from the tower without issue, now having a better feel for the slick stone. Pausing at the base, you take stock of the situation.

((ooc: I'm not sure where you're going. You're safe on the ground right now.))
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 171 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 01:49
  • msg #372

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron chuckles. "I'm no real wizard of prowess. I'd doubtless screw something up in the summoning. I'm not as powerful as all that either, I wouldn't expect. The mysteries of summoning creatures is beyond my ken."

The wait was nothing so far. He had been stationed on far more excrutiating posts in his career. He kept quiet for the moment.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2629 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 03:53
  • msg #373

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym will shuffle down with Torvek--"Bolted from the inside.  Look like I'm with you guys. Let's check the entrance and then we'll give the all clear."

Corym examines the blasted opening in the wall, and intends to enter if clear to see if there are any sentries in the entrance.
GM, 3596 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 19:16
  • msg #374

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


"Pity," Lydzin mutters. "Well, if that changes, you know my name."


You creep up to the mansion's main door. Or rather, the nine foot tall hole that used to be the main door. The entry hall beyond has been wrecked by flying debris, though most of the rubble has since been thrown out into the grass around you. Peeking your head inside, you don't see anyone at first glance. You do notice that the stairs up have been shattered when the wall was blown inward and are now basically useless. The door ahead of you, leading further into the manor, is somewhat ajar.

((ooc: Hear Noise check, please.))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2630 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 19:40
  • msg #375

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

13:40, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 15 using 1d20.  Perception (Wisdom).

13:39, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 68 using 1d100.  Hear Noise.

GM, 3597 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #376

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


Aside from the occasional creaking from the remains of the staircase as it hangs at an angle from the wall, you don't see or hear anything of interest from the entryway.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 101 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 22:43
  • msg #377

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Are we waiting for the others or sneaking in first?", whispers Torvek to Corym while hiding at the side of the entrance
Corym Ildroun
player, 2631 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 03:02
  • msg #378

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"Are we waiting for the others or sneaking in first?", whispers Torvek to Corym while hiding at the side of the entrance

Whispering--"We'll signal and then head into the next room while they're transitioning.  Thieves stay one room ahead. I'll give the signal."

Corym steps back out side and gives the previously agreed on bird-song.

Corym re-establishes physical contact with Torvek to establish their relative positions, and then heads to the next room. "C'mon.  Let's go."

21:01, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 35 using 1d100.  Move Silently.

Torvek Ragdar
player, 102 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 23:31
  • msg #379

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek follows Corym but as he concentrate on looking for danger, he trips himself on his own staff and stumble, making what appears given the tense situation an enormous racket.  As soon as he recover he whispers "Sorry, let's pause and hide"  and slips behind pillar, watching intensely while cursing himself.

23:20, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 98 using 1d100.  Move silently.  --> Failure
23:26, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 87 using 1d100.  Hide. --> Success
23:29, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 4 using 1d20.  Observation check (17) --> Success

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1833 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 10:25
  • msg #380

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Did you hear that? Time to move. Be quick but as quiet as you can, I'll wait until you lot are across the street before moving since I'll make the most noise."  He'd heard the bird song in the almost silent air, he checks to see if anything stirs as he watches the rest of his group move forward and reach the manor house, then he moves himself after a count of 10.
GM, 3598 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 00:27
  • msg #381

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym whistles to get the group moving and then returns to Torvek's position. Together, the two thieves move through the entry hall and try to slip through the inner door to get further into the mansion. It's mostly closed, requiring both thieves to turn edge-wise and slide through. Corym manages it, but when Torvek tries his heel catches the edge of the door and he trips, landing on the floor with a thud and a clatter of equipment.

Which is unfortunate, given that there is an ettin standing guard in the middle of the room. Her shoulders are hunched and both heads are bowed as she tries to fit into a room whose ceiling is about two feet too low. But she has a large club in each hand, and at the noise she lurches towards the doorway. She bellows something in a giant language, the sound bouncing off the stone walls painfully.

((ooc: Map is below. Actions and initiative for Round 1, please. You don't necessarily have to fight, though the ettin is going to start flailing away.))

Torvek Ragdar
player, 103 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 23:06
  • msg #382

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek mutters a couple of Dwarven curses under his breath and seeing the situation, slip back out of the door.  As he sees his companions on the other side, he whispers "big Ettin coming", kicks a piece of rubble down the stairs for noise and  continues away from the door towards the far corner.

OOC: just to be clear, Torvek once out of the door and reach of he swinging club try to make noise with the rubbles to attract the attention of the Ettin and hopefully give Corym a better chance to avoid getting hit.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:01, Thu 09 Feb 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1834 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 10:47
  • msg #383

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 382):

Entering the complex behind the others, he sees Torvek coming out of the door that led to the Lightning Guardian and hoped that it hadn't respawned from the magic of the building and the Mythral. He thought he made out some Dwarven curses the the words "big Ettin coming" touched his ears...and he smiled. Krackor smiled his biggest smile, the grin that spoke of fun to come at the expense of the enemy.

"Best let me through then."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1835 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 10:57
  • msg #384

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Krackor Steelfist (msg # 383):

Passing the rubble that was their original entry point, the stairs to his right, he ambles on to the door Torvek hadn't closed behind him, he hadn'tseen him, only hear his rushed efforts over crumbled walls. ((ooc:I didn't see that you had but it works well for Krackor))

He could see most of the Ettin and then he saw the rest of it "That's not a big Ettin, just a normal sized one.  He looks around to see everyone, anyone. Then made the bird sound to find Corym and potentially distract or call the foe.

His Crossbow, as always, ready for the first shot, he rests it on his shield as he moves to the door to fire the bolt, then drops it to his belt and draws his battle axe.

"Kitheras, to fire or not to fire, that is the question?"
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 172 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 00:45
  • msg #385

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"So much for the surprise attack." says Tarron, but he sprang forward knowing that elves might be at risk if he doesn't turn up. He puts everything he can into opening the doors ahead of him, then moves in to strike against the ettin.

08:43, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 4 using 1d10.  Initiative. – [roll=1675644227.2398.359800]
08:43, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 16 using 1d12+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1675644217.15971.359800]
08:43, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 14 using 1d12+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1675644211.46481.359800]
08:43, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 8 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1675644180.2043.359800] AC -2 for 16 damage
08:42, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 17 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1675644174.67284.359800]
AC -11 for 14 damage
Corym Ildroun
player, 2633 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 14:38
  • msg #386

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

It was only a matter of time before reinforcements started arriving.  He'd have to do his best to take one by surprise.  He could do little enough about the Ettin.

Corym will attempt to circumnavigate the room to place himself between the two doors on the North Side.  Once there he'll try to take some cover behind/by the statue and keep an ear out for more thralls running this way.

08:38, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 35 using 1d100.  Move Silently.

08:38, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 596 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Mon 6 Feb 2023
at 14:44
  • msg #387

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Well, I'm certainly surprised," Kitheras quips as he charges in along side Tarron.

08:40, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 9 using 3d6 with rolls of 3,4,2.  Damage.

7 damage, and 8 damage

08:40, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 16 using 3d20 with rolls of 7,8,1.  three short sword attacks.

AC 2, AC 1, Miss

08:39, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 5 using 1d10.  Initiative.

What doesn't surprise me is my poor rolling...

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1836 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 17:17
  • msg #388

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Seeing the Ettin moving towards the doorway, Krackor let fly a bolt from his Magical Crossbow.  Unsure if it penetrator it's skin before letting the Crossbow drop and reaching for his Battleaxe, then reconsidering and uses his special magical Dagger.

((ooc:  Rolled Battleaxe by accident, had already stipulated Crossbow first.
Initiative: Rolled 7
Attack: Crossbow = Rolled 10, AC 6.
Damage: Crossbow = Rolled 6))

GM, 3599 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 07:32
  • msg #389

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 1

Tarron and the ettin lunge forward, both surging for position, and nearly collide just inside the door as Torvek hastily retreats. Blade and clubs flash as they hack at each other with abandon. There's no thought of defense, and both are badly wounded. Kitheras slides through the door and to Tarron's side, managing to land two shallow cuts on the ettin's leg. Together, the three of them completely block the doorway. ((ooc: Tarron and the ettin had identical initiative scores, so they go simultaneously. Tarron, you take 20 points of damage. Since the roll was simultaneous, you don't get any vampiric regeneration.))

Already in the room, Corym is almost bowled over by the charging ettin. He circles around and wedges himself in the corner, neatly shielding himself on both flanks by the wall and an ash-covered statue.

Back in the entryway, both Kali and Lydzin start moving forward, intending to join the fray, but find their way blocked by the jam in the doorway. Krackor tries to shoot the ettin, but the press of bodies is too confusing and the bolt sails harmlessly between the ettin's heads.

Alerted by the ettin's roar, the door to Kitheras's left is pulled open, revealing four corpses, their grey, leathery skin shrunken around their limbs. Kitheras and Corym, veterans of Evereska's fight against nearby nests of undead, recognize them immediately as juju zombies. Two of them press forward, their sharpened nails trying to rake and claw at Kitheras. The other two circle around the ettin, trying to get at the only remaining open space, and Tarron's flank. Kitheras manages to dodge their attacks, but now he has to split his attention.

Almareth had started chanting as soon as the ettin roared, spinning in a tight circle while tossing silvery dust out at regular intervals. The dust vanishes as the spell finishes, and for a moment all of you feel a slight lightening of spirit, as though a friend had moved up to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. ((ooc: Almareth has cast Protection from Evil, 10' Radius. Everyone except Corym and Torvek are currently within the radius.))

((ooc: Round 1 complete. There's a traffic jam in the doorway, which makes maneuvering difficult. Tarron can shift to his right without issue. Kitheras is blocked in. Anyone else trying to move through as it currently stands is going to have issues, though with the right skills it could be done. Actions and initiative for Round 2, and please remember to add your weapon speeds to your initiative roll.))

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 173 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 07:57
  • msg #390

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: Am I thinking right that weapon magic bonuses are removed from weapon speeds? Maybe that was a house rule we had in my old group.
GM, 3600 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 21:14
  • msg #391

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Magic weapon bonuses do reduce weapon speed, yes. So a +2 long sword has a speed of 3 instead of 5, for instance.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1837 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 21:56
  • msg #392

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 389):

"Let me through it's legs so I can get at it."  Watching for the smallest of gaps, he may be tall for a Dwarf and slim, but he is still a Dwarf and they are made to combat Giants of all descriptions, and he knows it.

He leaps forward and through a small gap and the Ettin's Legs, Slicing at them with his Magical Dagger.

((OOC: Krackor's AC = -5 (Giants have -4 to hit Dwarves and an Ettin is classed as a Giant)
21:46, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 3 using 1d10+1.  initiative: Magical Dagger (min 1).
21:51, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 20 using 1d20+3.  Attack #1: Dagger. = AC -4
21:51, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 5 using 1d3+3.  Damage #1: Dagger.

21:51, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 16 using 1d20+3.  Attack #2: Dagger. = AC 0
21:51, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 6 using 1d3+3.  Damage #2: Dagger.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:57, Fri 10 Feb 2023.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2634 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 03:17
  • msg #393

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym's mind whirled.  There wasn't a worse situation they could be in.  Fireball was too big.
Scorcher could be effective, but with the JuJu Zombie's innate resistances, it would hardly be worth losing his invisibility over.
The Blacksphere would work. He could capture the JuJu closest to Kitheras, blocking the other and keep it's energy draining powers at bay--and be left alone with a JuJu himself, and hope his Stone Skin would protect him from energy drain.

He needed to help clear the field of battle--allow Krackor to be brought to bear. He'd roll the dice and maintain his invisibility.

Corym cast audible glamer as quietly as he dared--he summoned the sound of a door being battered and battle cries being raised at the back door of Bhephel Manor. He could make it sound as loud as eight warriors.  Hopefully it would draw the JuJus away.

He hoped.

21:07, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 8 using 1d10.

Casting Time 1

Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level Duration: 3 rds./level
Area of Effect: Hearing range
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Saving Throw: Special

The spell doesn't stipulate that it has to be within sight, and I can have it originate where I want.  I'm very familiar with this building and will put the sound out by the back porch.

GM, 3601 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 07:32
  • msg #394

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Krackor, roll a Dex check to move through party members and the ettin, which is crouching down due to the short ceiling. Since you don't have Tumbling, you'll want to roll low to make this work.))
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 597 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 10:37
  • msg #395

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras unleashes another flurry on the Ettins.

12:47, Yesterday: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 7 using 1d10 with rolls of 7.  Initiative.

06:03, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 9 using 1d6+4.  Damage.

12:47, Yesterday: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 2 using 1d6 with rolls of 2.  6 Damage.

12:47, Yesterday: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 26 using 3d20 with rolls of 5 (miss),14 (AC -5),7 (AC 2).  Attacks.

15 damage total

This message was last edited by the player at 12:05, Sun 12 Feb 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1838 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 00:17
  • msg #396

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Krackor, roll a Dex check to move through party members and the ettin, which is crouching down due to the short ceiling. Since you don't have Tumbling, you'll want to roll low to make this work.))

((OOC:  00:16, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 10 using 1d20.  Dex Check.
Dex is 16, made by 6 minus what you chuck at him))

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 174 posts
AC -1, HP 13/33
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 03:12
  • msg #397

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: Couldn't remember if initiative was rolled each round or not.

Tarron was hit badly, but he knew that his ring would save him if he could get some good hits on the Ettin. He bolstered his resolve, and attempted to do his best to stay alive and keep on top of killing the Ettin. The devil was plainly testing them, having done nothing so far to help in the fight.

His position shifts to a more defensive style. (OOC: -2AC from bladesong for a -3AC target to hit)

11:10, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 9 using 1d12+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1676171405.45755.359800]
11:09, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 17 using 1d12+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1676171399.07023.359800]
11:09, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 20 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1676171382.70229.359800]
11:09, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 8 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1676171378.59079.359800]
11:09, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 8 using 1d10.  Initiative. – [roll=1676171367.74913.359800]

Attack 1 hits for 17 damage and heals me for 8
Attack 2 hits for 9 damage and heals me for 4 (25hp remaining)

This message was last edited by the player at 03:33, Sun 12 Feb 2023.
Kali Xilrora
player, 88 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 01:10
  • msg #398

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali quickly marked that the ettin was going be the creature to cause the most amount of damage regardless of the zombies crowding at its sides. Taking in the entire scene, Kali shook her limbs loose as she mentally prepared herself for what she was going to attempt.

Running at a full sprint, she bolted at Tarron and deftly ducked then leapt up onto his right shoulder, using it as a launching pad and threw herself at the ettin's shoulder. She couldn't help but smile when she managed to land successfully right next to its exposed neck. She had an immediate bloodlust which focused her attention directly on the creature's jugular. She charged in to make her attacks before the opportunity passed.

((ooc: Kali dice rolls
Succeeds on tumbling check to get through the melee
Initiative: 5 total
Attacks the ettin: Hit with scimitar +2 for 13 damage, 10 damage, miss with scimitar of scolding))

A sense of pleasure and disgust washed over her as she cleanly opened a fair sized gash in the giant's neck. The stench of suddenly being drenched in ettin blood sobered her up instantly. So much so that she missed her attack with the Sword of Scolding. Without fail, the sword promptly shouted an insult at her, much to her chagrin.

"Thou paunchy dizzy-eyed miscreant!"

As the monstrous creature began to violently collapse, she positioned herself to take every advantage she can with how this creature falls. She darted her eyes around to determine who her next victim will be. She focused on the two that were next to Kitheras, mainly aiming for the zombie that was right next to the ettin.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:26, Tue 14 Feb 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 104 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 23:26
  • msg #399

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek, still invisible and still cursing, sees the amazing success of Kali's action and the giant falling on the ground.  He moves himself back towards the centre of the room where he can see through the door to assess the situation on the other side.

"What help do you need" he asks
This message was last edited by the player at 23:36, Wed 15 Feb 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1842 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Thu 16 Feb 2023
at 10:23
  • msg #400

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

He's impressed and glad she is on their side.  Well done Kali, superb dispatch.

Now that the Giant had gone, he ai.s for the Juju Zombies instead but has to manoeuvre around his friends and the hulking mound of the Ettin's dead body.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 598 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 22 / 44
Thu 16 Feb 2023
at 14:16
  • msg #401

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras clears the door way and engages a JuJu Zombie with the attack rolls and initiative previously provided.
GM, 3603 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 16:18
  • msg #402

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 2

Corym rapidly and quietly casts his illusion, calling into being a racket at the mansion's northern door. He knows the volume he conjured, but the doors between there and here are mostly closed, and little noise penetrates into the din of battle. Then again, the ettin's roars are loud enough to sometimes make his brain feel like it's rattling.

Kali charges forward, leaping and twirling, her swords slicing across both of the ettin's throats. The bellow chokes off into a bloody gurgle, and the giantess slowly collapses to the side, as Kali lands gracefully in the center of the room.

With the great, blocking bulk of the giant gone, Tarron darts to one side while Kitheras turns to face the pair of zombies that had been harrying him and Krackor darts through the opening space. Tarron staggers the right-most zombie with several strong slashes, sending it staggering back and turning some of its negative essence into healing magic. Kitheras and Krackor each pick a zombie and stab it repeatedly; while some damage is dealt, the tough, desiccated flesh resists their blows.

Almareth moves into the room, keeping as many people in his circle of protection as possible. Raising his holy symbol, he calls on Solonor to drive the undead menace from this ancient city, but though you feel a brief wash of warmth, there is no other effect. Lydzin also moves forward slightly. She peeks through the door, takes in the state of the battle, and pulls back, out of easy view.

The door to the northeast slams open. Now you can hear the noise of Corym's false battle clearly, as a pair of gargoyles look around, spot your group, and charge into the fray. At the same time, the zombies recollect themselves and lunge for your throats. The zombies scratch and claw ineffectually, but one gargoyle manages to sink its teeth into Kali's shin, and a stray claw of the other just grazes Tarron's throat. ((ooc: Kali, take 3 damage. Tarron, take 2 damage.)) The gargoyles bark something that sounds like grinding stones.

((ooc: Round 2 complete. Actions and initiative for Round 3!))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1843 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 22:44
  • msg #403

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 402):

Krackor manoeuvres behing the Zombie, placing it between Kitheras and himself, attacking from behind.  Attacks with his dagger, swift and just about managing.

Initiative = rolled 8 using 1d10. (no weapon speed)(Forgot to add on Magical to hit and rear).

Attack: Magical Dagger = rolled 9 using 1d20. +2 Magical +2 Rear = 13 = AC 3
22:38, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 4 using 1d4+2.  Damage #1: Dagger.

Attack #2: Dagger = rolled 3 using 1d20. +2 Magical +2 Rear = 7 = AC 9.
Damage #2: Dagger = rolled 6 using 1d4+2.))

This message was last edited by the player at 22:44, Fri 17 Feb 2023.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 176 posts
AC -1, HP 13/33
Sat 18 Feb 2023
at 00:43
  • msg #404

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron felt much better now, almost back to full health. Thankfully, the zombies were slow enough to avoid mostly, but he still kept up his guard. No need to take chances and come out of this injured before they face the phaerimm. He dealt two strikes, each breaking through the meagre defenses of his opponent with ease.

08:41, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 10 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1676680891.0708.359800]
08:41, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 14 using 1d8+8.  Damage 1. – [roll=1676680886.49469.359800]
08:41, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 4 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1676680873.57453.359800] hits AC 2 for 10 damage (leaving me at max hp)
08:41, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 20 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1676680869.09926.359800] Hits for 14 damage (healing for 7)
08:40, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative. – [roll=1676680859.2893.359800]

Corym Ildroun
player, 2635 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 18 Feb 2023
at 11:34
  • msg #405

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym targets the JuJu Zombie in front of Tarron with a Scorcher, and catches both Gargoyles and a second JuJu zombie in the path of the flame.

05:31, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 6 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Spellcasting time, 2
Initiative 8

Target Damage
05:33, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 8 using 3d6.
Creatures in the Path Damage
05:33, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 15 using 2d8.
Save for half

This message was last edited by the player at 11:35, Sat 18 Feb 2023.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 599 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:44 / 44
Sat 18 Feb 2023
at 11:42
  • msg #406

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras focuses his attacks on the JuJu Zombie in front of him and puts together a deadly combination of strikes

05:40, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 6 using 3d6 with rolls of 2,2,2. +4 damage on each.

05:40, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 46 using 3d20 with rolls of 18,13,15.

05:39, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:42, Sat 18 Feb 2023.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 30 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Sun 19 Feb 2023
at 04:00
  • msg #407

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth attempts to kill one of the gargoyles quickly by using his bow shooting at it 3x

21:57, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 9 using 1d8+7.  Damage 3.

21:56, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 10 using 1d8+7.  Damage 2.

21:56, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 12 using 1d8+7.  Damage 1.

21:56, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  Attack Gargoyle with +2 arrow 3.

21:55, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 8 using 1d20+7.  Attack Gargoyle with +2 arrow 2.

21:55, Today: Almareth Siannodel rolled 12 using 1d20+7.  Attack Gargoyle with +2 arrow 1.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 107 posts
Mon 20 Feb 2023
at 23:59
  • msg #408

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Judging that the most dangerous events would be for additional reinforcement to join the fray before his companion finished the current fight, Torvek decides that he should try to stop additional enemies coming.  He move quietly into the room and  round the right hand side to a position near the right statue, making sure to look through the open western door as he comes into the and and the northeast door as he approaches it looking for danger.

23:47, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Note: ignore second roll, accidentally rolled twice so 1st roll should apply

If Torvek sees anything threatening coming through one of the open door, he will cast Web to stop them coming in.

If Torvek sees nothing: can I 'ready' an action to cast Web if one of the closed door opens or if new creature appears through the open doors?

Kali Xilrora
player, 89 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Thu 23 Feb 2023
at 01:38
  • msg #409

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali's attention swiftly turned from the zombie to the gargoyle as it claws raked across her side. She shifted her feet to square off against the animated earthenware.

Kali zeroed in on the creature's joints since she figured it would be the weakest area to attack. Swinging her blades with as swiftly as possible, she knew that if she didn't fell this monster there was a decent chance that she could be quickly overcome.

Though she was pleased to see that her blades dug deeply into the creature, she cringed slightly as her sword rang out, "Thou unmuzzled, bat-fowling flap-dragon!"

Though she could clearly see the damage she managed to inflict, the abomination remained standing; though it looked to be closer to dead than alive.

((ooc: Kali goes after the gargoyle
Initiative: 6  19:05, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 6 using 1d10 ((6)).
Weapon speed: 4
Modified THAC0: 7
Attack: 19:08, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 22 using 1d20+2 ((20))
Damage: 19:11, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 12 using 1d8+6 ((6))

Attack:19:13, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 21 using 1d20+1 ((20)).
Damage:19:17, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 7 using 1d8+5 ((2))

GM, 3604 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 02:46
  • msg #410

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 3

The gargoyles press forward into your group with surprising speed, trying to get at the second rank of people. Their purpose becomes clear a moment later as two other gargoyles, apparently drawn outside by Corym's illusion, come rushing into the room. The first two gargolyes launch themselves at Kali's back and Almareth's face, ripping and clawing, while the newest two attack Kali and Tarron. Kali is clawed several times, but manages to twist just enough to avoid their bites. Almareth, trying to line up a shot at a target that's suddenly right next to him, is hit several times, and Tarron takes a tail whip to the shoulder. ((ooc: Kali, take 6 damage. Almareth, take 7 damage. Tarron, take 2 damage.))

Kitheras launches a flurry of stabs at one of the two zombies fighting him. He hits several times, but the zombie stubbornly stays upright. Meanwhile, on the other side of the small group, Tarron slices the juju zombie facing him in half, then turns and barely manages to connect with the new gargoyle's wing. ((ooc: Tarron, you only heal for a total of 6 hp, since the zombie was nearly dead. Please make sure to update your bio hp with the results of the previous round (healing or damage), or the healing doesn't happen.))

Krackor finds that he doesn't have to move to reach the gargoyles; they've come to him. He stabs the one trying to tear Kali to shreds, his knife sliding across its hide and barely catching in a crease. It knocks a chip out of the creature's hide, but skips the point so high that he's unable to hit again.

Corym steps forward. His initial target, Tarron's juju zombie, is of no threat to anyone. So he shifts slightly and aims for the farther of the near gargoyles. A lance of fire bursts from his hand, striking the creature on its wing. Both the other gargoyle and the closer juju zombie writhe in pain as the fire cascades around them.

Torvek wasn't quick enough to block the northern room from the two new gargoyles, but his web spell fills the room wall to wall with sticky webs a moment later. Kali twists around as the gargoyle she had been fighting clawed her back and sides. She returned the favor, her scimitars carving great, shuddering cracks in the stony creature. The gargoyle swayed, barely standing.

The zombies all try to claw you, but even the moderately-competent juju zombies are, well, only zombies. Both Kali and Kitheras dodge with little issue.

Almareth finds himself face to face with the gargoyle he had been hoping to shoot. Firing in, or into, melee is never a good idea, but he's committed. His first two arrows miss wildly, but the third manages to connect and the badly-injured gargoyle falls apart. ((ooc: You get a -4 penalty if you are shooting your bow while in melee. Also, be aware that if you fire into another melee, who the target is gets determined by random die roll.))

((ooc: Everyone please remember to include weapon speeds.

General enemy note: everything except one zombie fighting Kitheras (which hasn't been touched) is heavily wounded.

Round 3 over. Actions and initiative for Round 4!))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2639 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 04:32
  • msg #411

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

22:32, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 6 using 1d10.

22:31, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 7 using 2d8.  incidental damage.

22:31, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 12 using 3d6.  target damage

Corym maintains the spell focused on the target before him to finish off the beasts.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 600 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:44 / 44
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 04:35
  • msg #412

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras doubles down and assault the zombies before him.

22:34, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 15,10 using d20,d6+4 with rolls of 15,6.  Attack 3.

22:34, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 13,9 using d20,d6+4 with rolls of 13,5.  Attack 2.

22:34, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 17,7 using d20,d6+4 with rolls of 17,3.  Attack 1.

22:33, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1846 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 19:40
  • msg #413

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

(OOC: Krackor was at the other side of the Zombie to Kitheras not the Gargoyle and Almareth!!!  He isn't in the correct position.)

Krackor continues to attack the Zombies, his order being very much 'Anti-Undead'.

((ooc:  Damn, I can't recall if you can flank undead in 2nd Ed...What am I like :-o

19:37, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 3 using 1d10.  initiative.
19:38, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 15 using 1d20 +3 = 18 = AC-4.  Attack #1: Dagger.
19:38, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 7 using 1d4+3.  Damage #1: Dagger.

This message was lightly edited by the player at 19:40, Fri 24 Feb 2023.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 179 posts
AC -1, HP 27/33
Sat 25 Feb 2023
at 02:54
  • msg #414

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron focuses on the gargoyle ahead of him, hoping to take it down with two quick attacks.

10:52, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 8 using 1d10+2.  Initiative. – [roll=1677293547.36813.359800]
10:52, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 12 using 1d8+8.  Damage 2. – [roll=1677293538.10742.359800]
10:52, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 11 using 1d8+8.  Damage. – [roll=1677293532.64551.359800]
10:51, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 5 using 1d20.  Attack 2. – [roll=1677293517.74337.359800] Hits AC 1 for 12 damage (healing to max hp)
10:51, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 12 using 1d20.  Attack 1. – [roll=1677293512.2563.359800] Hits AC -6 for 11 damage(healing 5 to 32hp)

Torvek Ragdar
player, 110 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 23:31
  • msg #415

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek glances at the room to make sure no more reinforcement are coming and seeing nothing, decides to backstab a gargoyle.  He approaches it from behind carefully and whacks it with his quarterstaff at the base of the skull.

Backstab a gargoyle

23:27, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 7 using 1d10.  Initiative.
23:26, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 7 using 1d6+2.  quarterstaff damage x3 = 21 damage
23:23, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 7 using 1d20.  Attack w/backstab.  Hit AC 5

Kali Xilrora
player, 90 posts
HP 52/61
AC 4
Mon 27 Feb 2023
at 01:37
  • msg #416

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali focused her attention on the gargoyle in front of her. She reached out with her main scimitar and trust her sword through the monster; causing the creature to crack and collapse into dust before her.

Kali swiftly takes in the battlefield in front of her and then slides behind the zombies. She focuses her attention on the zombie that is in front of her and Krackor and along with his attacks she assists Krackor to kill one of zombies.

Much to her dismay, she misses badly when attacking the second zombie. The Sword of Scolding admonished her as she completely missed her attack.

"Thou sodden-witted lady! Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows!" Kali rolled her eyes at the insult as she steeled herself to do better for the next attack.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:20, Mon 27 Feb 2023.
GM, 3607 posts
Tue 28 Feb 2023
at 23:54
  • msg #417

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 4

Corym's line of fire burns brightly, flaring as it scorches everything it its path. The zombie and the gargoyles try to escape, but they've been too badly burned and they collapse in heaps of stinking flesh or smoldering stone as the fire disappears.

With the gargoyle beside her dead, Kali spins on her heel and decapitates the gargoyle behind her. She pivots around it as it collapses into rubble, coming up against the zombie battling Krackor. She goes high while his charges in low, and together they take the zombie to pieces. Kitheras turns from the zombie he had been stabbing, and which has now been dispatched, and starts in on the sole remaining, and heretofore uninjured, zombie. It rips its claws along his arms as he works, spreading a burning pain in return for the numerous stab wounds. ((ooc: Kitheras, take 8 points of damage.))

Lacking any other targets aside from the one zombie getting swarmed by their companions, Tarron and Torvek hold their positions. Tarron speeds through the familiar movements of a stoneskin spell, providing himself with some additional protection. ((ooc: Torvek, you did not attack this round, since the gargoyles all died before you could act. So you are still invisible.))

Just as you're about to start looking around for additional foes, a new voice whispers a few slithering syllables. A cage of greenish light, its bars pulsing to a silent beat, springs up around the combatant mass near the doorway. Turning, you see the phaerimm at last, a nightmare creature, slowly turning in the air, with rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth and great, grasping hand sliding through Torvek's web spell as though they don't exist. "Well, well. What do we have here?"

((ooc: The forcecage, which is shown on the map as the green square, isn't quite large enough to grab everyone in the melee. Kali and the zombie both get saving throws vs. spells to jump free, otherwise they're trapped with Kitheras, Tarron, Krackor, and Almareth.

Actions and initiative for Round 5! Oh, and for a look at what you're facing...))

Kali Xilrora
player, 91 posts
HP 52/61
AC 4
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 01:00
  • msg #418

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Hopefully, this fail doesn't kill me.
18:58, Today: Kali Xilrora rolled 3 using 1d20 ((3)).

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 180 posts
AC -1, HP 27/33
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #419

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron was prepared for some trickery like this. He cast a spell, covering the Phaerimm and the corner of the forcecage but leaving the party members and himself unaffected.

OOC: Success I believe!
09:08, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 30 using 1d100.  Dispel Magic. – [roll=1677632888.79189.359800]

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 601 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:44 / 44
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 06:34
  • msg #420

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras invokes a dispelling charm, but his Art is no use against the powerful dweomer.

00:33, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 79 using 1d100.  Dispel Magic.

Corym Ildroun
player, 2640 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 06:38
  • msg #421

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym hastily casts invisibility and moves towards the nearest exit.

00:36, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Casting Time 2

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1849 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #422

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor Casts Defensive Harmony in the hope it helps and they survive.

((ooc: Initiative: 10
This will give those friendly in the green area +3 AC bonus))

This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Fri 03 Mar 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 111 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 00:00
  • msg #423

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek is concerned about the turn of events,  assessing the situation, he decide that the best thing would be for the Phaerimm to get angry at his arch rival rather than at the party.  Torvek casts a spell and an Alhoon walks into sight visible by the door behind the forcecage.

Action: Cast Phantasmal Force
Initiative: 2
Casting time: 1
09:08, Yesterday: Torvek Ragdar rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Kali Xilrora
player, 92 posts
HP 52/61
AC 4
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 17:27
  • msg #424

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Refusing to be a sitting duck for the creature to pick off at its leisure, but having no way to escape frustrated Kali to no end. She then remembered that she had a portable hole. She took the hole from its place in her pocket, quickly unfurled it on the floor and called to the others stuck in the magical cage with her.

"I'm useless until this cage is down. If you have no way to strike the creature, join me in my portable hole, so that we can at least not be so easily targeted."

With that, Kali hopped down into the hole and waited to see if anyone would be joining her.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1850 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 17:32
  • msg #425

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kali Xilrora (msg # 424):

Having cast his spell and seeing the magical hole appear (hopefully next to the edge of the cage, Krackor joins the wily Kali inside the darkened extra-dimensional space (ooc: in case anyone has their own and doesn't want it to explode!!!)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:32, Sat 04 Mar 2023.
GM, 3608 posts
Sun 5 Mar 2023
at 02:07
  • msg #426

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 5

Kali jumps as the glowing bars materialize around the group. Unfortunately, she jumps towards her comrades, not away, and when the forcecage stabilizes, she finds herself inside it with the others. The zombie, on the other hand, is locked outside, away from the rest of the group. It leans against the bars, angry.

Seeing the phaerimm arrive, Torvek whispers an illusion spell as quietly as he can, and the image of a dry-skinned illithid appears on the far side of the forcecage. Just as quick, Corym waves a hand and vanishes.

Thinking quickly, Kali grabs her portable hole and spreads it on her corner of the forcecage. The shimmering cloth can't get through the bars, but it has no problem opening the extradimensional space on top of them. Kali hops down into the pit, removing herself from the phaerimm's line of sight.

Kitheras and Tarron both attempt to dispel the forcecage, the phaerimm's magic is powerful and their spells glance off the bars with no effect.

From around the corner comes a roar that rips through you and firmly tells your insides that you are small, pathetic animals and that there are real predators out in the dark. Lydzin throws herself around the corner, trusting to her magic resistance to take her through the forcecage.

Instead, she slams into the bars and reels backwards. Fitting, perhaps, that the coin flip chance of her magic resistance landing firmly against the lawful fiend. She shakes her head and disappears from view.

The phaerimm gave a rumbling snort when the illusion appeared. "You think to distract me with trivial magics? Pathetic." Then when Lydzin bounced off the forcecage, it actually laughed.

"Oh, I see. I will enjoy taking your tools from you, little beast." The phaerimm had been looking at Corym, but when he disappeared, it turns its attention to the group inside the forcecage. Picking Kitheras out of the pack, it hisses, "Confound." Kitheras reels backward as though smacked between the eyes, stunned. ((ooc: Kitheras, you've been hit by a Power Word, Stun and are stunned for 4 rounds.))

Krackor finished his chant and felt Gorm's hand settle over the group. It's not able to defend against a pure magical attack like the one that has stunned Kitheras, and so when Kali

Almareth had been raising his bow to attempt an attack, but when he saw the portable hole open and Kitheras get stunned, he shoulder his bow, grabbed Kitheras, and pulled both of them into the hole. The two elves fall painfully on top of Kali's collection of stuffed squirrels, breaking apart the taxidermy and jamming a number of old bones painfully into their sides. ((ooc: Both Almareth and Kitheras take 1 damage from the fall.))

((ooc: Map updated. Four people are in the portable hole. Only Tarron still has line of sight to the phaerimm. If the hole is folded up, the people inside it become untargetable (though the hole itself can be affected by spells and they would eventually run out of air.

Corym is not on the map because he is so stealthy no one knows where he is. Not even me!

Actions and initiative for Round 6!))

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 181 posts
AC -1, HP 27/33
Sun 5 Mar 2023
at 02:16
  • msg #427

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With several people now in the portable hole, Tarron does the only thing he can imagine that would be useful. He picks up the portable hole from the ground, and puts his arms through the bars of the forcecage to allow him to place the hole on the outside of the cage. "You're out of the cage now, do your worst!" he exclaims to his party members.

08:03, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 7 using 1d10+3.  Initiative. – [roll=1678060993.71521.359800]
04:27, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 14 using 1d20-4.  Dex.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:03, Mon 06 Mar 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1851 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Sun 5 Mar 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #428

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron Ianfiel:
With several people now in the portable hole, Tarron does the only thing he can imagine that would be useful. He picks up the portable hole from the ground, and puts his arms through the bars of the force cage to allow him to place the hole on the outside of the cage. "You're out of the cage now, do your worst!" he exclaims to his party members.

((OOC:  You bloody genius, I didn't even consider that.))
As the hole starts to close and his friends fall clumsily into the Portable Hole, Krackor yells out "If you were in the cellar behind that door, we were trying to release you when last we were in, weakening it's hold" He started to say more but saw the entrance to the hole disappear as Tarron collected it up, sealing the hole for a moment.  He sees it opening but the bars are on the wrong side... Confused for a moment, he does nothing else this round.

Next round he attempts to get out of the hole and talk with the Phaerimm.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 112 posts
Tue 7 Mar 2023
at 21:37
  • msg #429

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Seeing his companions enter the portable hole and Lydzin fail to come in, Torvek hoping that the Phaerimm will be planning to enslave his new captures rather than go for the immediate kill, decides to hide through the door behind him and wait for the best time to rescue them from their imprisonment.

Action: move out of sight of the Phaerimm through the door at the North keeping a eye on what is happening inside the forcecage

21:29, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 5 using 1d10.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:41, Tue 07 Mar 2023.
GM, 3609 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 03:15
  • msg #430

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 6

Thinking quickly, Tarron steps to the side of the portable hole and grabs its edge. It lifts off of the ground, the extradimensional space vanishing as the gray cloth ripples and folds. He jams it together as best he can, then moves to the northern edge of the cage. Thrusting first one arm and then the other through the bars, he attempts to flick the hole outwards in such a way as for it to land flat. Unfortunately, the cloth is light and the presence of the incanting phaerimm over his shoulder oppressive, and the hole lands crumpled up, though at least out of the forcecage and in the same room as the phaerimm.

Having seen the ineffectiveness of Kitheras and Tarron's dispel attempts, Corym remains just inside the northern door, watching to see if his companions are able to extricate themselves, or whether he would be forced to flee. He's jostled by Torvek as the likewise-invisible wizard moves through the same door, with the same cover-taking intentions. Both manage to keep their feet, and at least they now know where the other is.

Facing only a single visible foe, the phaerimm turns its full attention to Tarron. "So cute to hide yourselves away. Now be a good doggy and sit while I hunt down your friend." The phaerimm flicks one of its hands at Tarron and a wave of transformative magic slams into the bladesiger. Tarron grits his teeth and fights off the unwanted polymorph. The phaerimm hisses angrily at him.

Then, from a hole in the ceiling behind the phaerimm, Lydzin reappears. Her wings spread, she drops like a bat out of humanity's collective nightmare. The sword in her hand is glowing a ghostly pale blue, leaving afterimages in its wake, and fire seeps from her pores. Bellowing, she charges the phaerimm from behind. Her whipping tail just barely misses the phaerimm's flank, but she steps closer and slams her sword into the phaerimm.

The blade skips and clatters off the cone-like creature, its metal ringing as though it had struck a mountain. Lydzin grins. "How many shells do you have, air sock?"

((ooc: End of Round 6! Actions and initiative for Round 7!))

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:21, Wed 08 Mar 2023.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 182 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 03:49
  • msg #431

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Resisting the spell of the phaerimm, Tarron did his utmost best to try to arrange the portable hole in such a way that it would function correctly.

11:48, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 18 using 1d20+4.  Dex check (17). – [roll=1678247333.42654.359800]
Corym Ildroun
player, 2641 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 11:53
  • msg #432

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym rushes forward to open the portable hole up properly and release his companions. "Leave this to me, Tarron--throw a knife or fire an arrow! He's shrouded in stoneskin!"
11:38, Yesterday: Corym Ildroun rolled 1 using 1d10.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:57, Wed 08 Mar 2023.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 602 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:44 / 44
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 11:55
  • msg #433

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras stands stunned at the bottom of a portable hole.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 113 posts
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 00:41
  • msg #434

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek feels Corym rushes forward towards the portable hole and understand his plan.  He whispers "I'll handle the zombie", and cast a spell. A translucent griffon appears just beside the zombie and starts attacking it.

Action: Cast Laeral's Raging Griffon
Casting Time: 3

00:32, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 8 using 1d10.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:44, Thu 09 Mar 2023.
GM, 3610 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 06:33
  • msg #435

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 7

Between the two of them, Tarron and Corym straighten out the portable hole. As the grey fabric smooths out it shimmers, and suddenly the hole is back. Krackor, Kali, and Almareth all look up as the world reappears; Kitheras is still stunned.

Torvek waves a hand and a translucent griffon appears out of thin air. It pounces on the remaining zombie, clawing its chest and nearly tearing off one of its arms. The zombie beats back at it, making its spectral form shake from the impact.

Lydzin drops her sword and throws herself at the phaerimm, ripping and tearing with her claws, slashing with her tail, and trying to bite through the creature's tail. She hits again and again, doing no damage but steadily wearing through the phaerimm's stoneskin.

The phaerimm nonchalantly floats there, turning somewhat to better face Lydzin while still keeping the room in view. It manages to punch Lydzin with one of the four hands that emerge from around its mouth. The cornugon doesn't even notice, and it neatly sidesteps both the phaerimm's gnashing maw and its barbed tail.

Then the spell the phaerimm was casting goes off, and the air around the two of them shimmered. When the shimmer clears, Lydzin is somewhat more battered, a large part of the wall beside Lydzin has vanished, and a massive bolt of lightning is streaking straight towards the group, jumping and leaping from Tarron into the group in the hole. ((ooc: I need everyone to save vs. spell.))

((ooc: Round 7 done. The hole is open, so people can get out or poke your heads up to shoot/cast spells. Actions and initiative for Round 8!))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1852 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 09:48
  • msg #436

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

It is only when the room reappears that Krackor realises that they are not trapped there, inside the Portable Hole, still in danger and so then starts to cast his Protection from Evil 10' Radius spell.((ooc: Too late for the Chain Lightning Spell but OK for future protections.))

Krackor had in the passed appeared to shrug off most magics fairly effectively, this time was no exception, even if he did take damage.

((ooc: Protection from Evil and getting out of the hole post-Lightning.
Saving Throw = 19 (a 1 fails)
Initiative = 2 +7 -1 =8
Then ai.s to climb out of hole (with help)

ai.s = tries
This message was last edited by the player at 22:53, Fri 10 Mar 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 114 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 14:32
  • msg #437

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: not sure if Torvek is in range or an accessible target being invisible in another room but here's the save
14:30, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 10 using 1d20.  Save vs spell (target 10).


Also: not sure what spell turning does with a chain lightning

This message was last edited by the player at 14:33, Fri 10 Mar 2023.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2642 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 15:25
  • msg #438

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym casts item on a statue, and picks up the miniature figurine of the statue. This is the only attack I've got that'll make a dent...

09:23, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 8 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Casting Time 3
GM, 3611 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 18:05
  • msg #439

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Tarron and Torvek so far have made the save. Tarron takes 23 damage. Torvek takes 12 damage. The order of chain lightning hits in the hole is: Kitheras, Almareth, Kali, Krackor.

Torvek, can you roll a save for the griffon? It uses your values.))

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:02, Fri 10 Mar 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 115 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 22:50
  • msg #440

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Ouch", says Torvek as he gets hit by the lightning.

15...  I think that would smell like a save but I am not sure... 7HD monster... yes, I think that's a save.

22:46, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 15 using 1d20.  Griffon save.

P.S.:  oops, sorry you said it uses my values then it saves too.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:58, Fri 10 Mar 2023.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 183 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 00:34
  • msg #441

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron, slightly crispier as a result of the lightning spell, immediately quaffs a potion from his backpack. It heals him of the majority of his injuries in one large chug.

08:33, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 7 using 1d10+3.  Initiative. – [roll=1678494817.04611.359800]
08:33, Today: Tarron Ianfiel rolled 19 using 3d8+3.  Xtra Healing Potion. – [roll=1678494802.96411.359800]

Currently 4hp down 29/33
Torvek Ragdar
player, 116 posts
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 16:30
  • msg #442

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek shakes off the sparkles, peaks around the corner and casts a spell.  A  swarm a flying insects appears around the Phaerimm and start biting it.  At the same time, the magical griffon fly to the Phaerimm and attack it from above.

Action: Cast Summon Swarm
Casting time: 2
Initiative: 2
Total: 4

If possible, Torvek would try to peak around the corner to cast and stay at least partially covered and hide back after casting.

Griffon actions: attack the Phaerimm, 3 attacks claw/claw/bite.

16:09, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative.
16:20, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 93 using 1d100.  Swarm type.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:09, Sat 11 Mar 2023.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 603 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:32 / 44
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 02:42
  • msg #443

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

20:52, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 14 using 1d20.  Save vs Spells.

Kitheras makes his save, takes 12, and remains stunned
Kali Xilrora
player, 93 posts
HP 52/61
AC 4
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 00:09
  • msg #444

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali hops out of the hole, surprised that her tactic worked as well as it did. She knew that there was no way out of this as long as the floating abomination was in their midst. She swiftly ran up under the creature, hitting its under belly as fast as she could.

The first hit rang true, but she knew that it did nothing besides lowering the number of stoneskins it had left. With her second hit with the Sword of Scolding, she cringed as she waited for the sword to speak.

"I am sick when I do look on thee!" For once, Kali whole heartily agrees with the sword's admonishment.

With the third hit, she saw the gray sheen from the floating inhuman creature dissipate. She quickly shouted to her companions.

"Quickly, now! The stone skin is off the loathsome thing. Hit it with everything you have!"

((ooc: Save vs. chain lightning: 14 (success)
Initiative: 4 + 3 = 7
Attack 1: 10 Hit (blocked by stoneskin)
Attack 1: 6 Hit (blocked by stoneskin)
Attack 1: 14 Hit (blocked by stoneskin; stoneskin breaks)))

This message was last edited by the player at 01:02, Tue 14 Mar 2023.
GM, 3612 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 02:21
  • msg #445

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 8

The chain lightning crackles and roars as it jumps between members of the adventuring band. It slams into Tarron, who does his best to allow the bars of the forcecage to divert its fury, then jumps down into the portable hole and bounces between the four people there. Then it jumps back up, hitting Torvek where he's standing in the doorway, before leaping across the room and hitting his conjured griffon and turning the final zombie to ash. Only then does it leap back to the phaerimm that created it, and fades against its magic resistance. ((ooc: Total damage taken: Tarron: 23. Kitheras: 20. Almareth: 38. Kali: 16. Krackor: 13. Torvek: 12. Griffon: 11.))

Torvek directs his griffon to attack the phaerimm. The griffon bounds around the edge of the forcecage, reaches the phaerimm, and raises a single claw. Then it abruptly turns around and pounces on Torvek, attacking the wizard who created it instead. Both claws and its beak slam into Torvek, though his stoneskin spell prevents him from taking damage. ((ooc: You can't cast a spell the same round as you re-direct the griffon. The griffon has been turned against you. You've lost 3 hits from your stoneskin. Please note in your character sheet how many hits are remaining. If you didn't roll that initially, you can roll it now.))

Krackor calls on Gorm to protect the group, while Tarron quaffs a potion to heal the worst of his wounds and Corym shrinks one of the statues into a size fit for carrying (or throwing). Kali boosts herself out of her portable hole, and elated at the success of her ploy, charges the phaerimm. Her scimitars clatter and clack against the creature's magically-reinforced hide, until suddenly she can feel the spell give way.

The phaerimm's massive mouth had been working through another powerful spell, and as the stoneskin fails, a curtain of rainbow light leaps upward from the ground. It neatly cuts the room in half, blocking most of the party in the western side, away from the phaerimm. The colors are constantly shifting and blindingly bright, seeming to reach out and hit each of you in the eyes. ((ooc: Anyone who is level 7 or below needs to shield your eyes or be blinded for 2d4 rounds from the prismatic wall.))

Then the phaerimm launches another barrage of attacks on Lydzin and Kali. Kali barely manages to avoid the great, gnashing maw, but gets clocked in the shoulder by one of the creature's fists. Lydzin likewise evades the creature's tail and gets hit by a fist. ((ooc: Kali, you take 3 damage.))

Lydzin grins at Kali's shout. "Well done, little one!" Roaring, she leaps at the phaerimm's flank. The giant wind sock twists in the air, evading her claws, but her tail whips over her shoulder and catches it about a third of the way above its own tail. The barb sinks deep into the phaerimm's flesh, and when Lydzin rips it free, the wound is seeping ichor.

((ooc: So now there's a prismatic wall bisecting the room (and the forcecage), and Torvek's griffon is attacking him. The north and west doors are available, the rest of the room is not. Right now, only Kali and Lydzin are on the same side as/have sight of the phaerimm.

Actions and initiative for Round 9!))

Tarron Ianfiel
player, 184 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 02:56
  • msg #446

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With his space becoming limited, Tarron finds himself cut off even further with the wall. Given its dazzling nature, he turns his back to it to avoid being blinded. "I'm trapped for the moment, but I feel somewhat safe from being targeted further. Feel free to use the hole to extract me if you can." he adds.

OOC: Currently crouching in the corner of the cage closest to the NW to attempt to minimize the risk of having something cast at head height upon me.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 604 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:21 / 44
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 15:59
  • msg #447

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Am I still stunned?
GM, 3613 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 17:22
  • msg #448

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Kitheras, you are stunned for Round 6-9. You can act on Round 10. So this is your last round of being stunned.))
GM, 3614 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 17:27
  • msg #449

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


A heavily-burned Almareth reaches up for the top of the portable hole. "Push us back through so we can get Tarron!" He tugs the hole closed. It's not completely condensed, but it has been folded in half on itself. More importantly, the space has been sealed, protecting the two badly-wounded elves from any further blasting spells.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2643 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 18:59
  • msg #450

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym goes sprinting towards the stairs to work his way to the second floor balcony--the closest route he can think of to get back to the battle.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 605 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:21 / 44
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 19:00
  • msg #451

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras drools quietly as tendrils of smoke drift up from his charred flesh as he lays in the bottom of a hole in reality.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:03, Tue 14 Mar 2023.
Kali Xilrora
player, 94 posts
HP 52/61
AC 4
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 22:50
  • msg #452

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali felt the domination wash over her and even though it was oh so tempting to give in, she knew that she had to fight against the influence. After shaking the spell off, she focused what was left of her determination on destroying the creature floating softly above her.

She felt elated when her first hit struck, even though it wasn't as nearly as effective as she wished it to be. When she missed with her Sword of Scolding, she readied herself for the insult to her character that would follow.

"Away, you starvelling, you elf-skin, you dried neat’s-tongue, bull’s-pizzle, you stock-fish!" Kali sighed heavily.

"Yes, yes...admonish me as you will..."

((ooc: Initiative: 7+3 = 10
Save vs. Domination: Succeeds (barely)
Attack: Hits once with Scimitar +2 for 7 damage
Misses with scimitar of scolding on a 1))

This message was last edited by the player at 23:56, Tue 14 Mar 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1855 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 02:19
  • msg #453

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Having a Prismatic Wall in front of him, Krackor evaluates the height of it and the ceiling, he was aware that some had fallen down but was that were he was and could he climb the Force Cage to get to the next floor to bypass the wall and stairs or even go over the wall by jumping over it from atop the cage?
GM, 3618 posts
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 04:18
  • msg #454

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Good idea, Krackor. Unfortunately, the prismatic wall runs completely floor to ceiling.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1856 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 20:55
  • msg #455

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 454):

Seeing the wall reach the ceiling and no holes to climb through, Krackor decides to call on Gorm for help and protection.

((ooc: Don't forget people with Krackor get -3 on their AC From spell cast in the Portable Hole and now "When the spell is completed, all attack and damage
rolls and saving throws made by those in the area of effect who are friendly to the priest gain +1 bonuses, while those of the priest's enemies suffer -1 penalties", makes it area effect, 60' rad.))

GM, 3620 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2023
at 17:59
  • msg #456

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 9

Almareth pulls the portable hole closed on himself and Kitheras while Tarron moves into the corner of the forcecage and Krackor studies the prismatic wall and the ceiling. Torvek waves a hand, dismissing his griffon that had been turned back on him. Corym spins and runs for the tower, and finds to his relief that its stairs are still intact. Taking them two at a time, he manages to reach the second level of the mansion.

On the other side of the prismatic wall, the phaerimm turns its attention on Kali. Waves of mental domination wash over her, but the half-elf is just barely able to shrug them off. Frustrated, the phaerimm hits both Kali and Lydzin with a fist each, though the duo are able to evade the much more dangerous maw and tail. ((ooc: Kali, you take 3 hp of damage.))

Kali and Lydzin strike back, the cornugon flicking her blade back into her hand with a foot. The phaerimm spins in the air, evading most of their attacks, though Lydzin's tail tears another bleeding gash in the phaerimm's flank, and Kali draws blood beneath its mouth.

((ooc: Round 9 done. Torvek, if you want to follow Corym this round, you can. Actions and initiative for Round 10.))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2644 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 19 Mar 2023
at 05:52
  • msg #457

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym dashes for the Balcony in anticipation of becoming a force to be reconned with in this engagement.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 606 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:21 / 44
Sun 19 Mar 2023
at 05:53
  • msg #458

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Almareth? Where are we?  I feel terrible. Can you heal me?"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 122 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 22:36
  • msg #459

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek, carrying the portable hole with him rushes behind Corym, trusting that his ally knowledge of this mansion will get them to a location where they can be useful and help Kali.  As he runs, he asks Corym

"I have the hole with Kitheras and Almareth.  Where's best to open it?"

OOC: If Corym has a suggestion, Torvek will follow it.
Otherwise, Torvek follows Corym until he feels close enough to the action and place the portable hole on the ground in a safe location.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Mon 20 Mar 2023.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2645 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #460

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Great thinking!" Corym takes Torvek's visible wrist and says, "Give me the Portable Hole--I have a faster way down than you I believe! And besides--they'll never see me coming!"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 123 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 23:28
  • msg #461

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek hand over the hole to Corym and continues running, as they arrive near the hole in the floor, he stops, out of sight of the Phaerimm.
Kali Xilrora
player, 95 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 23:24
  • msg #462

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali's thankfully silent sword cut deeply into the creature. Granted, when she missed with her Scimitar of Scolding, it chided her with predicable results.

"I am sick when I do look on thee"

"The feeling is mutual."

The abomination laid into her but thankfully she was able to shrug off all the effects of the creature's attacks. The final attack, with a pulsating stinger, was more off putting than the others.

((ooc: Initiative: 7 + 3 = 10
Attacks: Two hits with Scimitar +2 for 24 damage
One miss with Scimitar of Scolding
Saves vs. phaerimm poison all succeed))

This message was last edited by the player at 23:35, Wed 22 Mar 2023.
GM, 3622 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 00:17
  • msg #463

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Round 10

Corym and Torvek sprint down the hall of the second floor, heading towards the balcony and hopefully a way back into the fight. The mansion's upper floor has been trashed; all of the doors have been broken in, and there are dirt streaks on the floor from where things have been dragged by zombies. A glance to the south shows a large pile of books and papers in the casting room which wasn't there when you left last year.

But it's what you see in one of the northern rooms that chills your blood.

In the second room, where the apprentice Lianthorn used to live before she was transformed and driven mad, two elves are floating in the air. Their bodies are locked, held rigid in mid-action, and they twist very slowly back and forth. Their faces are locked in grimaces of pain and fear.

Passing them by for the moment, Corym and Torvek reach the end of the corridor. The northern doorway is open, leading in to what was once Elaethen Bhephel's instructon room. The walls are still covered in slate, but much of the floor has been broken away into a giant hole. This must have been how Lydzin was able to make her dramatic entrance on the far side of the phaerimm. They can see the occasional flash of Lydzin's wing or the phaerimm's tail, and the roars and screeches of battle are clearly audible.

In the portable hole, unaware of the rapid frantic running happening in Faerun, Almareth places his hands on Kitheras's shoulders and lets healing magic flow into the other elf. "We're in the portable hole. Kali and Corym managed to pass it out of the cage. I closed it, so that we could try to get Tarron." He sighed and winced, shifting gently amongst Kali's stacks of supplies. He's badly burned, and moves awkwardly. "And to protect us from magical attack. A chain lightning nearly killed me."

((ooc: Kitheras, you heal 10 hp.))

In the melee, Kali manages to strike first. The phaerimm has been shifting and turning a great deal in the air, but she's got its measure now and her main scimitar carves great, bleeding gashes into the phaerimm's head. It shrieks in pain and outrage, its spellcasting disrupted. Lashing out in return, it clocks Kali with a fist, spinning her around, and then impales her with its stinger. The force of the blow briefly lifts Kali from her feet. The stinger pulses, and when it withdraws, a pale, opalescent fluid seeps from the wound. ((ooc: Kali, you take 13 points of damage.))

Spinning around, the phaerimm hammers Lydzin with another fist, and finally manages to latch its massive, circular jaws on her shoulder. It thrashes in the air, and when it pulls back there is a large wound and baatezu ichor flying in all directions. Lydzin roars in the phaerimm's face, her own stinger hitting deep in its flank, and her sword carving off a large gobbet of flesh as the phaerimm shrieks again. It wobbles in the air, blood dripping freely.

((ooc: Round 10 done. Actions and initiative for Round 11.
The phaerimm is very badly hurt.
I'm only updating the upper floor map, since not much has changed on the ground floor.
Jumping down through the hole will do 1 hp of damage, which can be negated by a Tumbling NWP check.))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2646 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 03:02
  • msg #464

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym hops through the hole, lands with no damage due to his tumbling skill, and opens the Portable Hole to release Kitheras into the melee.  He remains in position to help Kitheras out of the hole quickly.

22:00, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 3 using 1d10. Initiative

22:00, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 2 using 1d20. Tumbling Check

21:59, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 9 using 1d20. Dex Check to Open the Portable Hole

This message was last edited by the player at 03:03, Wed 22 Mar 2023.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 607 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 06:09
  • msg #465

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras springs forth from the Portable Hole, both swords in hand and blazing!

22:17, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 10 using 1d6+4.  damage 3.

01:07, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 1 using 1d6. +4 damage 2

01:07, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 1 using 1d6. +4 damage 1

01:05, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 6 using 1d20.  Attack 3.

01:05, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 11 using 1d20.  Attack 2.

01:05, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 17 using 1d20.  Attack 1.

01:05, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 10 using 1d10+3.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:18, Thu 23 Mar 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 124 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 20:27
  • msg #466

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek stops before the hole and casts a spell.  His body shimmers in the magic and he turns into another griffon but this one looks normal rather than being translucent and strange.

Action: Cast Polymorph Self
Initiative: 4
Casting time: 4
Total: 8

20:23, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 4 using 1d10.  Initiative.

GM, 3623 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 22:50
  • msg #467

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Combat Wrap-Up

Corym leaps gently down from the second floor, rolling once to kill his momentum. Kneeling behind Lydzin, he unrolls the portable hole with a flick of his wrists, and reaches down to help Kitheras up.

"I know your faces," the phaerimm hisses, blood gurgling in the back of its voice. All six of its hands are working a spell. "I will have you as my slaves."

Tumbling forward, Kali dives under the bulk of the phaerimm and stabs straight up with both her scimitars. The blades catch seams in the phaerimm's hide and bite deep, disappearing almost to the hilt. The phaerimm's entire body convulses, its breath a watery moan, and then it goes limp and starts to collapse. The next breath, its spell finishes and the body disappears.

A moment later, Torvek's form balloons outward into a fearsome golden griffon and Kitheras charges forward. Both pause, looking around, and breath a sigh of relief when no threat immediately presents itself.

((ooc: The phaerimm has been killed before (well, technically, simultaneously as) it teleported away. Well done, everyone! We are out of combat time.

The forcecage and prismatic wall will both last for hours. But since you have a griffon and a bunch of thieves, and a portable hole to get Tarron out, I'm not going to worry about how you guys get anywhere in the mansion.

As a general note, this was a noisy battle, and there are a number of holes in the exterior walls and ceiling. You don't know how far the sound carried, but someone hearing is definitely a possibility.))

Kali Xilrora
player, 96 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #468

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Satisfied with the killing strokes making contact before the creature disappeared, Kali took a moment to assess the damage she took.

Looking down, she saw something oozing from the wound where the stinger struck her. Something about it was very off putting, and she was determined to get herself cleaned up as soon as possible. She wished that she had some sort of magic item that would allow herself to be cleaned at a moments notice.

Liking that concept, she stored it away until she was able to reach out to her contacts again.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2647 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 02:13
  • msg #469

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"There's a pair of elves upstairs enspelled! I'm going now!"

Corym will quickly determine whether it would be faster to run back around to the stairs or to scale the wall back up to the hole, and will choose the faster of the two paths.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1857 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 08:40
  • msg #470

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Hearing Corym's voice from the other side or the wall after the words from the Phaerimm, Krackor imagined the creature had vanished to return another day and Corym had found the Slaves that the Fiend had spoke of before they had set off here.

There was no way passed the wall "Kali, are you OK, where is the Phaerimm? What is Corym on about?"  He knew he had work to do but wasn't entirely certain what that was just at this moment.
GM, 3624 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 15:58
  • msg #471

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth gently pulls himself out of the portable hole and starts to close it. "The phaerimm is dead. Stay there; it's a mess over here." The hole folded back down into the size of a handkerchief, he handed it back to Kali. "That was quick thinking, there. Saved the day." He looks at the hole in the ceiling, and at Corym scaling the wall and sighs. "Torvek, I don't mean to presume, but could I bother you for a ride? I don't think I'm up to climbing right now."

As that part of the group heads up through the hole, Lydzin walks over and claps Kali on the back. "Indeed! You are a fine battle companion. This great enemy is slain and the way to baatezu victory that much clearer. We should fight together again!" Grabbing Kali beneath the arms, Lydzin flies both of them up through the hole in the ceiling with two sweeps of her wings. Setting her down, Lydzin starts heading deeper into the mansion. "You'll want to get that treated, though. Anything that cures disease should work." she says over her shoulder. "Phaerimm have a nasty way of breeding. Says the baatezu."

Corym, followed by some of the rest of the party, runs back into the room where he'd seen the two floating elves. Their paralysis has worn off, though they're still floating about a foot below the ceiling. Both of them are clutching their stomaches. One, a green elven man, is glassy eyed and moaning in pain. The moon elven woman beside him is slightly more coherent. Her eyes widen as she sees you. "Help us!"
Torvek Ragdar
player, 125 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 16:05
  • msg #472

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek flies down and lands beside his companions.  At Almareth's request, he crouches to let him climb and flies up the hole with his passenger.

OOC: if additional people need a ride, Torvek can do a few round trips
This message was last edited by the player at 16:08, Fri 24 Mar 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1859 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 19:34
  • msg #473

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 472):

Magic and flying not withstanding, Krackor 'Runs' to the stairs and his companions, collecting anyone left behind as he goes by them.

Through the south west door, up the tower stairs and along the corridor. If there was still enemy to have, he had given his word, he would help vanquish them.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2649 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 04:09
  • msg #474

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Almareth? Krackor? I need you! Quickly!"
GM, 3625 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 04:19
  • msg #475

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Kitheras are the first two into the room. Krackor and Almareth, running from opposite ends of the corridor, meet in the middle and join a few moments later. Torvek remains out in the corridor in griffon form. Lydzin wanders into the old casting chamber.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2650 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 04:23
  • msg #476

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Syndra? Is that you?"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1860 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 17:44
  • msg #477

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 474):

Arriving at the room with the two hurt Elves in it, Krackor looked at Corym.  Mind out of the way, what seems to be the problem here? he asked as he looked at the two Elves.  He could tell by looking that neither of them were well, more than not well really, there was something incredibly wrong with them.

He wondered if a lesser cure spell would be any good or he'd need to wait for the morning to use a more powerful healing spell.  He didn't think that the Ioun Stone would be of much use but maybe worth a try.  He wracked his brain to see if there was any Doctrine he could tap into, the lessons on Healing in particular, that could shed some light on the situation.

17:41, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 6 using 1d20. Healing Skill Roll (19 or less).
GM, 3626 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 16:05
  • msg #478

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The moon elven woman blinks in confusion and looks around for the source of the voice. "Yes? Who are you?" Her body is wracked by spasms. "Ah! It hurts so much!"
GM, 3627 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 17:10
  • msg #479

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor steps up to the two elves, his head at about the level of their feet. Looking around the room, he spots Lianthorn's old student desk against the wall. He grabs it and pulls it over, then awkwardly climbs on top of it. Turning around towards, the elves, he's able to take one quick look before the ancient desk, groaning under his weight, breaks completely. Krackor tumbles to the floor in a hail of splinters. The elven man laughs, helplessly.
Kali Xilrora
player, 97 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 17:23
  • msg #480

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 471):

Kali gingerly took the folded portable hole almost absentmindedly. She was reflective and almost completely passive when she was flown upstairs.

The words of praise went in one ear and out the other however the last sentence of Lydzin's words struck deeply.


She looked down at her oozing wound and the dots connected. Her reeling realization was furthered as she witnessed the torment of the other two elves. As the elf's body contorted in pain, Kali realized how close she came to the same fate. The parasites are growing in their bodies, which must be the worst pain imaginable and they were unable to defend themselves.

She had a memory spark of when she was drinking with a ranger a few years ago. They got into a deep, drunken, discussion about how to treat skin based parasites out in the wild. The ranger had informed her that it was best to try to make yourself the worst host possible to destroy the eggs or the worm itself. She figured that there was no harm in voicing her second-hand knowledge.

"Healing their wounds will do nothing for them except prolong their suffering. It might also heal the parasites inside them. If no one is able to heal their disease, we'll have to give them a bath. We must get them as hot as possible to destroy the creatures that are growing inside them. Garlic might help too, but I can't be sure. The heat might also help relieve some of their pain. I can't get them down from though."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 126 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 22:02
  • msg #481

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek looks at Krackor attempting to climb up to the elves in confusion, however after hearing Kali's explanation, Krackor walks carefully into the room, still concerned about trick and traps that the Phaerimm could have laid in the manor, pauses to try to understand what keeps the elves levitating and unable to make sense of it, fly up, gently grabs Sandra and try to bring her down to him companions.

 22:58, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 21 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 19.  Spellcraft.
-- miserable failure trying to understand what magic levitates the elves

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1861 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 22:29
  • msg #482

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Brushing himself off, removing a few splinters along the way, Krackor hears what Kali says, sees the Griffin enter and pull the Elves down, puts spare leather gloves on and then he checks the wounds, being careful of potential parasites.

"I have a spell I use to keep vermin out of an area, I'll ask the Bronze Mask for that spell and cures for disease, a curse or two as well if able. Your idea Kali may just work too."
Kali Xilrora
player, 98 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 23:23
  • msg #483

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali was silently pleased with herself that she was being helpful.

"If magic will work, that would be fastest. It is always nice to have a plan B, though."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2651 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 03:03
  • msg #484

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'm yet invisible from our fight with the Phaerimm. Your sister, Ciyradyl thinks you have been away too long and has tasked me to find you. We haven't found much wealth in Myth Drannor, but you and your companion will be our third and fourth rescues.

"We have two priests with us, tell them what transpired.  Anything may be helpful.  Tell how you came to be so afflicted."

"Krackor if what is inside them can be physically removed, I have a potion of regeneration that may yet save their lives. I will see to Lydzin, my skills are of no more use here."

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 608 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 03:08
  • msg #485

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras stews--cursed and blessed in the same breath.  His swords of no use, but the prize sought by the party found.

With little of substance to offer directly, he tries to aid the efforts of the priests and calm the victims.  In a low voice he sings a peaceful tune--a lullaby for sick children, and holds the hands of the afflicted. It is not lost on him that his singing was used to calm Talindra from her madness in this same tower.

OOC: DM--on the one hand, I want to calm the two elves so they are easier to work with, and on the other hand I want to provide bonuses to whatever checks are being made. Whether that's saving throws or skill checks.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2652 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 03:10
  • msg #486

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym returns to the devil so as to not leave her unattended.  He speaks to Lydzin in Baatezu.  "Your power is every bit as potent as I suspected, Mistress.  I am pleased that we struck such a mutually beneficial deal.  Do you hunt these Phaerimm often?"
GM, 3628 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 04:54
  • msg #487

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Is that why you're here?" Syndra chuckles. It's weak, but she's clearly legitimately amused. "Well, she was right. As usual."

Torvek manages to push his griffon form through the door to the room. He takes up nearly half the space, but on the plus side it's easy for him to reach up with a talon and pull Syndra down. The levitation is not particularly aggressive; left its own devices it floats them about three feet above the ground, but it yields readily enough to someone pulling them (either laterally or down to the ground. He's completely flummoxed about what might be causing the effect.

With the patient now closer to the ground, Krackor makes a quick but thorough examination. There is a large lump in Syndra's abdomen, about the size of two fists put together, and it is squirming. Syndra hisses in pan when he touches it. "It's the stinger. That creature said elves weren't fit for slaves, but made excellent breeding vessels. Our innate connection to the Weave. It's been eating me alive for the last tenday."

With the room full, Almareth pauses at the doorway. "Kali, may I borrow your portable hole? I want to get Tarron out, so we can flee or fight as needed."

Corym also left the bedroom, heading back to the former classroom with the giant hole in the floor. To his consternation, Lydzin is nowhere to be seen. Quickly scanning through the possibilities of where she might be, he makes a hunch and runs back down the corridor and turns left into the old casting chamber. To his relief, he finds Lydzin rifling through the books and papers that had been gathered by the phaerimm. The wounds she suffered in the battle are closing quickly, and already well on their way to disappearing.

Her head comes up. "You know, for a sneaky person, you're not particularly quiet."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2653 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 05:53
  • msg #488

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Sometimes allies can be alarmed by being walked up on unawares.  I try to at least give a hint. You would say we've completed our end of the bargain, Mistress?  I want to make sure that we can part ways amicably until our next business opportunity."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 127 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 14:05
  • msg #489

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

After bringing down the second elf, Torvek pauses looking at Krackor and Kali examining them.  He transforms into an Aarakocra and asks "You're the healers so know better than me.  But I have some salt in my belt if that would be useful.  If you don't need me here, I will join Corym and Lydzin."

Torvek leave them with the sick elves and go find Lydzin.

"Ah, books!  I love books.  Did you find anything interesting?" he asks Lydzin when he arrives.  "Are you looking for something in particular?" he asks politely, "My personal interests are spell books and magic scrolls.  I would assume that these are of no interest to you but do let me know if they are."

Torvek calmly starts to look around the papers in the room but making sure not to antagonise the Cornugon while doing so.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:05, Mon 27 Mar 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1862 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 23:18
  • msg #490

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

He wasn't happy about the Elves having been 'impregnated' 10 days ago, especially as the things were so large now that he could see them, certainly any attempt to extricate the parasites would require an exit point.  He checks the entry wound for a tendrils like that used by a Mosquito, it it had one of those, steeping in oil could do the trick...and be good for the skin at the same time.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 128 posts
Tue 28 Mar 2023
at 08:36
  • msg #491

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek scans the shelves for magic books but also importantly for anything about Phaerimms.

He pauses and turns towards Lydzin "You said something about Phaerimms breeding to Kali earlier.  Do you know anything about how we could remove the parasites that are growing inside the elves upstairs", he asks her.
Kali Xilrora
player, 99 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 22:56
  • msg #492

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali pulls the portable hole and hands it over to Almareth.

"Let me know if you need help."
GM, 3629 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2023
at 21:01
  • msg #493

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Lydzin smiles in Corym's general direction. "Oh yes. A pleasure working with people who won't roll over and die the first time someone waves and hostile spell in their direction. And you intrigued the phaerimm just enough that it held itself back, in the hopes of getting new slaves and therefore left itself open for us to pull out its entrails. I have ever so many more tasks that need competent hands set to them."

When Torvek comes in and asks about the phaerimm spawn, Lydzin shrugs and turns back to the pile of papers. "What's it worth to you?"

While he ponders how to answer that, Torvek takes a look at the papers. The room itself obviously used to be a casting chamber. There's even the remains of a large summoning or other kind of working circle inscribed into the center of the room. There aren't nearly enough bookcases to match the large piles of papers and books spread across the floor, so some of them must have been hauled in from elsewhere. The largest pile is the one Lydzin is standing over, but several others are unclaimed. You pick one near the door and start leafing through it. ((ooc: Torvek, give me an Intelligence check, to get a feel for how quickly you're able to get a summary of what's here.))

In the other room, Almareth takes the portable hole from Kali with a bow, and then disappears down the stairs. It takes awhile, but eventually he and Tarron come trudging back up the stairs and rejoin the group. "Well, I feel useless," Tarron grumbles. When he sees the two elves his face brightens. Hurrying into the room, he helps hold both of them down, getting an update from them and from Krackor about who they are and what happened to them.
GM, 3630 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2023
at 21:13
  • msg #494

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


Someone mentioned earlier that this place used to be a small mage school. From the looks of this pile, the phaerimm raided the administration's office. The books and papers are all related to the technical details of running such a school. Attendance records, lists of reagents and other supplies, correspondence with students and parents prospective, current, and graduated, etc. Possibly quite interesting to someone studying the day-to-day life of the ancient city. Otherwise, however, they are not particularly valuable.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 129 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2023
at 21:22
  • msg #495

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek, having studied and worked at the College of Thaumaturgy for so many years (from a human perspective) is absolutely fascinated by what he sees as important historical records that would be a invaluable additions to the College library.  Looking at the pile of books, he quickly figures that they would not fit in his belt pockets.

"Can I store these books in that portable hole?  They are not magical or especially valuable but I would love to bring some back to Silverymoon." he asks Corym.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:53, Tue 04 Apr 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 130 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2023
at 22:02
  • msg #496

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

When Torvek comes in and asks about the phaerimm spawn, Lydzin shrugs and turns back to the pile of papers. "What's it worth to you?"

"Hmm, although I don't know these elves personally, I'd rather not see them die and give birth to more phaerimms." he says. "Would being helpful to a friend not be sufficient motivation for you?  The healers upstair might well be able to save them.  I am just more adept at the arcane side of things than healing myself.  If you know how to help them, this information would be welcome.  What do you think this information is worth?"
GM, 3631 posts
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 03:06
  • msg #497

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Seller's market's dearie," Lydzin chuckles, turning back to the books and papers. "Make me an offer. Or I always have more things for a competent group to hunt."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 131 posts
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 22:51
  • msg #498

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"As you wish" says Torvek. "Right now, we'll need to rest but tomorrow's another day.  What kind of hunting did you have in mind?" he asks
GM, 3632 posts
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 22:08
  • msg #499

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"There always seem to be more phaerimm in need of killing," Lydzin says, shifting her way through the stack of books. "And the accursed tanar'ri need to be rooted out and destroyed. As well as the priests of Bane who summoned them." She grins at you over her shoulder. "How about it? Up for some good, old-fashioned monster hunting?"
GM, 3633 posts
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 22:15
  • msg #500

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The phaerimm larvae are visibly moving in the abdomens of the two elves. From what they say, and your own investigations, it would appear that the elves are being eaten alive to grow the the larvae. Excruciating, yes, but both elves seem rather hearty people. Neither larva appears to be about to force its way free, nor have they migrated up their torsos towards more vital organs like the heart or lungs.

You're certain that you could cut the larva out of each elf, though such a drastic measure would be dangerous. Otherwise, with a bit of healing magic and observation, it would probably be safe to keep the elves overnight as they are, until you or Almareth can cast cure disease on them.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1863 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #501

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Having observed for some time now, Krackor didn't like what the Lavae were doing to the Elves, using them like Wasps eating their hosts before eating their way out.

This repulsive breeding gave him pause, what if they'd been Dwarven, would he leave them? No he wouldn't. I'll watch over these two over night, I've only used a couple spells, I wouldn't need to sleep if it wasn't for the need yo ask for different spells. Let me Try and Dispell that seal on the lower trap door, then we prepare space for tonight. Food, let's get these two some food and water
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 609 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 11:02
  • msg #502

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras observes, "Honestly, if we can all fit into the crawlspace in the basement, that might not be a bad place to bed down.  I could even provide some camouflage for the door. Unlike the Inn, no one knows that its there.  Remember, this tower had been sealed tight until the Phaerrimm bored through the outer wall."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 132 posts
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 21:42
  • msg #503

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek continues browsing through the books with fascination while discussing with Lydzin.

"Well, I think that an alhoon near by is in need of being hunted. Do you know anything about that?" he replies to Lydzin.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1864 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 14:10
  • msg #504

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"The kitchen with the sealed trap door seems most secure and dependable. When we came through before, it hadn't been touched. He looks around to ensure it looks as it did the last time they were in the Manor House.

Does it look any different from when Krackor was last in the kitchen trying to open the trap door?
This message was last edited by the player at 14:11, Sat 08 Apr 2023.
GM, 3634 posts
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 16:49
  • msg #505

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The mostly-rotten trap door in the kitchen that leads down to the basement has been completely cleared away. The shaft itself seems unchanged; sinking sixty feet straight down to what used to be the mansion's storage room. That room is mostly unchanged as well; the little debris remaining pushed up against the walls and the heavily-decorated door standing tall in the center of one wall. The door itself is still closed, though there is a new set of writing carved into the stone in front of it, forming an unfinished semi-circle.


"Alhoon, pah! They infest the city like rats, and are about as dangerous. Good for you for stomping one out. Once you're done, drop me a word at Castle Cormanthor if you're in the mood for a real fight." Lydzin shoves a number of books into a bag at her waist that appears far too small to hold them all, then turns and waves in your general vicinity. "Be seeing you."

The cornugon vanishes.
GM, 3635 posts
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 17:35
  • msg #506

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras comes down into the basement and takes a closer look at the writing. He soon reassures himself that it isn't a trap. It looks like the beginnings of some manner of spell working, but it's incomplete and not from a tradition he's familiar with. So, while it's not dangerous, and not active, he's not sure what it was intended to do. Though he has a decent guess as to who was doing the working.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 133 posts
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 11:44
  • msg #507

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek finishes scanning the books and grab a large pile of the most interesting volumes.  He carries them over to Almareth and Tarron and carefully stored them in the portable hole.  Once satisfied that he has collected the most important records for the Silverymoon archives, a goes over and join Krackor and Kitheras to talk about plans for the night.

"Either the kitchen or the basements would be corner position that would be easier to defend or hide.  However, they also offer no escape route if things turned badly.  I am hesitant if this is better than sleeping somewhere with two entrances that could offer a way out albeit not be as easy to fortify" he asks.

Torvek waits for opinions of others.

"Krackor, you were talking about a magically locked door that you wanted to try to dispel.  I could cast two dispelling spells at it today if you point me to it.  If this fails, I could prepare more for tomorrow." he says.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1865 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #508

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"Krackor, you were talking about a magically locked door that you wanted to try to dispel.  I could cast two dispelling spells at it today if you point me to it.  If this fails, I could prepare more for tomorrow." he says.

Having checked the kitchen and the shaft, he headed down then back up to fetch others.

"Let me show you, Kitheras, as Captain, you coming just in case?"

When down, Krackor prepares the area, looking at the carvings that were not there previously.
"Are you ready?"

Krackor Casts Dispel Magic on the door and a second from his Ioun Stone if need be.
(ooc: Rolled a 7 then 17. Bugger)
This message was last edited by the player at 22:55, Thu 13 Apr 2023.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2654 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 03:36
  • msg #509

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"So we're agreed to bed down in the basement?" Corym looks about for agreement. "By all means--use what spells you have."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 610 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 03:37
  • msg #510

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras sees the value in hiding in the basement, and tries to put together some camouflage for the entrance for once they're bedded down. Maybe some kind of trip wire as an early warning mechanism.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 134 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 08:33
  • msg #511

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek follows Krackor and watches him casting.  Seeing that the portal is still locked, he casts a dispel magic to it.  Unsatisfied, he grabs a pearl from his belt, pauses a moment and casts a second dispel at the door.

OOC: 09:30, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 7 using 1d20.
09:30, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 18 using 1d20.  Dispel Magic .

27 with Caster Level if that is any use.

GM, 3637 posts
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 03:42
  • msg #512

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

It takes some effort to move the two elves down into the basement. Fortunately, it's not particularly difficult, but their habit of floating towards the nearest ceiling makes the trip down the cellar shaft an exercise in caution. But eventually you all reconvene in the cellar. The elves float in a corner, away from the shaft up, and the elaborately-decorated door stubbornly resists your attempts to dispel the magic.

Before you're able to get settled, Tarron snaps his fingers in irritation. "We've forgotten Kora. She's still waiting for us in the other hideout."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2655 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #513

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym curses under his breath.  "I can go get her--still being invisible. Can someone lend me an elven cloak to get her back safely?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 611 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 10:22
  • msg #514

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras offers up his cloak, "I want it back. I've seen how you look at it."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2657 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 10:23
  • msg #515

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym takes the cloak--which disappears--and heads off to get the Lightbearer.
GM, 3639 posts
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #516

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The forcecage and prismatic wall are still standing, which makes getting out of the manor a bit more of a challenge than normal. But Corym is able to let himself down through the hole that was originally the entry stairway and creep out the front door. As he emerges into Myth Drannor, he pauses and takes a long look around. A moment later, he's glad he did so.

His attention was caught by a hint of steely blue to the south. Taking a closer look, he sees the scales of a rather large monster crouched in the underbrush. It is focused intently on the houses to the south (#15 and #16 on the neighborhood map). Corym debated for a moment whether he should go and give it stealth pointers, but then shakes off the notion and heads back to Curiosities Cold and Clear.

He finds Kora in the basement, stalking back and forth in the large room that the group was using as its main area. She looks anxious, but unharmed, and the rest of the group's gear is still spread out and undisturbed.

"We survived--no diabolic betrayal.  Let's gather the stuff and rejoin everyone.  I brought Kitheras' cloak to help get you across."

Kora straightened and grinned in his general direction. "Best news I've had all day. Let's get out of here."

"We also found Syndra--and a companion of hers.  They've been impregnated by a giant floating lizard, but Krackor is pretty sure that he can fix them tomorrow.  We're going to be hunkering down."

"I... am almost afraid to ask for clarification on that. But hunkering down sounds good. We getting them out of here tomorrow?"

"That's what I think we should do.  I can only imagine that Tarron and Kitheras want to get them out, and I'm not keen on trying to take on the Alhoon without them. Tarron in particular.  They're very particular about the preservation of Elven life."

"Right-o." Kora grabbed the last of the miscellaneous stuff and pulled on the cloak. "Let's get going."

The two head upstairs and then back out into the city. Under Corym's careful direction, even the human Kora is able to make a fairly quiet passage. The steely beastie to the south takes no notice of them as they return to the manor's basement.
GM, 3641 posts
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #517

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Moving to Morning

With Kora and the rest of the group's belongings safely retrieved, everyone settles down to spend the day in hiding. The cellar is rather crowded, though the fact that your two newest people spend their time floating up against the ceiling helps with the congestion. Their stifled groans are less pleasant, though some healing spells from Almareth has them feeling better than they have in days.

The day creeps by with desperate slowness. Torvek spends most of it learning the last few spells that were unknown to him in Corym and Kitheras's books. Krackor stands guard, often halfway up the shaft where he can hear anything entering the kitchen. Corym and Kora talk magic quietly over in the corner. Almareth and Tarron stay with the two floating elves, keeping a close eye on them to make sure the larval phaerimm don't suddenly become an imminent threat to their lives.

Day turns to dusk, then darkness. Food is prepared, and eaten, and eventually everyone finds their beds. Sleep is delayed somewhat by the groans of the elves, but eventually you all drift off. And mercifully, Myth Drannor throws nothing at you the entire night.

Morning comes, like the dusk unheralded here underground save by people coming to consciousness driven by hunger and a need to make use of the makeshift privy.

You're here, alive. The two elves have survived the night. Time for another day.

((ooc: The rolls were in your favor, unlike the previous night, and nothing found you. All spellcasters can update their spells. Thanks to spells and Krackor's healing stone, everyone is at full hp.

Almareth is willing to cast cure disease on both of the elves. Kali, it's still up in the air whether your wound is infected or not.))

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 612 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 02:34
  • msg #518

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Almareth, if you wouldn't mind accommodating the afflicted? And perhaps keep another treatment on hand in case any of the rest of us come down with it from our encounter."

Kitheras waits until the priest does his work to make formal introductions.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 138 posts
Wed 26 Apr 2023
at 17:24
  • msg #519

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek observes the proceeding quietly while flicking through a course catalog.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:24, Wed 26 Apr 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1868 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Wed 26 Apr 2023
at 23:15
  • msg #520

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor checks Kali out for how, if at all, her infection, the sting is affecting her.

Taking no chances, he calls to the Vigilant Host for 3x Cure Disease.

"I can only ask for 1 Dispel Magic with 3x Cure Diseases, I have made a good check on Kali but taking no chances with her infection level."
(ooc: Krackor Steelfist rolled 11 using 1d20.  Healing Check [20 to fail] so a Pass.)
This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Wed 26 Apr 2023.
GM, 3642 posts
Wed 26 Apr 2023
at 23:37
  • msg #521

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth helps pull Syndra down from where she's floated at the ceiling all night. He holds her steady as Krackor approaches. With exacting precision, Krackor calls upon Gorm to drive out that which is afflicting those under his care, and light flares around his hands as he places his hand atop the wriggling phaerimm larva. Syndra almost collapses as her midsection clenches, held steady only by Almareth's hands.

When she straightens, the unnatural bulge in her abdomen is gone, and she is breathing more easily. More dramatically, the force that was holding her aloft pops like a bubble and she drops to her feet. Again Almareth steadies her, but after a moment she's able to stand on her own. She's moving gently, and obviously still in considerable residual pain, but the creature is gone.

The process repeats almost exactly with the elven man, whose name you've learned is Jassin, only he collapses completely when the levitation breaks, and nearly takes Almareth down with him. The priest eases his way to the ground and glances up at the rest of you. "We need to get them out of the ruins as soon as possible." He glances over at Syndra, who is leaning her back against a wall and slowly sliding down towards the floor. "Not instantly, obviously. But as soon as they're strong enough to move."

Krackor heads over to Kali. He gives her wound, now mostly healed thanks to the group's magic, a thorough inspection and questions her intently about how it looked during the battle. He thinks it's unlikely that she was impregnated, but he casts his final cure disease spell on her just to be safe. The angry red around the wound disappears completely, as does a small sniffle she's been fighting for the past few days. More importantly, the great cloud of anxiety pressing on her lifts.

Tarron looks at the ornate door, and then glances up at the entry shaft. "Almareth will be distracted by his patients. I'll stay here, to keep them safe, and keep your line of retreat open while you explore."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2658 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 28 Apr 2023
at 04:00
  • msg #522

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym rubs his hands together in anticipation. "I would still like to harvest this door, so when we're done exploring what's beyond, please use any dispelling enchantments you have to break its protection.  But for now, knock, and the door shall be opened."

Corym casts Knock on the door, and opens it.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1870 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 28 Apr 2023
at 07:21
  • msg #523

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 522):

He was ready as always to follow Corym, ever since the vote for first Captain, and even though the mantel had passed to Kitheras, when it came to looking for heirlooms to return, Corym knew what he was doing, even if a bit reckless on occasion.

He'd heard Almareth's caring tone and saw Kali's focused look. Looking at Kitheras, Tarron, Torvek and Kora, as if to saw "Are you all alright with this?" He then looks back to Corym. After you, I shall follow before the next. Shield up, axe ready, he follows Corym.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 139 posts
Fri 28 Apr 2023
at 22:51
  • msg #524

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek is happy that his services are not needed for the sick elves... not that healing sick people is his forte in any case.  As Corym opens the door, he comes to have a look.

"This looks interesting, I'll come along."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 613 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Sat 29 Apr 2023
at 13:33
  • msg #525

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Well, we've tried making it through this door so many times now.  I'm glad someone thought to knock." 

Kitheras sets to organizing the line.

"Corym, you're taking the lead.  Keep us free of traps.  I'll back you up.  Krackor, you back me up.  Torvek, stay in the rear.  You're the least likely to survive a sudden danger. Kora, you're with Torvek--our rear guard."
GM, 3643 posts
Sun 30 Apr 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #526

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The knock spell takes hold, temporarily suppressing the wizard lock, and the door swings open, soundlessly. On the other side is a bare room carved into the stone. It's about thirty feet wide and forty feet long. The ceilings are very high, at least thirty feet. There's a hallway directly across from the door, and a hallway on the wall to to your right. Neither hallway has any doors. Flanking the hallway across from you are two pedestals, which might once have held sculpture or something similar. Both of them are empty at the moment.

Corym moves deeper into the room, checking for traps and finding none. The rest of the group makes sure to get inside and stay clear of the door, knowing that it won't remain open for long.

((ooc: Map is below. Each square is 10 feet. The ceiling is 30 feet high. Welcome to the dungeon crawl!))

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 614 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Tue 2 May 2023
at 01:03
  • msg #527

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Not liking the look of unoccupied pedestals, Kitheras checks the ground for signs movement before his companions disturb the environment.

20:01, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 3 using 1d20.  Tracking.

After his check, he'll look as far as he can down either path.

20:05, Today: Kitheras Sunblade rolled 15 using 1d20.  Observation.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:06, Tue 02 May 2023.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2659 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 2 May 2023
at 01:05
  • msg #528

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

While Kitheras checks the ground, Corym scales the walls to take a closer look at the ceiling.  "Thirty foot ceilings are an oddity--I'm going to check them out."

20:04, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 60 using 1d100.  Climb Walls (80%).

Torvek Ragdar
player, 140 posts
Tue 2 May 2023
at 07:56
  • msg #529

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek stays at the bottom of the staircase carefully looking for anything suspicious

08:54, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 17 using 1d20.  Observation check (vs 17).

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1871 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Tue 2 May 2023
at 11:41
  • msg #530

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Even though tall for his race, Krackor still feels like he is in a cavern back home that had been carved for living. "See if there are any tiny ledges half way up that would support a second floor, this could have been a 'safe room' with additional areas, we may find the load of the Manor down here."

Having not know what was behind the door until now, it had been pressumed to hold something out or lock it in, now he was wondering if it could have been the great wizards 'bolt-hole'.
GM, 3644 posts
Thu 4 May 2023
at 00:10
  • msg #531

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras takes a close look at the ground and doesn't find anything particularly alarming. There's not much in the way of dust or dirt, what with the door having been solidly closed for centuries, but what there is doesn't show the traces of anyone else's passage. Moving to the mouth of each passage, he sees a single corridor in each case. In the eastern wall (across from the sealed door), the hallway goes for about forty feet before turning south. In the south, it runs for about fifty feet before ending in a door.

Corym climbs up first one wall and then another. The stone isn't dressed, but it has been smoothed, sort of a comfortable middle ground between "naked pick marks on the wall" and "elaborate extra sheath of shiny marble." From what you can tell, it was all made at the same time. Or if there was a later expansion that raised the ceiling, they did a really good job of blending. You also don't see any evidence that there was a second floor built within the chamber, though there is certainly the height for it.

The knock spell wears off and the door silently swings closed. Torvek steps just inside, keeping clear as it shuts. You're all locked in.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 615 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Thu 4 May 2023
at 05:49
  • msg #532

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras relays his findings.

"If the door that way is closed, let it remain so.  Best to check the open paths first.  We head East.  Torvek, keep watch behind us and an ear out for the door."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2660 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 6 May 2023
at 10:19
  • msg #533

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym leads the way indicated by Kitheras being sure to watch for any variations in the rough hewn stone.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1872 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sat 6 May 2023
at 14:21
  • msg #534

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor examines the stone work, is it the same Dwarven Quality as around the door?
Torvek Ragdar
player, 141 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 22:18
  • msg #535

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek looks at the door closing, hoping the they'll be able to reopen it later.  He inches forwards into the room, staying at the back and on his guards.
GM, 3645 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 05:16
  • msg #536

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The group heads east, across the room, and into the far corridor. The ceiling here remains the abnormally-high thirty feet, and Krackor inspects it closely as they walk. There aren't any major clues as to who built it. This room, at least, is bare of any carving, markings, or other decoration. It's well constructed, but that just means whoever made it was competent.

The far hallway runs for about forty feet before it turns to the south. It ends in an alcove, but midway down there is a door on one side and another hallway across from it. The floor continues to be as bare of markings as the first room.

((ooc: Since there are humans in the group, I assume you have a light source. Who would be carrying it?))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1873 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sun 7 May 2023
at 14:22
  • msg #537

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Since there are humans in the group, I assume you have a light source. Who would be carrying it?))

(OOC:  Kora (Mistress Lightbearer) would be the person you are looking for)

Krackor inspects and finds no signs of 'competent' Dwarven work. "This looks like the there are too many rugged angles and not enough smooth worth, so unless it was intentional, this is the work of a non-Dwarven workforce.  This should make traps easier to notice.  In his view, this was correct, how others see it may be different.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 142 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 14:56
  • msg #538

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Just after the door closes, Torvek puts a hand in his belt, brings out a little dark purple stone and throws it up.  It starts flying in circle around his head.

OOC: I don't need lights to show my location from far away.  Does Kora do?
This message was last edited by the player at 15:01, Sun 07 May 2023.
GM, 3646 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 18:02
  • msg #539

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Kali is a half-elf, so has infravision. Kora is the NPC apprentice, and is human. She's served as a light bearer in the past, though here in Myth Drannor I've been assuming she doesn't come with the group unless it's specifically noted.

So, do you want Kora to come along?))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1874 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sun 7 May 2023
at 18:42
  • msg #540

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Kali is a half-elf, so has infravision. Kora is the NPC apprentice, and is human. She's served as a light bearer in the past, though here in Myth Drannor I've been assuming she doesn't come with the group unless it's specifically noted.

So, do you want Kora to come along?))

(OOC: Krackor would want that but he isn't Captain.  Also, I thought it had been mentioned but I may have misread.  This is the problem with IC ideas in OC Discord Chat instead of here).
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 616 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Tue 9 May 2023
at 10:25
  • msg #541

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

OOC: Kora is fine--she's also the "Light Bearer" and had several continual light stones that Krackor had made, so I'm sure she's capable of carrying one.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1875 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Tue 9 May 2023
at 21:31
  • msg #542

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras Sunblade:
OOC: Kora is fine--she's also the "Light Bearer" and had several continual light stones that Krackor had made, so I'm sure she's capable of carrying one.

ooc: It's a special torch he made her, that had the continual light cast on a part of it which she can shut off by closing openings, like turning the head so it sinks into the handle and closes off, light a club/Mace.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 617 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Wed 10 May 2023
at 01:24
  • msg #543

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Corym, check this door out.  Krackor--back me up, we're going to check the hall across from the door."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2661 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 10 May 2023
at 01:25
  • msg #544

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

20:25, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 86 using 1d100.  Find Traps/Secrets 95%.

GM, 3647 posts
Wed 10 May 2023
at 21:26
  • msg #545

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The group advances down the hallway, Corym checking for traps and finding none. The door in the wall is... odd. And when Kitheras and Krackor turn the corner they find a similar door twenty feet in front of them.

The ceiling in the corridor remains the overly-high thirty feet. But the doors at either end of the short hallway are barely eight feet tall. Each doorway consists of two heavy panels made of black iron. They are latched but not locked, and there is a recession cut into the stone behind them, allowing the door to open completely flat. Each panel is engraved with a thin elven blade, centered and hanging point down as it pierces a silver disk. Each sword is highlighted in gold that gleams in the light of Kora's torch; a stark contrast to the heavily tarnished silver disks.

((ooc: Neither door is locked or trapped.))

GM, 3648 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 03:30
  • msg #546

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym and Kitheras both stare at the sigils on the doors. It's... weird. The blade is definitely elven, but looking closely at the silver disks, you can see that some of them have a red triangle on them, and others have a red five-pointed star. That's the symbol of Tyche, the old human goddess of fortune and adventurers. The red is chipped and distressed, but upon closer inspection, the damage is artistic. The stars and triangles were broken when they were newly-installed, which makes you think the silver was intentionally tarnished as well.

It's not a sigil either of you have ever seen before, though something about it is vaguely familiar.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 143 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 09:07
  • msg #547

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Watching his friends carefully look at the doors, Torvek comes around to see what interesting things they found.  "Fascinating", he says as he looks carefully at the designs.

After satisfying his curiosity, Torvek returns to his assigned position.

10:02, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 8 using 1d20.  Ancient History.

Just in case the human and Silverymoon connections would bring different knowledge than the elves have

This message was last edited by the player at 09:08, Thu 11 May 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1876 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 11 May 2023
at 09:12
  • msg #548

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 546):

As he keeps a watch on the walls and floor then arrives at tge doors, artistry making pristine into ruin, he has an idea. "Corym, is the roof really that high or is it a clever artistic illusion?"  He was almost perplexed as he considers the doors and keeps looking up at the ceiling.

"Is anyones historical knowledge able to discern the symbols meanings?" He wasn't sure if he recognised them but the did look familiar but it what context, he wasn't sure.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2662 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 12 May 2023
at 01:12
  • msg #549

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym/Kitheras relate the content of the previous post.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2663 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 12 May 2023
at 02:03
  • msg #550

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"It's really that high.  I'm going to breech this room.  Be ready. For things."

Corym lifts the lash and pushes the door open while remaining outside the room.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 144 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 20:32
  • msg #551

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek takes a step back to stand just round the corner while keeping an eye on Kali and Kora.
GM, 3649 posts
Sun 14 May 2023
at 19:42
  • msg #552

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym lifts the latch and pushes on the door. The iron hinges stick for a moment, and then the door swings open easily.

On the other side of the door is a fairly small room, only about twenty feet deep and thirty feet long. In the center of the far wall, across from the door, is an archway made of braided gold and copper. Both metals gleam in the magical light shed by Kora's torch, the copper as bright as if new-forged, without a hint of green. The archway is seven feet tall and three wide.

The room is otherwise empty.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:29, Sun 14 May 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1877 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sun 14 May 2023
at 19:53
  • msg #553

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 552):

Shield in one hand, Battle Axe in the other, Krackor was taking no chances.  He watched for a swinging blade, a tilting platform, a set of spikes, anything to come at them, maybe even a Lightning Bolt!  He remembered the teeter trap he had been found in by Corym et al and didn't want to be stuck in another one, although he had no doubts in his mind, that with this group, he wouldn't be left behind to rot, starve to death or anything bad, he trusted Corym and Corym trusted the others.  This in turn had garnered the others his trust.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 145 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 02:15
  • msg #554

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek stays at the back, keeping an eye on both corridors.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2664 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 19 May 2023
at 00:32
  • msg #555

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"The last time we ran into a gate things didn't turn out so well.  Especially for Karilla.  Let's try that other door."

Corym latches the door back, and tries the other with the same procedure.
GM, 3650 posts
Sat 20 May 2023
at 19:22
  • msg #556

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The second door turns out to have several bars and latches instead of the single one on the door to the west. But none of them are locked, nor are they meant to prevents someone from this side coming through. And the hinges are in better condition; the door swings open as soon as Corym throws the last latch.

Beyond is a room about twice the size of the previous room at forty feet long and thirty wide. There are hallways leading out both north and south, each of which leads almost immediately into a smaller room. Neither hallway has a door. Interestingly, while the southern hallway is the full thirty feet high, the northern hallway, and the room it leads to, is a more normal eight feet.

But what immediately catches your attention are the huge archways built into the walls. Designed much like the archway in the room to the west, they are immense arches made of twisted cables of black iron thicker around than your fist. Two are mounted into the eastern wall, directly across from you. Three others are in the northern wall (one of them more than enclosing the entrance to the northern doorway.

As the light shines in from Kora's torch, you can see that there are very obvious cracks in all five iron archways, and many of them are missing pieces as well.

Corym Ildroun
player, 2666 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 20 May 2023
at 23:24
  • msg #557

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'm starting to understand why a potions master wouldn't want to mess with this.  We only have so many Knock spells.  Lets make sure that door gets bound open. I think its likely that these gates aren't operable.  The North, at least, looks like something different."

Corym checks the ground before proceeding into the room, and starts moving North.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1881 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Mon 22 May 2023
at 19:55
  • msg #558

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 557):

"Where ever the gates lead to, they aren't working now without Mend Spells or something similar. Maybe one to Brightstar!"

He didn't trust Hates either, but his horse was far away near one, he hoped he was still OK after more than a year, maybe even made it back home and grazing!  Then he'd be able to get that Repeating Crossbow of his working!
Torvek Ragdar
player, 148 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 18:33
  • msg #559

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek looks confused.  "Gates?  Brightstar?  What's all that?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 618 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Wed 24 May 2023
at 21:37
  • msg #560

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“Think of Gates like teleport spells with permanency cast on them. Except that they can also go to other planes. All of the old elven kingdoms were linked by gates, but none moreso than Myth Drannor. It was an accident with a gate that lead us to Myth Drannor in the first place. One moment we were each in the middle of some exploration or mission—the next we appeared in a courtyard surrounded by demons in the middle of a forgotten city. Best to be wary of gates. None now know the making of them, and the keys to these are unknown to us.”
GM, 3653 posts
Fri 26 May 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #561

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The ground in this room is completely clear. There's a bit of dust hither and yon, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of air flow from the outside, so the build up is minimal. You don't see any traces of recent movement.

Reaching the center archway in the northern wall, you can see that the only thing holding its shape is the fact that its back has been securely mounted into the stone. The braided iron is cracked and shattered, and there are small iron chips scattered on the floor around it. There isn't any sense of active magic, though you'd need to cast some spells of your own to make sure.

The room on the other side of the doorway looks like it might have once been a storeroom. There are wooden shelves mounted along three of its walls, though the center of the floor is clear. All of the shelves you can see are empty.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 149 posts
Sat 27 May 2023
at 21:47
  • msg #562

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"So if I understand, you are from the Brightstar area and ended up here by accident?" asks Torvek.

Torvek stands at the edge of the room and observes Corym carefully.
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 121 posts
33/33 HP
Sat 27 May 2023
at 23:20
  • msg #563

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'm from Hill's Edge," Kora puts in helpfully. "Corym and his friends saved my cousin from one of his usual bouts of stupidity, and I jumped on the chance to get away from my smithing lessons. Everyone else sort of... wandered in."
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 619 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Mon 29 May 2023
at 11:12
  • msg #564

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"It all seemed very important at the time. A bunch of us from different parts of Faerun all getting gated to the same place at the same time--but in the end, it seems like it was just random.  The experience broke many of us.  We are what remains."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2667 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 29 May 2023
at 11:14
  • msg #565

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

06:13, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 46 using 1d100.  Find Traps/Secrets 95%.

Take a closer look around in the store room, and then start heading back south.
GM, 3654 posts
Fri 2 Jun 2023
at 23:09
  • msg #566

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


Stepping into the old storeroom, you do a quick search of the walls and floor and find nothing out of the ordinary. It's impossible to even tell what sorts of things might once have been on the shelves. Fortunately, there's a similar lack of traps or other unpleasantness.

Leaving the room behind, you move back into the main room with the rest of the group.

((ooc: Heading through the southern hallway?))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2668 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 11:35
  • msg #567

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

GM, 3655 posts
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 16:41
  • msg #568

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym steps through the archway into the southern hallway, and immediately notices that the walls of the room are covered in glyphs and sigils. He pauses, taking a closer look before possibly triggering something.

((ooc: Anyone with Spellcraft can roll a NWP check to inspect the walls.))
GM, 3656 posts
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 16:55
  • msg #569

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

There are spells of domination inscribed on the walls. Lots of them, in a sort of cascading array. This room appears to be the culmination; the runes continue down a corridor to the east. None of the spells are currently active. The spells are complete; they've just been turned off.

Corym steps further into the room, carefully inspecting the runes. The spells are specifically focused on compelling extra-planar beings; though they're not a type he's ever encountered before.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 151 posts
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 21:54
  • msg #570

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"This is scary" says Torvek "It looks like this room is some kind of mind control trap.  Not active right now but probably safer if we don't all stand in this room at the same time." he says.  Heading his own words, Torvek stands outside the room.
GM, 3657 posts
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 03:54
  • msg #571

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

As Torvek looks over the lines upon lines of carefully engraved domination magics, all written in an archaic elven script he sometimes has trouble deciphering, his eyes trip over a familiar word. Proeskampalar. The old name for Procampur, back when it was first founded by dwarves, before human refugees arrived. Looking through more spells, you pick out other names. Teshar. Suzail. Others. The names of five cities bordering Cormanthor.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2669 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 14:59
  • msg #572

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"My best guess is that this was a hub of Gates connecting the old city of Cormanthor with its neighbors.  There seems to have been some fear that extra planar beings could utilize the network, which could explain the presence of Tanar'i and Baatezu here. I don't recall them being part of the original Army of Darkness which was mainly your typical fair but lead by Yugoloths.  I'm going to check to see if there are any other untriggered traps and then we should be safe to proceed."

09:58, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 48 using 1d100.  Find Traps/Secrets 95%.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 152 posts
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 15:28
  • msg #573

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek, standing outside the door, looks for traps and notices absolutely nothing dangerous.

16:24, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 88 using 1d100.  Find traps.

GM, 3658 posts
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 22:58
  • msg #574

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym carefully examines the spells scribed on the walls. All of them are intact, but safely deactivated. And, if he's reading things correctly, would not target elves at all. That's leaving aside any problems the mythal might toss into the equation. There aren't any hidden traps, though he does find a very subtle rage magic braided through the more powerful, and obvious, charm spells. A creature affected by this room and hall of spells wouldn't just be dominated; they would be furious.

The only other thing of note is that the hallway gets noticeably hotter the further to the east you go. It's sixty feet long; a hallway branches off to the south after forty feet and a hall does so to the north after fifty.
GM, 3659 posts
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 05:46
  • msg #575

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The air gets steadily hotter as Corym goes east until it's genuinely sweltering. When he reaches the first branch in the hallway and glances south, he can immediately see why.

To the south, past a short hallway, is a fifty foot wide circular room. The center is filled with a pool of lava, its surface mostly crusted over but still laced with shimmering cracks. Directly across from the hallway entrance, mounted on the far wall, is a massive archway made of red iron and gleaming rubies. The air shimmers around it; whether from more than just the heat, it's hard to say.

Corym frowns. He would be more interested in rubies if they weren't attached to a gate. Instead, he decides to check the north branch.

The northern hallway runs for about thirty feet before ending in a closed door. The ceiling also slopes down from the thirty feet of most of the eastern rooms to a more normal eight. Unlike some of the earlier doors, there's no over or under on this one. Checking the door, he finds it locked but not trapped.

It's not that complicated a lock, and he quickly pops it open. Opening the door reveals a triangular room. The walls are covered by slate boards and there are a couple of chairs a table, and an (empty) bookcase scattered about. He checks for anything that might be hidden or dangerous, but comes up empty. There are a few very fragmentary bits of spell work that weren't completely erased from the slate. Not enough to be useful, but enough that him to guess that this was probably a spellcasting working chamber of some sort.

Content he'd found everything there was to find, he headed back to the group.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2670 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 13:53
  • msg #576

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"There's no clear benefit to attempting to cross the lava.  We don't know anything about that gate, and I suspect that it won't like us prying rubies out of it.  Whoever destroyed the rest must have left that one alone for a reason. There's the Southern passage in the initial room that we haven't explored.  It's possible we'll get an explanation there.  Until then, we're at a dead and unproductive end."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 153 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 22:06
  • msg #577

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Agree, we should try the passage we have not tried yet.  If needed I could send a wizard eye across the lava but you say it was ending in something that looked like another gate and there was no further path to explore down there. "
GM, 3660 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #578

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With the eastern branch as fully explored as you wish at the moment, the group returns to the entry room and re-orients themselves to the south. This hallway runs for about fifty feet before it ends in a doorway, and there's a door in the wall about halfway down on the right.

While the hallway's ceiling starts out at the thirty feet common to the eastern branch, it rapidly comes down to a more normal eight feet.

GM, 3661 posts
Fri 9 Jun 2023
at 04:15
  • msg #579

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym checks the door. It's locked, but not trapped.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2671 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 9 Jun 2023
at 11:42
  • msg #580

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

06:42, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 16 using 1d20.  open locks (75).
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1883 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 9 Jun 2023
at 14:16
  • msg #581

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
06:42, Today: Corym Ildroun rolled 16 using 1d20.  open locks (75).

(Ooc: Shouldn't this have been a D% roll? Or you taking 75% as a 15?)
Corym Ildroun
player, 2672 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 9 Jun 2023
at 15:44
  • msg #582

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Rolled the correct die this time. 68(75)
GM, 3662 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2023
at 00:28
  • msg #583

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

It takes a little while, but with persistence Corym is able to get the lock to yield to his efforts and the door swings open. Beyond is a short hallway that opens into a room about thirty feet square. There's a door in the far wall, flanked on either side by an empty pedestal much like those in the entry room.

The walls of the room are almost entirely obscured by tall bookcases that have been bolted directly into the stone. All of the shelves are empty, and a layer of dust covers everything.

((ooc: Character locations on the map are approximate; anyone who wishes to investigate may do so.))

GM, 3663 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2023
at 01:03
  • msg #584

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym does a sweep of the room, checking for traps or anything untoward. The room is clear, aside from the dust. The same is true of the other door; it's not even locked.

Pushing the door open reveals a circular room. It's fairly obviously a casting chamber; there are two large slate boards leaning against the walls, the floor has the mostly-erased remains of several different casting diagrams, and the stone is speckled and pitted from various minor explosions.

GM, 3664 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2023
at 16:07
  • msg #585

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Once again, Corym makes a circuit of a new room, though this time he's not surprised to find nothing unusual. This is the sort of casting room he's very familiar with; an open space where anything that might be dangerous, hazardous, or just accidentally explosive gets handled, and where you keep nothing of value for fear of it getting burned/melted/etc.

With this branch fully explored, Corym leads the group to the southern door. It opens into a room thirty feet by forty feet. Unlike the rest of the rooms, this one has wood paneling, completely covering the stone floor, walls, and ceiling. The paneling is tastefully, though not excessively, carved with abstract scrollwork. In the center of the room is a large, oval table, and eight chairs are set around it. All of the chairs are of a similar style, and the chair at the head is noticeably more ornate than the others. There's one door to the south, which is currently closed.

Corym begins to fan out, checking the room, while the rest of the group is coming down the hallway.

((ooc: Pausing here to let everyone else chime in.))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2673 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 14 Jun 2023
at 22:13
  • msg #586

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

“If there’s something secreted away, wood panelling gives a lot of options. Double check my work.”
GM, 3665 posts
Thu 15 Jun 2023
at 03:34
  • msg #587

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The group moves into the room and starts to fan out. Kitheras touches the wall and draws his hand back in surprise. Though the wall looks like rich oak paneling, and even smells like wood, to the touch it remains stone. A stone that has the grain and pattern of oak, but stone.

As he's now looking at the wall with even deeper interest, Kitheras is in just the right place to see something just barely in relief as Kora moves around the table with her bright torch. A door has been cleverly hidden in the faux-wood wall, and with a bit of feeling around Kitheras manages to find the recessed button that (he assumes) will open it.

((ooc: Anyone with Observation, please roll a check. Any rogue that doesn't have Observation, please roll an Intelligence check with a +5 penalty.))
Torvek Ragdar
player, 154 posts
Thu 15 Jun 2023
at 19:28
  • msg #588

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek carefully looks down both corridors and in the new room, trying to understand what things are.

20:27, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 5 using 1d20.  Observation check (17).

GM, 3666 posts
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 17:11
  • msg #589

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

As Corym, Torvek, and Kitheras spread through the room, each of them notices something a little odd with the table. At the head, at the seat that is noticeably (though not overwhelmingly) more ornate, someone has incised little drawings and figures in the wood. At first you think it was done with a knife, but the lines are too fluid, the figures too detailed, for these "doodles while bored" to have been done with anything other than magic.

They're all variations on the sigil that appeared earlier on the iron doors. The slim, elven blade is the same, but what it transfixes changes. Tyche's coin is there just once. Other unfortunate items include a hand pointing with its index finger, a piece of rippling ribbon or smoke, and a variety of skulls.

((ooc: Are you opening the secret door?))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1884 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 20:43
  • msg #590

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 587):

((OOC:who'd have thunk it, Krackor spotted something too.

21:42, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 2 using 1d20-5.  Int -5.

Edit: Ooop, you wrote "rogue", missed that bit.))

This message was last edited by the player at 08:07, Mon 19 June 2023.
GM, 3667 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 16:39
  • msg #591

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras finds the false knot again and depresses it. The hidden door swings open, revealing a circular room about thirty feet across. Its walls have not gotten the faux-wood treatment, and unlike the rest of the complex, a heavy layer of dust lies over everything. There are two large, stone chests set against the wall, their bases melded into the floor and their tops open. Their are also three clear spaces in the dust where other chests were removed, and footprints of the people who removed them.

Above the chests, two rows of shelves run the circumference of the room. One is at chest height, the other about three hands higher. The upper shelf is completely empty, but on the lower shelf two things gleam in the light from Kora's torch.

This message was last updated by the GM at 21:09, Sat 17 June 2023.
GM, 3668 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 22:30
  • msg #592

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Stepping closer, Kitheras sees that the gleaming comes from two pieces of braided metal, each with a notable circular bent. The first is gold and copper. The other, significantly larger, is made of dusky red iron and has a massive ruby in the center.

Corym, coming up behind Kitheras, recognizes them immediately. These are keystones, and are made of the same material as the two non-shattered archways in the eastern part of the complex.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2674 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 03:13
  • msg #593

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Those are the remaining key stones to the two intact gates.  With them, we could traverse them or call beings through them.  It's possible, of course, that there is a command word associated with the keys.  It's possible that they could have other properties as well.

My suggestion is that we leave them where they lie until we have some better idea of where those gates go. Less of a chance for mishap that way."

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 620 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #594

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"There is a more profound question than where they go that should be looked to.  Why were all the other gates dismantled, but not these two?  My understanding is that Gates, once constructed are nearly indestructible. Whoever went about the task of constructing and then deconstructing these gates had adequate resources of power to finish the task, I'm certain."

"Why leave them intact? Why leave the keys.  Perhaps our answer lies beyond the next door."

"Corym, start your check on the next door.  I'll close this one up and make sure that everyone knows how to re-open it."

GM, 3669 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 06:06
  • msg #595

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym checked the door. Satisfied that it wasn't locked, he pushed it open. On the other side is a room much like its northern neighbor, though somewhat smaller. The stone has had the same faux-wood treatment as the first room. Like that room, this one is dominated by a long table and chairs. However, the table is much less formal (though not quite crossing over into rustic) and the chairs are a mis-matched hodge podge. There's a door to the south.

Corym circles the table, checking the room and furnishings for traps. Though he finds none, he elects against actually sitting at the table and moves to the door. Once again it is unlocked and not trapped, and he pulls it open.

Through the door is a very brief hallway that immediately opens into a large square room forty feet on the side. A hallway exits to the east. On the wall opposite you are a number of wood poles leaning against the wall, some with decayed scraps of cloth clinging to them. Moving closer, he shifts one slightly and nods. They're the remains of cots. A quick mental calculation and there's enough there to fill the room. This was probably a dormitory.

The hallway is 30 feet long and ends in three doors: ahead, left, and right. With the rest of the group trailing about ten feet behind him, Corym checks all of the doors. None of them are trapped, and only the center one is locked. They're all fairly standard wooden doors, with just enough decoration to fit into an elven home, but only just.

Deciding to leave the locked door alone on the off chance there is something dangerous behind it, Corym opens the door on the left. Beyond the door is a long, narrow room, about 20' x 40'. It's a bedroom that is at least a bit reminiscent of the senior apprentice bedrooms in the mansion above, though there are two beds, dressers, and desks. The walls are a warm faux-wood, and there's a rather bland rug covering most of the free space on the floor. He spends a bit of time checking over the room, but it's about as boring as any apprentice room he's been in. The chests and dressers are all empty.

Leaving the room behind, he tries the other unlocked door. It opens to reveal another bedroom, though this one is rather higher quality. Two of everything again, but it's clear whoever would use this room ranked above the apprentices to the north. A bit of searching reveals there are no traps, and only the rotted remains of several cloaks in one of the wardrobes. After so many years, they're more strips of fabric than coherent garments.

Corym steps back into the hallway. He looks first at one bedroom, then at the other, trying to pull everything he's seen down here together.

One of the interesting things that happened after the Opening was the great about of cross-cultural influence that happened in the various arts. The other races brought their own materials and design sensitivities for everything from clothing to furniture to music, and as time progressed, all of the artists interacted. Ideas spread, and even artists that were cleaving to their own culture's mores were doing so in response, and in dialogue, with the art of the others.

All of the furnishings of the mansion were very much of that period. They were of elven make, for elves, but visibly part of that Myth Drannan conversation. Everything down here is of a notably different style. "Pure elven" is not the right way to phrase it, but it is very much pre-mythal. These rooms have been closed up much like the eastern part of the complex. But to Corym's mind whether there was any connection between this area and the mansion above is getting increasingly... nebulous.

His mind still wheeling art and history and architecture together trying to make sense of what he's been seeing, he tries to unlock the hallway's final door.

And snaps his pick.

Corym Ildroun
player, 2675 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 15:07
  • msg #596

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Torvek? My picks have failed me.  Can you give this door a try, or lend me your picks to try again?"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1885 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 08:28
  • msg #597

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor had been observing up to this point, taking in what was going on, being said etc. He had been doing his own calculations and believed that they were underneath one of the other Manor buildings by now.

"Captain, everyone. How strange would you think it that these were the clandestine passages of the major houses or at least, wizard towers or some such organisation?

That the passages will continue with rooms off to sides and long corridors, eventually finding a nexus of sorts!"
  He left it hanging like that for a few breaths, watching as the others played with this idea in their heads.

"So we'll need to be aware that there may be different approaches to security as we move on. One locked door after so many not! Maybe this lasts to that nexus, maybe a security location.

It makes a lot more sense to me now, that if the Manor we've been in is a magical school, for the students to live and practice down here, could be why the 'Gares' weren't completed and the key stones kept safe in a secret room. It would also lead to there being a possible connection either to other houses or schools of magic. Just be aware"

His mind had been calculating like they did when he was u derground like he was now.  How far, how low, what angles the gradients of the floor and ceiling were. Even in magically constructed locations!
Torvek Ragdar
player, 155 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 10:24
  • msg #598

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek moves his arm to his belt and grabs a set of lock picks.  He walks up to Corym and hands them over.  "Probably better for you to try again.  I am not very good with locks.  I have a spell to open doors prepared though if needed." he says.

He listens to Krackor carefully and adds: "I agree, this place is strange.  There must be a reason why the entrance cellar had a strongly magically locked door but so far, we have not found anything that sems to justify the security.  As far as we know, this place has not been disturbed for centuries."
GM, 3670 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 19:43
  • msg #599

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

With a new set of tools and a chance to settle his mind, Corym makes quick work of the lock. The door swings open to reveal a relatively short corridor that opens up into another bedroom. This one seems rather more impressive, with a large, four-post bed and several tables and dressers. You can't tell from the door if it's also been emptied.

GM, 3671 posts
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 22:27
  • msg #600

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym steps forward, giving his usual close attention to the surroundings. After one careful step, he stops. The floor in the second half of the hallway doesn't look quite right.

Moving closer, and calling for Kora to move the light first one way and then another, Corym sees the issue. There's a false floor that takes up most of the width of the hallway. Only a one foot wide path along the right hand wall is actually solid.

Corym Ildroun
player, 2676 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 21 Jun 2023
at 00:46
  • msg #601

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"A wizard that traps the entrance to his bedroom is both paranoid and extremely confident. It's possible that there's something in the pit below that will be of interest--or of great hazard.  There's a one-foot wide stretch along the right side that is a solid floor."

"It's possible that I could disable the trap--fix it in place so that it won't swing down.  I find, though, that such measures cause people to walk too easily.  What I'd prefer to do is affix a rope to one of the doors behind us, and to a piece of furniture in the room beyond.  That way you all can balance yourselves on the ledge and make your way."

"I'll begin traversing the ledge--you all start to tie off one end of the rope.  Then toss it to me and I'll tie it off on the other end. After a security check first."

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1886 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 22 Jun 2023
at 00:31
  • msg #602

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 601):

Krackor looks at the floor that Corym speaks of and sees the stone work trap.
((ooc: 01:28, Today: Krackor Steelfist rolled 1 using 1d6.  1-3 chance to detect Stone traps.

He looks for a way to open the trap without having to fall into it...he shudders at the memory of the plain teeter trap he was found in and the spike pit trap they found later on.  He will activate the trap somehow.
GM, 3672 posts
Thu 22 Jun 2023
at 20:38
  • msg #603

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym quickly and easily moves along the footpath around the pit trap and starts to secure the guide rope for the rest of the party. Krackor moves up to the edge, and kneels down to get a closer look at the stone. There's a noticeable "off"ness to its surface, as though it's not fully present. Somewhat hesitantly, he reaches out and prods it with his warhammer.

The stone shimmers and most vanishes. It's still barely there, but more like the ghost of a sheet of rock perhaps a finger-length in width. The pit that's revealed is five feet deep, the last foot mostly obscured by a blue mist that hangs heavily in the air. There is nothing obviously dangerous or disturbing; no spikes or monsters or corpses. The lid of the pit remains ghostly for as long as Krackor keeps his hammer within it, and for about a count of six after he pulls it out. Then the stone shimmers and returns to seeming solidity.

((ooc: Using Corym's rope, anyone can cross the pit without needing to make a check. The pit is too shallow to deal any falling damage to someone going in.))
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:40, Thu 22 June 2023.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 156 posts
Fri 23 Jun 2023
at 10:08
  • msg #604

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek approaches the pit while Krackor is triggering it and looks down.  "Strange blue mist.  Any idea what that is?" he asks.

He wait on this side of the pit for now.

11:07, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 12 using 1d20.  Observation check (17).
11:07, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 3 using 1d20.  Spellcraft check (15).

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1887 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 23 Jun 2023
at 10:53
  • msg #605

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Torvek approaches the pit while Krackor is triggering it and looks down.  "Strange blue mist.  Any idea what that is?" he asks.

He wait on this side of the pit for now.

11:07, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 12 using 1d20.  Observation check (17).
11:07, Today: Torvek Ragdar rolled 3 using 1d20.  Spellcraft check (15).

"My guess, and that's all it is, the magic is part illusion but also to hold people down there. When people fall, the crouch, then they'll be too small to keep it activated, which would be from above.

Also, this may have been created before humans walked these lands, to catch any of the older races that entered uninvited."

He holds the pit open until he knows all are across, then crosses using the rope, letting the lid close slowly. "OK, seems there could be time.e to stand again and get out, depending on what that magic actually does."
This message was last edited by the player at 10:56, Fri 23 June 2023.
GM, 3673 posts
Mon 26 Jun 2023
at 22:09
  • msg #606

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym gives the room a thorough search, but it doesn't give particularly many answers. It's a bedroom, and definitely of significantly higher quality than the others you've been through. The bed's four posts have been nicely carved into a semblance of trees, but it's not something particularly notable by the standards of, say, Evereska. The curtains that were once held up have worn through their supports and collapsed to disintegrate along with the mattress and bedding.

Unlike the other rooms, the wardrobes and other furniture has not been completely stripped. There are several sets of clothing stored away, all in various shades of green and untouched by the centuries aside from a light covering of dust. A small table beside the bed is bare, but a single drawer holds a book. And Corym spots a false panel in the frame of the bed. Popping it open reveals a small, hidden compartment, which holds two crystal vials filled with thick liquid and a slim wand made of ebony.

((ooc: Since you've explored everywhere that is currently known, here is a map of the entire complex.))

GM, 3674 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 06:47
  • msg #607

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym takes the book and gently inspects it for danger. It's a slim volume with thin covers of thick paper, its spine creased from use but otherwise in good condition, and thankfully devoid of danger. Opening it, he's immediately struck by the title: The Dusk and the Dawn. It's a rather infamous story, a so-called historical romance detailing an affair between a dark elven woman in Miyeritar and the gold elven commander of Aryvandaar's occupation forces that culminates in her betraying and abandoning her people to return to Aryvandaar with her lover. Leafing through, the text matches the title: florid prose and, by both the standards of today and when it was written, extremely poor taste.

Corym flips through the book, looking for a hidden context or meaning, but the book appears to be just a book.

((ooc: An Earth equivalent would be a "romance" between a Jewish woman and the warden of a concentration camp. A book that, sadly, does actually exist.))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2677 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 14:14
  • msg #608

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I'm reasonably confident that we've found all that can be found in this complex.  This book will yield no answers.  Let's go back and sit at one of these tables and we'll discuss whether we want to try the gates."
GM, 3675 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 19:14
  • msg #609

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: Are you taking the book/wand/potions?

Which table are you sitting at? The more formal one with matched chairs, or the less formal one with mis-matched chairs?))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 1888 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 20:02
  • msg #610

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor, being taller than most Dwarves but shorter than most Elves, walks to the table with the comfiest seats for his height, if both the same, the comfy seats.
GM, 3676 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 20:28
  • msg #611

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: All of the chairs are built for elves. All of them are unpadded wood, but the mis-matched ones are less formal and therefore marginally more comfortable.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1889 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 21:03
  • msg #612

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: All of the chairs are built for elves. All of them are unpadded wood, but the mis-matched ones are less formal and therefore marginally more comfortable.))

The most comfortable one with a low rung, he's only a few inches shorter than the shortest Elf but more athletic ;-)
GM, 3677 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 21:57
  • msg #613

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

When Krackor sits down, in a wide, sturdy chair with a low rung that is almost, but not quite, the right size for him, the wood of the table ripples right in front of him. The ripples persist for a moment, and then vanish, leaving behind food that is exactly what Krackor most wants to eat right now.

((ooc: You're welcome to describe what kind of food it is.))
Corym Ildroun
player, 2678 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 03:54
  • msg #614

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym seats himself at the table to see if the phenomena applies to him as well.
GM, 3678 posts
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 06:31
  • msg #615

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym sits down in another chair. A similar ripple spreads out in front of him, and a moment later he is looking over exactly the sort of food he most wanted.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1890 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 12:23
  • msg #616

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Sitting comfortably, for a moment he thought it was a Mimic, then the food. A full roasted hog with mouth watering vegetables and garnish, something he hadn't had since his last major birthday, which now seemed so long ago. Mead and Dwarven Ale too.  He was gob smacked. "Captain, can we keep it? If those gates work, we'll have the perfect base, especially as that door sealed up behind us again too.

What do you think Corym?

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 621 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 14:07
  • msg #617

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras clears his throat and sits at the head of the table. A dazzling set of cutlery appears before him--more forks than you know what to do with.

"Let's see what this table can do."

A crystal tumbler of citrus liquor appears.

Then a small plate of roasted dates stuffed with a smelly cheese and wrapped in lardons.

Next a cup of vichyssoise sits chilled.

Then a bowl of melted herbed cheese over a tealight into which he dips cubes of toasted bread on a miniature spear.

Then a plate of field greens with cloud berries and tree nuts with a burgundy vinegarette.

The main course is cubes of elk filet braised in herbed honey. A glass of deep red wine accompanies it.

This is followed by a plate which is on fire! But when the fire is extinguished, beneath the flambé meringue is frozen sweetened cream.

Finally, a dainty morsel, two teal wafers sandwiching a cream filling.

This is all completed with a digestif of aged brandy.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2679 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 16:22
  • msg #618

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor Steelfist:
Sitting comfortably, for a moment he thought it was a Mimic, then the food. A full roasted hog with mouth watering vegetables and garnish, something he hadn't had since his last major birthday, which now seemed so long ago. Mead and Dwarven Ale too.  He was gob smacked. "Captain, can we keep it? If those gates work, we'll have the perfect base, especially as that door sealed up behind us again too.

What do you think Corym?

"It's not within my ability to determine whether or not its poisoned or illusory.  I only have one Item spell prepared.  Though the door is more beautiful, I think a table of never-ending feasting is probably more valuable.  You could eliminate your entire kitchen staff!"

"If we're going to try a Gate, I would recommend the non-lava one first. If we survive, we can discuss the other."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1891 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 20:59
  • msg #619

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Corym Ildroun (msg # 618):

"Would this not make a great base too? I mean, I know we have Oakhaven but wow, if this place really is this secure and we appointed with food and drink, what an amazing hideaway until we can find out old horses and homes and then some."

In between mouthfuls, he gets words out and then stops... "I'm thinking too much about this aren't I!"
Corym Ildroun
player, 2680 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 22:01
  • msg #620

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"The Phaerimm was halfway into this hold.  It is known, and the ones that know it are able to penetrate it. We salvage what we can and leave with our lives."
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 122 posts
33/33 HP
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 22:55
  • msg #621

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kora, halfway through a massive pile of sliced beef, nods. "Yeah. Waking up to invading fiends once was enough." Then she sighs. "This table though. I love traveling with you, but I've missed Roustinghorn roasts."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 157 posts
Thu 29 Jun 2023
at 22:32
  • msg #622

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek circles around the table carefully trying to understand its functionality.  "An amazing item.  Would it fit in that portable hole?" he says before sitting down.

In front of him appears a juicy prime cut of beef with roasted vegetables and spuds garnished with a pepper sauce.  A large jug of dwarven red ale is at the left of the plate as well as a much smaller glass of what appears to be fine red wine.  Torvek grabs the ale and takes a bit sip.  Seeing Krackor's questioning eyes, he says "I grew up in a dwarven tavern in Mirabar.  I learnt to love this stuff" then pointing at the wine he adds "That's for dessert."

"I have a wizard's eye spell prepared.  I could cast the eye and try sending it through one of the portal.  I'd most likely get nothing back but it's probably still worth trying."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2681 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 02:08
  • msg #623

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"My item spell should be able to transport the table readily enough. That's not a long-term solution--just one that will get the table out of the basement. Ultimately we're going to have to have a place to put it."

"Conceptually, I like the idea of using Wizard Eye through the non-lava gate.  Minimally, it doesn't seem like it goes to another plane--in which case it could prove advantageous.  Being that it is separate from all the rest of them, I'd wager that it takes the user to another place in Cormanthor, or potentially another elven kingdom."

"There are precautions I'd like to take though.  First--I'd like to bring the rest of the party in. Minimally, they deserve a tasty treat at this table. Worst case scenario, though, we could get sucked through the gate, and they'd be stuck on the other side of the door never knowing what happened.  Best that we're together."

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 622 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 02:12
  • msg #624

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"More importantly, we can't hazard both of our spell casters that possess the Knock spell that will enable us to leave. I propose that Torvek and I enter the gate room together--him tied to me, and me tied to a wall or door. A number of things in this city are tied discreetly to elven blood, so I'll handle the key in order to avoid some feedback or security measure."

"If I had to guess, the Phaerimm was probably after the lava key.  We left both in place, but we should secure both now."

"Kali, the lava key would look striking with your complexion.  Can you see to the keeping of it and stay away from the room of molten rock?"

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 623 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 02:18
  • msg #625

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

DM--Speaking on behalf of the party, here's what I propose:

  1. Corym uses Knock to re-open the exterior door and bring the rest of the party in.
  2. Those that haven't eaten do so.
  3. Kitheras gathers the the keys, giving the lava key to Kali, keeping the other on his person.
  4. Kitheras and Torvek tie off to each other to be belayed by Krackor.
  5. Kora will serve as a messenger between those dining and those exploring.
  6. Corym will remain with the diners in order to preserve some ability to escape if the worst comes about.
  7. Kitheras opens the Gate
  8. Torvek casts Wizard Eye through the Gate

This message was last edited by the player at 02:25, Fri 30 June 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1892 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 19:05
  • msg #626

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
"My item spell should be able to transport the table readily enough. That's not a long-term solution--just one that will get the table out of the basement. Ultimately we're going to have to have a place to put it."

"Corym, I recall you saying once that the Item Spell doesn't work on Magical things and it would be a magical table, I vote for the Portable Hole if it fits, which with how big the hole was fighting the Phaerimm, put it at the end and move down the table, lifting the lefts in as we go.  It would certainly fit in the Dining area downstairs in OakHaven.  He was missing first mount and moreover, his repeating crossbow.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 158 posts
Sun 2 Jul 2023
at 21:13
  • msg #627

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Sounds like a plan." says Torvek as he slowly sips his wine after having finished his meal.  "I only have on knock spell prepared but we'll be able to prepare more as long as we can rest."
GM, 3680 posts
Mon 3 Jul 2023
at 16:48
  • msg #628

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym opens the wizard locked door and quickly moves the rest of the group and their gear inside the locked complex. The two elves almost break down in tears when the enchanted table presents them with their first proper meal in tendays, and are soon making their way through filled plates at a ravishing rate.

The two gate keystones are retrieved from the secret room, and the gate explorers convene in the hallway outside the room with the copper and gold gate. Lines are tied and secured, and a plan of attack is developed.

((ooc: The gate keystone needs to be inserted at the top of the arch before the gate can be activated. Any of the elves can do that without a check, but you'll have to be right next to the gate to do it. Other options are, of course, available, depending on creativity.))
Kali Xilrora
player, 100 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Sat 8 Jul 2023
at 00:52
  • msg #629

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Give me a moment to figure out how that table is going to fit in there and I will sacrifice what is needed to take it with us. It is far too amazing to leave to to speak."
GM, 3681 posts
Mon 10 Jul 2023
at 23:39
  • msg #630

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

While Tarron, Almareth, Syndra, and Jassin tear into the best meal they've had in tendays, and Kali starts unloading, shifting, and reloading her portable hole (all while muttering under her breath), Corym, Torvek, and Kracker all head to the gold and copper gate. The keystone is inserted at the top of the arch, and for a moment the entire interior surface of the arch shimmers. Then the shimmer disappears, like the popping of a soap bubble.

It takes a bit of investigation, but eventually Corym finds a trio of buttons worked into the metal braid on the left side of the arch. When they're pressed together, the air inside the arch ripples hard, and when it clears you're staring into a dark, unoccupied room.

Torvek conjures a wizard eye and sends it through the gate. His view through it wavers for a moment, but quickly stabilizes. The gate shuts as the eye darts out of the room.

Though the eye doesn't last very long, the spell holds for long enough to get a sense of what's on the other side. It's a hideout, basically. Half a dozen rather small rooms, each stocked with barrels, crates, an racks of weapons. The place is dusty, but the containers all look recent and unspoiled, and the weapons are oiled and hale. There's one exit, covered from this side by what looks to be a grey haze, but when the wizard eye flies through it turns out to be an extremely convincing illusion of collapsed earth.

Beyond is a short, upward-slanting dirt passage that quickly emerges out through a set of screening bushes into a forest floor. There are no obvious landmarks or points of interest, but glancing around Torvek is able to make two conclusions: it's a much younger forest than ancient Cormanthor, and it's far enough west that dawn is only just approaching.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1893 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 17:53
  • msg #631

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

He is excited at the prospect of, what was he excited about? Seeing home, returning to a previous base where he'd fell down a hole and was rescued by these or the prospect of seeing his horse and items, assuming it made it back and still had them attached to the saddle and saddle bags.

Either way, he was looking forward to Tarron's intelligence gathering results.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2682 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 19:45
  • msg #632

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((OOC: I'm leaning into the established meta-narrative--we want to recruit new players to the game, a scene change will be beneficial for this, and the players know vaguely where this gate goes even if the characters do not.))

The last time Corym stood face-to-face with an activated gate, it had forcibly sucked he and his companions through and deposited in the midst of horror.  Now standing before this portal, it felt like escape. Cormanthor and the Dalelands had delivered some staggering triumphs and follies, and also made him forget himself for a time.

Here was a way to leave it behind.

His heart ached for Talindra, Karilla, and Elorfindar. His curiosity yearned to see the mysterious lake on Bristar's shores whose sight had been forbidden. The accolades that might come from delivering Syndra to her family.

And yet, the gate beckoned to his soul.

"I think we should do it.  We should go through. We can get the table and the door.  We might try to pry some rubies from the lava gate to fund our new adventures. But we should definitely do it."

"We can cloak Almareth, Tarron, and Syndra in invisibility before we go.  Kitheras can give them directions. But we should do this.

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 624 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 19:48
  • msg #633

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras looks pensively at the portal. "A person needs new experiences. It jars something deep inside, allowing them to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 159 posts
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 23:29
  • msg #634

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek reports what he saw through the wizard eye to his companion.

"This one looks safe and we could take the risk of going through it." he answers to Corym.  "Before we decide, shouldn't we look through the second gate too?  I could cast another wizard eye to try to see through it"
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1894 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Wed 12 Jul 2023
at 23:37
  • msg #635

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Torvek Ragdar (msg # 634):

It was a gate but it was active, he was stoic in his calm but he was pensive.

Krackor looked on, waiting. As the Captain speaks and Corym's words sink in, he looks to Torvek, excitement and apprehension. Torvek's words...yes, a good thought.

"Torvek, I agree, we never know but would the other gate give more insight or show a clear place?

If we move forward, it has to be that either someone stays behind to remove the Gate Key or we find a way that removes it so it can't be used, maybe a rope around it, pull it through or set the stone with something that would allow an Unseen Servant to cause the stone to fall out and break?

Taking rubies would indeed help us, if we get close to or find a way to return to OakHaven, there are stores and ways to make money there."
He was as ready as he'll ever be, it was almost time.
GM, 3682 posts
Thu 13 Jul 2023
at 21:47
  • msg #636

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Tarron nods when you brief him on the emerging plan. "Clearly someone needs to escort Syndra and Jassin out of the ruins and back home. As a bladesinger, that duty would fall to me. And Almareth has responsibilities in this forest, so he could come with us at the start. It has been an honor adventuring with you; I think it is a remarkable achievement that we are leaving Myth Drannor not only with all of us still alive, but with with additional survivors."

He hesitates for a moment. "If you are willing to leave today, I could remove the gate's arch and put it back in the hidden room. I intend to depart once night comes and we can move under the cover of darkness. But if you want to leave tomorrow or later, you'll need to make other plans."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1895 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 13 Jul 2023
at 23:53
  • msg #637

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to DM (msg # 636):

"Captain, Kitheras, it is up to you, the company keeps going and our missions continue.

Where ever these gates would take us, the need to exit is stronger to go as Tarron exclaims. It gets my vote."

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 625 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #638

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras places a hand on Tarron shoulder.  "Valor has a uniquely redemptive quality.  Thank you, my friend. But please wait until we can cloak your party in invisibility."

"Torvek, whatever investigation you wish to make on the lava gate, we should do within the time frame of Tarron and Almareth's departure.  Once the door is off the hinges, this place will no longer be safe to reside in."

GM, 3683 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 18:07
  • msg #639

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Elient 3-4

Over the course of the day, while the former prisoners rest and gain strength and the rest of the group finishes any lingering business, Corym is able to take some time and focus on the two potions and the wand that had been found in the bed's hidden compartment. Some exhausting spellcasting later, and he's able to confirm that all three are healing items, and that they are still safe to use.

((ooc: The two potions are a potion of extra healing and an elixir of health.

The wand is a modified staff of curing that can be used by anyone, not just restricted to priests.))

Meanwhile, Torvek leads a group in reactivating the ruby gate. It's more of a challenge, since this time they need to insert the keystone thirty feet in the air, but a bit of magic, and some climbing, manages it. The gate shimmers into activation. The group can just barely make out what looks to be some manner of wide, open space on the other side. But when Torvek sends his wizard eye through, it's instantly disrupted. Not from distortion by the gate's energies, but from moving beyond the limits of the spell.

That gate leads to a different plane of existence.

Somewhat disgruntled, the team deactivates the gate again and rejoins the group. Kali has managed to get enough material moved out of the portable hole to allow for the table, though they wait until after evenfeast to pack it away.

Secure behind the wizard locked door, everyone spends a quiet evening. In the morning, Tarron and several other wizards cast invisibility over the four who will be staying in the Dalelands, while the rest of the group prepares to leave through the gate. Corym temporarily disrupts the wizard lock on the entry door with a knock spell, then completely frazzles it by casting item and turning the door into a thin piece of cloth.

The group then assembles at the gold and copper gate and say their goodbyes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:41, Mon 17 July 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1896 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #640

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Krackor had been writing a note and then explains where he'd like it delivering. Speaking to the group staying behind "That village with the Blacksmith who was very helpful, he was going to try and make a weapon for me, a magical weapon. It is already paid for. If the note can be given to the blacksmith, and the weapon brought by whom ever of you will be joining back up with us in the future, it would be appreciated.

He then hands over the letter, gives his blessings, hand shakes and hugs, then moves on, ready to walk through the Gate chosen by the Captain.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 161 posts
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 16:44
  • msg #641

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Just before they step through the gate, Torvek says "If we ever come back this way, we have to make sure to kill that Alhoon and bring the proof to Cera as first priority.  And hope that Cera has a flexible understanding of time."

And then moves with his companions through the gate
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