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01:45, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Stormreach: Temple of Pelor.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 1081 posts
Thu 3 Nov 2022
at 00:43
  • msg #99

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

CELLS: Krite, Riceak
The area starts to swirl and everything goes black. When the light begins to form, you seem to be in the basement in seperate cells. What happened? The wizard wakes up (in a seperate cell) then the spellthief. When the two look out, on the side of the cell in the main hall they see themselves!

MAIN AREA: Cumarinda, Faolan
"How is that possible?" The woman seems to be somewhat confused and bewildered. She goes to gently places her hands onto the cleric as Faolan stares at her intently "So you came here with child without being wed and this is your child yet you are with them? Oh this is strange even for me. Many within this church will look down upon you. I will not and will speak to anyone that has given you hardships. I can provide you with what you need."

The door does give a slight movement but doesn't move. Its eery and no one is outside. The wolf growls as he stands near the warforged.
Krite Singlebraid
Gnome Wizard, 58 posts
HP 42/42, AC 16
F: +5, R: +6, W: +7
Thu 3 Nov 2022
at 01:37
  • msg #100

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Krite casts detect magic and examines the cage. While he's doing that, he gestures at the other Krite and Riceak. "You two," the gnome says in a deceptively calm voice, "come let us out, if you know what's good for you."
Cumarinda Imbrex
Human Cleric, 526 posts
HP 74/57, AC:20
F: +9, R: +5, W: +11
Thu 3 Nov 2022
at 05:54
  • msg #101

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Dungeon Master:
MAIN AREA: Cumarinda, Faolan
”How is that possible?” The woman seems to be somewhat confused and bewildered. She goes to gently places her hands onto the cleric as Faolan stares at her intently ”So you came here with child without being wed and this is your child yet you are with them? Oh this is strange even for me. Many within this church will look down upon you. I will not and will speak to anyone that has given you hardships. I can provide you with what you need.”

”You understand then? You understand that I need proof of my condition, Faolan's ancestry, and guidance? I would have married if my beloved hadn't vanished inside a collapsing mountain saving many innocent lives.” said Cumarinda looking somewhat stricken and slightly angry.
Forge Anvilhead
Warforged Paladin, 133 posts
None for me, thanks.
Thu 3 Nov 2022
at 14:55
  • msg #102

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Forge looks at the wolf and back to the door a couple of times, he sets himself to try  and open the door this time....

"Perhaps wolf in these uncertain times you may have to come with me...."

Forge sets himself to take (10 or 20) on his strength check to open the door....
Riceak Stryfelaughter
Halfling Spellthief, 17 posts
HP 49/49, AC:18
F: +5, R: +7, W: +7
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 14:59
  • msg #103

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

"Well, this in an interesting predicament. Don't suppose we can just let ourselves out," he commented as tried pushing on the cell door to see if it would just open. For the moment, Riceak was choosing to ignore the double of himself on the outside unless it responded to Krite's order.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1085 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 00:27
  • msg #104

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

CELLS: Krite, Riceak, Faolan
The door doesn't move as Ric tries to open it. Both of them stare at the wizard and start to head out without a word. What did they get into?  For a moment all is quiet and something happens. The ground seems to shift slightly. From another area comes a voice and one that isn't happy "Where are we?" Its Faolan but he cannot be seen. Probably in another cell.

MAIN AREA: Cumarinda
"There is no need for you to get upset as I can tell you are. You need my help and I intend on providing it. This is all new to me and yet you seem to scold me. That is unwise." The priestess raises her hand up and as Faolan goes to speak he seems warped somewhere. She starts to move away and seems to levitate "A choice is to be made. You may choose: Faolan. Fenris or yourself. Picking one will speaks a lot of you." Its form shifts into the mind flayer! But it looks older and unwell. Its eyes do not have the same as before. It coughs a few times and looks down upon the cleric who starts to feel pain in her belly but it doesn't harm her.

The door creaks slightly but it doesn't move. Perhaps something is blocking it or its magically sealed? The wolf growls, hair sticking up and he starts to circle for a moment before moving towads the side of the building.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:28, Mon 07 Nov 2022.
Forge Anvilhead
Warforged Paladin, 134 posts
None for me, thanks.
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 02:55
  • msg #105

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Forge bangs heavily on the door....

"I have been locked out!"
Riceak Stryfelaughter
Halfling Spellthief, 18 posts
HP 49/49, AC:18
F: +5, R: +7, W: +7
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #106

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

"Well, it seems we are in cells. Don't know where, but I am fairly certain that the temple people drugged Krite and I. Not sure why though," responded Riceak as he sat on the ground and began to scratch his head as he tried to figure out what was going on.
Krite Singlebraid
Gnome Wizard, 60 posts
HP 42/42, AC 16
F: +5, R: +6, W: +7
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #107

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

"You aren't going anywhere, me lads," Krite says before uttering an incantation, his hand poking out of the cell at the end of it. The jail's entryway disappears behind a thick wall of ice.

OOC: Free action: speak. Standard action: cast wall of ice to completely cover the door (and should be able to get the entire wall, actually, since Krite gets 7 10-foot squares, or 700 square feet). It's seven inches thick and has 21 hit points per section.
Cumarinda Imbrex
Human Cleric, 528 posts
HP 74/57, AC:20
F: +9, R: +5, W: +11
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 22:49
  • msg #108

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Dungeon Master:
MAIN AREA: Cumarinda
“There is no need for you to get upset, as I can tell you are. You need my help and I intend on providing it. This is all new to me and yet you seem to scold me. That is unwise.” The priestess raises her hand up and as Faolan goes to speak he seems warped somewhere. She starts to move away and seems to levitate "A choice is to be made. You may choose: Faolan. Fenris or yourself. Picking one will speak a lot of you.” Its form shifts into the mind flayer! But it looks older and unwell. Its eyes do not have the same as before. It coughs a few times and looks down upon the cleric who starts to feel pain in her belly but it doesn't harm her.

Cumarinda seems to ponder the choice she's been given for a moment while taking a healthy step back, her hand resting on the hilt of the Longsword of Pelor.

“Forgive me, my frustration priestess. It seems that this is a test, and in this test, you have told me who are involved with this choice, but not the nature or consequences of this choice. In good faith and in the name of Pelor I can't decide without knowing what the results of my decision will be. For me to make any choice without that knowledge and with so many lives at stake would be foolish.” she said firmly.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1091 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 23:13
  • msg #109

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

CELLS: Krite, Riceak, Faolan
The spell sizzles out as soon as it goes past the bars!

MAIN AREA: Cumarinda
"You know me and I am no priestess. Choose. I am not going to tell you what will occur and if you refuse once more then I will choose for you. And you will not like it." The mind flayer hisses and its tentacles flip around "Choose."

Four more warforged seem to watch coming at different angles. They don't try to help and they look a lot like well....Forge. The wolf comes around the building and starts to growl, back hunched up.
Riceak Stryfelaughter
Halfling Spellthief, 19 posts
HP 49/49, AC:18
F: +5, R: +7, W: +7
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 02:19
  • msg #110

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

"I wouldn't waste your energy, Krite. They were able to get us in here so easily that I doubt that they would make it that easy for us to get out. Best to just sit back and wait," commented Riceak as he just leans back with his head against the bars.
Krite Singlebraid
Gnome Wizard, 63 posts
HP 42/42, AC 16
F: +5, R: +6, W: +7
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 02:57
  • msg #111

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

"Now why would there be anti-magic outside o' the cage?" Krite says with a scowl. "Nay, my new friend, this makes no sense 't all." The gnome's Gnomish accent has gotten stronger.

"I disbelieve," he says, focusing his mind to pierce illusion.

OOC: Krite attempts to pierce illusion. Will save is +9 (gnomish +2 vs illusions).

21:56, Today: Krite Singlebraid rolled 11 vs illusion, using 1d20+9 ((2)).


Forge Anvilhead
Warforged Paladin, 137 posts
None for me, thanks.
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 13:23
  • msg #112

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Forge looks at the approaching warforged....

"Greetings, I live here, yet seem to have been locked out......Iron watch?"
Cumarinda Imbrex
Human Cleric, 531 posts
HP 74/57, AC:20
F: +9, R: +5, W: +11
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #113

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Dungeon Master:
MAIN AREA: Cumarinda
"You know me and I am no priestess. Choose. I am not going to tell you what will occur and if you refuse once more then I will choose for you. And you will not like it." The mind flayer hisses and its tentacles flip around "Choose."

"It seems that whatever I decide, I will not like it. Feeling that whomever I pick will cause either suffering to them and to myself. I must select myself. Because if I pick someone else, they may suffer for my choice. On the other hand, if I am selecting myself to be spared, then I will be saving two lives at least. I can only pray that Pelor's divine mercy will shine through. Bless us Great Lord Pelor and save my child! I pray that you will save us both so that I may continue to shine your light and raise a healthy child!" she concludes.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:22, Wed 09 Nov 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1101 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 07:58
  • msg #114

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

The mindflayer slowly lowers to the ground as a portal opens up behind him. It stares at the cleric, eyes narrowed "Even I know...Pelorians sacrifice themselves to save others. You failed and will perish."

Cumarinda feels the pain within her belly growing more painful until she falls to her kneels. Her eyes start to droop, and they finally close. She collapses into a heap upon the floor no longer moving.

It lets out a horrible laugh, staring down upon the body of Cumarinda. He then turns to go through the portal and is met with a sword through its chest. It twists to the right and to the left and sinks deeper into his belly. The sword slides through him like a hot knife through butter. Its blade shimmers and gets slide to the right and the left then up ripping off two of the tentacles and out through its right shoulder.

The mindflayers eyes open wide and the portal vanishes. It hisses and the blade strikes out again cleaving off its head. Blood flies out in all directions, the purple blooded creature collapses. Standing there, covered in scars, blood, decayed flesh and looking not happy.....

Its Fenris.

Rage filling his body, he slices the body of the flayer again. And again.

And again.

Looking down at the clerics limp form, he drops the sword and kneels down. He cradles her in his arms. No life. Nothing. He lets out a scream.


It echoes through the main hall. And the lights begin the glow. Several others rush in looking surprised at the barbarian and the dead mindflayer. Probably the first time he admited it.

Still nothing. The clerics heart doesn't beat. She doesn't stir. Motionless.

Within the jailcell, the doors suddenly open letting the wizard and spellthief free.  As they go out into the hall, more people come out of cells as well. To Ric, he knows them. All Pelorians. They look stunned and everyone heard the cry from above. One of them motions for the two to follow them. They do follow up a set of stairs into a hallway. And they realize what creatures did this-dopplegangers. But why?

For the Pelorians its time to take back their temple. Some who were change convert back to their gruesome forms.

The spellthief realizes where he is-indeed they are in the temple. Perhaps it was used to put thieves or others who harmed the innocents. When Faolan follows, he collapses. His eyes grow dark. Hands seem to turn to ash. Then his arms. Shoulders "Tell my mom...I love her. She's my life. Tell Cumari...." His entire body bursts into a brilliant glowing light. His entire body turns to ash as this beam flies up into the ceiling and seems to dissapear.

It seems Faolan is dead.

Not sure what is going on, more people rush into the main chamber. They see this elf looking decayed holding Cumarinda's body. And he is screaming, rocking her. When anyone approaches, his eyes narrow and his teeth clench. His eyes grow oddly white.

It seems Cumarinda is dead.

Fenris didn't have time to talk to her. To tell her what happened and for her to tell him of her travels. How did he return? It remains unknown. But lock a wolverine will soon find its way back. Who did this to this man?

Outside, all the 'warforged' charge at Forge! They raise their weapons, looking just like him. Raised up and they go to strike!

But then a brilliant light bursts from the Pelorian temple. Its blinding and send a massive wave throughout the entire area. People inside put their hands up to shield themselves. Fenris doesn't care. He uses his body to shield the cleric. But none are hurt.

Yet the ones who wanted to kill the paladin are seared. All their bodies seem to turn a dark orange and dissolve. The wolf lies at the feet of Forge. Motionless.

Is the dire wolf dead?

The door opens up. Its lit and Forge after looking down at the wolf several people he knows are tries to get their bearings. But he doesn't see anyone from the group.

Are they dead? Is he the last?

Further inside many people gather around the corpse of the cleric and mindflayer. No one approaches this strange barbarian. Many people watch in shock.

All the dopplegangers are killed off or are ran out of the temple. The high priestess follows into the main hall. She goes to the downed Cumarinda and Fenris grips her tightly using himself like a shield. He is so thin, so pale. And looks almost dead himself but something changed with him. Something is different. She raises her hand up and the barbarian doesn't watch. Behind him. Her hand goes to rest on his shoulder. He flinches like she did something to him. His eyes go to her and she kneels down. She gently puts her hands upon the body of the proud cleric.

Nothing stirs. Everyone goes quiet "She is gone. There is little I can do. Come." Fenris slowly stands up, holding his loves body. And perhaps Pelor is coming.

Coming down from above. Another brillant flash of light. It hits Fenris, the high priestess and Cumarinda.

Bump. Bump. Bump. Her heart starts to beat. Slowly. Yet she remains unconsious. And its so soft not even the priestess can feel it. Or Fenris. Her life hangs on a teetering balance. And her lips move. Her eyes seem to move as well.

And she opens her eyes to see Fenris. Tears fill his eyes. One hand goes to his chin.

No. Cumarinda is indeed alive. Barely. The priestess hands go to rest on her Fenris seems to let it happen. The cleric breathes. What happened to her?

Everyone cheers! They give eachother hugs! Of course no one in the group gets a hug. Well Fenris doesn't. Ric and Krite get a hug. Even Forge gets a tiny one from a young girl. Someone he met in the temple.

"I am High Priestess Valora. Leader of the Pelorians. We are going to aid her. Take her to my room to rest. You are in need of healing and I can provide it. But not now, not now. She needs to be placed under my care. Will you allow it?" Her voice is soothing and calm.

Fenris looks down at her and back to the priestess "Fenris. Follower...of Bahumat." What?

Dum dum dum!

They depart. One of the clerics motions for Forge to enter the temple and four of them cart the wolf inside. They are given food, water and rest on the pews.

The old man who first met them walks up to the spellthief, paladin and wizard "Pardon but what in Pelor's name happened?" Everyone turns, watching this man confront each of them "Its good to see you again, Forge." He goes to pat the warforged upon his shoulder "Riceak. And Krite." He motions to a pew for them to rest.

The area seems more lively. Torches lit. The backlight of the Pelorian symbol is lit as well. Everyone seems to be in a good mood despite what just happened.

A female approaches, perhaps a cleric of the order "It seems we were plagued by the Mindflayer and his lackeys. One minute everything seems fine the next all if not most were tricked and were somehow placed within the cells. Powerless. We are glad we are now free to send out the Pelorians blessings." Everyone is in shock, some are confused but they are indeed happy to be free.
Within the Chamber of the Priestess:
Fenris holds Cumarinda close despite his battered, decaying flesh. He nods his head and she proceeds to her chamber where the cleric is place down upon the bed with her priestess and barbarian watching her closely.
Forge Anvilhead
Warforged Paladin, 138 posts
None for me, thanks.
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 13:45
  • msg #115

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

The massive flash of light blinds and sears the warforged who had charged at him with the intent to harm, the bodies are blasted beyond any hope of repair, Forge considers the wolf at his feet, he reaches down to see if his hand can fix the wolf.....

2 points of repair will heal one hit point...

"Something has happened, I do not now what......why would any attempt to bring harm to the temple?  Pelors light is too strong here."
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:52, Wed 09 Nov 2022.
Krite Singlebraid
Gnome Wizard, 70 posts
HP 42/42, AC 16
F: +5, R: +6, W: +7
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 14:59
  • msg #116

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Krite had just met the priestess and her companions, but he's got a look of deep concern on his face as she's gently carried away by the Pelorians -- the TRUE Pelorians. His arcane powers are great, but he has no way to aid the priests in caring for the wounded; it's just not how his magic works.

"I need to gain more magical power," he says to Riceak. "I knew something was off here, but I had no ability to discern just how bad things were. We were all but helpless in those cells, my new friend, and I don't like that idea at all. No, not at all!"

He goes to the offering box and takes out his last platinum coin (it's the majority of his remaining money). "Pelor, I thank you for your aid this day. It must have been your light, Sunlord, that put this to rights," he says before placing the shiny coin in the box and walking to sit in a pew, deep in thought.

He murmurs, "And Garl, I know you helped. My thanks to you as well, Glittergold."
Riceak Stryfelaughter
Halfling Spellthief, 21 posts
HP 49/49, AC:18
F: +5, R: +7, W: +7
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 07:10
  • msg #117

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Mostly confused by what had just occurred, Riceak merely went on autopilot mode as everyone began moving around him to sort out everything that had been thrown into disarray by the mindflayer's schemes, and he wasn't sure if anyone had started conversing about the guy who literally vanished into a beam of light after they were seemingly liberated by things.

Shaking his head at Krite's declarations of thanks, the halfling assumed that this was all a ploy of the Laughing Rogue, but Riceak couldn't figure out who exactly had been tricked in this situation because it seemed like everyone had been double crossed to some degree.

"Well, Krite, the best thing to do when one is helpless is to not appear so. Just try to relax, and let them think that you have given up. Eventually, they'll let their guard down, or you'll die. Either way, best not to appear panicked or excited about either outcome."
Krite Singlebraid
Gnome Wizard, 72 posts
HP 42/42, AC 16
F: +5, R: +6, W: +7
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 14:40
  • msg #118

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Krite scoffs. "Did ye see me panickin' in the cell, lad? Ye did not," the gnome wizard says crossly, his Gnomish accent coming to the forefront. He then immediately raises a hand apologetically. "Sorry, Riceak. You didn't deserve that, and you're right, we -- especially smallfolk like you and me -- should always try to convince the enemy that we're not as dangerous as we are.

"I just can't recall how I ended up in the cell, and it's that gap that's really getting under my skin. We were eating the scones and ale and then I was in the cell."
He looks down at his cloak, where squeaking noises emerge. "Poisoned, was I? You tried to wake me? Who's a good weasel?" He reaches into his pack to produce a bit of jerky and looks back up at the halfling.

"Gods know, the salt's not too good for him, but Grimwald loves mutton jerky!" He offers some to Riceak as well.
Cumarinda Imbrex
Human Cleric, 534 posts
HP 74/57, AC:20
F: +9, R: +5, W: +11
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #119

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Dungeon Master:
Within the Chamber of the Priestess:
Fenris holds Cumarinda close despite his battered, decaying flesh. He nods his head and she proceeds to her chamber where the cleric is place down upon the bed with her priestess and barbarian watching her closely.

Cumarinda's eyes fluttered open but her gaze seemed out of focus at first, then the light of awareness and intelligence slowly grew until she looked up into the eyes of Fenris. Fenris? Fenris? By the Grace of Pelor's Light, is that you love? How?” her questions slowly fade as her eyes brighten with joy, and she gasps in delight and wonder.

Reaching up a hand to his face, the brown eyed, orange-red haired, woman spoke softly and said, “Fenris, I…I have so missed you! I've prayed since we were parted that I would see you once again. Tell me, where were you? Tell me, are you here to stay this time?”
Dungeon Master
GM, 1115 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 01:36
  • msg #120

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

The wolf seems to be stable now but without the druid who controls it? Is it free? Or will it pass on? Hard to tell. The old man listens to the tale "Well then either way we are saved. Perhaps the High Priestess may have something for you but you need to wait until she returns. Either way, we got food and drink. Rest up. May Pelor guide you and all that." He grumbles. The whole old man thing "Poisoned? Not anymore if thats what you fear. Look!" He takes a scone and eats it. For a moment nothing happens but then....

Nothing happens. He wipes his chin and offers all the food and drink he can which is a lot. The body of the mindflayer is carted off after two clerics bless the alter and make it whole. Everyone seems to be relieved.


As Cumarinda awakens, the barbarian watches her for a moment. His eyes stare at her, as flakes of skin fall to the bed. Whatever happened to him it hit him hard. But he is alive. Gripping her hands, he takes them and places them on her chest "I was dead but not dead. The mindflayer took me to his realm. Beat me and cursed me. But I lived. No matter what he did, I would not die."

The priestess watches carefully. She slowly goes to place her hands on Fenris and he growls at her. She keeps her hands on him, not amused and did something. His flesh seems to make whole but trickles of blood comes from his lips. She presses harder and he winced.

The barbarian despite all that happened looked at the priestess then back to the cleric "Because of you. He did all he could to break me but he couldn't. Not while you lived. When I was alone, I saw someone. He freed me from my bindings. And he mentioned his name. Bahumat. I do not believe in anyone but you. But I was free." His voice is calm and soothing. Its a odd sight. And he's talking. More then before "I waited for the time. Made it look like I was weak. And when he came for you, the portal..."

Fenris tried to think straight but its hard "I knew what I needed to do. To save you. And to bind us." What?

The priestess crosses her arms "I think he wants to marry you. And I can do it if that is what you wish. It is the least I can do besides giving you sanctuary."
Cumarinda Imbrex
Human Cleric, 538 posts
HP 74/57, AC:20
F: +9, R: +5, W: +11
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 00:19
  • msg #121

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Cumarinda looks up into Fenris' eyes with a renewed smile on her face. "Do you know Fenris that you make words fail me. Sometimes you say things and make me feel things that take all of my words from me. Fenris, do you wish to be bound to me? Do you wish for both gods and mortals to know you are mine, and I am yours? Do you wish this even though I am in service to Pelor?" She pauses, closing her eyes briefly, before opening them and smiling brightly as she looks into his face. "Fenris, my love! Do you wish to become my mate, my husband?"
Riceak Stryfelaughter
Halfling Spellthief, 22 posts
HP 49/49, AC:18
F: +5, R: +7, W: +7
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 08:17
  • msg #122

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

"No thanks. I think I'll be refraining from having anymore food in this place unless I watch it being prepared. Not that I don't trust temple folk, but this situation has left me a wee bit paranoid." Riceak eyed all of the food and drink as if it were about to come to life and attack him directly, but then his thoughts drifted back to what had happened down below. It seemed strange that everyone was being so calm about things.

"So are we not going to talk about how that guy disappeared in front of us? I mean, I know that people were being teleported into cells or what not, but that one guy just vanished into light when we were getting set free. Shouldn't we figure out what happened to him," inquired the halfling as he glanced around the room.
Forge Anvilhead
Warforged Paladin, 143 posts
None for me, thanks.
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 13:51
  • msg #123

Re: Stormreach: Temple of Pelor

Forge turns his attention from the wolf to everything else going on..n

"Can someone tend to the wolf?  So much is happening right now...."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:39, Tue 15 Nov 2022.
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