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01:26, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation.

Posted by Vaelan NightshadeFor group archive 0
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 103 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 14:08
  • msg #1

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

You awake lying on a stone cold floor. Somewhere off in the distance, there is a dripping. The lights are very low except for a center area which has sunlight coming in from a small grate that gives some view of other people who are in the area with you. You realize you are in huge cages that are arranged around the room.

In the middle of the room is a small chair and bucket. Inside your cell you can see that other some basic straw, you don't see anything else.

One person in one of the other cages awakes. He stands up scratching his head and then says, "No cage will hold me!"

The man can be seen conquering something in his hands which looks like a fireball. He throws it at the gate which promptly does nothing and seems to absorb the fireball. All of the sudden the energy crackles and a bolt of energy rings out striking the man in the chest, killing him instantly.

He falls back and the hole in the middle of chest is smoking with fumes.
Kai Wasser
player, 37 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 15:15
  • msg #2

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Waking up, Kai's vision is initially fuzzy, as he didn't even get a chance to reply to the shopkeeper about the map before passing out.

He comes too in time to see the person immolate themself in a failed attempt to make ther way out using magic.

"Guessing this is meant to hold mages. Wonder if that means it isn't as good against someone who isn't a mage?" Kai said aloud, to no-one in particular, but seeming more like he is working through a process.

Thinking Notice to see if there is anything about the cage, Thievery to see if there is anyway to unlock it, possibly Occult to see if I know of anything to absorb and reflect magic?
Rea Moonstone
player, 1 post
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #3

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Awakening with a groan and clutching at her head, Rea was almost sure she had a hangover. But she hadn't drank enough the night before to be hungover. Stumbling to her feet, she looked around at where she now found herself. A cage of some sort, alone it seems. There were others in other cages, but she seemed to be in a cage by herself.

She was trying to think of what to do when suddenly one person in a different cage got himself killed as his attack at the cage reflected back to him. "Holy...I was not expecting that to bounce back on him." Seeing someone else in another cage, she tried to call out to them to see if he could hear her. "Hey, hey you. Yeah you talking to yourself over there. Where are we and do you know anyway to get out of here?"

OOC: Rea is trying to talk to Kai, in case that wasn't clear from my post.
Aeress Veles
player, 8 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 01:33
  • msg #4

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Aeress pushed herself up.  She'd been dumped in a most undignified position, finding dull pieces of straw in her similarly fair bright platinum hair.

The scream and the bounce and the death brought her attention to the fore, she didn't get a great look at it but she sure heard it.  And now, smelt it.

Finding the bars of the cage, Aeress pulled herself up, grunting and groaning.

"Those churls."  She murmured.  "They will pay for this affront to House Veles!"

Though she wasn't exactly sure how at the moment.  She stopped to breathe, and look around the chamber.  She clearly was not alone in here.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 42 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 02:11
  • msg #5

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Hunter sat up at the explosion, staring round wildly. He rubbed his eyes and looked around."Urgh. What a dream. I was walking down the street, then I was beset upon by ruffians, and then there was a huge metal machine monster on steel tracks pumping black smoke, with mages waving wands, and now I'm here. Am I awake? Am I dead? Is this still a dream?"

Groaning, he got to his feet and kicked the iron bars hard. "Ow. That hurt. I guess I'm not dreaming, or dead. What of that chap, did he blow himself up or was that an illusion to stop us trying to use magic."  Closing his eyes he inhaled deeply. "Ah! Smells like roast pork. Yum. Well, I haven't heard of an illusion that can change smell."

He looked around again, running his eyes. "Hallo there, good people! Well met and all! My name is Hunter, as is my profession! Now, Where are my belongings? Jenkins, do you think you could get us out of here?"

A small creature stirred itself, looked glumly at the iron grill and black iron lock, and mutely shook its head before curling back into a ball.

Was that actually an illusion? And do we still have our equipment?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:14, Tue 12 Sept 2023.
player, 1 post
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 04:19
  • msg #6

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

At all the talking, and shouting, and dieing, a pair of white paws poked up out of a pile of straw inside a birdcage that was stood within the prison room.

With a yawn a tired looking white mouseling unburied herself and got to her feet before doing a big stretch to shake off the sleepiness from the nap that had been so rudely interrupted.

She looked around at the new bigguns which had apparently been dragged in to join the others while she was sleeping and wondered what the plan was.

Piper herself had been holed up in a warehouse tucked warmly inside a bundle of straw when she'd found her temporary accomodations suddenly tossed into a wagon and eventually brought into this room to be strewn about the floor.

She'd done her best to go unnoticed but had been spotted, snatched up, and tossed into a cage like some common animal.  To what end, she was unsure, but reasoned her captors had no good intentions.

Awake now, and with the sleep rubbed out of her eyes she looked about rather glumly, waiting to see if perhaps one of the other big people might have a more successful plan for escape than the one who'd just zapped themselves with their own magic spell.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:53, Tue 12 Sept 2023.
player, 18 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 13:49
  • msg #7

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Brightkin groaned and held his head as he slowly sat up. He noticed he was now in a cage but what annoyed him more than anything was his cage was smaller than all the others around him.

He pulled himself to his feet and turned until he found Kai in his cage "remind me never to follow you into a map shop ever again......" after a moment he added " are you OK?" concern in his voice...... Just then the cage near him exploded as a man tried to blast himself out..... Notecto self don't use magic for the time being....

He stood there studying the others the tips of his wings drooped slightly reflecting his mood
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 107 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 14:00
  • msg #8

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

You notice pretty quickly that most of your gear other than your common clothes have been stripped from your bodies. All weapons, trinkets, necklaces, rings, armor and misc goods have been taken.

As you all stir a guard walks in. A big monster of a guard with hulking features and a slow walk comes into the room with a groan. The guard is covered in armor and has a hood over his face but you can't tell what type of creature he is. All you know is he is big and looks mean.

Behind him walks in an infernal woman in very revealing armor covered in spikes. Once again he has a rob and hood that covers most of her features but her infernal eyes and horns give her away much more than the big creature.

On the way to one of the cages she taps Pipers cage with a finger, "That's a good mouseling. Sit in your cell and wait your turn."

She walks right past to one of the of the cages with a dragonfolk. "YOU!", she points at the helpless creature in the cell. "Time for some truth."

She flicks her wrist and the cage opens the huge beast like creature grabs the dragonfolk who tries to resist but is quickly overwhelmed by the strength of the creature.

He drags him to the mid of the room where the infernal woman summons a torture table of sorts. The dragonfolk is strapped into the device and left for viewing.

The infernal summons a magical whip that comes into her hand. "You bare the mark. I need to understand why? Our master seeks to know why, you have this mark and who do you serve?"

The dragonfolk only manages to squeak out a few words, "You are scum. I have no idea of this mark. Do as you will hell-born."

You watch for several minutes as the woman goes back and forth hitting the creature with the whip which leaves flesh blood dripping in a pool beneath him. Occasionally the big creature punches the dragonfolk in the face but stops after each hit seeming to relish in the pain.
Rea Moonstone
player, 3 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 21:37
  • msg #9

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Rea looked at all the others that were waking up in the other cages as well. There seemed to be quite a few of them, including herself. Looking around she was about to try and start a conversation with the nearest one to try and plan a way out of these cages before things started happening. A big...thing came in, it was hard to tell what it was, other than big. Rea watched as an infernal woman came in behind the big and mean looking beast. This woman walked to one of the cages and had the beast take the dragonfolk that had been inside it out.

His torture progressing, Rea had to turn away from the sight as she desperately tried to figure a way out of this situation, wishing she'd had her fetish and access to her magic so she could at least transform. But they'd taken that from her when they put her in this cage and she didn't know where they'd put her stuff as her armor was gone as well. Looking around, she hoped someone came up with an idea of what to do soon.
Aeress Veles
player, 9 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #10

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Aeress was not having it.  Well actually she was because she was locked in a cage with no way to do anything about it, but her attitude and reality did not coincide on this occassion.

"You!  You vile reprobrate!  You sniveling blackguard!  Acts of torture are illegal!  Cease your unlawful antics at once, I command you in the name of House Veles!"  Aeress grabbed the bars of her cage and tried to shake it.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 43 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 01:12
  • msg #11

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Jenkins went to the front of the cage and gripped the bars as she watched the torture avidly.

Hunter went to the side of the cage and leaned languidly against it as he looked around the room.

OOC: How close are the cages? Can we pass things through the bars? What are the cages made of? How strong do they look? Is it like a cell block with stone walls and a front grill, or bars everywhere? The smaller beings cages, how strong do they look? Are they within reach of anyone full sized?
Kai Wasser
player, 39 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 07:45
  • msg #12

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Rea Moonstone:
Seeing someone else in another cage, she tried to call out to them to see if he could hear her. "Hey, hey you. Yeah you talking to yourself over there. Where are we and do you know anyway to get out of here?"

"Damned if I know. Last thing I remember is being in that blasted shop. Feel like we were moths, drawn to a flame." Kai replied to the woman, not recognising her.

Looking around the room, Kai sees how he is not alone, and that there are a surprising amount of others in cages. A worrying amount.

He pulled himself to his feet and turned until he found Kai in his cage "remind me never to follow you into a map shop ever again......" after a moment he added " are you OK?" concern in his voice......

Kai nodded at the fairy. "Yeah, no harm done. Though I'm pissed off at being locked up!"

Kai then witnessed the continual torture of the dragonfolk by the infernal, and much larger friend. He debated calling out, getting their attention, maybe give the dragonfolk a moment of respite. But then what? So he said nothing, and watched, listened, to understand his captors, and his surroundings.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 44 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 11:31
  • msg #13

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Hunter takes his pants off and apparently starts eating them.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 113 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 14:36
  • msg #14

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

OOC: Cages are fairly close together but they are far back from the wall itself. The material of the cages are some sort of cold iron. Pretty old and rusty but still strong for the age of the material. You could pass things from cage to cage but it would be a stretch doing so and in clear view of your assailants.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 114 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 15:19
  • msg #15

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

The infernal looks at the Hunter eating his pants and reaches out with her hand and says, "Stop this."

Hunter freezes in place like being held by something invisible and falls over. Not hurt but his lips can still move.

She looks at Aeress with fire in her eyes, "Your house means nothing here! You are but a puppet in my masters game. And you shall speak when spoken too."

She holds out her hands and curls his fingers up to the sky as the cage bars become electrified. You realize quickly that if you hold on to the bars you would likely be shocked.

"Grog. Grabs that pet and throw him back in his cage. This guest will need food sooner rather than later. Get the guards to bring in some provisions. Give them nothing but the bowls."

The giant creature shakes his head as he grabs the man and throws him back into his cage and locks the door. Both walk out of the room leaving you to your own devices again with the exception of Hunter who is still frozen in place.
player, 19 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 15:40
  • msg #16

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

The fairy watched them leave before he spoke....

So our slightly deceased companion over there... He pointed to the cage with the pile of ash in it.... Used direct magic to attack the cage, I wonder if more subtle magic that is directed towards things outside the cage would slip through as it is not an attack...

Turning he focused on one of the candles thst lit the space and used his magic to shrowed it in darkness

16:39, Today: Brightkin rolled 7,3 using D8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,3.  Spell casting darkness on candle.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 115 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 16:22
  • msg #17

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

The cage seems to sense your intention and before you can stop yourself the edges of the cage seem to glow with a frenzy. A bolt hits Brightkin right in the chest sending him to his knees. The blast itself you do notice was not as powerful as that of the caster in the other cage. You also notice that the spell does nothing outside of the cage so it does not work.

OOC: Take a level of fatigue damage.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:23, Wed 13 Sept 2023.
player, 20 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 16:58
  • msg #18

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Brightkin laid on his back and groaned.... At least it wasn't as powerful as the blast that took out the wizard in the other cage.

Gingerly he sat up well that worked as planned... He stated to no one in particular..... OK so we now know the cages react to magic, I'd deduce that the more magic you use the more powerful the retaliation as my spell wasn't as powerful as the bolt our deceased friend used. Perhaps someone with strength in their arms could see if they can bend the bars.... He then slumped back onto the bottom of the cage waving his hand at the others... I'll just lay here for a moment and catch my breath
Hunter Gallagher
player, 45 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 19:16
  • msg #19

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Jenkins yelped when the bars electrified and flung herself backwards. Wringing her hands and glaring angrily.

Noticing her master lying otionless on the floor, she scampered over to see what was wrong and had a whispered conversation with him.

When the two creatures left, she resumed ripping Hunters pants into shreds.

OOC I presume after some time (ten minutes,  an hour, whateve), Hunter is going to come right.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:25, Thu 14 Sept 2023.
player, 4 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 00:27
  • msg #20

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Piper sat in her cage, eyes downcast at things until well after the infernal woman and her monstrous muscle had left.

She perked up as Brightkin announced his intention to experiment and frowned when the results came in.

"If anyone tries to damage the bars, be careful.  No telling if they're reactive to that just like they are to magic."  She commented.

"Though if they aren't, then maybe one of you bigguns can figure out a way to bust one of these small cages open.  That would probably be easier than one of the big ones."
Aeress Veles
player, 10 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 01:55
  • msg #21

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

"You cur!  You oily savage!  You... lascivious slime!"  Aeress hurled invectives at them even as she backed the hells away from the now electrified bars.

She sat down, frustrated, then tried to calm down.  Once she did, she began to ask.

"So then, who am I trapped in here with?"  The question was thoughtful in tone as some more rational behavior began to assert itself.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 117 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 14:02
  • msg #22

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

OOC: Yes, the cage and the spells release upon the person leaving the room. With the exception of the casting of spells.
Rea Moonstone
player, 4 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 14:55
  • msg #23

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Kai Wasser:
"Damned if I know. Last thing I remember is being in that blasted shop. Feel like we were moths, drawn to a flame." Kai replied to the woman, not recognising her.

Looking around the room, Kai sees how he is not alone, and that there are a surprising amount of others in cages. A worrying amount...

"Terrific, we're stuck in here and we don't even know where here is. Is there anything we do know other than that lady is scary and so is his friend?" Rea stayed well back from the bars, not wanting to get electrified like the other person did. Seeing the others as she looked around she tried to get a head count and see how many of them there were in the cages. "How many of us are locked in these cages anyway? Can any of you reach each other at all?"
Aeress Veles
player, 11 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 17:07
  • msg #24

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

That gave Aeress an idea.  She didn't know if it was a good idea.  She'd seen those big burly porters on the docks moving many a large crate by "walking" it, which involved twisting it back and forth using the corners.

Why couldn't that be done from the inside of a box? Maybe the top of this cage was loose for all she knew.  Aeress braced her feet on the center, and extended her arms, trying to exert pressure on top and bottom simultaneously, perhaps enough to be able to move it with some twisting motion.  Or maybe she really would get lucky and it would come apart.  Or it would kill her.  The last was possible too!
Hunter Gallagher
player, 46 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 19:19
  • msg #25

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Hunter groaned and came to his feet. He had a whispered conversation with Jenkins, and then put his pants back on, only tragically one of the legs had disappeared.

Making his way to the front of the cage, he produced a ball of cloth line, made from strips of fabric tied together. He tied one end onto the bars, and threw the line out towards a birdcage nearby that had a white mouse inside. It was an awkward throw, and fell short, and the next one went wide, but he tried again and again and eventually the line landed right next to the birdcage.
player, 5 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #26

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Piper looked about at who all was in the cages.  "I suppose we don't count the magician."  She commented of the dead man as she tried to get a head count from her vantage point.

"Does anyone have a mysterious mark?  Can anyone see one on the dragon man?  The scary lady was talking about that, but I don't have one, but maybe some of you do?"

Her line of thought was cut short as it turned out the strange man with the goblin wasn't going mad or trying to end his life by choking himself to death on his own pants in light of the potentially looming torture session he may be subject to in the near future.  Instead he had been perpetrating a rather clever ruse.

Desperately she pressed herself against the cage and stretched her tiny arms and paws to grab hold of the fabric with the intention of tying it to the bars of her own cage if she could.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 47 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 00:28
  • msg #27

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Once the line was tied onto the cage, Hunter untied his end and began drawing the birdcage  gently and quietly towards him.

"Hallo there, I'm Hunter, and this is Jenkins. Don't worry, we will have you out of here in a jiffy" he said smiling.

"Can has eats mouse naow?" Jenkins asked, grasping the bars hungrily.

"No, you can't eat the mouse. She's our friend, she's going to help us get out of here."

"But you're going to *bzzzt bzzzt bzzz* and sparkies and fried roast mousies!"
Jenkins pointed out, mimicking spasming death throes being electrocuted. "Delicious roast mousy!"

"Well fair enough, if she becomes toast crispy mouse, you can eat it. But let's hope that's not going to happen." He winked at the mouse and picked up the cage. "You'll be fine" He said comfortingly.

OOC: 16:40, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 5,11 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,(6+5)11.  notice. Inspecting cage.

Hopefully this will tell how to bust it open, and what to roll.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:20, Fri 15 Sept 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 121 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 16:18
  • msg #28

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

[Private to Hunter Gallagher: OOC: Inspecting the cage you notice that most of the bars are made with a cold steel. While it might not be possible to bend them you could break them given enough time. You would need something to saw the bars down which will take time but is possible using something. In the dark light you can see some smallish rocks around the area that could be whacked against the bars until they get weak.]

Just as you are all talking a man walks in carrying a bucket of some sort with him. In he hand are a few bowls. Just like the big guy he has a hood over his face. His figure is rather cloaked so that you can't see what heritage he is. The man begins putting a bowl and a spoon full of food in front of Aeress's cage.

The food looks horrible but smells decent.

OOC: Pressing against the cage directly barely budges the bars cold steel. You'll need something else if you want to pressure them.
Aeress Veles
player, 12 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 17:01
  • msg #29

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Aeress was in a thoughtful mood, she would solve this problem with her prodigious intellect!  She kneeled, trying to make eye contact with the cloaked figure.  Even if he didn't look at her, that would tell her something about how he attended his duties.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 124 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 17:20
  • msg #30

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

After leaving the food in Aeress cage it moves to the next cage with the dragonfolk. It bends down leaves the bowl and food behind but does not meet eyes with anyone. He gets back up and moves to hunter's cage. He takes two bowls out of his bag and puts them in the cage and leans down to fill both bowls.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 48 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 20:51
  • msg #31

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

As soon as the man opened the door, Hunter quickly reeled out the line to let the cage swing back into place. It had to be loose for Piper to untie the knot.

If she succeeds in untying the cord, he will swiftly pull it back into his cage out of sight.

"Hallo! What's your name? How long have you been doing this job? Are you happy here?" Hunter asked brightly when the man with the food came by.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Fri 15 Sept 2023.
player, 9 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 21:42
  • msg #32

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Piper held on as the cage she was trapped in swung, putting the whole thing at a rather awkward angle for herself, but at least she wasn't in danger of falling out.  Such a risk would make the end goal much too easy.

Staring warily at the goblin that appeared to have particular appetites, Piper gave a nod to Hunter's reassurances that there would probably be no consumption of her self.  Pre-mortem  at least.

"I'm Piper."  She squeeked out eventually by way of belated introduction.

Though whatever the plan Hunter may have been thinking up it was prematurely ended as the sounds of steps approached.

Piper clambered for the fabric and held on so Hunter could let the cage swing back into position before she undid her knot.

There was some straw on the floor but she hoped that, and the bit of motion in her cage as it slowly came back to a halt after being swung too and fro, would go unnoticed but the hooded man.

For her part, Piper buried herself in the remaining straw, just her tail poking out, content to stay in that position until the man went away again.
Rea Moonstone
player, 5 posts
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #33

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Rea watched quietly, not realizing she was holding her breath as Hunter pulled the small cage towards his cage. She just barely kept herself from cheering out loud when he got ahold of the cage, but remembered at the last second where she was and the circumstances they were all in. Once again wishing she had access to her magic, just being able to shift form and curl up on the floor would be nice, not to mention zapping that witch with a bolt of her own. But she couldn't do that without her fetish and she had no idea where that was at the moment.

Hearing the footsteps, Rea let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and watched forlornly as the small cage swung back and forth on it's chain. Cursing under her breath, she sent a glare over at the man that came in with the bucket and bowls. Sitting down next to the bars of her cage, she waited her turn to be fed, assuming this was probably the only meal they'd get that day.
player, 21 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 07:47
  • msg #34

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Brightkin lifted his head as the door opened and watched the man come in start handing out the food.

He also noticed two of his companions, the mouse and the man with this little friend try to get their caged closer together quickly release the cord so the man didn't notice.

He kept quiet and took the bowl but didn't eat
Kai Wasser
player, 41 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Mon 18 Sep 2023
at 13:48
  • msg #35

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

When the request came out to know who was here, Kai reached a hand out between the bars, in a vain attempt to wave.

"I'm Kai. Not a wizard, so it isn't just magic users they're after."

When the bowl of food was slopped before them, Kai picked it up and gave a sniff, before placing a finger in to see if it was edible.

"Better than I expected. So, anyone got any ingenious way for us to break out of this place? As soon as I get my stuff back, I have a few choice words about this situation."

OOC: I figure thievery will help me figure out a way out of a cage.

14:37, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 5 using 2d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,3.  Thievery.
I didn't click Unique die, so I actually get to choose a 2 or 3...

So... no figuring out here!

player, 22 posts
Mon 18 Sep 2023
at 16:41
  • msg #36

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

While he laid on his back Brightkin studied the cage from that angle he then turned his head slightly and studied the junction between the base and sides joined..

He prided himself in getting in and out of places so studied everything he could see to try and work out if he could open the cage.

17:40, Today: Brightkin rolled 1,5 using D8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5.  Notice

17:41, Today: Brightkin rolled 5,1 using D6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,1.  Thievery

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 132 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 18 Sep 2023
at 17:57
  • msg #37

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

The creature filling the bowls with food makes no small talk as he continues to move through the cages. He gets to Kai's cage and is filling the bowl when Kai is somehow able to slip his hand into the creatures pocket. Shockingly he doesn't find the key but that of a stone. You pocket the same stone thinking it might be useful and the creature does not notice.

He moves on to the other cages and repeats the same process. While this is happening Brightkin realizes that the cage has some sort of locking system but not one of standard locks. The key hole itself is less shaped for a key but something else. It appears that you can insert something similar to a key but sharp into the hole.

The creature once finished leaves the group to their own not making any movements or noise as he leaves other than grunts. He closes the door behind him.
player, 10 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 01:36
  • msg #38

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Piper poked her head out after she heard the door closing.

Before returning to whatever plan Hunter had initially had before the guard had come in, she instead tried to get a good look at the cage itself.

She was mostly interested in any way that Hunter might be able to open it.

Either by physically breaking the cage, or accessing some sort of door that was out of reach of anything inside of said cage.

Piper rolled 5,3.  Notice
Aeress Veles
player, 13 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 01:59
  • msg #39

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Aeress pondered options, but tried the slop first.  If this was going to work, she might need her strength.

She also very carefully examined whether any type of eating utensil was supplied.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 50 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 02:12
  • msg #40

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

When the man/thing left Hunter breathed out a big sigh of relief and visibly sagged. He waited a good ew minutes to make sure he was gone and not coming back before saying brightly: "Well, let's get started again, shall we? Fancy interrupting us like that. How rude. Jenkins, see if you can find me a rock about the size of your fist. Sharp is better. Go find one broken stones."

He began coiling the cord.

"Hello Kai," he called out. "Yes, I've got a couple of ideas. One involves Piper, our little friend here, and whether she can get to our stuff. Another idea, we'll how strong are you? Cam you lift the cage you're in? Can you push it? They aren't bolted down. If you could lift the cage enough to push a big rock under, assuming we can find one, you could get out. If we can push the cages together we could help each other."

He threw the cord to Piper's cage again, repeating as many times as necessary to get it to her.

14:14, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 3 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3.  notice, looking for rocks. Does Jenkins roll one die or two?

This message was last edited by the player at 02:19, Tue 19 Sept 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 139 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 18:58
  • msg #41

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Pipers see much of the same as everyone else for the cage. There is a key for something sharp but less of a key and more like an object. You aren't sure how it opens but you know for sure that it's not a standard key. The structure of the cage itself is old and rusty but does seem strong for such an old thing.

Hunter tries grabbing some near by stones only to find that they are slightly out of reach from the cages themselves, if you could only reach a little further you might be able to grab one.

OOC: Jenkins rolls 1, not a wild card.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 51 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #42

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Hunter glanced down at the pebbles Jenkins had produced. "No,they won't do, they're far too small. We want one about head sized, like, Ooh, like that one over there! - and some fist sized ones."

"They are too far away!"

"Let me see."
Putting down the line for the moment, Hunter tried to get the rocks himself, but they were just out of reach. He tried all kinds of contortions fo a while, but finally gave up. He looked around.

"Hey, Aeress! Can you reach those stones? Throw them to me if you can!"

11:23, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 2,2 using d6,d4, rerolling max with rolls of 2,2.  athletics - get rocks.

11:22, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 13 using 2d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,(6+5)11.  notice rocks

Does he see a head sized rock? Is it near anyone? Who?

This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Tue 19 Sept 2023.
player, 11 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 00:01
  • msg #43

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Piper finished her inspection around the time Hunter started looking for rocks.

"This cage is pretty rusty.  I think it could get broken with a bit of effort, but otherwise I don't think it's going to open without some sort of very special key."  She observed out loud.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 142 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 13:08
  • msg #44

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

OOC: You can see a few rocks that a located near the back of Aeress's cage and also to the right of Kai's cage.
Kai Wasser
player, 42 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 15:00
  • msg #45

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Taking the stone, Kai looked at it. He could use it as a weapon? Or a tool?

Then, after Hunter shouted out to him, Kai replied. "I'm not especially strong, no. I worry if I try to push my way out, I could injure myself, or get myself trapped, and then when they come back, they will know something is up."

Once the conversation turned towards stones, Kai poked his hand through the cage bars, showing the stone he 'acquired' from their jailer.

"I did get this stone, when the food was coming round. Managed to lift it from their pocket."
player, 12 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 15:07
  • msg #46

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

"Do you see a keyhole on your cage?"  Piper asked Kai.

"Mine has an odd shaped hole that looks like it fits something, but not a normal looking key.  If yours does too, perhaps that stone fits?"
Hunter Gallagher
player, 52 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 01:38
  • msg #47

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Seeing as nonprofit the other occupants were inclined to help him in his noble quest for stones so he could attempt to free the fair and lovely mouse, Hunter took off his jacket. He threaded it through the bars, and holding it by the arms, attempted to snare some stones and drag them within reach.

He succeeded only in dirtying his jacket and bashing his fingers.

Swearing mightily he kicked the bars in a temper, and then flew into a rage, pulling the bars, pushing the bars, trying to lift the cage.

13:24, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 1,1 using d6,d4, rerolling max with rolls of 1,1.  athletics, get stones.

13:36, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 5,2 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,2.  strength, try to lift/push cage

Aeress Veles
player, 14 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 02:21
  • msg #48

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Aeress was surprised to be addressed after being ignored earlier, but she wasn't going to split hairs about it either.  She stopped her slop inspection knelt and crept to the bars.

"I will try, though I suspect my arm should not touch the bars."  She delicately extended her hand out.  The rocks could have multiple uses actually.
player, 23 posts
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 10:10
  • msg #49

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Brightkin sat in his cage looking at the others attempts to escape and felt useless perhaps he queen was right about him after all..... He was too small to reach out of his cage to get any of the stones so couldn't help in that endeavor
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 154 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:28
  • msg #50

Chapter 1: Scene 2: Hostage Situation

Hunter manages to move the cage but only slightly before the door opens.

Continue in Chapter 1: Scene 3: The rescue?
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