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10:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[13.1]  Droskar's Monastery.

Posted by Hand of FateFor group archive S
Player, 621 posts
Fighter 2
HP16-16 AC5
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 14:36
  • msg #34

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"If they flee, they are defeated and should bother us no more. They are intelligent enough for that, I'm sure. Yes, more could come, but not for some time, unless they're already part of this group. The others around will take time to learn of their defeat." he informs Duiv with his counter argument, he'll wait for rebuttal or other questions, he knew he didn't know everything.
Player, 179 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 21:00
  • msg #35

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

Before deciding what he'd add to the discussion Alaion glanced aboutbthe group Does anyone know how many there generally are?
Player, 97 posts
Female Human Rogue
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 04:23
  • msg #36

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

Daniella considered the structure with intense eyes. Wondering outloud to no one specifically, though in a manner that invited answer, "Would it be reasonable to consider or wonder at the possibility that the kobolds keep the worgs and razonclaws?"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:29, Sun 18 June 2023.
Player, 116 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 07:05
  • msg #37

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"It seems to me that we have a surfeit of sleep spells. That will be far more effective than fire if we use them wisely." Elmona observed

"It is easy to overplan these things. I propose we go close. Those of us with the spell of sleep cast it. Perhaps twice. And then there should be no birds left awake. There are many of us to slay the sleeping birds"
Player, 622 posts
Fighter 2
HP16-16 AC5
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 10:13
  • msg #38

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"That sounds like a good idea Ell, who all can cast sleep?"
Player, 117 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 10:26
  • msg #39

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"Myself and Xune at a minimum" Elmona said "Who else?"
Player, 180 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 11:02
  • msg #40

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

Finding a spot to rest Alaion nibbed on a slice of beer jerky as he considered the possible number of birds and weather it was a compact family group or a flock.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:33, Sun 18 June 2023.
Player, 623 posts
Fighter 2
HP16-16 AC5
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 12:27
  • msg #41

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"Probably about a dozen, but there is no way to know for sure. Sleep sounds good, it should take the number down by a few at least. Durwe, you got any suggestions?"
NPC, 65 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 14:43
  • msg #42

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"I possess the spell for slumber as well."  Durwe replies, kneeling and searching the ground along the ancient road.

"A head on confrontation will be problematic with an overlay of sleep spells unless we plan it."  Durwe says, thinking on the matter. He moves a hand gingerly across some grasses.  "The spells could be spaced, or timed, but I have another thought.  I suspect twelve to twenty of them are in the roost plus the ones we see outside.  I do not think those inside will engage us if we provoke those outside. We see four presently and they will engage if they see us.  There may others on the roof beyond our sight. We could take care of those with sleep and sword." 

Durwe pauses, staring at the monastery, remembering an encounter a year ago. "What worries me is the tactical, intelligent way these birds are acting. The last time I came here, we encountered a hobgoblin that somehow had the ability to control the ravenclaws.  We were lured into the open with an injured, trapped fox.  When we were distracted in helping the animal, he attacked."

Tales of Adventures thread [5]Elderwood Moss Reagent msg #12:
Durwe grasps at the arrow in his chest, utters a warning to his companions then falls forward into the grasses unconscious. A razor, intent on attacking the elf changes his flight at the last second, gaining height again and seeks another target.

Brett is attacked by three of the razorcrows. They descend like black death with flapping wing, wild caws, and sharp raking talons. Of the three, only one finds mage flesh, raking away skin from Brett's neckline (-1), giving the mage reason to regret releasing the magical armor earlier. Brett manages to finish his spell and fire erupts from his spread fingers into the sky. One of the birds is consumed in the flames and falls to the ground in a smoldering heap.

An arrow from Tynia pierces one of the birds and it falls from the sky with a flurry of oily black feathers.

Karok's efforts with blade fall short (no puns) and Ordil ducks, seemingly unable to react to the sudden events transpiring around him.

Jhaelin reaches Durwen and pulls the arrow from his chest, throwing it aside. He offers a healing prayer and a soft amber glow erupts beneath his hand. The wound closes, but Durwe remains unconscious.

Durwe reaches up to his chest, remembering that arrow shaft and his paralysis from the poison. "There were four razors with him and he clearly directed them to attack us as he vanished into the grasses and weeds of the underbrush. This was on the other side of the ridgeline near the lake shore where we first made camp. We never caught him. Watching these, I think they are that grey-skinned hobgoblin's birds."

Durwe removes an arrow from his quiver.  It is a hardwood shafted arrow, tipped with a head for piercing armor. "He uses poison on his arrows. So if he is here, be aware of that. I think we need to scout this place before we make any kind of entrance. It may take a day or two, but we need to know what's happening here. We should retreat back up the ridgeline a ways and make a cold camp. We can let the two rogues in your party scout the area in that time while others watch the monastery from afar.  Does anyone possess a skill in tracking?"
Player, 624 posts
Fighter 2
HP16-16 AC5
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 15:14
  • msg #43

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"I had no idea of the hobgoblin and friends.  Yes, a day to scout might be a good idea." Val replies to Durwe.

[Private to Valeros: edit for punctuation and capitalization.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:20, Sun 18 June 2023.
NPC, 13 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 15:16
  • msg #44

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

Lamai patiently listens to the speaking of the elf, picking up on the most common words used in speaking the common language.  She has no idea what he is saying, but she makes a game of hearing repetitive words and where they are in their speech.  As she listens, she also watches.  As the elf is speaking he makes some rather interesting gestures and movements that she definitely recognizes, only... he does not seem to be interested in what is before him. Can he not see the signs of the dog-faced land-walkers and their no-so-tasty mounts? Perhaps there is a way she can be useful in hunting the dog-faced and they can eat very good tonight.  With a slithering grace, the lamai'nain moves a few feet away into the grasses of the ancient road, careful to stay in the darker shade and higher grasses out of the view of the black raptors.  She "kneels" by lowering her upper torso and her hands move across the grasses.  Her eyes dart furtively from one spot to another, collecting data points from everything she sees. The signs are here and fresh.

Lamai moves to Finn's side and raps him on the shoulder with her staff. "ثمانية محيا كلاب هنا اليوم"

Seeing him clearly not understanding her, she frowns. What to do? Smiling, she holds up eight fingers and shows them to Finn.  When she sees him looking at her hands, she growls, then howls lowly.

Lamai rolled 7 using 1d20.  Skill - Tracking.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:18, Sun 18 June 2023.
Player, 118 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 15:16
  • msg #45

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

“If we do that, am I wrong in assuming that we’re resting?  I for one would certainly benefit from it.” The cleric ogles the birds warily, not trusting any of this.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:42, Mon 19 June 2023.
OrphanPC, 92 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 15:38
  • msg #46

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"Donnae hav tha skill o track'n laddie." Thorgwain replies to Durwe's inquiry.  "Oi Could na track a rabbit 'n ah foot ah snow."

He looks over at Duiv.  "Aye, if'n weh reconnoiter, yeh casters beh rest'n fer sure."

Thorgwain looks back into the deeper shades of the forest.  "Aye, weh passed ah large deadfall back ah ways.  Make ah good hideaway camp while yeh scout Oi beh think'n."   
This message was last edited by the player at 15:39, Sun 18 June 2023.
Player, 98 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 09:50
  • msg #47

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

This Monastery obviously held bad memories for Dory. Question is what would happen after he found out the Fate of the Falcon 6? Hopefully he would stay till the end of their mission and go back to town with them.

Finn keeps his eyes on the sky, a spell in the back of his mind. When his charge goes out to check the grass he holds his tongue, even though he wants to bring her back. He watches as she examines the grass.

He is relieved when she comes back, and pleased when she tries to communicate with him.  He attempts to figure out what she's 'saying.'

"I think Lamai is telling me she has found the tracks of eight wolves in the grass skirting the view of the birds."
Player, 625 posts
Fighter 2
HP16-16 AC5
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 12:01
  • msg #48

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"That's bad, 8 wolves on top of at least a dozen razorclaws! This is going to be most difficult to deal with. Shyte! We definitely need to get rid of one group or the other, and discourage the other group."
Player, 38 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 13:37
  • msg #49

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"Well both foes are tough, but which is tougher? I would suggest taking on the wolves first, as they should prove the hardier opponent. And I too can cast the spell of Sleep."

Aramil has a number of options at his disposal, though tracking is not one of them.
Player, 119 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 16:47
  • msg #50

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

“If we want to fight them separately, we’ll have to do it away from here,” the cleric says, perhaps unnecessarily.  “At the moment, we’re in a bad position.”
Player, 175 posts
HP 11/11, AC 5
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 17:30
  • msg #51

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"Is there any way we can separate them long enough that we can handle the groups separately? Or any way past them without bothering, through stealth?" Xune wondered aloud.
Player, 122 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 18:01
  • msg #52

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"Stealth would perhaps be possible if we were all elves and fewer in number" Elmona observed. "But even if we were all elves... well I would not essay [Private to GM: I know you are a grammer nazi so] the task with this many" [Private to Elmona: grammar nazi!? Oh, that's harsh.  B^)  ]

"However attracting the wolves should be easy. A thrown stone is traditional. Or an arrow from a bow. They chase any that flee. Are there any among us that have nature powers and can cast the entangle spell?"

"Let us remember that sleep effects the closest. Thus if we are targeting many foes, those of us that can cast it should be dispersed and consider sleeping foes when we do actually cast it

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:04, Tue 20 June 2023.
Player, 101 posts
Female Human Rogue
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 20:43
  • msg #53

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

Daniella shook her head slowly as she listened. "I'm sorry, but I think we need to wait till we have a little more current information before we engage in any combat.

Durwe has seen worgs, hobgoblin, and razorcrow in this area. Plus, we have the reports of kobolds and now wolves. Aren't wolves often used as mounts for the creatures of evil?

Mayhaps the spell casters and clerics  might do as Durwe suggested and fall back to a cold camp to coordinate and prepare a magical assault while those with those with skills scout the area for more signs of what we are facing and where they might be before we draw sword and charge?
" she asked Valeros.
Player, 627 posts
Fighter 2
HP16-16 AC5
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 20:50
  • msg #54

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"I think that it is wise council. We should all go back to the deadfall that was spoken of so we all know where we're going to set up. The scouts can then come back to here and observe and safely reconnoiter without exposing yourselves. The warriors can split between the two for security for the parties. Sound okay?" He looks from face to face for suggestions or ideas or criticism. Val thought it was good to listen to everyone, then make a decision based on the best information.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1054 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 00:01
  • msg #55

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

3rd of Gort, Tīwesdæg 1050 hrs, clear skies, 83 degrees

The deadfall is a not one of the giant trees, but large nonetheless.  The dead, dried bole of the tree is broken away from a standing stump to lay across a natural depression in the forest floor. It is large enough to offer a protective wall and a collection of broken boughs offer a sort of roofing over the rocky depression.  It is a natural, dry place. The companions gather at the site to continue discussing their plan of action on approaching the monastery.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:33, Sun 09 July 2023.
OrphanPC, 29 posts
Apprentice (Thief 1)
HP 4/4; AC 04
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 00:13
  • msg #56

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

"We haven't seen either worg, wolf, or dire wolf. Only ravens."  Camilla says. "If you want Val, I will move quietly and scout the perimeter within the wood line. This deadfall is only a hundred yards or so from where we were standing. I'll scream my head off if I get into trouble and run toward you."
Player, 102 posts
Female Human Rogue
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 00:58
  • msg #57

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

Daniella smiled at the other rogue's descriptive plan before add, "We could really use someone who can find trails with us. It seems Lamai does, but there's still communication to work on. " She frowned lightly while considering the language barrier before turning her attention back to Camilla and adding, "We should also plan to move together, that way we can cover each other in case of problems, and more eyes are better."
Player, 120 posts
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 03:47
  • msg #58

[10.1]  Foundry of Souls

The cleric suggests that they rest first before taking further action, so as to be best prepared when hostilities break out.  Besides, there is something strangely soothing about the deadfall… it makes him want to sleep.
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