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12:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Hold.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Naomi Weske
player, 546 posts
Shuttle Pilot/Gunner
Petty Officer 3rd class
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 15:44
  • msg #59

Re: The Hold

Naomi just smiles at Garrat, "This is technically yours and Ajax's find right? My question is what do you see this vehicle being capable of?"
She doesn't move quite yet feeling she wanted to start on touch ups herself, but she also had something she needed to check on. Still she had her reasons for staying.
"Whichever you decide I will help make possible." She went on to fidget with something in reach she saw out of place.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2241 posts
field engineer
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 06:36
  • msg #60

Re: The Hold

Naomi Weske:
Naomi just smiles at Garrat, "This is technically yours and Ajax's find right? My question is what do you see this vehicle being capable of?"
She doesn't move quite yet feeling she wanted to start on touch ups herself, but she also had something she needed to check on. Still she had her reasons for staying.
"Whichever you decide I will help make possible." She went on to fidget with something in reach she saw out of place.

   "It can already move as fast as a running mech.  We need to see what it can do before We start juicing it up.  Primary alteration? simplify the control system.  For now wee need to get down in the dirt and see what we can find.  Or at least you do."
player, 350 posts
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 15:57
  • msg #61

Re: The Hold

   Bo let's Collens climb in,

   Collen will notice that the amphibious design allows two pontoons rather than one long snout on the craft allowing the canopy to wrap around the front down beneath his feet.  While it's a little tight because of Bo's short stature, the tranparent control panel represents controls as slightly colored spots on a glass like surface so he has a complete view of what's in front of him all the way down under the rudder pedals, though the pontoons on either side give enough visual security so he doesn't feel like he's going to fall out the front of the cockpit.
Naomi Weske
player, 547 posts
Shuttle Pilot/Gunner
Petty Officer 3rd class
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 16:04
  • msg #62

Re: The Hold

Naomi raised an eyebrow being a tad curious at what she could find, but shrugs. "Is there a way or rather does it have the operation ability to move to see what else we can adjust to it? I'd be more then happy to test run it." Her eyes glowed with the excitement she felt with working on new machinery.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2242 posts
field engineer
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 20:45
  • msg #63

Re: The Hold

In reply to Naomi Weske (msg # 62):

  "It's going to take a while to get this baby working, and using It in the hold where we can have damage if things go wrong is probably a bad Idea, but there are testing grounds near Fuji we can really work it out at.  I would like to have you there for the testing.  More than that I would like to secure a place for us to work out of near the testing grounds, where we can keep prototypes"
Naomi Weske
player, 548 posts
Shuttle Pilot/Gunner
Petty Officer 3rd class
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 00:26
  • msg #64

Re: The Hold

Naomi laughs softly, "Of course we would test run outside the hold, was merely wondering where. I of course wouldn't miss it." She stops fidgeting for a moment. She had some things on her mind as Garrat and herself were alone she assumed she could talk openly.
"Garrat.. Have I ever thanked you for saving my life for the times that you did?"

She honestly couldn't remember if she did or not. She had more questions she needed to ask, but she had to start somewhere.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2243 posts
field engineer
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 03:26
  • msg #65

Re: The Hold

In reply to Naomi Weske (msg # 64):

    "I believe you have, several times.  If not then you definitely have by being there for us in the field."  Garrat hops up next to her pulls out his design board and absently starts tweaking one of his home designs.  He seems to be using it to organize his thoughts.   "Some say that when a person saves your life, they gain a piece of your soul.  It is well known amongst warriors that we share a part of each other, because we can trust our lives in the hands of the other.  Your life is sacred to me, because I can trust you."
Naomi Weske
player, 549 posts
Shuttle Pilot/Gunner
Petty Officer 3rd class
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 04:09
  • msg #66

Re: The Hold

Naomi nods as she runs her hands through her hair. "That makes sense from the point the bullet hit my shoulder to the black out all I cared about were my teammates safety." She remembered the entire events rom the break through the gates to the piercing pain of the bullet. She began to trace the vehicle with her gaze feeling the next question is difficult to put to words.

"Have you ever committed to anyone during this war?" She thinks for a moment herself remembering their last mission having flashbacks.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2244 posts
field engineer
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 05:36
  • msg #67

Re: The Hold

In reply to Naomi Weske (msg # 66):

    Garrat's hands pause in their movement across the pad as his translator works through Naomi's words.  He set's the designs down gently and gazes off into nothing as he process' their meaning.  His words come out phrased carefully, and thoughtfully.  She catches a snippet of a more complex flowing version of the ancient Germanic Garrat spoke before. "I've only been active in this part of space for about a month, so this war with the Fire Giants, the ones you call demons.. no I have not committed to any one here."
    He shifts so he can face Naomi but still doesn't manage to look her in the eyes as the past roils across his vision. "I was born of the accursed into the Frost giant wars of the Asgard.  My first wife was human.  I could see her only briefly between conflicts, but I held her in my arms when she died of old age. It was half a century before Sharga, my second wife taught me I could love again.  She died when her planet was eaten.  I violated orders for the first time to go to her but by the time we got there, her world was only a few rocks tumbling through space.  I have saved every memory of her though, those will never die.

    His eyes try and make contact but he falters.  "There were others after, not human as you know them but those who lived long, and fought with me in battle.  It was easier than worrying about someone light centuries away, or watching the person you love grow old."

    Garrat finally meets Naomi's gaze, and there she sees a hint of something that's a little out of place. When you can't die of old age, there's a point when it becomes unbearable to live.  Love is the only thing that can keep you truly living, and duty is the only thing that can carry you across the time of ...death between those who tether you to life.  I am old Naomi, love and war are the only constants I know. 
   Garrat looks down at his cybernetic hand.  "And you Naomi, what is it that keeps you going?"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:36, Mon 10 Aug 2015.
player, 351 posts
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 13:43
  • msg #68

Re: The Hold

In reply to Bo-Jagger (msg # 61):

Bo finishes his conversation with the rookie, (in flex) and continues to sack for the night.  First thing in the morning he heads down to Zolth. Thinking about what Garrat said about learning from the cat people he goes straight to the airport and checks to see if any of the Evol modified craft remained.
Naomi Weske
player, 550 posts
Shuttle Pilot/Gunner
Petty Officer 3rd class
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 16:23
  • msg #69

Re: The Hold

Naomi listens to the words Garrat speaks of his past love and to have to watch them die before him. She tried picturing that, but couldn't imagine the depth of emotions he had to endure. One having died of natural age as the other killed. Which path would she end up seeing? Time was all she had now and thinking of her mortality was something that was thought of from time to time with war.
However, through it all she had good memories. The ones with her parents before their disappearance to the machinery she felt close to then to the Hermes which to her was the closest thing she had to family or love.
Her lingering question was of the worth that it would be.
Love and war rang through her mind. Two very similar affairs no matter the case which becomes a tale as old as time itself. She also states at the cyborg hand contemplating her purpose for living.

"I guess I live for the here and now. I fight for people's lives so they can live and find love. As for love and I? We shall wait and see what comes of it." She just smiled as she stared into the distance of the hold.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2245 posts
field engineer
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 17:57
  • msg #70

Re: The Hold

   Garrat nods "If you seek a companion seek it in someone you work with.  They may be more likely to be lost, but you will have been there for them to the end.  There is no greater gift than that... For both of you.  Soldiers are married to war Naomi.  It is wise to choose a spouse that understands your other lover."
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2246 posts
field engineer
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 19:13
  • msg #71

Re: The Hold

Since it is morning in other threads, I'll consider this one in flex.
Naomi Weske
player, 551 posts
Shuttle Pilot/Gunner
Petty Officer 3rd class
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 20:00
  • msg #72

Re: The Hold

Naomi nodded understanding while also piecing together why her parents fell in love. Both contributed to the war, but they were both lucky enough to go together. With her though their legacy didn't die. She smiled more at this thought then decided it was time to get some rest before checking back with the shuttles. She knew she needed to take care of the repairs.

"Thanks for talking Garrat. Everything you mentioned makes a lot of sense." She jumped off the vehicle taking one more look at it knowing she was going to enjoy piecing this one back together.

"This will be a site to see when it's finished. I can't wait to start, but I think I want to be fully rested before then so for now I think I'll just say goodnight." She gave a slight wave as she turned on her heel heading towards her quarters.

----------> Non COM Quarters
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2247 posts
field engineer
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 21:43
  • msg #73

Re: The Hold

Garrat smiles.  "Any time.  Com me in the morning.  We might be able to head planet side and see if they've got any toys for our toy."
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2263 posts
field engineer
Mon 17 Aug 2015
at 23:02
  • msg #74

Re: The Hold

=====> noncom
   Garrat comes in stripped down for work,  He gets to work on the Multi track and tries to lose himself in his work.
Mon 17 Aug 2015
at 23:16
  • msg #75

Re: The Hold

  There are a few  workers stacking and loading   supplies, to keep them out of the way of the spare vehicles there.

  Not to many folks bother Garrat as he works on his  hobby, though  a few or them while walk around the thing, if its the first time they have seen it..Until a chief barks  at them, and they hustle back to work.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 2265 posts
field engineer
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 22:13
  • msg #76

Re: The Hold

Garrat takes a break from his work to take his 55cal down to the rifle range. ====> off duty.
player, 421 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2015
at 15:37
  • msg #77

Re: The Hold

   Bo comes down and helps get Betty ready.  As the torpedos are stored in the hold, getting them loaded on to the hard points shouldn't be hard.
Fri 23 Oct 2015
at 16:19
  • msg #78

Re: The Hold

the makeshift crew  down  there have  the craft  ready to go. One of them is checking over the  weapons. Another  has  a headset on and  is  checking COM lines.
player, 422 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2015
at 21:01
  • msg #79

Re: The Hold

In reply to Bo. (msg # 78):

   "Thank you folks, she's never been so well taken care of."
    Bo climbs in and takes the Betty out.
player, 425 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2015
at 22:58
  • msg #80

Re: The Hold

In reply to Bo-Jagger (msg # 79):

After escorting Karl in Bo will land and head up to the flight deck.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:40, Mon 26 Oct 2015.
Henry Christie
player, 2096 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 11:21
  • msg #81

The space set aside for Henry's "Zoo"

Henry arrived in the area designated for the Zoo. He had a feeling that name would stick, however much you tried to put a scientific spin on it.

The main thing was to give the specimens as close as possible to their native environment. Light levels, temperature, trace gases and so on was the easy bit... but the specimens would really only be happy if it smelled and felt right as well.

Areas had been blocked out for different environments, with space for the creatures to roam in as natural a manner as possible.
player, 174 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 04:19
  • msg #82

The space set aside for Henry's "Zoo"

 She walks beside Henry and sniffs all the strange animal smells.
Cookie Baker
player, 640 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 04:39
  • msg #83

The space set aside for Henry's "Zoo"

 She walked along beside Henry and Mila, never having visited this full biological sampling of creatures before. She found it quite interesting and amazing.

 "Wow, this is fantastic! I bet you have the largest bio diversified sampling of anyone!"
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