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23:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shadowlands // BayPlex.

Posted by Mr. JohnsonFor group 0
Mr. Johnson
GM, 151 posts
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 20:46
  • msg #17

Shadowlands // BayPlex

In reply to Grendel (msg # 16):

>>>>>Not so far fetched. Wars have been started over less!<<<<<
     - posted by DieterX
player, 56 posts
Coyote Shaman
Avowed Pain In The Ass
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 18:26
  • msg #18

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>Its bugs in the system.  Bugs everywhere!  They're inside Sato, they're inside the San  Francisco mayor, Bugs are in Sacramento!  I bet you that's why they're selling us out to the Japacorps, because the little weevils buddy up and just want the whole bay to be the next CZ!  Look at what happened in Chicago, we're next!<<
-posted by RaidHuffer
This message was last edited by the player at 01:42, Tue 17 Mar 2020.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 166 posts
Mon 16 Mar 2020
at 18:42
  • msg #19

Shadowlands // BayPlex

In reply to Acme (msg # 18):

>>>>>As always, Shadowlands takes no responsibility for the bat drek crazy stuff that sometimes get posted on here.<<<<<
     - posted by DeiterX

>>>>>I’m no so sure RaidHuffer is crazy, DeiterX... Consider the weird mojo coming out of Mojave desert or the mana storms that follow the San Andreas ley line... the wise are wary... something wicked this way comes!<<<<<
     - posted by Orange Queen
Mr. Johnson
GM, 167 posts
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 01:55
  • msg #20

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>By now I'm sure you've noticed the very different standards between downtown core / human cultural zone and outlying areas.  As you might expect, the I-marine presence in SF has resulted in significantly increased cost of good forged credentials.  Sure, you can get lower quality stuff rather cheap but a forged identity that will stand up to scrutiny will cost you a lot more...

Human cultural zone day pass: 20¥
Human cultural zone day pass (metahuman): 200¥
SIN with human cultural zone residential pass: 5000¥
SIN with human cultural zone residential pass (metahuman): 6500¥
Human cultural zone weapons permit: 650¥
Human cultural zone weapons permit (metahuman): 1200¥

Burner quality CalFree SIN: 250¥
Quality CalFree SIN: 1000¥
Superior quality CalFree SIN: 2000¥
CFS weapons permit (excluding human cultural zone): 50¥

Better not to get caught in a patrol shakedown at all, but if you find yourself in need, happy forging chummers<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

In terms of quality, some in game tags that might be thrown around:
Random: none of age, nationality, metatype or sex match your actual appearance.
Burner: metatype and sex match but the other vital stats are off.
These are good enough to spoof random visual spot checks and single verification automated systems like vending machines.

Good Match: all vital statistics match with your actual appearance, but biometric data contains errors
These will work when spoofing some public or corporate services like registering vehicles or booking hotels

Plausible: all vital statistics match with your actual appearance, and biometric data is accurate
Only the most sophisticated police, corporate or government checks will pick up the errors.  Good enough for banking and commercial air travel

True: the real deal, issued by a legitimate authority with detailed biometrics and links to major databases.
These only break down when they've been 'off the grid' for an extended period of time or d-coded (deceased), otherwise, these work to spoof all major queries

player, 51 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 19:51
  • msg #21

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Hey choombas, you heard this rumour that's doing the rounds about Knight Errant and some Imperial Army Super Soldiers? Apparently the Imperial Army sent some of their ultra secret vat grown replicants to take control of the port facilities that were under a security contract with Knight Errant. There was a stand off that got resolved politically by some suits but when the Knights withdrew one of the Imperial Army Super Soldiers was missing, his tech offline and his aura impossible to find in the Astral. My source says that the Imperial Army accused Knight Errant of kidnapping him but Knight Errant deny this and maintain that one of them must have gone rogue. Who knows what's true but there certainly seems to be a heavily enhanced soldier out there somewhere, either in a lab being dissected or trying to stay hidden.<<<<<
 - posted by SparTecUs
Mr. Johnson
GM, 213 posts
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 19:38
  • msg #22

Shadowlands // BayPlex

In reply to Kord (msg # 21):

>>>>>I hear that the super soldier went rogue.  Got tired of Hai Rōshi-sama, Iie Rōshi-sama routine and decided to take an early retirement.  Left the Imps and KE finger pointing at each other.  I also hear that something is hiding out in the old abandoned Eureka tunnel.  Coincidence?<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Nah, it's nothing but ghouls and devil rats down there.  Everyone knows that.<<<<<
- posted by MuchaLucha

>>>>>Check again, Mucha. The ghouls were there, but are gone now and no one knows what happened to them.  The imps have doubled security details all over The Castro and you need a red level security pass to get anywhere near the place.  Someone is trying to keep something under wraps.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge
player, 71 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 20:12
  • msg #23

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Hey choombas, you heard that latest news report from some Prol called Brad at Action 104 News about Gang Violence up in Oakland? The DisOrder street gang taking a beating from another gang around the Children's Fairyland Amusement Park area. Three dead, one an Innocent Bystander as Brad stressed, and the StreetDocs reporting numerous other injuries.

Well what Action 104 News didn't tell you is who the other gang was, kicking hell out of DisOrder. According to a Knight Errant report I've seen it was a Chapter of the Silver Spiders, looking to get a foothold in the SoCal area. Those Silver Spiders are bad news choombas, even for a street gang. I came off worse against them a couple of years back in NYC. Big enough already to be a franchise set up that's spreading round the continent and with organised crime connections supposedly backing them. But most of all because they're racist in the 20th century meaning of the word. There are other human only gangs who hate Metahumans but there aren't many who also hate non whites and proudly display it, shaving their heads and tattooing silver spider's webs on their skulls, each little spider in the web marking someone they've geeked. Their rep proceeds them and their markings make their allegiance clear.

They look like they mean trouble and they are trouble so why isn't it being reported that they're making a move into SoCal? Are the rumours true that the Silver Spiders are connected to the Russian Mafia and that the Russian Mafia are connected to Knight Errant. Who knows but Brad at Action 104 News should have mentioned it in his report and its omission means something. Action 104 News is a subsidiary of MCT so it implies that MCT are suppressing the information for Knight Errant. Why would they do that? It smacks of a conspiracy to me!

Or am I just barking at the moon again! Hooowwwwllll!<<<<<
 - posted by SparTecUs
Mr. Johnson
GM, 299 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 19:11
  • msg #24

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>The Knight Errant East Oakland detachment is one of the toughest beats in the division. Who is surprised that the cops out there turn a blind eye to gang-on-gang violence?  What difference does it make if a few dirtbags geek each other?<<<<>
-posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>Am I the only one who thinks that Brad’s journalistic integrity may be in question?  If MCT finds out he is covering up dirt on a major competitor (Ares) the Brad is going to be out of a job pretty quick.  Those Corp news outfits don’t like it when the reports help out the competition. Bad for the bottom line, you know?<<<<<
-posted by Editor.Oakland.Tribune
player, 72 posts
Sun 10 May 2020
at 21:27
  • msg #25

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Need NC ASAP! It's critical Shadowlanders, minutes count, don't leave me hangin.<<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>I got you DZ, I'll hit you up in Meatspace. Stand by.<<<<<
-posted by L1zza

>>>>>L1zzas a chummer but I need /quantity/ people, like twenty kg. I've got the sticks, I just need that Yay like yesterday!<<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>No Joke! I thought we had some novahot Runner types on here. Hook it up!<<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>I'll take some R-Mesc if I need to, but same conditions, fast fast fast and lots of it. <<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>I can get you in touch with BKR for a small fee, they will def have what you need.<<<<<
-posted by Shashlik

-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>Banda Kalifornia Russians, they're legit, although most of them are not actually Russian. A lot of Ukrainians, Belorussians, Khazaks, etc.<<<<<
-posted by KAZoo

>>>>>Yeah, if you're serious those are your guys. You want a few lines you can go with your local dealer, you want a kg, you can go with your local gang, you want a truck load, some hot red headed Dwarf twins and a Barghest puppy, BKR can get it to you before noon.<<<<<
-posted by Shashlik

>>>>>Never heard of them. They Vory? Not that I care, just new to me.<<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>Kind of? They used to be kind of a Vory feeder gang, but a bunch of the smart ones realized they could make more selling to and networking for the Vory than actually being members, probably safer too. They are kind of your slav nerds that never would have made it as muscle or gun slingers. Now they specialize in all the weird drek the Jap suits get up to on their days off. Very weird, very specific requests are their thing. Like if you actually want to buy a submarine or something, those kids can get it to you. Going to cost you though. <<<<< -posted by KAZoo

>>>>>KAZ is half right. Don't bother them with small scale orders, but I wouldn't call them kids either. They may not be Vory, but they still know Vory, and they've got more than enough NuYen to subcontract for all the wet work stuff.<<<<<
-posted by Shashlik

>>>>>They're kids, rich kids, but they've only been in business for like five years. One of their founding members started with a family Banya up off Lombard that the Vory used to use. They built up from there, quick, but I don't think any of them are over thirty, if that. They spend money like kids too, "flashy" does not do it justice.<<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>Barghest puppy! Yeah Omae! Hook it up, I'll pay.<<<<<
-posted by DangerZone

>>>>>Sending now. Tell them I sent you.<<<<<
-posted by Shashlik
Mr. Johnson
GM, 335 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 02:50
  • msg #26

Shadowlands // BayPlex

In reply to Grendel (msg # 25):

>>>>>Most gangs make their cred trading in volume of smaller illegal transactions, but not these Boyeviks. Banda Kaliforniya is a tight knit group of guys running with Viktor's blessing as long as they don't cut into his profit margins.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge
player, 79 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #27

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>> Saw Danis picked up the Mirage, he was takin' a jander around the Bay showin' it off. Bike is tricked out!<<<<<
- posted by RedCrane

>>>>>Damn keeb's all cred. Won't be long before he writes it off.<<<<<
- posted by DataFix69

>>>>>Yeah. Someone really should take it off his hands before that happens. Wouldn't want a beautiful bike such as that all fragged up.<<<<<
- posted by RedCrane

>>>>> ;) <<<<<
-posted by DataFix69
Mr. Johnson
GM, 422 posts
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 08:03
  • msg #28

Shadowlands // BayPlex

In reply to Hellfire (msg # 27):

posted 28 Oct 2059

>>>>>I hear that spell slinging keeb will be riding that tricked out bike in Emeryville in Devil’s Night.<<<<<
- posted by Bad Blood

>>>>>Yeah, so? What’s the big deal?<<<<<
- posted by webZilla

>>>>>What are you, new? Devil’s Night... the night that the Imperials let the i-marines off the chain to raise a little hell in Orkland.<<<<<
- posted by Bad Blood

>>>>>If killing innocents and collecting ears as trophies is ‘raising a little hell’ boy do we have a problem with perspective.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>OK, so one elf on a tricked out bike is gonna stop the imps? That doesn’t scan.<<<<<
- posted by webZilla

>>>>>A lot of Orklanders ride in Devil’s Night webZilla. They hit the streets and give some back to the i-marines, help protect those who can’t protect themselves.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Isn’t that suicidal? The imps will just roll on them with t-birds and VTOLs.<<<<<
- posted by webZilla

>>>>>Not since Herr Diet decreed the Devil’s Night raids verboten ... any of them who fall prey to Orkland’s defenders is declared a deserter. Plausible deniability.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Yet they keep in coming across the bridge. Every year like clockwork. Stupid fraggers.<<<<<
- poster by Bad Blood

>>>>>Hate is a powerful motivator and I’ve heard rumours that new troops have to participate to prove their commitment to the Empire.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Hell with this fraggers. I’ll ride with the Orklanders!<<<<<
- posted by webZilla

>>>>>BayPlexBeat does not endorse or condone violence of any kind and strongly encourages our readers to stay indoors and avoid confrontation with anyone in Devil’s Night. Stay safe friends.<<<<<
- posted by DeiterX

>>>>>Remember Joanna Wilde.<<<<<
- posted by Bad Blood
player, 96 posts
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 17:17
  • msg #29

Shadowlands // BayPlex

posted 28 Oct 2059

>>>>>Not many will remember, but Devil's Night gos way back to before the Japs showed up. It was actually a tradition in the Ares educational sector long before the occupation, and it used to be way smaller in scale.<<<<<
- posted by OniO-yoroi

>>>>>I'm calling bull Oni, educational sector? Like teachers and drek?<<<<<
- posted by TenderLoin

>>>>>Not school teachers. Ares preps their Security prospects young, lets them ride around on patrol in the safer areas when they are old enough. But the way I heard it was that one of these teenagers got mixed up in a fire fight across the bridge and came back some sort of hero. After that, all the kids wanted to ride in Orkland to get a kill of their own, but the Corp wouldn't let them.<<<<<
- posted by OniO-yoroi

>>>>>I love Oni storytime! *eats popcorn*.<<<<<
- posted by TJKawai

>>>>>Fraggers are nuts to put kids in uniform down there, the locals would be licking their chops.<<<<<
- posted by NappaRed

>>>>>So you can probably see where this is going. Just because the Corp said no publicly, behind the scenes it was a different story. You have heard of the Crypteia? It's how the ancient Spartans used to pick out leadership potential in recruits. Turn their kids out into the countryside to kill Helot slaves. In this case they limit themselves to just one night a year.<<<<<
- posted by OniO-yoroi.

>>>>>Still don't see those kids lasting very long in Orkland, no matter what hardware they let them borrow<<<<<
- posted by NappaRed.

>>>>>Devil's Night was not a "thing" yet, Orklanders had no idea it was going on. Took them a few years to notice the pattern and for the stories to get out.<<<<<
- posted by OniO-yoroi.

>>>>>So if it was an Ares thing why do the Imperial Marines do it now?. Seems weird.<<<<<
- posted by TJKawai.

>>>>>That I don't know, all I can say is that it used to be just a few Ares CorpSec Recruits creeping around killing homeless and strays. How it turned into a annual night long slugfest for the Imperial Marines? No idea. <<<<<
- posted by OniO-yoroi.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:53, Sun 23 Jan 2022.
player, 18 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 02:08
  • msg #30

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>hey I just got a message about changes to CalHealth? wtf is this? why am I getting this?<<<<<
-posted by blublob

>>>>>First time with a SIN? They update provider lists monthly with clinics that accept the Free State Health Program. Clinics falling off and on constantly.<<<<<
-posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>BayPlexBeat does not condone or endorse the manufacture, sale, or improper use of national or corporate SIN or other forms of identification. Anyone who posts information about acquiring or utilizing a SIN improperly will be banned and reported to authorities.<<<<<
-posted by DeiterX

>>>>>We know!<<<<<
-posted by PeaNutGalley

>>>>>blublob if you're in need of medical care avoid any place on that list! CalHealth reports all SINs that claim benefits to Imp for background checks.<<<<<
-posted by 90sBabyBaby

>>>>>Imp background check is thorough but they're months behind for low level shit like clinics. Just make sure you toss the SIN after they've given you the antibiotic<<<<<
-posted by BadBlood

>>>>Seriously? Any more and I'm shutting this thread down.<<<<<
-posted by DeiterX

>>>>>We know!<<<<<
-posted by PeaNutGalley

>>>>>DO NOT USE THE IMPERIAL MEDICAL CLINIC IN ORKLAND! theyr collecting dna samples from goblinoids to make some sort of gene-weapon! READ MORE HERE [link disabled]<<<<<
-posted by RealMedicalNews!

>>>>>Ok, RMN has posted, this is officially a dead thread. Everyone go home.<<<<<
-posted by DeiterX

>>>>>We know!<<<<<
-posted by PeaNutGalley
player, 12 posts
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #31

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Anyone heard from the Sisters of Ariadne in Marin City? No one is answering my calls<<<<<
- posted by Punk_Pagan

>>>>>It's not you, its them?<<<<<
- posted by Greasy

>>>>>Helpful... Serious responses only, or I'll look for you, and you won't like if I find you.<<<<<
- posted by Punk_Pagan

>>>>>Rumor has it that that cabal got into something a little too powerful<<<<
- posted by Carli

>>>>>That doesn't scan, the sisters don't quest for power.  More likely they ran up against something they couldn't handle. There was something about them trying to drive the pollution out of the old Mare Island Shipyard awhile back<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Nah, I heard they were snooping around the old Six Flags in Vallejo, locals stay out of that place, they say the old park is teeming with undead<<<<
- posted by Arcainine

>>>>>Toxic spirits? Shedim? Horrors?<<<<<
- posted by Punk_Pagan

>>>>>Abominations, all. An affront to nature<<<<<
- posted by Orange Queen
Mr. Johnson
GM, 532 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #32

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>> Begin Forwarded Message <<<<<
>>>>>So is the People’s University and accredited degree granting institution? I don’t see it listed among the options offered for academic upgrading through my HR office.<<<<<
- posted by GoWestYoungMan
>>>>> End Forwarded Message <<<<<

>>>>>Ummmm... just no. What is it with this guy?<<<<<
- posted by ShrimpBoyChow

>>>>>PU is fully independent and suffers no government interference and is beholden to no corporate masters.<<<<<
- posted by Independent_Academic

>>>>>Excerpt from “A People’s History of People’s University” by DeiterX
It was only a matter of time before the money dried up and Berkeley had to shutter its doors. The university just couldn’t stay competitive in the new world order where education had become synonymous with corporate training programs. Admissions had dropped to a trickle and the University just couldn’t pay the bills. But nature abhors a vacuum and the people of the BayPlex have proven that they won’t all cowtow to corporate and government masters. A small, motivated crowd of free thinkers just took up residence in the old campus, set up a democratically elected academic board and started running courses. It’s all volunteer based, there is no real academic oversight but that’s not important to the PU crowd. The ideas, the education, the knowledge are far more important than an impressively framed price of paper.<<<<<
- posted by Independent_Academic

>>>>>What do you get when you put a bunch of young men and women together in college but take out all the normal ‘rules’ that a permanent faculty might impose?<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Elf girls gone wild!<<<<<
- posted by MuchaLucha

>>>>Get yer head out the gutter.<<<<<
- posted by Independent_Academic

>>>>>So much for freedom of expression...<<<<<
- posted by MuchaLucha

>>>>>Not what I had in mind, chummer.  You get a lot of creativity and a healthy dose of listlessness. That’s the kind of combination that breeds a thing like The Circle. Smart kids playing a game of one-ups-manship with no one in any kind of authority to shut them down.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Strictly small time.  Prep school dropouts parading as crimelords.<<<<<
- posted by Blanky

>>>>>Well they stepped in it now that’s all I’m gonna say.<<<<<
- posted by Shashlik

>>>>>No one can put anything about that gambling parlour on them.<<<<<
- posted by Blanky

>>>>>Not yet. Shadowbuzz says someone is looking ... and I wouldn’t wanna be found by those someones.<<<<<
- posted by Shashlik

>>>>>I’m not worried.<<<<<
- posted by Perfecto

>>>>>You should be. We shall send flowers to the funeral.<<<<<
- posted by Nobunga's Ambitions

>>>>Bet they're black chrysanthemums.<<<<<
- posted by Shashlik
player, 18 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 06:48
  • msg #33

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>I heard it's Alamos 20,000 that made Renraku lockdown in Seattle, looking for a repeat of the Sears Tower, what better target then Seattle? Highest population density of metahumans on the whole west coast.<<<<<
- posted by rAider

>>>>>Sure Seattle has high percentages of metahumans, but not downtown in the Arc, that just doesn't scan chummer."
- posted by Adder

>>>>>Neither did Sears Tower. Or Ohio for that matter. Don't try to put any thought or logic into what they do. Those animals just want to destroy.<<<<<
- posted by Punk_Pagan

>>>>>Metaskum gonna burn!<<<<<
- posted by RealMan

>>>>>Metaskum like 'The Troll' and 'The Loon'? Face it, all you true believers fighting in the name of the cause are being played. The Alamos 20K Directors are playing terrorist to gain market share. It's a business model, not a movement.<<<<<
- posted by Pistol_Pete

>>>>>Well, that would explain Renraku. If the Directors are looking at cutting the knees out from under a competitor, what better way than to ruin their flagship investment?<<<<<
- posted by Adder

>>>>>Racial purity now! Orkz and elfz die!<<<<<
- posted by RealMan

>>>>>I'm thinking of hiring a decker just to find that guy on pure principle.<<<<<
- posted by Adder
This message was lightly edited by the player at 07:23, Sun 06 Feb 2022.
Mr. Johnson
GM, 608 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 04:36
  • msg #34

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Well, well, well.  Look what’s recently floated to the surface. Not sure who dug this little gem up, but those tech specs at the end are going to make travelling in the shattered hosts of SAC RTG a lot easier. Have fun and play safe shadow kiddies!<<<<<
-posted by GhostXero

Neurotech proprietary information - For official use only
Operation Lights Out

15Mp of data corrupted and unreadable… 7:L-cvvq scope of work will include covert deployment of the Lights Out payload, exploitation of vulnerable systems and termination of active intrusion on order. Initially …25 Mp of data corrupted and unreadable… &gy?:aw contracted support primarily to ensure deniability and avoid attribution for the intrusion. Critical to success will be maintaining control of the code 9(:nmy^{ …46 Mp of data corrupted and unreadable… ok?-3 did not go as planned. Lights Out payload became uncontrollable in the host system. Immediately attacked our contracted support and remained unresponsive to the termination codes that were to have been built into the system. We can offer no explanation why the codes were unsuccessful, but there remains suspicion that the project was infiltrated by a Californian agent. Regardless there was uM2?#%€…61 Mp of data corrupted and unreadable…}%,\{jr technical specifications of the second termination payload. Using a code inject to bypass the mutated verification algorithm and establish a reverse terminal command shell to take control of the malware. Modelling indicates the following code sequence has a 83.67% chance of successfully disabling the rogue malware …25Mp of technical data follow
Mr. Johnson
GM, 950 posts
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 03:21
  • msg #35

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Who has a good rumor?<<<<<
- posted by MuchaLucha

>>>>>Who doesn't on these boards... here's the latest shadowbuzz... Wuxing is making a play in the Bay.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Ur a poet!<<<<<
- posted by MuchaLucha

>>>>A man of many talents.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>So what's the play hombre?<<<<<
- posted by MuchaLucha

>>>>>Only the Board of Directors knows for sure, but folks are talking and runners are lining up for employment opportunities.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>Blood in the boardroom 2.0<<<<<
- posted by Blanky

>>>>>I'd watch out for the Imperial Kempeitai. The Son of Heaven doesn't like foreign competitions<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge
Mr. Johnson
GM, 1057 posts
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 14:38
  • msg #36

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Hey chummers, settle a bet will ya? Is there an Ancients chapter in San Fran?<<<<<
- posted by Doggrel

>>>>>They know to stay out of our turf<<<<<
- posted by RisingSunRonin

>>>>>It’s a bit more complicated than that, but the end result is pretty much the same. The Ronin rule the highways of the west ‘plex, from San Fran south to Daly City and Pacifica. The Blindfish own the other side of the bay from Berkeley through Orkland down to Hayward. San Jose is contested territory. There might be Ancients down that way. They definitely have a charter in LA.<<<<<
- posted by StreetKnowledge

>>>>>StreetKnowledge always has the chiptruth! That’s 50¥ my way.<<<<<
- posted by Doggrel
Mr. Johnson
GM, 1068 posts
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 06:07
  • msg #37

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>OK, so double or nothing. Need another fact check to pad my credstick. Anyone remember that episode of Karl Kombatmage where Karl has to track down the retired combat biker so he can get the old guy to reenact the big game so the ghost of the Mustang's linebiker could find peace?<<<<<
- posted by Doggrel

>>>>>Episode 48. "Dead Man's Wish"<<<<<
- posted by KarlFan69

>>>>>Yeah, that's the one. So after Karl gets the old guy's crashpads from the Rattler's hall of fame and he find's the guy's lucky charm shark tooth, Karl uses some kind of ritual hoodoo to track him down in that cabin up in the Sierra Nevada mountains. My chummer says that kind of mojo is for real, but I call bulldrek on that. Spells and spirits, OK, but that kind of stuff is just for the trids, right?<<<<<
- posted by Doggrel

>>>>>You should have quit while you were ahead Doggrel. That kind of magic is real. With the right kind of connection, a mage can track someone through the astral as long as they aren't hidden behind some kind of ward or using spells to cleanse their connections to material objects.<<<<<
- posted by Arcaine

>>>>>Aw dammit. There goes that 50¥.<<<<<
- posted by Doggrel

>>>>>Just like episode 71. "Easy come, easy go."<<<<<
- posted by KarlFan69
player, 45 posts
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 14:16
  • msg #38

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>> So I heard this rumour that there's a streetdoc in the plex that EATS the tissue and organs he takes out of his patients during surgery... but since he takes what he eats off their bill, some people go there for cheap surgeries? That can't POSSIBLY be a real thing, can it? <<<<<
- posted by Midori in 'Rumours, Myths and Legends'

>>>>> Anyone know where I can find a young female Japanese elf in the 'plex? Not for perverted reasons, I promise. <<<<<
- posted by Midori in 'Seeking...'

>>>>>  Doggrel, you need to come here BEFORE making your bets if you want a chance to keep your ¥. Don't believe me? 100¥ on if you ask your next question here first, you'll win your next bet. Willing to take that action? xo <<<<<
- posted by Midori in 'Double or Nothing'
player, 19 posts
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #39

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>>>Heard Knights were crawling all over Lorenzo last night. Anyone know what was that about?<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl

>>>>>Sources tell me there was a body. Holes from head to toe.<<<<<
- posted by CleanCase

>>>>>Body full of holes? In the barrens? Wow! Regular Tues<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl

>>>>>Not bullet holes. Pricks. Pinpricks and not a drop of blood anywhere, inside or out.<<<<<
- posted by CleanCase

>>>>>So? Guy caught the bug and got weird with the fun. Why would they care if it clears out some squatters? Knights take a step in the barrens like once a year or 2<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl

>>>>>That’s the question. Haven’t the faintest.<<<<<
- posted by CleanCase

>>>>>Close. But bugs had nothing to do with this.<<<<<
- posted by OwlInTheNight

>>>>>Duh. I was talking about HMVV. Vampire or something<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl

>>>>>HMHVV. And what do you mean by “close”? How close?<<<<<
- posted by CleanCase

>>>>>I looked after Knight Errant left. Mages do not know how to look. A shaman could have found what becomes clear as a day in the night.<<<<<
- posted by OwlInTheNight

>>>>>A day in the night. Hoot-hoot!<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl

>>>>>They were difficult to spot. A faintest glimmer in the night. Then I saw the thousands. The thousands in every nook and cranny, all fat and happy with the fat man’s blood.<<<<<
- posted by OwlInTheNight

>>>>>Are you saying what I think you’re saying?<<<<<
- posted by CleanCase

>>>>>No. I did not see six legs. Nothing with six legs. Only eight.<<<<<
- posted by OwlInTheNight

>>>>>That’s the biggest load of drek I ever heard<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl

>>>>>Right. No one has ever seen hide nor hair of anything like that. No one.<<<<<
- posted by CleanCase

>>>>>No one? Have you spoken to everyone? She is infinitely patient. And the patient have much time to think.<<<<<
- posted by OwlInTheNight

>>>>>Cool story. Now buzz off drekhead<<<<<
- posted by LostGirl
This message was last edited by the player at 07:27, Wed 15 Nov 2023.
player, 75 posts
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 11:11
  • msg #40

Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>> Looking to hire a decker for some ongoing work, nothing too spooky. I'll pay good for discretion. <<<<
- posted by Midori
NPC, 171 posts
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 08:07
  • msg #41

Re: Shadowlands // BayPlex

>>>> Looking to hire a decker for some ongoing work, nothing too spooky. I'll pay good for discretion. <<<<
- posted by Midori

>>>>:: LTG# 206 (52-4667)<<<<<
-posted by Splinter
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