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22:48, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind.

Posted by The HazeFor group 0
The Haze
GM, 488 posts
Can you stop it?
We will see...
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #31

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

In reply to Star Hair (msg # 30):

OOC-11:48, Today: Secret Roll: The Haze, on behalf of Star Hair, rolled 15 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 8.

Indeed, Star Hair does find a large clue. Bloodstains near one of the energy burns. The old blood trail seems to lead over the side of the edge of the roof, and then spills down into the street below. Which of course, causes her to look into a horde of the things milling about. While she quickly tries to hide herself, she does notice a blood mark on the warehouse across the street. Whoever was hurt might be hiding in there...but that was over a month ago.

OOC-Please make another stealth check, Star Hair...
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:52, Fri 14 July 2023.
Star Hair
Altered Human, 53 posts
Strong and tough
Prehensile hair
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 15:57
  • msg #32

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

(OOC: 11:53, Today: Star Hair rolled 14 using 1d20 with rolls of 14.  Stealth roll.)

 Star Hair hopes the didnt see her and she moves out of site and says as quietly as she can to the others" I see blood stains on the warehouse next door maybe they wet in there."
Artificial life form, 72 posts
D-8, P-8, F-8, W-7
T-8, injury=0, HP-1
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 15:58
  • msg #33

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

(OOC - I am good with that, sorry was waiting for another person to post)

13 continues to follow along with the portals staying a building back.

When Sam comes back and relays she does not really know what to respond to it and lets the seniors of the team take that answer.
Human level infected
NPC, 6 posts
Former human
Beta Infected
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #34

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

In reply to Star Hair (msg # 32):

OOC-11:58, Today: Human level infected rolled 14 using 1d20 with rolls of 14.  Perception . That is with all the mods against them as well...

Even as Star Hair pulls away from the ledge, one elderly man-still wearing bifocals looked up. The infected saw the trailing glowing blue hair, and let out a keening wail. Sounding something between a hungry child and a outraged rabid animal. Quickly others in the almost sea of bodies picked up the cry, and the wave of infected moved against Star Hair's building.

While fast on the ground, they also climb fairly quickly-although not at a superhuman level. They are strong, and agile. Having an almost animal like grace and natural skill of athletics. Even the very old and very young have the strength to scale the side of the building. Some do indeed fall, but instantly get up showing no sign of injury or pain.

Only hunger and rage at being denied their prey.

(OOC-Combat has begun! All players roll initiative. Star Hair is closest, and the others will have to spend at least one move action or more to get to her. When people go is important in this combat, so we will be doing individual initiative. The are unseen forces who will react depending on what you do right now...)
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 16:14, Fri 14 July 2023.
Psychic, 82 posts
Dissonant Telepath
Former Sidekick
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 16:48
  • msg #35

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Crouched near the edge of the roof on a nearby building, Schism swore softly as the first of the infected responded to Starhair's presence.  "Shit.  Time for evasion."  He noted, one hand rising to rest against his temple as he modified his signal into a single coherent pulse.  'If you can lose them, now's the time.'  Schism sent, his telepathic broadcast striking every sentient mind within range even as he looked back toward the others.  "Thirteen if Sam can't get away on her own can you grab her and jump until you lose them?"

OOC:  Switching to Neural Dispath, message reaches every mind within 100ft.
13:46, Today: Schism rolled 14 using 1d20+6 ((8)).

Star Hair
Altered Human, 55 posts
Strong and tough
Prehensile hair
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 14:29
  • msg #36

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

 Sam had an idea," Ok 13 and I will lead them away you investigate the warehouse, if you need help we will come and join you or a fast exit." Sam would get ready to use her hair to go to another building and lead the horde away from the warehouse. " You ok with that 13""

(OOC: 12:15, Today: Star Hair rolled 21 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 17.  Initiative)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:24, Sun 16 July 2023.
Artificial life form, 73 posts
D-8, P-8, F-8, W-7
T-8, injury=0, HP-1
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 00:02
  • msg #37

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

"On it and yes very OK with it." 13 says as she gets ready to teleport over.  She knows that Sam would not be able to be teleported back as she can only take people through portals but has an idea on how to take away a lot of the being if needed.

Initiative - 10
Amorphous being, 91 posts
D4 P4 T6(12)
Will 6 Fort 10
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 15:37
  • msg #38

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

"I'll try to stop'em getting up to us!" Puddle shouts to the rest of the heroes nearby. He looks around for something he can use.

11:35, Today: Puddle rolled 18 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 16.  Initiative.

Human level infected
NPC, 7 posts
Former human
Beta Infected
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #39

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Even as the infected climb towards Star Hair, the city seems to respond to the roaring wail that has risen from this section of the town. People can be seen leaping out of windows and off roofs just to get to her, despite the fact they are no where nearby to reach their target. They fall short, smashing down to the concreate and lay still. For a little while anyways...

OOC-Combat is started! All players may post, expect for 13! She has to wait until after the infected post.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:08, Mon 17 July 2023.
Star Hair
Altered Human, 56 posts
Strong and tough
Prehensile hair
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 16:12
  • msg #40

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

 Star Hair will use her hair, speed and strength to move to a closer higher building and lead the horde away from the warehouse so the others could investigate as she and 13 lure the infected away.
Psychic, 83 posts
Dissonant Telepath
Former Sidekick
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 17:20
  • msg #41

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Remaining in position beside the limited cover the lip of the roof provided, Schism nodded sharply in agreement as the teleporter headed out.  There was little he could do against the sheer numbers of the Infected, certainly not without attracting attention, which meant keeping low.  Gesturing for Puddle to do the same, he waited, senses honed on the motions of his teammates.

OOC: Remaining in place on the higher roof and delaying until after Thirteen.
Amorphous being, 92 posts
D4 P4 T6(12)
Will 6 Fort 10
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 18:21
  • msg #42

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

"If they want to be bait I'm happy to let them" Puddle whispers to Schism. "You want to use your laser thing to get down into the warehouse?"

OOC: Holding I guess
Human level infected
NPC, 9 posts
Former human
Beta Infected
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 18:59
  • msg #43

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Even as Star Hair moves away from the Warehouse and travels via her shining locks as tendril-like limbs, there is more howling and cries of fury. While easily avoiding the Infected scaling the building after her, the building she is using are also full of the howling hungry hanger-ons.

Even as she extends her hair and pulls herself to a nearby building, infected leap from the windows trying to grab her. Some leap off the roof of that building to try and land on her. Others manage to make the jump from other rooftops to get very close to touching her.

They all fail. Star Hair's glowing do slaps away any of them who get to close. Or, they act as  a swingline and just move her body out of the way of the incoming attack. Or the snag a falling infected and toss them at another incoming body.

So far, Star Hair is untouched. But its clear to her these creatures fight as a pack. They are wolves working as one to take down a mighty moose. Sooner or later...the moose gets eaten of there are enough wolves.

OOC-14:51, Today: Secret Roll: Human level infected rolled 15 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 5.  Attack on Star Hair. Star Hair went full defense and even with the infected's level of teamwork they fail to hit her.

13-and the rest of the team, are up!

Artificial life form, 74 posts
D-8, P-8, F-8, W-7
T-8, injury=0, HP-1
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 04:37
  • msg #44

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

13 teleports right beside Sam and then opens a portal that can be used for their escape right beside where Sam is and open to a building nearby where they can stick to the wall and still be completely viewable by the infected.  She prepares to open another portal if she is wrong but that is something she will decide as a team with Sam's input.  Still when there, "Shall we move next door!"
Psychic, 84 posts
Dissonant Telepath
Former Sidekick
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 11:19
  • msg #45

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

'I might need a hand getting over to the roof or down to ground level if you've got a faster method than the stairs, but I can get us in pretty quietly.  Just need to let them pull attention away first.'  The psychic offered to his verdant companion, his telepathic burst carefully tuned to reach only a few meters out before glancing toward the retreating glimmer of Star Hair.  He didn't particularly like the idea of letting half the team play bait, but both girls seemed confident in their ability to evade the Infected and they were certainly more capable of getting the job done than he was.

Once the way was clear, he focused briefly, intensifying the field of energy that surrounded him until the air danced with the weight of his regard.  Reaching out to press a hand against the warehouse, he let the unceasing emanation of his signal go to work, eating through matter one layer at a time.

OOC:  Waiting until the majority of the horde has moved before switching Psychic Dissonance Array to Signal Attenuation.  Possibly sacrificing a turn or two if it takes a while for the Infected to get going before heading down to start melting through a wall/roof depending on what movement options Puddle has.
Amorphous being, 93 posts
D4 P4 T6(12)
Will 6 Fort 10
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 13:25
  • msg #46

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

"Oh, I can probably lower you down" He turns his left arm into a tangle of vines "I'm plenty strong enough if I need to be. But I probably don't want to grow too much if we are flying under the radar." He nods confidently.

OOC: Elongation 4 is probably more than enough, Probably need to grow at least 2 or 3 to carry his weight.
The Haze
GM, 499 posts
Can you stop it?
We will see...
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 14:25
  • msg #47

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

In reply to Puddle (msg # 46):

OOC-Where are you lowering Schism and yourself to? A nearby building roof with no infected or street level?
Amorphous being, 94 posts
D4 P4 T6(12)
Will 6 Fort 10
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 01:04
  • msg #48

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

The Haze
GM, 501 posts
Can you stop it?
We will see...
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 19:06
  • msg #49

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

13 teleports next to Star Hair, clinging to the side of the building via one of her portals. Both Schism and Puddle proceed to move into the warehouse that the trail of combat led to. Even as Schism rips a hole into the roof via his abilities, and Puddle grows and lengthens in order to end up inside-they hear a noise outside. So do the two other members of Team Starmind.

Its sounds like a whine of some sort of high tech jet...or multiple jet packs...
Sky Pirate
NPC, 1 post
High Tech Armor
Noted for air piracy
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 19:21
  • msg #50

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

15 or more of the armored figures, wielding some sort of energy rifle, come flying from above. Only 13 has warning of their arrival, due to her keen inhuman hearing. Everyone else hears nothing until the raiders go full speed and can be heard above the roaring infected crowd. They seem to be everywhere, and proceed to open fire on all the heroes!

Schism has cover from being lowered into the warehouse, and is blasted despite his sensory powers and said cover!

Puddle also takes a blast to the back as he lowers Schism down.

13 tries a reflexive dodge, but is still struck by the multiple blasts as they seem to track her movements.

Star Hair, still moving defensively due to her avoiding all those infected-also manages to dodge the blasts aimed at her. All thanks to her reflexive hair acrobatics.


15:09, Today: Sky Pirate rolled 21 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 15.  Blasts on Schism-cover mod not added in.

15:09, Today: Sky Pirate rolled 22 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 16.  Blasts on Puddle.

15:09, Today: Sky Pirate rolled 24 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 18.  Blasts on 13, teleport defense not added in. Your teleport dodge reduces the roll by 5, however that is still a hit.

15:08, Today: Sky Pirate rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Blasts on Star Hair. Total miss even if you where not doing full defense.

Everyone who was hit must make a toughness save vs a DC 21. Fail by 0-4, you take 1 injury which reduces further toughness rolls until you heal. fail by 5-9, you are dazed so you can do a move action or an attack action-but not both. Also 1 injury. 10-14, you are staggered and close to KO, plus an injury. 15+ you are KO'd. Hero points can be spend if you roll crap.

Everyone has a group of 4+ sky pirates flying above them.

Star Hair, you can use intercept in order to take 13's damage if you want. If you do, you do not need to roll due to your impervious toughness.

Star Hair is up next, then the infected due to everyone else but 13 delaying their action to go after them. 13 goes last.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:31, Mon 24 July 2023.
Star Hair
Altered Human, 61 posts
Strong and tough
Prehensile hair
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 19:34
  • msg #51

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

 Star Hair is missed but she sees the 13 is about to get hit and she uses her interpose ability to take the hit for 13 and doesn't seem bothered by it. Sam will check her situation to see what her next move will be. Are you ok 13, stay behind me or get us out if here.

 Sam then stayed close to and in front of 13 and struck at the closet bad guy with her hair penetrating attack.

 OOC: rolled nat 1 rerolled using heropoint and got an 18 to hit
This message was last edited by the player at 00:15, Tue 25 July 2023.
Human level infected
NPC, 11 posts
Former human
Beta Infected
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 02:34
  • msg #52

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Star Hair strikes a sky pirate, causing the high tech armored figure to spin out of control while it crashes to the ground.

More infected charge up to the building roofs. Ethier jumping off higher buildings, near by windows, or just being close enough in the first place. However, no one of them reach the target.

Ooc-The infected miss Star hair and 13. They are closing in on Puddle and Schism and will be able to attack them next round.

All Players are up expect for Star Hair.

Artificial life form, 77 posts
D-8, P-8, F-8, W-7
T-8, injury=0, HP-1
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 03:25
  • msg #53

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

13 tries her best to have an idea that may help.  She wants to lead the hive mind away from them all and wonders what their reaction will be if one of the jet packed men fall into the Hive's clutches.  If he screams all the better.  So with that she teleports to the other side of the jet packed men and launches her attack before teleporting back to the safety of Sam.  "Try to hit their jetpacks maybe the infected will follow them."

Strike - 18

(OOC - Using turnabout teleport to teleport onto the other side of one of the jet packed men and using her disc to try and disable the jet pack.  Her hopes is for the man to fall and see how the infected acts.  She then will teleport back to safety of Sam

21:17, Today: Thirteen rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10.  Portal frisbee.)

Amorphous being, 97 posts
D4 P4 T6(12)
Will 6 Fort 10
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 04:01
  • msg #54

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Puddle looks up at the group of sky pirates, gauging the distance. His right arm shifts and re-grows into a viney tentacle with a moldy looking bard at the end. He swings it back and forth then lashes it out at the closest of the Sky Pirates. The root burrows in and starts to try and overtake his system.

He keeps lowering Schism down as quickly as he can while fighting off the assailants.

OOC: DC 18 against Dream Root

23:57, Today: Puddle rolled 31 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 19.  Toughness.

Psychic, 85 posts
Dissonant Telepath
Former Sidekick
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 14:38
  • msg #55

Operation Blue Crossfire-Team Starmind

Still clinging to the vines Puddle had extended to lower him down into the warehouse, Schism couldn't have responded to the incoming laser-fire even if he'd sensed the shooters.  As it was, he only had the barest warning as the horde of infected responded to their flying assailants before a bolt of energy struck his shield and sent tracers of heat searing across his shoulder.  Making a split second decision to drop the last few feet to the warehouse floor, Schism glared up at their new attackers as he focused his thoughts into a coherent blast and returned fire.

OOC:  Miraculously, Schism resisted the damage.  I don't think a critical resistance check does anything special though.
11:28, Today: Schism rolled 26 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 20.  Toughness Vs. DC 21 .
If the Sky Pirates above him are within 60ft Schism will try and catch 1 or more with Signal Coherence (Damage 8; T-DC 23: Area (60ft Line) +2/r, Penetrating VIII +8f) if not, he'll use Signal Collapse (Damage 8; T-DC 23: Increased Range (Perception) +2/r, Penetrating VIII +8f) on the nearest one before moving away from the hole in the roof to get better cover.

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