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02:14, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Beginner's Guide to Character Making.

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The Collective
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Tue 6 Feb 2024
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Beginner's Guide to Character Making

The World of Project Sound Souls is similar to our own in some ways - It has the same geography and many of the same cultures, for instance - But there are many more ways in which it is different. The first major one is, of course, its history, but we already have a document about that right here. By contrast, this document is meant to be a direct aide for players, providing an overview of the setting’s races, factions, power systems (yes, power systems in plural) and other relevant terminology as the characters in the setting know them - The main purpose of which is to allow potential players to have more of a basis to construct their characters, similar to a Player’s Handbook in a traditional TTRPG like Dungeons & Dragons. It will likely provide the most useful for those who aren’t familiar with Soul Eater’s manga and anime, but even if you have, you might learn a thing or two. With that out of the way, let’s jump right in.
Unlike in most tabletop RPGs, your character in Project Sound Souls does not have to be on the same team as the rest, and is allowed to be a member of any group in the game world or start out independent, with characters changing sides over the course of the story also being an expected outcome. Keep in mind that most factions on this list are currently disbanded, but there’s no telling how many survivors each one of them has left behind…
Death’s Weapon and Meister Academy
Usually abbreviated as DWMA or Shibusen for foreigners, Death’s Weapon and Meister Academy is the dominant power on Earth, to which all Human nations answer. Controlled by Lord Death and his closest followers, DWMA’s primary base is in Death City in Nevada and functions as a school which trains Human Meisters and Weapons to use their powers in defense of Humanity and the World. As part of the curriculum, students are expected to team up in pairs of Meister and Weapon (or rarely multiple Weapons) and take missions in which they exterminate threats around the World. Player characters siding with DWMA can be students, teachers, or members of one of its military divisions.
World Heroes Force
Adults who affiliate with DWMA, including its teachers and faculty, as well as graduate students can continue to serve their duty as part of Shibusen’s global military, the World Heroes Force, which in addition to Meister and Weapon pairs also consists of trained standalone combatants and soldiers. It has specialized branches such as the Air and Space Division, the Commando Force, the Technology Division and DWMA Central Intelligence Agency, which deals with covert operations and information gathering. The actual military also has eight branches corresponding to the World's continents (North and South America, East and West Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Oceania) respectively.
The Witch Order
In many respects the equal and opposite of DWMA as well as the only other faction that hasn’t been destroyed, the Witch Order is the highest authority of all the World’s Witches. Its territory is in its own separate World - Known to Humanity as the Realm of Witches - And formed as the conglomeration of many Cohorts, groups akin to noble houses founded by individual powerful Witches and those who have their trust, who have all united under one ruler, the Grand Queen. Much like countries on Earth, individual Cohorts have the freedom to act independently and pursue their goals both inside and outside the Realm of Witches.
The Traitors
A small Court with virtually no known members apart from its now-dead leader. It has gained its name due to their main method of operations being the use of both Magic and a specially-crafted venom to place many Humans (including a few Meisters and Weapons) under mind control and having them do the dirty work. They attacked Death City over two years ago and were stomped out by Shibusen after an antidote to the poison was developed.
Another, similar Cohort founded by the sole survivor of an Earth-born Witch clan which was destroyed by Lord Death’s forces prior to DWMA’s founding. Their membership was diverse, consisting of multiple Humans, Phantoms and others, and had made use of their patented Soul Cocoons to weld multiple souls together and use them as a Demonic power source - With the people whose souls were sacrificed being reanimated as soulless Zombies known as the Paramyres.
An organization commanding advanced Magical technology and armies of Evil Humans and Golems. Originally residing in Baba Yaga Castle at the Amazon River Basin, Arachnophobia had global levels of influence and stationed multiple Madness Amplifier Devices around the World before being taken down in an all-out war by Medusa’s Army and Shibusen.
Clown Legion
The forces of the Demon God Asura, which proved to be the deadliest threat Humanity has ever seen so far. Having resurrected after being sealed away for centuries, Asura settled on Earth’s Moon and began radiating his Madness from it, forming it into an army of aberrant Angels known as the Clowns. In addition to those, Asura had many worshippers such as Magic Weapons, Ghosts and Demons who faced Death’s forces before his demise.
Medusa’s Army
A mysterious group founded by Medusa Gorgon, a rogue Witch who formed alliances with many powerful beings in both Earth and the Realm of Witches in an attempt to make her child, Crona, into the next Demon God. The latter was eventually defeated and revealed to DWMA that Medusa is now dead, but a few other members of her conspiracy are known to still be at large.
Character progression in Project Sound Souls is all about individual skill and power over predetermined races and classes, but that doesn't mean you can't start as one of the setting's many unique species! Just keep in mind that this will affect the story as much as gameplay and prioritize characterization over minmaxing, especially since any "racial" ability can be acquired by members of other races later on. There might even be ways to change your character's species at some points.
The primary population of Earth who were created by Lord Death and, along with Weapons, constitute the bulk of DWMA's membership. They are generally peaceful when left to their own devices, but with the right training there's nothing stopping them from becoming powerful Magic-users, Psychics, armed or unarmed warriors and of course, Meisters. Also keep in mind that Humans and the rest of the animal kingdom are not quite the same in this World as they are in real life, simply by virtue of being hand-crafted by a God rather than emerged through billions of years of evolutionary trial and error. Periods? Men with nipples? A blind spot in the eye? A spine that's not quite used to standing on two legs? Bowels that produce waste and need to deposit it out of the body? In Project Sound Souls, even simple mortals won't have to worry about any of these.
Evil Humans
Humans (or rarely other animals) who mutated as the result of consuming other Human souls. This grants them an extended lifespan and enhanced physical abilities at the cost of sanity and taints their souls, turning them into Demon Eggs. As a Human soul goes through this process, their body follows suit, mutating and becoming inhuman and monstrous. This seemingly carries over to one's offspring (if they still have the capacity to reproduce, that is) and has resulted in several species of "Monsters", animals and Humans that are naturally born with Demon Egg souls, granting them an even more bizarre physiology that allows them to grow from fetuses to children to adults within weeks.
Deceased Humans and other animals who were reanimated using Black Magic or similar methods, and as a result are not alive in the traditional sense, which enables them to survive mortal injuries and conditions that would be deadly for the living as they no longer require rest, nourishment or even air. Many of them lack souls altogether, which usually results in them being bound to the service of their creator, even when their brains are still  active.
Strange Humanoids who originate from the enigmatic dimension known as the Realm of Witches. Witches are intelligent, long-lived and have a natural affinity with Magic, often having their own individualized set of spells, which commonly follows an animal theme. Their powerful souls are highly sought after by DWMA's Magic Weapons and those like them. There also exist male Witches, known as Wizards, but those are rare and have been driven to near-extinction as a result of most Witches favoring the use of Magical science to produce offspring asexually.
Mystic Weapons
Beings (either Humans, animals, artificial beings or even Witches) endowed with the power to take the form of a weapon or tool. They generally fight with a partner who wields their Weapon form, known as a Meister, and their ability to fight changes the more or less compatible their souls are. A Human and a Weapon's offspring is always a Weapon.
Shadow Weapons
Weapons capable of taking multiple different Weapon forms, otherwise known as High-performance Multi-form Weapons. Their assortment of forms generally follows a stylistic theme, such as a Weapon who can turn into different Ninja or Gladiator weapons, although some Shadow Weapons lack such a unifying them altogether.
Death Weapons
Mystic Weapons who have completely mastered their Weapon form, whether through their own effort or a God's blessing, allowing them to fight autonomously by protruding weapon parts such as blades from their Human form. Achieving this state usually requires the consumption of many souls, including Witch souls, which results in a Weapon with Magical powers. The precise control a Death Weapon has over their powers allows them to “store” souls inside themselves without consuming them and even remove souls that were eaten by another person, which combined with a Healing Wavelength, can even be used to revert a Demon Egg back into a normal soul.
Dark Weapons
Parasitic Weapons who, in lieu of a compatible Meister, are able to take control of another person's soul and body, which they use to wield their own Weapon form while sapping the energy of the "Meister" and potentially consuming their Soul.
Deadly Weapons
Magic Weapons who take a more modern Weapon form, such as a firearm or a chainsaw (or more rarely, Magic-based Weapons like wands and talismans) and use their Meister's or their own soul energy as "fuel" for their Weapon form instead of simply being physically wielded. This grants them better control of their power output than most, which they can use to moderate it to non-lethal levels or amplify it at the cost of soul energy.
Demon Weapons
Artificial or modified Weapons who are physically merged and grafted into a Meister's body, granting the Meister Weapon-like abilities and vice versa. While some of those can de-fuse from their Meister and potentially find a new one, most are permanently merged with one host.
Sometimes known as Demons or Gods (for the really powerful ones), Spirits are higher-dimensional, insubstantial living souls that form unnaturally, each one having their own unique form and properties. They frequently have Magical or Psychic abilities and can occasionally do things like phase through objects and possess people, but generally have no problems interacting with the physical World.
Spirits created from the soul of a once-living mortal, clinging to existence through sheer will due to inability to let go of unfinished business, or even more rarely, outside intervention. They retain their abilities in life (even the physical ones), but with the added kicker of Ghostly powers.
Spirits that connect with and embody "Nature", influencing things such as the weather and the growth of plants with their emotional state alone. Legend has it that some Fairies can grant wishes by combining their Magic with a wisher's spiritual power.
Unique beings spawned from the soul of a God directly. Although similar to Demons, they also maintain a connection to their creator and by extension its other Angels as a hive-mind even when having their own will and personality. While some Gods create each Angel as an individual being with its own unique traits and abilities, others create armies of identical copies of one or more types of Spawn, and others still opt for a mix of the two.
A mysterious subtype of Demons created within, and out of, the soul of another being, whether another Demon or a mortal. As the result of trauma, outside interference like Madness, or intentional creation, an Icon can cultivate within a person's mental space as an embodiment of certain aspects of that person's mind with a symbiotic or parasitic connection to their souls. These Icons nonetheless function as distinct entities and can potentially grow powerful enough to escape into the real World, while those with more powerful creators can be manifested into reality by that creator’s power even if they're completely mindless on their own, effectively becoming artificial Demons.
Artificial inorganic beings created through Magic, technology or a combination of the two. Sometimes known as Robots or Demon Tool Soldiers, they are usually built for a specific purpose and given unique functions in order to achieve it. They rarely have a soul, but even soulless Golems can be given sentience.
Deceitful beings from the Realm of Witches who can take the form of any Earth animal, including hybrid forms of multiple animals such as Humanoid Wolves and Horses or winged Monkeys. They are known to possess multiple souls and are effectively immortal, as they can not only function without their soul but also survive the destruction of their entire body.
An enigmatic race of unknown origin, Bloodsuckers sustain and heal themselves even from fatal injuries by consuming the flesh and blood of others. They have a bizarre physiology that allows them to constantly evolve and gain new abilities in response to threats, not to mention survive wounds that would otherwise be fatal, including even decapitation.
In Project Sound Souls, your physical form hardly matters - What truly matters is the soul, which every living thing has (yes, even plants and bacteria). Souls are composed of a substance known as Ectoplasm and generally take the form of a small sphere with a bomb-like wick on the right side of a person's chest, but many individuals' souls have a unique appearance matching their personality or can be expanded into a spherical aura around them. Souls can also be consumed by the living, which increases their own power and grants different effects depending on the type of soul; Magic Weapons are the most well-known for doing this.
Soul Weight
Some people have stronger souls than others, having strengthened them through training or the consumption of other souls. The way to measure a soul’s power is known as Soul Weight, which represents how many “Normal” souls it would take to match the soul power of an exceptionally strong individual - And how many souls worth of power can be gained by consuming it. This metric is known as Soul Weight because the more powerful a soul is, the “heavier” it feels, crushing weaker enemies with the equivalent of a gravitational pull of its own. Those who are both strong and skilled can utilize this directly, such as by focusing their gravity into a small point and using it to tear apart a physical target.
Soul Types
Souls vary not only in strength, but also in quality. In addition to different species having souls that function differently, such as Witch souls having a high amount of Magical power, individual circumstances can result in a person's soul being formed or turned into a unique type of soul with unique properties.
Mixed Soul
The result of one soul having the traits of multiple soul types or races, such as a hybrid of multiple races or a non-Human with a Demon Egg soul. These can also be the result of multiple beings undergoing fusion or of scientific or Magical modification.
Demon Egg
Tainted souls that result from the act of consuming "innocent" Human souls, causing the perpetrators to lose their Humanity and gain monstrous features. Ironically, Demon Egg souls can be eaten by Weapons and strengthen them with no ill effect, which makes them favored targets to DWMA's Weapons.
A rare soul type with holy properties which according to now-outdated data was thought to appear in one in fifty-million people. Grigori souls are identified with a pair of Angelic wings and evolve into the appearance of a many-eyed-seraphim as the user grows in power and mastery. These souls can allow their users to grow ectoplasmic wings and fly using some medium, such as a compatible Weapon, and when combined with Execution Mode can be formed into invulnerable, physically transforming and gaining celestial armor and various magic-like abilities that constantly adapt to their enemy in a technique known as Eclipse.
Soul Cocoons
An artificial method of soul-storage originally created by Paraponera, Soul Cocoons are a power source made of multiple souls merged together and can corrupt and absorb the soul of a person trying to touch it. This results in a large amount of soul power that can be channeled or absorbed to strengthen a person, machine or Magical item's power many times fold.
Soul Wavelength
Many individuals are capable of channeling their soul’s power into a radiating energy known as Chi, which strengthens with focus, determination or a surge of emotion, be it positive or negative. This power can be channeled into energy blasts, defensive shields and even constructs if one is skilled enough, but it is far more commonly used as a passive aura that grants both positive and negative effects depending on its Wavelength. Unlike soul types, a Soul Wavelength is not intrinsic and requires practice to achieve, but this also means one person can potentially wield multiple different Wavelengths with sufficient mastery.
Madness Wavelength
A powerful Soul Wavelength who draws individuals to insanity with its very presence, and can potentially manipulate other people and the World in different ways depending on the “type” of Madness being induced and the individual’s ability to properly control it.
Healing Wavelength
A power born from “Kindness” which allows those wielding it to heal and purify negative effects on matter and souls, including physical wounds and mental influences. Those with a particularly powerful Healing Wavelength can even use it to project their consciousness inside the soul and mental space of another person.
Murderous Wavelength
A Wavelength of extreme bloodlust which manifests as a volatile aura, boosting the user’s attack and reduces any damage they take by removing their restraint and can potentially harm and weaken enemy souls with just its presence. It is just as precarious to the user however, and can potentially damage and even destroy their own soul if not controlled.
Demon Slayer Wavelength
A rare and difficult ability that originates from the Gods, a Demon Slayer Wavelength - Also known as the Black Needle Wavelength - Is a holy power capable of consecrating unnatural beings and leaving them vulnerable regardless of their physical defenses, even exorcising them from a possessed host without harming their body. It can allow its user to enter a state known as “Execution Mode”, granting them a HUD-like vision and access to higher-level techniques and abilities than what they’re normally capable of.
Key Abilities
In addition to these “basic” spiritual properties, the world of Project Sound Souls has many, many miscellaneous sources of power that can be learned by any character provided they have the means to do so. More often than not, these can involve greatly enhanced physical abilities, technology, martial arts or body modifications, so this is not an exhaustive list, but most of what’s actually unique to the setting will be listed here. Don’t hesitate to think outside the box when you’re building your own characters.
Soul Resonance
A Meister and Weapon's bread and butter when simple swings are not enough. By adjusting one person’s Soul Wavelength to mirror that of the other, a Meister can send soul energy into the Weapon, who then amplifies it with their own and sends it back to the Meister, who amplifies it further, rinse and repeat, creating a feedback loop of increasing power. As a result, the Weapon’s form is able to evolve and gain enhanced abilities that improve the more successful the Resonance is. The biggest roadblock for this is a lack of compatibility or hostility between the Meister and their Weapon, which can make them unable to even wield the Weapon without getting zapped by their hostile Chi.
Utility Meisters
Some individuals are capable of physically wielding multiple Magic Weapons at once. This is a difficult skill to learn as it requires one to match the Wavelength of two or more partners instead of just one, but is typically less difficult than consistently handling Chain Resonance. Nonetheless, this allows for Resonance with greater power and the ability to potentially combine the unique abilities of different Weapons together.
Genius Meisters
Those with great intelligence and skill or with a flexible soul are capable of wielding and potentially Resonating with any Weapon they lay their hands on, bypassing compatibility issues. For the truly ingenious, this even allows them to achieve Resonance forms effortlessly, but learning to actually wield the Weapon is always the first step in the process.
Chain Resonance
Soul Resonance is not the exclusive domain of Meisters and Weapons. Some individuals are capable of doing so with an entire team of fighters without requiring physical contact, allowing them to fight in perfect coordination and amplify their collective power far beyond what normal Resonance allows.
Awakened Form
A mysterious and rare phenomenon that can occur when someone proficient in the use of both soul power and Magic has both of these conflicting sources of power amplified and combined, most commonly by combining Teamwise Resonance with a Magical Blessing. This union results in a Miracle that allows the user to unleash their untapped true potential, evolving their mind, body and soul to gain every bit of power and ability they could ever naturally obtain. This can even temporarily age or de-age someone to their physical prime among other Miraculous effects, but since it relies on the amount of latent potential its user has, it won't always be sufficient against an opponent with greater potential who wields a large enough portion of it.
Soul Menace
The other “side” of Wavelength Control techniques involves weaponizing one’s flow of Chi into a close-range attack out of one's limb or an object, an electric pulse or a blast that attacks both the body and soul of an opponent, potentially causing paralysis and unconsciousness or blocking an enemy from using their own abilities. Higher-level users can use this to create ranged shockwaves and bolts of lightning, which in turn are the beginnings of the Chi-energy projection mentioned above.
Just like Soul Resonance wields an ally’s soul power for the user’s benefit, certain people can use a similar routine to match their Soul Wavelength to that of an oncoming Soul Menace attack and cause it to harmlessly flow through their soul, or even absorb it like a lightning rod and make themselves stronger.
Soul Thread Diffusion Suturing
Those with exceptional skill in the use of Soul Menace can leave their Chi within an opponent's body, turning it into strings that bind the enemy’s body to other objects or restrain them from the inside for prolonged periods of time. These strings can also be used on an ally to stitch their wounds, or even to control an enemy's body from a distance like a puppet.
Protective Spirit Body
While control over the soul's energy is common, there are some who take it a step further by manipulating the very Ectoplasm their soul is composed of, expanding their soul and morphing into a towering avatar surrounding their body, which protects them and can strike an enemy on their behalf. Further mastery of this ability allows for the Spirit Body to be separated from the user's body and act independently or even create more than one at a time.
Psychic Sense
In addition to the power of the soul, there are those who wield the power of the mind. Psychic power is little understood compared to Chi and has various applications, such as being used to communicate with and manipulate people’s minds as well as technology, cast and dispel illusions, see into the past and future across vast distances and telekinetically control objects.
Soul Perception
The most common and one of the most basic Psychic abilities allows individuals to sense the souls and Wavelengths of other people. At the simplest level it only allows a user to sense the presence of souls, but further mastery allows users to see further detail, such as the power level and emotional state of other people, connections such as familial ties, and the presence of foreign influences, and even to read minds, which can be used in a lesser capacity to identify when someone is lying.
Power of Song
Psychic power can be used in combination with singing or musical instruments to produce a variety of effects based on the kind of music being played, such as evoking hope and raising morale and strength, calming someone’s anger and lulling them into a trance, drawing them into Madness, taking control of objects controlled by other individuals, or manipulating people into joining the user in song and dance. It can alternatively be used to produce harmful ultrasonic waves that can even be shaped into different attacks or shields.
A broad assortment of purely physical techniques that allow their users to control their own biology, controlling and weaponizing their hair, skin, muscles, blood, bones and even their very cells. This can be used to enhance one's physical attributes, reduce damage taken or heal oneself, but has many more advanced applications reaching truly bizarre levels, such as changing one's physical shape, growing additional limbs and even self-replicating and merging with other beings.
Instantaneous Maximum Firepower
In the world of Project Sound Souls, using one's full power isn't as simple as turning the dial to 100%. Most beings struggle to draw out their strength to its fullest and can only use it in short bursts without hurting themselves. Instantaneous Maximum Firepower refers to some beings' ability to break those inner limits, which allows them to draw out their full strength at-will or even have it active at all times, meaning they would always be at full power unless they consciously restrict it. For those who haven't fully mastered this power, it can sometimes be used in an intermediary stage by keeping one's body and mind relaxed and only unleashing their true power in short concentrated bursts with each attack, conserving stamina and energy.
Used primarily (But not exclusively) By Witches and Demons, Magic is a source of limitless energy that can be used in an uncountable number of ways, from summoning items and creatures to transmuting matter and manipulating the forces of nature. Magical power is measured in "Magic Joules" by Witches, but few Humans are privy to the knowledge of how such quantification works. Magic Weapons, as the name suggests, derive their transforming ability from Magic and many of them possess unique Magical powers of their own. Magical skills used to benefit allies or inflict ailments on enemies are known as Curses and Blessings respectively.
Some Magic users derive their Magic from a connection with “Nature” and its elements, allowing them to sense things that interfere with nature such as pollution and find things hidden underground. This type of Magic can be used to manipulate the elements as well, using different “Attributes” such as Ice-Attribute Magic and even Gravity- or Shadow-Attribute Magic to call upon and generate different elements.
A form of Magic used to create and program Golems and Magical items (known as Demon Tools) for different purposes, and one of the most commonly used by Humans. Skilled enough Enchanters can create Golems on the fly using only the environment around them and create an identical Golem copy of another person, most commonly themselves.
Black Magic
The use of Magic to either bring dead individuals back to life as fully living or reanimate them as Zombies and Mummies. Despite the name, Black Magic or Necromancy is one of the few Magic types that are openly practiced by DWMA, which even offers it as reward for those who conquer insurmountable challenges.
Soul Protect
An advanced form of Magic used primarily by Witches to disguise their souls as the souls of Humans or making them impossible to sense altogether. As a downside, this ability limits a Witch’s ability to use Magic and Resonance, which itself can be used by forcibly applying a “Forwarding Protection” to another person. It was originally developed to protect Witches from Meisters who can sense souls, but some particularly strong ones can see right through it.
A rare Magic used primarily by particularly strong Fairies which allows a Magic user to combine their Magic with the soul power of themselves or another person, granting their wishes by creating a Miracle on a proportional scale to the power used to cast it. Since this Magic works based on the target's thoughts and desires rather than words, this cannot be used to twist the wish's meaning - Which is also useless more times than not, as those with soul power comparable to their Magic can simply use it to grant their own wishes.
A malevolent supernatural force that warps the mind, and in large enough concentrations, reality itself. Many different types of Madness exist, each one originating with different beings which are known as the “Great Old Ones”.
Madness of Fear
Originating with the Demon God Asura, the unholy Madness of Fear stirs the hidden evil within individuals and crumbles at the cosmic order of the very World, awakening dormant entities and causing natural and supernatural disasters, such as making buildings fly, objects come to life, and animals become sick or mutate. Its carriers become numb to pain or even made to enjoy it, and if involuntarily infected, may experience hallucinations strong enough to harm their soul. It was powerful enough to spread across the whole World, and even after the Demon God was destroyed, it appears that some embers of his Madness remain lingering.
Madness of Fury
The influence of the Holy Sword Excalibur, a shapeshifting Deity affiliated with DWMA, Madness of Fury amplifies the emotions within individuals off the charts, removing their inhibitions and blocking out pain, and most commonly causing them to enter an uncontrollable berserk state. It can even allow people to instinctively spot an enemy's strong and weak points in order to attack them more efficiently.
Madness of Order
The form of Madness used by Lord Death himself is a holy power that counters Madness of Fear and Magic. While Madness of Fear makes people lose their sense of Humanity, Madness of Order blocks all of their senses, eclipsing all emotion and leave only a mechanical cycle of life and death, turning Humans into hollow husks. Under its influence, Humans lose their inhibitions and become absolutely fixed on a single goal that they'll pursue without restraint even at the cost of their own safety.
Madness of Lust
A Madness created by the short-lived Second Demon God Crona, which reflects their deep unfulfilled yearning to be loved. Having also permeated the entire World until Crona’s demise, this Madness makes individuals more lustful and can even physically change their body to make them more attractive based on their own standards of attractiveness, potentially even reversing their gender.
Madness of Agony
A form of Madness created by the Heretic Witch Arachne and is used almost exclusively for offense and to break the will of targets, torturing them with the feeling of spiders crawling inside their head and ripping them apart as it swaps their conscious and unconscious minds, rendering their hopes and fantasies pointless as everything they know becomes impossible to grasp.
Madness of Defiance
A type of Madness which originates not with a being, but with a special type of body modification known as the Black Blood. This Madness can erase its carriers’ fear and “deny” both their soul and that of their opponent, making soul-based abilities inefficient. It has the potential to also cause targets to acquire the actual Black Blood itself, which allows their blood to harden into invulnerable subdermal armor and be shaped into various weapons.
Madness Takehold
Individuals who have been infected with Madness but were able to regain control of it can sometimes develop the ability to turn this “Madness” on and off at will, turning it into an ability they can use for their own advantage. This can even allow an individual to freely switch between different types of Madness they have been exposed to at will.
Demon Tools and Materials
In the World of Project Sound Souls, while Magic and supernatural powers are everywhere, so is advanced high-technology, which can be just as powerful and versatile - So much so, that the lines between it and supernatural phenomena begin to blur the more advanced they get. Such powerful items and weapons are called Demon Tools, and while many of them are relics from ages long gone, there's nothing to stop a would-be master Enchanter from crafting new ones, with the potential to even surpass the artifacts of old due to potentially being able to access the ways they were constructed and improve upon them further. Just as important, though, are the materials from which Demon Tools are built, for an arsenal capable of battling Demons and Witches must be very sturdy indeed. Theoretical "Beyond Diamond" materials such as lonsdaleite, graphene, wurtzite, antimatter and even nuclear pasta from our world are not only real (and definitely stronger than diamond), but are just the tip of the iceberg for the artificers of this World. We have far more efficient building blocks to craft Ultra-Class equipment for your convenience, and here are some of them.
A bizarre yellow form of rock which, as the name suggests, originates from the Moon. Created as a side effect of the Demon God's chaotic presence (Which turned the Moon into a laughing face while he was on it), Moonstone was discovered on Earth after the Moon's surface was torn apart by the cataclysmic battles between the Clown Army, DWMA and the Witch Order. It emits a faint glow mirroring the Moon's own and can be eaten in a pinch by cooking it, having a taste that resembles cheese.
Lilliputian Silk
A Magical, far stronger, and far more beautiful variant of regular silk, believed to be created by Fairies. Its enhanced resilience, elegance and virtual weightlessness make it a common component in robes and similar clothing, and it efficiently insulates the wearer from extreme temperatures and liquids such as water, which simply slips off of it. While normally colorful, it can occasionally become invisible along with whoever it covers. Like most Magically-enhanced materials, it requires no cleaning, as it “Repels” things like mundane dust and only imbibes that which makes it stronger.
This smooth, pure black, glass-like element is the hardest and strongest naturally-occuring resource on Earth, and near-impossible to find without venturing beyond the event horizon of a Black Hole, where it originates. It is believed that Enemitanium is able to block and nullify kinetic energy directed towards it… But individuals with enough brute strength to overpower that resistance are not rare to find if you're willing to look. There are materials far stronger than what this World has to offer, and to find them, one must venture beyond the confines of nature.
In addition to utilizing the unique properties of specific materials, some Magic users have developed ways to enhance lesser materials to bring them up to par with the more powerful ones. Nevercrack is any form of matter that was subjected to Magical modification intended to make it impossible to damage by normal means, with what counts as "Normal means" varying based on how powerful the caster is and how naturally strong the Enchanted material is.
A material with an unnatural glow which seems to be the Realm or Witches' equivalent of gold. While the atomic structure of Oricalcum is identical to that of gold, its atomic formation makes it far sturdier (Much like the structure of a diamond makes it stronger than soot and graphite) and it seems to possess the supernatural quality of reinvigorating health and granting immaculate luck to anyone its light shines upon.
This scarlet-colored steel alloy has a bright glow that resembles fire and can generate enough heat to make objects around it combust into flames and evaporate without touching them. Referred to as Hihi'irokane in the East where it was first revealed to Humanity, it is an excellent conductor of Magical and spiritual energy, especially when that energy is tied to strong emotions, making it particularly useful for the creation of offensive weapons.
Also known as Diamondium or Diamondillium, this metal is thought to consist of diamonds compressed and processed into metallic form, and is consequently able to cut diamond with ease. Similar to Enemitanium, Adamantium is able to absorb kinetic energy, and due to absorbing it instead of simply nullifying it, the energy can also be released into powerful and destructive shockwaves.
A rare and mysterious metal that owes its existence to the Realm of Witches, where the laws of nature as we know them do not exist. As a result, it does not abide by the same laws of physics that exist on Earth, allowing it to defy gravity and remain floating in the air unless it's actively pushed down. It can similarly break Enchantments and interact with incorporeal beings or pure energy as though they were physical entities.
A similar but unrelated metal to Unobtainium which is also found in the Realm of Witches, Eludium is capable of distorting the laws of physics to an extent, affecting the World around it in such ways as preventing itself from being detected, eliminating friction and augmenting the Magic and Psychic powers of its users. Eludium weapons can occasionally damage their targets on a quantum scale, preventing subsequent injuries from healing. For those reasons, Eludium can be thought of as an offensive counterpart to the more defensive-oriented properties of Unobtainium.
An unbelievably dense artificial element which earned its name due to the fact that hundreds of people are normally required to move and carry it, much less make a dent in it. What Armythril lacks in supernatural ability it more than compensates in raw strength, although even in that department it's not entirely lacking, as it's seemingly able to adapt and become more resistant to attacks that hit it previously as it repairs itself.
This unassuming dark metal from the Realm of Witches has soaked up some Magic power from its residents, which can consequently respond to the truest desires of whoever holds it and make them come true, as long as it has enough Magic power to do so. Even without being refined and forged into an implement, Wishalloy can steer fate in the favor of those around it, such as ensuring an ally will arrive to protect them from imminent danger.
An improved artificial version of Wishalloy made to respond to its owner's subconscious desires and fantasies. This allows tools made of Fantasteel to transform individuals and objects in accordance with who and what they wish to be and give life to lifeless items and structures, or alternatively to heal wounds and even raise the dead if their will is strong enough.
A special DWMA-produced alloy that combines the properties of different metals, including Unobtainium and Eludium. This alloy has unmatched defensive and offensive prowess capable of distorting space and time, and it has the added ability to "Sense" the presence of danger and even specific types of beings such as Evil Humans, Witches and Demons and alert its users of that fact when necessary.
This obsidian-based alloy has the uncanny ability to continuously adapt and shift its structure, adjusting its shape and taking new states and forms to better work together with either mechanical parts or the fighting style of a single user. In this aspect, Technobsidian can be compared to the Weapon bodies of Magic Weapons, and some who have worked with Technobsidian before would say it reacts as though it has a mind of its own.
This strange substance is a shifting blur of constantly-agitated molecules that functions like a solid, a liquid, gas and plasma all at once. This makes it particularly difficult to work with as even the merest breeze can trigger a flurry of uncontrollable movements in an unprocessed Plasmarble chunk, but its unpredictability, speed and attack power more than make up for it to those who managed to master it.
A strange material that neither science nor philosophy are able to conceptualize, Miraculite owes its name to its holy (Or unholy) Properties that allow it to create Miracles beyond what ordinary Magic is capable of. It is not found naturally in any known realm and is believed to contain the power of unknown Angels and Demons.
Although similar in appearance to ethereal blue ice, Aetherice is impossible to manufacture and can only be obtained through subnatural happenstance. Its properties bewilder even the most precise measuring instruments, and it appears to not only be virtually immune to all known supernatural phenomena, but can apparently disable both supernatural forces and technology just by being in their presence.
An impossible alloy of many strange elements whose unknown properties allow it to be present in every position across time and space simultaneously in a manner. This, in turn, alleviates the owner of any Omniplast items from the need to move them around, meaning all such kinetic energy is instead redirected towards the intensity of whatever task these tools are used for.
Colloquially known as Reality Glass, this substance is compressed reality in solid form, and no known technology is able to do as much as make a scratch on it. Its appearance and texture vary not only between instances, but also from moment to moment, making it a form of matter that can't be defined and can take any form from glass to stone to cloth to metal. For this reason, Infinitium has been theorized to be connected with the void of chaos and nothingness from which the Gods created the World.
Rather than being a specific form of matter, Electromatter is the result of matter being configured in a peculiar way, similar to antimatter, and as such can be counterpart to any substance. Described as being "Regular matter's badass grandma", Electromatter can annihilate both matter and antimatter without being annihilated itself. The resulting process of matter being turned to nothing causes an explosive release of energy, even greater than the annihilation that occurs when matter and antimatter collide with each other.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:16, Sat 18 May.
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