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21:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mae's Tavern, Blackberry Lake, Kylen Intro - Closed GT.

Posted by XaxooFor group 0
GM, 91 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 20:04
  • msg #8

The power of music

The tavern erupts from a fidgety place with pent up youthful, nervous energy to a raucous music hall pretty quickly. When the song started the bar had about a dozen patrons, by the time its over there are twice that many. Young folks have come in from the street and travelers have come in from the adjacent dining room. Seats are filling up fast and the area in front of stage is enticing the folks to dance. Mae is hopping around and smiling as she expertly serves her guests.

The tavern is fairly small. It is adjacent to a dining room that is for the inn's guests. The inn itself is on the far side of the dining room.  All three are part of the same large building and all three have doorways that open out onto the main street of Blackberry Lake. Within the tavern is a small stage in a front corner near the door. The music brings in customers. There are 8 tables, four of which are not occupied by twelve young towns folk. All of them familiar to the bard on stage. Some he liked, some not so much. In back were four other tables. Remy's table and one other were occupied. The couple at that table were not familiar to Kaylen, a man and a woman.  There were 4 other travelers at the bar itself. Remy, Kylen knew well but he did not know the gentleman sitting with him. More guests were coming in.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:12, Sat 03 Feb.
GM, 94 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Sat 3 Feb 2024
at 11:31
  • msg #9

Dance party

As Kylen performs the young folks in the front tables start to dance. There are now five tables occupied with 15 young adults all human and all in high spirits. Laughing, drinking and dancing.

Kylen knows all of these folks by name. Most of them he considers friends. One in particular is the son of the mayor and a rich bore according to Kylen. He was in attendance with his girlfriend, a young lady whom Kylen thought well of. The bore's name is Petr, the young lady Bethamy.

The dinner guests have trickled in. They occupy most of the remaining tables; only two in front of stage are as yet unoccupied. The bar, that seats eight has two empty seats.

Kylen, at Mae's request has got them dancing and as Mae hoped, drinking. Everyone in the room seems to be enjoying themselves, except for the couple in one of the back tables. They are too involved in their conversation to even hear the music. They don't seem unhappy, only involved.

Kylen keeps spirits up and flowing. Mae throws him a thumbs up which is a hand signal for, "Your take is getting better than usual, keep it up."

During the third or fourth song a young man with a funny hat enters the tavern from the street. He looks red faced and is breathing heavily as he has been brisky walking. Balanced on top of his right hand, held like a serving tray is a a wooden board covered with an inverted wooden bow with a handle on the inverted bottom  The whole thing was pretty large and heavy looking. He quickly scans the room for the only empty table to set down his load. The room is crowded and hard to move through. He manages then as the music fades on another rowdy drinking song, the crowd cheers then the new comer calls out,

"Who ordered the double pepperoni with extra cheese!"

Over the humming gathering the mayors son calls out that the pizza is for him and he would like it brought through the crowd to his table. The delivery guy reluctantly obliges, recognizing the customer and expressing distaste in his facial expression.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:28, Sun 04 Feb.
Toby Black
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 15:08
  • msg #10

Gig work

Toby Black's mother Mamma Eloni as she is called, is a local legend. She invented a pie that she calls pizza. It has cheese and tomatoe sauce with all sorts of other options that can be added. Sliced sausage called pepperoni is a favorite. She bakes them in a brick oven she had built for the purpose. The process takes some time, a couple hours to prepare an order. Toby had the idea of delivering the pies for tips. Generally that works out pretty well for him.

He lifts the heavy tray and squeezes his way through the partiers to Petr and his small group near the stage. He sets the tray down, lifts the lid and steam rolls off the top of the 16 inch circular pie. Toby slides the pie off onto the table top, it is pre cut. Hands shoot in to claim a slice. Toby gathers his tray an lid then says to Petr,

"Thats 2 gold Petr."

He doesn't smile but he is cordial. To an outsider it might appear there is tension between the two.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Sun 04 Feb.
Petr Goldsmith
NPC, 1 post
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 16:35
  • msg #11


Petr, laughing with his friends, takes his time to pull out a heavy coin purse. He spills it onto table, it's full of gold and silver coins. He slowly counts out 20 silver coins. He puts the rest back in the pouch and returns it to his coat. He motions to the silver coins without a word or eye contact with Toby.
Toby Black
NPC, 3 posts
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 16:44
  • msg #12

No Tip?

" No tip? Petr you cheap SOB. Bethamy, how do you stand to hang about this lazy free-loader?"

Toby glares at Petr as he delivers this, then he turns to leave.
Bethamy Bakerfield
NPC, 1 post
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 16:49
  • msg #13

Mind your business

The lovely young lady, who is laughing along with her friends is taken aback by being brought into this. She looks a little stung. She collects herself then says,

"Mind your business Toby, dont start trouble. "
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 2 posts
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 17:32
  • msg #14

Keep the night going

Receiving the Thumbs up from Mae, Kylen knows he is having a good night. It seems that everyone is enjoying the music and no one seems to find the content off-putting.

As Kylen sees the encounter at Petr and Bethamy's table, he knows what his next song should be.

"This next number, I would like to dedicate to my friends Petr and Bethamy, it is an original number I like to call The Bigger the Purse, the Tighter the Strings."

"A bartender sees a lad down on his luck nursing the only drink he can afford,
Though the barkeep only gets 5 silver a night, he slips the lad an extra pour.
A smith is shoeing a horse but the merchant has a bad day,
so instead of 2 silver for each of the shoes, he offers to give one away.

But the Fop whose purse buldges under his cape and has not worked a day in his life,
Will sit down in a tavern for a four course meal and forget a tip for the owner's wife.

The bigger the purse the tighter the string, generosity drops the brighter the bling.
For those whose hands have never know work, cares naught for the plight of the general store clerk."

Judging by the redness of Petr's face and restrained smile on both Bethamy and Toby's, Kylen realizes the meaning is hitting home.

Performance DC 15 +6 (Ability 3 + 3 Charisma)
Kylen Nyteshade rolled 20 using 1d20+6 ((14))
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:52, Sun 04 Feb.
Petr Goldsmith
NPC, 2 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 00:31
  • msg #15


Though most people in the room were not aware of the specifics behind the drama unfolding across the room they were all familiar with the catchy ditty and their mirth was translated by Petr as being targeted at him. His friends, who were aware of the connection between the song and the mayor's son laughed as well at his expense and this infuriated him.

Rising from his chair he and Toby lock eyes in a classic stare down. Toby does not flinch. With a snarl on his mug, Petr reaches for his purse. He withdraws 2 silver pieces. He places them on the table in front of Toby, never breaking the stare,

"For your trouble pizza boy."

One of his buddies laughs, breaking the tension and the stare down as Petr looks away with a false sense of victory.
Toby Black
NPC, 4 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 00:35
  • msg #16


Toby takes the silver casually and sticks them in his pocket,

"You are not man enough to call me boy. I suggest you be careful about that."

He steps toward his adversary.
Bethamy Bakerfield
NPC, 2 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 00:37
  • msg #17


Bethamy jumps in between the two, facing Toby she puts a hand on his chest and holds him back.

"Toby, please stop! Please."

She seems desperate to avoid further confrontation.
Mae Carpenter
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 01:36
  • msg #18

Too busy

Mae is hopping about trying to keep everyone from getting parched. She glances over at the trouble brewing near the stage. Though it does not appear to be out of hand at this point, it does look like it's escalating. Broken furniture and blood are not good for business.

She looks up at Kylen and moves her right palm horizontally down, Then holds her thumb and for finger an inch apart, indicating that he needs to drop the tension some, without killing the buzz.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 3 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 13:11
  • msg #19

creating a sense of calm

Kylen sees the signal from Mae and realizes that he let his own ego get the best of him with his last song choice. He decides that he will try and lower the mood of the room with one of Bethamy's favorite songs and try and kill two birds with one stone, by impressing her and calming Petr and Toby. He begins playing The Black Swan.

Hindsight being what it is, he probably could have chosen a better song. The Black Swan has fairly long introduction and the strings of the lute were no match for the escalating voices and tension in the room. He never made it to the lyrics before things got out of hand.

Attempt to change the mood to somber and relaxed
Performance DC 15 D20 +6 ( 3 skill rank + 3 Charisma bonus)
Kylen Nyteshade rolled 12 using 1d20+6 ((6)
This message was last edited by the player at 13:16, Mon 05 Feb.
Mae Carpenter
NPC, 4 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 14:50
  • msg #20

A new show in town

The bards latest performance seems to be lost in the action at Petr's table. Chests are puffing up and clever one liners are being hurled across the table. Folks are gathering around and taking sides. It's surprising how much support Toby is gathering. Perhaps the bards previous song helped in that regard.

Unfortunately the instrumental piece he is currently playing is being lost to the din.

Bethamy doesn't even acknowledge her favorite song due to the commotion. Toby seems intent on blood, Petr has hurt pride and Mae is starting to worry that things could get out of hand.

"I am bringing a free round to folks at their own tables!"

She shouts it out like a daily special.

The announcement has the desired effect of moving people away from the tension, but the tensions remains.
Remy Remington
NPC, 7 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 15:35
  • msg #21

Another round?

"Never a dull night at Mae's! Lets have another round Mr. Bender? Its free!"

The gnome is red faced from drink. He is enjoying the music and the spectacle.
Mr. Bender
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 15:37
  • msg #22

Free is free

"I wont refuse a free round in this lifetime.  Ha!"

The two are having a good time.
Petr Goldsmith
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 16:36
  • msg #23

Take a hint

"You heard Mae. Go find a seat and get your free drink pizza boy. This table is not for you."

Petr and some of his friends jeer at Toby menacingly.
Toby Black
NPC, 5 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 16:38
  • msg #24

Last chance

"Thats your last free pass on the 'boy' thing. Beth, why do you hang out with these fools? Come sit with me over here?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:41, Mon 05 Feb.
Bethamy Bakerfield
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 16:40
  • msg #25

Please go

" You are embarrassing me please leave."

She whispers to Toby with urgency.
Mr. Bender
NPC, 4 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 18:45
  • msg #26

The kids good!

"The elf can play and has some serious pipes. What did you say his name is?"

Bender is loosening up with the drink. Generally he is pretty quiet and no nonsense,  but the music and ale have him spiced up a little.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:49, Mon 05 Feb.
Remy Remington
NPC, 8 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 18:52
  • msg #27


"He goes by Kylen, hes a half blood but certainly favors his mother. I am going to introduce you to him. Then I am going to offer him a job."
Mr. Bender
NPC, 5 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 19:42
  • msg #28


"What can he do besides prance about and sing? Can he swing a blade? Has he any cajones?"

Mr. Bender seems skeptical,  but he doesn't call the shots and he knows it.
Remy Remington
NPC, 9 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 19:44
  • msg #29

We will see

"His mother says he has some skill with the blade, as to cajones, I dont think any kniws yet, including himself. But I guess we are likely to find out, if he accepts the job."
GM, 102 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 22:37
  • msg #30

The room is still buzzing

Mae's drink special is a big hit and it definitely clears up some congestion, but Toby, who really seems like he had an axe to grind is not backing down. He seems to want a showdown of some sorts. Though Petr would rather not, he does not want to lose face in front of his friends. Clearly this is about Bethamy.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 4 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 23:26
  • msg #31

The room is still buzzing

Kylen, feeling somehow responsible for the chaos, decides to step in. He lays his lute on his stool and hops off the stage. He approaches Petr and Toby and interjects.

"Petr, I apologize, I should have chosen another song, but you know me, I can never pass up a chance for a little ribbing of my friends. and Toby, you wound up getting the tip you wanted, and a fight would probably mean you would not be delivering pizzas here at Mae's anymore. How about we let this one go, and Petr, feel free to name a song that you and Bethamy can dance to and it will be my pleasure to play."

Diplomacy DC ?
D20 +7 (2 ranks+3 charisma bonus +2 racial bonus)
Kylen Nyteshade rolled 14 using 1d20+7 ((7)
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:56, Tue 06 Feb.
Toby Black
NPC, 6 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 01:22
  • msg #32


Toby scoffs,

"Tip? You call that a tip Kylen? This was never about a tip anyway. This isn't over. "

He turns from the table after scooping up the tray and cover. He retreats back to the bar. He takes a seat at the end and spends his tip on a pint. He glares back across the room frequently.
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