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22:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Prologue, Myrcury and Talya Intro - Closed GT.

Posted by XaxooFor group 0
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 6 posts
Rogue 1
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 02:16
  • msg #12

Round 3 - ICGT

Myrcury, seeing the snake thrash about, lunges out to try to dispatch it with his dagger. With the reptile's violent movements the gnome found it difficult to land a direct hit.  The blade deflects off the tough scales. Myrcury is unsatisfied with the effectiveness of the attack.

Dagger Attack: 1d20 + 5 from dex (Rolled 7 + 5 = 12)
This message was last edited by the player at 04:23, Fri 19 Jan.
Large Cotton Mouth
Monster, 6 posts
Normal Animal
12 feet long
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 02:21
  • msg #13

Retreat!- ICGT

Unphased by the gnomes ineffective dagger strike, the snake turns back into the stream and rushes across to its lair entrance.  It tries to lunge directly into the burrow but it gets stuck in the entrance by the arrow sticking out of the side of its head. The snakes retreat from the gnome offers an opportunity for attack by Myrcury.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:24, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 7 posts
Rogue 1
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 02:27
  • msg #14

Round 4 - ICGT

Seeing the snake retreat for its den, Myrcury quickly picks up the short bow at his feet.  He nocks an arrow and carefully aims as he sees the snake getting tangled up in arrows and the muddy bank. He pauses just long enough to steady his breath before losing his best shot at the serpents head.

Bow Attack: 1d20 +5 from dex (Rolled 16 + 5 = 21)
This message was last updated by the player at 04:24, Fri 19 Jan.
Large Cotton Mouth
Monster, 7 posts
Normal Animal
12 feet long
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 02:32
  • msg #15

Fatality - ICGT

The gnomes final arrow pierces the brain of his cold blooded attacker. Predator becomes the prey. With a final tremor that runs the full length of its 12 foot long body, the snake slumps in its watery grave, stuck in the mud and its own gore.

Arrow Damage: 1d4 (Rolled 4)
This message was last updated by the player at 04:25, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 8 posts
Rogue 1
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 03:18
  • msg #16

Animal Processing - ICGT

"Whew! Garl Glittergold I think you must have found that very funny. My what a monster snake!" Myrcury speaks out loud in gnomen addressing directly his gnome deity.

He stands there looking across the stream at the still trembling reptile lodged in the entrance to its own den of safety, three arrows protruding from its body. He looks on with dismay as he notices at least one of the shafts was snapped in the snakes struggle to escape. Myrcury notices that the snake is not the only thing trembling around here. The gnome breathes in deeply and feels his calm start to be restored. He is reminded of a day several years back when he was running and errand for Aunt Bee, picking up a burn salve from the apothecary Mr. Cobble. An elven ranger entered the shop with several dead vipers. Kinder Cobble was very excited and paid the elf several gold coins for them. Being inquisitive as always, Myrcury asked about the snakes and how the apothecary used them. The older gnome demonstrated how he could remove the venom glands from a freshly killed snake and use them in making anti-venom and other elixirs.

"A fresh juicy specimen is the key to a good extraction." the old gnome had said.

Myrcury looked across the stream and knew there was no way he could carry this snake anywhere. He also had not intended on returning to town. He contemplated the ramifications of returning home so soon after running away. He quickly decided that the coins in his pocket would be of great benefit when he leaves again. But how to get this snake back to Mr. Cobble? He looked down at the fishing dagger he carried at his belt, still dripping with snake blood. He decided two things in that moment, and both he prefaced with "There a first time for everything.". First he would cut off the head and carry that back to Mr. Cobble. Second, he was going to try to skin this big fella and sell the leather to the leatherworker in town. He had seen the venom sacks removed and felt confident that if he removed the head a couple inches behind the jaws that he would not puncture the precious sacks. As to skinning the snake, this would be an adventure and he hoped he didn't botch it up too badly.

As he set off to work he decided he would bring enough meat home for a big dinner.  He would go back to his Uncle's house and have Aunt Bee prepare a family meal. He would then pay his Uncle for the tools he stole and then announce, like the freedom loving gnome he is, that he would be leaving in the morning. After hearing about the battle with this snake, they would be less inclined to dissuade him from his intention. His confidence was lifted to the point, that nothing could change his mind now anyway.

Skinning Snake DC10 to get useful product 1d20 + 4 dex - 4 lack of proficiency (Roll 15)
This message was last edited by the player at 02:46, Sun 21 Jan.
GM, 9 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 15:24
  • msg #17

Drowning! - ICGT

As Myrcury makes his way across the stream he realizes it is shallower than he expected. He is momentarily amazed that such a large snake could have remained so well hidden until the moment it struck.  Though it is not deep, it is over the gnomes head in the center.  He straps his bow over his shoulder, cinching it down with a strap designed for that purpose.  He then tightens the strap holding his dagger to his thigh. With his light clothing on, he dives forward into the current and swims. Myrcury quickly realizes that he both overestimated his own strength and underestimated the strength of the current. He struggles to get his head above water and swallows a big helping of water. His endurance is being quickly sapped from his small body, the cold water speeding up the process. Myrcury focuses his attention on getting to the far shore, It is not far. Again he fails to make any headway and gulps more water down. He feels his energy being quickly sapped and senses panic welling up inside of him. He pushes off the bottom with both feet and pulls with his small arms and finally manages to get across to the rocky shore line nearly a hundred feet south of the snake and its den. He drags himself up onto the shore and coughs up some water. He lies back to catch his breath and try to recover.

Chance arrows are still good 50% roll must be above 50 on 1d100 (Rolled 13, 34, 29)
Swim check 1d20 + 4 ranks -2 Str (Rolled 6 + 2 = 8) DC swim check is 10
Con Save to avoid drowning damage DC 10 1d20 +3 (Rolled 1 + 3 = 4) Critical Failure - 2 points Con
Swim check 1d20 +4 -2 (Rolled 1 + 2 = 3)
Con Save +2 DC 15 from crit failure on Swim (Rolled 9 = 2 = 11) -1 Con
Swim check 1d20 + 4 - 2 (Rolled 17 + 2 = 19)

Results: Myrcury lost 3 points of Constitution and 2 HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:27, Fri 19 Jan.
NPC, 1 post
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 20:15
  • msg #18

Introducing Beaver- ICGT

Watching the gnome, the liberator of the den of his youth, the beaver slips quietly into the water.  He is not making any particular effort towards stealth, but he is not announcing his presence either. With one eye on the gnome, the beaver swims closer to the snake, trying to determine if its as dead as it looks. The liberator seems to be struggling to get out of the water, quite occupied at the moment. The beaver swims closer and sniffs the air around the snakes den. He smells blood, excrement, mud and death. He braves a closer look.  He approaches the grisly scene and sees that the apparently dead reptile is wedged sideways in the den entrance.  It would take a long time to chew through it, and the taste would be as horrible as the musky smell. He decides to try to drag it out. He cautiously nips at the dead snake to satisfy himself that it is dead, then he grabs hold of the tail with his huge buck teeth and tries pulling the snake back away from the entrance. It becomes immediately apparent that this could take awhile.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:28, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 9 posts
Rogue 1
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 23:16
  • msg #19

Speak With Beaver - ICGT

Myrcury is startled by a shuffling sound coming from the direction of the dead snake. He lifts up to his knees and sees a beaver trying to pull the snake out into the water. He watches for a few moments before realizing what damage the beaver's teeth could do to the snake skin. Gnomes can speak to small mammels by concentrating very intently and maintaining extreme focus. He can rarely maintain such focus for more than a few seconds.  It seems like now would be a good time to give it a try. He stands and walks upstream toward the scene of the battle.  As he nears he focuses intently on the beaver then addresses him.

"Excuse me? Could I give you a hand with that?"

He gestures toward the dead snake, smiles then steps toward the giant viper, rolling up his sleaves.

When gnomes speak with animals they can do so in any language. The animal is communicating through a deeper, seemingly telepathic means.  The gnome simply understands what its vocalizations mean.  Due to the focus required, the gnome cannot maintain this connection for long.

"What do you want with the cursed thing?" he asks the beaver.

Casts Speak with small burrowing Mammals. Lasts for 1 minute.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:28, Fri 19 Jan.
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 23:27
  • msg #20

The Liberator! - ICGT

The words form in the gnomes head in his own language. The beaver chitters and screeches in response but to Myrcury the message is clear.

"Thank you! Liberate home. Snake killed father. Long time. We return. Snake block home!"

The beaver bites down on the tail and tries to pull it out with all the might he can summon.
This message was last updated by the player at 04:29, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 10 posts
Rogue 1
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 00:12
  • msg #21

Dirty Work - ICGT

"Whoa there my friend. I think its best if we put it up on the bank. I don't want to lose it in the current. It's stronger than it looks. I can get it up there I think.  A little at a time."

Myrcury surveys the scene and notices that the head is stuck near the top of the bank. He climbs above it and reaches down and takes hold of a broken arrow. using it like a handle he pulls the head up onto the dry bank without too much trouble. The girth of the snake will be much tougher. However, with the beaver's help he manages to get the snake stretched out on dry land.

"Thank you my friend."

When the beaver responds with only incomprehensible chitter he realizes his focus is drained as are his muscles. He sits down and opens his pack, removes his uncle's gem tool kit and opens it.  With his nimble fingers he pulls out a small whetstone, then returns the kit to his pack.  The pack het sets on the ground nearby.

Slowly and with great care he begins to sharpen the blade of his fishing dagger on the whetstone. Wringing his sleave onto the stone he is able to g et it just wet enough to be effective. He tests the sharpness with a rub of his thumb. He nods with satisfaction and puts the whetstone away. He rises then stands over the head of the snake.  It is big, but not so scarry any more. He spends the next hours skinning the beast. He leaves the head attached to the skin but cuts it away from the now skinless body.  He wraps the head up in the enormous skin and packs the whole things carefully into his backpack.  He just manages to squeeze it in.  Looking down at the carcass he realizes that it is way more meat then he can carry. He removes his wet shirt and lays it on the ground next to the skinned snake.  He cuts away several quarter pound slices of meat for a total of about 5 lbs. He wraps the meat up in his wet shirt and cinches it into a knot. He sets the package next to his pack.

He walks down to the water and begins to bathe away the blood and gore from his hands and arms. He looks over at the now cleared away beaver den entrance.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 11 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 16:22
  • msg #22

A pile of bones? - ICGT

The beaver den entrance is now a flury of industry.  It is hard to estimate but there are at least five beaver coming in and out. They are bringing out all manner of debris and piling it up on the down river slope of the bank.  There is a substantial pile of bones and sticks.

Spot check 1d20 + 5 skill, wis (Rolled 1 + 5 = 6)
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:31, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 11 posts
Rogue 1
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 16:35
  • msg #23

Investigate - ICGT

Myrcury continues to bathe himself immersing his torso, enjoying the chilly sensation and being free of the musky smell of snake.

He wonders to himself about the beaver.  He said this was his home long ago.  They are eager to move back in.  The snake occupied the den for years perhaps. It must be full of old fish bones and snake shit. It might be interesting to see what kind of creatures that big old snake was eating. Perhaps beavers, or gnomes. He gulps at the thought. He rings out his pants and cinches them back into place, then walking past his pack and meat bundle, he crosses down to the beaver entrance to examine the pile.
This message was last updated by the player at 04:32, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 12 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 16:40
  • msg #24

Booty! - ICGT

The beaver chitter cheerfully at Myrcury showing no fear of the gnome.  He is free to pick through the pile of refuse without interfering with their work. At first it seems like just a pile of old bones from small animals and a bunch of water logged sticks, but as he digs deeper into the pile he finds something for interesting, the skull of a gnome. He takes the bleached skull into his hand and ponders it, as if he might recognize the old chap.  He doesn't. He feels the edge of sadness but then conti he's to sift through the pile.  Just as he is about to give up he hears the scrape of metal on the stones near the bottom of the pile. He squints to see what it is.  He reaches down and feels a handle. He grabs and pulls. Out comes a heavily tarnished, gnome size rapier. To Myrcury its like unwrapping a present under a yule tree. As the young gnome admires his present, the large beaver he spoke to emerges from within. In his teeth is the skeletal forearm of a gnome, complete with hand and finger bones.  On one of the fingers is a small silver ring.  Myrcuru gestures to the beaver who seems to comprehend.  The beaver offers the bones to his new friend.  Myrcury carefully removes the ring and examine it.  The face is covered in an engraved black eye, open, ever pearing.  On the I side is an inscription in Dwarven, it says, "One Eye Open". Those tedious lessons in Dwarven grammar has paid off Myrcury supposes.

Myrcury Search checks
1d20 + 2 Int(Rolled 1, 19, 20)

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:32, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 12 posts
Rogue 1
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 17:52
  • msg #25

Herbert  - ICGT

"Thank you brother beaver.  I think I shall call you Herbert, if that's agreeable to you?" He pauses, when his friend does not protest he considers it approval.

"Well Herbert. I am going to pack this stuff up and head back north to Glitterhovel. I was not intending to go back, but I think this skin will fetch an ample prize and I could use some better provisions. I will be back this way soon.  I will stop and say hello."

With that he bows respectfully to Herbert then climbs up the bank to get his pack.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:33, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 13 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 14:31
  • msg #26

Please no swimming - ICGT

Myrcury is able to get his stuff together. He straps the rapier to his bulging backpack.  He places the ring carefully into his empty coin pouch and puts this in the front right pocket of his very wet trousers. The pack looks heavy and Myrcury is suddenly aware that he is very fatigued.  It is a solid hour long walk home, without being encumbered by an overstuffed pack.  He looks at the stream. Where he washed up, the stream is wider and shallower.  He thinks he can cross there without swimming.  He has had enough drowning for one day.
This message was last updated by the GM at 04:34, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 13 posts
Rogue 1
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 14:42
  • msg #27

Homeward bound - ICGT

Despite the weakness he is feeling, he lifts his pack onto his back.  It is heavy and bulky. He manages to get it fastened into place.  He unhooks the waterskin hanging on the side, pops the cork and takes a long slow pull, spilling some of the clean cold water over his face and eyes. He corks the skin, puts it back in place and prepares to brave the fiord.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:35, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 14 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 15:32
  • msg #28

Glitterhovel - ICGT

Much to Myrcury's relief, he is fairy easily able to cross the stream without inhaling any more water. Once on the north side, finding his way to Glitterhovel is trivial.  The journey takes nearly 3 hours.  The folks of the village will just be wrapping up lunch.  He finds the old oak stump that serves as the south entrance into town. Inside is a wooden staircase that descends 10 feet below the forest surface to the south end of Willow Way, the main road through Glitterhovel.

Glitterhovel is an organized, level, burrow, with wooden support beams and wooden building facades.  The buildings themselves are burrows, only the facades, complete with doorways and windows are made of lumbered wood.  The streets or tunnels are lit with well spaced oil lamps.  These provide just enough light for gnomes to see normally. Many others would find it very dark. The air is pleasant, seemingly ventilated from some unseen source. The air is filled with the aromas of lunch. Fresh bread and spices fill the air with the earthy scents of home.

Here at the south entrance the tunnel is only about 10 feet wide with a low ceiling of a out 6 feet. The tunnel continues north as far as Myrcury can see with his eyes not yet adjusted to the dim conditions. He being very familiar with the route steps into the dark confidently, his eyes quickly adjusting.  After about 150 feet he sees the cattycorner intersection of Willow Way and Shady Lane. As the name suggests, this is a less reputable area of the town. Shady runs southest away from Willow Way which continues north. As he approaches this intersection, Myrcury sees a friendly face then hears her familiar voice.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:50, Thu 07 Mar.
NPC, 2 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 18:48
  • msg #29

Introducing Fritz- ICGT

"Myrc! Where you been boyo? Yer Auntee's been worried since you missed yer breakfast. What happened to your clothes? Fritz crinkles up her nose, "You stink Myrcury, bad.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:36, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 14 posts
Rogue 1
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 18:58
  • msg #30

Back Home- ICGT

Looks at his friend quizzically.  "You waiting here for me? You might have been waiting a long time.  I wasnt planning on returning."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:37, Fri 19 Jan.
NPC, 3 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 19:53
  • msg #31

Deebo? - ICGT

"I figured you might have blown the coop, but also figured you'd come back this way if you didn't. Worth a shot. Deebo wanted me to pass a message on to you to go by an see him."

Fritz knew that Myrcury didn't care much for Deebo. She pretended she didn't.
This message was last updated by the player at 13:38, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 15 posts
Rogue 1
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 19:57
  • msg #32

Suspicious - ICGT

Myrcury looks at his friend with an expression of exasperation. "Look Fritz, I paid him for the tools he sold me. I don't trust that guy. He's trouble."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:38, Fri 19 Jan.
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 20:37
  • msg #33

Job? - ICGT

"I know Myrcury, but he's not that bad. He's not collecting, he has a job for you. It might be good to hear what he's got to say?"
This message was last updated by the player at 13:39, Fri 19 Jan.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 16 posts
Rogue 1
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 20:42
  • msg #34

It's a date - ICGT

"I'll think on it. Mean time, meet me in the bazaar in our usual spot in about an hour. I have something incredible to show you!" He beams with excitement,  thoughts of Deebo fading quickly.
"I need to go home and get some clothes. 1 hour!" He hustles north along Willow Way.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:39, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 15 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 23:55
  • msg #35

Home Sweet Home - ICGT

Myrcury hustles up Willow Way for a couple hundred feet when he arrives at the I intersection of Willow and Tanglwood Ave. Tanglewood runs from east to west as far as he can see.  He knows that both roads run about 400 feet or so.  Each way, there are residences on either side of road 15 or so each way.  Each occupied residence houses a family of 2 to 10 gnomes.
His uncles home, Myrcurys childhood home is not on this street.  He pauses looking both ways.  He sees familiar folk doing familiar things.  He continues on to the next intersection.  This is Cypress Street. Much like Tanglewood except a little higher priced homes. Many of the tradesman of the town lived on Cypress. Uncle Mort was the most respected gem cutter in Glitterhovel. He lived on East Cypress Street about halfway down on the south side of the street. Myrcury made his way there.

In Southeastern Aldarius gnomen culture, two meals, breakfast and dinner were taken communally. In Glitterhovel that takes the form of every family setting out there meals on great tables placed in the center of the street. Everyone is welcome to share. For Myrcury to have missed breakfast was not as benign as he first tried to convince himself.  He owed his adopted family an explantation for everything going on. Tonight they would feast on viper stew and he would pay what was due.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:40, Fri 19 Jan.
Aunt Bee
NPC, 1 post
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 14:53
  • msg #36

Introducing Aunt Bee - ICGT

Aunt Bee is a matronly older gnome lady, the wife of the town gem cutter and jeweler.  She kept a tight home.  All of her many kids are grown, only her husband Mort and Myrcury her nephew live in the home now.  When she saw Myrcury approach she had an earful to throw at him.

"Boy! Missing breakfast without telling anyone where you were going? Look at you, you're soaked and you stink. Get in there and get cleaned up.  There is a full barrel of water in the sink, don't waste it!"

In the back of the house was a room they called the sink.  It has a depressed bowl shaped floor with a drain in the center that can be stopped up.  A large barrel provides cold water from a tap.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:40, Fri 19 Jan.
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