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NOTHING but VENTS -- Vent all You Want Without Replies.

Posted by Shannara
member, 194 posts
Sun 28 Apr 2013
at 05:59
  • [deleted]
  • msg #401

Wife Swap

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was against the ToU, at 06:46, Sun 28 Apr 2013.
member, 2176 posts
Love D&D,superhero games
Not very computer savvy
Sun 28 Apr 2013
at 06:09
  • msg #402

Re: Wife Swap

Reality shows in general deserve their own rant.   What should have been a way to learn about other people unlike ourselves has turned into a "Village idiot of the week" where we laugh at people, rather than learn about them.

I'm not totally touchy feely about people, and will be the first to be judgemental and laugh at stupid behavior, but it's sad that we only want to see horrible people yell at each other so we can feel better about ourselves.

I just saw a promo for "Gyspy Sisters".    Now, I know it was pretty stupid of me to think, even for a second "Well, perhaps we'll get a glimpse into this culture", but I was horrified so see what were probably the four worst sterotypes among then entire gypsy population.

Then again, all 'normal' people have better things to do than parade their neuroses on television, so I'm not sure why I'm surprised.
member, 228 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2013
at 11:13
  • msg #403

Re: Wife Swap

Baaaaaaaad day...
member, 164 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2013
at 17:03
  • msg #404

Fraggin' work

I was just told to not try to help the customers at work.
member, 5493 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Fri 3 May 2013
at 06:09
  • msg #405


I already had my headcold for the season...c'mon!  And this one seems determined to work its way down into my chest and leave me gasping for air.  Cut my work day short by an hour (after going in a half-hour late) because I was so winded and spent that the folks I was working with were afraid I was going to keel over.

This is the point at which I either have a miraculous overnight recovery or I plunge deeply into serious illness...think positive thoughts for me.  I don't have time to be bedridden for a week trying to shake off whatever it is...
Bigun Eagle
member, 65 posts
Fri 3 May 2013
at 17:23
  • msg #406

Re: Again?!!!

I despise how high the test are weighted in my accounting class, now to make an A in the class I HAVE to make an A on the test, oh, and the Test is only 20 questions.
member, 99 posts
Sat 4 May 2013
at 01:15
  • msg #407

Re: Again?!!!

Dont touch my coffee
member, 348 posts
Sat 4 May 2013
at 10:58
  • msg #408

Re: Hate

Bloody carers helping my nan so I don't have to do things like bathe her taking credit for things I have done to help, so my Uncle yells at me for doing nothing when I'm on the verge of a breakdown from trying to keep my nan comfortable and I haven't slept for five days, just so they can get paid.

Also turning up late, rushing through bathing my nan, being rough and then saying you've been round for an hour and done everything on your timesheet (which I can clearly see and read at any time) is not cool. At all.

I know it's hard work, but consider the family that are there for the other 23.5 hours you're not there and have to do what you're not doing.

Then I have one message to all the cold callers targeting vulnerable old people - you should kill yourselves.

I don't care if that sounds harsh, conning old people who don't better out of their savings and pension is disgusting.
member, 244 posts
Tue 7 May 2013
at 21:38
  • msg #409

Re: Hate

Being singled out. The funny thing is this person thinks they are hurting me when in fact it hurts them to retaliate over NOTHING

Some people piss me off being small minded but karma will get them

It just grinds my gears when they are passive aggressive jerks but its more satisfying knowing that they will fail. Mean, yes. Do I feel bad no? I want to see them crash and burn and it won't be my fault.

Some people really just have NO LIVES!
member, 174 posts
Thu 9 May 2013
at 21:57
  • msg #410

Re: family

Brothers who only get ahold of you when they want something.

Yup my brother sent me an email today.

yup he wants me to design some camp kitchen storage box thingy so that HE can take it when HE goes camping.
Bigun Eagle
member, 66 posts
Sat 11 May 2013
at 01:25
  • msg #411

Re: Two Faced

I really wish that some of my so called friends had the biscuits to tell me what they think to my face instead of me hearing about it from someone else.
member, 62 posts
Sat 11 May 2013
at 22:42
  • msg #412

Re: Two Faced

The indignant woman in the theater seat behind me talking through the ENTIRE movie, who doesn't even have the decency to shut up after I politely asked her to stop talking.  Apparently, I was ruining her experience by turning around and confronting her.  Some people...
member, 1596 posts
Sun 12 May 2013
at 01:59
  • msg #413

Re: Two Faced

I'm not sure which is worse. Having the chest bug or it not killing me?
member, 1675 posts
Sun 12 May 2013
at 05:31
  • msg #414

Re: Two Faced

*sigh*  I know I said I didn't want to go out for my birthday/Mother's Day, but neither did I want to get sick and not be able to go shopping for desperately needed shoes.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was moot, at 06:32, Sun 12 May 2013.
member, 43 posts
Tue 14 May 2013
at 19:37
  • msg #415

Re: Two Faced

Frag my luck....first 2 weeks ago i have to have a impacted wisdom tooth removed, now i have a cold, a urinary tract infection and ANOTHER fragging toothache.  All this while unemployeed so no help on the dental.  Gah!!!
member, 506 posts
Tue 14 May 2013
at 20:11
  • msg #416

Re: Two Faced

Co-worker must send me project photos.

Co-worker downloads photos.
Prints them.
Scans the prints to make PDF's.
Emails me the PDF's.

member, 1520 posts
go away and don't come
back til a tree hugs you
Tue 14 May 2013
at 20:45
  • msg #417

Re: Two Faced

work.  The boss doesn't understand that the night shift is feeling picked on cause she keeps leaving public nasty notes.  Of course she doesn't want to be there at 11 pm to talk to us, but could she at least give the notes to the night nurses and have us pass it down.  We don't see her dress down the other shifts and they don't need to see her dress down us, particularly when she doesn't actually investigate the complaints made.  Besides, now everyone else is automatically an expert on what night shift is supposed to be doing, and '"it;s you didn't do this and you didn;t do that"  and dammit, there's only three aides and they can only do so much in an hour.

This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was moot, at 21:04, Tue 14 May 2013.
member, 5514 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Fri 17 May 2013
at 17:41
  • msg #418

Makin' me crazy...!!!!!

Thank you, SO MUCH, Ms. Costume Designer, for giving us absolutely nothing constructive to do in preparation for the week of dress rehearsals that are supposed to begin on Monday.  Out of a 5-piece band (with four alternates to cover for people on days off) and four singers (plus their back-ups), doing two different shows, we thus far have two pairs of pants figured out.  Not for everyone...a single pair of pants for two of the singers, for one of the two shows.  We were supposed to get everyone figured out last night, and she decided part-way through the day that she couldn't make it because she had to go to her son's school activity.

I applaud the familial spirit and all...but we gave you measurements for this particular group of performers back in MARCH.  They've been rehearsing since the last week of April.  In all that time, you couldn't find a couple of nights to come up and get this stuff straightened out BEFORE dress rehearsals?  (And our other show isn't in much better shape in that regard...)

While we're at it...Mr. Artistic Director--SHE DOES THIS CRAP EVERY SINGLE YEAR.  Not to this extent, but there hasn't been one year that she's designed for us where we've had all the costumes PRESENT the first night of dress rehearsals, much less completed.  I realize you two are friends and all...but get a backbone and tell her if she can't keep up with the demands of the job, we'll find someone else who can.  It's not like there's a shortage of costume designers around here...I know you like her design and all, but this kind of stuff is creating a crisis of confidence for the performers.  They're supposed to spend next week getting used to ALL the show elements, not spend the first half of next week getting a show element (costumes) figured out.  Not to mention the half-appled image it creates for the department as a whole when performers ask me a costume question and the only honest answer I can give them is, "I've got NO've heard as much about that costume as I have."
member, 54 posts
Sat 18 May 2013
at 01:57
  • msg #419


I just have to wonder how close I am to homeless right now.  If it weren't for friends... and I AM grateful for them, and I love them... If it weren't for them.

That is all.
member, 5517 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Sun 19 May 2013
at 04:21
  • msg #420

Craziness revisited...

Again, with the Costume Desiger...

Tonight, I missed seeing my friend's final performance in 'Jeckyll and Hyde' at one of the regional theaters...because the designer decided that today was a good day to come try and do the job she should have done a week and a half ago.  I spent seven hours helping her haul stuff out of costume storage, answering questions about who was doing what part in the show because she forgot to bring her notes, opening the door to the building for her kids because she couldn't find a babysitter or someone else to play on the park with them...

I did get a chance to work on a project of my own...but because of the interruptions with her and the kids, it took me seven hours to do four hours worth of work.

I LOVE IT when my plans get screwed because someone else was too 'busy' to do their job when it was supposed to be done.  My one consolation on the day?  At least when we get to dress rehearsal on Monday, there will actually be outfits for all the performers to put on.  We'll have no idea if they'll fit or not, because she was 'too busy' to show up on the night they arranged to have the band and the singers together at the same time SPECIFICALLY so she could do costume fittings.  But they'll have costumes.  (And we'll have two days' worth of notes to take care of after they all get fitted into the costumes, I'm sure...)
member, 248 posts
Occassionally a little
randomness can be fun
Tue 21 May 2013
at 00:34
  • msg #421

Tornadoes and Spiders

So I am freaked by spiders, I know, stereotypical for a girl, but they are hotbeds of germs and bite for no reason, and do creepy things as well as just look.....ahhhh.

My SO comes over one day and tells me there was a brown recluse in my kitchen, ever since that day I have been freaking out, not even stopping at nightmares.

So then today I see the thing, I call my SO in a panic, coincidentally start having a panic attack.  Manage to come down from the panic attack, thankfully.  Come down only to hear my phone alert go off for a tornado in the area, I live in a cheap crap appartment on the first floor of a basement free building, with little insulation and lots of windows.  And thus the panic attack resumes....

I am left freaking out....again....
member, 789 posts
Tue 21 May 2013
at 11:14
  • msg #422

Re: Tornadoes and Spiders

So my girlfriend leaves me then two days later its anounced that my busness is cutting 25% of all jobs. how can this get worse. I know by being in one of the departments that will be the most hit by the cuts even though its the only department that actually is nessicary to the company.

I mean in an engineering Company why do you want to get rid of the small engineering department.
member, 620 posts
Putting old paper in new
boxes since 2005
Wed 22 May 2013
at 14:21
  • msg #423

Everything and everyone is against me

Petty dictators who abuse process to bully people.

Daycares in DC who close twice a month for "staff development" days and screw the working parents who have to find ways to take off.
member, 1677 posts
Wed 22 May 2013
at 18:37
  • msg #424

Re: Everything and everyone is against me

Then there's petty idiots who don't even bother with due process, but manage to get others to at least let them run, if not back them up.  *sigh*
member, 1325 posts
Even a small star
shines in the darkness
Wed 22 May 2013
at 23:55
  • msg #425

So very tired

Returning to full-time study and getting everything else done that I need to is seriously kicking my butt right now. I'm discovering new (or at least forgotten) levels of exhausted.

That said, everything IS actually working out well.
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