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19:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night.

Posted by LoremasterFor group archive 1
GM, 109 posts
Fellowship points 6 (6)
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 09:56
  • msg #1

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night

Aldaron follows Jari and manages to shadow him without being seen. The dwarf scurries eastward at a quick pace and he is surprisingly sneaky, carefully choosing where to step, takes small detours and stops to look around every so often (Jari has the trait CUNNING). If Aldaron had not been so accomplished he might quickly have lost the trail. They go well into the rolling hills even after dark. After about an hour Aladaron can see Jari stop on top of a small crest, puts his hands to his mouth and imitates the sound of a curlew. Aldaron realizes it is a signal of some kind.
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 48 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 10:52
  • msg #2

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night

As Dusk casts a melancholic hue upon the land, Aldaron navigates through the treacherous terrain. The ground is rough, the path thin, and Jari is uncommonly sure-footed. It takes all of Aldaron's skill, and more than a little luck, just to keep up with the swift-moving dwarf. A biting, stiff wind raises goosebumps on his skin. Clouds race across the purpling sky. Distant hills cast long, ominous shadows like outstretched claws, and shadowed boulders become watching trolls.

Amyn Suil, he recalls, was the Sindarin name for these hills. The most famous being Amon Sûl, far to the south. Windy Hills, in Westron. He rubs his arms and thinks the elves were right.

It almost surprises him when Jari comes to a stop atop the nearby crest, the more when the furtive dwarf makes a sudden bird call.

Aldaron frowns and sinks into the shadow. His instincts were right. Jari is up to something. He peers into the gloom with suspicious eyes. But what? (AWARENESS: Extraordinary Success with Gandalf Rune)

OOC: Hope you don't mind the art. Please disregard the roll if it isn't appropriate, it was a 'just in case' to keep the flow moving quickly.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:01, Sat 24 Feb.
GM, 112 posts
Fellowship points 6 (6)
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 12:55
  • msg #3

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night

Aldaron watches Jari use the bird-call two more times and then the dwarf turns to head back to camp.

You do not see anyone or anything out in the dark but you do notice that the soft wind blows eastward and any sounds would probably carry a great distance in that direction.

Don't mind the art at all, very evocative. There woildn't be a parh though, mostly windswept grass, low bushes, scattered trees and rocks.
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 50 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 15:06
  • msg #4

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night

Aldaron waits until Jari is well on his way back to camp before rising from his hiding place. A signal, that much is obvious, but to whom, and why?

He stands, staring out to the east. Travellers killed, Orothel not heard from, and strange signals in the wilderness. Aldaron little likes the feel of it.

Wary about Jari spotting him, he follows the dwarf's trail at a distance, his mind troubled by what he has witnessed.

OOC: Swapped out the picture for one with less path and more sunset. Nudge me if I return to the main thread (if nothing more occurs as we head back to camp). I won't jump back into it until then.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:45, Sun 25 Feb.
GM, 118 posts
Fellowship points 6 (6)
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 17:15
  • msg #5

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night

Aldaron follows Jari back to camp without being noticed. The dwarf grunts something to the others that you can't hear from a distance and then rolls himself up in his blankets for the evening.

Nice image! Feel free to return to the main thread.
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 51 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 19:11
  • msg #6

[IC] Part 2: Sneaking off into the night

Thanks. And will do.
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