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03:12, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Common Knowledge.

Posted by Vaelan NightshadeFor group public
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 3 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 13:34
  • msg #1

Common Knowledge

This will be an area for knowledge of the game world itself. As more things become apparent to the players this will become a reference for them to better understand the world itself.
This message was last updated by the GM at 14:04, Tue 26 Mar.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 7 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 17:59
  • msg #2

Gods of the World

Subject to change

God of Light and Order - Solara
Influences: Sunlight, Justice, Knowledge
Appearance: Radiant and ethereal being with golden hair and wings of light.

Goddess of Darkness and Secrets - Nyxara
Influences: Night, Shadows, Deception
Appearance: A mysterious and shrouded figure cloaked in darkness, with glowing eyes and flowing ebony hair.

God of Nature and Beasts - Sylvanor
Influences: Nature, Forests, Animals
Appearance: A majestic and primal figure with antlers and a cloak of leaves, exuding an aura of natural abundance.

God of Smithing and Forge - Volgar
Influences: Fire, Metal, Craftsmanship
Appearance: A towering figure of molten metal and lava, with a powerful hammer and anvil in hand.

Goddess of Seas and Storms - Aegira
Influences: Oceans, Storms, Navigation
Appearance: A regal and tempestuous figure with waves for hair and stormy eyes, often seen wielding a trident.

God of Death and Undeath - Morcalus
Influences: Death, Undeath, Necromancy
Appearance: A skeletal figure cloaked in tattered robes, holding a scythe that glows with an eerie aura.

Goddess of the Hunt and Beasts - Lyssara
Influences: Hunting, Wildlife, Unity with Nature
Appearance: A graceful and fierce figure adorned with furs and feathers, often seen carrying a bow and accompanied by a loyal pack of wolves or forest creatures.

God of Stars and Dreams - Zephram
Influences: Stars, Dreams, Prophecy
Appearance: An ethereal and celestial being with luminous wings, his body adorned with constellations that shift and change.

Primordial Elemental - Pyrothor
Influences: Fire, Volcanoes, Unbridled Power
Appearance: A colossal and ever-changing figure composed of living flames and molten lava, wielding the forces of fire with an elemental fury.

Frostbringer - Glacius
Influences: Ice, Winter, Preservation
Appearance: An imposing and regal figure encased in ice, radiating an aura of cold and frost.

Sandsweeper - Azura
Influences: Sand, Wind, Time
Appearance: An enigmatic and fluid figure made of sand and dust, with windswept features and the ability to control the flow of time.

The Artificer - Teknos
Influences: Technology, Innovation, Ingenuity
Appearance: A mechanical deity with a body of intricate clockwork gears, wires, and metal components, radiating a soft, electric blue glow.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 8 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 18:08
  • msg #3


The Badlands: A Realm of Chaos and Conflict

The Badlands stand as a vast and treacherous expanse, a stark contrast to the civilized regions of Aeloria. Here, the rule of law is as transient as the shifting sands, with power-hungry warlords and mighty beast races vying for control. The Badlands are a place where chaos and lawlessness reign, and danger lurks around every corner.

Law and Rulership:
The Badlands are divided into numerous regions, each controlled by a powerful king or warlord. As these leaders vie for dominance, the borders of their territories constantly shift, leading to ever-changing alliances and betrayals. The rule of these kings is often harsh and brutal, with their authority enforced through force and fear. The inhabitants of the Badlands must be ruthless and cunning to survive in this harsh environment.

Beast Races and Barbarian Hordes:
In the Badlands, the more beast-like races such as orcs, ogres, half-giants, dragonkin, goblins, centaurs, and others are dominant. These savage and warlike beings have formed powerful tribes and clans, each with their own customs, traditions, and territorial claims. They are formidable adversaries in battle, and their strength and ferocity make them a force to be reckoned with.

Lawlessness and Crime:
The absence of a centralized and stable authority in the Badlands has led to rampant lawlessness and crime. Bandits, raiders, and marauders roam the wastelands, preying on unsuspecting travelers and settlements. Kidnappings, thefts, and extortion are common occurrences, and even those who survive such encounters are often left broken and penniless.

Monsters and Perils:
The Badlands are teeming with monstrous creatures that have adapted to this harsh environment. From giant sand worms that burrow beneath the dunes to ferocious creatures that prowl the night, danger is ever-present. Travelers must be constantly vigilant, and even the most experienced adventurers can fall victim to the perils of the Badlands.

Protected Sanctuaries:
Amidst the chaos and danger, there are rare places protected by ancient magic and relics. These sanctuaries serve as safe havens, shielded from the raiding parties of the beast races. Powerful wards and barriers prevent intruders from entering, creating an oasis of safety for those who seek refuge from the lawless wastelands. However, gaining access to these protected locations is no easy feat, as they are often hidden and guarded by powerful magical guardians.

The Desperation of Rogues and Outcasts:
Only the most daring and desperate individuals dare to traverse the Badlands. Rogues, outlaws, and those with devilish natures find refuge in this lawless realm, where they can evade capture and pursue their own agendas. The Badlands offer freedom for those willing to risk it all, attracting those who seek to escape the constraints of civilization and forge their own paths.

The Badlands are a land of extremes, with towering peaks and deep canyons, scorching deserts, and freezing wastelands. It is a realm where survival is a constant struggle, and where only the strongest and most cunning can hope to prosper. In this unforgiving landscape, opportunities for great reward and perilous adventure await those who dare to venture into its heart.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 9 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 18:25
  • msg #4


Queen Elara of Everwood:
Capital: Verdantglade Sanctuary
Monarch: Queen Elara (Race: Elf, Sex: Female)
Kingdom: Everwood
Landscape: Everwood is a vast and ancient forest, rich with towering trees, shimmering clearings, and magical glens. It is said that the forest itself responds to Queen Elara's will.
Beliefs: Queen Elara is deeply attuned to nature and the spirits that dwell within it. She believes in maintaining harmony between the races and the land, viewing her people and the creatures of the forest as equals. Her kingdom follows a code of respect for the balance of life, guided by the spirits' whispers.
Monarch: Queen Elara (Race: Elf, Sex: Female)
Advantages: Everwood is rich in natural resources and magical flora, enabling the elves to create potent potions, elixirs, and magical artifacts. The elves' mastery of archery and nature-based magic provides them with a potent defense against intruders.


King Thrain Ironhelm of Stoneholm:
Capital: Frostpeak Stronghold
Monarch: King Thrain Ironhelm (Race: Dwarf, Sex: Male)
Kingdom: Stoneholm
Landscape: Stoneholm is a mountainous realm, adorned with vast cave systems, subterranean cities, and towering peaks. Its landscape is as formidable as its ruler, King Thrain Ironhelm.
Beliefs: King Thrain is a traditionalist, deeply committed to the ancient ways of his dwarven ancestors. He values strength, loyalty, and honor, seeking to maintain the unity of the dwarven clans and uphold their time-honored craftsmanship and metalworking. Stoneholm stands as a bastion of dwarven culture and resilience.
Advantages: Stoneholm boasts the most skilled blacksmiths and artisans in Aeloria, crafting powerful enchanted weapons, armor, and machines. The dwarves' underground fortresses provide a strategic advantage, and their expertise in mining yields vast wealth and resources.


High Magus Aurelia of Celestia:
Capital: Ethereal Spire
Monarch: High Magus Aurelia (Race: Elemental Scion, Sex: Female)
Kingdom: Celestia
Landscape: Celestia floats high above the clouds, a kingdom of floating islands, radiant skies, and ethereal landscapes. Its magic sustains the islands' levitation, making it a beacon of arcane wonders.
Beliefs: High Magus Aurelia is a scholar and a visionary, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the understanding of the arcane arts. She believes in the potential of magic and technology to coexist harmoniously, seeking to unlock the secrets of both ancient relics and emerging technologies. Celestia stands as a haven for mages and intellectuals alike.
Motivation: High Magus Aurelia aims to unlock the mysteries of the ancient relics and their potential in advancing both magic and technology. She seeks to unite Aeloria under a new era of enlightenment and prosperity.
Advantages: Celestia's floating islands grant the scions a natural advantage in aerial warfare. They harness the elemental forces to manipulate weather, provide bountiful harvests, and maintain the islands' levitation.


Lord Draven Darkthorn of Shadowgate:
Darkthorn Keep
Monarch: Lord Draven Darkthorn (Race: Half-Elf, Sex: Male)
Kingdom: Shadowgate
Landscape: Shadowgate is a land of perpetual twilight, shrouded in mist and mystery. Its landscape is dotted with crumbling castles, ancient crypts, and haunted moors. Dark and treacherous, it mirrors its ruler, Lord Draven Darkthorn.
Beliefs: Lord Draven is a cunning and enigmatic ruler, driven by ambition and a thirst for power. He believes that strength and dominance are the keys to survival in the chaotic world of Aeloria. He seeks to harness the dark forces of the realm, delving into forbidden knowledge and ancient rituals. Shadowgate stands as a realm of shadows, where secrets and intrigue thrive.
Motivation: Lord Draven's thirst for power and vengeance drives him to seek the downfall of the other monarchs and dominate all of Aeloria. He believes that only by embracing darkness can he rule with an iron fist and reshape the realm in his image.
Advantages: Shadowgate's dark and treacherous landscapes provide a natural defense against invaders. Lord Draven's infernal pact grants him access to dark magics and demonic allies, making him a formidable adversary.


King Alistair Stormrider of Stormhaven:
Capital: Stormharbor
Monarch: King Alistair Stormrider (Race: Human, Sex: Male)
Kingdom: Stormhaven
Landscape: Stormhaven is a coastal realm with rugged cliffs, stormy seas, and hidden coves. The kingdom is known for its mastery of maritime trade, sailing prowess, and fierce naval forces.
Beliefs: King Alistair Stormrider is a pragmatic and ambitious ruler, dedicated to expanding Stormhaven's influence across the seas. He believes that control of trade routes and access to valuable resources are vital for the kingdom's prosperity. Stormhaven stands as a bastion of maritime strength and an emerging power that seeks to rival the other kingdoms.
Motivation: King Alistair desires to establish Stormhaven as the dominant maritime power, controlling trade routes and acquiring wealth and resources from across the seas.
Advantages: Stormhaven's naval forces are unrivaled, allowing them to control sea trade and conduct strategic strikes. The kingdom's access to unique coastal resources and maritime magic enables them to prosper and expand their influence.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:48, Mon 31 July 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 10 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 18:47
  • msg #5

Racial Grudges

Feel free to use these as flavor for your characters.

The Elemental Scions' Grudge:
Hatred: Elemental Scions, particularly those aligned with fire and earth elements, harbor deep resentment toward the Half-Orcs. In the past, Half-Orcs sought to control and exploit elemental energies, leading to clashes with the Scions, who consider the misuse of such powers a grave offense against nature.

The Ancient Centaurs:
Hatred: Centaurs harbor a long-standing grudge against the Half-Giants and Minotaurs due to territorial disputes and ancient battles for control of lush grasslands. The Half-Giants' relentless expansion and the Minotaurs' aggressive nature have fueled their animosity.

The Vengeful Dwarves:
Hatred: Dwarves bear a longstanding grudge against the Goblins and Half-Folk due to past territorial disputes and resource conflicts. They believe the Goblins encroached on their ancestral mines, and the Half-Folk betrayed their trust during an ancient war.

The Feywild Guardians:
Hatred: The Feywild Guardians, comprising Elves and Fairies, hold a deep animosity towards the Infernals and Rakashans. In the past, the Infernals attempted to corrupt the sacred groves of the Elves, and the Rakashans laid claim to ancient Feywild lands, leading to a bitter conflict that still lingers in their hearts.

The Serpent Saurians:Hatred: Saurians despise the DragonFolk and Serpentfolk, stemming from ancient territorial disputes and their ongoing struggle for dominance over the Badlands. The DragonFolk once sought to enslave the Saurians, and the Serpentfolk coveted Saurian lands, leading to a bitter and ongoing feud.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 20 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 14:21
  • msg #6

Racial Grudges

Stormharbor (capital city of Stormhaven region)

Region Map

Notable Locations:
Stormharbor Market:
Visual: A sprawling marketplace with vibrant stalls and colorful awnings, bustling with merchants and buyers. A large fountain at its center depicts a mighty ship sailing through stormy seas.
Goods: Exotic spices, enchanted trinkets, rare artifacts, and magical potions. The market is also known for its prized storm crystals, magical gems imbued with the power of storms.
Known for: The Stormharbor Market is famous for its diverse and exotic wares, attracting traders and adventurers from all over Aeloria.

Tempest Tavern:
Visual: A lively inn built to resemble a grand ship, complete with a ship's wheel as the centerpiece of the main hall. Walls adorned with ship models and maritime paintings. Goods: Ales and spirits from across Aeloria, as well as seafood dishes and exotic delicacies from far-off lands.
Known for: The Tempest Tavern is renowned for its nightly entertainment, featuring sea shanties and tales of epic maritime adventures.

Whispers and Shadows Library:
Visual: An ancient and mysterious library with towering bookshelves, dimly lit with flickering candles. The books' leather covers bear enigmatic symbols.
Goods: Arcane tomes, historical records, and scrolls containing long-lost knowledge. The library is also rumored to hold the secrets of Stormharbor's founding.
Known for: The Whispers and Shadows Library is known for its elusive caretaker, an enigmatic figure rumored to have lived for centuries.

The Iron Anvil Guildhall:
Visual: A grand guildhall with an enormous anvil and hammer as its entrance, symbolizing craftsmanship. The interior holds impressive blacksmithing and crafting stations.
Goods: Exquisite metalwork, finely crafted weapons, armor, and magical artifacts. The guild also offers classes to aspiring artisans.
Known for: The Iron Anvil Guildhall is renowned for producing the finest weapons and armor in Aeloria, sought after by warriors and adventurers.

Sunset Promenade:
Visual: A picturesque boardwalk overlooking the harbor, adorned with lanterns and ornate street lamps. Ships docked in the harbor paint the water with their reflections during the evening.
Goods: Freshly caught seafood, street performers, and vendors selling artistic wares.
Known for: Sunset Promenade is famous for its breathtaking sunset views and being a popular spot for romantic walks and family outings.

The Starfall Observatory:
Visual: A majestic observatory crowned with a large telescope, offering a stunning view of the night sky. Astronomical charts and celestial paintings decorate its walls.
Goods: Rare star maps, astronomical instruments, and telescopes. The observatory also hosts celestial events and stargazing nights.
Known for: The Starfall Observatory is renowned for its renowned astronomers who have made groundbreaking discoveries about Aeloria's celestial wonders.

The Silent Cathedral:
Visual: An imposing cathedral shrouded in an aura of reverence and mystique. Its magnificent stained glass windows depict serene scenes of nature and divine beings.
Goods: Holy relics, sacred texts, and divine blessings. The Silent Cathedral also offers solace and guidance to pilgrims and worshippers.
Known for: The Silent Cathedral is a place of spiritual reflection, attracting those seeking wisdom and divine intervention.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:59, Thu 28 Dec 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 62 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 21:11
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 387 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 20:10
  • msg #8

NPC Characters


Teknos the god of Technology, Innovation, Ingenuity has always been one of the newer gods among the gods. His greed bore him to commits acts against the other gods which lead him to trouble. One day the gods tried of his power and backstabbing decided to join together and send him away from this world. Teknos to their surprise had been planning to take over the gods by the growing number of followers he was gaining.

Just in time they were able to displace Teknos forever disconnecting the god from the realm of Aeloria and banishing him. Some have whispered of his growing return as technology slowly kills magic day by day due to his influence. For now technology isn't controlled by Teknos but if he ever makes a return it could spell chaos to those who betrayed him.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 516 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 21:21
  • msg #9


Lord Varren Blackpaw
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