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00:05, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Character Creation Chat.

Posted by OdinFor group 0
GM, 7 posts
One-eyed GM
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 14:19
  • msg #1

Character Creation Chat

This chat will be deleted or hidden after creation. Please use this to discuss character creation rather than using OOC.
GM, 8 posts
One-eyed GM
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 14:21
  • msg #2

Character Creation Chat

So if you want to start the random creation Bragi. Go ahead and roll 4 d20's and we will use them in order to determine what you are and we can go from there.

I am (roll a d20)
Equipped with...(roll a d20)
It all started when...(roll a d20)
But now, I..(roll a d20)

They should go in order.
Bragi Herjulfsson
player, 1 post
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 18:25
  • msg #3

Character Creation Chat

Here we go.

19:22, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 7 using 1d20.  I am. – 7
19:23, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 19 using 1d20.  equipped with. – 19
19:23, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 14 using 1d20.  It all started when. – 14
19:23, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 19 using 1d20.  But now I. – 19

GM, 9 posts
One-eyed GM
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 18:47
  • msg #4

Character Creation Chat

I love the random creation stuff. This is going to be fun.

You are ..... 7.Jolly, Well-Fed Dwarf: Ah the stout folk revelers! A life of eating and
drinking shows on this huggable figure.

Equipped with .....19. Flintlock Guns and Kit: Black powder weapons are your specialty.

It all started when......14.  The Sky Went Dark: My mother stayed behind so that we could
escape... she knew the ash clouds brought dark portents

But now I....19. Answer to No One: I go where I please, and slay whom I choose.


Still need to roll for the following also:
50 points to spend:

Character flaw d20 gives +5 (can be taken twice)
Core Ability d12 cost -15

Weapons: (decided up above can probably be one of the following:)
19. Musket D12 Heard for miles, D6 phases to reload 7 pts
20. Flint Pistol D10 Concealed, D6 phases to reload 7 pts


Stout Folk are usually built like tanks...

Ah, the beard-sporting, ale-quaffing, hammer-wielding folk of Runnminir
and Ullur! Stout folk, also called dwarves by the ill-mannered, can all trace
their family lines to one of these two ancestral homes, endlessly arguing
theirs as the best. Stout folk have a hearty sense of moral duty. They carry
an inheritance of mighty deeds from their ancestors, allying with all the
folk of The Holds to preserve the best things in life.

The only weak point in the stout folk code of honor is the sinister shadow
of greed. Players creating stout folk characters should remain ever-mindful
of dwarven greed and its effects


Remember anything besides Midgard people are considered outsiders so your background works perfectly. You likely fled during Ragnarok to this new world, you were very familiar with more your worlds way of doing things and dealing with the gods. Now that they are gone, you are trying to survive.
Bragi Herjulfsson
player, 2 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 19:04
  • msg #5

Character Creation Chat

20:01, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 15 using 1d20.  1st Character Flaw. – 15
20:02, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 14 using 1d20.  Second Character Flaw. – 14
20:02, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 5 using 1d12.  Core Ability. – 5
20:03, Today: Bragi Herjulfsson rolled 2 using 1d2.  Weapon - 1=musket 2=pistol. – 2

There we go
GM, 10 posts
One-eyed GM
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 19:55
  • msg #6

Character Creation Chat

First flaw: 15. Phobia: Fear of a common thing. In its presence, no roll can succeed.
Second flaw: 14. Paranoid: What’s that? You hear that? You invent your own boogie
men, and sew doubt among others. NPCs will be hesitant to trust you.

Core Ability: Go Unnoticed: You blend into shadows with ease. When enemies are
attacking you and your allies, they will target you last.

Total Points: 50 +5 (flaw 1), +5 (flaw 2), -15 Core Ability, -7 weapon

38 points left to spend.

Skills (highly recommend you take at least 4 similar to the templates max 10):
Buy cost: Pay 1 to 1 points for skills. Minimum value 3, maximum 18.
Upgrade cost: Pay 1 point to add a +1 to a skill and so on.

Animal Training: Charm or induce an animal companion to perform
simple actions. Can only be used with one animal at a time.
Armorer: In arm’s length of an ally, roll this skill to repair 1 damaged
armor item in their inventory. On a failure, the armor is destroyed.
Brawling: Fight with fi sts and feet. Two uses: 1) Roll the skill to grapple
or stun a foe for 1 round. 2) Use a D6 when attacking without a weapon.
Breakfall: Half damage taken in long falls if this skill rolled successfully.
Climber: Climb any reasonable surface with texture, holds, or crevasses.
Courtier: Roll to outwit bureaucrats or royalty.
Disguise: Take on alternate identities. More diffi cult with acquaintances.
Evade: Used to avoid attacks that armor cannot protect against.
Faith: The ability to call forth miracles with prayer (see Divine Magic).
Forage: A skill used to fi nd plants in the Herbalists’ Guide.
Gambling: Cheat or overcome casino games with devious attention.
Hunting: Acquire food in natural environments, enough for a group.
Investigate: Uncover hidden information, history or subtle facts.
Jump: Leap with uncanny agility, out-jumping the untrained by 3-fold.
Knowledge: Roll to recall details on a single topic or area of expertise.
Languages: Be fl uent with a successful roll. Only spend here for languages
outside what would be normal for your folk to speak.
Linguist: Discern lost or unknown language, glyphs, or writing.
Lockpicking: Disable non-magical locking devices with tools.
Magic: Used to contain infernal or unstable magic, or as a resistance to
spells. Also used for wild magic and anti-magic.
Medical: Recover a crossed-off skill on yourself or an ally, with a touch. A
failed roll renders that skill recoverable only by rest.
Mining: Navigate or excavate underground with perfect direction and
Muscle: You have a knack for leverage, a powerful grip, and raw strength.
Roll this skill to bend bars, lift the unliftable, or brace against wind.
Oratory: Fascinate or deceive with stories, bravado and sheer charisma.
Pickpocket: Acquire small or simple items on unsuspecting targets.
Profession: Any working skill or commerce skill, its tools and ways.
Resist: You are hearty. Roll to ignore extreme cold, poison, or too many
mugs of ale. Hold your breath or fi ght back harmful magic with Resist.
Repair: Mend a damaged weapon or item. Not usable on armor. A failed
roll destroys the item. “I think I dropped a piece...”
Riding: Perform daring maneuvers on horseback without penalties.
Running: Run double the distance of others, outrun pursuers in the open.
Sailing: Operate marine vessels, with appropriate crew.
Scholar: Achieve renown in a specifi c topic. You are published.
Scout: Find all kinds of clues, information, or traps in the immediate area.
Shield Fighting: When using a shield, roll this skill instead of Defense.
Additionally, add the Defense bonus of your shield to this skill.
Skinning: Harvest a slain beast for pelt or hide in 1D4 rounds.
Spell Research: Roll to study spells with time and materials in a safe
place. Gain 1 hero point per day invested thus, spendable only on spells.
Stealth: Go unnoticed when moving. Easier if perfectly still or hidden.
Streetwise: You know shady people and back-alley secrets.
Survival: If your heart is hit, a lethal injury, roll this skill instantly (it will
be crossed off). On a success, you fi ght off death’s embrace for 1 round.
Also rolled when refusing to rest and pushing onward after lack of sleep.
Swimming: Swim twice as far as others. Stay under water twice as long.
Take Aim: Add a die of your attack type on the next attack you make.
Tracking: Find obscured foes in the wild.
Trading: Get more value out of trade despite hagglers, bad leverage,
distractions or scammers.

-- Equipment: (basic)

1. Backpack Carry 2 additional items 6 pts
2. Torches 3 count, snap-light, burns for 1 scene 1 pt
3. Climbing Gear Ignore penalties on Climbing rolls 1 pt
4. Mining Kit Exploring or excavation times cut in half 1 pt
5. Cold Weather Fur Ignore penalties from normal cold or snow 1 pt
6. Diving Gear 2 dive helms, spearguns, fi ns, marker buoy 1 pt
7. Lockpicks Cannot pick locks without these tools 1 pt
8. Sack of Bearings A pouch of 3 dozen metal balls 1 pt
9. Flint & Steel Camp with comfort and cozy fi re 1 pt
10. Scribe’s Kit Parchment book, charcoal sticks 1 pt
11. Craftsman’s Tools Hammer, spanner, and bits for simple work 1 pt
12. Bandage Kit 3 count, heal 1 crossed off skill 3 pts
13. Oil Flask 3 count, fl ammable liquid, glass phial 1 pt
14. Rope 50’ length, breaks on crit fail usage 1 pt
15. Iron Chain 15’ length, all but unbreakable 1 pt
16. Snare Kit 3 count, catch small animals 1 pt
17. Bear Trap 1 count, Muscle to escape 2 pts
18. Caltrops 3 uses, spiked fl oor-scatter, i

--Equipment (large):

1. Horse Transports 2 people at 4x walking speed 5 pts
2. Cart Holds Crates and barrels fi lled with goods 10 pts
3. Wagon Transports like a cart, at horse speed 20 pts
4. War Wagon An armored wagon for siege 25 pts
5. Small Boat Holds 4 people, barely seaworthy, sneaky 15 pts
6. Mast Ship Crew of 3 required, 2 masts, huge hold 35 pts
7. House A cozy place to live, deed for life 50 pts
8. Fort or Garrison A wooden Defense position with pole-fences 75 pts
9. Castle A series of keeps and towers, stone 200 pts
10. Fortress A massive, impregnable castle on a㔀

--Basic Armaments List:

1. Dagger D4 Conceal, thrown 1 pt
2. Walking Staff D4 Handy for all kinds of things 1 pt
3. Short Sword D6 Use with no hindrance in tight spaces1 pt
4. Long Sword D8 If max damage, roll again 2 pts
5. Great Sword D10 Uses 2 hands 3 pts
6. Wood Axe D6 Thrown, double damage on wood 1 pt
7. Battle Axe D12 Ignore 2 target DEF 5 pts
8. Pick Hammer D6 Reduce target armor by 1 per hit 2 pts
9. War Hammer D10 If 7+ dmg, stun for D6 phases 3 pts
10. Studded Mace D8 If max damage, stun target 3 phases 2 pts
11. Spiked Flail D10 Double dmg if used mounted 3 pts
12. Spear D8 Thrown, long reach 2 pts
13. Halberd D10 Long reach, halt a target’s progress 3 pts
14. Scimitar D8 On max dmg, attack another target 5 pts
15. Barbed Whip D8 Induces bleed on target 5 pts
16. Short Bow D6 Conceal, Use point blank 1 pt
17. Long Bow D8 On max dmg, fi re again 3 pts
18. Crossbow D10 Takes 1 round to reload 5 pts
19. Musket D12 Heard for miles, D6 phases to reload 7 pts
20. Flint Pistol D10 Concealed, D6


1. Cloak +1 +3 Stealth skill 1 pt
2. Greaves +1 Boots with armored shins 1 pt
3. Leather Vest +2 No protection against blunt force 2 pts
4. Chain Mail +3 Noisy 3 pts
5. Scale Vest +3 Rare/requires expert blacksmith 3 pts
6. Helm +1 Draws enemy attention 1 pt
7. Chest Plate +4 -3 Stealth skill, cannot swim 5 pts
8. Wood Shield +1 Absorb 2 hits before attrition 3 pts
9. Steel Shield +2 Absorb 3 hits before attrition 5 pts
10. Tower Shield +3 Clumsy, ignore attrition from arrows 5 pts
***All Characters have a base 6 defense for clothing***

Use those to flesh out the character and you are done.
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