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OOC 1.

Posted by The TinkererFor group 0
The Tinkerer
GM, 6 posts
Sun 12 Mar 2023
at 12:43
  • msg #1


Welcome! The History & Overview thread fills in some more details about Coglinton, but I'm still trying to leave a lot up in the air so there's room for whatever details you all need to flesh out your backstories and play the characters you'd like to play. So please use this thread not only to discuss ideas for your characters but any thoughts you have on what or who else could be fun additions to our world here.
Veracity (formerly Opalia)
player, 1 post
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #2


Woohoo, we're here :D

Now seeing the expanded background info, I've given a little more thought to my character!  Veracity is a young tiefling woman who has had a hard life in the caldera.  She was orphaned at the age of four when her elderly grandfather worked himself to death at a JP textile mill, and she was conscripted to work as a chimneysweep.  Tiefling children were sought-after for chimneysweep work, because not only were they small enough to shimmy down narrow flues, but they could also survive heat that would kill children of most other races.  It was a meager and cruel existence, and her only joy was sneaking into theaters to watch stage performances.  She decided she wanted to be an actress and so would practice impersonating the many and varied people she'd overhear about her work in Coglinton as a way to pretend it be somebody else.  It turned out she was pretty good at it.  So good, in fact, that she discovered a knack for a sorcery of guile and trickery she came to refer to as 'the Cunning'.

By her early teens she quit chimneysweep work and fell in with a thieves' guild, leaving her birth name behind to take up the 'virtue' name of Veracity.  The name was chosen ironically, because lies are an actress's trade and she puts them to good use in her ludicrous small-time con schemes.  Though the schemes resulted in disaster more often than not, Baz Cinderhorn took a liking to her and mentored that clever resourcefulness into something useful before it got her killed.  Now she's an angsty young woman with a talent for chicanery, a dislike for exploitative capitalism, and a fierce loyalty to her surrogate father, Baz.

That's my rambly character concept so far!  Left the details vague to leave room for connections with other members of the Cinderhorn crew, which I would be happy to work on with y'all :)  I'm kinda torn between Creation and Eloquence bard, and am also between Urchin and Charlatan for background.
player, 1 post
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 13:31
  • msg #3


Hi all. Happy to be forging a new character with all you fine folks. Also, some great and inspiring world building from our DM here! I'm looking forward to seeing all this play out.

Here are my initial thoughts for my character:

Pançaronz Proclaatiz is a strong draconic name, which is a stark contrast to his physicality. Not only is he a small humanoid of mostly kobold blood, he has poor health; most likely on account of being born in the most poisoned and polluted of slums, amidst the slag heaps of the lowest slopes.

After a terrible fire in the area, this sickly kobold child was apparently the sole survivor from the little hovel he had shared with his family. He was rescued by a human constable by the name of Ljubina. Childless herself, she took him home and raised the little kobold with her husband Felík.

(The fire could be an old plot hook of some kind. Maybe many were sick in that area and someone set a fire to cover up something?)

Although they had his birth records, the two humans just called the child Procz, which was easier for human tongues, even if his foster father was well-versed in the Draconic language. A historian, small-time mage and sage, Felík knew Draconic well. Many years ago, Felík had helped sort and identify magical treasures from Skakatoa's vast hoard.

(Felík has a secret book that Procz has discovered, to be discussed with our DM.)

Although they were not warm and affectionate people, they nursed Procz to some health. Confined to bed for most of his adolesence, the young kobold only had his foster parents to talk to, and being inquisitive and curious he prodded both with questions pertaining to their lines of work.

As a young adult, and in somewhat better health, he started limping through Coglinton, getting to know it. Inspired by his (now retired) foster mother, Procz wanted to become a constable himself. He was turned away, of course, with a substantial amount of ridicule. Officially, he failed physical tests and health requirements.

Procz did not give up, and stared patrolling Coglinton on his own, looking for criminal activities where he could intervene. He soon came across some thief guild smugglers and warned them to surrender. They did not, and Procz defended himself as best he could (with some minor magic) when they attacked.

He managed to stay alive until some real constables arrived. An officer in the constabulary, who seemed to know his foster mother, debriefed him. Learning about what had transpired, the officer waived the requirements, and let Procz join the constabulary after all. Procz didn't realize the officer had ulterior motives. (Maybe they think Procz can be easily manipulated, or plan to use him for something where they need someone disposable.)

Other notes:
-I was thinking maybe Procz has a police dog which he can ride?
-I also have an idea for a discovery Procz has made in his foster father's library. I'll send a PM to our DM with some notes and ideas we can discuss off the open board.
-I'm happy to discuss connections with other characters, if anyone can find hooks here they can attach to.

Edit: After some thought, I think I'm pretty much determined to go with wizard.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:58, Thu 16 Mar 2023.
Cora (Formerly)
player, 1 post
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 17:40
  • msg #4


Kreovliam (Kreo) was once just another face in the crowd, working a thankless job down in the lower districts. But all that changed when a wildcat strike was called in response to a worker dying at one of the tanning houses. Kreo joined the strike in solidarity, and got the brunt of a guard's club for his troubles, but gave as good as he got, finding he had a taste for the solidarity of the worker. He began organizing, meeting with his comrades and doing what he could to protect them.

Satyr Entertainer, that much is certain. I've two class combination ideas I wanted to try and I want to see what everyone's thoughts are.

Idea the First

Mastermind Rogue/Battlemaster Fighter, running around being support for the party and using skill and technique to overcome our foes. Boosting people, maneuvering, using ranged Help, just getting into the thick of it.

Idea the Second

Cleric (domain to be determined)/Divine Soul Sorcerer. The best healing a character can have! A supporter in the sense of keeping you all on your feet, keeping us all alive, and hopefully managing a few useful spell slings along the way. Currently leaning this direction but either could be fun. Can come in many different domain flavours but I'm leaning away from Twilight and Peace as I've read them and they're almost TOO good on a small dip before sorcerer.

Top domain picks I think are either Life (more healing) or Grave (more preventative healing) though Grave comes with wanting to go more into Cleric for longer.

Lineage question

I briefly considered applying Hexblood to Satyr, thought it'd be cool as I'd keep proficiencies and swap out for some story stuff, but I realized instruments/tools are lost with hexblood (skill proficiency still there so not a huge loss). Entertainer likely provides all the instrument proficiency I need though so what are people's thoughts on gaming the system slightly for my own benefit? Really depends if Mirthful Leap and increased land speed (and being a fey) helps the group out or is going to be a thing I'm just "um, actually"ing about frequently
This message was last edited by the player at 13:18, Thu 23 Mar 2023.
Arvid (formerly)
player, 1 post
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 17:09
  • msg #5


I enjoy satyrs. We don't see enough of them.

I can't recall if Caell previously indicated that Procz was going to be an investigator rogue or something else. If Procz is an investigator, from a group perspective it would make more sense to lean into Cleric rather than rogue and it sounds like you're leaning that way anyway but obviously go with what sounds the most fun to you.

Of the two domains I quite like Grave. Life has always felt like the 'default' to me. My personal favorite is Twilight. I can't really speak to lineages - I haven't used them much. It sounds like you'd still be covered with entertainer, and I'm always in favor of more plot hooks.
Fergus (formerly)
player, 1 post
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 18:57
  • msg #6


I have a complaint: everyone's concept is so good, that I am now intimidated!!! Way to go. Your blasted creativity is psyching me out.

So looking for a little help. Still toying with the Goblin Paladin idea, but not sure how to fit him into this setting. I picture him as kind of an "accidental paladin", or at least one that the establishment wants no part of. So I'm wondering in a place as chaotic as Coglington, do they even have paladins? Is there a group of tall, clean, well-armored humans, strutting around like they own the place? Would they be gnomes in this setting? Or maybe dragonborn?
Arvid (formerly)
player, 2 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 19:29
  • msg #7


I may be biased in this direction, but the first concept that comes to mind for me is an Oath of Redemption Paladin champion of the masses. I played one in another campaign DM ran. They're the pacifists of the paladin class and make for interesting roleplaying.

It stands out to my mind that nothing at all has been specified about religion in Coglington when Edge of the World dedicated considerable weight to it. Either its left to our devices to flesh out as we see fit, or religion is a secondary concern in this capitalist dystopia and I kind of like that latter option - the church as a vestigial relic with limited scope and reach. Something like the Church of Ezra in Ravenloft might be fitting. In fact, Coglington lends itself very readily to the trappings of Ravenloft - even down to the point of relegating everywhere outside of Coglington to merely 'elsewhere'. The brothers fit very nicely into the role of Darklords.

Outside of formal religions one could easily imagine a Cult of the Dragon in this setting, or something like a Cult of the Machine God. Miners might leave offerings for the cave spirits, and factory workers might have rituals to appease the gear spirits.
Cora (Formerly)
player, 2 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 19:48
  • msg #8


Kreo's not that good, I don't see why you should feel intimidated. You can slum it with me until you realize you're cool like the other people!

Oath of Redemption is tight, only alternate suggestion I can give is Oath of the Ancients, tapping into something deeper than Coglington, something that is granting you power despite your goblinness because it doesn't care, regardless of the societal pressure that puts you under. It helps that much like Redemption, Ancients is a solid defensive buff on your party too . . .

re Kreo: understood on the rogue, oh no, how will I survive being "forced" to play a spellcaster idea I actually might enjoy? I keep talking myself out of spellcasty characters, might as well take the plunge

Grave cleric is pretty tasty, oooooo you twisted my arm! Alright!

Satyr or Hexblood, I think I'll talk with the DM some for it
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