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21:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: A Look Around.

Posted by TheGMFor group 0
GM, 20 posts
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 12:51
  • msg #1

IC: A Look Around

You’ve all been in training for two or three weeks at the DIMR office in Bellevue.  If you want, the office has made arrangements for special asset accommodations (which aren’t fancy, but they pay for them) at the Renton Inn, or at a more remote coffin motel in Redmond with the badly humorous name of Stoker’s.  If you already have your own accommodations, that’s fine.

You show up for your afternoon training, but instead get taken to an internal conference room, with no windows.  The lady at the end of the table is fairly young, tall, thin, black, and wears her hair in a short afro.  She’s wearing a simple, straight dress in a dark green, and is flipping through something on her link as you come in.

Looking up with a slight smile, she says, “Good morning.  I’m Sylvia Roberts.  Some of you know me already.  Some don’t.  At least for now, I’m going to be handling your assignments.  I’m the head of our Special Assets division for this facility, such as it is at the moment.  If you’ve been paying attention, you know your team is our first real foray into internal operatives for this sort of thing.  As we grow, you may end up with another liaison, but for now, I’m it.”

“I’m going to assume that you’ve seen one another in passing during your training, but since some of you have been in different areas or on different schedules, I’ll give you a few minutes to get acquainted, before we get you going on your first assignment.”
Miyako Muto
player, 23 posts
Cha 8 Vampire
Latex clad
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 13:46
  • msg #2

IC: A Look Around

Miyako enters the room, looking around at the unexpected change in room with the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research (DIMR), before taking a seat.

Except for her boots and motorcycle style helmet, which has a completely blacked out visor. She is clad in a purple latex skin tight suit from head to toe, along with latex gloves.  Long straight red hair nearly down to her butt drops out of the helmet behind her.  This girl is exceptionally slender, as her hip bones are showing with the latex.  If you have seen her before, she always has her helmet on, and you have never seen her take it off.

Picture in description

Good morning Sylvia,  I'm Miyako, i'm sure that is in your notes.   Thanks for picking an inside room.

Even though the room is inside, the girl keeps one eye on the door.
Elizabeth Carver
player, 23 posts
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #3

IC: A Look Around

 The door to the room opens and immediately the signal on everyone's comlinks drops a bar or two. A young elven woman, edging close to teen really, steps though the threshold with bright blue hair tucked up in a beanie and a heavy leather jacket with remarkably diverse array of decorations and patches sewn into it. "What’s the story?" She asks in a syrupy accent which somehow still expresses a youthful flippancy towards being ordered about.
Spike Breakdown
player, 4 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 05:18
  • msg #4

IC: A Look Around

Spike is sitting with his feet propped up on a briefcase sized gadget covered over in Trog Metal stickers. When Elizabeth walks in his head snaps up and he looks at the commlink on his wrist "What the hell? Hey choom whatever that is can you turn it off? I gotta lotta hardware, I'm trying to monitor over here."

He's a painfully lean young man with purple hair and motorcycle street gear. He doesn't seem particularly metaled up other than a glint of chrome at the base of his spine and the data cable surreptitiously trailing down his sleeve to the case at his feet.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 22 posts
Pixie Mage
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 08:00
  • msg #5

IC: A Look Around

The white haired pixie had managed to snag a decent apartment Downtown in what was usually known as the Elven District; but was, as always, somehow running late.  He'd managed to snag a cup of imitation coffee, which while cheap wasn't anywhere near as good as the real thing; on his way to the office.   He was looking forward to a job that didn't primarily involve plugging bullet holes, but he still couldn't get past that sneaking suspicion that there was still going to be plenty of that to go around.

Part of his delay had been the need to once again have the argument with his father about the job in general.   It was the same argument that they'd been having since graduate school: His father wanted him to take a nice safe teaching job in Dublin, and was willing to pull strings to get it for him.   Of course, he was far more interested in field work; and hopefully this job would actually help him with his doctorate thesis.

When he'd floated into the room and near enough to Elizabeth for his link to start acting up; he reverted to the tried and true Scottish method of fixing cantankerous gadgets, a good smack on the side.    "Mornin' " was the extent of his acknowledgement of the rest of the room, his quite thick Scottish accent apparent even in the single word.   He gave the new girl a glance in the astral to see what he was dealing with, just filing away the information for future reference.

At the moment, he was far more interested in the contents of his link than the contents of the room.
Miyako Muto
player, 26 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 12:30
  • msg #6

IC: A Look Around

Miyako watches the new arrivals.

Well as no one else is going to say it, welcome to the room... I'm Miyako, maybe everyone should at least introduce themselves?

Not sure what your assensing is, but Miyako is awakened
Elizabeth Carver
player, 26 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 13:50
  • msg #7

IC: A Look Around

Carver shrugs to Spike "Matrix is all banjaxed around me accounting for my awakened nature." She shrugged dismissively before allowing some low voltage electricity arcs up and down her hand as a demonstration. "This cailín is just pure lightning in a bottle. sorry mate."
player, 11 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 16:49
  • msg #8

IC: A Look Around

Mustang had spent his early morning taking a couple of laps around the district getting a good run in. People had begun to wave at him as his route had become routine. His urban explorer jumpsuit with corresponding helmet has been customized with feathers, patches of leather, and turquoise studs running down the arms and legs which had a dramatic flowing effect when running. The back was emblazoned with the picture of wild horses galloping into a grassland sunset. The helmet was painted white with black streaks that ran vertically the full length. Finished with his morning jog, he takes a second and runs up the side of the hotel DMIR had set him up at to the roof where he had set up camp. He specifically requested a roof with at least one or two trees that he made a makeshift lean to out of.

The adept quickly scooped up the contents of his survival kit that was then strapped to his waist underneath the quiver and collapsed Krime Trollbow secured to his back. A quick sprint back down the side of the hotel and jog to the DMIR office was all he needed to arrive at the appointed time. There was only a moment of confusion as he was led to the conference room.

Seeing those gathered, he removed the helmet letting long black hair tied back with a simple ponytail at the base flow over his back. The face was angular with a dark tan set with light brown eyes. He gave a quick nod to their handler. “Sylvia, a pleasure as always. To those of you who don’t know me, I go by Mustang. I’ll go ahead and get my skill set and load out out of the way. My skills involve tracking, detection, stealth, and silent assassination. My arsenal consists primarily of my bow and hunting knife. I can run faster than most cars and run up buildings. Feel free to ask any questions. I might answer them.”With his piece said, he holds the helmet in one hand as he leans against the nearby wall. He notices the static on his Commlink, but it is ignored as he treats technology more as a convenience than necessity in his line of work.

OOC: He is awakened.
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 1 post
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 12:12
  • msg #9

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia looks up from her papers and smiles at the group, with perhaps an extra nod toward Mustang.

“We should still have one more coming, but we can at least hit the high points to get started.

"I need you to take a look at something in a Gaeatronics power station.  Yeah, I know that doesn’t fall into any of our normal areas of interest, but we’ve gotten a tip that there’s a warded area in the power station’s basement, and there really shouldn’t be anything in a power station that requires a ward of any sort, much less a decently solid one.  The tip came from a friend of mine, and he says he could get through the ward, but that might attract some unwanted attention, so we’ll try the physical look and see first.  At least this one's close... the station is here in Seattle, toward the northwest corner of Bellevue.

“I’ve leaned on one of our IT team to do some basic research, and there’s nothing in the Gaeatronics records that she can find that indicates any sort of magical activity at the station.  The area that my spirit friend says is warded is listed in station records as ‘parts storage.’  She also says that the records don't show a lot of security from a top level look; if you need something deeper or mores specific, and it looks to be worth the risk, I can get her to look again.

“If we can get things together, going in tonight would be preferable, but there’s no time crunch, so we can wait if you need more time.  I’ll leave that to you;  you’re the pros for this.”
Miyako Muto
player, 28 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 15:33
  • msg #10

IC: A Look Around

Upon hearing that there is still one more expected her helmeted head still keeps an eye on the door.

Well taking Mustangs lead there, i'm a  ..... mage.  That was clearly a how do i say it pause.

A couple stunning spells, and a couple utility spells.  Also wonderful to be around.

  As i dont think i have directly worked with anyone here yet, I dont want this to be a surprise, i'm very allergic to sunlight and not that there is a lot of it around now, but wood also.  So in the event i get knocked, it would be appreciated to not leave me in the sun or on a wood floor.

Another pause with a sigh.

Fine, might as well rip this band aid off now and know, instead of wait.  Rather get kicked now ....

Taking off her helmet, Miyako reveals a rather gaunt but still very beautiful face, her smile revealing a pair of cute fangs.  i'm being monitored by the DIMR.  Contrary to everything you hear, i dont pose any threat to you just be being around me.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:35, Mon 25 Mar.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 24 posts
Pixie Mage
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 18:48
  • msg #11

IC: A Look Around

Doc didn't quite twitch when Miyako removed her helmet, and it certainly wouldn't be for the reasons that one might expect.   To have such a subject around would really help with his doctoral thesis, even if only through observation and not a more detailed examination.

"Aye, A'm Frances bit a' body calls me Doc."    He introduced himself, lowering his link to give the room his full attention.  "Ah specialized in Anthropology, Forensics, an Xenobiology."
player, 12 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 01:55
  • msg #12

IC: A Look Around

Mustang doesn’t flinch when the fangs are shown. He’s hunted a fanger or two in his time. If anything, he was glad to have one on the team to deal with her own kind if they pop up. The hunter gives each a nod of acknowledgment as they inform the team of their expertise.

When the introductions were done, he got down to business. “Is there a blueprint of the plant layout? Is there any buildings nearby to where we can observe the security and people that come and go?”
Spike Breakdown
player, 6 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 03:21
  • msg #13

IC: A Look Around

Spike rolls his head lazily to look at Miyako "While we are airing our weaknesses I also have a confession. Pollen really gets me. One whiff of the stuff and boy oh boy sniffles like you wouldn't believe! The fangs are a cool sculpt, do they work? Shoot acid? Explode?"

When Mustang pipes back up he is back to business "I'll be your wheels and overwatch. Blueprints would be nice. Technically I CAN attempt to hack the cameras or whatever when we get there but I'm a lot better at bringing my own and looking through windows."
Elizabeth Carver
player, 27 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 03:38
  • msg #14

IC: A Look Around

Carver was unnerved by the revelation of a vampire in company and wanted to step away, but didnt want to get kicked off the team on the first day. "Uh. Yeah, I punch things with lighting. Dont ask me to charge your phone though - it's never ended well."
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 25 posts
Pixie Mage
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 04:26
  • msg #15

IC: A Look Around

"Ah dinnae rammy or break stuff.  A'm a mage, though."  Well, he hadn't exactly expected normal when he'd signed up for the job; but this was going to make his life interesting.   And it's not like he'd really expected to contribute much other than hiding when things got interesting.

"A'm needin' tae gie a' body a comprehensive medical exam afore we git intae th' field.   Ah dinnae lik' surprises whin a'm patching up bullet holes. "   He gave his wings a flutter to remind the room that he was just as unusual as the rest of them.
Miyako Muto
player, 29 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 12:50
  • msg #16

IC: A Look Around

Well that went better than expected.  Which is good  Setting her helmet down on the desk in front of her.

In reply to Spike Breakdown (msg # 13):
Wish mine was that simple, a few minutes in the sun and i'm going to be much worse off than a few sniffles.  Yes they work so i can eat, thankfully no acid or explosion.  My god who would want an explosion in their mouth like that.  I have been told they dont even hurt, maybe like a needle at most.

In reply to Francis (Doc) MacCready (msg # 15):
Well Doc, thats fine.  Do you need me to disrobe now  If you want to .... uhm well lets just save that for later.

As we have not answered this question yet, maybe a non issue
In reply to Sylvia Roberts (msg # 9):
Is there extra compensation for this?
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 2 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 13:04
  • msg #17

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia watched as the various introductions were made, but didn't show a lot of surprise.  Her expression, if anything, looked more like happiness or eagerness to see what you could do.

"We can get a map of the main offices, and we have a map of the basement area, but I'm not sure I'd trust it.  It shows a single large room, a couple of bathrooms, and it's marked as 'parts storage.'

"It's not a big building, just two stories above ground.  There's a chain link fence around the back lot, where it looks like they store wire and transformers and the normal thing's you'd expect for a power plant.  As for places to watch, there are probably a few.  You're the experts, but there's a convenience store to the west, and a little cafe-style sandwich shop to the south.  If you're looking for a little more space, there's an office tower a couple blocks away if you can get to the roof, or get to an upper window."  She paused for a moment when Spike spoke up.  "Or get some sort of camera up there."

She glanced around when Doc suggested medical exams, trying to gauge responses.

OOC: There was a medical review required, but you were allowed to choose to have your own physician do it, or go through a little urgent care type place nearby.  The review was pretty much pro-forma; you got the impression that as long as you were moving, and didn't have any major, obvious problems, you would pass.
Miyako Muto
player, 32 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 13:19
  • msg #18

IC: A Look Around

Well i think those would help with planning, I of course am fine going at night, much prefer it.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:20, Tue 26 Mar.
Elizabeth Carver
player, 28 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 00:53
  • msg #19

IC: A Look Around

  Elizabeth looked over to Doc "I'm just like any other elven girl, but we can do examinations. We doing it here, right?" She asked slipping off her jacket and tossing it to Sylvia's desk. "The only thing arseways about me is when turn to pure electricity, thats probably why I'm with you lot."
player, 13 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 14:20
  • msg #20

IC: A Look Around

Mustang considers the possible areas where they could do some recon. He kinda sticks out like a sore thumb when not in cover, but they did have a rigger on the team. “Well getting a drone in there will help us know what’s up on a mundane level. Then maybe a spirit or mage can check out the magic security. After that, we can go in for a physical check after the system has been hacked.”
Miyako Muto
player, 35 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 14:47
  • msg #21

IC: A Look Around

Miyakos eyes are fixated on the elf as she takes off her jacket for docs request,  Her hands pressed flat on the table and she bites her lip.
Spike Breakdown
player, 10 posts
Human Rigger
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 15:01
  • msg #22

IC: A Look Around

Spike starts rooting around in his pockets "Doc you can got a good look at all of this when I have a hole in me and not a moment before. But if I have it my way there will be about 2 inches of steel in the way stopping that from happening."

He finds what he is looking for and sets a tiny drone down on the table "I ought to be able to get this little guy in there. Even if it's through a bullet hole we make ourselves."

He thinks on that for a second and makes the drone hover up and down "What kind of neighborhood is this place in? Do the cops come when people are shooting or do they come when someone is shot?"
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 27 posts
Pixie Mage
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 19:21
  • msg #23

IC: A Look Around

"Ah cannae mak' ony guarantees aboot quality o' care or survivability o' a'body tae stubborn tae gie me wi' th' speirins ah require fur lang term care.  A wullnae let a'body die if ah kin hulp it."    His comment is directed at Sylvia rather than Spike.   ""
Elizabeth Carver
player, 29 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 22:17
  • msg #24

IC: A Look Around

Carver starts to unbutton her shirt, having made an effort to be somewhat professional even if it was still untucked. Underneath she wore a sports top, which held the last bastion of dignity for the girl as the fitted shirt was thrown over her discarded jacket. "Alright doc let's get this physical done already." It wasn't that the girl was shameless, but more that she didn't see it as any difference from wearing a swim suit at the beach. That and she didn't have anything to be embarrassed about as an athletic elf.
Spike Breakdown
player, 11 posts
Human Rigger
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 22:28
  • msg #25

IC: A Look Around

While Spike was still staring straight ahead, as if waiting for Sylvia to continue or someone else to speak. His micro drones had its sights set dead center on the undressing elf girl. Subtly it started hovering to get a better look.

OOC: he's a Rigger, you know what he's into.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 28 posts
Pixie Mage
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 23:42
  • msg #26

IC: A Look Around

Aye, lassie.   Ah kin git a quick scan noo bit ah will need tae dae a mair comprehensive yin wance ah hae space tae wirk oot o'.   The comment was really intended for the room, including Sylvia; rather than just at Elizabeth.    He produced his ever present medkit from his belt pack, giving the device a smack on the side when it started malfunctioning again in Elizabeth's proximity.   He then deliberately placed himself been the half-naked elf and the rest of the males in the room as he worked; making certain that the wireless was turned off before beginning the scan.

The scan itself only took a minute or two, frowning the nodding at the results.   He double-checked the results then double-checked the save file before turning his eyes back to Elizabeth.  That's guid enough fur noo, lassie.
Miyako Muto
player, 36 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #27

IC: A Look Around

Miyako hands no longer stuck to the desk as they begin to wander across the latex on her body.  Her eyes locked on the half naked elf in the room.  It does not take long before Miyakos panting is audible through her clenched teeth.

After she cant take it, she approaches the elf, This might be a little forward, but maybe you might like to find someplace private after the meeting?

Elizabeth can see the vampires eyes are the size of saucers,  along with the clear signs that the vampire wants to bed the athletic elf.
player, 4 posts
Elven Magician
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 03:38
  • msg #28

IC: A Look Around

A figure comes through the door. She appears to be an elf, smaller, dressed in a dull green outfit of an indeterminate nature. She is carrying some materials, has no obvious weapon, and is awakened.

"Good morning. Sorry I was detained. I am Valerie."
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 3 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 15:06
  • msg #29

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia shakes her head to herself at Miyako's reaction, but stays professional.  "Whatever you two decide, keep it on your own time, please."

She nodded her welcome to Valerie, "Looks like you're still on time.  They're just really getting into the planning."

"Spike, the neighborhood's fine.  It's only a few miles from here, actually.  If you put your heads together and decide a drone is a good risk, help yourselves.  Again,  you're the experts here."

"Other than the ward, my friend didn't say anything about the magical security, but I expect even if he had, you'd want to check it out yourselves."

She stood up.  "I'll go see what I can do about those maps.  Go ahead and see what you can put together while I'm gone."

OOC:  I'm almost done with a map for the lab, because I thought we might need it.  I'll see if I can come up with one for the office and control room level too.  Been a while since I did any maps, but it's coming back to me.

As far as Miyako's addiction goes, just remember that the game's mature, not adult.  Keep it to the suggestive range, like you've been doing, and we should be fine, I think.
player, 5 posts
Elven Magician
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 17:26
  • msg #30

IC: A Look Around

Valerie quickly took a look at the other beings present, to try to ascertain whether any posed an immediate threat to her.

She then took more time to examine each of the others, in turn. As observation, examination, analysis, and reaction was her specialty, she figured to get a pretty good evaluation of everyone present, as well as to determine if and what might be hidden from most...
Miyako Muto
player, 38 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 18:17
  • msg #31

IC: A Look Around

In reply to Valerie (msg # 30):

Not sure what you are using for this:

Miyako is a vampire with accompanying problems,  but as her fangs are showing at the moment she isnt trying to hide it as everyone else seems at least tolerant of her.

Unless you count her obviously hitting on the elf with her shirt off a threat, she does not exhibit any other threats to you.

Elizabeth Carver
player, 30 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 19:30
  • msg #32

IC: A Look Around

   In reply to Miyako Muto (msg # 27):

"Oi, no sex without at least two Guinness, and never any teeth."
She grabs her shirt and starts to pull it back on "...not unless you want to learn what it would be like to tongue a light socket." She thoughtfully buttoned up her shirt, bringing an end to the show.
Miyako Muto
player, 40 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 19:46
  • msg #33

IC: A Look Around

at least two Guinness? Done.  I mean i cant drink them myself, but done.  We will... Figure it out when we have time.   No teeth?  well if you insist.  Promise i can heal it good as new.

Miyako heads back to her seat, the promise of later seeming to have satisfied her.

Sorry Sylvia, she took her shirt off, and ... We all have our issues.
Spike Breakdown
player, 16 posts
Human Rigger
Fri 29 Mar 2024
at 05:54
  • msg #34

IC: A Look Around

"I've stuck my tongue in much less appetizing light sockets." Spike mutters under his breath.

Shaking away the momentary distraction "Sylvia you said 'take a look' at something in the power station. What are the actual mission parameters? Just get eyes on what's inside? Rob the place? What is our tolerance for casualties? This can't be the only 'decently warded' corporate owned room in town. Why this one in particular?"
player, 6 posts
Elven Magician
Fri 29 Mar 2024
at 08:44
  • msg #35

IC: A Look Around

Miyako Muto:
In reply to Valerie (msg # 30):
Not sure what you are using for this:

Combat Sense? Perception? Assensing?
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 31 posts
Pixie Mage
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 00:17
  • msg #36

IC: A Look Around

Having completed his scan, Doc returns to his seat and his slowly cooling cup of coffee. It wasn't his first quasi-legal job and probably wasn't going to be his last.
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 4 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 14:45
  • msg #37

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia had stepped back in during the chat.  She nodded to Miyako, seeing that Miyako had overcome her distractions.

Walking back to the front of the room, she said, "I think we can get those maps to you shortly.  Your mission is really just that at this point, we need you to take a look inside.  We don't know what's in there, but it really doesn't make sense for there to be anything of that sort in there, which makes me nervous, and makes my friend nervous as well.

"We need some unofficial eyes on first.  If you find any obvious dangers, I trust to your professional knowledge to decide the best course.  If everything looks safe, and you don't find anything that looks like it should interest us, pull back and just report in."

"I was looking for an easier job to get you used to each other anyway, and this one just fell in my lap.  So get in and out quiet if you can; it's usually safest not to be noticed.  You can meet violence with violence if necessary.

"Any questions for me?"
Miyako Muto
player, 43 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 15:22
  • msg #38

IC: A Look Around

Try and get in quietly, look around, take some pictures, and see what they are doing and exfiltrate quietly.

Hopefully it all goes that well.

Not the greatest planner, but i do have a couple tricks up my sleeve which might help, and i can usually be very charming.

Elizabeth Carver
player, 32 posts
Sun 31 Mar 2024
at 17:59
  • msg #39

IC: A Look Around

"So what if we run into guards or something? Just punch them out?" Carver asked with a shrug, finally plucking her jacket back off the boss's desk.
player, 14 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Sun 31 Mar 2024
at 20:12
  • msg #40

IC: A Look Around

Mustang made a mental note to not get shot around the vampire with his shirt off. She might decide to just suck the bullets right out of him. The talk of non-lethal force made sense. Guards liked to pull out the machine guns and assault cannons when their friends get killed.

“Getting in and out quickly and quietly is my specialty. Main thing is making sure I get real time info on where the guards are and cameras are on loop.”
Spike Breakdown
player, 19 posts
Human Rigger
Sun 31 Mar 2024
at 23:58
  • msg #41

IC: A Look Around

"Keep it low key rather than blasting through all their security. Let the doc patch up anyone we need to shoot. Seems easy enough to avoid excessive casualties."

He addresses Sylvia again "Will we have communication with someone at DIMR during the run. Probably easier to steal, kill, whatever we need to do to whatever is on that room in the first infiltration rather than needing to go in again after home base reviews our footage."
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 5 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 14:26
  • msg #42

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia took in the various questions and replied, "Punch them out, stun them, or something similar should be your first choice, but do what you have to, and keep yourselves safe too.  If you do have to go with violence, try to keep from leaving tracks that will bring responses back to us.

"I don't normally encourage contact during operations, but since this is a look and see, and your first run for us, I'll try to arrange for a secure channel to get back to me, at least for a question or two.  Our deckers should be able to manage that without too much trouble.  You're always free to use your own judgement as well."

OOC: On a side note, I have a map pretty much together for once you get in, but I'm running behind on the one for the top levels.  If you're good with just a description there, we can start with more concrete plans.  If you really have to have a map, it will take me a few more days.  I can see it in my head, I just have to get it on a screen.

For the descriptive map, it's a small office with a larger parts yard attached.  On the front, it's a grass lawn with sidewalks and parking, double glass doors and a pretty normal amount of windows.  It's not full glass front, but it doesn't look fortified either.  There are two floors, top floor and part of the first floor are offices... managers, billing, pretty normal stuff.  The rest of the first floor is monitoring and controls for the local power grid, but even that is mostly computer controls so the people parts look like more offices.

There is a small security desk behind the double glass doors, but for more details, I'll need to know where you want to start.

Let me know if you have questions or need a 'real' map.
Spike Breakdown
player, 21 posts
Human Rigger
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 15:25
  • msg #43

IC: A Look Around

Spike nods "Right you don't really want to have to babysit us. We have a few magic types. That can probably appraise anything occulty that we find. I'm getting the feeling that the real worry is that the room is something completely unofficial, the lone tech in the building is using it as a magic meth lab or something."

He looks over the maps and starts working on a plan for infiltration. "Looks like maybe we can come in through the parts yard? Just avoid people entirely?"

OOC: I'm imagining the parts yard is barbed wire fence and all that. Probably some sort of service door into the building?
player, 15 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 16:21
  • msg #44

IC: A Look Around

Mustang looks at the map and nods. “Parts yard would be preferred as plan A if there’s a door that leads into the rest of the building. Otherwise, if the front double glass doors can be opened remotely, I and I assume some others of us here would have a clear shot to knock out the guards before they could do anything. We can then use the guard station to see the cameras of where the other guards are and have the access keys of the guards at the guard station.”
player, 7 posts
Elven Magician
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 02:47
  • msg #45

IC: A Look Around

Valerie listened to what the others were saying, to Ms. Roberts and to each other, and of their wishes and means for accomplishing what they were proposing to do.

She would be better at some of their proposed actions than she would at others. The safest, of course, would be do it all through stealth, secrecy, and magic. But, then, if these were not entirely successful in their entirety, then other means would be required as back-ups. It would be best to be prepared for these other ways in advance, which she could help in planning.

20:31, Today: Valerie rolled 6 successes using 14d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5 ((6,4,3,2,1,1,6,5,5,6, 1,1,6,2)). Presentation mostly to Ms. Roberts.
GM, 30 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:29
  • msg #46

IC: A Look Around

Spike Breakdown:
OOC: I'm imagining the parts yard is barbed wire fence and all that. Probably some sort of service door into the building?

OOC: Pretty much exactly correct.  Barbed wire, a few stacked utility poles, big rolls of wire, some equivalent to pole transformers... electricity delivery probably hasn't changed much except for the addition of some smart monitoring and controls built in.

There may be some security on the yard, but you can check that out if that's your call.
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 6 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:33
  • msg #47

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia nodded to Spike.  "You're right.  Something completely unofficial is really what concerns me.  I may just be paranoid, but anything hiding secretly underground reminds me of Chicago.  That's probably not what we're dealing with here, but a good look around never hurts.  A 'magic meth lab' would be a very pleasant surprise."

She smiled and looked around the room.

"Do you want to get started on this tonight?  Or do you need more planning time?"
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 34 posts
Pixie Mage
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:18
  • msg #48

IC: A Look Around

"Ah will need a lab or similar workspace."    Doc pointed what out what he thought was obvious.   "Yin ah kin dae analysis as weel as ither medical procedures. "
Sylvia Roberts
DIMR Special Assets, 7 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:27
  • msg #49

IC: A Look Around

Sylvia nodded. "You may have to share, but we have a small clinic and lab onsite, or can probably arrange a spot for you with somebody else local."
Miyako Muto
player, 47 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 15:14
  • msg #50

IC: A Look Around

If we could get a water company uniforms, i can probably convince some guards that we are a repair team.  Though i can not deal with some of the electronic issues if someone could help there.

In reply to Francis (Doc) MacCready (msg # 48):

Oh is that for my exam?  It takes a little bit more to get out of the latex, do we have that much time?  Miyako eyes betray her as she is thinking bad thoughts about being alone with Doc during her 'examination'.
Spike Breakdown
player, 27 posts
Human Rigger
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 14:05
  • msg #51

IC: A Look Around

Spike glances at Miyako "Down girl, if you need to use the back of the van on our way there I promise the cameras are only 4k."

"Disguises are always fun. Usually cheap and reusable too! But I think we should get an initial look tonight. Honestly if it's only a few blocks away I could probably do a quick aerial look from here. So long as certain people leave the room." he glances at Elizabeth at that last.

OOC: noise for range is probably only like 1 or 2 from the DIMR building to the target?
Miyako Muto
player, 49 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 16:03
  • msg #52

IC: A Look Around

I dont know, do you want me to do that to you while your are driving at the same time?

Miyako kind of stops herself for a moment.

Sorry, i have a lot of problems, and Elizabeth got me falling off the wagon.  I was doing fine until she starting taking her clothes off.  I can keep it contained while there are objectives.  It just isnt very easy to contain when we are just like this.  By this i mean not in danger.

Give me a minute, and i can keep it contained as long as people don't give me reasons for my mind to go in the gutter.

player, 17 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 17:07
  • msg #53

IC: A Look Around

Mustang nodded at the mention of disguises. “I definitely think we can pull off the repair team look. I also agree about taking a look at the place before making a more structured plan.”
player, 9 posts
Elven Magician
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 17:20
  • msg #54

IC: A Look Around

Valerie knew she had several ways to assist with these suggestions. "I like the idea of taking a look at the place beforehand. I can assist with this covertly on recon or in several ways with the repair team later. "
This message was last edited by the player at 17:20, Wed 03 Apr.
Elizabeth Carver
player, 33 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 13:53
  • msg #55

IC: A Look Around

Spike Breakdown:
OOC: noise for range is probably only like 1 or 2 from the DIMR building to the target?

ooc make that an additional -2 because of your favorite elf =D

Elizabeth Carver
player, 34 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 14:04
  • msg #56

IC: A Look Around

In reply to Miyako Muto (msg # 52):

"Sorry bout that, I really just wanted to muck about and stir the pot. I am more of a brawler than an academic, but I know a few good spells that might help; Ball Lightning, Combat Sense, Electricity Aura, Levitate, Lightning Bolt, Physical Barrier, Stunbolt. My mentor made me learn that last one on account of needing something 'softer' for sparring. I'm probably baggage when it comes to sneakn around, but I'll drop anyone who looks at you cross."
Miyako Muto
player, 50 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 15:23
  • msg #57

IC: A Look Around

I doubt you knew about my issues, but you do now.  Giving a smile.

My issues are just glaringly obviously most of the time, which is good and bad.  As there is not really any surprised left out of me.  Sunlight, Wood, Sex and Latex.  all of my favorite and least favorite things in the world.
Elizabeth Carver
player, 35 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 15:27
  • msg #58

IC: A Look Around

"Well the plus side is that the latex insulates."
GM, 36 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 13:16
  • msg #59

IC: A Look Around

OOC: *laughs* Good conversation.  I like the way the personalities mesh so far.

If you're ready to start the recon, just let me know what you want to do.  For astral recon, remember there's a barrier.  If you want to try to slip past after you look, the decision to take that risk is up to you now.

Spike, yes, sans Ms. Sparky... sorry, Elizabeth... the noise to the lab is going to be 1.  (Played too much Champions when I was younger.  Superhero names, usually bad ones, come easily.)

IC: Sylvia looked around.  "I'll leave you to your planning.  If there's anything else that you need from me, my office is right down the hall."

She started out of the room and paused for one last look around.

OOC: Feel free to stop her, otherwise she'll pause and move on.
Miyako Muto
player, 53 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 13:42
  • msg #60

IC: A Look Around

In reply to TheGM (msg # 59):

Do you have any contacts which might be able to get uniforms from the facility?  Maybe we can get some pictures of the uniforms?
Spike Breakdown
player, 29 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 18:23
  • msg #61

IC: A Look Around

Spike leans back and seems to get comfortable "Couple minutes and I can get us a live feed of the outside of the building at least. Not taking any risks until we get there but we can at least make sure everything is up to date. If things get weird then you are going to have to get away from me, Lizzie. Have fun with the vampire or whatever just don't stomp on my bandwidth."

The tiny flying drone bobbles up and down for a sec and then zips out of the room, trying to navigate out of the building and to their target.
player, 18 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 00:37
  • msg #62

IC: A Look Around

Mustang took a seat and looked over at Spike. “I’ll hang tight while the drones check things out. When night falls, I’ll make my way to the top of that tower and get physical eyes on the place.”
GM, 38 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 13:42
  • msg #63

IC: A Look Around

OOC: I'm assuming Miyako's question was to Sylvia.

IC: Sylvia looked back, "I don't have any contacts for that, personally, but the pictures should be easy enough to get.  Their utility crews hit the news from time to time, usually in the background of wrecks or fires.  If we can find a costumer to put them together, the price will probably depend on the detail you want and the time frame.  If you're not picky though, you may be able to find a generic coverall that's close to the right color in several stores."

As Spike's drone zipped past her, she flipped her commlink and asked the front desk to open the door for a drone going out.  The drone made its way through the halls easily, since Spike already knows the way.  The desk guard pushed the door open and the drone sped out into the late afternoon sky.

A quick look at a street map ARO showed him where the building was, and pretty soon the drone was hovering at a nearby intersection.

OOC:  Everything so far is straightforward enough that it doesn't take a roll, even if Elizabeth hasn't left the room yet, but let me know where you want to go from here, and give me a perception roll.  This should be quick enough not to need to split to a new thread, but if the others want to keep planning, go ahead.
Miyako Muto
player, 55 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 14:07
  • msg #64

IC: A Look Around


OK i will see if i can score something close enough to at least pass a long range glance, which should be good enough for now.

Where and when do we want to meet up before actually going in?  Maybe 8pm at the stuffer shack a few kilometers from there?

Miyako drops her comm code to everyone on the way out the door.
player, 19 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 14:17
  • msg #65

IC: A Look Around

Mustang looked over at the vampire. “This facility is actually pretty close to the target site. We could just meet up here with no concerns of being overheard or spied upon since we have access to its facilities. Unlike others in the shadow, we don’t have to meet at cafes and stuffer shacks before a run. The benefits of corpo backing I guess.”
player, 12 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence,
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 15:02
  • msg #66

IC: A Look Around

As Miyako has left, Valerie looks at Mustang first, then speaks to everyone. "I can assist Miyako with utilizing the disguise efforts. I can be on overwatch support with or without a Spirit for assistance on the mission, or, assist with passive Matrix interaction. I can investigate to discover the best way to get us all inside, try to evaluate what we find, then decide how to proceed.

I work best in a deliberate and careful manner."

Spike Breakdown
player, 30 posts
Human Rigger
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 15:29
  • msg #67

IC: A Look Around

Spike is a little distracted from the conversation but not completely checked out since he is only using AR to pilot his drone.

"My van is here so if you want a ride this is where you will want to be."

When the drone is in place he pipes up again "Ok, I have eyes on the facility. Going to see if I can get a look at the yard side of the building. Anything else ambiguous in the plans there that I need to confirm?"

OOC: I don't plan on violating their airspace. Or really being anywhere nearby. The drone is tiny so anyone seeing it seems implausible.

11:19, Today: Spike Breakdown rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5 ((4,2,4,3,6,2,1,4)).

Crap, you asked for Perception not pilot...
For that I have to put the drone into a swarm of 1 (which I would be doing anyway) and let it roll my RCC device rating + Clear-sight auto soft on its own since I suck and can't see things, that's what the robots are for.

11:28, Today: Spike Breakdown rolled 3 successes using 11d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5 ((4,5,2,3,5,2,4,1,6,1, 1)).

GM, 40 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 17:25
  • msg #68

IC: A Look Around

OOC: Pilot in this case is easy enough not to need a roll, since there's no real threat to the drone.  Perception has some risks for failure. :)

Anyone who's joining Miyako on her 'trip to the store', let me know what you're doing.  We can get a couple of things done at the same time.  Also, I'm almost never rushing anybody, though I'm posting heavy today.  If there are more people involved in an action, I'll hold until we hear from most or all.  I can just do more today, and Spike's drone is all alone for the moment, so I'll try to keep up with him.

For clarification, mainly because I'm not seeing consistent lighting in my head as I'm doing descriptions, it's currently a little after 5 PM.  For those who watch for sunsets, that should be about 6:30 or so.

IC: Spike flies the little drone in a fairly wide circle.  As far as the facility itself goes, everything looks as advertised from here.  The yard side of the building does have a pretty standard lightweight steel double door.  There's a couple of trucks parked in the yard with a small cluster of guys cleaning one of them up... washing off construction dirt, looking like they're waiting for quitting time, sneaking a smoke with one eye out for the boss... pretty normal stuff.  The rest of the yard has various electrical gear sitting around.  The yard is surrounded by a simple chain link fence.  The gate's currently open, but you can see the chain and padlock hanging there for when the gate closes.

What doesn't look like what was advertised is the ork sitting on a bench at the convenience store across the street.  He looks like he's trying to blend in, but the drone's autosoft paints him as interesting because he's looking at the little power station more often than its programming thinks is normal.  From what Spike and the drone can see, it looks like he may be alone, but it's hard to say for sure.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 41 posts
Pixie Mage
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 17:45
  • msg #69

IC: A Look Around

While everything else was going on, Doc contented himself to listening with one ear and clicking away on his link.   As he had no real world experience with B&E, he figured it better to say nothing and just go along with things as they unfolded.
Spike Breakdown
player, 31 posts
Human Rigger
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 18:33
  • msg #70

IC: A Look Around

Spike directs the drone to keep an eye on the ork. He shares his screen for the people in the room to see in AR.

"This guy? Figure he is covert security for the building? Or that we have another crew looking into this mark?"
player, 20 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 19:02
  • msg #71

IC: A Look Around

Mustang perks up at the mention of the ork lookout. “Good eyes there Spike. It’ll be interesting to see how long he stays there or if someone else stops by to take over the vigil. At least sitting there, he’s an easy target. One shot from several of us together could quietly take him out. The question is if there are more hanging around as back up.”
player, 13 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 09:08
  • msg #72

IC: A Look Around

Valerie nods, then says, "I can look at the ork on the Matrix at further than, then closer than, 100 meters. It might be interesting to Assense him as well."
Elizabeth Carver
player, 36 posts
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 16:17
  • msg #73

IC: A Look Around

Having been evicted from the room, Caver takes her leave and heads out of the building, and hangs around listlessly at the front door flipping through messages and apps on her commlink before messaging the team [[I'm going to go grab some Chinese takeout, anyone else want something?]]
Miyako Muto
player, 58 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 20:57
  • msg #74

IC: A Look Around

Miyako heads out with who ever is going with to the clothing stores to track down some over all which match as close as she can to the ones used there.
player, 15 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 10:35
  • msg #75

IC: A Look Around

Valerie thinks she and Miyako might assist each other with the clothing disguises. Yes, Matrix Perception here would be good before long. But, at more than 100 meters from the site at the moment, it might be better later. Better look into uniforms now. She decides to follow Miyako.

So, to investigate uniforms, Computer would be helpful. But, to use with Logic or Intuition? Should the copy uniforms be exact matches, just close to the ones being used by a rival contractor, or official looking but different? Let's find out what the real/official ones look like.

04:53, Today: Valerie rolled 2 successes using 12d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5.  Computer 4, Intuition 8. – 2 successes

04:50, Today: Valerie rolled 5 successes using 14d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5.  Drain 14, need 3. – 5 successes

04:48, Today: Valerie rolled 2 successes using 12d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5.  Increase Intuition, F 6, Spellcasting 6. – 2 successes

04:46, Today: Valerie rolled 4 successes using 14d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5.  Drain 14, need 3. – 4 successes

04:43, Today: Valerie rolled 6 successes using 12d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5.  Increase Charisma, Force6, Spellcasting6 . – 6 successes

Sustain Increase Charisma, 2 successes with Computer
This message was last edited by the player at 10:59, Fri 12 Apr.
GM, 41 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 12:36
  • msg #76

IC: A Look Around

OOC:  Let's see if I understand what everyone's doing, because I think I'm lost.

Spike, are you checking anything else with your drone while you're out?

I think Doc and Mustang are hanging out watching Spike's screen.  If there's something else, let me know.

Elizabeth is out front getting ready to go for Chinese.

Miyako and Valerie are getting ready to go look for uniforms.  Do you want to pick up Elizabeth on the way out?  Shouldn't be hard to merge that with a food run.

Valerie, if I'm breaking down all those dice rolls correctly,  the computer check got you a couple of decent pictures of the Gaeatronics electricians' uniforms.
Miyako Muto
player, 61 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #77

IC: A Look Around

Yes fine with me
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 43 posts
Pixie Mage
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 13:53
  • msg #78

IC: A Look Around

In reply to TheGM (msg # 76):

Doc is actually not.   He's on his link doing social media and stuff while he's waiting for something work related to do.
player, 17 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 14:47
  • msg #79

IC: A Look Around

Elizabeth is out front getting ready to go for Chinese.

Miyako and Valerie are getting ready to go look for uniforms.  Do you want to pick up Elizabeth on the way out?  Shouldn't be hard to merge that with a food run.

There is travel time vs. game time. Shopping for uniforms vs. searching first then going to just one place. If Miyako and Valerie can search on-line first, while on the way to get food, great.
Valerie, if I'm breaking down all those dice rolls correctly,  the computer check got you a couple of decent pictures of the Gaeatronics electricians' uniforms.

Great. She will continue to use the Computer for locations, for time needed to make alterations, etc.
Elizabeth Carver
player, 38 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 18:07
  • msg #80

IC: A Look Around

ooc: im fine with grouping up errands as well. I just realized that Carver is great in a fight, but not great at planning/prepping without some guidance. lol
This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Fri 12 Apr.
Spike Breakdown
player, 33 posts
Human Rigger
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 18:24
  • msg #81

IC: A Look Around

While he's out he makes sure to check the Matrix for anything sus. He figures most automated turrets and such would show up and if this Orc had something to hide he would want to know about it.

14:24, Today: Spike Breakdown rolled 2 successes using 7d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5 ((6,3,4,2,1,2,6)).
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 44 posts
Pixie Mage
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 23:40
  • msg #82

IC: A Look Around

Mostly out of curiosity, Doc begins looking for a location that's suitable for the team base.   While he's technically got no real search engine skills, he's figured that laying out the basic parameters (e.g. at least two spots for shops and one commune area) should be a good place to start.    And it's not like he's expecting to have much to do for a while.
player, 22 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 01:34
  • msg #83

IC: A Look Around

Mustang hangs out watching the screen. “I’ll hang out here until nightfall. Then I’ll do some physical recon off the top of the nearby tower.”
player, 18 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 20:51
  • msg #84

IC: A Look Around

Drop Increase Intuition, Change to Increase Logic instead. Use the Computer Skill differently, logically, as looking for pictorial ads, descriptions of uniforms, business applications for security, etc.

Valerie looks on-line for pictorial ads, shows them to Miyako and Sylvia to give them ideas/
Miyako Muto
player, 62 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 21:57
  • msg #85

IC: A Look Around

Thanks for the help Valerie, These look good, and i think will work great.
GM, 45 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 20:57
  • msg #86

IC: A Look Around

Bouncing between computer searches and real shopping, Valerie, Elizabeth, and Miyako manage to find something that should work for a uniform as long as observers don't get too close.  And it's on the way to the closest Chinese restaurant with decent reviews.  The DIMR's expense account should stretch that far without even a slap on the wrist.

Spike doesn't see anything in the way of nearby turrets.  The orc has a heavy pistol with a visible matrix icon.  Nothing else sticks out as obviously and immediately dangerous.

OOC: Though I may revise that last bit after some more reading when I get home.
Miyako Muto
player, 64 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 21:15
  • msg #87

IC: A Look Around

Great work, hopefully this will let us get close enough, or maybe not set off people watching cameras right away.  I just need to get close enough and i can either talk us or cast us through individual guards.  A group at once might be a challenge.

DIMR gets a break on me here at least as i can't eat, but you guys don't worry about me go ahead.

Elizabeth Carver
player, 40 posts
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 22:19
  • msg #88

IC: A Look Around

  "I can just stand under their surveillance camera. They'll never know what hit them." Carver teased.
player, 19 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 22:54
  • msg #89

IC: A Look Around

"With some creativity, I may be able to alter an individual or even group appearances."
GM, 48 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 12:17
  • msg #90

IC: A Look Around

Getting the coveralls was easy, though it took a little digging to find one you thought would fit Maverick's shoulders.  With clothes and food in hand, you made your way back to the offices as the sun was going down.

Spike's drone made a couple more passes around the block.  The ork was still sitting on the bench every circle, but you don't see anyone else, though at one point he was talking on his 'link.

OOC: Spike, if there's anything else you want to check out while they're still out, let me know.  If you want to make some Matrix Perception checks for anything 'sus' roll it and let me know what info you're looking for with the successes.  Also, let me know if the drone's just hanging out watching or if you're bringing it back home for now.

Otherwise we'll get everyone back together and see where we go from here.

Miyako Muto
player, 68 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Thu 18 Apr 2024
at 13:10
  • msg #91

IC: A Look Around

Miyako shows up at the meeting point, a small backpack over her latex, along with the standard armored jacket that nearly everyone has.
Spike Breakdown
player, 39 posts
Human Rigger
Thu 18 Apr 2024
at 13:14
  • msg #92

IC: A Look Around

"I'll try to keep at eye on him but I'll keep looking around." He says idly

OOC: I do another matrix perception to generically see if anything is running silently in the area (100M). I should have done that to begin with but I forgot how the system works.

Unless you want it to be ME in the area then it's a discussion of what does ME mean. Since I could jump in to the drone or simply run my Agent on the drone from my RCC and make it do it.

09:12, Today: Spike Breakdown rolled 4 successes using 7d6 with the Shadowrun 4th ed system with a target of 5 ((1,5,2,6,5,5,3)).

GM, 52 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 18:42
  • msg #93

IC: A Look Around

OOC: As far as you can tell, there's nothing running silent in the area.  With the extra successes, I'll drop back and answer a couple of other questions you'd asked.  The ork's commlink looks like an Erika Elite (DR4).  The icon for the gun looks like a Colt America L36.

What now, folks?

player, 23 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 19:56
  • msg #94

IC: A Look Around

Mustang heads to the meetup point in the same outfit as before. He looks at Spike as he asks the question. “If the ork is still watching, so I need to take him out? Is anybody able to hack his communications or establish the frequency of when he calls other people? Is there night security we are going to have to bluff our way past in the yard or we subduing them as we go? I’m fine with most options and with my speed can pick up the rear once everyone is inside.”
player, 20 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 05:19
  • msg #95

IC: A Look Around

Valerie smiles at Mustang's comments to Spike, "I suggest we try to fool the ork into thinking that nothing is wrong, as we go about our efforts. Bluffing our way past in the yard, as well as inside, by using the uniforms, along with some stealth and misdirection, will allow us to be more thorough and make fewer mistakes."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:20, Tue 23 Apr.
player, 24 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 16:01
  • msg #96

IC: A Look Around

Mustang thought about it and decided she was right to be as quiet as possible before things get loud. “I’ll grab a duffle bag then to sneak my bow and arrows in. Have we figured out if we need badge access or retinal scans to get into any of the areas?”
player, 21 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 16:16
  • msg #97

IC: A Look Around

Valerie had been thinking about infiltration into the compound since Ms. Roberts had first presented the job. "I don't know if my Computer and Matrix Skills will be able to assist us, but I also have a diverse set of skills with locks that I can try as well."
Spike Breakdown
player, 41 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 17:26
  • msg #98

IC: A Look Around

Spike keeps an eye on his drone feed a he talks to the rest of the group. He seems to sort of lose track of people as he talks and starts paying attention to the drone more then the conversation. "I don't think we need to do anything about the Ork at the moment. If he dashes for the door at some point I can shoot... eh issue him a warning to stay away for his safety? We can just go in out of his sight, right?"

OOC: We can right?
GM, 53 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 17:08
  • msg #99

IC: A Look Around

OOC:  Your meeting place was a Stuffer Shack a couple kilometers from the Gaeatronics power station, closer to the back of the power station than the front.

Spike, the ork is watching the front door, but if you're going in the back, which I think was the plan, you'll be out of his sight.  Depending on where he is looking at the time, he might barely be able to see the gate into the fenced area from his bench.  Is your drone just keeping station where you can watch him?

IC: People had started to trickle into the meeting place.  It shouldn't take long for everybody to get together.  To anyone who checked, the coveralls looked like a decent match, even without the logos, and hopefully they wouldn't need to stand up to any detailed observation.
player, 25 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 14:00
  • msg #100

IC: A Look Around

Mustang packed his helmet, Monosword, collapsed bow, and arrows into a plain black duffle bag slung over his shoulder. The saffire knife was tucked into the side of his right boot. “Ready to go whenever you all are.”
Miyako Muto
player, 70 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 15:58
  • msg #101

IC: A Look Around

Did we get anything else useful to help this infiltration or are we just going to have to wing it some?
player, 22 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence, Spells
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 23:08
  • msg #102

IC: A Look Around

Valerie adjusted her fanny pack, containing her Lockpicking gear. She nodded at Miyako, "I think we'll be fine. You can I can both talk our way in and then back out."
Elizabeth Carver
player, 43 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 02:16
  • msg #103

IC: A Look Around

"I kinda hope something goes sideways. I dont want to end up only contributing with a run for lunch here." Carver said with a shrug, before straightening her knitted beanie.
Spike Breakdown
player, 44 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 05:52
  • msg #104

IC: A Look Around

An Ares Roadmaster Armored Transport pulls up in front of the Stuffer Shack. The window rolls down and Spike's modulated voice comes through the speakers "Hop in chummers, should be room for everyone." Then over the the group voice channel "It wasn't far so I could deploy from base. I'll have eyes on the building exterior and if you need me on the inside I have a couple friends that can help."

When the doors to the APC open it's empty save for an Ares Dualist in one of the seats and a Steel Lynx, with a very large gun mounted to it's back, crammed into the rear.

High above Spike's body lies unconscious inside a VTOL powered flying coffin. His numerous roto drones have started a stealthy migration towards the target, trying to keep a low profile by sticking to the tops of buildings rather than simply plowing down the street.

Noizquito will keep an eye on the orc until everyone arrives and it might be needed to scout.
MCT-Nissan Roto-drones I'll end up stationing on the highest-lowest security rooftops around the building. They are mostly just hiding and watching until they are needed at this point.
Dualist and Lynx will probably only be deployed if things go sideways or there is a way to back the APC up to the building.
Me in my Dustoff will be parked on a rooftop keeping out of sight but hopefully close enough to the rest of the drone swarm to not have too much noise.
Everything is running silent.

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