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12:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Posted by SienarFor group 0
GM, 194 posts
Press On Regardless
Watch your Six
Sat 4 May 2024
at 21:49
  • msg #1

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Back to Derilyn? Something must be up...
Zinda Seshani
player, 131 posts
Fri 10 May 2024
at 01:43
  • msg #2

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Zinda peered around the edge of the door and hoped against hope she wouldn't meet anyone in the corridor. She had been really excited when one of the older pilots had told her that after this latest battle there should at last be time for a sacred and ancient tradition of TIE pilots. Unfortunately for Zinda, that tradition turned out to be hazing pilots who were on their first deployment. Which is how she'd found herself wearing some kind of golden metallic bikini-they'd swiped her clothes while she was taking a shower-and acting as the older pilot's servant for the day. They'd sent her down to get them meals from the galley. She did not want to run into anyone while she looked like this, but with 174 people on a small ship, there wasn't much chance of that. She only hoped her friends would avoid whatever fun the older pilots had planned for them.
Eoghen Nial
player, 5 posts
Tue 14 May 2024
at 20:05
  • msg #3

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

He was surprised to se a young woman wearing a shiny golden two piece affair unlike anything he had seen in many years. She was looking the other way and his appearance behind her seemed to startle her and make her uncomfortable. He pulled his jacket off and offered it to her  Looks quite uncomfortable to be going around in that. I'm headed to the junior officers cabin area for lunch, I can escort you that far if you like. The Name is Eoghen [pronounced Owen].
Eoghen Nial
player, 6 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 16:59
  • msg #4

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

He escorts the young lady wrapped in his jacket back to the junior officers  quarters and to her cubby. He then stands outside to ensure she isn't bothered any more.

I will stand watch if you wish, while you change.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:36, Sat 18 May.
GM, 204 posts
Press On Regardless
Watch your Six
Fri 17 May 2024
at 23:02
  • msg #5

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

A gaggle of marines squeeze by; enlisteds, who all know that they need to keep quiet...till you pass, then muted chuckles...
Zinda Seshani
player, 134 posts
Sat 18 May 2024
at 15:40
  • msg #6

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

As tense as she is, Zinda jumps a mile when Eoghen comes up behind her. "Eeeeek!" That was a mistake; the last thing she needed was more attention. She whirls around and blushes as she realizes another officer is behind her. "Sorry for the shriek " she manages to squeak out. But it was even worse than this, since he was clearly an officer and she didn't recognize him. She could not have chosen a worse time to meet a new officer. “I… I’m Zinda. Umm, in spite of what it looks like, I’m one of the TIE pilots” she introduces herself shyly. “I... I don't normally dress like this” she adds lamely.
The offer of his jacket was very gallant and set Zidna's heart aflutter. "That's very kind, sir." Actually, she didn't know if he qualified as a sir, since he probably didn't outrank her, but it was impossible for Zinda to think about her rank when she was dressed up like a Hutt’s slavegirl. “Well, I was just heading down to the galley to get lunch for some of the senior officers. If you’d escort me, I’d be grateful.”
She turns around, embarrassed, when she hears the marine’s chuckles behind her. That draws a further blush when she realizes Kenth is there. The opinion of the marines didn’t really matter, but Kenth was her flightmate and she cared a lot what he thought of her. “Umm, hi, Kenth. This is Eoghen. He’s new” she says awkwardly, as though that were the only unusual thing about the situation.
Eoghen Nial
player, 7 posts
Sat 18 May 2024
at 19:26
  • msg #7

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Kenth, good to meet you, new here as a Tie fighter pilot, hopefully we can chat some, but now I think I need to get this young lady to some clothes, the golden bunny look is lovely but will cause a lot of trouble if not fixed.

Lead on Zinda, let's get you safely to your berth.
Zinda Seshani
player, 135 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 05:03
  • msg #8

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

"Oh, I have to go get those lunches... the more experienced pilots are playing a bit of a joke on me, and it'll look bad if I'm not a good sport about it" Zinda says. Actually, it would look like she didn't respect their seniority, which in the deeply hierarchical Imperial Navy was much worse.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 21:32, Mon 20 May.
Kenth Felaeon
player, 71 posts
Usk 22
Flight A
Mon 20 May 2024
at 12:20
  • msg #9

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Kenth had never understood these so called hazing rituals. He gave the marines a stern look when he heard the chuckling after they passed. It seemed this day wasn't going to be a great one.

As Zinda introduced the other pilot he nodded, "Glad to have you aboard Eoghen. If you want to escort Zinda to her berth I'll take care of those lunches. Show them we are a team and will take care of our own and all that."
Eoghen Nial
player, 8 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 17:01
  • msg #10

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Sounds good to me... I  think if all they can do is embarrass other pilots, they aren't anyone I wish to follow or follow their example.  Let's go to your cubby, Zinda.
Zinda Seshani
player, 136 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 07:42
  • msg #11

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

"Okay, I'll go along" Zinda says shyly. "If you two think that's best."
"Thanks for looking out for me" she adds gently. For Kenth and Eoghen to be protective of her-she'd caught Kenth's glare at the marines- and help her meant a lot, real friends and teammates. She hesitates for a moment before walking alongside Eoghen.
Eoghen Nial
player, 9 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 18:42
  • msg #12

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

I think that's best, lest the senior pilots think they can use you in other ways.
Hazing and abuse is not a good thing in a unit.

Kenth Felaeon
player, 72 posts
Usk 22
Flight A
Fri 24 May 2024
at 12:40
  • msg #13

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Kenth nodded, "Before you go, was there anything special about their lunch orders? Wouldn't want to give them any reason to cause more trouble." Not that he wouldn't love to give them a lunch they would regret, it wasn't a good time to cause more problems.
Eoghen Nial
player, 10 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 19:12
  • msg #14

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Perhaps we should bring the lunches and explain Zinda had something important to do.
Zinda Seshani
player, 137 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 21:25
  • msg #15

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Zinda blushed and looked to Eoghen. "I think they wanted me to not forget where I rate". She reeled off what the senior pilots wanted. "Thanks, Kenth, I don't want to get into any trouble. Um, more than I already have."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:52, Sun 26 May.
Eoghen Nial
player, 11 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 22:51
  • msg #16

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Where you stand in the ratings has nothing to do with serving them in a little gold ... whatever that get up is. We should remind them that as leaders, we will be right behind them.
Kenth Felaeon
player, 73 posts
Usk 22
Flight A
Tue 28 May 2024
at 12:30
  • msg #17

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

As Zinda relayed the meal list Kenth put it into his datapad. "Good, sounds like a plan. After I deliver the meals I hopefully will be heading to the hangar bay if you need me for anything."

He paused for a couple minutes just in case Zinda or Eoghen needed anything further.
Eoghen Nial
player, 12 posts
Tue 28 May 2024
at 23:16
  • msg #18

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Well after we get Zinda squared away, I just need to get myself moved in and set up.
I wouldn't mind spending time in the engineering bays with you, as that was one of my last jobs, working on Tie Fighters.

Zinda Seshani
player, 138 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 08:15
  • msg #19

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Zinda blushed and replied softly to Eoghen "I think it's a Nal Hutta dancer's outfit."
"Oh, I'll see you there later!" she said when Kenth and Eoghen talked about meeting up in the hanger. "Even though the mechanics never let us make any fun changes to our TIEs. I'd like a custom paint job at least."
She appreciated that Kenth and Eoghen had treated her like a fellow pilot and hadn't done anything to make her embarrassment worse. Although a confusing part of her was disappointed that Kenth hadn't been distracted at all by seeing Zinda in her current getup. Not that she wanted him to think of her as nothing but a pretty face, but... it would have been nice if he thought she was cute. Focus, Zinda. You're a highly trained pilot
Eoghen Nial
player, 13 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 22:55
  • msg #20

Zinda's thread, Return to Derilyn, and beyond...

Well store it away for some other day.
Would you like me to stand guard while you change ?
Then we could both join Kenth in the fighter bays.

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