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17:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC # 39.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4822 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Thu 30 May 2024
at 22:25
  • msg #252

OOC # 39

for a big ole brawl I'll have them switch music to this
Admiral Hack
GM, 12645 posts
Thu 30 May 2024
at 22:44
  • msg #253

OOC # 39

i have one  battery still charging  for the 2nd  time, and i can finish my grass!!..Until them  I will start on the post for the Fight.. Justin? if you're out there, you have to make a post, one  way or the other  for the  guy coming up  on Dusk and Roy's  6
player, 2342 posts
Udenese SGT AI Squad
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Thu 30 May 2024
at 22:47
  • msg #254

OOC # 39

If Justin doesn't get him Meari will intercede ok Don.
Roy Spencer
player, 11416 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 30 May 2024
at 23:44
  • msg #255

OOC # 39

Giving everyone else a chance to get their turn'll be late when I get on tonight, I'll post Roy's follow-up then.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12646 posts
Thu 30 May 2024
at 23:50
  • msg #256

OOC # 39

everyone is in but Justin? if you come on before  him go ahead  and post.
Justin Kase
player, 4726 posts
Thu 30 May 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #257

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 256):

Unusual display from an attempted copy

<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>

<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
Admiral Hack
GM, 12647 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 02:19
  • msg #258

OOC # 39

  Justin, when i  type out   my post, i copy it so that the  colors and  such  will show up.

 I have never seen that display before? that is truly odd ( at least to me)
Admiral Hack
GM, 12648 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 02:27
  • msg #259

OOC # 39

Ok., Just  read the   ball posts.. we have  all the PCs  accounted  for..depedning  what  Roy  does next, will tell me  what some of the PCs  do.

 Nikki, once the  fight has  settled down, continue  with  your  stage  post..
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4824 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Fri 31 May 2024
at 04:29
  • msg #260

OOC # 39

not a problem
I get a front stage view.
Roy Spencer
player, 11417 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 31 May 2024
at 09:18
  • msg #261

OOC # 39

So, I lied a bit.  I'm here, but it's REALLY late and I'm tired, so I'm not posting anything tonight (I'm pretty sure I would fall asleep at the keyboard if I tried).  But we're ALMOST done.  Tomorrow night is final dress.  Stuff isn't done exactly the way everyone wanted it done...but it's done (I got an earful from the lighting designer last night because I misunderstood him about the way we were supposed to rig the sign that's been the proverbial boil on my ass all week...then he calmed down and they looked at it under the lights and he had me raise the sign about a foot and he was okay with it...)  Hold it together for one more day, and then the shows are open and we hopefully are done with all the huge gotta-be-done-two-hours-ago projects and can get back to things like trying to put together the lighting storage area they created but haven't emptied all of the costumes out of yet...

(That was another interesting designer asked about getting some gels and found out that we didn't keep any of it down at the stage anymore.  He asked me why, and I said, "They're trying to get rid of all the stuff that we don't use backstage, and that all ended up on the list, even though we use it every time we change lights and this is the ONLY place we ever use any of it."  So then he asked who 'they' are, and I listed off the producer/director, operations manager, production manager...all the people who make decisions about stuff like that without ever having worked with it so they don't understand why it should just live at the stage.  He wasn't real pleased with the explanation, but realized that it was completely out of my hands...I expect he's gonna have a word or two with the producer and I wouldn't be surprised if I end up having to move all of that stuff back down there...)
Admiral Hack
GM, 12649 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 11:21
  • msg #262

OOC # 39

;chuckles::  well, Roy.... sorta  reminds  me of  an old Vaudeville  skit. All you need is  some one singing " yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas  today"

 Skaald put this on the forums ..

 We monitor everything using techniques patented by Santa himself !  And I'm glad someone can make sense of the traceroute - I just know that timeouts are bad.   :>

All I can tell you is that we've sent the details of the problem on to jase and we're waiting for him to check, advise, contact the hosting service etc etc.  When there's more news either he or we will let you know OR it'll have all been fixed up first, and 502/504 will just be a bad memory to scare first level PCs with ("you call that a Slow spell ?!!).
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 686 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent/ SEC
Fri 31 May 2024
at 23:42
  • msg #263

OOC # 39

atleast no cream pies on the desert table... yet!

or classically
Roy Spencer
player, 11418 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 09:29
  • msg #264

OOC # 39

Okay, the last night of rehearsals is done.  I won't say everything is set in stone...I mean, we got the light-up sign for the other show four days after they opened...but since the lighting designer, choreographers, and director are all leaving town this weekend, things should be pretty stable for a while.

But this season is putting up a fight to the bitter end.  One of our illusions has a bunch of DMX-controlled LED 'neon' on it...the DMX controllers are 12v units, I think?  Or 24...either way, each one had its own power supply mounted on top of the illusion.  Someone managed to crash the illusion into something overhead and totally demolished one of them, and bent up the case on the other pretty badly.  The director had me get him the make and model information, and ordered a replacement for the dead one.

It got here a couple of days ago.  And there has been constant talk about getting it installed...but tonight was kinda do-or-die time.  So, while the lighting designer was going through and making some tweaks and finalizing the timing on his program, I got on a 12' tall ladder and started performing surgery...because the power supplies were mounted to a metal plate that I had to remove so I could get rid of the carcass of the destroyed supply and make room for the new one.  And because literally nothing can be easy on any of these things, I had to have someone stand inside the illusion with a wrench to hold the nylon lock-nut while I turned the screws.  Then I had to jockey the stupid plate around so I could get a screwdriver underneath it because they used more ny-locks when mounting the power supplies...

Got those loose, managed to get the functional one bent back into something vaguely resembling the right shape, put it back on the board, hooked up the wires to the other, when to put it on the board...and discovered that they have changed the dimensions on these things over the years, and the new one is both taller and longer than the one it's replacing (same width, though...), so none of the screw holes lined up right.  Rather than agonize over trying to drill new holes, I cheated...gaff-taped the new supply to the back of the old one.

Then I went to power it all up...and only one of the controllers would power up at all, and that was only in a quick surge and then it would fade out.  Unplugged them, disconnected power to the new power supply, plugged them back in, and the OTHER controller came on just fine.  Figured maybe it was a bad controller, then, so I swapped which controller was hooked up to that power supply, figuring that if it didn't power up or it powered up weird, I'd have my I'm in the process of this, the lighting designer decided they'd done everything they could, and rather than sit there and breathe down my neck, waiting for me to finish, they were gonna go back to their hotel room, get some sleep, and come in early tomorrow to finish making their tweaks specific to that item.

So, I plug it in...and rather than give me some weird display or surging power-up sequence like it was doing before, it fired right up.  So, I hooked up the other controller to the new power supply, connected a power line to that one, and plugged it in again...both worked perfectly.

Now, I freely admit, I'm no electrician.  I understand the barebones mechanics of its operating principles, I can rough-calculate the amperage load on a line, and sometimes I can even manage to troubleshoot some simple problems with a lot of trial and error and a multimeter.  But I'm pretty sure that just swapping power supplies should NOT have solved whatever the problem was.  But it did.  Sometimes I hate lighting gear...
Admiral Hack
GM, 12650 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 12:31
  • msg #265

OOC # 39

 wow?   I am embarrassed by having   my neighbor ( used to be a biker, and is always fixing   bikes and working on his car..its his thing)  fix the  tire on one granddaughter's  bike...

 the  Tire   and tube  my sone  bought.. were packed in little boxes.. The  tire  was  twisted into a ball a tad  bigger then a softball, in a box. Never saw that before in my life... My neighbor  hadn't either..but in about  20  minutes  there was a happy kid   riding her  bike..I paid him with a  soda  and  a Pizza!.

 There you are  working on this  stuff  with power flowing through it, that folks  are going to see ( or not see)... You are Like a Mcgiver guy!
This message was last edited by the player at 12:33, Yesterday.
Angela Morsan
player, 81 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 13:02
  • msg #266

OOC # 39

I will be gone from the 12th to the 17th to unplug and unwind, I will be going camping with my new family. I'm excited to go out nd enjoy nature again like back when I was younger!! \o/
Tarja Vanska
player, 861 posts
Armoured Infantry
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 13:51
  • msg #267

OOC # 39

Sounds fun, I hope you enjoy yourself
Admiral Hack
GM, 12651 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 14:56
  • msg #268

OOC # 39

    have  fun,  Fitz  and Howe  will keep Angel  happy.
Justin Kase
player, 4727 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 15:01
  • msg #269

OOC # 39

146k posts.... so far so good
This message was last edited by the player at 15:02, Yesterday.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12652 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 15:24
  • msg #270

OOC # 39

 146 K !!

 Rules  for  146k Bonus.

1... 2  Pts  for   abilities. Mix  or  match

2....4  points to spehers, no more then 2, in any one slot

3...Make changes  and PM  me with changes

4...put 146K at the bottom of your sheet

5...make changes    by June  9th

6...Thank you all for being  part of this world  and helping it  stay alive! we are the #1  posting gane in Scifi...and  Number 2  over all, of any games.
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4825 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 18:50
  • msg #271

OOC # 39

I was excited about this one. had to do therapy first.  Woo-Hoo!
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4826 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 19:05
  • msg #272

OOC # 39

enjoy camping Angela.  My sister has already gone twice. She's retired and they go fishing a lot.  I don't find fishing fun (rather boring), but I go when it's mushroom season or berry picking.  last year I got a crap ton of salmonberries (high bush cranberries). It's great I could plop my ass down with my cane on the slope side and just take time on the slope and then still manage to get up and get down with a big ole' bucket.  we jellied a bunch.  even made jalapeno & salmonberry for my sis. I brought home a honey & salmonberry jelly.  It was sweet and flavorful... went quick. made about 10 good sized jars, almost 11. so we divvied up the last and got 2 small ones and doctored ther in experimentation.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12653 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 22:32
  • msg #273

OOC # 39

back in the Day, we  had  tons  of Blackberry bushed that grew up  along the  Power lines..every in the  year  my kids   were teens?..... We got Gallon Milk  jugs  or ice tea  jugs,  cleaned the out  and saved  the, then. you  could  go into the  berries  and thorns ( provided you dressed  right). and pick with both  hands.. and just  drop them into the    jug, , we put out belts through the handles  so the jugs  wouldn't  fall, and if you  slipped,  you didn't lose  any berries.., when we   got  home, Just used a   razor  knife  to cut  the  top off  so  we  could spill the berries    into strainers   for cleaning..

 Then we would have Balck berry pie ...Muffins  and  jelly..also ate some on ice cream or  cereal.

 bastards   sprayed the power  lines  and  the bushes  don't  grow well anymore, the few places there are Berries  , everyone  knows.
Roy Spencer
player, 11419 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 07:45
  • msg #274

OOC # 39

Admiral Hack:
You are Like a Mcgiver guy!

Interestingly enough, when we had the first cast meeting with the magic show cast this year, and they were introducing the production staff, they got around to me and Macyn.  The producer/director was trying to clarify which one of us should field what kinds of issues, and said, "So, I would say, go to Macyn with construction-type issues and set pieces that need to be fixed or reworked...go to Curtis with more...MacGyver-y type stuff..."

I've gotta tear into a fog machine and see if I can figure out why it's not fogging anymore...I'm hoping it's just some kind of internal fuse that got blown (it was on one of the illusions with the really colorful background story, so there's no knowing for sure just how old it is, and I'm not even sure if the company that made it still provides support for it...)  First, though, I've gotta finish getting things in good running order for the show.  I spent the breaks between shows today dressing cables, tacking down all the extra power and control cables running to stuff on stage so that we didn't have a whole tangled mess of cables sitting upstage of the set pieces.

But we're open!  It's now a matter of keeping things rolling smoothly, and I get to have a little breather, now...I'm planning on sleeping in tomorrow, going in mid-afternoon, and working on clearing up stuff backstage to try and get everything there running more smoothly the way we want them to go, long-term...get my toolboxes moved back to my workshop area, get the bits and pieces of stuff that we don't need at the stage out of the way, and get that non-functioning fog machine into the shop and start some diagnostics on it.  We'll see how long I last before I run out of steam and call it a night...
Justin Kase
player, 4728 posts
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 08:59
  • msg #275

OOC # 39

Fair enough.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12654 posts
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 12:37
  • msg #276

OOC # 39

looks  like everything is better  now, Jase  made a comment on what the problem was... we can get back to it now!
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