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20:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

More good stuff.

Posted by bigbadron
Tyr Hawk
member, 334 posts
You know that one guy?
Yeah, that's me.
Wed 1 Nov 2017
at 22:22
  • msg #751

Re: Good stuff!


member, 212 posts
Mon 13 Nov 2017
at 03:31
  • msg #752

Re: Good stuff!

My brother, now two years cancer-free. They say if he hits three, he's completely out of the woods. I'm so damn happy I could cry!

And me... Eating healthier. Finding fruits and vegetables I really like. Smaller portions. I mean, granted, I'm on day four of this, and the cravings for pizza are strong, but man... I never thought I'd like good-for-me food! It's kinda awesome!
member, 769 posts
Wed 6 Dec 2017
at 07:20
  • msg #753

Re: Good stuff!

Went to my company's Christmas party dressed as an elf. Santa and Mrs. Claus visited us for cookies and milk and took photos with the children. My supervisor asked a few of us to dress up as elves and help with the kiddos. Santa came with his own troupe of elves, but we got to help out anyway. It went well and we've been invited to Elf School on Friday. After that, we'll do a few parties and the town parade this weekend. So excited!
member, 128 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 01:24
  • msg #754

Re: Good stuff!

My brother, now two years cancer-free. They say if he hits three, he's completely out of the woods. I'm so damn happy I could cry!

I know the feeling. Very best of luck!
member, 218 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 01:29
  • msg #755

Re: Good stuff!

It went well and we've been invited to Elf School on Friday.

You're gonna walk out knowing how to use the longbow and longsword! Excellent! :D
member, 770 posts
Sat 9 Dec 2017
at 16:26
  • msg #756

Re: Good stuff!

Ran a half marathon in my elf costume. Almost passed out from the heat and it added five minutes to my time, but it was still great. 13th in my gender/age group. 113th overall.
member, 6975 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Sun 10 Dec 2017
at 02:27
  • msg #757

Re: Good stuff!

Going with the 'glass is half full' line of thought, I'm glad my timing belt decided to slip Wednesday night, leaving work, rather than waiting until, say, a couple of days before Christmas, when I'd be driving to see friends and family and could have broken down twenty miles from anywhere.  It'll be fixed in time for the holidays.

I was very unhappy about it when it happened.  A little perspective has given me plenty of reason to be glad.
member, 644 posts
Thu 14 Dec 2017
at 00:26
  • msg #758

Re: Good stuff!

Me, a bit incredulously: "Alexa: play 'If I were a Rich man'".
Alexa: "Playing 'If I were a Rich man', by Fiddler on the Roof."

And the mellow voice of Topol wafts through the air.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the user at 05:13, Thu 14 Dec 2017.
member, 199 posts
Sat 16 Dec 2017
at 03:05
  • msg #759

Re: Good stuff!

I posted the eighth chapter of my web novella today. I also received my first feedback. It's a bad review, but I like bad reviews best, so the criticism is welcome.
Tyr Hawk
member, 342 posts
You know that one guy?
Yeah, that's me.
Tue 2 Jan 2018
at 18:30
  • msg #760

Re: Good stuff!

Okay. So. I'm late to the party on this one, but I've been holding back on looking for information, hoping it might come to me first. But, I got into a debate with someone and...

NASA CONFIRMED THE EM DRIVE WORKS! It's not like... it's still not 100% and "needs to be reconciled with physics" but it's... IT'S A THING! AND THINGS ARE... JUST... AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Additional Paper on the subject:
Original Experiments:
A well-done layman's explanation:

Edited for a minor correction. Original Paper wasn't original paper. XD My bad.
This message was last edited by the user at 19:59, Tue 02 Jan 2018.
member, 125 posts
Tue 2 Jan 2018
at 19:01
  • msg #761

Re: Good stuff!

In reply to Tyr Hawk (msg # 760):

There was an engine tested a few years ago, I think the developers called it an Ion drive, where it slowly built thrust.
During the initial orbital test it went to nearly full operation and then shut down at the last second due to some failure?
Is this that same drive version 2?
Tyr Hawk
member, 343 posts
You know that one guy?
Yeah, that's me.
Tue 2 Jan 2018
at 20:22
  • msg #762

Re: Good stuff!

Is this that same drive version 2?

It is not. The EM Drive has only been through the studies I linked over the past two years, and in none of them did it fail. Ion propulsion has been a thing for a while according to , so if it was an Ion drive it would've been an experimental one trying something new. The EM Drive is awesome because it breaks one of the laws of physics (or at least as we understand them), and, thus far, it has only been confirmed in experiments (few as they may be).*

Truly a wondrous time to live in. :)

*Again, it is still possible it doesn't actually work the way we think it does, but 2/2 on direct experiments and 1/1 on "Well, it's not this instead" is reason to get excited in my book!
moderator, 15489 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Tue 2 Jan 2018
at 20:28

Re: Good stuff!

Bah!  The "Laws" of Physics are just guesses anyway.  :p
member, 6980 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Wed 3 Jan 2018
at 04:56
  • msg #764

Re: Good stuff!

Yeah, the cool/baffling thing about the EM Drive is there is no discernable reason why it should create thrust...but it does.  I can't remember the article I saw that speculated on what makes it work (or, rather, cited a paper speculating on why it works)...

But it doesn't burn any fuel.  It doesn't have any exhaust.  It's terrible, for those reasons, for rapid acceleration.  But because it doesn't burn fuel, it's an incredible theoretical option for long-duration voyages, because it can continue accelerating beyond its initial thrust to break orbit...which means it has the potential to build up speeds that, heretofore, have been the stuff of dreams.  If I recall correctly (it's been a long time since I read any articles about it, so I may have this wrong), it is speculated that, if they can scale it up to an appropriate size and it still functions in the way it has with small-scale tests, it would cut travel time to Mars down to a couple of months or less...
member, 955 posts
Wed 3 Jan 2018
at 14:48
  • msg #765

Re: Good stuff!

Spent nearly eight hours bowling and playing laser tag with my family for my seventh anniversary Monday.  My wife even got in on the laser tag for a few games; she prefers bowling, but the kids wanted laser tag and video games.  All-in-all, a good anniversary.  She had fun shooting at me.LOL
member, 223 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2018
at 19:37
  • msg #766

Re: Good stuff!

That sounds like a great anniversary!

After an entire lifetime of being sedentary (and paying the health price for such) I am now on week 3 of biking (stationary bike in my apartment) 3 days a week, adding one minute to the ride each time. Today I crested 19 minutes 20 seconds. Super proud of myself!
Tyr Hawk
member, 344 posts
You know that one guy?
Yeah, that's me.
Fri 5 Jan 2018
at 16:21
  • msg #767

Re: Good stuff!

In reply to facemaker329 (msg # 764):

Add in that, because there's no fuel, you don't have to allocate space for fuel in your build, which accounts for huge amounts of both volume and weight in modern rockets and spaceship design. Now, getting it to the point where it could lift a rocket off the ground is currently difficult to imagine, but for spaceships it's incredible.

Also, new Monster Hunter World trailer and beta announcement has me so hyped! SUCH NERDGASM.
member, 668 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Sat 13 Jan 2018
at 07:11
  • msg #768

Re: Good stuff!

WHOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOO strong Onion! and Horseradish... I finally got my turkey sandwich "recipe" down pat. Very cheap, very yummy, and (sort of) SPICY! I'd be glad to make anyone one, if they want one. I'll even give you a REAL one if you ever come by my part of Kansas. Whoooo! Very strong. :'D

*Hands out onion and horseradish SPIIIiiiIIICY turkey sandwiches* This'll clear the sinuses. Well, and maybe the room. :|

Edit: I'll post the recipe elsewhere on CC.
This message was last edited by the user at 10:47, Sat 13 Jan 2018.
member, 249 posts
Join Date:
Fri, 29 Nov, 2013
Sat 13 Jan 2018
at 07:33
  • msg #769

Re: Good stuff!

In reply to V_V (msg # 768):

Mind sharing the recipe? I'm curious and would love to try "V's Spicy Turkey Sandwich".
member, 6982 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Sat 13 Jan 2018
at 09:37
  • msg #770

Re: Good stuff!

Wrapping up my third consecutive week of "gotta be done by the end of the week" projects...and everything worked out well, all three times!  Masquerade mask stencils for a New Years Eve event, a pile of clothes to be altered for a friend who left for Thailand first thing this week, and makeup for The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and The Cowardly Lion for promotional photos for the show.

This also puts me WAY ahead of the game for the actual show run.  I've never had a chance to 'test run' prosthetics this far in advance.  I need to remake a few pieces...but I know I've got stuff that will work, and look good.
member, 117 posts
The fifth in a series of
odd things you saw today.
Wed 17 Jan 2018
at 00:53
  • msg #771

Re: Good stuff!

I got the job! Being bilingual and fully certified nationally and statewide bumped up my starting pay offer too!

I haven't stopped smiling since the interview concluded. <3
member, 366 posts
As irrational
as pi.
Tue 23 Jan 2018
at 03:18
  • msg #772

Re: Good stuff!

In September, my son face-planted at the bottom of a six-foot deep pool. In an effort to encourage the swimmers to dive over and out instead of belly-flopping from the platform for a racing start, his coach had been using a skinny PVC pipe wrapped in a pool noodle for the kids to dive over. Per the teams governing league and the American Red Cross, this training method needs to be done into at least 12 feet of water, twice as deep as the pool my son was in. The injury resulted in an ambulance ride, a ten-hour ER visit, and a $2.5K+ medical bill.

After a LOT of e-mails, meetings, and go-rounds, I finally got the agent at the team's liability insurance to agree that, yes, we should receive full compensation for the post-insurance bill and ambulance ride. It may take a few more weeks to get a check, but it the answer we wanted and needed.
Tyr Hawk
member, 346 posts
You know that one guy?
Yeah, that's me.
Tue 30 Jan 2018
at 19:55
  • msg #773

Re: Good stuff!

In reply to jpetoh (msg # 772):

That's awesome. I'm so glad to hear that after having read your story elsewhere!
member, 48 posts
Have fun,
help others.
Sun 4 Feb 2018
at 17:57
  • msg #774

Re: Good stuff!

My wife and kids are away for a week. I spent the weekend drinking, eating, watching and playing. It's the best time I have had in a very long time!
member, 535 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2018
at 17:44
  • msg #775

Re: Good stuff!

Very minor, but bear with me:

My very favorite movie is The Last Starfighter. Now, I know it's utterly ridiculous, and I am in no way expecting it to be accurate about anything. It sounds cool, it looks cool, it does everything I want.

But one part always bugged me: in the midst of a whole bunch of ridiculous stuff, like a flying car leaving Earth and passing Saturn a few minutes later just before jumping to another solar system, a character says "Shifting into stardrive at Columba Zeta. Hold tight."

It was jarring to me because "Columba Zeta" just sounds like nonsense. It sounds like it's a stellar location, but why say it at all when it's clearly made up?

Except that it's only partially made up, and actually sort of refers to a real thing.

I didn't know until today that "Columba" is an actual constellation, the Dove, just south of Canis Major and Lupus. Now, there's no "Columba Zeta" or "Zeta Columbae" listed, and it's still a nonsense thing to say, but it's at least plausibly to do with actual outer space. I'll also note that the Dove often represents peace and the characters are headed to a league of peace-lovers who have been forced into conflict.

Made me smile.
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