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15:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

resteraunts  and bars #2.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 923 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Fri 3 May 2024
at 20:46
  • msg #44


"I don't see winning as an issue, but the big personalities clashing after the win, that will be interesting.  I know how good we all are, we know how to win, how to take the game to a level no one else is ready for, but people get in their own way when their egos get in the way.  I try to keep my ego in check, as I know I am one injury away from having no job.  This meal is exceptional!"

Bronko an Alice enjoyed a wonderful meal.  "I don't think I have room for dessert." He laughed.
Alice Montomery
player, 207 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Sat 4 May 2024
at 05:10
  • msg #45


 Alice listened to Bronko and she also hoped the team could keep their egos in check until after the Super Bowl. " Yeah who knows what is going to happen with this bunch after you guys win, Heather has been doing pretty good keeping herself in check, and I really like Megan she seems to be a grounding force for Heather. I am so proud of her and you Bronko you do love the game and work hard to be your best."
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 924 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Sat 4 May 2024
at 08:50
  • msg #46


"I am a farm boy, you work hard, you do everything you can to bring in the harvest, or you go broke.  Seen a lot of farms go under because of people not putting in the work.  I never want that to be me."
Alice Montomery
player, 208 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Mon 6 May 2024
at 15:48
  • msg #47


 Alice smiled and replied," No it will never be you, you have worked too hard for this, all of you have. It will be great when you bring the championship here to New Jack they are so hungry for this the fans are."
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 926 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Mon 6 May 2024
at 20:09
  • msg #48


"They are hungry, but after this dinner, I won't be able to eat for a while, maybe even an hour."    Bronko laughed.  "Well, it is time to go get some rest.  Practice will get harder tomorrow, I think.  We are getting closer to the big game, and we want to shine as the whole world watches."
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 927 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Wed 8 May 2024
at 09:16
  • msg #49


"Well, the time between now and the game is going to be busy.  We can do one or two watch parties, if you like.  Next week we won't get much time together.  Do you have your travel and lodging set up?"
Fri 10 May 2024
at 13:06
  • msg #50


(( Saturday Morning, after  AFC Title game ))

   Mindy  Followed  Sage and Lindsey so they wouldn't have to worry about dropping her off , She would    pull in behind them, and wait  by the trunk of thier  car  while they got out.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4152 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sat 11 May 2024
at 20:00
  • msg #51

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

The diner was called Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner, and it was on a side street off the main boulevard. it was only open for breakfast and Lunch, starting at 4AM. The last customers are let in at 1PM. The breakfast menu was more like a buffet list. Everything was home-cooked to order except for the gravy, which was prepared in bulk ahead of time. Breakfast cost $10 per plate, and the customer could ask for whatever they wanted from the list. Overall it was a good deal, if you could get in. Luckily the Dragon ladies arrived early enough to get a seat.

"This place is so cute." Lindsey said as she took a seat. All the tables had kitchen table cloths with various patterns but all matched the baby blue floral general design. "I can't believe I've never been here before. How long has this been here?"

The waitress came and brought waters and dropped off a pot of coffee. Cream and sweeteners were already on the table, with flavored sweeteners available upon request. Lindsey prepared herself a cup as she ordered two eggs over medium with wheat toast and two strips of bacon.

"So, have you guys heard about what's going on between Babs and Tracy? It's ridiculous. Tray has a stick up her ass about Babs because Lou hired her without consultation and probably because the guys like her so much. She tried to reassign her to some busy work, but Adam insisted she keep doing the taping. It's so bad that Babs usually sits with me so she has a friendly and peaceful lunch. It amazes me that Tracy could be such a bitch."
This message was last updated by the player at 20:00, Sat 11 May.
Sage Sinclair
player, 1164 posts
Sat 11 May 2024
at 20:15
  • msg #52

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

Sage took her seat on Lindsey's left side but moved her chair away a few more inches to give her left-handed friend some room. "Yeah, I don't know how long it's been here. I just discovered it. With all the new business coming in to New Jack, we'll get all kinds of cool new places opening. the food here is really good."

She also ordered eggs and bacon but all got some breakfast potatoes to go with it.

"That's so awful." Sage responded. "I've seen those same kinds of snitty feuds on movie sets. The makeup artists are the worst. Especially the women. But they never let that interfere with doing the work. No director would put up with that for even a second."
Sat 11 May 2024
at 22:05
  • msg #53

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

   Mindy got coffee and  some  Raisin, English muffins. with  jelly.

   This is a nice lace? I don't think i could stop here, except on a day off?. Its really comfortable.

 when the  talk about Babs  , Mindy shook her head....I didn't know Babs  until about a month ago, obviously . I did notice her  being around the guys. Like  Adam. Mik and Ben, more then the other  guys. she's the first on to the  huddle when the  Timeouts  are  called, she giggles,I'ver seen her ignore   Duke  and the other  and go straight to  Mik and Adam first with  the  squirt bottles , the  hold the carrying  case for  other to take out themselves

  Mik has that bad  knee?, and  Rayburn  tapped him up..Mik complained  about it, tracy  waved him off, and he  was hurt..Adam had    Babs  tape him up after that  and he swears  by her taping...of  course?  Since Adam recommended her,  Mik would anyhow..If  Adam  said  Satan should be out OC... Mik would agree!

 This is just , my take? But there are alot of teams looking for head trainers.. tracy might be looking for a better City, or more money. hard to take credit for  things that  a didn't even doing. Mik pointed out one time as we  watched the replay  of the game on his
 DVR?.. You see tracy. a couple times. But when the  cameras   cut to the sidelines,  and focus  on Ben, Mik and  Adam sitting there talking over
 stuff.. there is bad  with a drink  bottle or  tightening up  face masks. Mik  said  once, that  Wills would be  100%  now if Babs  would have taped him, rather  then Rayburn... Adam will tape himself  first, if he has to!

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:05, Sat 11 May.
Sage Sinclair
player, 1165 posts
Sun 12 May 2024
at 14:25
  • msg #54

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"So, this keeps coming up between me and Adam." Sage piped in. "Dragon Studios. I haven't heard anything from Paulo about the upcoming filming schedule. Nothing about casting. I heard, but indirectly, that the fantasy story was to be a pirate story, but that's all. I also heard he wanted hooplah with Superbowl to pass, but shit, there's so much we could do. I mean, like we could have at least gotten advance copies of the scripts. This is insane. It's never done like this."
Sun 12 May 2024
at 16:32
  • msg #55

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

 Mindy gave a shrug,i don't know much about  show business , outside of the studio and Filed work, and toss in interview  things..right? But...the people i talked  with at The Amota's  party are  all in on Paulo. One guy me? jealous ? He told  me that the only reason Paulo does  better then most  people, is  his  'attack' style  , of movie how he  explained it to me...

 she  held  up a salt  shaker, This is Lindsey..she LT  Hotchick.. she gets  a base set of lines and  she has to improve from there, as the diertor  and  such  tell everyone one whats  going On.. Lt  Hotchick, because  part of the story now, and  Lindsey ...IS..Lt  Hotchick.. every   bit of dialogue, other the  the  base  concepot  cpomes  from  If Lindsey quits the show, or is  fired.. LT  hot chick  gets 'sent away'  or is  killed off..because? No one could ever  be LT Hotchick again

  Now?  that  Guy that came to the game   last time.. Lets say he is  one of the bigger  characters...ummm... Commander  Abbs?..he does  the same thing...but? Fansdon't like commander Abbs  as   much as they like  LC Pecs? as the Next movie ..LC Pecs  gets more time the  Commander Abbs

  So... I asked  Lizzy...who?  seems to have a Thing    for Mik...and  at the same time is grateful for Adam  to point out would be  for Lizzy to  find a good  source  of attention.... anyway. as  we chatted  about boyfriends.. i asked  'who does this work ?"... she   laughed  and  said..'it  depends on the actors...That's why alot of Big Names  won't  work  with Paulo, because they can't demand   only green M&Ms in the  trailer..they can't show up  drunk or high, and  they best not treat the crew like slaves..the Converse part is,  anyone who is  a decent actor, will take the chance to be in his  projects, because they always come out on top....."

she chews a bit of Muffin...Lilly Logan?  she was the star..or at least..lead character in  Paulo's  sci-fi Spy movie.. "Star Dusted"...she wanted to work with him, here..on one of the projects, But she is in Pinewoods, in England shoot Bond 43? she's locked  in for the next year..BUT..nbo one  knew who she was unit she  a 'Gabby Goods' in Star Duster.

 works both ways  though?. Peter Evens. the  daytime  star, In 'Restless beds" for soap opera time?..he  started out  as a  Detective  fir Paulo in his  cop movie  " shooting on the Run"..but? he couldn't handle the way paly  runs the  productions?..and  he  bad  reviews from Fans..Paulo doesn't give one damn about  critics...he calls them 'paid assassins '..but he does care about the fans, because they pay to see the  productions..

she grins...sounds like  preseaon to me? You show up, you get the rundown, you get the base  call, the run the plays?  You perform good on the field, you get more reps? you don't. some on from the bench comes in..
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4154 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Mon 13 May 2024
at 20:28
  • msg #56

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"Well you seem to know more than we do." Lindsey said. "I guess I should have pinned Paulo down at the party. I suppose I can still do that when I get back. Actually, Sage, you have free days right now. And you know better what questions to ask."

"LA is three hours behind us. So, we fly for a little over four hours, bet then we wind back our watches. When we land it will only be a but over an hour later. I know we should probably rest, but it would be nice to get to see some sights. Walk of fame, the Hollywood sign, the Chinese theater... I guess there's a risk of trying to do too much, but at least maybe go to see one of those things."
Mon 13 May 2024
at 20:34
  • msg #57

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

 Mindy shurgs,I just have a  BF  other chicks  like, so i can talk to them and they  think they are being 'nice to me' while  wondering  what Mik does to make me happy?

 well?  You guys  are goign to the 'pregamne party' right?  so it depends on how long you stay and whom you leave with! she giggles.I don't even know how far away from  the Chinese theater you are , I mean, the  Venue they are using this   year is  right  in a hot  spot ?
Sage Sinclair
player, 1166 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 21:24
  • msg #58

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"Well, the party's at might. We'll also have a lot of daylight to walk around LA. We can get  cab to Walk of fame and just walk from there to whatever we can see. But, yes, it's the pregame tonight. I'm not sure what you mean by 'leave with', though. I'll be sleeping alone. Lindsey can make her own choices."
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4155 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Tue 14 May 2024
at 13:56
  • msg #59

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"Huh?" Lindsey's eyes popped at her friend "Why are we talking about this?" There was no way to comment without digging a deeper hole or lying, so she went back to the previous discussion. Taking out her phone, she looked up a map of the area.

"So, we're staying at Loews Hollywood Hotel." She used her thumb and forefinger to zoom in. "It's like a two-minute walk from the Walk of Fame and the venue for the awards. The Hollywood bowl is right up the street and the sign is just a bit further. Carlton did a perfect job as usual getting us in the heart of it all. Oh my God, I'm so excited."

The food arrived and Lindsey started eating in her usual methodical way, eating slowly and taking small bites.

"I'm going to find a dumb tourist shop and buy the most fan-girlish souvenir t-short too. Big sun glasses, a costume feather boa, bright lipstick. When I come back I'm gong to look ridiculous in all the swag."
Tue 14 May 2024
at 18:40
  • msg #60

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

  Mindy Giggled...Im thought you already wore that outfit!

she  nibbled  and  drank her  coffee.Jenny is all on her  own, other then Bob and Bill,, she gets to be a Big Girl  for another hour or so,
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4156 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Tue 14 May 2024
at 18:53
  • msg #61

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"Well, no, not that exact outfit. I haven't even created it yet. It's just concept art in my head. You'll see. Maybe I'll wear it to my dinner date with Prince on Monday. Montana seafood. I'm still fascinated by that concept."

"Jenny does good. " Lindsey nodded. "She's a good writer and knows how to ask decent questions. I mean, it's not like most of the sideline reporters actually dig deep, so the bar is pretty low. Yes, it's good to ask simple open ended questions sometimes. This audience wants to hear more from the players and coaches than from the reporter, but not always. Someone needs to challenge the BS sometimes, especially with all the hostile shenanigans coming from opposing teams and even the NFL. Anyway, jenny just needs to be more comfortable in front of the camera."
Thu 16 May 2024
at 02:13
  • msg #62

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

 Mindy  gives a shrug as she  finishes her  muffin, She does  a good  job acting  though, that whole  'bubble gumblowing  fangirl' she does when her  and Adam  reach out to their next victim on that hit  blog they have? Do you know   they get Money  from these 'headhunter  people' and the
 people the  expose , the money  goes into an account  Adam has.. 1/3  goes to running the blog...1/3 goes  to Jenny and Bill for thier work.. the other   third goes to a 'victims' fund , for people who want to  sue the  people  Adam  , Bill and  Jenny exposed..its nuts. I think they have
 14 kills..they call them. People  who might never  work in Media  the rest of their lives.

 Anyway..Jill is going  to be in charge of the watch party for the  NFL cameras all over the place.. jenny is going to help.. I'm there  to   to chat  with some of the winners   for   ESPN  New Jack..maybe gets  some feeds into   those who aren't covering the show directly.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4157 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Thu 16 May 2024
at 04:09
  • msg #63

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"Yeah, she does great when it's off the cuff, but I remember the couple times she was pulled onto camera and she was pretty nervous and stiff. I'm sure she'll get over it, but it will come with practice." Lindsey just listened about their hit blog. She didn't understand how they got money or who would pay for what they were doing. 99% of the sleaze peddlers and paparazzi were within their rights by Freedom of the Press and a lot of them wouldn't give a damn what you said about them. The information and pictures they collected was still saleable. But apparently there were some who could be hurt by the exposure. She doubted they could be sued unless they were engaged in libel, but it was Adam's pet project and it was working well enough.

"Will there be advance notice to any of the Dragons who win? " She pushed away her empty plate. "What if they don't show up for the watch party?" Checking her watch, she saw that they still had plenty of time. "I wish I could watch it, but it wouldn't look good to have my nose down in my phone at a Hollywood mixer. Although, we'll be three hours earlier than you so we might be able to watch some of it. What time is it on?"
Thu 16 May 2024
at 04:37
  • msg #64

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

 Mindy pulled out her  phone. Starts at 8:00..our people have to show up no later the   7:30..Jill is  running around  new jack like a wedding planner...

  as for  as who might  win?  there are a bunch of awards..most have  2 or three names associated with them..alot of them are , our people's names....but you know the NFL... There are hundreds of stories  through the years where  one guy had all the stats , and was a good  person and all that, and they gave it to someone else, who didn't have the stats, and wasn't a good person, because  of  reasons not related  to how they play.

Only the 3 person committee who were chosen to  count the  votes, know  who won . Ivory Collins doesn't even know who  won..Now?
 If  someone from our people  don't show up, and they win? it  won't  be  any different they us winning and not be in  new york. Mr Amota  Might frown on  it, but its not a big thing, right?   I mean? Ben.. Duke, Payne..they should all be in the running..we'll see in a few hours. I mean? I can text you  whomever won, you can check the text when you can...Now me?   I don't have the Bug you do?   I god to the  Den tonight  if it was only me Jenny , Jill and know Adam will be there if  Carlton, Sims  and Mr Amota  what him there...if  nothing esle , some free food and drinks will be funny to see the Guys  Sunday when they  pad  up for  full contact, we'll see who the smart players  are

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:44, Thu 16 May.
Thu 16 May 2024
at 14:47
  • msg #65

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

 gathering her  things, Mindy places a 20 for a tip on the table. well? I bette r get moving, things aren't  going to get   any quieter  over there....

she gives them each a hug,Have  Fun over there.. I'll be  watching  E-Tonight  to see if they show any party  , or news  stuff... we'll all be roting at th Den!

Mindy  left  to get to he r car.

Mindy Complex>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sage Sinclair
player, 1167 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 16:22
  • msg #66

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

After the meal was over and the check was paid, the Dragon ladies went outside for hugs. "Thank you for spending the morning with us." Sage hugged Mindy. "It sounds like you have a lot going on here as well. You're going to have your own adventure with the two watch parties."

"Hey, can I ask you to do me a favor?" Sage looked around almost looking unsure if she should continue. "I don't trust Jill James as far as I can throw her. She came off as a friend then made a move on Adam. Would you keep on eye on that? I know Adam won't do anything, but I'd feel better if I knew you were watching."

After Lindsey got in her her goodbye, Sage and Lindsey loaded up in the Mustang and roared off for the airport

To Travel Times
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4158 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 17 May 2024
at 16:37
  • msg #67

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner

"I'm going to miss you" Lindsey got in her hugs. "try not to let the house burn down while I'm gone." She grinned. "I'm sure the full pad practices will be illuminating. I wonder if any of the second or third string guys will go extra strong to try and impress Sims. Everyone will be wanting extra reps."

"Anyway, I guess this is it. We're finally off. I'm sure E will show the some of who comes and goes. They don't usually let the press in, but the front door will be swamped with cameras and access media. The whirlwind begins. Fun fun fun!"

With one final hug, Lindsey jumped into the Mustang.

To Travel Times
Fri 17 May 2024
at 16:39
  • msg #68

Aunt Mama's Breakfast Diner


Mindy looked a  tad  surprised , but gave   Sage another Hug.Yeah?  and  I know  Babs  will too. She  has  talked  with Jill a bit, But she is Adam's  fiend , so  She'll help me out  i'm sure. I don't Know If Jill will make another Move?.. i mean..getting shot down once is  bad  enough?  right?

 You Guys  have  fun... I'll send you text, don't  worry about answering them, Unless  i mark it urgent?. I'll just send   updates on the  awards, and if anyhting with the Saints comes up that is 'note  worthy."

((end Flex))
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