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, welcome to (PbtA) Offworlders: Legacy of the Akira Corsairs

18:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] Chapter One: A map, a ship and a dream.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 16 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 19:43
  • msg #1

[IC] Chapter One: A map, a ship and a dream

It's been a cool spring, with frequent stiff winds coming in off the coast of Constance Bay bringing light rain and thin sleet. Less than ideal for crops that struggle to grow in the fertile soils that ring the bay.

In the middle of the bay, Bakaar, the floating city is alive with energy as local communities and small businesses that have weathered the bad economy have come together in a spirit of togetherness, but it is beginning to feel a bit forced.  Conversely, tough times have hit the regional capital Port Hopewell much harder.  The city houses the souther contingent’s major spaceport and it is frequently busy managing the large number of emigrants who are leaving Akir seeking greener pastures.

Akir is not well known for heavy industry, but what little there is produce sturdy, if not cutting edge, android electronics. The market tunnels of Serrah City provide great deals and pretty much the only nightlife and live music scene in the system. It’s a fun place to hang out if can handle the narrow, low tunnels. Down in the tunnels, the instructors at the Planetary Academy are winding down for planting season break.  A few crowd sourced courses will be running this 'semester' but for the most part, the Academy will be slow until after the harvest.  Until then, the curriculum doesn't have a rigidly structured schedule, and it's pretty common for programs to pop up or wind down every few weeks. 

Across the bay, the militia base Fort Stalwart Settler is a hub of activity. fearful of aggressive neighbours, the planetary council has authorized additional call outs of reserve volunteer forces.
GM, 17 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #2

[IC] Chapter One: A map, a ship and a dream

The sun peeks through the window shade. Amaterasu, and the people of Akir, rise early.

Half awake, you hear the stream on the satfeed. As usual, the daily crop report drones in the background, it’s the same as it has been for the past three cycles. Yields are down, prices are down, the only crop that remains profitable is coffee, but even those prices are keeping the planetary economy barely viable.

”In other news,” the reporter continues, ”Another Malmori cruiser was spotted at the outer reaches. This the third incursion of the cycle. The planetary council has sent diplomatic missions to reinforce our sovereignty to both the Empire and the UDW. Economic woes remain on the forefront of everyone’s mind, but a coalition has formed within the council seeking funding to create an automated defence system to augment the planetary militia and regional volunteer forces. An expense estimated to cost over 2,000 credits. Global referendum on the spending reforms is scheduled to occur early next week.”

”Belit,” comes a familiar voice, somewhere nearby, bringing you fully awake, ”Get out of bed, you’re going to be late if you don’t get moving.”

@Belit - you are here.

Where are you? Who is calling? What are you going to be late for?

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