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04:24, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-254.

Posted by Big BossFor group 0
Byron Rockhead
player, 1594 posts
There is no such thing as
too much firepower
Fri 29 Sep 2023
at 22:30
  • msg #5

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Byron turns to look at Roen.

Let it go Roen,  If I hadn't been there when you guys broke up the fight between the first group of idiots and Dwight he might not be in this position now.  My presence there is just as much responsible for him losing the farm as his own past deeds are.

Byron turns to Dwight and continues in his calm voice.

There are just fights and then there are garbage fights.  The first one you were in falls in to the I don't know which category.  The second one you got caught up in falls into the second category.  The only chance they would have against us is for all of us to have been asleep when they decided to try and burn down the barn.   I'm not going to hold your past against you because you can see for yourself how others who are considered to be bad or evil aren't.  So keep that in mind as you try to start a new life.
Big Boss
GM, 2117 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 30 Sep 2023
at 00:08
  • msg #6

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Dwight doesn't say anything after that. He just sits there and waits for your lunch to be over. But, something strange happens. Shannon, the normally Haughty Lynx who thinks you're either food, or a servant to her, walks over to Dwight and sniffs him. Dwight, in return, gives Shannon some scratchies on the head and neck and near the tail and the Lynx likes it. She actually leans into it and Myarra swears Shannon purred for a moment....
player, 1789 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 30 Sep 2023
at 00:49
  • msg #7

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Myarra frowns at her familiar. Shannon could definitely do better than this addlepatted dunderwhelp. But she also knows better than to expect a cat to do anything other than what it wants to do.

"Listen, you никчёмный мешок человеческой кожи, just because you think you know something, doesn't mean you do.  Especially given the boneheaded moves you've made since we were unlucky enough to cross paths with you.

For some unfathomable reason, Shannon has taken a liking to you. Which means I'm obligated to protect you. But don't think for a second I'm the simpering doe-eyed девственница you're used to preying on.

Centauri hates us, and he has good reason to. He wants us dead. So he will gladly send assassins to Soubar to kill us and anyone with us. And while I doubt he cares about his men, carrying off his horses is just the kind of thing to put you on his to-be-dealt-with list.

This is the big world now and the rules are different.  Work with us and we'll help you survive.

And, just for you to keep in mind, if you do anything stupid that gets Shannon hurt, I'll personally flay you alive and nurse her back to health with boiled Dwight intestine stew.

And before you think of smarting off to me, look me in the eye and ask yourself if I'm kidding."

Taking 10 on intimidation gives her a 20. She's not kidding and Dwight really ought to have reason to believe her.  She has no interest in making friends with him, but she does expect him to take things seriously if he would like her to be an ally.
NPC, 8 posts
Sat 30 Sep 2023
at 13:30
  • msg #8

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

At first, Dwight was sitting there with an actual smile on his face petting the Lynx, for he'd never petted one before and it made him happy. When Myarra started talking, Dwight honestly thought she was talking to the Lynx at first and then he realized who she was really talking to. With a bit of effort, Dwight got up to his feet with some effort, for he was a bit over weight and leaning on one leg over another. His look went from happy to angry in about 2 seconds and several of you thought there was going to be a fight, but Dwight never put his hands up. His fists were balled up, but they were at his sides. He was holding his own towards Myarra, but it quickly dwindled down to nothing with her Dominating Attitude. He soon looked away and picked up his pack as he spit on the ground,

"F**k You. You don't know S**t." as he limped over and got on his horse with some difficulty
Byron Rockhead
player, 1595 posts
There is no such thing as
too much firepower
Sat 30 Sep 2023
at 21:36
  • msg #9

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Do what you want.  However, you might want to stop and think for a moment that maybe we know more than you with what Centauri is capable of.  One of those things is his reach goes a lot further than you think it does.
Twiggy Flinch
player, 1138 posts
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 00:15
  • msg #10

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Twiggy just sits and listens as he lays back on Fitz feeding him straps of dried meat. He really doesn't care if Dwight stays or goes.
player, 637 posts
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 01:32
  • msg #11

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Roen put his hands up and approached Dwight in a non threatening manner. He considered himself a Diplomat of sorts and this needed the right words.

"We got one side of the story with those men who beat you up and left you in a ditch. Would you be willing to tell us your side of the story? I actually care."

18:31, Today: Roenthelm rolled 24 using 1d20+17.  Diplomacy.
NPC, 9 posts
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 15:58
  • msg #12

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Byron Rockhead:
Do what you want.  However, you might want to stop and think for a moment that maybe we know more than you with what Centauri is capable of.  One of those things is his reach goes a lot further than you think it does.

"I don't give a rat's ass about Centauri! That man rules Triel with an iron grip!" Dwight said, obviously upset "But, I will not be labeled as someone who takes advantage of young girls, as she suggests." Dwight points to Myarra "Bella reminded me of my younger sister who died long ago, so before you all make assumptions, you should wonder if it's going to make an ass out of you first before opening your F*****g mouth."

And with that, Dwight rides off with his horses....
player, 1593 posts
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 20:01
  • msg #13

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

OoC: Sorry for being slow the last few days - had to get a new computer...

"I care about you only so much as I care for any intelligent humanoid. I don't know you well enough to care about you other than that. But I do believe that every intelligent humanoid deserves both a chance and, when necessary, a second chance. Anything more, well, I'd have to know you better to make any judgement." Amara explained as she brought Dwight back to the party.


Amara sighed as Dwight rode off, shaking her head. "Myarra, you know you catch more locusts with honey than vinegar - why do you always prefer vinegar?"

She tried to determine if it was better to go after Dwight or to let him go.
Byron Rockhead
player, 1596 posts
There is no such thing as
too much firepower
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 20:20
  • msg #14

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Byron calls out to Dwight in a calm but stern and friendly warning.

Maybe so, but if the guys kicking your butt talk Centauri into sending anyone after you, just know his reach if further than you think it is.  Good luck to you.
Vernon the Ghost
NPC, 310 posts
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 11:50
  • msg #15

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Wow, he's a bit rough around the edges. Reminds me of my sailor days.
Twiggy Flinch
player, 1139 posts
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #16

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

Twiggy takes out his flask and takes a swig as he still lays back on Fitz. Dwight just sounds bitter because he isn't in Centari's circle. If he was, Dwight would be just like those thugs.
player, 1594 posts
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 21:47
  • msg #17

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

"Look at things from his point of view. He just found a home - and we made it too dangerous for him to stay. We repeated the accusations of him molesting someone and indicated he is a horse thief. Not exactly the way to make friends." Amara said to the party.
player, 638 posts
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 22:44
  • msg #18

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244

"I would have to agree. I asked him if he would like to tell us what happened, but he, well, you saw. He was highly upset."
Big Boss
GM, 2120 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 22:43
  • msg #19

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

Dwight rides off up the road with the rest of the horses and leaves you to the rest of your lunch. By the time you all head out again, he has at least 45 minutes head start with faster, unencumbered horses. The weather is beautiful and the rest of the day is uneventful. You camp off the side of the road and set your guard shifts, but the night is also uneventful.

Miles traveled: 32. Miles to go to get to Soubar: 40

Today, you don't see much until late afternoon, when you start coming into the farming communities about 10 miles from Soubar. Farmers in carts travel from here to there and when asked if they'd seen a man guiding several horses to town, nobody has seen him or paid any attention to it because they see people taking horses from farm to farm all the time. When you make camp, you pay a farmer a couple silver pieces to set up your stuff under a tree on his property near the road. Except for a couple riders returning home from town late at night, your shifts are uneventful.

Miles traveled: 32. Miles to go to get to Soubar: 8

8 more miles to Soubar. What is the party's plans? Go into town? Go to Byron's family farm? Continue up the trail to Daak?
Twiggy Flinch
player, 1140 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 11:34
  • msg #20

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

Twiggy sets up for the night by brushing Fitz and feeding him before settling in "I need to stop by Aki's Mercantile to sell my mithril shield and buy that hammer sphere. Once I do that I am good. I wonder if Nolan is finished with his work?"
player, 639 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 22:42
  • msg #21

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

"I sure hope so. We really need to go to the mines to help out all those poor souls."
Vernon the Ghost
NPC, 311 posts
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 11:36
  • msg #22

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

You should probably tell Aki that his workers are dead and we killed the Trolls. We should also be on the look out for those bounty hunters and Byron should stay away from his parent's farm for awhile.
Byron Rockhead
player, 1598 posts
There is no such thing as
too much firepower
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 12:19
  • msg #23

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

I'll make sure Amos lets my parents know what's going on with Centauri.  There's nothing else I can think of that I need Soubar.  So the sooner we get back to the tower in Daak, the better I will feel.
Vernon the Ghost
NPC, 312 posts
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 22:30
  • msg #24

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

I just don't like being followed or spied on and the last thing we need is the Centauri's or any of these bounty hunters knowing who Byron's parents are. So, when we get to town, I think we should make our visit brief, get what we need, say what we need to say, and then go back to the tower.
player, 1595 posts
Sat 7 Oct 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #25

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

Amara nodded, repeating what Vernon said when necessary, and adding, "I agree. Let's try to keep this brief. Twiggy, I'll go with you to Aki's."
Big Boss
GM, 2121 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 01:23
  • msg #26

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

The party doesn't have any trouble getting to Soubar. They encounter other farmers going here and there, and Merchants heading out of town. You reach the gates to the town and they are closed with 8 guards outside keeping guard while letting people in and out. You don't have any problems getting inside, but you find out that there was a Green Dragon attack that wiped out a group of Bounty Hunters heading towards the small village of Daak. Only one made it back here to tell the tale and he is recovering in town somewhere. That's why the town is on high alert.

This is actually Vernon's first trip to Soubar in many years. The last time he was here was when he was actually alive.
Vernon the Ghost
NPC, 313 posts
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 01:27
  • msg #27

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

"Oi. I haven't been 'ere in a long time. You all been here one person or another, but not me. Nothing changed here. Still a quiet little place." Vernon noted as the party walked through town
Twiggy Flinch
player, 1141 posts
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 10:52
  • msg #28

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

Twiggy nods "Boring is good sometimes. We will know quickly if Centari's men come through. Do we want to split up to go to Aki's and Amos's or stick together. Either way people will notice."
player, 640 posts
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 14:38
  • msg #29

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 244-246

"I think we'll be fine inside town with the gates locked. People are worried because of the Dragon attack, so we should be able to do things quickly and then get out again. I suggest meeting at the fountain."
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