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23:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

More good stuff.

Posted by bigbadron
member, 6682 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Fri 16 Oct 2015
at 06:22
  • msg #626

More Good Stuff

It's really hard to convince the Powers That Be at work to buy new equipment when one of our sewing machines kinda crapped out on us, I had a hard time talking myself into putting up the fight to get it fixed or replaced.  My assistant had her mom's sewing machine--an older Bernina--that she brought in so we'd have enough machines to keep everyone busy, and it has become our favorite machine (a lot of the older machines were just better built...the new ones are nice, if you can afford to go high-end and want all the bells and whistles...but we just need something reliable that does the basics...)

So, I've been prowling thrift stores, looking for machines.  I tried a Singer that someone gave me, originally...but something broke on it before I even got a chance to really use it.  Tried another old thrift store machine, which kind of worked, but the tension springs on it were kind of messed up so threading it was a pain.  Picked up a cheap Elna machine that's almost identical to the one that broke on us in the first place...and it's not bad.  It's just not particularly good, either...

These have all been tried over the past couple of years.  I'd basically given up on it...and then, a couple of days ago, I found another one.  An older White...from back when they made all-metal bodies for the machines.  Only has about six or seven different stitch options, which is about three more than we typically use.  And it was only $ I decided to gamble on it.

Last night, I was frustrated.  The gamble wasn't paying off, something was messed up and it was tangling the thread in the bobbin.  Poked around online, saw a lot of forum threads talking about that problem or similar ones and a lot of suggestions for what to do...but nobody coming back to the forum to say, "So, this is what I did and it fixed the problem!"  At $15, I didn't want to put the money into paying someone to take a look at it, especially if it was something I could fix myself (and I am at least moderately mechanically inclined, so...)

Went to work today with thoughts of trying to reset the timing on it...which could be a really arduous process, since all I had were descriptions of machines that weren't even made by the same company to use as guides.  But in the process of trying to determine what needed to be tweaked which way for the timing adjustment, I discovered a much simpler solution...adjusting the needle height.  Loosen one screw, slide a metal bar a fraction of an inch, and tighten the screw again...and, suddenly, the thing has gone from not even being able to put three stitches together to sewing beautiful, even stitches.

Today, I felt like a genius.  *grin*
member, 278 posts
Fri 16 Oct 2015
at 19:38
  • msg #627

More Good Stuff

Im working the Motley Crue concert Sunday night ^_^
member, 586 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 21:22
  • msg #628

More Good Stuff

I love the intertube. It allows me to argue with people who think themselves morally or intellectually superior.
member, 639 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2015
at 02:50
  • msg #629

More Good Stuff

There is a magnificent lightning storm tonight!
member, 781 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2015
at 03:13
  • msg #630

More Good Stuff

Was frustrated about work, then remembered that I am still the guy who took the time to fix a vital machine and thus save the store a lot of vital revenue.  That combined with other things has me feeling much better today.  And, Halloween is tomorrow!  Good times!
Evil Empryss
member, 1381 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Sun 15 Nov 2015
at 05:27
  • msg #631

More Good Stuff

A friend took me to her company's holiday party because her husband refused to get dressed up.

I won the iPad Air 3 door prize.

I can't wait to hear how papaya'd he is that he lost out on that!
member, 501 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 04:19
  • msg #632

More Good Stuff

I heard a song I've been searching for, for the past two decades. It's such serendipity I'd find it and then have it mirror the love I have in great friendship. I think if ever I was to marry someone, it would be to my greatest friend. Fortunately I don't have to marry her for her to be my friend, and she doesn't have to be my wife for me to say I love her.

Suicide loomed like a waste stuck in the toilet bowl that just wouldn't be rid of. Only be distancing myself from such a toxic environment could I smell the scent of flowers, feel the touch of a kind hug, and and hear the music that makes you glad to be alive.

It is a hard time right now, a defining milestone that I will never have to again face. I am giving thanks for my great friend, Anne, and a song to remind me of why we became friends. I'm eating some nice food (I'm not fat but I am a foodie. Food is so lovely as an adult and not struggling with trauma). Then I'm exchanging gifts with her and a couple other close friends.

The reason why holidays were once holy days is evident to me. I feel closer to goodness and grace. I feel more at home than I ever have in my life. I know I can't afford to by a house, but I can rent it. I also "...know you can't buy love, but now I know you can rent it".

The song I heard is a bit acoustically dated, but I think the majority of RPOL veterans on here will find it "new pop" compared to the "classics". To me I heard it once when I was young. I looked all over for years trying to find it, I knew the artist but never could find the exact song. Years passed and words passed to rhythm, and as the youth turned to adulthood it was merely a wisp in memory. Now with a clever stroke of luck, I find this song. Not the best by most standards, but in my heart of hearts, it's a great find, at least for me. Something Happened on my Way to Heaven by Phil Collins

Mental illness hurts those that love us. Love means never having to say you're sorry, but I am, to have missed something so great for so long and only upon a dark hour when turning to face the setting sun did I lament the star that was brightest in days gone by. We all rest when we've had enough of the day, I'm glad that day isn't over. I'm glad that I don't have to be sorry, but even more glad that I don't have to lose something to fully appreciate it.
member, 95 posts
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 13:38
  • msg #633

More Good Stuff

Frustration:  Being one of only two programmers at work and not really being a programmer.

Happiness: Realizing that I am one of only two programmers at work and they put me in the position even though I'm not actually a programmer.
Evil Empryss
member, 1384 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Sat 28 Nov 2015
at 02:46
  • msg #634

More Good Stuff

I found some scratched-off scratch-off lottery tickets in a mall parking lot today.  I picked them up because my state has special game just for losing tickets and I figured I'd try it out.  When I got home and actually looked at the tickets, one was a $5 winner and another was for $28!  Woo-hoo!  This is the only time I've actually won anything on a scratch-off.
member, 599 posts
Sat 28 Nov 2015
at 12:42
  • msg #635

More Good Stuff

I think my dog prefers me to be fat.
member, 801 posts
Sat 28 Nov 2015
at 18:55
  • msg #636

More Good Stuff

I had an unexpectedly awesome Thanksgiving.  All it took was allowing myself to say 'yes' to an opportunity, then keep saying yes as each new opportunity comes up.  Thank you, friends, for asking.
member, 600 posts
Thu 3 Dec 2015
at 01:24
  • msg #637

More Good Stuff

Tonight, I did something that I didn't think I would do before tonight that melded my own mental image of self, and the actual image of self.
Evil Empryss
member, 1393 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Thu 3 Dec 2015
at 21:26
  • msg #638

More Good Stuff

That look on the office witch's face when you're telling her exactly why she's being fired from her job and, when she jumps up from her chair to get up in your face, you just stare her down and ask "Are you expecting me to step back?".

She looked like I gut-punched her and sat right back down.

I don't know who she thought she was dealing with, but I don't flinch from temper-tantrum-throwing, incompetent fools.
member, 1064 posts
"Hugs for the Hugs God!"
- Warhammer Fluffy-K
Fri 4 Dec 2015
at 02:51
  • msg #639

More Good Stuff

When you let loose a window shaking fart...and the house is empty so there is nobody to judge :)
Evil Empryss
member, 1394 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Fri 4 Dec 2015
at 02:53
  • msg #640

More Good Stuff

And on that note (snickers)... I heard my daughter giggling upstairs a little bit ago.  Seems she farted so loud it scared the new puppy.  She says that's the funniest thing to happen to her today  ^_^
member, 1065 posts
"Hugs for the Hugs God!"
- Warhammer Fluffy-K
Fri 4 Dec 2015
at 06:46
  • msg #641

More Good Stuff

Not so good stuff...tonight my dog farted on the bed...and followed through :(
member, 504 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Mon 7 Dec 2015
at 23:29
  • msg #642

More Good Stuff

I switched my game over to adult. Saw the part about not requested and looked at it. what does this mean. Went back and read the top notice, the older one that is most relevant but requires the new edit. Which is separate thread. So I panicked. First instinct, hit the confirm. Whoops. Okay, so I can change it back. That's easy. Oh? there's a post I made. Okay, time to find these rules I KNOW I didn't imagine. Found them. And the n breathed a huge sigh or relief.

Me being a "I coded a QBasic dungeon & dragons simulator. Me's know this coding real gud." kind of person I thought about something that scared me. The fact is I, someone is in an adult game, could view threads, maybe not post but SEE threads; so anyone in my game could now see the access to the adult threads. Threads which I just labeled A (I thought that was clever but very simple idea--not mine though). So I thought, okay...well nothing graphic yet, it was mature before and is pretty much the same now. It just say Adult.

My relief was the foresight jase (and//or anyone who might have helped him) put into the programming. Let them read, but not post. Let them see group 0 and public threads which people not in the game can see. Then if they were already able to see every thread except Z, when it switchs over to adult the doors all close and it's just the lobby again. I liked that. I was twitchy and was going to just switch it back and do more reading. Then I realized. Oh...that makes sense. Gee, I wish I knew how to program code (actually deep programming), or even understand the lingo to discuss it. I should learn that sometime soon. I think I may start by borrowing some peripherals and waiting for a raspberry pi. I think that would be something fun too start with. I had Windows 98 up until 2009 on a '99 machine (I think) so it's shiny enough by my standards.

Good stuff I found out today. Some frivolous news too that I won't cram in. I laughed at the fart jokes too. Actually I couldn't stop smiling at Evil Empryss's post. That to me was not so frivolous. That was simple and made me glad farts were invented. Mostly daughters, and dogs, and Evil Empyrss and, and just...stuff.
member, 1985 posts
RPG since 1982
Author & Inspiration
Mon 7 Dec 2015
at 23:40
  • msg #643

More Good Stuff

Still no confirmed sightings of large numbers of salt water crocodiles coming out of the great lakes.  That would be a bad day. Since that's not happening it must be a good day.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:40, Mon 07 Dec 2015.
member, 661 posts
Thu 10 Dec 2015
at 03:21
  • msg #644

More Good Stuff

Having a good laugh with friends.

I met with my gym buddies for a run this morning. We'd barely started, not even a quarter mile down the road when my trusty ol' sports bra bit the dust. At first, I was too embarrassed to explain, but then I just let out with it. We power walked to a dumpster and pulled up an Enya song to bid it farewell.
member, 113 posts
Thu 10 Dec 2015
at 03:26
  • msg #645

More Good Stuff

In reply to Evil Empryss (msg # 638):

Must be in a state that doesn't allow for severance pay.
member, 484 posts
Thu 10 Dec 2015
at 03:53
  • msg #646

More Good Stuff

Today I got up the courage to try running games here again. :D
member, 663 posts
Fri 11 Dec 2015
at 03:12
  • msg #647

More Good Stuff

The Changeling 20 Kickstarter has kicked off.
member, 667 posts
Wed 16 Dec 2015
at 03:31
  • msg #648

More Good Stuff

Got a trim. Now I love my hair again.
member, 6702 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Fri 1 Jan 2016
at 01:08
  • msg #649

More Good Stuff

I no longer owe anything on my student loans!  My new year is already off to a flying start!!!
member, 1449 posts
Even a small star
shines in the darkness
Tue 5 Jan 2016
at 16:53
  • msg #650

More Good Stuff

I published another book on Amazon the other day and it went live on Smashwords today.
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