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00:17, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 459 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 13:03
  • msg #427

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir notice the two front guards appear confused at first but then quickly and without reason to question nod and run off in fear.
The gateway in appear empty for now - and there is no obvious steps nor sound from inside or below advancing.

The group elsewhere notice the guards hurry away as if spooked beyond their ways and with somewhat fearful eyes.
The entryway is open and free and an obvious next step can be taken and risked - in the shadows of the early nighttime.
The rest of the town, despite the yelling have not seemed to react nor pay attention to it. At least from initial observation.
Gille Milroy
player, 73 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:2/3
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 06:53
  • msg #428

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Gille's face turned into a a grim determination when the two guards dashed away, spooked by something or someone. It was the tipping point now, either they pressed forward or turned their back. But most of them already decided to safe the damsel in distress. In a different life, Gille had swore an oath to protect the innocent and he could not image someone would be willingly be a sacrifice to some profaned god.

"On doit battre le fer tant qu'il est chaud." he said, moving forward to the entrance, weapon ready.

ooc - if in the front line, Gille will have his axe and shield ready. When more to the back he will have his bow and arrow ready.
Cecla Crownshield
player, 226 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 21:49
  • msg #429

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The Dwarf, sturdy and able, kept abreast of the Breton with her own masterfully wrought axe and shield at hand. The hope was bloodless but she wasn't holding too tightly to that hope if push came to shove. Better ready for the ugly reality of the moment than caught by surprise. She'd already been victim enough of that and, if she was a wee bit honest, she'd have been a fair bit happier to keep up bothering the gunnery cadets and gunsmiths of her own clans cobbling together the basis of her theories and thesis. It'd be a long time before she could forge runes like her master did but she aimed to be no less adept.
Jareik Schneider
player, 426 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 09:57
  • msg #430

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Jareik looked around warily as they entered, hating every aspect of their break in and all too aware that how if the elf was mistaken or deceitful, they would look very much like a band of thieves if not worst.

Unlike some of the others, he did not unsheathe any weapon yet, and won't until a threat is confirmed.
"Now where's that basement?" he muttered to no one in particular as he walked in, hopefully they won't have to search too much.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:30, Wed 10 Apr.
GM, 460 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 13:16
  • msg #431

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

As you slowly move in, you notice a large building - on your left two offices with open doors, ahead a heart and welcoming area with seating and various trinkets for display and right-side, where you heard the noise, far right, a partly hidden stairway down, where the mumbling came from.
You hear and notice vague humming, and judging by distance and what those in bathhouse learned, even at the base of the stairs the hallway is at least 60 feet long, if not more, and whether it is sealed with a door or not, is hard to say.
A low humming buzz through the air, but is broken by a low muffled scream of anguish and pain.
Whatever it is, it is below and at the end. You hear no footsteps, nor voices outside or in the room you are present in.

To get a closer look or determine next steps you have to descent the stairs and walk some of the way in, albeit judging from above, the hallway is lighted up.

Jareik Schneider
player, 427 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 12:54
  • msg #432

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Other then someone accidentally stepping on something sharp late at night, he could think of little good reason for the kind of scream they just heard.

Jareik took a look down the stairs and hesitated, the expression "cornered like a rat" comes to mind.

He toyed with the idea of asking Gille and maybe someone else who can be discreet to go ahead whilst he and others kept their escape route clear but he didn't want to waste time and linger any more then they had to.

So down he went, a hand now resting on the pommel of his blade, towards the mumbling.

Unless someone else stops him, down to the basement we go.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:49, Mon 15 Apr.
Gille Milroy
player, 74 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:2/3
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 07:51
  • msg #433

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

With the muffled scream still lingering in his ears, Gille hoped they would not be late. Perhaps a bit more hasty as before he went down the stairs along with Jareik towards the sounds coming from beyond the dark.
Arkamir Ran-Helethel
player, 25 posts
WP: 12/12, FP: 2+2/2+2
*Not a Wizard*
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 12:09
  • msg #434

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir came out from around the building and headed down the stairs to join the group, bow in hand and an arrow ready, though not yet nocked.  The relief that the group had come was plain on his face.  "Thank you all for trusting me enough to at least come see what's going on.  Now let's see if we're not too late to save that woman."  He said, falling in behind them as they moved, keeping half an eye behind them in case the guards or someone else came up behind them.
GM, 461 posts
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 13:29
  • msg #435

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The hallway is long, damp and lit enough to make it easy to navigate throughout the hallway. The floor has puddles and sparsely placed boards but it easily navigated.
You notice an opening, as if the whole place is carved by hand through the years, and appear in what could be a natural cavern.
The treasure is a massive stone statue of a beautiful woman with six arms and the lower body of a monstrous serpent. Her face is both lovely and terrible, and
in one hand, she holds an ornate jade sceptre with a jewel at the top of the sceptre glows dully, and appears haunting yet familiar to some.
The status to those taught, is a depiction of the chaos god - Slaanesh.
Surrounded by roped townpeople..and Ernst right aside it, they are chanting.
Before them lay, and partially hung - your employer, his sidehand, and two of his guards. Undressed, bleeding and tortured, which fluids in their mouth and wounds, to torment and drug them.

They have not seen you for now, and the scene is horrifying to behold from afar.

Gille Milroy
player, 75 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:2/3
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 07:49
  • msg #436

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

It took Gille a couple of heartbeats to process the scene and what was unfolding. He had witnessed the raw brutality of Orcs in the past, but nothing ever came close to the perverse corruption of what was unfolding before him.

Time was of an essence and surprise was still on their side. Judging as the size of the cave, he could still land fire a shot, perhaps two before the cult knew what hit them. Carefully but with haste he switched his axe and shield for his longbow. He pointed over to Ernst, assuming he would be the leader. Gille hoped that if they could neutralize the cults charismatic leader, the rest of the cultist would be without guidance.
Jareik Schneider
player, 428 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 15:26
  • msg #437

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Jareik nodded at the elf joining them, now he felt less of a fool for going along with this if the elf was also putting himself at risk.


The closer they approached the opening, the more he had a queer feeling, growing louder with the chanting.
What they found made him grit his teeth in disgust and fury, worshippers of the great enemy practicing their vile acts, and worst of all, Ersnt was among them. He felt sick to his core, he drank with that man. Oh how he was going to make that heretic pay for making a fool out of him.

Controlling his anger, he looked over the situation and his gaze lingered on the statue which gave him a rush of feelings he didn't understand.
The top half was beautiful, were it not for everything else he could think of it as a dedication to what must have been the most gorgeous woman to have ever lived. Yet her face disturbed him, he couldn't quite put his finger on why, some otherworldly quality only reinforced by the bottom half and extra limbs.
Part of him wanted to keep admiring the statue, another part wanted to run away from it, and the rest just wanted to hack it to pieces.

Wait why does this statue bewitch me so when there's a roomfull of heretics about to commit who knows what?

With a shake of his head he forced himself to think like a soldier again: Five figures in front, four at the back and one in the middle, probably the leader.
The pillars on the side offered some cover but the cavern was small and even with the heretics distracted he didn't fancy his chances of trying to sneak around. Would the captives be executed immediately if the group revealed themselves? Perhaps, but then the heretics seem to want to kill the captives slow and with ceremony so it was an acceptable risk.

He turned and whispered to the others:

"Right, i don't see there being much space for fancy tactics. Anyone got any ideas or insights before we go in? We ain't got much room to maneoeuvre so be mindful of your space and where ye point yer arrows and spells.."

He paused at the elf, realising he hadn't asked his name nor giving his since he and the others who stayed behind of the inn kind of just barged in on the end of a conversation.
"...Sorry elf didn't catch your name. Jareik's mine by the way. The lad with the bow is Gille and the bright wizard is Ms Milly. Can you fight at all? Otherwise stick back and watch i guess."

This message was last edited by the player at 19:24, Wed 17 Apr.
Arkamir Ran-Helethel
player, 26 posts
WP: 12/12, FP: 2+2/2+2
*Not a Wizard*
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 20:15
  • msg #438

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir nodded to Jareik and Millie.  "Arkamir Ran-Helethel."

He eyed the bright wizard for a long moment before giving a nod to her as well.  "I'd rather a high mage or a light wizard, but with numbers as they look here, I'll be happy to have a human who can channel Aqshy at my side."

He nocked the arrow and prepared to fire once everyone was ready.
Etain Seanait
player, 322 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 21:34
  • msg #439

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain had been quiet for most of the descent. upon seeing the people locked up and being threatened she takes the axe out and quietly unlimbers the shield and straps it to her left arm. Whispering she says "I think those with range take out as many as quickly as they can, after the first volley axes go forward, shieldwall together, Cecla, Marie and myself, Jareik, after you fire drop that gun of yours and move in" she offers as a strategy
Cecla Crownshield
player, 227 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 23:34
  • msg #440

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

"Only way about it if we want to save the folks on the wrong end of what all this is." the Dwarf offered in quiet agreement with the other woman. Well, as quiet as a dwarf could manage... Any other circumstance and at this point she'd have proposed just blocking the door and setting fire to the whole damned place. The flames it'd send anyone and everyone to the proper place and maker.
Marie Arceneaux
player, 229 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Fri 19 Apr 2024
at 03:16
  • msg #441

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Marie had to excuse herself for a short while, as they others prepared themselves for the trouble to come. She wasn't about to leave Josette tied up on the street for any vagabond or ruffian to steal. She had to seek out what appeared to be a reputable stable before she could in good conscience return. This was no place for steed's, after all. Now, the Knight of the Realm stood on her own two legs, which would have surely elicited tuts from fellow Knights and higher ranked nobles. But innocents needed her, as did her companions.

"A fine idea mon amour. Unleash our fury from a distance, and then stand firm behind a wall of steel. Are we all in agreement?" she replied to Etain, and asked everyone in turn as she drew her sword and unslung her shield from her back.

The heraldry of the shield may be battered, but it was still proud. And ready to defend the group from all dangers.

OOC Mechanics
08:08, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 55 using 1d10+45. Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 12:09, Tue 30 Apr.
Jareik Schneider
player, 429 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 17:51
  • msg #442

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

"Sounds good to me." nodded Jareik, unslinging his handgun in a smooth motion and loading it with shot as the others did their own preparations.

"Right then Gille, guess we open the dance. Ready?"

Quickdraw for style points
This message was last edited by the player at 17:52, Sat 20 Apr.
Gille Milroy
player, 76 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:2/3
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 07:42
  • msg #443

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Gille nodded at Jareik and positioned himself for a clear shot at Ernst.
He waited on Jareik and Arkamir to choose their positions as well.
Once the others were ready to engage into the melee he let out a sight.

"On y va." he wispered, drawing his arrow. Holding his breath he took aimed at Ernst.
Among the chanting, the soft twang of releasing the bow was barely noticeable. Neither was the whizzed sound of the armor piercing arrow crossing the space between Gille and Ernst, seeking its path to the latter's chest.

Gille Milroy rolled 46 using 1d10+41.  Initiative.
Gille Milroy rolled 7 -- 6 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 68.  Aimed shot (BS).
Gille Milroy rolled 9 using 1d10+3.  Damage.

Etain Seanait
player, 323 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 02:57
  • msg #444

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain forms tup beside Cecla taking the far side of their battleline, relying on her maneuverability to keep it safer while Marie and Cecla could form a hard hitting armoured line. "After they fire, we move" she whispers to them."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:30, Mon 29 Apr.
Cecla Crownshield
player, 228 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 15:19
  • msg #445

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The Dwarfen Woman offered no more than a curt nod as she braced shield and axe accordingly. The corner stones of a mild, by the measure of dwarfs, grudge forming in her mind since this or that had thus far ensured no moment of peace. Not even long enough for a full bath and clean up of an unpleasant encounter with trolls. At least the douse in the river had been enough to neutralize the worst of it. either way, neither here nor there as battle was to be had very shortly.

18:46, Today: Cecla Crownshield rolled 41 using 1d10+39.  Initiative. – 41
This message was last edited by the player at 22:47, Tue 30 Apr.
Jareik Schneider
player, 430 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 16:46
  • msg #446

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Gille's arrow was followed up by a gunfire shot that rang across the cavern, in case anyone missed the comparatively silent whistling of an arrow slicing through air.

Jareik had opted for a safer shot on one of the 4 nearest, wanting to minimise the chance of stray fire hitting one of the captives.
As soon as the shot was fired he put away his rifle and started drawing melee weapons whilst lagging behind Cecla and the rest if they moved forwards.

Hit on one of the closest 4 for 13 damage on the body

17:21, Today: Jareik Schneider rolled 7 using 1d10+4.  initiative
17:22, Today: Jareik Schneider rolled 12 -- 4 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 60.  Shooting. –
17:23, Today: Jareik Schneider rolled 13 using 1d10+4, rerolling max with rolls of 9.  damage

Half action-standard attack
-Half action-put away gun
-Quickdraw-draw sword

This message was last edited by the player at 16:50, Sat 27 Apr.
Milly Minhelm
player, 197 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 00:08
  • msg #447

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Under other circumstances, the elf's comment may have spurred a rather energetic display and earful, but as it was, Milly found the whole thing sickening. Not just what they uncovered but even at the present she couldn't help but imagine how they ere going to be chased out of the town for their deeds. The one thing giving her any conviction about the righteousness of their course of action was the fact that their employer was being 'mishandled' but these people. It was hard at times to remember that they were no longer in the Empire and that there was no actual law or authority to invoke in justifying any of their actions as they had in the past. Since she couldn't really do much to the cultists where she stood, Milly advanced on them and hopefully with a much clearer view of the wretches, she started channeling the winds, heralding fiery ruin for them.
Half Action Move
Half Action Channeling.
01:55, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 57 -- 1 degree of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 73Channelling.

Arkamir Ran-Helethel
player, 27 posts
WP: 12/12, FP: 2+2/2+2
*Not a Wizard*
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 04:06
  • msg #448

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir was pleasantly surprised by the bright wizard's self control and careful action.  As Jareik fired, Arkamir let loose with an arrow at Ernst, almost as concerned that the man would start hurling black magic as he was of the prospect of the ritual reaching completion.  Once the arrow was in the air, he nocked another and prepared to shoot again.

Half action: Standard attack at Ernst
Half action: reload bow

23:54, Today: Arkamir Ran-Helethel rolled 12 -- 3 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 50.  Firing an arrow. – 3 degrees of success
23:57, Today: Arkamir Ran-Helethel rolled 11 using 1d10+3.  arrow damage. – 11

GM, 464 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 12:14
  • msg #449

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

No better word encompassed the brief seconds from first shot, disrupting the ritual, and the shock, relief and terror of the captives as they saw you.
The closest cultist was bleeding heavily from the shot, ill equipped to fight or even pose a challenge, with but a ceremonial blade and a rope on his otherwise bare body.
Ernst's skin glew, and those of the winds, knew his aura was protected to a degree. The blows weakened some, and as he was hit, bleeding lightly, the fire in his eyes grew as if imbued by chaotic rage and strength.
The cultists advanced, and in a quick motion, Ernst dipped behind a broken pillar, granting him some cover.
Surprised, the cultists drew blades, and prepared for combat.
Ernst yelled out.
"Our sanctum is breeched. Kill them! torture their limbs so we can feast on them!"

OOC: Roll initiative if you have not already:

Current list:
Ernst: 65   Wounds: 10/16
Jareik: 51
Milly: 50
Etain: 47
Gille: 46
Arkamir: 34
Cultists: 37 12 W, One with a blue cross, is too wounded to fight, not dead.

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:40, Fri 03 May.
Arkamir Ran-Helethel
player, 28 posts
WP: 12/12, FP: 2+2/2+2
*Not a Wizard*
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 13:21
  • msg #450

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

09:19, Today: Arkamir Ran-Helethel rolled 34 using 1d10+30.  Initiative.
Milly Minhelm
player, 198 posts
Wed 1 May 2024
at 17:03
  • msg #451

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Further into the room and with a better view of the chamber, Milly, having gathered the bright wind, bent it at her command. A blazing curtain burst into being, from the smaller entrance to the room and along its stairs towards the altar, quickly making anybody that would think of fleeing them take pause about that option. "None shall escape! Submit to judgement or be turn to ash!"
Full Action: Cast curtain of flames
18:50, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 15 using 2d10+2 ((8,5)). Casting curtain of flame TN 14.

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