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21:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Trade City of Abarion.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
Zhao Li Hua
player, 130 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sat 18 May 2024
at 21:19
  • msg #77

Trade City of Abarion

"Err..." Li Hua replied to Kavians, 'alright we'll meet in the morning' puzzlement obvious on her face for a moment before it cleared. "This is not my first language, so misunderstanding is perhaps natural and to be expected"

"Forgive me if I try again. I was setting up a 'what we do if there is a problem'. Without that plan, if we are interupted or something happens, it is hard for us to meet up again. I tried to say before 'Let us see if we can communicate with our new acquaintance first'. I'm not quite sure what 'if you change your mind' we are talking about. My plan to leave failed as I was not quick enough. There is no point now. Misunderstandings are hard to talk about, so let's focus on what we do now instead"

"I have a lot of practice in language problems. All too often I have been in the position this ... man"
Li Hua wasn't certain that was the right word. This wasn't just a normal mortal man "is in. I have been in a place full of people and none of them speaking the languages I can. It is equal parts terrifying and frustrating. Finding a translator is often a matter of just 'try and try again'. Usually I can find someone, and the best places to look are often by the city gates. That is where the merchants are, and they are the people that know the most forms of speech."

"It is almost certain that he knows someone that can translate for him. I suspect the 'next move' is on him. If I was in his position and needed to talk to someone I would try and lead them to someone I knew that could translate. "

"What is most interesting to me is that the only times I have been totally unable to talk are when I have been out of control and an external .. um .."
she was reaching for the words she wanted and failed "someone else forced me to move. Once it was an army arriving. Twice when I have fled a supernatural and dangerous force. Normally I find the language of the next place on my journey and learn it a little before I move. That leads us to wonder how he got here without even being able to say 'hello', 'who are you' and similar. Learning that takes only a few hours and is ... I would say ... essential before I would enter a city voluntarily"
player, 94 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Sun 19 May 2024
at 00:38
  • msg #78

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would laugh. The newcomer was funny, and obviously a decent man. She’d observe his small pick and the other hides that covered him. Was it cold up where he lived? Or was this simply how his people preferred to dress so it left more time for other work?

It would take a lot of Asherah’s self-discipline to not wrinkle her nose at Li Hua. Asherah understood Li Hua was new to the language and all but honestly, now that they weren’t dead, Asherah just wanted to continue her evening with Kavian. “Look it’s like you said. It’s rather late, so I doubt many Merchants will be at the gates. It’s probably best we look for one tomorrow morning when they are setting up. Then we’ll not only have many more merchants, but ones that aren’t busy trying to sell their wares to others.” Asherah would say. She would then pause, thinking. “You’re right though. Something needs to be done now. Maybe one of us could take him to an inn or find who’s supposed to translate for him. Maybe he was just taking a walk and didn’t expect to run into anybody. Either way, I suggest it be you who do it since you’re the most empathetic to his situation. The other option being we all just sit here and enjoy a meal together which I’m not opposed too.” Asherah would finish. Giving Li Hua a weary look.
Kavian Aminar
player, 41 posts
Urban Youth
Sun 19 May 2024
at 01:32
  • msg #79

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian looks up at Li Hua from where he is crouching over the basket with Sigismund, the large man. "No need to apologize," he says with a reassuring smile. "I think your command of the language is quite good. Misunderstandings happen even among those who are fluent."

He continues, "Friendships can be forged without a common language. This exchange of food, sharing a meal, it's a good start if we want to see him again. Let's see how the night goes."

Kavian detects a flicker of impatience in Asherah's eyes, a subtle shift in her posture suggesting she might be ready to move on without further delay or additional company. The urgency of their unique situation weighed heavily on his mind; he couldn't afford to lose the opportunity to shed light on their mysterious connection or to establish a link between all present.

He couldn't risk losing contact with anyone here, not after everything he had experienced today. The strange familiarity binding them together, the bizarre events, and now this new arrival—they all felt like pieces of a puzzle he couldn't yet see in its entirety. He looked at Asherah apologetically, his brow furrowed with concern as he did his best to keep everyone together.

Kavian redoubles his efforts to convince Li Hua to join them. "Join us tonight. We have a rare opportunity here. Your presence would be most welcome."

He gestures towards the well, where he had planned to gather with Asherah. "Don't worry about your dress," he says with a reassuring smile. "Once we're in the well, I can make arrangements to keep you clean and safe. Your sword is welcome too, if you don't mind peace bonding it."
NPC, 66 posts
Tribal Cook
Sun 19 May 2024
at 03:19
  • msg #80

Trade City of Abarion

Sigismund takes a moment but his eyes light up as he understands Kavian's intentions.

Then, a bit of a thoughtful frown crosses his face, before he puts away his satchel and takes two others.

One of the satchels is empty, and the other is much fuller than the one he just put away.

Kavian realizes the new satchel has more unfamiliar seeds and spices than the previous one. Kavian's observational abilities allow him to work through the complex scents that linger around the man - and quickly deduce that the bag in which he placed the olive was mainly filled with familiar spices and seeds.

This new satchel has stranger scents and seems to be the spices and seeds of this man's homeland, which he seems to believe Kavian is interested in - rather than the minute samples he had collected from the local area.

Sigismund offers generous samples of his homeland's spices, and excitedly stares at Kavian's pouch of goodies, though he is showing clear restraint.


After some time, Sigismund seems to pick up that he's being talked about, despite how engrossed he is with all the new ideas for delicacies he has with these new spices!

However, he's not able to understand what is being said.

As the group discuss stopping for dinner, Sigismund's ears perk up and he begins to pay very close attention to the conversation.

Eventually, he stands up and speaks for himself, "Food, yes? I... cook. Am cook, will."

It's horribly broken speech, and the accent is so thick that Asherah can't make it out due to her lack of diverse linguistic experiences.

However, ultimately it becomes clear he's offering to serve the meal. He has a big goofy smile, but his eyes are filled with a lowkey confidence. Clearly, this Sigismund has some experience with cooking.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 131 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sun 19 May 2024
at 05:19
  • msg #81

Trade City of Abarion

"Wise words Asherah of Hakirash" Li Hua agreed. "Perhaps he was as surprised as we were. The God I met was surprised to meet me. While I could sense him, he couldn't sense me until I was in his presence. You two feel difference to the God, and he feels different again. You two feel similar to each other. I would like to know how I feel to you. Do I feel like each other, like this man or different?"

She listend to Kavian before shaking her head "I won't peace bond my sword, sorry" Li Hua said. "I am willing to take the enormous risk of going with you out of interest. But only if you show trust too. I will remind you that you are a man, and I am not, and you don't really understand the emotions that request causes"

"I want you to think about what that you are actually asking, and what it means. Asking me to peace bond my sword means one of two things. You don't trust me not to use it or you have something nasty planned. You are asking me to go to an unknown place, with a person who all we know about is he is supernaturally powerful, and you are saying you don't trust me, but want me to trust you and put my life in your hands"

"Now I think we all want to explore what has just happened. But if we do that we will do that as equals. As people that can trust each other. If you are unable to extend that trust, then the offer of breakfast still stands. And if you feel not peacebonding means 'I don't trust you' be aware that trust is a journey. My first step is being willing to accompany you, protect you and eat the food that is being prepared. Can you make a step too?"

This message was last edited by the player at 06:05, Sun 19 May.
player, 95 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Sun 19 May 2024
at 06:14
  • msg #82

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah immediately felt guilty when she saw the concern written on Kavian's face. It was clear he was juggling a lot more than she was right now, so why should she be in such a rush? Well mostly because she was tired. Assumed near death experiences really took the energy out of somebody. Asherah would shrug at Kavian and smile in a 'oh well' sort of gesture.

Asherah was dying to ask Li Hua more about this encounter. As their converstaion wore on, it became evident that Li Hu would be forthcoming answers about it, so long as no questions were asked. A rather frustrating tactic. Though really, what other choice did Asherah have other than to push through? "You two feel" Asherah would quickly correct herself "Mystically, in the sense all three of us have of been noticing, everybody here feels the same to me. Not really bound, more loosely woven together, using durable threads." Asherah would muse that last part aloud.

When Sigismund spoke it sounded different from before, but still untranslatable. Asherah would give the other two a questioning look in case she missed something. "Did that make any sense? Sounded different to me." Maybe he was trying out another language? Seeing if Li Hua did actually know something he could speak.

Asherah would nod to Li Hua in a silent thank you as Li Hua plowed on. Asherah felt that she had said what she could to ease the arising situation between Kavian and Li Hua. So she decided that meant it was her time to take a breather. Carefully Asherah would sit on the ground cross legged; her dress long enough not to sho anything. There she'd simply watch the trees. When there was a lull in the conversation Asherah would mommentarily interject. "Oh and by the way Li Hua, you don't have to add 'of Hakirash' to the end of my name. I simply did so since I noticed you were using titles."
Kavian Aminar
player, 42 posts
Urban Youth
Sun 19 May 2024
at 13:26
  • msg #83

Trade City of Abarion

After Asherah responds to Li Hua's question about how she feels connected to everyone, Kavian nods, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before adding his perspective. "I think Asherah's right, but there's more to it. This bond between us, it's not an actual bond in the traditional sense. It’s more of an implicated quality. It feels like we are the same... kind of person. By implication, we are bound together as the same class of being, maybe?"

He glances at Li Hua, his expression thoughtful. "It’s strange to consider, especially with you spreading the idea of divinity and your experiences of such. It makes everything more complicated. But the feeling is undeniable. We share something profound, something beyond mere coincidence."

Kavian listens patiently as Li Hua speaks about her concerns regarding trust and her refusal to peace bond her weapon. He understands her need for safety but also recognizes the need to move forward without getting bogged down in debate.

"Li Hua," Kavian begins, his tone measured and calm, "I understand your hesitation. Trust is not something given lightly, especially in our circumstances. However, let me point out a few things. I suggested we meet at a neutral location, like your inn, precisely to avoid this kind of debate."

He pauses, making sure she is listening. "By inviting you to join us here, I’ve already extended a significant amount of trust. You’re armed with a weapon of war, whereas we are unarmed. This requires a greater degree of trust from us than from you. I risk more than just my life; I risk the safety and secrecy of those I care about, my entire network."

Kavian's eyes lock with Li Hua's, his expression earnest. "If we are to compare degrees of trust, asking you to make the small concession of peace bonding your weapon doesn’t seem out of place or excessive. It’s a gesture of goodwill, a sign that you trust us as much as we’re willing to trust you."

He sighs, not wanting to force her but needing to ensure everyone's safety. "We want to include you, to understand this connection we share. But we also need to ensure we all feel secure. If peace bonding your weapon is too much to ask, then perhaps we can find another way to build this trust. But standing around debating won’t get us any closer to that."

Kavian looks at Asherah, who seems ready to move on, and then back at Li Hua. "The choice is yours, but understand that trust is a two-way street. We’re willing to meet you halfway, but we need some assurance in return. If you change your mind, you're welcome to join us. Otherwise, we can meet in the morning as you suggested."

OOC: Just to put things in perspective consider that your sword is the bronze age equivalent of carrying around an assault rifle. All Kavian is asking is that you at least unload it.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 133 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sun 19 May 2024
at 16:38
  • msg #84

Trade City of Abarion

"I see you are the kind of man that wishes to remove a woman's means of protection. It's wrong in your eyes for a woman to be capable of defending herself from an attack, and you would take that away from any women in your presence." Li Hua shrugged "I asked you to listen, and have empathy. You responded with words of control, and clearly don't trust me."

"Well I was hoping we could share what we know. You two have already shared. You say you know nothing about this supernatural effect. I do know something, but I am unwilling to share with a man who will not trust me. Since Asherah"
this time she didn't use the full name in respect of Asherah's wishes "has been polite I will share a little something. Perhaps enough to help you avoid going through one of the experiences I did. I would not wish it on anyone"

"There are beings we call Gods. You will be able to sense them, if you are as I. It is a 'pulling' a sense of 'there is something there'. The God I met feared us. Fear leads to unpleasant actions, so I recommend not giving them a chance" There was clearly more that she could have said, but also pretty clear she didn't like and wasn't going to put up with Kavian's controlling nature

"Now since you are unwilling to let a woman keep her means of defence, Kavian, it appears that we will not be going to your place" she turned to Asherah "I can just about make out his meaning. He wants to cook something. I suggest we go somewhere to cook. Do you know somewhere suitable? "

OOC A sword is a belt weapon designed for self defence not a weapon of mass destruction capable of killing 10s of people through brick walls at a range of hundreds of yards. A copper sword is a little better than a baseball bat. Only a little
This message was last edited by the player at 17:07, Sun 19 May.
player, 98 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Sun 19 May 2024
at 19:16
  • msg #85

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would meet eyes with Li Hua. She’d blink a silent for a momment. And then, Asherah would burst into laughter. This was not a happy laugh though, it was weary, even pained at the end. Kavian would probably recognize this since he’s heard Asherah genuinely laugh before. The others might not. “I think we are in the midst of another misunderstanding. I’m not going any where but that well and my inn tonight. Li Hua, you are a  stranger to us. To be invited to some one’s home is an honor and while there, one is expected to respect the host’s customs. Now I understand that we are not quite in Kavian’s home yet, but traditionally the respect begins as soon as the invite is extended.” Asherah would let that sink in a momment.

“That said, the host should still respect the guest’s customs. Which is why I think Kavian was willing to let you keep your sword with you. Even though, traditionally, one does not bring a weapon into another’s home. Now, obviously Kavian would like some reassurance that you aren’t about to hurt the people he cares about with your really big knife. Hence the peace bond. This makes sense traditionally because while host and guest should respect each other’s customs, a host shouldn’t have to bend over backward to cater to a guest’s traditions unless they are very important.” Asherah would say all of this as if she was reciting it from a book. It was not the energetic way she was speaking in earlier.

Asherah would rub her eyes, seemingly exhausted. “Also, if the real reason for keeping your sword is protection from men, frankly that doesn’t seem very smart. I mean it’s huge! How could a man with plans to do things to a woman not notice it. Sure, it’ll probably scare them off, but the possible dangerous situation we’re discussing is ambush. We’ll enter Kavian’s home and his people will jump us. The first thing they’ll do is take away your giant, obvious weapon. So what’s the point of bringing it? If you really want to protect yourself in such situations you should be carrying a small concealed weapon.”

“Lastly I can see how you might think Kavian is being controlling. Seeing as how he keeps giving two options, instead of opening up to other ideas. In reality though, he’s just being devoted. We don’t want to go to another place tonight because we had plans to have dinner here. We still want answers though so we are happy to chat over breakfast if you still don’t find Kavian’s request reasonable.”
Asherah would finish putting her head in hand as she waited for Li Hua’s answer. She hoped she had interpreted Kavian’s intentions correctly. Asherah always hated this diplomacy nonsense. Why couldn’t people just be straight with each other?
This message was last edited by the player at 19:30, Sun 19 May.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 134 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sun 19 May 2024
at 19:50
  • msg #86

Trade City of Abarion

"But I am as I am. I didn't ask to go to your house. I have no great desire to do so. Especially now." Li Hua said "I would observe that I have traveled further than yourself. Many thousands of Li. Through many different places and cultures and prior to this meeting have had precisely zero problems with the very reasonable desire to have a means of protecting myself" she smiled and shook her head at Asherah's description of what would happen. Clearly Li Hua felt that the outcome would be very different

"So what now? It seems to me that both of you are trying to ask me to trust you without giving any trust in return. I have offered to take the first step, but it has been rejected. I have given information to you and received only a request to disarm myself back. Apparently in your culture it is normal for people to randomly kill other people or something, and for some bizarre reason you feel that I may do the same. If my being able to defend myself is such a barrier for you that you cannot bear to communicate with me, then I suppose we should say goodbye. If you can overcome it then perhaps we can talk further"

GM, 310 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 20:32
  • msg #87

Trade City of Abarion

Sensing the tension in the air despite not understanding any of the words, Sigismund is rather uncomfortable.

"You... want I no cook?"

He seems to be half-joking and half-unsure if it's his offer that's causing this big commotion. Maybe he's just trying to lighten the mood.


As the atmosphere is tense for a bit, it is broken by a sudden belt of laughter.
Everyone looks to Sigismund, where the laughter is coming from.

But his mouth isn't open.

A new figure is standing next to Sigismund. An old man with a grey beard to his waist, his liver-spotted skin is so sunken and tanned that it takes on the appearance of burnt rawhide. One of his eyes is cloudy; blind, and his dome is totally bald, reflecting the glare of the setting sun.

He's the source of the creaking laughter, and he pats Sigismund on the back jovially. Li Hua's eyes narrow as the decrepit elder's friendly pats low-key jostle the bearlike Sigismund.

The two exchange some words in their native tongue, and then the old man turns towards the three.

He has a carefree expression on his face, but Kavian, Li Hua and Asherah are all able to recognize the absolutely piercing gaze in his golden-green eyes. They feel as if they are being read completely.

Li Hua relates it to the few times her father has gotten serious,

Kavian feels incredibly tense - as someone who survives off his secrets and control over information, this is terrifying

Asherah isn't really uncomfortable, Nahur has given everyone in the village and beyond this kind of look more than a few times. It even feels a little bit like home. Nostalgic, in a way.

The man's smile eventually becomes a bit more genuine, after he has finished expecting the three of them.

He clears his throat, and speaks in a voice as ancient as it sounds, though filled with mirth and playfulness unfitting of his age.

"Huuu.... Friends of Sigismund? Why the fighting? Life is short, you know? Come, Sigismund will cook for you all."

The man's words are subtly commanding. It's phrased as a kind offer, but clearly refusing might be difficult.

The old man turns around and begins to leave the olive tree. Sigismund rubs his neck awkwardly. He seems both embarassed and a bit guilty. Kavian can tell his emotions are directed to the group of three, as well as the old man.

He turns to the group of three and struggles to find words before eventually saying, "If want, come. I cook good food for you" then he turns to follow the old man.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 137 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Mon 20 May 2024
at 03:56
  • msg #88

Trade City of Abarion

"What a sensible person" Li Hua said approvingly. She quite liked Sigismund so far "Beginnings are difficult times and this has not gone well. I shall follow his advice and perhaps build on it."

"Let us try for a new beginning. Why don't we go with him and pretend the last few minutes didn't happen?"

player, 100 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Mon 20 May 2024
at 04:21
  • msg #89

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would feel soothed by the sight of something familiar. Espicially in such strange and new circumstances. She would give older man a sleepy smile. Beyond glad to move on, Asherah would stand, excited to join the man. Yes, he exuded power and she knew that not all powerful people were like her father. But, he was clearly friendly, at the moment, and Asherah simply didn't want to let the generous offer go to waste. Plus, he seemed pleasant, perhaps he could reset the mood for the evening.

Before taking the man's offer though, Asherah would look to Kavian. She'd raise an eyebrow and grin at hi, She didn't want to leave him, especially after she promised to join him tonight. If Kavian wanted to stay and enjoy the meal he planned, Asherah would stay as well; no matter how welcoming the man was.
Kavian Aminar
player, 48 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 20 May 2024
at 15:16
  • msg #90

Trade City of Abarion

Li Hua acknowledges that beginnings can be difficult sometimes, and Kavian can relate. Trust was a difficult subject, one that had been a recurring challenge throughout his life. Observing Li Hua's willingness to keep trying despite the uncertainty, Kavian feels a sense of solidarity. He can't help but follow her lead, feeling a renewed resolve to begin the process of building trust with these strangers who seemed inexplicably important.

Sigismund is a welcome presence, his amiable nature providing a soothing balm to the tension lingering in the air. Kavian appreciates Sigismund's attempts at peace-making, seeing him as a potential ally who could help diffuse the situation and offer a neutral ground for their gathering. His broad, friendly demeanor contrasts sharply with the intensity of the moment, providing a much-needed counterbalance.

However, it is the old man standing beside Sigismund that captures Kavian’s attention and unease. His piercing gaze feels like it cuts through layers of pretense and defenses, threatening to expose Kavian’s deepest thoughts and vulnerabilities. The sensation is unnerving, leaving Kavian feeling uncharacteristically transparent and self-conscious. It is as if the old man can see through to his very core, understanding more about him than he is comfortable with revealing.

Kavian finds himself scrutinizing the old man, trying to understand the source of his unsettling mastery. He wonders how much of this penetrating gaze comes from a lifetime of experience and wisdom, and how much is simply a young man's natural response to the authority and presence of a senior. Kavian knows this gaze well; it is a skill he deliberately practices to maintain control and influence over others. Seeing it directed at him stirs a mix of admiration and apprehension.

Kavian catches Asherah's raised eyebrow and the grin she directs at him. Her support is evident, and he gets the sense that she would follow his lead and accompany him for the night if he asked. This gives him a momentary comfort, knowing he is not alone in the weight of responsibility he feels.

However, the gentle weight of the qhit'al strapped to his back is a constant reminder of his pressing obligations. His private oath to save a life this day looms large in his mind. Hungry mouths are waiting for his return, and a compromised home needs vacating. These responsibilities cannot be delayed, no matter how intense his desire for enlightenment is.

"Thank you for the offer," he begins, addressing Sigismund and Li Hua. "But I must decline joining you for dinner tonight. There are... pressing matters I need to attend to." Kavian's body language betrays his troubled mind. He adjusts the weight of his food basket in his hand, a subtle but telling gesture that reveals his inner turmoil. His eyes flick towards the well, a fleeting glance filled with worry and apprehension.

He looks at Asherah, his eyes conveying both regret and determination. "Asherah, I think you should go ahead and follow the others. You can share what you learn with me tomorrow."
Zhao Li Hua
player, 139 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Mon 20 May 2024
at 18:16
  • msg #91

Trade City of Abarion

"Perhaps another time" Li Hua suggested "The offer of breakfast still stands. I am at the small waystation at EastGate"

Since Sigismund couldn't speak the local dialect well, Li Hua took the opportunity to start learning his language. Trading words in the local language for words in his. Starting with the basic nouns and most simple verbs. When it was really needed people could learn languages quickly. He'd probably learn this one much quicker than she'd pick up his for that reason. Still being able to do the very basics was very useful.

She was quite happy if Asherah wanted to join in and talk about what they were doing or other things.
player, 101 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Mon 20 May 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #92

Trade City of Abarion

It would take Ashearh a moment, but she would realize that Kavian wasn't doing well. Had the sudden appearance of the man scared him or-she saw his gaze flick to the well. Ah, he had hinted about there being others in the well. Asherah wondered who these people were and if they were like Kavian. If they were as fun as he was, she couldn't blame him for wanting to protect them. When Kavian declined the offer, Asherah opened her mouth to do the same, but then Kavian continued. Asherah understood his intentions, if neither of them went then they were likely to get none of the answers the other two had. As much as Asherah wanted answers about Kavain, this was simply more pressing. As the pieces fell into place though, Asherah simply couldn't figure out why there was so much regret written in his eyes. He had done nothing wrong. Asherah would sigh. "Alright, if your sure." She'd say at last, giving him a concerned look.

She'd turn to the old man. "My apologies if we disturbed your evening. We fought because there was fear and a large lack of understanding. I appreciate your offer and would be happy to take you and... Sigsmand? Up on it."
GM, 315 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 20:53
  • msg #93

Trade City of Abarion

Sigismund seems a bit disheartened that he will only be cooking for two, but he gives Asherah and Li Hua a genuine smile and nods to them before continuing to follow Alvisdan -

Except Alvisdan isn't standing there anymore.

Alvisdan is now in front of Kavian.

His friendly smile is strained, and he's looking quite intensely at Kavian.

"So great you can not eat?" he asks Kavian

Kavian's mind finally comes to a realization. This man is suspicious of them. He is being forceful in an attempt to gain control over the situation.

Perhaps it is a little suspicious, for Sigismund - whatever the relationship between the old man and him may be - to have met up with three fellows of such different creeds - but there seems to be more to his wariness.

Just a beat after Kavian realizes this, Li Hua has a similar realization. The man has also been watching her with the same feelings as the Eye of Ader had back then. Great surprise, a lot of apprehension, some confusion, and even a bit of fear.

He looks intensely at Kavian, "I am Alvisdan. You will meet me later, agreed?" his voice is resigned, but also very stern.

He's been let go. Though, he seems adamant about a promise to meet at a future time.

With that, Alvisdan does not wait for an answer - he turns and strolls back to Sigismund's side.


Sigismund seems a little surprised, but not very much, by Alvisdan's previous unsensed movement.
He briefly lowers his head to Alvisdan as the old man takes the front position in their march.


With that, the first meeting of these four spectacular individuals has come to an end.

 - Li Hua accompanies Sig, Ash and the old man to dinner. She has offered to meet up with Sig, Ash, Kavian and the old man tomorrow at the east gate.
 - Kavian returns to his HQ. He is invited to meet up with Sig, Li Hua, Ash and the old man tomorrow at the east gate.
 - Asherah accompanies Sig, Li Hua and the old man to dinner.
 - Sigismund is accompanied by Ash, Li Hua and the old man - Alvisdan - to a dinner of his creation.

OOC: Since we've split up four ways, and we all have stories to tell, here's two possibilities:

1. We keep using this thread. It's appropriate to do so, but it will be very cluttered with 4 separate stories running in tandem
2. I create a couple new threads (for Kavian, I'd create his HQ and I'd probably make a thread for Ash and Sig) and Li Hua keeps posting here - I'm hesitant to do this because I don't think they would get much use in the future.

LMK what is preferrable. If nobody cares, I'll keep using this thread for all four stories.

Made some edits. Didn't realize Li Hua intended to join the group.

Combined with stuff from OOC, this is what I'm planning to do:

1. Everyone except Kavian keeps RPing here
2. Kavian gets his own thread. I might move some posts over as well, if I can do so without breaking anything

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:34, Tue 21 May.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 143 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Tue 21 May 2024
at 07:57
  • msg #94

Trade City of Abarion

After saying farewell to Kavian, Li Hua returned to the cooks and Asherah

"I think we all have questions, Alvisdan" Li Hua said as politely as she could given her grasp of the language. "Strange things are happening. The last time I felt such a presence as yourself it was a God. That God did ... not ... react well to me. Asherah" a smile with a nod at the woman "tells me I sense to her the same as Sigismund and Kavian. I thus deduce that we four are different to yourself and the God. Which I guess means I should ask 'are you a God?'"

"I think all of us are ignorant of what is happening, and what it means for us to be able to sense each other. In my case when I was with the other God my mere presence caused them pain and suffering which manifested in uncontrolled bleeding."
a look at how Asherah took that. It was frankly disturbing news, and Li Hua was still struggling with that "I found that quite distressing and am pleased it is not happening with you" but it did of course beg the question 'what is the difference between Alvisdan and the other God'

"I was also attacked by a Necromancer after the encounter with the God. That was perhaps even more terrifying and life or even soul threatening, but I didn't get any feelings like here, so I don't think that we are 'people that can do magic' in the same way that the Necromancer was"

"Perhaps while we prepare this repast you could tell us what is happening, what it means, and what expectations you have from this meeting"

player, 104 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Tue 21 May 2024
at 14:57
  • msg #95

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would return Li hua’s smile. Only to pale at the whole bleeding god comment. Had Li Hua’s mere presence actually caused it injury? Asherah had trouble believing that, but shouldn’t think of any other reason the god might bleed with such little information. She had a lot of questions but Li Hua had just managed to ask most of them and then some. “A Necro-what now?” Asherah would ask Li Hua. Whatever it was, it sounded bad.

Now all that remained in Asherah’s mind were the questions she doubted this man could answer. The ones that weighed on her if she thought on them too long.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:31, Tue 21 May.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 145 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Tue 21 May 2024
at 18:18
  • msg #96

Trade City of Abarion

"Um... it really wasn't nice" Li Hua commented as Asherah's paling face. "The God manifested as a single metal floating eye perhaps five to six cubits in size. It started to crack and bleed as it spoke to me in my head. It was surprised and for reasons I don't understand afraid. It used magic to 'hold still' all it's followers while I was kicked out of the town. I still am not sure why the God didn't kill me. I think it wanted to, but was afraid for some reason."

"I think it tried to trick me. Suggested I go on a chariot that would force me to sleep and when I woke I would be 'elsewhere'. The idea of sleeping when I knew it was afraid of me didn't seem sensible so I said no and just left the city. Heading here"

"None of it made much sense."

"Oh then I was attacked by a rampaging beast I later called Da Xiong. Like a giant bear, it had a thing in its hand like a thorn, but so evil and vile I could feel the horror radiating from it. Like we can feel each other, but different. I managed to calm it and pull it out. I used tools and the tools were destroyed. A huge force attacked my mind while I did so. Trying to control me. I could sense a terrible corrupt mind behind the attack. It was... most unpleasant. It felt like the kind of thing in my culture we associate with a Necromancer. I mean... hey... I am not an expert. But that's what I felt like"

"Da Xiang was grateful: he had been in horrible pain and he stayed with me as a friend and guard for a few weeks"

"There were a few other unpleasant moments, involving what are I think the living dead, but those were the high points. Perhaps you can appreciate why I am not willing to make myself defenceless. Especially when supernatural effects are happening right now"

This message was last edited by the player at 06:05, Thu 23 May.
Kavian Aminar
player, 56 posts
Urban Youth
Wed 22 May 2024
at 12:55
  • msg #97

Trade City of Abarion

After the gathering under the olive tree disperses and those headed to dinner have gone out of sight, Kavian stands quietly for a moment, feeling the weight of his responsibilities. He takes a deep breath and lets out a distinctive whistle, the signal for his team to reveal themselves.

Ruhan, Khan, and Laz emerge from their hiding places, their eyes sharp and ready for action. They've been observing the entire exchange, prepared to step in if needed. Khan and Laz each carry additional baskets, their contents a remedy for the interrupted day's activities and the need for a substantial evening meal.

Ruhan, the oldest at 14 years, tall and handsome with an air of responsibility, steps out first. His keen gaze sweeps the area, ensuring it’s safe. As Kavian's right hand and most trusted ally, Ruhan exudes a calm confidence and readiness to act.

Khan, twelve years old with an average build and powerful physique, follows closely behind. His intelligent eyes, lacking much empathy, reflect a cold calculation. His ruthless demeanor is evident as he carries his basket with a mix of determination and indifference.

Laz, towering and strong despite being just eleven, emerges last. His brotherly, humble nature is clear in his gentle movements. Known for his physical strength, Laz is a gentle giant who does not shy away from violence if necessary.

Kavian smiles as they approach, appreciating their dedication and compentancy. "Good job staying hidden, everyone," he says proudly. "We'll need to make up for lost time tonight."

Khan, ever practical, nods and glances at the baskets. "Looks like you planned ahead for a big meal," he comments, lifting one basket to emphasize his point.

Kavian chuckles. "Indeed. We planned for a guest, and it's important to show hospitality. Besides, our normal activities were cut short today, so let's make sure everyone has enough to eat."

Laz, always quick to sense the underlying tension, looks at Kavian with concern. "Everything alright, Kavian? Seemed like a pretty intense conversation."

Kavian's expression grows serious for a moment. "It was. But we have more pressing matters to handle right now. Let's get this food back and prepare for the evening."

As they start walking, Ruhan falls in step beside Kavian. "You sure you don't want to join them for dinner? It sounded important."

Kavian shakes his head. "I have obligations here, Ruhan. Our team comes first. But we'll get our answers soon enough."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:08, Wed 22 May.
GM, 322 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 01:20
  • msg #98

Trade City of Abarion

As Li Hua begins to speak, Alvisdan's expression slowly goes from a grin to a purposefully neutral look. He's keeping his face empty.

Eventually, he speaks up, "I see." his eyes are somewhat glazed over, as if he's been overwhelmed by the rush of words.

As they continue walking, the old man gives a few discerning squints at both Li Hua and Asherah, then realization dawns on his face. He frowns and his eyes are sad as he shakes his head, and speaks up, "I know not what you truly went through out there... It must have been awful for you ... to... No, I say - all of these... you poor girl " both Li Hua and Asherah get the sense that he doesn't believe a goddamned thing Li Hua just said and thinks Li Hua was mentally broken by something and has come to believe in fantasies.

After a deep breath, he schools himself and his expression and voice becomes jovial again, but pity still lingers in his eyes, "Yes, that all is very terrible! This blood full metal eye you call 'God'... hearing his words in your head, oh my no good at all." Alvisdan is playing along, perhaps because he feels sorry for someone he assumes to be a blabbering fool who was traumatized recently.

He keeps playing along, seemingly alright feeding into a stranger's delusions "Of course, you never should travel with brothers who you trust nothing" he says, referring to the carriage story - "And you even tamed a beast, a mad beast? You have surely true skill with the animals... Ah, I hear this one had a bad thorn in its paw, you say? A necromancer, was it?"

As they arrive at their destination, he says, "And the dead come to life again, oh my! What a story. Well, now that this is done, howabout we shall forget it and all join to sit down for a nice meal, surely?"

The destination is an inn, but they don't head inside. Instead, they go to just outside the stables, where several caravans are laid out, and a number of foreign individuals (same ethnicity as Alvisdan and Sigismund) are lounging, doing miscellaneous activities, or speaking with important-looking Ghanbaran figures.

As Alvisdan comes by, some eyes fall on him and his entourage, but he simply waves his hands and says, "Sigismund will make some dinner for these folk. They are my guests, will not make mess of the nights events"

It seems the diverse group are planning something later tonight, to which Li Hua and Asherah are not invited.
Among the group, Li Hua spots three different individuals who she intuitively understands to possess great martial prowess. Two of them carry stone spears and wear medium-weight, makeshift leather and hide armors, and the other is an absurdly muscular man with his scarred chest exposed who seems to be a brawler.

Asherah is shocked by the figures present in the group. A number of important ambassadors for the city are present. All of them are significantly more notable than Qhazakh - to the point she knows them by having seen their portraits in various places. She realizes all of them are diplomats of some kind.


The group moves to enter a makeshift hut, built right on the edge of one of the idle caravans. They are beyond standard earshot of the other group (specifically, normal conversation would be hard to make out from this distance, but shouting would be heard easily), but they can be seen in the distance.

Immediately, they are hit with a wave of intense smells. Countless herbs, spices, cuts of meat, fruits, vegetables, and just pure flavors. It's actually rather intense on the senses, and some of them are spicy and cause the eyes to water.

The inside is mostly barren but has plenty of types of heavily-used cookware in a primitive style, combined with expensive looking cookware that are largely recognizably as Ghanbaran style. Li Hua even spots a classical Krissh teapot, delicately but absentmindedly placed in a corner next to some cutting boards and a barrel of unfamiliar fruits.

Asherah recognizes a number of tablecloths, napkins and hand-woven textile coasters. Most of them seem Ghanbaran, but one of the tablecloths was probably made in Hakirrash, judging by the familiarity of the dyes. These various things are all rolled up neatly but strewn about.

Overall, the place is incredibly cramped, even with just Sigismund stepping in first.

Seeing these reactions, and feeling cramped Sigismund waves them away softly, needing space to work - and begins to move about, leaving the door open so the guests can see him work.

Notably, he seems incredibly familiar with the primitive products, but all of the other goods he barely glances at. Alvisdan laughs and rubs the back of his head in embarassment, "Haha, your leaders have give us many gifts. We cant use them all!" he then laughs uproarously, probably alerting the other group.


Alvisdan sits down cross-legged at a nearby wooden crate, which is likely being used as a hard and mostly flat surface.
he pats the spots by the crates sides, signalling for Li Hua and Asherah to sit and wait.

Alvisdan has a genuinely happy smile on his face, and begins chuckling in a way almost crude, "Hehehehehe... this old man can not wait fast enough.... I know not what joy awaits me... Oh Sigismund, you are a blessing! Ha ha!"

It's weird seeing such an old, and powerful person becoming so helplessly immature in the face of a chance to eat Sigismunds cooking. Perhaps it really is THAT good, or maybe this guy is just weird as hell.

Maybe both could be true.


Once sat down, Sigismund continues to busy himself preparing a meal. However, Alvisdan turns to the two ladies and asks with a serious but not overly strict face, "So, let us talk of my largest question first - What do you three intend with my Sigismund?" he's counting Kavian as one of their group, evidently.

He awaits their answers patiently.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 146 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sat 25 May 2024
at 04:21
  • msg #99

Trade City of Abarion

Well frankly that sucked. Li Hua's face went blank as Alvisdan responded. She'd taken a risk. Exposed things that she felt would get her ridiculed. And they had. She did not enjoy the riddiculing.

She'd taken the risk because of the feelings they'd had, and the fact Asherah and Kavian had stated they felt the same. And then a realisation came to her. Either Alvisdan was being deliberatly unpleasant, which was possible but didn't seem likely. Or... he didn't know. How could that be? How could a God not know they were a God? But then again she didn't know that what she was or what the others were. And perhaps he wasn't a God all the time. The pressure had gone after all. Perhaps a God had visited him for some moments and then left. The more she thought about it, only the last option made sense.

It was tempting to just walk away. She didn't like the being mocked. Not for events that had been so traumatic. But at least he shut up about them and moved onto nicer topics. Three things kept her. It would be good to talk to Asherah. The inn was interesting. It was the first time she'd seen 'really capable people' for months, and it would be good to go and try and talk to them later. And lastly... if the God had only been there for a while, but wasn't there now, what was it doing? Based on her limited experiences... nothing nice. And in Li Hua's view Asherah was helpless and needed protecting. Whatever the God was planning, she would not be surprised if it happened soon, and Li Hua wasn't going to leave the other woman to face it alone.

"There's no 'we three'" she murmured in response to Alvisdan's question about Sigismund. "Or plans. We met the first time perhaps a minute before we met you. It would be nice to talk to him: I would guess he comes from as far West as I am from the East and a little knowledge of what is further West would be nice to have. That will probably have to wait a few weeks until he has learned the local language. Assuming we are both still here". From the way she said it, it was clear she didn't have high expectations of that

Her attention wasn't really on the questions though. More on the people around and the means of entrance and exit. Hopefully her guesses were wrong. She was hopelessly out of her depth in this situation, and knew it, but at least she could try
This message was last edited by the player at 06:23, Sat 25 May.
player, 107 posts
Not so Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Sat 25 May 2024
at 23:00
  • msg #100

Trade City of Abarion

"Not really, I still stand by the idea that if you want protection, just carry a concealed weapon so you can more easily agree to peace bond your sword." Asherah would say in response to Li Hua. Asherah wasn't skeptical, she had felt a connection with this woman the moment they met. Why would Li Hua lie to her? Then Alvidasan's words made it clear that he didn't believe Li Hua. Asherah stifled a giggle. This of course was directed at the man. She wondered how somebody with such power could be so silly. Then again if somebody had told Asherah that under normal circumstances, Asherah probably wouldn't have believed them either. Asherah would give Li Hua an 'Oh well' look over her shoulder as they reached the inn.

Asherah would gasp as she laid eyes on where they were having dinner tonight. Asherah would chant in her mind. Don't stare, don't stare, do not stare at them. All while she not so subtly stiffened, posture straightening. It's fine, just relax, so long as you're on your best behavior nothing will go wrong.

Happy that the very important Ghanabarian figures were out of sight, Asherah would relax. Only a little though. She would take a seat next to the old man on the crates. Asherah would be unbothered by the way he acted. She would just smile as he exclaimed how excited he was for his meal. After all she didn't exactly act her age either.

"Nah, well you might not have plans Li Hua Kavian and I do." Asherah would say half turning to the old man. "It's more like 'us four' see there is some inexplicable connection between the four of us that we all felt. Me and I think Kavian too, want to find out what it is and why it's there in the first place. My plan is to talk to Sigismund to see if he's experienced anything like this before, then tell Kavian when we meet up tomorrow." Ashearh would say plainly.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 150 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sun 26 May 2024
at 07:38
  • msg #101

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah's shared glance had made Li Hua feel a little better. It didn't ease her worries about the difference between the 'God' they had felt, its absence now and the old mans lack of knowledge. Really she was not happy about that at all

"Concealed weapons don't deter" Li Hua explained. "And from where I come from they are far more inappropriate than a sheathed weapon. In my culture only an assassin or burglar that was willing to kill would have a concealed weapon. Even the word for it means 'murderer's weapon'. Perhaps I will become more used to this place, and these customs, but at the moment ... well ... I am very uncomfortable with that idea." she paused to think "If the necessity was high I would overcome that, but here it is fine."

"Mind you I am happier in a city that imposes peacebonds or similar because it means I probably won't need a weapon. Still we are here. Observe that there are other people in here with weapons. And they really know how to use them. I am impressed with them, and would like to meet them off duty to see if they open to the idea of friendly training. They have the feeling of bodyguards about them. Whether of high class people or merchants I don't know. There are people here displaying open wealth, but I can't read the 'signals' yet to know"

She nodded at Asherah's plan "Sounds sensible. Unless we find a translator though, I think we are two weeks away from the first chance of that kind of conversation. With so many rich people around with bodyguards, I think I am good just staying quiet here in the corner for now. I am dressed as a girl at the moment, and that is inviting trouble in the present company. We can try later maybe?"
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