Re: Questions, Comments, Concerns & Etc.
We have deiberately written the rules and constitution so that we can expand later, for three main reasons.
The first, is to help people who can't make credit card payments. At the moment we can take payment by cheque (check) in US Dollars, and are opening an account to take UK sterling. We might be able to take payments in Euros through the UK account but I am not sure. However, those accounts will only be able to take funds in the designated currencies, as the commission that we would pay on currency exchange through the banks will (in some cases) almost cancel out the value of the donation. Ideally we want people to contribute via Paypal, because our commision rates will be lowest that way - and more of the onation will actually get to Woof to help fund the site.
Secondly, we want to be able to help Woof with other things. There is scope for more work to be done on the FAQs, the F-RPoL website etc, and there is no way that we can do all of that.
Third, we want redundancy. If something happens to any of us, we need cover so that things don't fail. Eventually, I hope there will be enough people involved that should someone leave we get seamles cover for the role they perform for us. Eventually, I am sure, all of us will move on to other interests and games - BUT hopefully that will be many many years in the future.
HOWEVER, we want to make sure the systems that we have are working properly before we do that. We have tried to set up systems that are transparent, and secure - which will make sure that your donations do go to the right place at the right time. Once we are happy with what we have got in place, then we can start looking at ways to get other people involved.