Re: House Rules for WoD games
Heh, where to begin. :)
For starters, I've always been in full agreement with the rule about bullets doing lethal to vampires. To my mind, the difference between bashing and lethal is defined by what it does to mortals, and the difference between mortals and vampires is that vampires can soak lethal while mortals can't. (And to complete the thought, the difference between lethal and aggravated is defined by what it does to vampires. To mortals, effects of lethal and aggravated damage are the same.)
Also, if you look at what's written in VtM 3rd ed., the rule contradicts itself. The footnote at the bottom of the chart on page 215 says bullets are bashing to vampires. However, according to the description about "Lethal Damage" as it starts on page 217, bullets are very clearly lethal damage to them.
As for other house rules, I have a ton of them. Continuing on with oWoD vampires, here's a smattering of the more generally-applicable ones, copy/pasted straight from my current game with annotations:
Fortitude - in addition to adding dice to soak pools, each point of fortitude allows an additional level of aggravated damage to be healed per day. (Normal willpower and blood cost.)
This one was something I originally saw on's Roleplaying Open forum. The discussion was about how potence was slightly overpowered, while fortitude was slightly underpowered, and nobody had quite figured out how to tweak it to be equalized. Someone then suggested the above fortitude rule to compensate, and I liked it.
The house rule for Thaumaturgy/Mortis/Necromancy rituals is as follows: You get 1 ritual one level higher than the total number of dots of thaum/mortis, 2 rituals at the same level, 4 at the next lower level, then 8, then 16, etc. You can trade ritual points up and down as well - halving them as you go up levels and doubling as you go down.
Corollary for Lasombra with abyss mysticism: one free ritual per level of obtenebration.
This idea came from WoD: All That Glitters. :) Thee Independent is a huge fan of Tremere, and upon thinking it over I decided it was just as good of an idea for Giovanni and Cappadocians. The corollary could probably be applied to other types of obscure blood magic as well.
The house rule for combination disciplines (discipline techniques): You must first have all of the disciplines involved at the levels required. Then you may purchase the combination for 7 freebies.
In my game, no XP is ever given. Instead, I start everyone with 50 freebies. Therefore I needed a house rule for how to obtain combination disciplines without using the XP chart.
This one makes sense as-is because all the normal discipline levels are also a flat rate of 7 freebies each. I therefore didn't think it should be necessary for high-level combinations to cost more than low-level ones.
All characters start the game with a full blood pool. Blood subtracts at the rate of 1 per night, upon waking. Willpower regenerates at the rate of 1 per night, upon waking.
Going strictly by the book, you're supposed to roll dice to determine starting blood pool. I decided that was not an appropriate way to start if the game's focus isn't on "what's it like to be a vampire."
Non-Malks who choose to have derangements (or Malks who choose to have more than one), and Gangrel with certain types of beast traits, may request additional freebie points to compensate. The GM will decide how many freebies, depending on what it is. These are analogous to flaws, and max flaw point rules still apply.
This was to encourage people to come up with interesting characters without fear of putting themselves at a disadvantage compared to everyone else.
I'll go through my WtA house rules later. ;)
So far I don't have any for mages yet, but will probably end up with a bunch after all the chargen for that is over.
This message was last edited by the user at 04:22, Thu 01 Feb 2007.