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Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

Posted by ppwhere
member, 36 posts
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 08:33
  • msg #1

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

I would like to request an Action Tales! dice roller option. This is used by the Action Tales! family of the Freeform/Universal games like:
- Neon City Overdrive
- Hard City
- Dungeon Crawlers
- Star Scoundrels
- Tomorrow City

The dice roller itself uses 2 pools:
- Action dice
- Danger dice

both pools could be a max of 10 dice or so (probably will be a lot less in most cases)

How it works?
Roll both pools
Check for matching dice results between action and danger dices. Every danger dice can cancel a matching action dice
After all matching dices are removed the highest Action dice roll will be checked for the end result

6: Success
4-5: Partial Success
2-3: Failure
1 (or no action dice remained): botch

After the result is checked check if there is any more action dices show 6 (on top of the first one) each of these will give a boon
Count how many danger dices are showing 6, each adds +1 pressure

Example 1
Action dice pool: 3 (5, 3, 2)
Danger dice pool: 2 (5, 2)
Both danger dice can cancel one action dice. The remaining action dice is 3 -> Failure

Example 2
Action dice pool: 3 (5, 3, 3)
Danger dice pool: 2 (6, 4)
There is no matching danger dice. The highest action dice is 5 which is a partial success, but there is a remaining 6 in the danger dice pool -íy Partial Success (+1 Pressure)

Example 3
Action dice pool: 3 (6, 4, 3)
Danger dice pool: 2 (6, 2)
The 6 on danger dice cancels the 6 on the action dice. The remaining highest action dice is 4 -> Partial success
(neither of the 6-s remained so there is no additional pressure)

Example 4
Action dice pool: 3 (6, 6, 6)
Danger dice pool: 2 (6, 4)
The 6 on danger dice cancels one 6 on the action dice pool. The remaining highest action dice is 6 -> Success (1 boon)
There is one additional boon as on top of the first 6 used for the result there is a second 6 in the action dice results
member, 78 posts
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 09:29
  • msg #2

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

I'll let others with more background on the current dice roller programming speak to the actual feasibility but, to me, it seems you're looking for a lot more functionality (and programming) than really necessary...

You could just as easily roll Ad6,Dd6 in the "Manually enter dice" field with the "Record each die?" option on and do the cancel/count yourself...
This message was last edited by the user at 09:41, Sat 06 Jan 2024.
member, 37 posts
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 12:56
  • msg #3

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

You are absolutely correct I could do that, but that is true for almost all of the dice roller systems.
If you have it as a dice roller system it is more error proof and a lot simpler for players new to the system.
In my opinion tricky systems are the ones which should have dice roller systems and the easy ones are probably not that important but I'll let Jase decide if this can fit in or not.
member, 79 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 02:32
  • msg #4

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

@ppwhere Sorry, I wasn't trying to come across as saying it wasn't a valid option or shouldn't be implemented... I totally agree with you that the more that any given system can automate is a good thing...

While I don't know the programming language for RPoL, I do have experience with programming in several languages and, at least in those languages, I think the amount of programming logic needed for comparisons/cancels and determining boons/pressures would far outweigh the use the Special Dice option might get... That being said, I agree that Jase (or someone else with knowledge of the RPoL language) would need to weigh in on the feasibility...

Also, @Jase, what is the programming language for RPoL? If it is one that I do know, I would be happy to volunteer to help with coding (assuming you need it)...
admin, 3925 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 12:25

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

Thanks for theorising about how tricky it'll be but seems pretty easy actually, already got a proof working for it.  Dice roller is Perl, FYI.
member, 80 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 14:09
  • msg #6

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

Aah Perl is not a language I know... =/
admin, 3927 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 11:29

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

In reply to ppwhere (msg # 1):

Can danger dice be 0?  tx
member, 39 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 23:07
  • msg #8

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

In reply to jase (msg # 7):

Yes. You always have at least 1 action dice but can have 0 danger dice too

Basically when you build your pools the action dice pool start from 1 and the danger dice pool start from 0 and you can add dice to it based on your character, the scene the enemy and so on
This message was last edited by the user at 23:08, Tue 09 Jan 2024.
member, 43 posts
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 10:10
  • msg #9

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

One extra note: Could the result show all the dices rolled? There are some cases when you can modify a dice roll after all the dices were rolled so having the rolls available to manually recount in those rare cases would be great
moderator, 1097 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 14:26
  • msg #10

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

You should be able to just tick the Record each die box under Other options at Step 2: Roll Options (optional). :>
member, 44 posts
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 15:51
  • msg #11

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

In reply to Skald (msg # 10):

Exactly what I would like to use. Just asked this as for one of my previous requests with complex calculations the rolls were not showed only the result and hence the record each die option was not working. So I thought it is better to ask.
moderator, 1098 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 04:06
  • msg #12

Dice Roller request: Action Tales!

Always a good plan ! :>

I suspect that all the rolls, even specific system rolls, are supposed to allow the 'record each die' option, but the previous request was just missing a line of code to populate/increment the requisite variable that is optionally added to the string (at least that's the way I'd have done it, albeit in a different programming language).  IE it should happen automatically.  <fingers crossed>
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