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Default colour text formatting.

Posted by Skald
moderator, 601 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 12:14
  • msg #1

Default colour text formatting

Might as well get a few more ideas in for the next version ... don't want jase to run out of things to do !  <grrrins>

Trying to think of an easier way to colour text for character speech.  When you've got a message with several disparate talky bits, it gets a bit onerous going back to the styled text dropdown and scrolling down to your chosen colour, especially when it's near the bottom of the list.  OK, perhaps onerous is a bit strong, but it'd save a few seconds.  They all add up. :>

It'd be really nice to have an option down there with the | bold | italic | etc that remembered your chosen colour so you could apply it again and again and again with just the one click.  Highlight and click, highlight and click.  Don't forget to smile.

I'm thinking if once a selection from the styled text dropdown list had been made for the first time in that compose message thread, the system could remember it and activate an option for it.

Interface would look like: | center | colour | quote | ...

Bonus points if we could make it a Character or even Player optional setting so you can set colour and it'll be there automatically every time. :>
member, 247 posts
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 12:26
  • msg #2

Re: Default colour text formatting

Bonus points if we could make it a Character or even Player optional setting so you can set colour and it'll be there automatically every time. :>

That would be a great idea, especially if you could assign colours to NPCs as well!
member, 478 posts
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 12:31
  • msg #3

Re: Default colour text formatting

It might not be necessary to work as highlight & click.

I mean if you just clicked it and it added <colour></colour> to your message box where your cursor is (instead of giving a separate pop-up to put your speech text in), you can stick your cursor between the two to continue typing. Would that work for you?

I don't have much insight on this really. I tend to write my colour tags as I go, but I remember a couple of people have asked for this kind of thing before because more and more people are posting from phones and tablets.
moderator, 602 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 12:41
  • msg #4

Re: Default colour text formatting

H'mmm ... I type directly and as fast as I can, so don't format as I go - no time for that, it has to wait until the end.

I think I'd expect the same behaviour as the other formatting options - if something's highlighted then apply it to that, if nothing's highlighted then display the data entry field and insert that at the cursor, with relevant formatting.  :>
member, 479 posts
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 12:48
  • msg #5

Re: Default colour text formatting

True. Maybe it's just a case of adding a button under the styling dropdown which refers to the value selected in the dropdown?

I suspect adding a default to a character/player in a game would be difficult, especially if it's per character and refers to the character name field (where players have multiple characters) and then the data about that character to find the colour.
moderator, 603 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 12:52
  • msg #6

Re: Default colour text formatting

Absolutely - like you I considered the player option fraught, as it likely involved database changes, and even more messing around for multiple characters ... but it sounds a lot easier to play with just the compose screen, as the initial selection from the list would be the trigger.

Even if it's something like "last colour" so it doesn't have to redraw/colour the button - that'd be fine.  If prettier is harder to implement then I'll take functional. :>
member, 428 posts
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and catchy profile quote!
Fri 13 Feb 2015
at 20:34
  • msg #7

Re: Default colour text formatting

Perhaps it could be selected per character by the DM on a screen similar to the Private Groups or Groups options? Have a grid of player and NPC names and colors above with radial buttons to choose which character gets which color. Not sure how easy it would be to transition it to the formatting option for consistent coloring, but it's not a bad idea overall. I like it!

*DM stamp of approval*
C-h Freese
member, 148 posts
Survive - Love - Live
Sat 14 Feb 2015
at 08:19
  • msg #8

Re: Default colour text formatting

Sigh I really should read more carefully Before I post [I actually posted this right above you]

Subject; Err.. sorry sir. I don't  speak imperial common

  I don't know if this would work, But..
  I'm wondering about a "speak" theme it would control the -style- of what a given Character says as in what is typed in the Speak Field before the language menu is pressed.  it will first place quotes around the following field, the GM will already have set the Color, Font & language list, for that characters Speech. The player will may choose the default language (when you just hit enter) or click to choose from an attached menu of languages, which might not include "common" [the to everyone] when done.

  Part of this issue to my mind is the possibility of a game where every player has more than one PC, and or PH(enchman), and making sure all languges for that player could be "heard" even a given character was forced to speak as required.
This message was last edited by the user at 08:22, Sat 14 Feb 2015.
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