As a player, the last post and last logins for other members of the game show only the day (not the actual time).
They are also obfuscated, so that a player who logged in today might have a last login of yesterday, for example.
For what I'm setting up, Message Board Mafia, that doesn't quite cut it. I could explain why, it's not particularly long, but honestly, just take my word that if Player A can look and see that Player B has actually logged in within the last day, 2 days, 3 days, etc, it can drastically alter the power balance and flow of the game (and there will be Players who will log every day to track other Character's logins to correlate whom is running whom -
I do this in games I play in that aren't even MBM style games).
I think I can work around it for now, and clearly will have to even if jase pops in and says "Excellent idea! I'll get right on it!" because implementing will probably take time, but if this is something that can be done, and is done, it will make things easier for those who want it in the future.
That said, I agree Lissa, but that request was made when the responsive cast list was re-worked, and shot down.
Sorry Lisa, I was one of the louder voices in shooting it down back then. I still am on principle... however... I've come to an impasse and have realized that my rationale for hating the idea is now biting me in the butt.
Yes, yes, I admit it (to whoever said I'd find a reason to want this in the future) you were right. Though, in fairness, at the time it wasn't a Game Setting Switch we were arguing over, it was a Global RPoL switch to deactivate Last Logs and Last Post tracking site wide.
In the absence of that, I support ee's request for a toggle switch that's GM-controlled.
I knew you'd be in here seconding this as hard as you could. Thanks for not rubbing my nose in it. ;)
(Honestly, I'd support a GM-controlled toggle switch for not just Last Login and Last Post, but also Groups.)
OMZ! I didn't even consider this! Yes, this too please (though less so for my needs, as I'll just make more Characters, but yeah, I can totes see this being useful to other GMs).