Except it would be nice if the redactions could be reversed for some game play purposes.
For example:
A magic user returns a redacted document to a previous state of being so it could be read. Or a redacted computer document becomes hacked by a hacker to uncover it's original text.
The GM could then Turn Off the redaction much like the spoiler code works. Only a redaction is not viewable until it is turned off.
I don't really need that, because for my purposes I would be the one to unredact the documents if my players even though to try to use improvisational magic to achieve that sort of effects anyway, and that's only for worlds where magic exists. I mean I could see why that'd be useful as a sort of inline spoiler. I've seen those on other sites, but I'm not sure how well it would work for rpol, and most of the inline spoilers I've seen are blurry that you click to unblur rather than full blocks that you can highlight for text.