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Lupus Veritas (main)

Posted by DragondogFor group 0
GM, 186 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2010
at 17:31
  • msg #1

Lupus Veritas (main)

Three of the king's chosen heroes, Kar, Olven, and Owain headed towards the temple of Reorx. Owain was leading his horse and the three kept a steady pace, no one slowing the other. And less than an hour later, you see a sight that almost stops your heart. It is the Temple of Reorx. Designed and constructed by dwarves, but big enough to accommodate humans. Truly a wonder to behold. But nothing compared to the Temple of Paladine and some rumors persisted that there was more to come.
Olven Wolf
player, 101 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2010
at 19:47
  • msg #2

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As the groups nears the temple, Olven looks up at the wonder overhead, admiring its beauty.  Truly, the craftsmanship of the dwarves is unmatched.  Though not a religious man, Olven respects the gods, and honoring them is only right to him.

"Well, Sir Owain," Olven says.  "We're here.  Let's see what these priests know of the midnight assailant."
Kar Reuel
player, 29 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Wed 31 Mar 2010
at 20:06
  • msg #3

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Kar stopped in mid-tread.  He was accustomed to Paladine's temple, having been through those portals these last harsh days.  Yet, to look upon the Red Dwarf's stone, brought wonder to his heart.

"Sire, shall we?"

Glancing to his side towards Olven, he mouths, . . . magnificent . . .
Owain uth Urien
player, 28 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2010
at 21:38
  • msg #4

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain grins. Mignight Assailant, a fitting name.

He takes in the sight with his companions and comments, "Puts our mission in perspective, doesn't it?".

The knight nods at Kar and ties his mount off somewhere appropriate. Then approaches the entrance to the temple.
Kar Reuel
player, 33 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Wed 31 Mar 2010
at 21:50
  • msg #5

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The monk follows with padded feet.  Upon reaching the doors of the temple, "If I may?" directed at the knight while grasping the white oak stave in both hands.  Kar raps three times upon the door,

. . . RAP . . . RAP . . . RAP . . .

            . . . RAP . . . RAP . . . RAP . . .

then steps back to wait.

Edit: Had to do the echoes ;-D
This message was last edited by the player at 22:37, Wed 31 Mar 2010.
GM, 191 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 02:11
  • msg #6

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

You hear the door slam and a section of the door slid to the side and a face was revealed. “It is after midnight,” the person said. “The temple is closed. Come back tomorrow.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 29 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 03:41
  • msg #7

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"My name is Sir Owain uth Urien. I apologize for the lateness of our visit but this matter is urgent. Please, grant us a moment of your time for lives are at stake."

Owain speaks with a tone of grave urgency and wears a most serious look on his face as he stands forward and addresses the man behind the slider.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:03, Thu 01 Apr 2010.
GM, 192 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 07:19
  • msg #8

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The temple is closed," the man repeated and you feel the cold hand of his words. "Return in the morning."
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:40, Thu 01 Apr 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 30 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 14:17
  • msg #9

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The smile returns to Owain's face. It was a forced reaction to stress, adopted through experience and hardship. The very act of the smile soothed his nerves and allowed him to react in a manner fitting his station, despite anything ill thoughts he may be having. His men knew to tread lightly and to respect the smile when it emerged.

"I was not aware that the gods turned deaf ears to those in need due to the lateness of the hour. But I can understand that their mortal servants have their own limitations and needs. Perhaps a charitable donation to the temple can be offered for its servant's faithful efforts?"
GM, 196 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 18:00
  • msg #10

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“What kind of help do you need,” the man asked as if Owain had said one of the magic words, but all the while he kept each of you under great scrutiny.
Owain uth Urien
player, 31 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 19:08
  • msg #11

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Information only. We seek to consult with the lore of the temple on two matters. One matter is of immediate urgency or we would have waited until the morning. Please may we enter and speak more privately?" asks Owain as he turns his head as if to scan for unwelcome attention.
GM, 197 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 19:25
  • msg #12

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Now is the time for you to be more specific," the man said. "I need to know what you need to know so that I can guide you to someone who can help you and determine the appropriate size of your donation."
Owain uth Urien
player, 32 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 19:38
  • msg #13

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Both matters concern understanding the nature of unconventional beasts and how to overcome them. This night my companions encountered a wolf-like beast who murdered and partially consumed two of his neighbors. He can describe it in more detail. Since the other matter is somewhat related I seek to have it attended to as well. In the near future we expect to encounter ghosts, spectral beings and perhaps elemental creatures. I would like to know about their nature and how one such as myself can combat or ward against such things."
GM, 198 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 19:44
  • msg #14

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“Something evil’s lurking in the dark then,” the man said. “Night creatures, spirits, and elementals. That requires that you speak with three different priests. This would require quite a substantial donation at this time of night.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 33 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 19:57
  • msg #15

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Just the night creature would suffice for now if it requires the disturbance of so many. I can consult the others in a more timely fashion another day."
GM, 199 posts
Fri 2 Apr 2010
at 04:33
  • msg #16

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The man slid the lid shut and opened the door to let the trio in. “You’re fighting for your life and the life of others and all that stands between you and the knowledge you seek is that donation you promised.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 34 posts
Fri 2 Apr 2010
at 05:26
  • msg #17

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain reaches into his pouch and produces 3 steel dragons. He holds the coins in hand and awaits the priests reaction to the sum before offering them.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:28, Fri 02 Apr 2010.
GM, 201 posts
Fri 2 Apr 2010
at 12:04
  • msg #18

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“Reorx is most grateful,” the man said and stretched forth his left hand towards Owain, his hand open and the palm upwards. “I can wait here all through the night knight. It is my job after all.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 35 posts
Fri 2 Apr 2010
at 14:35
  • msg #19

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain hands over the coins and says "I think this donation should cover both of your time well. Shall we wait here while you fetch the expert?"
GM, 202 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 04:55
  • msg #20

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“No, come with me,” the man said and started leading the way down one corridor and then another and then another until he started leading them up a staircase that curved to the left as they continued upward through the corridor, passing doors from time to time.

You start to freeze as the temperature in the corridor drops and soon you’re standing before a door at the end of the stairs.

“Wait here,” the man said, knocked on the door, opened it, and went inside alone. To return a little while later to let the heroes inside.

The room beyond the door was quite sparse. It was barely heated and lighted by the few braziers in the room, all on the visitor side of the desk. Behind the desk, on the only chair in the room, sat a dwarf. There were no other furnishings in the room, though another door led to areas unseen, and the walls were all bare and windowless.

Then the door closed behind the heroes as the man who had led them here left them alone with the cleric.

“How can I help you,” the cleric asked.
Kar Reuel
player, 34 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 13:17
  • msg #21

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Kar waited patiently for the Lord to answer.  Only fitting since it was his dime.
Owain uth Urien
player, 36 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 15:23
  • msg #22

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Savage murders have taken place this night, ones where the victims have been partially consumed by what has been described as a wolf-like beast. We wish to consult your expertise on identifying what it may be and how we should proceed to seek it out to capture or destroy it. We have an eye witness here with us to provide a more detailed description." Owain indicates Olven with an outstretched palm.
GM, 204 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 16:34
  • msg #23

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"A wolf-like beast," the dwarf said twiddling with his beard. “Are you certain?”

[Assuming that at least one of you indicates such certainty]

“So instead of running away from the beast about strike like sensible people would, you want to know how to fight it. I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else from a knight. But trust me; you are out of your league.” There is no mistaking what the dwarf wants to convey with his tone of voice, this creature is something scary.

“Leave this to those of us who know what we’re doing. We will take care of it presently.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 37 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 17:42
  • msg #24

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Fate has a way of putting men where they need to be when they are needed. Twice have my companions encountered the beast already, one time next to Olven's very home. Dont let your pride cause you to turn away help when it is delivered to you. You know not what "league" we are in." Owain says dryly.
GM, 205 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 18:10
  • msg #25

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“If this thing truly is a powerful bestial alpha werewolf,” Anvil Ironfist said. “And there is no way of being sure without seeing what it can do and perhaps not even then. And if you try to find out, you will quiver in your boots as horror looks you right between the eyes and you will end up as its previous victims.”

“Listen to reason. You have brought this to my attention. I know how to deal with this thing and my friends and I have dealt with many. Rest assured that it will not infest this fair city much longer.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 38 posts
Sun 4 Apr 2010
at 00:36
  • msg #26

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We have other business to attend to and it seems the problem is in good hands. Very well, I dont intend to pursue this further. However, it required a sizeable donation to come this far to inform you of the creatures activities. I intend to at least receive what I came to ask for. Tell us more of this alpha werewolf."
GM, 206 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 05:43
  • msg #27

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"A werewolf is someone with the innate ability to shapeshift into one or more wolf related shapes. Its mindset and abilities depend on which type of werewolf it is. But silver is how you deal with it.”

“And the worst case scenario is the most powerful werewolf you can think of inside a killer and from what you have said, this one certainly has the bestial mind.”
Kar Reuel
player, 35 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 17:36
  • msg #28

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The monk listening, looks aside to the knight, implicitly asking his permission, then questions the dwarf, "Majere counsels you, yet that is all you can offer?  You hide this knowledge!  For what purpose?"

Kar pauses and rethinks himself, "If you knew of this menace then why not tell our Kalaman Brethren of such a simple defense?  What are you hiding?"
GM, 208 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 18:06
  • msg #29

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“If I had known there was a werewolf in the city, it would have been dealt with,” Anvil said. “Do you share everything you know? The dangers you have faced? The evil you have witnessed?” There was a dangerous gleam in the cleric’s eye. “Most would either panic or feel overconfident. And then, when you hear the creature creeping up behind, it’s already too late. And instead of leaving things to those that know how to handle them, you have become another victim. Is that what you want?”
Olven Wolf
player, 104 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 18:43
  • msg #30

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Still, sir, it would do well to warn Kalaman's people of this menace," Olven Wolf says, as respectfully as he can muster.  "Until the threat is dealt with, it isn't safe for citizens to be out of doors at night, alone."  He looks more sharply at Anvil.  "Or is that part of your plan?  To lull the beast into false security?"  The mercenary shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"If you say that we three cannot be of service, then that is enough for me."  Bowing his head a bit, Olven steps back and waits for his companions.
GM, 209 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 19:00
  • msg #31

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"That is the responsibility of the Watch," the dwarf said. “Not the church. I would suggest that you go home and hope that this is just imagination. And leave it to those of us who know what we’re dealing with.”
Kar Reuel
player, 36 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 19:14
  • msg #32

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Kar answers the questions put before him,

"I do. Should you ask."

He lets the dwarf rant on for a moment, "We are only a victim of your hubris."

Gladly, Kar hears another interject, "We are . . .

He steps back, alongside Olven, stave crooked in his left arm, "as One."

Standing beside the quaint man, the monk looks to the knight, "Are you with us?"
GM, 210 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 19:36
  • msg #33

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“Not hubris,” Ironfist said. “Experience. You can go after this werewolf if you like, as many who do not know what they’re doing have done with other werewolves in the past, and no one’s gonna save you when you stand face to face with the night beast and the last thing you know is that you are not enough.”
Kar Reuel
player, 37 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 20:39
  • msg #34

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"As Paladine asked Majere" . . . "then teach us."
GM, 211 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2010
at 00:02
  • msg #35

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“If I teach you,” Ironfist said. “There is no going back. Fear is no longer an option. Neutrality is no longer an option. Freedom is no longer an option. Your heart and soul and mind will be given to one purpose. Your old life will be left behind. And you will pay the ultimate price. So. Do you stand or do you fall?”

“Silver becomes your blood and this is the end of your life. In unity there are no branches and the solitary path only moves forward.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 39 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2010
at 01:23
  • msg #36

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain has had enough of this. Waiting patiently for his companions and the cleric to say their peace he then speaks his mind.

"Enough of the drama. We came to see that a dangerous beast was dealt with for the good of the people. Clearly the clerics do not wish to be forthcoming with their information and instead seek to impress us with mysticism and mystery. This nonsense about the end of our lives, our freedom, our neutrality is more than I can take. This is just a simple beast that needs a simple solution. I am content to leave this matter in their capable and most theatric hands."

Owain turns his head angrily away from the cleric for a moment biting back frustrated words then speaks to his companions.

"If you wish to continue on this path I will not try to stop you. If you request my help I will not abandon you, but I would prefer to go on about our business. How do you wish to procede?"
Olven Wolf
player, 105 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2010
at 02:32
  • msg #37

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain Wolf raises his eyebrows in bewilderment.  Crinkling his forehead, he says, "I'll be honest, sir.  I didn't understand anything you just said.  We're here to help, but we're also charged by the king with aiding the rebuilding process.  We don't have time to be transformed into another state of being or whatever you just proposed."  Spreading his arms before him, he says, "No disrespect, sir, but my duty is to the king first."

Wolf nods to Owain.  "I'm at your disposal, Knight.  If we're not needed here, we can begin preparations for our journey."
Kar Reuel
player, 38 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Wed 7 Apr 2010
at 14:54
  • msg #38

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Kar, uncertain as to the dwarf's offer of knowledge, stands beside those with which he had come.  Bowing his head, he offers up a short prayer to Majere.

ooc: Awaiting response to a PM
Kar Reuel
player, 39 posts
Balance: Mind, Body & . .
Favored by Majere
Thu 8 Apr 2010
at 12:16
  • msg #39

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I have faith!!"

Kar . . . thinking, fear is the 'lil mind killer . . . a holy man, within a temple, thinking, i am safe . . . as he steps away from those he came with, his eyes look to them, speaking volumes.

He kneels before Anvil, "I am your student."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:50, Thu 08 Apr 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 40 posts
Thu 8 Apr 2010
at 19:38
  • msg #40

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Leave it to a monk to fall victim to superstitious mumbo-jumbo. Owain frowns disapprovingly as the monk falls to his knees to request gods know what from the cleric.

"When you are done here you can find me at Dragonword keep, just ask for me by name at the gate. You know where to find Olven." says Owain to Kar.

To the cleric, in parting, Owain speaks, "I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that I will not see you again alive. I wish you well on your hunt and hope that my gut feeling is mistaken. Take care of this one here, he is needed elsewhere in a couple of days time. If you change your mind about accepting our aid we can be found for a couple of days yet before we set out on our task. Gods keep you."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:51, Fri 09 Apr 2010.
Olven Wolf
player, 106 posts
Sat 10 Apr 2010
at 18:22
  • msg #41

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Shall we adjourn, then?" Olven asks.  "We'll meet again in the morning to plan our journey.  Sir Owain, I'll accompany you back to the Keep, just in case we see further evidence of this wolf-like creature."
GM, 216 posts
Sat 10 Apr 2010
at 18:47
  • msg #42

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Good," Anvil said. "I hope you travel in safely and we will deal with the night creature.

The two warriors left the temple without further incident and arrived at the keep less than an hour later, as they approached the doors, the heroes noted that they're open wide and a contingent of knights were leaving for the wall.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:52, Sat 10 Apr 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 41 posts
Tue 13 Apr 2010
at 03:11
  • msg #43

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The contigent of guards was about the right size for a changing of the guard, so Owain does not think much of the encounter. He stands aside allowing the knights to pass and examines them lazily for any signs that something other than the typical was going on.
GM, 222 posts
Tue 13 Apr 2010
at 19:18
  • msg #44

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As the knights rode past them, one of them, a friend of Owain’s, stopped to talk to them.

“The Gold Guard are on their toes tonight," he said. “You close your eyes and try to sleep, but sleep doesn’t come. Restless. As the calm before the storm. No, the storm has already started.”
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:00, Tue 13 Apr 2010.
Olven Wolf
player, 107 posts
Wed 14 Apr 2010
at 01:47
  • msg #45

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf watches the knights' procession, then says quietly to Owain, "You know where to find me.  We should make preparations to leave tomorrow."  With a friendly nod at the night, Olven turns and heads back to his home, senses still alert from their brush with death earlier in the evening.
Owain uth Urien
player, 42 posts
Thu 15 Apr 2010
at 02:01
  • msg #46

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain holds his fellow knight for a moment longer. He was speaking oddly but most of it Owain would have dismissed as expressions of unease common to men such as they who have learned to listen to their instincts. However, his friend seemed to hint at the storm having already started and he wanted to know more.

"What storm?" Owain asks of the man.
GM, 229 posts
Thu 15 Apr 2010
at 03:16
  • msg #47

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“I don’t know,” the knight said. “But the Gold Guard makes you feel like you’re out of time, whatever it is. Stepping up security in the keep the way they are doing.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 43 posts
Thu 15 Apr 2010
at 03:30
  • msg #48

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain cant help but wonder if the presence of night creatures and the increased security in the keep are related. He nods thoughtfully at his comrades words and give the man a warning.

"Pass the word, a fell creature decribed as wolf-like has been spotted roaming the streets this night. It has already killed one family and is still at large. Do not engage it directly, instead send word to the temple of Reorx and keep it under observation until the priests arrive."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:31, Thu 15 Apr 2010.
GM, 230 posts
Thu 15 Apr 2010
at 03:40
  • msg #49

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The knight nodded. “As long as we don’t see the dead start to walk in their masquerade. Soth was enough of that."
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:42, Thu 15 Apr 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 44 posts
Thu 15 Apr 2010
at 04:08
  • msg #50

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The stinging in his eyes tell Owain that sleep is long past due. He enters the keep and makes his way towards his quarters. The increase in security is on his mind but he does not go out of his way to discover what is up. If it was important enough, word would reach his ears in due time.
GM, 237 posts
Wed 21 Apr 2010
at 04:10
  • msg #51

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

14 Reapember 353 AC
It was a new day and much of it past as the heroes rested from the late night adventures or conducted various activities in preparation for their trip to the Lyceum or to battle the night creature.
Owain uth Urien
player, 47 posts
Wed 21 Apr 2010
at 04:10
  • msg #52

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain returns to Olven's abode dressed as we was the night before. He mills about outside for a few moments taking in the scene in the full light of day before approaching the apartment door and knocking. As he waits for an answer Owain looks at the neighbor's door and wonders if any sort of cleanup took place.
GM, 238 posts
Wed 21 Apr 2010
at 04:16
  • msg #53

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As Owain took in the scene outside the tenement, Tarhall arrived and the two went inside together. Inside they saw one watchman stationed at the neighbor’s door. But to their surprise, another watchman was stationed at Olven’s door too.
Owain uth Urien
player, 48 posts
Sat 24 Apr 2010
at 20:46
  • msg #54

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain pauses as he enters the tenement after noticing the guard at Olven's door. He tosses a quizzical look over his shoulder at Tarhall as if to verify that it was an odd thing to discover, then approaches the man.

"Is the resident of this home currently in?" Owain asks.
GM, 243 posts
Sat 24 Apr 2010
at 21:07
  • msg #55

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Tarhall was just as surprised by the watchman as Owain.

Instead of answering their questions, the watchman asked for their papers. And as the warrior and the mage gave them to him, he looked them over before returning them.

"No," the watchman said. "He was sent to one of the hospitals in Forge Ward. The 50th is the closest. He was badly wounded."
Owain uth Urien
player, 49 posts
Sun 25 Apr 2010
at 01:04
  • msg #56

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain's face pales slightly at the news.  Already he fears the worst after what occured the night before. How could he assume that Olven would be safe in his own home after what had happened? Scenario after scenario play in Owain's mind as to what may have happened and what he might have done differently to prevent harm to his new companion in the few moments that he stands silently in front of the guard.

Blinking away thoughts that did no good for anyone, Owain thanks the guard and hastily makes his way to the named hospital at the forge ward.
GM, 244 posts
Sun 25 Apr 2010
at 22:06
  • msg #57

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As Owain and Tarhall was headed towards the hospital, they ran into Olven on his way back home.
Owain uth Urien
player, 50 posts
Mon 26 Apr 2010
at 15:43
  • msg #58

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain examines Olven to determine the visible extent of his injuries as he approaches. The knight relaxes some since Olven was capable of returning home under his own power. Either the extent of his injuries were exaggerated or the healers at the Kalaman hospitals were very good.

He greets Olven with a raised hand then stands in front of him with a questioning look, eager to hear his story after they parted ways.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:33, Mon 26 Apr 2010.
Olven Wolf
player, 115 posts
Mon 26 Apr 2010
at 17:44
  • msg #59

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf is in one piece, though his clothes have been ripped.  "Sir Owain!" he calls, hurrying forward.  When he reaches the knight, Olven lowers his voice.  "The beast attacked again last night," he says quietly, waiting for the street to clear before delivering the news.  "It murdered the three men staying with me, along with two Seekers and a watchman.  I don't know how I survived it."

A shudder passes through Olven's body.  "It ripped into me," he continues quietly.  "I didn't know my body could withstand that much trauma.  I could have died in its massive jaws.  The rest of the watch rescued me, but not before the thing escaped through a window.  Fortunately, the king's influences meant that I was healed fully, but I very nearly came face to face with Death."  Stopping a moment, he mutters, "Perhaps I did."

His face pale, Olven continues, "We should return to the dwarf, seek his answers on how to combat the thing."  Olven looks around, and then says more softly still, "It overpowered me like I was a child.  No one is safe in the city while that thing still lives."
GM, 246 posts
Mon 26 Apr 2010
at 17:54
  • msg #60

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"You didn't get any information about the werewolf last night then," Tarhall asked.
Olven Wolf
player, 116 posts
Tue 27 Apr 2010
at 21:05
  • msg #61

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"What do you mean, werewolf?" Olven Wolf asks.  "We were told that it was a terrible, terrible creature, and that we shouldn't go after it on account of its shredding us into little, teeny tiny bits."  He spits.  "Well, last night, the creature proved that he didn't care about that strategy."
GM, 249 posts
Tue 27 Apr 2010
at 21:37
  • msg #62

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“I asked some questions this morning,” Tarhall said. “And from what I was told the creature is a werewolf. But the price was quite expensive, so I didn’t ask that many questions, and I’m not sure how reliable the answers are. But from what I was told werewolves are vulnerable to silver and other night creatures, such as vampires.”

“And I was also told that the person in the city who knew more about them than anyone else was a dwarven cleric called Anvil Ironfist.”

[OOC: Feel free to have heard any legends you like about vampires, I'm not making the mistake I made regarding werewolves again.]
Owain uth Urien
player, 51 posts
Tue 27 Apr 2010
at 23:30
  • msg #63

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain listens to the news intently. His eyes open wide with disbelief as Olven describes the carnage inflicted on the guards left at his home.

"I felt the men left behind would be enough to disuade the beast from returning at the least. It concerns me that the threat of so many armed men did not discourage it."

The knight stares into the distance thoughtfully for a moment, then takes a deep breath and returns to the conversation.

"I am glad to see you alive Olven. Yes, it was my intent to gather you and return to the temple in any case to check up on Handar. My confidence in the temples ability to handle this is still weak. Not having a watch of their own on the scene of the crime does not impress me their werewolf hunting skills."

Owain nods at Tarhall. "We received some, but not nearly enough. We learned that the beast we are seeking is known as an alpha werewolf. The only other thing we learned is that silver is the key to its destruction."

The knight pats the dagger sheathed on his belt for emphasis.
GM, 261 posts
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 05:36
  • msg #64

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"So what do we do now," Tarhall asked.
Olven Wolf
player, 118 posts
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 18:29
  • msg #65

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The priest mentioned that we could be trained to hunt this creature, but that the cost was high," Olven Wolf says.  "I don't know about you two, but I don't feel right, leaving the city at the mercy of this thing."

He shrugs his shoulders.  "But we've been charged by the king to add to the city's coffers.  That's my duty, first and foremost.  The monk who was with us, Kar, said he wanted to train to hunt the wolf.  Maybe he'll be enough."

Olven crosses his arms and thinks for a moment, head down.  "As much as I'd like to track down and destroy this werewolf, I think we should go explore the Lyceum."
Owain uth Urien
player, 52 posts
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 03:34
  • msg #66

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Yes, Kar was his name. I am eager to get on with our mission as well, but I would like to go fully prepared and with our complete number. Let us check on the monk, then we can decide on how to proceed. Perhaps Kar can elaborate on just how high a price he paid and for what kind of revelation."
GM, 262 posts
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 05:08
  • msg #67

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The trio went to the temple of Reorx. When Tarhall realized where they were going, a worried look crossed his face..

“Who is teaching Kar to hunt the wolf,” Tarhall asked and the worry carried to his voice.
Owain uth Urien
player, 53 posts
Sat 1 May 2010
at 06:08
  • msg #68

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We did not get his name. It was a dwarven cleric." replies Owain. He pauses mid stride and attempts to read Tarhall's face, his look of concern was easily apparent.

OOC: Anvil Ironfist was the name given in the narratives, but I dont believe IC any of us were introduced.
GM, 263 posts
Sat 1 May 2010
at 07:22
  • msg #69

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“My source told me that Anvil Ironfirst is a dwarven cleric of Reorx,” Tarhall said. “And that no one in the city knows more about werewolves than he. I was also told that he is a vampire. If that is true and Kar is alone with him. I don’t want to imagine what has happened to him.”

[OOC: That’s how I remember it as well, but Tarhall doesn’t know that.]
Owain uth Urien
player, 54 posts
Mon 3 May 2010
at 04:00
  • msg #70

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain lifts an eyebrow curiously. "A vampire? serving in the temple of Reorx?"

The knights chin drops, deep in thought for several moments. Slowly his eyes widen as he comes to a realization about the previous night.

"Ironfist's ramblings about no turning back and paying the ultimate price was more than the mumbo-jumbo I dismissed it as, if what you say is true. It may seem that he really did mean death when he spoke of the ultimate price. The sacrifice of life in exchange for existence as one of the unliving. I fear greatly for our monk friend. I hope his faith was strong enough to keep his soul intact. Let us make haste and see what fate has befallen him."
GM, 269 posts
Mon 3 May 2010
at 06:29
  • msg #71

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“I wouldn’t be surprised if this was something she said for her own purposes just to stir things up,” Tarhall said. “But it sounds like we need to make certain.”

Entering the temple during the day was much easier, as the front door was open. But as most people were working on the rebuilding of the city, they only rarely encountered people other than priests.

Moving through the public areas turned out to be just as easy, but to go to where Anvil had met them during the night, would require that they left the public area and traveled where only the priests of Reorx were allowed to go.

The door leading to where they were not allowed to go was closed and indicated by a red rope hanging between two golden pillars about one yard tall.

[OOC: Think of those things used in a museum to keep people away from the exhibits. I can’t think of what they’re called right now. Not in Swedish or English.]
Owain uth Urien
player, 55 posts
Mon 3 May 2010
at 09:42
  • msg #72

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain begins to look about for a member of the temple staff, a priest or whoever else looks like he belongs.

"I suppose we should just ask to see Anvil."
Olven Wolf
player, 119 posts
Tue 4 May 2010
at 04:37
  • msg #73

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As they return to the temple of Reorx, Olven Wolf shivers.  That the cleric might be a vampire is bad enough, but the thought of their new companion giving up his life to become a werewolf hunter is more than Olven can stomach.

"Does his kind sleep during the day?" he asks quietly.
GM, 270 posts
Tue 4 May 2010
at 13:37
  • msg #74

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I don't know anything about vampires outside what the legends tell us," Tarhall said.

Finding a priest to talk to was easy. But gaining an audience with Anvil wasn't as easy. "He is busy," was the short reply the heroes received when they asked about him.
Owain uth Urien
player, 56 posts
Thu 6 May 2010
at 01:37
  • msg #75

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain seems unsure about how to proceed, as the constant pulling on his chin seems to indicate.

"We have a mission to fulfill. As in any task there will be issues abundant to waylay us and threaten to alter our course. We should continue our preparations for the lycaeum and return later. Let us leave a message for Kar and hope that he seeks us out on his own before we are forced to leave without him."
Olven Wolf
player, 120 posts
Thu 6 May 2010
at 18:16
  • msg #76

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"And the creature, Sir Owain?"  Olven Wolf looks unsure.  "I'm not convinced the authorities have it in hand.  If it could attack so viciously, three times in a night - "  Olven leaves the thought unfinished, and he shakes his head.  "As you say."

Beckoning one of the temple workers, Olven says, "Could you take a message to our comrade, a monk named Kar?  We've been tasked with an assignment from the king, and we'd like to take him with us when we leave the city."  Turning to the others, Olven says, "When are we leaving, anyway?  Today?  Frankly, I don't want to spend another night in Kalaman."
GM, 271 posts
Thu 6 May 2010
at 18:55
  • msg #77

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"What is his position in the temple," the temple worker asked.
Olven Wolf
player, 121 posts
Mon 10 May 2010
at 17:42
  • msg #78

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven shakes his head.  "I don't think he has a position here," he says slowly, rubbing his chin.  "He was tasked by the king to join us on a mission, but we left him with Anvil Ironfist.  The impression I got was that our companion, Kar, was asking to be made some kind of apprentice."
GM, 272 posts
Mon 10 May 2010
at 17:46
  • msg #79

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Of course," the temple worker said and bowed slightly. "What message can I bring to him?"
Owain uth Urien
player, 57 posts
Thu 13 May 2010
at 16:10
  • msg #80

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Tell him that his companions leave tomorrow. He can find us at Olven's home before noon. That is all the time we can give him unless he finds us beforehand."

GM, 273 posts
Thu 13 May 2010
at 16:15
  • msg #81

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I will pass the message along," the temple worker said. "Is there anything else I can do?"
Olven Wolf
player, 122 posts
Thu 20 May 2010
at 01:32
  • msg #82

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Warn him that the creature has attacked again," Olven Wolf says.  "It nearly killed me last night, and it will undoubtedly strike again."  Reflexively, Olven reaches for his neck where the thing's brutal fangs had ripped into his neck.
GM, 274 posts
Thu 20 May 2010
at 03:20
  • msg #83

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I will do that," the temple worker said.
GM, 276 posts
Sat 22 May 2010
at 07:37
  • msg #84

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As they were talking, Kar suddenly walked down the corridor towards them. He was wearing a heavy robe on top of his soft leathers and shoes rather than sandals. In one of his hands he was holding his staff and a wide brimmed hat. He nodded in greeting at the others.

A human woman accompanied him. She was obviously not one of the clerics.
Olven Wolf
player, 123 posts
Sat 22 May 2010
at 11:05
  • msg #85

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Kar!" Olven Wolf moves forward to greet their comrade.  "We were just leaving a message for you." When Olven reaches Kar, the mercenary lowers his voice and says, "What has happened?  We feared you might have bitten off more than you could chew." Wolf looks closely at Kar, as if to see any noticeable changes in their companion.
GM, 277 posts
Sat 22 May 2010
at 11:14
  • msg #86

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I'm fine," Kar said and placed a glowed hand on Olven's shoulder. "I found out what I needed to know to fight this beast."
Owain uth Urien
player, 58 posts
Sat 22 May 2010
at 13:40
  • msg #87

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain smirks at Olven's little joke and tosses him an amused glance then rolls his eyes away. His eyes come to rest on the female figure arriving with Kar.

"Who is your friend?" Owain asks.
GM, 278 posts
Mon 24 May 2010
at 20:58
  • msg #88

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Her name is Sarah Caladen," Kar said. "And she will be traveling with us to the Lyceum.”

As the female stepped forward to greet the others, they noted that this attractive blonde with baby blue eyes looked even younger than Olven and more than 10 years younger than Kar, who in his mid 30s was the oldest of the group.

She was slightly tanned and of slight built, a number of inches shorter than Kar and even slighter in build than Handar. Two of her together wouldn’t be as big as Owain, who was the biggest of them by far.

She wore a common dress and didn’t seem to be armed and her curls cascaded halfway down her back.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:53, Wed 26 May 2010.
Olven Wolf
player, 125 posts
Tue 25 May 2010
at 03:31
  • msg #89

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Looking at the newest addition to their group, Olven makes a small bow.  Although the addition of another member to their group, one who hasn't been brought in by the king, should raise eyebrows, he says nothing to the contrary, accepting her inclusion as a matter of course.

"A pleasure, Sarah," Olven says.  "I'm Olven Wolf, and this is Sir Owain and Tarhall."  Looking at the others, he asks, "Shall we collect Handar and head out?  What of the werewolf?"
GM, 279 posts
Tue 25 May 2010
at 04:08
  • msg #90

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“Likewise,” Sarah said and returned the bow and made a similar bow to Tarhall. She curtsied at Sir Owain. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”

“Handar,” Sarah said. “The merchant?” And when the heroes confirmed that he was a merchant, she continued.

“I heard rumors last night that he had a document from the king that allowed him to do anything he wanted. There are many who would like to get their hands on such a document. And according to the latest rumors on the subject, Handar has vanished. I don’t know if that means he’s in hiding or if someone else has gotten their hands on that document.”

[OOC: As Handar’s player hasn’t been in contact for quite some time, I’m putting the character to the side for the moment. He may return or he may not. I realize that some of the heroes might want to come to his aid, but at this point you will not find him, nor be able to do anything to help him.]

"Do we have any leads on where we can find the werewolf," Kar asked.
Owain uth Urien
player, 59 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 01:34
  • msg #91

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain wags his head and clucks his tongue at the news concerning Handar. "I figured a merchant would show more restraint and maintain some sense of secrecy where the document was concerned. I should not have let it out of my possession so quickly but now it seems likely that we have lost them both. I will notify the garrison of his disappearance but im afraid we have lost enough time as it is without having to track him down."

"Leads concerning the werewolf. Perhaps, but we were hoping our werewolf slaying initiated would be able to assist on that front.  Tell us, what happened to you after we parted ways last night?"

Owain gazes curiously at the young woman standing with Kar.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:52, Thu 27 May 2010.
GM, 281 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 04:13
  • msg #92

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I learned how to beat the werewolf," Kar said. "And I met Sarah."

Sarah smiled at this, but as she noted Owain looking at her, she averted her eyes demurely.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:25, Thu 27 May 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 60 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 04:48
  • msg #93

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The knight grimaces at the terse reply, obviously having wanted more of an explanation of Handar's doings.

"Secrets so soon. We are not completely unaware of the situation, Olven and I. You are not under my authority and men are free to keep what secrets they will, so I will not press the issue. I hope my concerns prove to be unfounded and that your secret does not put us at odds. I will be less forgiving later than if I were trusted now."

Owain talks in his much practiced authoritative tone, as if coaxing a confession out of a drunken soldier. He waits intently on Kar's reply with his arms crossed against his chest, as if expecting the monk to come clean.
GM, 282 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 05:15
  • msg #94

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell,” Kar said, winked, and slapped Owain on the arm in a spirit of camaraderie. And Sarah blushed.

“We won’t find the werewolf during the day,” Kar continued. “We might as well prepare for our trip while you tell me of these leads.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 61 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 05:38
  • msg #95

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain's eyes widen with surprise as he is so casually manhandled by Kar but then soften. A sheepish grin grows as the tension melts visibly from the knights face.

"Too right, a gentleman certainly does not." replies Owain with a teasing wink at the blushing maiden.

"Well then... I suppose preparations need to be made. I still want to speak with the temple expert on these elemental beasts encountered at the lycaeum. Perhaps you can use your new temple connections to assist this goal, Kar. Transportation arrangements need to be made which is no longer in the hands of our wayward merchant. Standard exploration gear needs to be acquired.  Anything else anyone wishes to add or do?"
GM, 283 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 16:06
  • msg #96

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Since we don't know how much steel we’ll be able to bring back to the king,” Tarhall said. “It might be a good idea to bring extra horses or a wagon or something.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 62 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 16:17
  • msg #97

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I had the same thought, a wagon. Some practical items like rope, crowbars, shovels, chests, lighting, food and the like. I will draw up a list of such details common to military logistics. My concern is mainly to procure items that will assist us with less conventional issues that we may encounter in a magical locale."

Owain looks around for another priest and flags him down.
GM, 284 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 16:28
  • msg #98

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

A Dwarven priest approached.
Owain uth Urien
player, 63 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 19:26
  • msg #99

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain greets the priest with a smile and says, "We were told that your temple has experts on spirit and elemental beings. We would like to arrange a meeting with these individuals."
GM, 285 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 19:57
  • msg #100

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We have masters in both fields," the cleric said. "But much effort must be expended in rebuilding the city and caring for those in need. The Temple of Reorx is one of the few temples that have been rebuilt in the city and an unusually large burden is placed at our door.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 64 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 20:46
  • msg #101

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain nods with understanding. "The burden you speak of is why we are here. We are tasked by the king to assist in the rebuilding and relief of the city by delving where no other dares. We seek to bring back the riches of the Lycaeum. I'm sure the king will be most generous with the temple when we are successful in appreciation of the its involvement. A small time investment is all we require of you."
GM, 286 posts
Thu 27 May 2010
at 21:45
  • msg #102

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"And for that time and our wisdom," the cleric said. "We require a suitable donation, in advance."
Owain uth Urien
player, 65 posts
Fri 28 May 2010
at 03:03
  • msg #103

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain produces a pair of steel dragons from his belt, one for each of the experts involved and awaits a reaction from the priest.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:03, Fri 28 May 2010.
GM, 287 posts
Fri 28 May 2010
at 14:09
  • msg #104

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The cleric accepted the donation and led the heroes through the temple. He spoke with another dwarf, seated behind a desk. The other dwarf looked through some sort of book and gave the first dwarf the name of Gwen Avondale.

Their guide nodded and they continued on their way. Ten or fifteen yards later, he knocked on a door and opened it without waiting for a reply. And announced that she had visitors.

And then he showed the heroes in.
Olven Wolf
player, 126 posts
Sat 29 May 2010
at 08:19
  • msg #105

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf quietly follows the connversation between Kar, Owain, and Tarhall, not deeming it necessary to contribute anything that had not already been said.  That Kar had met a young woman, apparently fallen for her, and brought her along on this journey might seem unusual to other men, but Olven accepted the events without comment.

To Sarah, Olven says, "I take it you're a priest here.  I'm sure your expertise will come in handy on our journey to the Lyceum." The statement Is not a question at all, merely an observation of facts.
GM, 288 posts
Sat 29 May 2010
at 08:53
  • msg #106

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Sarah smiled at Olven. "I am not a priestess," she said. "Only one of their beneficiaries. But I hope I’ll be of some use on this journey nevertheless.”
Owain uth Urien
player, 66 posts
Sat 29 May 2010
at 23:08
  • msg #107

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain enters and takes a look around.
Olven Wolf
player, 127 posts
Mon 31 May 2010
at 04:52
  • msg #108

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven enters behind Owain and examines the room.  "Mistress Avondale?" he asks.
GM, 289 posts
Mon 31 May 2010
at 06:53
  • msg #109

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Inside a human female in her sixties sat behind a large desk. She had an open book before her and couple of others stacked on the desk. The side walls were decorated with bookshelves filled with books. The wall behind her was to a large part covered by a window. The floor and ceiling were rough hewn stone, as was the walls around the door and the window.

The room was illuminated by sunlight from the window, and what appeared to be magically enchanted rocks on each side of the door and one fastened in a candlestick on the table.

The heroes entered the gray haired female’s office, who after finishing what she was doing placed a bookmark in the book and closed it.

“What can I help you with,” she asked and looked at them.
Owain uth Urien
player, 67 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2010
at 14:43
  • msg #110

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Information. My name is Sir Owain, and these are my traveling companions Olven, Tarhall, Kar and Sarah." says Owain as he politely makes introductions.

"We are embarking on a journey soon, and it is likely for us to encounter both spirits and elemental beings where we are going. We would like to know how to ward off or destroy such creatures if they do not see fit to leave us alone in return."
GM, 290 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2010
at 18:23
  • msg #111

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I see," Gwen said. "Different kinds of spirits are dealt with differently. Which kind of spirits will you be facing?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:23, Wed 02 June 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 68 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 00:32
  • msg #112

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain tries to recall what he had spoken with the king about for a moment then replies, "The only words used to describe them were ghost and spectral beings. Other than that I cannot say. Mention was made of fighting water elementals as well."
GM, 291 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 06:37
  • msg #113

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“Unless you can become insubstantial or travel to the Ethereal Plane, ghosts are only affected by magic. All magic has some chance of affecting them, but ghost touch weapons treat them as substantial. Some clerics can also force them away with their faith.”

“In regards to spectral minions, they are affected by magic in the same way ghosts are, but traveling to the Ethereal Plane or relying on your faith will not help you.”

“In regards to elementals, I am not the expert with which you need to speak.”
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:15, Thu 03 June 2010.
Olven Wolf
player, 128 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 17:09
  • msg #114

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Who should we talk to, then?" Olven Wolf is no old hand at dealing with ancestral spirits or beings from other planes.  He knows combat against flesh and blood, be they human, orc, or goblin, but he has always left the supernatural creatures to those who know what they're doing.  Well, undoubtedly the wizard and the monk know something about fighting unearthly beings.
GM, 292 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 20:27
  • msg #115

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The answer to that question requires a suitable donation," the cleric said. "Unless you've made arrangements with whoever brought you here to take you further."
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:29, Thu 03 June 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 69 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2010
at 01:40
  • msg #116

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We have made other arrangements to see the expert on elemental beings. However, I am not content to venture among the spirits without a means to defend myself. Is there no other method with which to deal with them? something more mundane? if not then is there a means to ward them away? a talisman perhaps?"
GM, 293 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2010
at 02:28
  • msg #117

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“Unfortunately not,” Gwen said. “There are no mundane solutions, except perhaps helping a Spectral Minion to fulfill its duty, whatever that is. Spirits have the same problems attacking the living with weapons and magic though. But ghosts have a variety of inborn abilities, if we can call them that, that grants them other ways to attack.”

“There are magical items that can be used, but most require that you can use magic. The only one that I can think of that doesn’t would turn you insubstantial too. But we do not have any of these in storage and they would take months to finish. As well as a sizeable donation for us to part with them.”
Olven Wolf
player, 129 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2010
at 02:44
  • msg #118

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I imagine so," Olven says, folding his arms.  "If such an item were available, wold you not be willing to loan it to the king's treasury?  We partake this mission not for our own pockets, but on behest of the king himself." Except, apparently, Handar, Olven thinks wryly.  The mission had seemed so straightforward, but Owain has already laid out a good deal of his own gold.  Olven hopes that the king will reimburse the knight.
GM, 294 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2010
at 07:39
  • msg #119

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"First of all," Gwen said. "Such an item is not available at this point. And second of all. When such items are used, there is always risk of damage and loss. Which is why we require donations in advance."
Owain uth Urien
player, 70 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2010
at 01:12
  • msg #120

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Very well. I suppose there is nothing to be done then. We will consult the expert on elemental beings then. Thank you for your time." says Owain to Gwen, then turns towards the exit.
Olven Wolf
player, 130 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2010
at 11:48
  • msg #121

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Yes, thank you," Olven says, not impolitely.  Once they're in the corridor, however, he quietly says, "Well, she wasn't much help.  Let's see what the elemental specialist says."
GM, 295 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2010
at 17:48
  • msg #122

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The priest that had guided the heroes there was waiting outside and quickly led them on down various corridors and stairs, passing many doors, until they came to the one he wanted.

He knocked, stepped inside for a few moments, and then opened the door to the heroes, introducing them to Tolem Ironmill, another dwarven cleric.

His office looked very much like the one they had just left, though his desk was lower, the books were different, and a number of plants filled a not insignificant portion of the room.
Owain uth Urien
player, 71 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2010
at 03:32
  • msg #123

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain introduces everyone and cuts straight to the chase. "I'm looking for answers in regards to elemental beings and their destruction. I hope the information you can give me is more useful than I have been receiving thusfar from this temple."
GM, 296 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2010
at 22:46
  • msg #124

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"What kind of elemental beings," Tolem asked.
Owain uth Urien
player, 72 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2010
at 04:20
  • msg #125

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The only beings specifically mentioned to me were of the water variety. However, I do not ignore the possibility that others might be found where we are going. Do such creatures have any vulnerabilites that can be countered by blade?"
GM, 297 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2010
at 16:35
  • msg #126

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

”Unfortunately only fire elementals have a specific weakness, though that is  against the cold,” the cleric said. “The others have no such vulnerability. And even worse, poison and paralyzing effects do nothing against them. And fire elementals are immune to fire damage too.”

“None of them eat, sleep, or breathe, so that doesn’t help you either. But at least none of them have any specific immunities against steel either. So your sword should be able to carve them to pieces just as easily as any human with similar durability.”

"Well almost. They don't have any vitals or other weak spots either."
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:37, Wed 16 June 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 73 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2010
at 17:47
  • msg #127

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain nods thoughtfully, then asks another question. "Specifically water elementals were mentioned. I cannot think of how they may be a danger, short of drowning us which seems unlikely. Can you give me a clue as to what danger they can pose?".
GM, 298 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2010
at 18:51
  • msg #128

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

“They extinguish all nonmagical fires automatically and may extinguish magical fires too,” the dwarf said. “In water they can transform to a whirlpool and it may suck you in.”

“I almost forgot. They are more powerful in water than they are than anywhere else. So try to fight them away from water.”
Olven Wolf
player, 131 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2010
at 03:39
  • msg #129

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"But steel works on them?" Olven asks, his brow furrowed.  Cutting water with a blade doesn't seem like it would be effective, but the mercenary takes heart by this news.  Frankly, Olven isn't looking forward to fighting a creature that can drown a bloke.  "What does it look like when it's dead?"
GM, 299 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2010
at 16:20
  • msg #130

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"It does," the cleric said. "I think it has something to do with the fact that it is sentient elemental water rather than normal water. And as that sentience leaves it at death, it falls apart and only elemental water remains."

"I have a vial over here," The dwarf opened a glass door in one of the bookshelves and among the knick knacks he picked up a vial of water, though more sparkly than water had any right to be.

“This is what elemental water looks like. This is what a dead water elemental looks like. Though there’s usually more of them. And if you happen to run into any elemental water on your trip, I might be willing to get it off your hands.”
GM, 300 posts
Tue 22 Jun 2010
at 15:25
  • msg #131

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Do we have all our answers," Kar asked.
Olven Wolf
player, 132 posts
Wed 23 Jun 2010
at 17:24
  • msg #132

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven looks politely at the vial the priest holds forward, and files away the information that she could use dead elementals for the future.

In response to Kar, Olven says, "I suppose so," and looks at Owain.  "I guess there's nothing else but to get ready for our trip, eh?"
Owain uth Urien
player, 74 posts
Thu 24 Jun 2010
at 20:54
  • msg #133

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain nods reluctantly. "Yes, I suppose we have all the answers we are likely to get. That indeed leaves us to the travel arrangements. Shall we share a meal and discuss what exactly we might need?"

OOC: I think it is all mostly little odds and ends that we shouldnt need to roleplay the acquiring of in order to save time, with exception to maybe the transportation. I think we need some mounts and at least one wagon. What do you guys think?
Olven Wolf
player, 133 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2010
at 03:23
  • msg #134

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Sounds good to me," Olven Wolf says, scratching his ear.  "Thank you for your help, ma'am," he says politely to the priest.  "Let's go, guys," he says to the rest of the group, and turns to leave.
GM, 315 posts
Fri 2 Jul 2010
at 05:48
  • msg #135

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The heroes left the temple and having spoken about horses and a wagon, it was almost as if by destiny that one of the first things they saw was a man driving a wagon hitched to two horses and leading an additional four riding horses behind.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 11 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Fri 2 Jul 2010
at 06:12
  • msg #136

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Perhaps he had been more faithful than he realized. Not only was the temple a magnificent sight, but as it came into view so did the man he was seeking. It seemed the gods were making this easy for him, which made him nervous. His mother was fond of reminding him that 'just as it's always darkest afore the dawn, it's usually brightest afore the dusk'. Though why anyone would be fond of that, he didn't understand. Still, his objective was in sight and therefore it appeared brightest and therefore dusk was sure to come.
Attempting to guid the wagon in the direction of the man he sought, D'aden called out, "Sir Owain? Have I found you, good knight?"
GM, 317 posts
Tue 6 Jul 2010
at 20:06
  • msg #137

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Who's asking," Kar asked.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 12 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Wed 7 Jul 2010
at 00:24
  • msg #138

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

After a look of puzzlement crosses his features, the man with the horses replies, "I am D'aden, but you won't know me. I bear a message from the merchant Handar."
Rather than attempt to guide the wagon closer to the group, D'aden stops its progress and starts to get out. Only after he has stood does he think better of it and, glancing somewhat nervously at the team hitched to the wagon, sit down to await the knight's presence.
Olven Wolf
player, 138 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2010
at 18:17
  • msg #139

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Handar?  That rascal?" The man on the cart has Olven Wolf's full attention now, and he steps forward to meet the man.  "The merchant is a thief.  He absconded with something the king gave us, a letter saying we act in His name.  Or do you bring new information?" The mercenary crosses his arms, awaiting a response.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 13 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 8 Jul 2010
at 00:40
  • msg #140

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Scoundrel? Handar has never absconded with anything of value that I was aware of. Of course, I've never really had anything of value."
"He asked that I pick up and deliver this wagon, and these horses, and the gear in it to Sir Owain uth Urien, along with a personal message that I have in my pack. He seemed to think it was important, so I hurried. I could look for Handar, if you like. But I think he's better at covering his tracks than I would be at locating them."

Owain uth Urien
player, 76 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2010
at 22:12
  • msg #141

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain steps forward and places a calming hand on Olven's shoulder. "Lets not jump to conclusions about Handar. Our suspicions are our own, but really we know very little about what happened with our merchant."

The knight extends a friendly hand to the new man. "I am Sir Owain. Any news concerning Handar and the fate of our lost document would ease our minds greatly."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 14 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Fri 9 Jul 2010
at 23:39
  • msg #142

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden removes a scroll case from his pack and presents it to Sir Owain. "To be quite honest, I'm anxious to know exactly what message he did send. Despite my curiosity, I haven't examined the document closely."
"He said something about needing to be alone with his thoughts, and sent me to gather these animals and equipment for you. To be honest, it was a welcome break. I find myself able to do little more than carry stone to help in rebuilding the city; I found the task somewhat lacking in excitement."

Olven Wolf
player, 139 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2010
at 01:29
  • msg #143

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven grunts.  "If you say so, Sir Owain," he says.  Turning to D'aden, he says, "So are you coming with us to the Lyceum?" He eyes D'aden's getup.  "Well, let's get a move on, eh?" His pack over his shoulder, Olven looks to the knight for confirmation.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 15 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 10 Jul 2010
at 03:58
  • msg #144

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As he opens the scroll case, and removes the documents to place them in hand to Sir Owain, D'aden says, "The Lyceum? I'm not as familiar with the city as I should be; I can't seem to place that location. It may be that's what Handar had in mind. I told him I was becoming morose, and I find travelling to places I've not been extremely cheering."
"In any event, I've promised the horse trader to see that he has due compensation for his gear; and, frankly, I am aching to know what message he sent the good knight, unless it's none of my business."

This message was last edited by the player at 14:12, Sat 10 July 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 77 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2010
at 17:23
  • msg #145

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain smiles at D'aden as he accepts the document. "If it is excitement and travel you seek, then you have found yourself in the right company. I hope you still feel as fortunate to have found us after our arrival."

The knight's words trail off slowly as he unrolls the document and loses himself quietly in the reading.
GM, 318 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2010
at 17:39
  • msg #146

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain read the two documents.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:40, Sat 10 July 2010.
Owain uth Urien
player, 78 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2010
at 18:51
  • msg #147

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Owain finishes his reading then passes one document off to Olven and holds on to the other. "There is little here to enlighten us to Handar's fate unfortunately. At the least our suspicions of foul play on his part have been removed."

Owain holds up the other rolled up document for emphasis. "The king's letter is back in our possession."
Olven Wolf
player, 140 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2010
at 05:38
  • msg #148

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf raises an eyebrow in surprise.  "Oh?  Then perhaps Handar isn't the scoundrel I took him for.  All's better, then."

Then, turning to D'aden, Olven says, "The Lyceum is a couple of days' journey outside of the city, a place of former learning that may hold wealth that can help rebuild Kalaman."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 16 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 17 Jul 2010
at 17:14
  • msg #149

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden nods his head, "I thought as much, when the letter was mentioned. Handar made sure I knew it was important."
"If it be the king's business, then I am at your service. It's certain to be more exciting than carrying stone for building."

GM, 319 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2010
at 17:31
  • msg #150

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As everyone got acquainted with D’aden, the girl Kar had brought with him looked at the sky.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 17 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Tue 20 Jul 2010
at 06:11
  • msg #151

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"If this place is as distant as it seems, I may be able to assist. I've spent quite a bit of time travelling."
Olven Wolf
player, 141 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2010
at 17:56
  • msg #152

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Excellent," Olven says, nodding.  "Sir Owain is the only of us who is mounted, and we had discussed acquiring a wagon.  Your assistance will be greatly helpful.".

With his pack on his back, his gear and weapons, Olven looks like he's about to embark on a long march.  "The Lyceum is a few days' journey from here, but there should be opportunities to rest along the way and reprovision." He looks at his comrades.  "Well?  Does anyone need anything else before we leave?"
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 19 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 22 Jul 2010
at 05:39
  • msg #153

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As everyone got acquainted with D’aden, the girl Kar had brought with him looked at the sky.

After noting the female's curious glance at the sky, D'aden wonders about the weather and takes his own glance skywards.
GM, 325 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2010
at 14:36
  • msg #154

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I need to pick up my things," Sarah, the female traveling with Kar, said. "But if you pick up the food and the other things we need, I'll catch up with you when I'm done."

[OOC: I'm just making a point. I'm not infering that we need to do the shopping IC.]
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 20 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Fri 23 Jul 2010
at 00:47
  • msg #155

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden mucks about with his backpack and pulls out a light cloak. Then with a grin, says, "I've enough with me to travel a week or so on my own. I'll be happy to share, but I daresay the tent would be awfully crowded."
Olven Wolf
player, 147 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2010
at 05:50
  • msg #156

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

In spite of himself, Olven Wolf grins.  "Thanks for your hospitality," he says, laughing.  "We should find out if this Lyceum has a water source close by.  But as you say, we'll surely find streams or rivers where we can refill our wineskins." He grunts.  "Pity we won't have actual wine."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 21 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 24 Jul 2010
at 04:36
  • msg #157

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"If we had a few barrels, we could gather the water as we move. It wouldn't take much to rig something to catch the rain."
Olven Wolf
player, 151 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2010
at 22:43
  • msg #158

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven nods his head.  "Excellent idea, D'aden," he says, grinning. "Would that we could rig a moving line to catch fish or rabbits for our dinner, as well." Olven sees about procuring supplies for the group, including some personal items.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 22 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 31 Jul 2010
at 02:00
  • msg #159

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I did think to hunt on the way. Is haste so necessary that I should forego my most favored meals?"
D'aden appears pensive, apparently, he truly enjoys catching what he eats. "I'm afraid I have neither provisions, nor means to acquire them, otherwise."
Olven Wolf
player, 152 posts
Sat 31 Jul 2010
at 05:14
  • msg #160

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf frowns and looks concerned.  "I like to live off the land if I can, too, D'aden, but you should always plan for bad days.  At least take enough rations that you'll have one meal a day if the hunting is scarce.  I'm sure we can spare some provisions for you.  But if we get trapped in the Lyceum, you'll need food."  He grimaces. "I wouldn't want to have to resort to eating what we can find in that place."
GM, 334 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2010
at 04:47
  • msg #161

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As the heroes were talking, they noted the mayor of the Vingaard ward, a one handed Qualinesti elf, riding towards them with his personal guard.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:35, Tue 10 Aug 2010.
Olven Wolf
player, 153 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2010
at 05:31
  • msg #162

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf breaks off his talk with the others and strides forward to meet the mayor and his personal retinue.  "Good day, gentlemen," he says in a friendly manner.  "And how are you, your mayorship?"
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 23 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 7 Aug 2010
at 05:37
  • msg #163

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden greeted the mayor in accordance to Qualinesti traditions.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:02, Sat 07 Aug 2010.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 2 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2010
at 16:45
  • msg #164

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Jarlianthas stops his horse and dismounts.  "Ah a good day to you as well gentlemen.  But please call me Jarlianthas or just Jarl, I am not one to hunger for the glory of titles."

A small smile play across his lips.  He nods to D'aden.

"To meet one known to the customs of my people, it is an honor to meet you.  Well the rebuilding efforts seem to be taking longer than planned, but these things happen.  How do you fare?  May I be of service?"
Olven Wolf
player, 155 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2010
at 20:08
  • msg #165

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf looks at the others, and then at the Ward Master.  "I don't believe so, sir," he answers.  "The king has entrusted us with a mission for the good of Kalaman, and we're preparing for our journey."

He inventories everything on the cart.  "Horses, food, light sources, supplies.  I think that's about everything."
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 5 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2010
at 22:48
  • msg #166

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Ah goodness,a mission from the King himself... I do believe I have found the right group of travellers then."

Jarl smiles broadly.

"In that case, I should introduce myself as your fellow adventurer.  It seems you need some assistance afterall."

Chuckling to himself, Jarl takes a closer peak at the inventory on the cart.  Nodding at the cart, "I do suppose everything is in order.  Are we ready to depart?"
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 25 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sun 8 Aug 2010
at 04:15
  • msg #167

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"To be frank, I don't know. My normal mode of travel does not have the alacrity that the others here have expressed a desire for."
GM, 339 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2010
at 18:05
  • msg #168

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We have already purchased the suggested amount of food for the trip," Tarhall said. "I for one am eager to see what the Lyceum has to offer."
Olven Wolf
player, 156 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2010
at 18:40
  • msg #169

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven nods his head.  "As am I," he says.  "Shall we get this show on the road?"
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 7 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2010
at 20:02
  • msg #170

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

With practiced ease, the Ward Master grasps his horse's mane with the good hand and steps up into the saddle.

"Very good.  Let us be off then, tally ho."
GM, 346 posts
Tue 10 Aug 2010
at 14:28
  • msg #171

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The heroes headed south and were ferried over the Vingaard, as no bridge crossed the river. A total of eight individuals. Five of them called by the king, one replacing another, and two accompanying others.

And though Sir Owain had the same social standing as Ward Master Erethriel, he rode unacompanied by servant or squire.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:42, Tue 10 Aug 2010.
GM, 347 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2010
at 12:42
  • msg #172

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Having crossed the river, the heroes started moving east towards the Lyceum.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 26 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Tue 17 Aug 2010
at 05:31
  • msg #173

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden looks, somewhat longingly, at the river, then attempts to get the ferry's handlers to tell him what kind of fish they catch from it. Even after they cross, he sends wistful glances back at the water until it is out of sight.
Olven Wolf
player, 157 posts
Tue 17 Aug 2010
at 15:05
  • msg #174

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven notices the other man's wistfulness.  Laughing, he says, "Cheer up, D'aden.  Perhaps you'll have a better opportunity for fishing when we stop this evening."

As they travel, Olven keeps his crossbow at the ready, just in case.  He constantly surveys the road, expecting bandits or worse to waylay the expedition.
GM, 348 posts
Sat 21 Aug 2010
at 07:15
  • msg #175

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The heroes traveled the rest of the day without incident. The two moons of Krynn had risen in the night sky. The white Solinari that was halfway between first quarter and full and the red Lunitari that was on its first night as a full moon.

As they were about to make camp, they noticed, some distance to the south, an approaching giant, about 20' tall, clearly coming their way.

[Moonlight gives -5 vision modifier]
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 27 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 21 Aug 2010
at 22:19
  • msg #176

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Have any of you ever met a giant, before? I would imagine they could tell fascinating stories. At the least, they would have a different perspective."
In as close to a surreptitious fashion as possible, D'aden insures that both his bow, and his mandolin, are near to hand.
GM, 349 posts
Sat 28 Aug 2010
at 16:17
  • msg #177

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I have not," Tarhall said. And neither Kar or Sarah had either.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 11 posts
Sat 28 Aug 2010
at 17:59
  • msg #178

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Nor have I, he is clearly a traveller.  Perhaps we should go introduce ourselves."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 28 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 28 Aug 2010
at 23:51
  • msg #179

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden continues the business of making camp. "Perhaps it would be more prudent to light a fire, I'm not sure the gods would welcome us home if we met death under the heels of a giant that failed to notice us."
Olven Wolf
player, 158 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2010
at 15:57
  • msg #180

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Somehow, I doubt he's going to be the friendly type," Olven Wolf says, as he takes out his axe and straps on his shield.  "Building a fire sounds like an excellent idea, if we have time."

OOC:  Ready axe and shield.
GM, 350 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2010
at 18:19
  • msg #181

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The giant continued to come closer, traveling faster than the heroes had done during the day. He was armed with a morning star, sized to fit a creature about twice his own size, but it was still hanging from his belt.

As the heroes discussed this, Olven readied his axe and shield. Sarah and Kar stepped a little to the side and she readied a short staff. And Tarhall seemed to be ready to cast a spell at any moment.

As the heroes moved, the giant noticed them.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 12 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2010
at 18:33
  • msg #182

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Greetings, traveller!"  Jarlianthas yells, as the giant notices the party.  "You must have come on a long journey, would you care to share our fire?"

As a precautionary measure he also prepares a spell.
GM, 351 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2010
at 18:54
  • msg #183

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Wouldn't mind if I do," the giant replied. His voice carrying further that Jarl's yell had. As he continued to come closer, the ground started to shake with each of his steps. But as he noticed it, his steps gentled and the shaking stopped.

He was about four times taller than the heroes and the rest of him of the same proportions. He was dressed much like the average farmer, though with more patches.

As he sat down as close as he dared to the fire, without sitting on the heroes or taking up too much space close to the fire for their needs, he wiped some snot from his nose with the edge of his sleeve.

[OOC: Lets assume that you've got a fire going then. Perhaps D'aden started it.]
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 13 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2010
at 19:13
  • msg #184

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Where are you going, friend?  If you don't mind my asking, why do you travel this way?"
GM, 352 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2010
at 20:19
  • msg #185

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I'm here to catch fish," the giant said pointing towards the water. "What about yourselves?"
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 29 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 2 Sep 2010
at 00:48
  • msg #186

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

His face downcast, D'aden speaks to the large creature, "We're travelling, parallel to the river, because I'm fond of catching fish."
"But if the fish are large enough to give you sport, I fear my poor line will be inadequate to the task."

Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 14 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2010
at 02:36
  • msg #187

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Indeed, your kind must need many fish to fill your bellies."
GM, 353 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2010
at 07:53
  • msg #188

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"As you say, the fish I'm looking for is larger than the fish most humans look for." the giant said and with his hands he showed that the fish he was looking for was about three feet long.

“It has been a bad year for us. Several bad years really. Since the war began. Our wealth is spent. Our stockpiles gone. And I’m not sure we will have enough for all of us to survive the winter.” The giant sighed deeply.
Olven Wolf
player, 159 posts
Sat 4 Sep 2010
at 02:19
  • msg #189

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf relaxes a bit when the giant seems friendly.  Taking a seat and laying his axe nearby, he sympathetically nods his head.  "The war has been difficult for all of us," he says.  "I'm sorry to hear of your people's suffering, too.  We're seeking out resources for Kalaman to aid in its rebuilding efforts.  Perhaps we could do something to help your folk, as well."
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 15 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2010
at 23:22
  • msg #190

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Surely our peoples can all benefit from assisting one another."
GM, 354 posts
Tue 7 Sep 2010
at 06:33
  • msg #191

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Is there much work in Kalaman then," the giant asked.
GM, 355 posts
Tue 7 Sep 2010
at 06:34
  • msg #192

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Is there much work in Kalaman then," the giant asked.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:57, Tue 07 Sept 2010.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 16 posts
Tue 7 Sep 2010
at 06:58
  • msg #193

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Certainly, there is much to be done and strong hands like yours would be most welcome.  Tell the gatekeepers that you met Ward Master Erethriel on the road and are seeking work.  If you have any trouble you may have my letter of introduction.  I can't guarantee appropriate size accomadations; however, since no giants currently live in Kalaman."

Jarlianthas take a piece of parchment and quill out of his travel bag and writes a letter to whom it may concern introducing the giant as an appointed laborer in the Vingaard Ward and to be paid the standard rate.
GM, 356 posts
Tue 7 Sep 2010
at 13:48
  • msg #194

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"That is wonderful," the giant said and a small tear trailed down his cheek as he put the letter of introduction into one of his pockets. "I'll check this out as soon as I've brought the fish back to my family."
Olven Wolf
player, 160 posts
Sun 12 Sep 2010
at 11:23
  • msg #195

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf allows himself a small smile.  And here he thought this encounter would devolve into a needless bloodbath.

"Sounds like a win-win situation all around,"
he says.  He continues to watch the giant, however.  Something seems a little strange here.
GM, 360 posts
Thu 16 Sep 2010
at 22:26
  • msg #196

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

With time the heroes and the giant went to sleep, having eaten and taken cared of the horses.

[OOC: If there's anything you want to do during the night, please let me know in private.]
Olven Wolf
player, 162 posts
Fri 17 Sep 2010
at 17:42
  • msg #197

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven beds down comfortably for the night, on the far side of the camp from the giant.  He has agreed to wake before dawn for the last watch of the night, and in the meantime, he sleeps.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 32 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 23 Sep 2010
at 06:06
  • msg #198

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As the sun began to crest the horizon, D'aden felt it was time to wake the others. After a drink of water to clear his dry throat, he pulled his mandolin from it's place in his pack. In his mind, there was nothing like a brisk tune to start the day.
After a few chords, he began to sing,
"He was a poor boy, raised in a small family
He kinda had a craving for somethin' no one else could see
They said that he was crazy,
In a way that no man should be
He ran out to the city and wandered around in the street
He wants to fly,
He wants some wings,
He wants to see the lightning flash and listen to the thunder ring

He met on a corner
Like it was some new kind of man
He watched him talking, and waving round a crystal wand
They went back to a tower,and practiced for days without rest
And then one day he felt it,
He knew he could stand with the best

He got respect,
Almost like a king,
And it's a certain kind of fool
That likes to hear the sound of his own name

A posting on a storefront, the image of a wanted man
He got a reputation for spreading fire through the land
It wasn't for the power, at least it didn't start that way
It wasn't for the runnin' , but now he's runnin' everyday"

Anyone that wasn't woke by his song would have been a heavy sleeper indeed.
GM, 367 posts
Fri 24 Sep 2010
at 10:23
  • msg #199

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

15 Reapember 353 AC
The heroes awoke to a new day, though both Sarah and Kar were already awake and ready, despite the fact that neither of them had had the last watch. Kar's wide brimmed hat hid his face about as well as a wizard hiding in the hood of his robe.

The heroes had breakfast and got ready for the trip.

[OOC: If there's anything else you want to do before the group leaves, please post it. And please post something in any case.]
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 33 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 25 Sep 2010
at 03:28
  • msg #200

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

While they ready to rejoin the road, D'aden will approach each of his fellow travelers separately. The inquire are all the same, but he endeavors to insure that none have to respond before another member of the group. He has learned, the hard way, that likes and dislikes in regard to music can be as divisive as money.
Therefore, each one is approached and asked, "I wasn't thinking this morning, and realize that some may have found my singing to be disturbing. Please let me know if I've offended you, that I may apologize and endeavor to avoid repeating my error."
Olven Wolf
player, 163 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2010
at 07:33
  • msg #201

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything," Olven Wolf says seriously, trying to keep a straight face.  "But your singing was positively repulsi-hahahaha!"  The mercenary can no longer keep up the charade and bursts into laughter.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, he grins and says, "Lovely song, sir.  I just trust you don't take to singing at three in the morning."

If Olven is bothered by Kar and Sara, he doesn't say anything, and he proceeds to pack up his gear for the day's travels.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 20 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2010
at 08:13
  • msg #202

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Jarl chuckles lightly.  "Indeed, well played young man... do remind me to add a bonus to your pay." With a smile and a chuckle, it's difficult to tell if the elf is jesting or not.
GM, 368 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2010
at 09:24
  • msg #203

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The giant woke up from the singing too, he didn't mind it either, and he ate his breakfast.

"Thank you for the information about Kalaman," he said as he waded out into the sea and dove under the surface. After some time he returned to the surface and threw the fish to land and dove again.

The three feet long fish landed near the heroes and it had no chance getting back to the water on its own.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 34 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sun 26 Sep 2010
at 04:19
  • msg #204

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden gapes at the fish, and shaking his head with a moan, avoids seeing it again.
"Perhaps it's fortunate that I was looking forward to fishing, I can't imagine what would have shown up if I had wanted to hunt."
Everything else is getting packed, but his mandolin stays out. Apparently he intends to practice his picking on the trail.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 21 posts
Sun 26 Sep 2010
at 06:09
  • msg #205

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

With the help of his assistant, Jarlianthas packed up his belongings and prepared for the remainder of the journey.  A good start, he thought to himself, a very good start.
GM, 369 posts
Tue 28 Sep 2010
at 20:17
  • msg #206

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I have a couple of things to do before I leave," Kar said. "So we'll catch up with down the road."
Olven Wolf
player, 164 posts
Wed 29 Sep 2010
at 15:51
  • msg #207

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Shrugging his shoulders, Olven Wolf says, "Sounds okay to me.  We won't be too far down the road."  The mercenary makes sure his gear is stowed on the wagon, then climbs up, ready to begin the day's travels.
GM, 370 posts
Wed 29 Sep 2010
at 16:46
  • msg #208

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I'll need you to go far enough to be out of sight," Kar said. "Otherwise I'll just wait until you do. This needs to be done in privacy."

Kar's hat shielded his face and he did not make eye contact with Olven or any of the others, though he was facing Olven.

Though there were a few hills in the area, it was mostly flat and doing as Kar wanted would take the rest of the team quite some distance away.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 35 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 30 Sep 2010
at 04:53
  • msg #209

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden calmly waits for everyone to start, offering only one comment, "Perhaps the best thing for us to do would be to go far enough that we're out of sight and then await you re-joining. I've been toying with the idea of riding ahead, a little, to scout. We really should have seen the giant coming. He's much too tall to miss, wouldn't you say?"
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 22 posts
Thu 30 Sep 2010
at 06:01
  • msg #210

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I agree, scouting ahead isn't a bad idea.  By the way please don't dawdle too long, Kar."

After double-checking that everything is packed securly, Jarlianthas begins the day's travels.
GM, 371 posts
Fri 1 Oct 2010
at 07:28
  • msg #211

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As Kar and Sarah waited at the camp, the rest of the heroes rode out. And waited about a mile or so away. About half an hour later, the duo caught up with them.

[OOC: Is someone scouting? Am I misremembering or is D'aden still driving the wagon?]
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 36 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 2 Oct 2010
at 05:35
  • msg #212

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"When I traveled with the gypsies, and I still don't know what that means, they would have their younger boys run ahead of the wagons to scout for trouble. After the boy ran enough to be tired, they would wait until they could see the wagons and wave to them. When they saw the boy waving on the road, ahead, they would send another boy to run down the road until he was tired."
"We could use a similar method, send one rider to scout an hour or so ahead, then when we catch up to the rider, send another. That way we won't do in the horses, and shouldn't be surprised by any more giants."

Olven Wolf
player, 166 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2010
at 09:09
  • msg #213

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I'd be happy to serve as a scout," Olven Wolf offers, inclining his head.  He looks off in the distance, and then back at his companions.  "We wouldn't want our scout to overextend himself, however.  Your plan sounds like a good one, D'daden."

Seeing Kar and Sara return, he gives them a smile.  "Welcome.  The two of you made good time.  Now, let's press on.  I'm eager to reach the Lyceum."
Olven Wolf
player, 168 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2010
at 10:43
  • msg #214

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Around lunchtime, Olven returns from scouting to report what he's seen.  "There's a village up ahead," he tells the others.  "I'm guessing it's the same village that's near the Lyceum.  We're almost there."
GM, 374 posts
Fri 8 Oct 2010
at 10:17
  • msg #215

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The heroes continued forward and soon arrived at the village. Most buildings were on the left, or ocean, side of the road. Though some buildings were on the hill side to the right too. And straight ahead, on the other side of town, and on top of a hill (not quite as high as the one to the right) was a tower.

The third and last hill in the village was on the far side, but to the left. All hills were covered by trees. There were some fields in the village too, as well as gardens near almost every building.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 23 posts
Sun 10 Oct 2010
at 01:33
  • msg #216

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Excellent, we have made better time than I expected."  The ward master offered as the group continued it's trek toward the Lyceum.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 37 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sun 10 Oct 2010
at 05:23
  • msg #217

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"It probably wouldn't hurt if someone stopped in yonder village. Both the tenor of the townsfolk, and their tales, could give us information about the local area we might be able to use. Besides, if we discover that the villagers will barter for provender we might be able to spend more time investigating."
Although he offers the suggestion, nothing in his driving of the wagon indicates he is choosing any course other than that set by the others in the group.
Olven Wolf
player, 169 posts
Mon 11 Oct 2010
at 09:42
  • msg #218

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Nodding his head, Olven Wolf says, "Excellent suggestion, D'daden.  We could use some refreshment after our ride, as well.  Should we stop over in the village for the night, or press on to the Lyceum?  Either way, let's stop and see what tales we can catch."
GM, 375 posts
Mon 11 Oct 2010
at 11:39
  • msg #219

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The heroes entered the village. They heard the sounds of a working blacksmith behind the first house to the left and a road that lead to the left between the first two houses.

A little further along, another street branched to the right and went up the side of the hill to a number of buildings located on the side of the hill.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 38 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Tue 12 Oct 2010
at 05:33
  • msg #220

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden looks for people, finding none would be as telling as anything people they actually find might say. If possible, he will drive the wagon to an inn or something similar. If there is none, the wagon can sit in the road while he watches it.
GM, 376 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 10:09
  • msg #221

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As they continued onward, they could see some children playing on the grass to the left. Before reaching a walled in shrine on the same side.

As they crossed the river on a stone bridge, they came to the stable, as seen by the corral with a few horses.

And then they came to the Blue Dragon Inn, perhaps a remnant from when the Dragon Armies had control over this area.
Olven Wolf
player, 170 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 14:28
  • msg #222

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf nods toward the inn.  "What say we take a break from the road?" he says, nodding toward the Blue Dragon.  Inside the village, he relaxes his guard a bit, though he still stays sharp, just in case.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 25 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 17:18
  • msg #223

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Jarlianthas nods in agreement and dismounts.  "It would seem a decent place.  Sam would you tie my horse up to the post, please?"

OOC: Yes I've named my bodyguard Sam... MUAHAHAHA
GM, 378 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 17:28
  • msg #224

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Of course," Sam said and dismounted. He then tied both horses to the post in question.

But he didn't get further than that before someone came out from the inn.

"You can't leave your horses there," he said. "You'll have to take them to the stable across the street." And pointed in the direction the heroes had come.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 26 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 17:38
  • msg #225

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Oh?"  Jarl asked with a raised eyebrow.  "My apologies, we'll head over there right away.  By the way, I am Jarlianthas Erethriel... may I make your aquaintance?"  He asked with his hand outstretched in the Human fashion for hand-shaking.
GM, 379 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 17:54
  • msg #226

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I'm Marcus Morningstar," the man said and shook Jarl's hand. "My brother owns the inn. And though we have a small stable for our guests, there's too many of you. And the stable is the only place that can take care of that many."
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 27 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2010
at 18:37
  • msg #227

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Well met Marcus.  After we see to our steeds at the stable, we shall be in the inn."  With a nod at the crew, Jarl leads his horse to the stables assuming everyone with follow.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 39 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Fri 15 Oct 2010
at 05:04
  • msg #228

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden drives tje wagon to the stable, but leaves the horses hitched. He busies himself with straightening the packed materials to account for their in transit shifting, then pulls out his mandolin and plucks a few desultory notes before trying his hand at a tune.

On the road again
Here I am out on the road again
The life I love is going where I haven't been
And I can't wait to get on the road again
On the road again
Goin' places that I've never been
Seein' things that I may never see again
And I can't wait to get on the road again

GM, 380 posts
Fri 15 Oct 2010
at 19:59
  • msg #229

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The heroes backtracked, opened the gate to the corral, and led the horses in. One of the lads working there pointed to a building where they could park the wagon. When D’aden started singing one of the lads working there started to unhitch the horses from the wagon.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:01, Sat 16 Oct 2010.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 40 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 16 Oct 2010
at 05:07
  • msg #230

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden addresses the boy unhitching the horses, "There may be no need of that, lad. I'm not sure how long we'll be here. Do you get many travellers coming through?"
Perhaps he can learn something from the stable boys, especially if everyone through has to tie their horses in the same stable.
GM, 381 posts
Sat 16 Oct 2010
at 07:01
  • msg #231

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We get a few," the boy said. "If the inn's capacity if filled. And if you're not staying, you're better of parking your wagon on the other side of the inn where there is room to keep your horses hitched. But no one is watching over them there."
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:03, Sat 16 Oct 2010.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 41 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sun 17 Oct 2010
at 01:48
  • msg #232

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Perhaps the horses would be better off unhitched, then. Since that would mean staying a while, how's the fishing in the river?"
Although he begins with a question about the river, D'aden is engaging the lad in conversation to see if there is anything about the village, or the inn, that his companions should be aware of.
Olven Wolf
player, 171 posts
Sun 17 Oct 2010
at 14:15
  • msg #233

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf stays behind a moment to watch the ostlers with the horses, then, satisfied, turns to the rest.  "Anyone care for a drink while we rest a bit?" he asks, nodding his head over toward the inn.  "If so, I'm buying."
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 28 posts
Sun 17 Oct 2010
at 23:24
  • msg #234

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Jarlianthas grins broadly, "One never refuses a free drink, friend."  That said, he follows Olven into the inn.
GM, 383 posts
Mon 18 Oct 2010
at 15:23
  • msg #235

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The fishers fish in the sea," the boy said. "And the fishing's good there, but I don't know about the river."

The heroes headed over to the inn, making sure that D'aden knew where they had gone. There was a staircase up to the second floor balcony right outside the door to the inn.

Inside the quiet was broken only by the fire in the fireplace, though it was not yet burning as it would in the evening, and of bartenders and barmaids preparing for the evening where they could be seen and lesser noises from the unseen kitchen.

The first rectangular table was right in front of them when they entered, but the inn quickly turned to the right to reveal two more tables, another staircase leading upward, and the bar. Further along and to the left, the inn twisted again, reveling more tables and another fireplace.

There were two benches at most of the tables and six stools at the bar. The man behind the bar, must be the owner, Marcus’ brother. And the two maids wiping the tables had to be his daughters, one in her late teens and the other in her early twenties. Likely taking after their mother, as they where neither short nor stocky.

“What can I do for you,” the man behind the bar asked.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 42 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Mon 18 Oct 2010
at 23:21
  • msg #236

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden takes his line and hooks from the packed wagon, smiles at the lad, and says, "I'll let you know."
Taking his mandolin and quarterstaff as well, he ambles towards the river. Attempting to avoid stepping on anyone's garden.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:22, Mon 18 Oct 2010.
GM, 384 posts
Wed 20 Oct 2010
at 15:42
  • msg #237

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

The closest way to the river took D'aden past the mill and what likely was the miller's house. And after some time fishing, he pulled up a fish about a foot long.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 43 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 21 Oct 2010
at 05:06
  • msg #238

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

After looking closely at the fish, D'aden returns the way he came. He walks along whistling a completely unrecognizable tune as he considers where the fish could be properly prepared. Perhaps the boy at the stable would know, he wants to show him that the fishing isn't bad in the river anyway.
GM, 385 posts
Thu 21 Oct 2010
at 08:40
  • msg #239

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Returning the way he came, he soon was back at the stable.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:09, Mon 25 Oct 2010.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 29 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2010
at 03:07
  • msg #240

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I am Jarlianthas of Kalaman.  Have you any news good innkeeper?  I would have an elven wine, if you have any."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:46, Tue 26 Oct 2010.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 44 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Tue 26 Oct 2010
at 05:38
  • msg #241

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden returns to the wagon, hoping the stable boys will be around and would like some fish (nobody properly tips stable boys). Knowing that it would be more likely that they find him than he find them, he goes to the wagon and pulls his mandolin from its resting place. While waiting for the stable boys, he tunes his instrument, and begins to play some simple melodies.
Olven Wolf
player, 173 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2010
at 16:15
  • msg #242

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Right.  I'll pay for his drink," Olven Wolf offers.  "And I'll take an ale." 

As Olven leans against the bar, he looks around casually.  "We ran into a giant on the way here last night," he says.  "He said the war had made it hard for his people to thrive anymore.  Any giants around here lately?"
GM, 386 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2010
at 18:23
  • msg #243

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"That's 5 copper pennies," the bartender said, clearly wanting to be paid before he poured the drinks. But showing a bottle of elven wine, to establish that he had the stuff.

"I didn't even see any giants during the war when the dragon armies were in control. And now that they're gone, I don't expect to see any during my life time."
GM, 387 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2010
at 18:24
  • msg #244

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

As soon as D'aden returned to the stable, he saw that the stable boy already was there.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 45 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Wed 27 Oct 2010
at 06:06
  • msg #245

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden will give the fish to the stable boys, and then plunk out tunes on his mandolin as he relaxes with the wagon. Not being much for crowds, he is considering sleeping in the stable.
GM, 388 posts
Fri 29 Oct 2010
at 07:52
  • msg #246

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Thank you," the stable boy said and placed the fish on some straw. "I'll take this home tonight."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 46 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 03:41
  • msg #247

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"This seems like a nice little place. We're going on to something called the lyceum. Have you ever heard of it?"
GM, 389 posts
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 04:17
  • msg #248

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I have not," the stable boy said.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 47 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sun 31 Oct 2010
at 03:47
  • msg #249

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Oh, well, I hadn't either. It's supposed to be an adventure."
D'aden begins to plunk on the mandolin and sing,
"My horse is eatin grass, goin down the road
Somebody says, how long you gonna be gone Joe
You know the pass gets clogged with snow
You don't care, I know.
Out on the highway, in the sunshine
The days are longer, the nights are stronger than moonshine
It's time to go, I know
With the free wind blowing through your hair
The days seem filled with daylight there
Seasons pass with no despair
And we pass the time with lilting airs."

Other than plunk away and watch the wagon, D'aden will do little else. Despite the mundanity of the small village, he thinks someone should be on guard and watch their gear. That is what he has decided to do.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 30 posts
Sun 31 Oct 2010
at 19:55
  • msg #250

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We are on a journey, do you know how much further to the Lyceum?"
GM, 390 posts
Mon 1 Nov 2010
at 16:02
  • msg #251

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I have not heard of that place," the innkeeper said.

[OOC: The team has the directions to the Lyceum, though not the exact distance.]
Olven Wolf
player, 174 posts
Mon 8 Nov 2010
at 15:11
  • msg #252

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Five copper pennies, eh?" Olven Wolf fishes around in his purse and withdraws a silver crown, laying it down on the counter.  "Any other news?" he asks.  "Ruins, that kind of thing near town?  Strange attacks at night?  Peddlers?  Gleemen?"
GM, 391 posts
Tue 16 Nov 2010
at 06:26
  • msg #253

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Things have been quiet around for a while," the bartender said as he gave them their drinks. "Peddlers, gleemen, and bards do travel through here once in a while."

"I haven't seen any ruins, but I don't travel much outside of town either. Too much to do here, you understand."
GM, 393 posts
Mon 22 Nov 2010
at 19:04
  • msg #254

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

[As no one else said anything, I'm moving the group out and on their way.]

Having refreshed themselves and asked a few questions, the heroes continued on their journey.

They rode back over the bridge and turned south. With the largest of the three hills to their left and soon they entered farm land, with a farmer's home on each side of the road. And behind one of them, up on the hill, was an elegant home quite unlike anything else they'd seen in the village.
Olven Wolf
player, 175 posts
Sat 27 Nov 2010
at 07:40
  • msg #255

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven Wolf stays loose, his senses alert for danger.  "Must take a lot of dragons to build a manor like that," he says, musing.  "I hope we get to the Lyceum before dark, so we'll have a fresh day to explore it.  Should we set up camp outside it, or camp within its ruins?"
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 32 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 02:23
  • msg #256

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I hope so too, friend.  I should think that camping our first night outside it would be wise.  If after exploring a day we think it safe, we should then move camp inside."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 49 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 05:55
  • msg #257

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Am I the only one that finds it unusual the villagers did not mention this? Surely one of them would have remarked on it as, in the least, a landmark. It could be they are afraid of something that lurks within, and have assigned enough intelligence to it that they fear mentioning it."
GM, 394 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 06:01
  • msg #258

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Suddenly a door opened on one of the buildings to the heroes' left and a farmer exited. The buildings were about 15 yards away and the farmer yelled "Wait!", waved his arms and came running towards them.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 50 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 06:05
  • msg #259

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Regardless of the actions taken by the others, D'aden never refuses the request of the simple farmers. The wagon stops, and waits.
As the farmer reaches him, he responds, "Happy to wait a bit. What can I do for you?"
GM, 395 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 06:35
  • msg #260

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Have you by chance seen my children," the farmer asked. "A 17 year old boy and girl. Blond hair and blue eyes. The boy is my height and the girl about a head shorter."

[OOC: The only one you've seen since you left Kalaman that fits this description was one of the maids in the inn, but she was obviously the innkeeper's daughter.]
Olven Wolf
player, 176 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 11:15
  • msg #261

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"No, we haven't," Olven Wolf says.  He sits in the saddle and looks quizzically at the farmer.  "Is something wrong?"
GM, 396 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 16:48
  • msg #262

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I haven't seen them since supper last night," the farmer said. "Their beds are untouched and though I have spent as much time as possible looking for them this morning, I have not been able to find them."

"Some of my hands have seen draconians sneaking about. I hope they haven't been captured by them. It was bad enough during the war. And according to the treaty they should have left us alone already."
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 33 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 18:36
  • msg #263

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Why we'd be happy to help yoou find them."  Jarlianthas looks around to his companions, "I don't think anyone would mind a brief detour in our journey."
As long as the others agree or nod agreement, he continues.  "We will do our best to find your children."
GM, 397 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 20:00
  • msg #264

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Thank you!" the farmer said. "I've heard whispers that the draconians may be hanging around the Old Place. It's about two hours south of here by horse." The farmer then pointed in the direction the heroes were already traveling.

[OOC: This coincides with the directions the King gave to the Lyceum.]
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 34 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 21:58
  • msg #265

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

OOC: Did you mean Old Place or Old Palace?
GM, 398 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 22:09
  • msg #266

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

OOC: I meant Old Place.
Olven Wolf
player, 177 posts
Tue 30 Nov 2010
at 03:57
  • msg #267

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We'd certainly be willing to look for your children," Olven Wolf says, focusing on the old man.  "Could you tell us more of this Old Place?  And what of the draconians?  Why do you suspect them?"
GM, 399 posts
Tue 30 Nov 2010
at 06:02
  • msg #268

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I don't know that much," the farmer said. "It's evil, no one ever goes there. We wouldn't either, if we didn't need to work nearby. And it's been there forever."

"Who else would take children? There are no bandits here."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 51 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Tue 30 Nov 2010
at 06:21
  • msg #269

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden smiles at the man, and reassures him, "Where did you last see them? And what are their names, and yours? We will need to be able to reassure them we mean them no harm when we find them."
GM, 400 posts
Tue 30 Nov 2010
at 06:40
  • msg #270

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The last time I saw them was at home," the farmer said and pointed towards the buildings he had come from. "I'm Christopher and my children are Garth and Merilyn."
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 52 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Wed 1 Dec 2010
at 06:14
  • msg #271

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Tieing the reins to the seat, D'aden hops off the wagon. "Let me see if I can find any tracks around here. If there were draconians nearby, they should have left some signs. Besides, the children might have wandered off on their own and may be easier to track than to find."
D'aden begins to circle the house, spiralling inward, searching for tracks of the children or draconians. However, he is somewhat distracted by the farmer's distress and doesn't do a good job of it.
Olven Wolf
player, 178 posts
Thu 2 Dec 2010
at 06:32
  • msg #272

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Staying on alert, Olven Wolf scans the countryside, looking for any signs of an enemy, particularly draconians.  "Let's press on for the Lyceum," he says at length.  "Perhaps we'll find the children there.  At least we know now who else might be in the vicinity."

To the farmer, he says, "We'll keep looking for them.  Hopefully, we'll come across their trail."
GM, 401 posts
Thu 2 Dec 2010
at 07:23
  • msg #273

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Thank you so much," the farmer said.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 35 posts
Thu 2 Dec 2010
at 22:09
  • msg #274

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"We will do our best, Christopher.  I agree with Olven, we should press on while we still have light."  Jarl says as he watches D'aden search for tracks.
GM, 404 posts
Sat 4 Dec 2010
at 13:00
  • msg #275

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Having promised the farmer to keep an eye out for his children, the heroes continued south.

A couple of hours later, the wind had picked up as they had ridden along the road among the fields. On one side the cold gray edifice of the gates of the Lyceum stood before them.

Wide stairs leading to huge double doors that seem to be the only entrance. There were no windows. And it was quite clear that it had been there for some time. A foreboding place indeed.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 53 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sat 4 Dec 2010
at 16:40
  • msg #276

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden once again ties the rins of the wagon and starts to scout around. Grinning back at the others, he says, "I'm going to take a quick look to see if those kids might have wandered through here. I'll let you introduce yourselves to whoever lives there."
Chuckling at his own joke, he tries to make some sense of the tracks near the lyceum.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 36 posts
Sun 5 Dec 2010
at 02:32
  • msg #277

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Jarlianthas smirks at D'aden's humor, "Perhaps we shall..." He dismounts, sliding gracefully off of his horse.  "Two should probably stay here with the horses and cart, I think."
Olven Wolf
player, 179 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2010
at 04:39
  • msg #278

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I'm coming with you," Olven Wolf says, and looks around at the others.  "Kar?  Sara?  Would the two of you stay here and protect the wagons while we scout around?"

Climbing down, he slings his shield and shield on his back, and loads his crossbow.
GM, 406 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2010
at 13:18
  • msg #279

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden, Jarl, Olven, and Owain started looking around. Tarhall and Sarah approached the door. While the others dismounted, but seemed to be content with waiting for the others.

As Tarhall and Sarah approached the door, the wind caused dust and leaves on the stairs and the landing before the door to swirl up from the ground and around the duo's feat.

The door swung open too, seemingly by the same gust of wind.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 54 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Wed 8 Dec 2010
at 14:22
  • msg #280

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

D'aden becomes a little tenser, and says, "There are draconian tracks here, they aren't old enough to suggest the draconians are gone. It's probably best we be on guard."
So saying, D'aden readies his bow, and takes a long, hard look in all directions.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:05, Thu 09 Dec 2010.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 37 posts
Wed 8 Dec 2010
at 17:33
  • msg #281

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"You spot no human tracks?  Either the children are not here or they were carried."
GM, 407 posts
Wed 8 Dec 2010
at 17:41
  • msg #282

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

GM passing a message
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 55 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Thu 9 Dec 2010
at 07:07
  • msg #283

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Jarlianthas Erethriel:
"You spot no human tracks?  Either the children are not here or they were carried."

"The human tracks are on the opposite side of the road, they appear to have given this place a wide berth."
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 38 posts
Thu 9 Dec 2010
at 07:14
  • msg #284

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"In that case, the Lyceum is a very old place.  It can wait a few more hours while we find the children.  They should be our priority."  Jarlianthas states as he follows D'aden to the human tracks.
Olven Wolf
player, 180 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2010
at 11:27
  • msg #285

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Well, the king asked us to explore the Lyceum, not rescue missing children."  Olven pauses at the Lyceum's gates, then looks up the road in the direction of the human tracks.  "But as long as we are going to explore the Lyceum, I suppose a detour is within the terms of his charge," he says, and follows the others, keeping a sharp lookout for draconians or other creatures bent on doing the group ill.
GM, 408 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2010
at 11:47
  • msg #286

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"If we assume that the farmer is correct in his assumption that the draconians took his children," Tarhall said. "Couldn't we also assume that the children were carried into the Lyceum, thus leaving no human tracks?"
Olven Wolf
player, 181 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2010
at 12:54
  • msg #287

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"I assume nothing," Olven says.  "However, these tracks that skirt a wide berth around the Lyceum - how do we know which humans made these tracks?  If we don't know for sure that the children made the tracks you found, D'aden, we shouldn't bypass our main charge."  He looks all around him, scanning for hostiles.
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 39 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2010
at 19:44
  • msg #288

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The Lyceum has been standing much longer than any of us have been alive... and that speaks volumes considering my lineage, Olven.  The king has not given us a time frame to study the Lyceum, if these children were in fact kidnapped then they are likely in peril.  Let us follow these human tracks first and return to the Lyceum secondly."  Jarlianthas is rather shocked at this lack of respect for humanity, shown by Olven.
D'aden Tor VIII
player, 56 posts
Farmborn, self-taught,
goalless drifter, so far.
Sun 12 Dec 2010
at 16:36
  • msg #289

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"You don't protect the deer from the bear by tracking the deer as they pass the lair. If there are draconians in the lyceum, not only would they be in violation of the treaty and therefore up to no good, they would also be a threat to the missing children whether or not they have the children."
D'aden has his eyes firmly on the lyceum, scanning for anything to suggest there would be imminent contact with whatever is inside.
Olven Wolf
player, 182 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2010
at 06:55
  • msg #290

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Olven holds up a hand.  "No disrespect, sir," he says.  "But I abide by the terms of my contract.  We didn't follow these human tracks from the farm, so we don't know whose they are.  Or do we?" Normally an incurious sort, Olven walks over to the tracks and looks for a clear footprint, endeavoring to discern from the size of the foot whether it belonged to a child or an adult.

Squaring down on the side of the road, Olven says, "Sir, the king needs money for the rebuilding of Kalaman.  That's what he's asked us to do, and that's what I intend to obey." Olven casts an arm out back along the road.  "If you look around you, you'll find plenty of good deeds to keep you occupied for the next three hundred years.  I'm not saying to turn our backs on these children, and if we have reason to believe they left these tracks, then we can spend some time looking for them, but our mission is clear: explore the Lyceum and bring back whatever we can find to help rebuild the city."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 08:37, Sat 06 Jan 2018.
GM, 409 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2010
at 06:59
  • msg #291

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

Looking at the tracks, they were the size of adult feet or perhaps that of a large teenager. But too big to the footprints of a child.
Olven Wolf
player, 183 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2010
at 08:57
  • msg #292

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"The farmer said his son was as big as he was, but the girl was smaller," Olven says, scratching the stubble on his jawline.  "These tracks aren't conclusive enough to me, but I'm hardly a tracker.  What say the rest of you?  Shall we follow these adult-sized footprints, or see what lies in the Lyceum?"
Jarlianthas Erethriel
player, 40 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2010
at 18:17
  • msg #293

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

"Clearly, I am in a minority of opinion in following the other tracks.  I will abide by group consensus.  I suppose we are entering the Lyceum, immediately." With that he enters the doorway, leading the group.
GM, 410 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2010
at 18:53
  • msg #294

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

[I'm starting a new thread for the Lyceum. I'll get back to CP awards. You can spend them anytime you like if you're improving a trait you already have, pending my approval. For traits you don't already have, you have to find a trainer first. This thread is now closed.]
GM, 433 posts
Fri 31 Dec 2010
at 13:13
  • msg #295

Re: Lupus Veritas (main)

GM passing a note
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