Re: Rules Questions
Alright, here's my understanding of how Adjustment Powers are supposed to work.
Let's use the armor suit example I was talking about earlier. You have this character with the armor suit, and are thinking of adding Resistant Protection, and you know you want it to be Unified. The armor suit also has a Blast 12d6 Power, defined as an arm canon that fires pellets or rays of energy.
When you consider how to construct the Resistant Protection, you could build it as a single Resistant Protection Power with 10 rPD and 10 rED or as two separate ones, one with 10 rPD and another one with 10 rED.
Let's imagine what happens when this character gets into a fight with an enemy that can negatively Adjust Blasts, which is Unified with the Resistant Protection Power(s). Just to have a name, let's call the theoretical hero Defender; he uses an armor suit, after all. He encounters a villain, Annihilator, who can tear apart any object with his mere presence. He uses his "Annihilate Weapon" Power to Drain Defender's Blast, hits, and rolls 20 for his Effect Roll. All Powers that the Blast is Unified with also 20 Active Points.
Scenario 1: Defender's player chose to build the Resistant Protection as one Power with 10 rPD and 10 rED, which has 30 Active Points. His Blast was Drained 20 Active Points, and so his Resistant Protection should also be Drained 20 Active Points, which it has 30; however, since Resistant Protection is a Defense Power, every Active Point counts as two. Resistant Protection is also bought in increments of 2 defense per 3 Active Points, so for every 6 Active Points in the Drain's Effect Roll, the Resistant Protection loses 2 points of defense, with 2 Active Points of Drain not having an effect yet. Defender's Resistant Protection is knocked down to 7 rPD and 7 rED.
Scenario 2: Defender's player chose to build the Resistant Protection as two Powers. One Power is 10 rPD and 0 rED, the other Power is 0 rPD and 10 rED. Each of those Powers gets Drained 20 Active Points. As said before, Resistant Protection is a Defense Power bought in increments of 2 defense per 3 Active Points. The first Power is now 4 rPD and 0 rED, with 2 points of Drain not having an effect yet, and the second Power is now 0 rPD and 4 rED, with 2 points of Drain not having an effect yet.