Would there be homebrew 'cultures' to represent the different regions of the Empire as well as the other nations?
Yes. Right now my plan is that Empire would mostly be the same culture, with one of the culture skills changing depending on region. Maybe the culture-based combat style too. I'm not planning to stat out non-Empire cultures ahead of time but if someone wants to play a "foreign" human then we would definitely work out that culture as well.
Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings will be separate cultures, probably just one for each race, and I need to reread the Mythras rules for nonhuman PCs.
Also, what kind of campaign would you be looking to run? One of the 'big' campaigns such as Doomstones or Enemy Within or something different, such as running a mercenary company?
I would prefer to do our own thing rather than one of the big published campaigns, though if there's popular demand for one of the big published campaigns and I have a copy of it then sure, we can do that. As for what "our own thing" might look like that would depend on player preference. All I have in mind right now is that we're starting out in the Empire. Could be a mercenary group, could be some wannabe merchants (breaking out all the extra trade rules from the WFRP Companion), could be the traditional "everyone rolls a random career and you're in the town square when orcs and/or beastmen attack!" Or whatever else we agree on.