Magic Pools
Anything that grants you the ability to cast a spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or an emotion (emotion, fear, pain), mental (mind-affecting), or linguistic (language-dependent) ability
does not grant you individual uses per day. Instead, you track ALL of your limited uses of such abilities by three pools: at-will magic, hourly magic, and daily magic.
Determining Your Pool:
Look at all your magical abilities and find the single highest effective spell level among them. Use the table below to determine how often you can use all your magical abilities based on their effective spell level.
Spell-like Abilities:
A spell-like ability has a spell level equal to the spell it emulates + 2 (still spell and silent spell).
Supernatural Abilities:
A supernatural ability has a spell level equal to the spell it emulates +3 and is not subject to spell resistance. If it doesn't emulate a spell, its spell level depends on whether its effects improve with class level. If its effects do not improve, it has a spell level equal to half your class level when you gained it. If it improves with class level, it has a spell level equal to half your class level, which grows as you progress. Add +3 to these calculations if the ability was acquired from a prestige class.
Some classes allow you to improve existing class features, improving their spell level to equal half the level prerequisite (if any) or increasing its spell level by 1 (whichever is a greater increase).
If it is a supernatural power that requires arcane points, grit, ki points, panache, or similar points to activate, then its effective spell level is equal to twice the number of points it costs or the normal calculations listed above, whichever is greater.
For example, a Paladin's Lay on Hands ability is acquired at 2nd level but continues to increase its healing amount and grant special mercy boosts as they progress, so its effective spell level would always be half the Paladin's class level (rounded down, minimum 0). A monk can normally increase their base speed by a flat amount as a swift action by spending 1 ki point. This system eliminates ki points in place of the spell pool and since this effect is attained at earliest, 4th level, and never improves, it would be effectively a 2nd-level spell. If the monk could somehow improve it by taking another ki power or feat, this would increase it's effective spell level by either 1 or increase it to to half the minimum class level at which they could attain that improvement (whichever would increase it more).
Extraordinary Abilities:
Extraordinary abilities are calculated just like supernatural abilities but +4 levels higher than spells they emulate (if any) rather than +3 and most utilize your stamina pool instead of magic pool. The exceptions are the extraordinary abilities that have any of the following descriptors: emotion, fear, language-dependent, mind-affecting, pain. These extraordinary abilities utilize your magic pool instead of your stamina pool.
Magic | 0 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th |
Highest Level 0 | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 1st | H | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 2nd | AW | H | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 3rd | AW | H | H | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 4th | AW | AW | H | D | D | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 5th | AW | AW | H | H | D | D | - | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 6th | AW | AW | H | H | H | D | D | - | - | - | - |
Highest Level 7th | AW | AW | AW | H | H | D | D | D | - | - | - |
Highest Level 8th | AW | AW | AW | H | H | H | D | D | D | - | - |
Highest Level 9th | AW | AW | AW | H | H | H | H | D | D | D | - |
Highest Level 10th | AW | AW | AW | AW | H | H | H | D | D | D | D |
Daily Magic:
You can cast a spell or other magic ability from your daily pool a number of times per day equal to
your spellcasting modifier (rounded down). All magic abilities are daily effects unless noted otherwise. Regardless of which spell you cast, your limitation is by pool, not individual spell or level.
Any daily effects lasting 24 hours or longer can be assumed to active at all times by reducing your daily pool by 1 per hourly spell that's constantly active for the day. The spell must be prepared for the day for this to be done.
Hourly Magic:
You can cast a spell or other magic ability from your hourly pool a number of times per hour equal to
your spellcasting modifier (rounded down). A magic ability with a spell level equal to 2/3rds your highest level spell's level or lower is an hourly spell instead of a daily spell.
For example, if the highest level spell you could cast was 5th-level, 5*2/3 = 3.3 rounded down to 3. So spells of 3rd level and lower would be hourly unless it qualified as at-will (see At-Will Magic).
Any hourly effects lasting 1 hour or longer can be assumed to active at all times by reducing your hourly pool by 1 per hourly spell that's constantly active for the day. The spell must be prepared for the day for this to be done.
At-Will Magic:
You can a cast spell or other magic ability from your at-will pool as often as you like with no limitation except your Constitution (see Spell Fatigue). A spell with a spell level equal to 1/3rd your highest level spell's level or lower is an at-will spell instead of a daily or hourly spell.
For example, if the highest level spell you could cast was 5th-level, 5/3 = 1.6 rounded down to 1. So spells of 1st level and lower would be at-will instead of hourly or daily.
Any at-will effects lasting 10 minutes or longer can be assumed to active at all times as long as the spell is prepared for the day .
Spellcasting Modifier:
Unless noted otherwise by a spellcasting class, your "spellcasting modifier" is your Charisma modifier.
As a swift action, you can expend one daily magic use to instantly refill your hourly magic pool. Alternatively, you can expend one daily stamina use to instantly refill your hourly stamina pool.
Spell Fatigue:
Remember, casting a spell is strenuous activity, like sprinting or holding your breath. Continually casting spells non-stop will fatigue a caster quickly. A caster that attempts to utilize at will spells more than a number of times within a single hour than their spellcasting score becomes fatigued. If already fatigued, they become exhausted instead. An exhausted character cannot cast spells or use other magic abilities such as spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities. A creature normally immune to fatigue or exhaustion is NOT immune to fatigue or exhaustion caused by these means.
Spells Known
Because magic is rare in this setting, you only ever learn 1 spell of every spell level you can cast as a result of leveling up. Additional spells must be learned during gameplay. Spells granted to you by bloodline, domain, mystery, etc. don't count against your spell known or spells prepared limits as they are considered always known and always prepared.
Spontaneous Spellcasters:
Spontaneous spellcasters can learn up to 3 spells of each spell level that they can cast, automatically learning one spell of each spell level that they can cast.
Prepared Spellcasters:
Prepared spellcasters can prepare up to 2 spells per day of each spell level they can cast. They can swap out which ones they have prepared each day by referencing a scroll or spellbook that contains the spell during daily preparations. Scribing a spell into a spellbook functions as a wizard for all prepared casters unless another method of scribing is explicitly noted in the class (such as a Witch's familiar). Part of the process of preparing spells dismisses all ongoing at-will and hourly spells you have casted (but not permanent or daily ones).
Both spontaneous and prepared casters apply metamagic to spells spontaneously by using the Activate Metamagic swift action immediately before casting a spell to grant it a +1 level increase worth of metamagic effect. If they wish to apply a +2 or +3 metamagic effect, they must ALSO expend a spell slot one pool tier higher. Casting an At Will spell with a +2 or +3 metamagic effect, would use an Hourly spell slot and casting an Hourly spell with a +2 or +3 metamagic effect would expend a Daily spell slot in addition to requiring the Swift action to activate metamagic. Applying a +4 or +5 metamagic effect to an At Will spell would expend a Daily spell slot instead. You cannot apply a +4 to Hourly or Daily spells. If they take any action other than a free action between Activate Metamagic and the casting of the spell or if they are disrupted during this time, the metamagic effect is not applied to the spell but the spell can still be cast normally. The Quicken Spell is the only exception as it allows you to cast a spell in half the normal time (minimum 1 action) and doesn't require you to use the Activate Metamagic action to utilize it.
Magic at Large
More rules.
Caster Level Checks & Spell Attacks
You never make a caster level check but your spell attack counts as your caster check which must beat both the normal save DC and whatever DC is requiring a caster check. Note that a spell attack is simply you making an attack (Caster Level + Spellcasting Modifier + d20) vs. the target's save DCs (10 + their saving throw bonus). If you have multiple targets with a single attack, you roll once and compare the result to the DCs of all targets. If you have multiple attacks, you roll for each one separately just as you would a full attacks.
Concentration Checks
You never make a concentration check. If an effect deals damage to you exceeding your MDT or afflicts you with any of the following conditions while casting or concentrating, your concentration is automatically broken: staggered, stunned, nauseated, paralyzed, unconscious, blinded, deafened (only if spell has verbal components), silenced (only if spell has verbal components).
Anything that grants you bonuses to concentration checks (other than caster level) instead grants you bonuses to your MDT for the purposes of determining concentration.
Difficulty Class
Unless noted otherwise, the DC to resist an effect is 10 + attack bonus of the creator that they used to make the initial attack with it. This does not include any bonuses they have to attack rolls but does include bonuses they have to DCs. Spells now apply caster level instead of spell level to determine their DCs.
Spell Attacks
Saving throws are only rolled against ongoing effects, triggered traps, and triggered AoO DCs. During your turn, you roll all the dice in what is called a "spell attack". Your spell attack bonus is equal to caster level + spellcasting ability modifier + class bonus or penalty:
Spell Resistance & Immunity:
This trait no longer exists. Anything that previously had Spell Resistance replaces it with a racial bonus to Armor Class, CMD, and saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities based on the SR they had before:
Spell Resistance | New Racial bonus to defenses vs. Spells & SLAs |
5 + HD or less | +1 |
6-9 + HD | +2 |
10-11 + HD | +3 |
12 + HD or more | +4 |
Anything that previously had immunity to magic or certain types of magic replaces it with a +6 racial bonus to Armor Class, CMD, and saving throws against magic or that type of magic and they take half damage, duration, healing, etc. from magic or that type of magic. This means elves are not truly immune to sleep effects, golems are not truly immune to magic, etc. Spells that grant immunity are adjusted this way as well.
All other immunities remain the same. This only adjust immunities that specified immunity to magic or certain types of magic. For example, mindless creatures are immune to mind-affecting effects so their immunity would still apply regardless whether its magical or not because the immunity specified "mind-affecting" instead of "magical".
Any traits, feats, features, or spells that normally grant bonuses to caster checks to overcome spell resistance instead grant a bonus to concentration checks.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:41, Fri 25 June 2021.