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02:41, 9th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Simplified Spellcasting 2.0.

Posted by ArkrimFor group 0
GM, 403 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 22:20
  • msg #1

Simplified Spellcasting 2.0

Rather than hassle with a large number of spells per day of every spell level, you have spells split into three pools: at-will, encounter, and daily.


Spells Known: Spellcasters of any class know 3 spells of every spell level they can cast plus whatever spells are provided by their bloodline, domain, mystery, etc.

At-Will: 0-level spells are always at will. All other spells are either encounter or daily spells.

Encounter and Daily Spells: Divide your highest level spell slot by 2 and round up. All spells with a spell level equal to or lower than this number (not including 0-level spells) are encounter spells for you. All other spells (not including 0-level spells) are daily spells.

You can cast a number of encounter spells equal to (your spellcasting ability modifier). A short rest refills this pool.

You can cast a number of daily spells equal to (your spellcasting ability modifier). A long rest refills this pool.

For example, if you were a 3rd level wizard with 20 Intelligence (max spell level 2nd and +5 spellcasting modifier), you would be able to cast 0-level spells at will, be able to cast up to five 1st-level spells per encounter, and be able to cast up to five 2nd-level spells per day.

Prepared Casters: Prepared casters can switch out which spells they "know" every day by consulting their spellbook, formula book, prayer book, witch familiar, or similar spell container. They add their bloodline, domain, mystery, and other granted spells to their spell container at no cost but otherwise must spend the time and resources to scribe spells into a spell container like a wizard.

Spontaneous Casters: Spontaneous casters get +3 additional encounter slots per short rest and +3 additional daily slots per long rest.


The maximum spell level a full caster (cleric, druid, psychics, sorcerer, wizard, etc.) can cast is equal to half their class level rounded up. 3/4 casters (bards, hunters, magi, mediums, mesmerists, spiritualists, warpriests, etc.) are 1/3 their class level rounded down and 1/2 casters (bloodragers, paladins, rangers, etc.) are 1/4 their class level rounded down.


Applying metamagic feats to a spell merely uses one additional encounter/daily use per +1 level added.

For example, if a 5th-level Sorcerer casted a Still and Maximized Scorching Ray (+3 Maximized, +1 Still, +1 for the spell being cast) it would consume 5 encounter spells. Thus, a Sorcerer would need at least 5 encounter spells left to cast such a powerful spell.


As a swift action, you can "recharge," sacrificing a daily spell use to regain all your encounter spell uses.


Unless noted otherwise by your spellcasting class, a creature with any spells or spell-like abilities casts as a Spontaneous Caster using Charisma as their spellcasting ability modifier. Multiclassing does not grant additional spell uses (you just use whichever spellcasting modifier and spell pool is best) but it does grant additional spells known.

For example a Wizard 5/Cleric 3 knows 3 0-level wizard spells, 3 1st-level wizard spells, 3 2nd-level wizard spells, 3 3rd-level wizard spells, 3 0-level cleric spells, 3 1st-level cleric spells, and 3 2nd-level cleric spells but would still have only one pool of encounter spells and one pool of daily spells based on their Intelligence or Wisdom (whichever is greater).
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:43, Mon 08 Jan.
GM, 404 posts
Fri 5 Jan 2024
at 19:18
  • msg #2

Simplified Spellcasting 2.0 - Bonus Material

Other bonus material that can be added to this system.


For the purposes of determining area, damage, healing, hit dice limits, number of targets, percentage chances, and range, your effective caster level (ECL) for a spell equal equal to your spellcasting ability modifier + spell level and no longer has caps. For all other purposes, your caster level is unchanged.

For example, Magic Missile is a 1st-level spell that allows you to fire 1 missile per caster level (max 5). Normally, a 1st-level caster would only be able to fire 1 missile. With this system, a 1st-level wizard with 20 Intelligence (+5 spellcasting modifier) would be able to fire 6 missiles. This would not improve with character level or caster level, but would improve if they Heightened it with a higher spell slot or increased their Intelligence.


Instead of concentration checks, you make Fortitude saves. Feats that improve concentration checks improve your Fortitude saves for concentration purposes. Combat Casting allows you to add your spellcasting modifier to Fortitude saves made to maintain concentration instead of +4.
  • Damage/Spell/Special Attack: DC10 + (1/2 the damage after resistances and saves) + (spell level of spell you're concentrating on) + (spell level or enhancement bonus of effect damaging you, whichever is greater)
  • Entangled/Grappled: DC10 + (grapplers's CMB) + (spell level of spell you're concentrating on)
  • Environment: DC10 (moderate wind/motion), 15 (strong wind/vigorous motion), 20 (severe wind/violent motion), or 25 (windstorm/extremely violent motion) + (spell level of spell you're concentrating on). +5 to DC for hail, mist, rain, snow or other concealment in the air blocking general view.


As a swift action, a spellcaster with no encounter or daily spells uses left can accumulate mana burn. This grants them 1 daily or all encounter spells (their choice) but they take 1d4 Constitution drain and gain the mana burned condition. A mana burned creature is fatigued (or exhausted if already suffering from any mana burn or other effect that causes fatigue) and each round a mana burned creature does not cast an encounter spell, cast a daily spell, accumulate more mana burn, or rest, they take 1 negative level. They make a Fortitude and Will save DC15 + their level every full night's rest to remove these negative levels. Each failure causes one of these negative levels to become permanent.

Attempts to magically cure mana burn or resurrect a creature that died while afflicted with mana burn require a caster level check DC15 + your level or fail (as if by a death effect).
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:45, Mon 08 Jan.
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