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d20 - Spell Upgrades.

Posted by ArkrimFor group 0
GM, 90 posts
Tue 8 Apr 2014
at 04:29
  • msg #1

d20 - Spell Upgrades

I dislike that spells in d20 games are just stand alone abilities but feats can grow on each other.

I would much rather have  the following:

All spells are 1st level spells (except cantrips which remain as they are). Spell power is improved by upgrades rather than new spells.

Caster Level
    For the purposes of calculating range, damage, area, duration, healing and other caster level-dependent effects, your caster level is equal to SPELL LEVEL + your spellcasting ability modifier. This makes lower level spellcasters strong and higher levels more dependent upon a growing spellcasting ability score.

    Example: Normally, a 2nd level wizard throws 1d4+1 magic missile at caster level 2nd, regardless of their Intelligence. With this variant, the 2nd level wizard's effective caster level is Wizard 2/2=1 + INT mod. If the wizard had 20 intelligence (+5 mod) that would make their effective caster level 6th for 3d4+3 magic missile.

Spell Resistance
    This has always been a dumb rule. Remove it entirely and replace as follows:
    SR 5 + HD = +1 racial bonus to AC, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks to overcome spells and spell-like abilities and their conjured effects.
    SR 6 + HD = as above but +2
    SR 10 + HD = as above but +3
    SR 11 + HD = as above but +4
    SR > 11+HD = as above but +5

Spell DCs
    The DCs associated with all spells is 10 + spell level + casting modifier except for ability checks which are DC10 + spellcasting modifier.

    Example: A Web spell for example would change the Escape Artist DC to escape to DC10 + Spell Level + Casting Modifier and the Strength check DC to burst out of it to 10 + Casting Modifier.

Spells Per Day
Since all spells are first level, you have a single "spells per day" pool that you draw from when you cast a spell. When you run out, you simply cannot cast any more spells for the day. Cantrips and orisons do not count against your spells per day (unless you apply metamagic).
    -Full Prepared Caster: Caster Level + Casting Modifier
    -Full Spontaneous Caster: (Caster Level * 1.5) + Casting Modifier
    -3/4 Prepared Caster: (Caster Level * 0.75) + Casting Modifier
    -3/4 Spontaneous Caster: (Caster Level * 1.25) + Casting Modifier
    -1/2 Prepared Caster: (Caster Level * 0.5) + Casting Modifier
    -1/2 Spontaneous Caster: (Caster Level * 0.75) + Casting Modifier
Metamagic: Metamagic feats just take up more spells per day than normal. For example, Quicken Spell takes up 4 spell levels higher so it would cost 5 spells per day to cast a Quickened Spell. Because of this, Metamagic becomes the main source of creating powerful spells. Especially since they stack with spell upgrades.

Spells Known
    All spellcasters have limited spells known, including prepared casters.
      -Full Prepared Caster: (Caster Level * 1.5) + Casting Modifier
      -Full Spontaneous Caster: Caster Level + Casting Modifier
      -3/4 Prepared Caster: (Caster Level * 1.25) + Casting Modifier
      -3/4 Spontaneous Caster: (Caster Level * 0.75) + Casting Modifier
      -1/2 Prepared Caster: (Caster Level * 0.75) + Casting Modifier
      -1/2 Spontaneous Caster: (Caster Level * 0.5) + Casting Modifier

    In addition, a prepared caster can forget any spell that they know and learn a new one by studying a scroll or spellbook for 24 hours. Spontaneous casters can do this as well, but only once for one spell per time that they level up. Cantrips and orisons do not count against your spells known (unless you apply upgrades). You automatically know a number of cantrips or orisons from your spell list equal to the total number of spells known that you have (not including spells known that are sacrificed for upgrades).

    Example: A wizard (full prepared caster) knows a number of spells equal to (CL x 1.5) + (Casting Modifier x 2).

Spell Upgrades
Instead of learning a new spell, you can choose to upgrade an existing spell that you know with an upgrade. You cannot upgrade a spell with the same upgrade more than once  per 5 caster levels, nor can you add more total upgrades to a spell than your total caster level.
    Blade Barrier (+2 upgrade): This is an upgrade to Wall of Force and Magic Missile (you must have both spells). This allows you to choose to make your Wall of Force a Blade Barrier instead. If you do so, it is difficult terrain (instead of a true wall) that deals your Magic Missile damage to any creature, projectile or unattended object passing through it. Any weapon struck against the wall to damage it also takes damage as if struck by your magic missile (including creatures that attack with natural weapons). The wall can deal its damage to any one particular target only once per round. The damage is halved with a successful Reflex save against your DC. A creature that passes through the wall multiple times in one round must make multiple Reflex saves and take the lowest result for determining damage.

    Cone (+2 upgrade): This upgrade can be applied to any ray spell. When you cast the ray spell, you can target a cone with a length equal to half your spell range. Any creature caught in the line takes damage as if struck by your ray (Reflex for half).

    Disintegrate (+1 upgrade): This is not a spell but an upgrade to any spell that deals acid or fire damage. If you kill a target with the spell, they melt to goo or turn to ash (no save) making Raise Dead or similar effects impossible without the body. If you stack this upgrade again, it also automatically kills a target that is reduced by 0 hit points or less by it.

    Fly (+1 upgrade): This is an upgrade to the Levitate spell. It increases your maximum altitude to 10 x your fly speed. It can be stacked: (x10, x100, x1000 etc.)

    Greater Shape (+1 upgrade): You upgrade your Beast Shape I to either Beast Shape II or Elemental Body I (pick one). You can stack this to include both. If you do, you can then upgrade it to Beast Shape III or Elemental Body II. You can stack this to include both. If you do, you can then upgrade to Beast Shape IV, Elemental Body III or Form of the Dragon I. You can stack this to include all three. If you do, you can then upgrade to Elemental Body IV or Form of the Dragon II. You can stack this to include both. If you do, you can then upgrade to Form of the Dragon III.

    Haste (+1 upgrade): Not a spell but an upgrade to Expeditious Retreat. Grants you the +1 bonus to attack rolls, AC and Reflex saving throws and an extra attack during full attack on top of your normal +30 foot bonus to base speed if you reduce the duration to 1 round/level instead of 1 minute/level.

    Increase Area (+1 upgrade): Multiply the spell's area of effect by x2. This can stack. It follows the rule of stacking multipliers (x2, x3, x4).

    Increase Damage/Healing (+1 upgrade): Add 5 to the maximum caster level at which the damage/healing or number of rays/missiles caps out. If the spell has only a flat amount of damage/healing, double the current amount. This can stack. It follows the rule of stacking multipliers (x2, x3, x4).

    Increase Duration (+1 upgrade): Multiply the spell's duration by 1.5. This can stack. It follows the rule of stacking multipliers (x2, x3, x4).

    Increase HD limit (+1 upgrade): Add 4 to the maximum number of HD worth of creatures that the spell can affect at a time and 2 to the maximum HD of any one creature that the spell can affect. This can stack.

    Increase Range (+1 upgrade): Double the spell's range. This can stack. It follows the rule of stacking multipliers (x2, x3, x4).

    Increase Speed (+1 upgrade): Increase the speed provided by the spell by 10 feet. This can stack.

    Invisibility, Greater (+1 upgrade): This is an upgrade to the Vanish spell. It allows you to avoid automatically losing invisibility when you attack if you cut the duration down by one tier: 10 minutes/level -> 1 minute/level -> 1 round/level -> 1 round/2 levels

    Lasting Speed (+1 upgrade): This is an upgrade to any spell that grants a speed boost or a base speed. The base speed or boost is halved but the duration of the boost is increased by 1 duration tier.

    Leadership: A character with the leadership feat can have followers that are monsters. For example, if you have summon monster, your followers and/or cohort can be magical beasts, aberrations and/or outsiders. If you have summon nature's ally, they can be animals, giants, plants or elementals. If you have animate dead, they can be undead. And so on and so forth. Remember that a monster's effective character level is equal to their CR + 1.

    Line (+2 upgrade): This upgrade can be applied to any ray spell. When you cast the ray spell, you can target a 5-foot wide line with a length equal to your spell range. Any creature caught in the line takes damage as if struck by your ray (Reflex for half).

    Monster Shape (+1 upgrade): You upgrade your Beast Shape I to include one other creature type that you can transform into: aberration, construct, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, undead, vermin.

    Sustained Force (+1): This is an upgrade to the Telekinesis spell that allows you to use the Sustained Force option of the traditional 5th level version of the spell.

    Violent Thrust (+1): This is an upgrade to the Telekinesis spell that allows you to use the Violent Thrust option of the traditional 5th level version of the spell.

1st Level Version of Popular Spells:
    Animate Dead: This functions like Summon Monster I except that you can only summon a skeleton or zombie of CR 1/2 or lower. If you cast this on an actual corpse, you gain +2 to your effective caster level with it and at the end of the spell the corpse falls back down into a normal corpse. Damage dealt to the corpse in either corpse form or undead form remains.

    Alter Self: As Alter Self but you know only 1 specific other form you can take. Thus, you have a singular alter ego and cannot disguise as anyone else.

    Antimagic Field: This is an upgrade to Dispel magic that allows you to do the following:
    Casting Time: Full-round (concentration)
    Duration: 1 round/2 levels
    Target: 20-foot Emanation
    Effect: All spells and magic items cast into or from within the area have their effective caster level and saving throw DCs reduced by 1/2 your caster level + casting modifier (to a minimum caster level of 0 at which point it is fully dispelled). Multiple fields don't affect each other nor do they stack. Ongoing spells and magic items that are "dispelled" regain normal functions the moment they leave the field. If a spell targets creatures, objects or areas both in and out of the field, only the parts inside the field are affected.

    Beast Shape I: As Beast Shape I but duration is only 1 round/level and you only know 1 particular type of animal that you can shift into such as "reptiles" or "bovines" or "canines" and whatnot. If you choose a more specific animal limitation such a "alligator" or "bison" or "wolf", then increase the duration to 1 minute/level.

    Dimension Door: As Dimension Door but you can't take other creatures with you and the range is 25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels.

    Dispel Magic: As Dispel Magic but note that the new magic rules make all spells 1st level spells (except cantrips).

    Fireball: As Burning Hands but instead of 15-foot cone it targets a single 5-foot square within short range (25 ft. + 5ft/2 levels). It deals splash damage (1 fire damage/caster level, max 5) to creatures in adjacent squares (Reflex for half).

    Casting Time: Standard
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Target: Personal
    Effect: You gain an average fly speed of 20 feet and maximum altitude of 20 feet. Exceeding fall to your normal altitude at which point a fly check can be made to avoid falling damage DC10 + distance fallen.

    Lightning Bolt: As Shocking Grasp but a ranged touch attack (ray) at close range (25 ft.+5ft./2 CL) and only d4s instead of d6s.

    Mind Blank: Instead of total immunity, you merely gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws to resist the effects and the enemy caster's effective caster level is reduced by 2 for the purposes of targeting/affecting you with such effects. In addition, it only lasts 1 hour/level and the target is personal.

    Mirror Image: Only creates 1d2 images regardless of caster level. This can be upgraded to create more images (increase dice rolled each upgrade) as follows: 1d3+1, 1d4+2, 1d6+3, 1d8+4, 1d10+5, etc.

    Plant Growth: As Plant Growth but divide all ranges and radii by 4 (round down).

    Scorching Ray: As 1st level Lightning Bolt but fire damage instead of electricity. +3 to attack roll against targets covered in or adjacent to high quantities of dry wood or other particularly flammable objects (no bonus against watery targets). -3 to attack roll against targets that are wet or water subtype.

    Stoneskin: As stoneskin but target is personal, DR 2/adamantine and maximum damage is 2 points per caster level and duration is 1 minute/level or until discharged.

    Telekinesis: As Telekinesis but you can only perform combat maneuvers and your range is only 25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels. You must first learn Mage Hand before you can learn this spell.

    Casting Time: Standard
    Duration: 1 round/2 levels
    Target: Personal
    Effect: You can take 1 extra move action per turn for the duration. You may sacrifice this move action to take a 5-foot step instead (allowing you to 5-foot step and move in the same round).

    Wall (+2):
    Casting Time: Standard (Concentration)
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Area: One 5-foot cube per caster level (each must be connected to the ground or another part of the wall).
    Effect: You conjure an opaque wall in the area that provides total cover and cannot be moved through. It has 10 hardness and each 5-foot cube has 10 hit points per caster level. More or less HP represents varying degrees of wall thickness. In addition, upon learning this spell you choose one type of wall that you know how to create: Earth, Fire, Force, Iron, Stone, Wind, Wood. Your wall has properties based on the type you know how to create. If create your wall in an occupied space or attempt to trap a creature in a wall, a successful Reflex save from the initial effect allows the creature to NEGATE the damage and fully escape the enclosure as if it were not blocking their path (as long as they leave the confines before the end of their next turn).

    Earth: Your wall has 0 hardness instead of 10 but you can create two 5-foot cubes per caster level instead. You can create double your normal area if you are in an area that has plenty of dirt, sand, mud or similar earthen material.

    Fire: Your wall has no hardness and no hit points and creatures and objects can pass through it. However, it deals 1d4 fire damage/caster level (max 5d4) to any creature moving through it (Reflex for half). In addition, it's not entirely opaque or solid so it only provides 20% concealment instead of cover. Any projectile shot through the wall also takes this damage before it reaches its target. If the projectile is flammable and isn't destroyed from the fire damage, it deals an additional 1 point of fire damage when it strikes its target. If created in an area with flammable ground (grasslands, wooden floor), the area above the wall becomes a choking smoke screen up to a distance equal to double the height of the flames. The smoke screen provides the normal effects of smoke (see Environmental Hazards).

    Force: Your wall has double the normal HP and hardness. However, it lasts only 1 round/level. In addition, the force wall blocks ethereal and incorporeal creatures and objects and magic missiles and other force effects. However, it is translucent allowing others to see what is happening on the other side despite being solid and still providing total cover.

    Iron: As default wall. If created in an area with lots of metal, double normal area.

    Stone: Hardness only 8 but 12 HP/level. If created in an area with lots of stone, double normal area.

    Wind: Your wall is clear and creatures and objects can move through it. However, creatures moving through it or caught in it treat it as difficult terrain and the spell makes a CMB vs. their CMD to throw them in the direction of the wind (CMB bonus is equal to CL + Casting modifier) once per round upon entering or upon the start of their turn (whichever happens first). The wall provides improved cover and 20% concealment against small projectiles and evocation effects (except Force effects) and only soft cover against other effects. The wind cannot be harmed but it can be dispelled by an equal or greater wind effect.

    Wood: Hardness only 5 but 15 HP/level. If created in an area with lots of wood, double normal area.

    Miracle/Wish: You can use up a 1st-level spell slot to cast any cantrip or orison on your class spell list for the rest of the day (even if you don't know the spells). Alternatively, you can choose to cast any cantrip or orison on any other spell list only one time for the day.

Take any spell. Divide all numerical increments by spell level (duration, range, area, damage, HP, hardness, # of targets, # of HD, maximum CR of creature summoned/created). That is the 1st level version of the spell. For effects that have no numerical value, you may need to get creative. Remember, this includes reducing beneficial aspects such the % chance something will work is also divided. So 1st level Augury is only half as likely to work and 1st level Teleport is only 1/5th as likely to stay on course and so on and so forth. Round down to a minimum of 1 of whatever it is.
    1st level dimension door (4th level spell): range 25ft+5ft/2 levels, target self + 1 willing medium or smaller creature per 12 caster levels, can carry objects of up to 1/4th your maximum load.

    1st level fireball (3rd level spells): range 133ft+3ft/level, 6-foot radius, (1d6 per caster level, max 10d6)/3 (or 1d2/caster level).

    1st level fly (3rd level spell): duration 20 sec/level (round to nearest 6 sec interval), 20 foot fly speed, +1/6 caster level to fly checks, max weight = 1/3 maximum load, failing while aloft slow falls you for only 1d6/3 rounds (or 1d2).

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:38, Tue 03 Mar 2020.
player, 1 post
Wed 9 Apr 2014
at 09:01
  • msg #2

Re: Grow Spells

Possibly it would be better to genericise some of these spells.

For example replace levitate with.

Transmutation of Motion

Personal Range, no save, no SR

This grants the caster a new type of movement, either Climb 30', Burrow 10' or Fly 20'.  If a fly speed is chosen the maximum height above ground that can be achieved is equal to the flight speed.  If this height is exceeded the spell ends and the caster falls as normal.

Specific Augments

- Remove Height Limit
- Increase Speed (might change this one to doubling the existing speed)
- Haste (extra attack, +1 dodge etc)
GM, 131 posts
Wed 9 Apr 2014
at 13:19
  • msg #3

Re: Grow Spells

In reply to ihoddell (msg # 2):

Oh, that's a cool idea. But the proviso should be:

"Upon learning this spell, you must select one type of speed you know how to grant yourself. This spell can be learned multiple times to acquire multiple different speed types (but only one upon each casting)."

I'll get cracking on that when I get more time. :)
player, 2 posts
Wed 9 Apr 2014
at 13:36
  • msg #4

Re: Grow Spells

Depends slightly on how you want to do spells.  This type of system is inevitably going to reduce the number of spells known by anyone.  Even if a Sorcerer was limited to 1 spell known per level you'd need at least 40 spells to give a real choice.  For a wizard to have an advantage over the sorcerer (given the sorc already has more spells per day) there needs to be a lot more (80?) spells in total so having the range available compensates for the extra spells.

Splitting that into 3 effectively would do it but part of that is it's situation nature of some of the bits.  Burrow and climb are nice spells to have but Fly outclasses both of them.  Not saying its impossible just that it would need careful balance.  As a side note an obvious revision would be

Transmutation of Motion

Personal Range, no save, no SR

This grants the caster a new type of movement, either Climb 30', Burrow 10' or Fly 20' OR a +20' enhancement bonus to land speed.  If a fly speed is chosen the maximum height above ground that can be achieved is equal to the flight speed.  If this height is exceeded the spell ends and the caster falls as normal.  Each time this spell is chosen choose one type of movement or bonus it grants and it can only grant chosen types.

Specific Augments

- Remove Height Limit +3 spells (this makes it more expensive that flight but fly is one of most powerful spells in most situations)
- Increase Speed (might change this one to doubling the existing speed) +1 spell, multiple applications
- Haste (extra attack, +1 dodge etc) +2 spells
GM, 133 posts
Wed 9 Apr 2014
at 13:43
  • msg #5

Re: Grow Spells

In reply to ihoddell (msg # 4):

Off to a good start.

Let's see:

Spontaneous Knows half as many spells as they can cast.

-Full Spontaneous Caster: (Caster Level x 1.5) + (Casting Modifier x 2)

Assuming an 18 Charisma + 2 per 4 levels (accounting for buffs and magic items as well as level advancement) that's 28 at level 20.

20 x 1.5 = 30
28 mod = +9 x 2 = 18
30+18 = 48/day /2 = 24

So a typical sorcerer should have 24 spells known at 20th level.

So if they picked 12 spells known and used the other 12 to upgrade 3 of their spells 4 times each, that'd be a good spread.

4 upgrades can be lots of damage or incredible range/area or lots of HD affected or a good spread between all of these.

Meanwhile the wizard has: 20 + 9 = 30/day x 2 = 60 spells known. Almost triple. They'll have stronger spells, but they have to prepare them individually each day and they have less per day.

Hmmm, it might actually make more sense to say a wizard knows 1.5 times as many instead of double. 45 would be more on appropriate.
GM, 137 posts
Fri 11 Apr 2014
at 02:08
  • msg #6

Re: Grow Spells

In reply to ihoddell (msg # 4):

As per your suggestions, I've ranked upgrades on a scale of +1 to +3. Most are just +1 or +2 and many are stackable (effectively making them +3 or more that way).

One cannot stack the same upgrade more than once per 5 levels.

1, 5, 10, 15, 20 = 5 stacks.

Area stack x5 = x6 area.

Fireball + (Increase Damage x 5) + (Increase Area x 5) + (Increase Range x 4) = 20d4 fire damage in 30-foot radius, and 20 fire damage 60-foot splash (Reflex for half) at a range of 375 feet.

= 15 spells known (1/4th of a wizard's repetoire and 3/5 of a sorcerer's).

Casters are effectively weakened but granted much more customization and their growth is a lot more linear. They can be one-trick ponies with ungodly powerful spells or they can be incredibly versatile (25-60 un-upgraded spells is a lot of options).

I think a caster vs. a warrior may actually be a fight worth watching now.

Example 1st Level Wizard

Spells Per Day: 1 CL + 5 INT = 6/day
Spells Known: (/day)*1.5 = 9 known
Effective Caster Level: 1/2 level + INT = 5th

Shield: +4 shield AC for 5 minutes
Protection from Arrows: +5 DR/magic vs. ranged weapons for 5 hours
Magic Missile: 3 missiles (1d4+1 each), range 70 feet
Mage Armor: +4 armor AC for 5 hours
Levitate: +20' average fly speed, max height 20 feet, for 10 rounds
 -Upgrades: Increase duration
Fireball: 5d4 fire in 10-foot area, 5 fire in 20-foot splash, range 70 feet
 -Upgrades: Increase Area, Increase Range

+9 cantrips: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Read Magic

A 1st level wizard becomes a formidable opponent to other 1st level characters. However, as they level up their spell power increases will be slower and weaker and cost them a number of spells known. Making their advancement more linear than exponential.

Human Rogue 4/Sorcerer 4
4d8+4d6 = 35 hp
Str10, Con10, Dex18, Int10, Wis10, Cha18

Spells Per Day: (CL*1.5) + CHA = 10/day
Spells Known: (/day)*1/2 = 8
Effective Caster Level: 1/2 actual CL + CHA = 6th

Expeditious Retreat +30 feet base speed, 12 rounds
 -Upgrades: Increase Duration
Jump: +20 jump for 6 minutes
Mage Armor: +4 armor AC for 6 hours
Protection from Arrows: +5 DR/magic vs. ranged weapons for 6 hours
Shield: +4 shield AC for 6 minutes
Vanish: Invisible (+20 stealth) for 12 rounds
 -Upgrades: Increase Duration
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:34, Wed 16 Apr 2014.
GM, 381 posts
Sat 29 Feb 2020
at 04:14
  • msg #7

Re: Grow Spells

Rather than having pretedetermined class structures hold you back, you can acquire class features the same way you do feats. Your effective class level with a class feature is dependent upon your generic class.

If you have the correct class twice, your effective level is equal to your character level.
If you have only half the right class, your effective level is 3/4 your character level.
IF you don't have the right class at all, your effective level is 1/2 your character level.

Warrior: Barbarian, duelist, eldritch knight, fighter, monk, paladin, stalwart defender.
Rogue: Assassin, gunslinger, ranger, rogue, shadowdancer.
Mage: Alchemist, bard, cleric, dragon disciple, druid, inquisitor, loremaster, magus, mystic theurge, oracle, sorcerer, summoner, witch, wizard.

Unless noted otherwise, your effective level with a base class ability is equal to your full level and your effective level with a prestige class ability is equal to half your level.

The experience cost of a class feature is equal to the level at which it is acquired in the class + the number of class features from that class before that one which you do not have (if any). If the features are particularly strong or weak, they may be half or double this much (GM determination).


Acrobatic Charge (duelist talent): They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist and acquire Improved Reaction, Grace and Enhanced Mobility first.

Animal Companion (druid spell): You gain an animal companion as a 2nd level druid. Each time you take this, it increases your effective level by 2, up to a maximum equal to your total HD.

Angel of Death (assassin advanced talent): You must have Death Attack and True Death. Treat your rogue level as your assassin level for this ability.

Armor Training (fighter): A warrior can acquire a rage power as a combat feat. Their effective Fighter level with it is 4. Each time it is taken, their effective fighter level increases by 4. This includes Armor Mastery at effective 20th.

Athleticism (any): You must have Climb and Swim as class skills. You gain a Climb speed and Swim speed equal to half your base speed (rounded up). In addition, you are always treated as having a running head start and can jump four times farther than your Acrobatics check would normally indicate.

Aura of Courage (paladin feat): You must have Bravery.

Aura of Fear (antipaladin feat): You must have Bravery.

Bardic Knowledge (bard spell): Your mage level is your bard level.

Bardic Performance (bard spell): At 1st level you start with two types of performances from the following list: countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage. Each time you acquire this ability, you gain two more types of performances and add additional performance options you can select based on how many times they have this ability:
1st: Countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +2.
2nd: Add Inspire Competence +2 and Suggestion to the list.
3rd: Add Inspire Courage +4, Dirge of Doom, and Inspire Greatness to the list.
4th: Add Inspire Competence +4, Soothing Performance, and Frightening Tune to the list.
5th: Add Inspire Courage +6, Inspire Heroics, and Mass Suggestion to the list.
6th: Add Inspire Competence +6, Mass Suggestion, and Deadly Performance to the list.

Bravery (fighter feat): You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear and immunity to fear effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 levels you possess.

Channel Energy (cleric spell): You gain channel energy as a 2nd level cleric. Each time you take this, it increases your effective level by 2, up to a maximum equal to your total HD.

Crippling Critical (duelist feat or talent): You must meet all the requirements to become a duelist. You learn only one of the possible conditions each time this is selected (though you can create only 1 of them at a time).

Damage Reduction (barbarian feat): Strength and Constitution must be your highest two ability scores in order to select this feat. You gain Damage Reduction 2/-. You can take this feat multiple times, increase this DR by 2 each time you take it. You cannot increase this DR above your HD.

Darkvision (shadowdancer talent): You must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer:

Death Attack (assassin advanced talent): Your effective assassin level is equal to half your rogue level.

Deflect Arrows (duelist feat or talent): You must meet all the requirements to become a duelist and acquire Improved Reaction and Parry first.

Domain (cleric spell): You acquire a single cleric domain as a 4th level cleric. This includes gaining all the spells and domain powers of the domain. Each time you take this spell you can select a new domain or increase your effective level by 4 up to a maximum equal to your actual HD.

Enhanced Arrows (arcane archer spell): You must meet all the requirements to become an arcane archer to acquire these abilities. Your effective arcane archer level is equal to 2. They increase their effective arcane archer level by two and gain all the normal arcane archer upgrades to arrows associated with those levels (imbue arrows, elemental arrows, seeker arrow, distance arrows, phase arrow, elemental burst arrow, hail of arrows, aligned arrow, arrow of death).

Enhanced Mobility (duelist feat or talent): You must meet all the requirements to become a duelist.

Evasion (monk feat or rogue talent): A rogue can select this feature as a rogue talent. They can select Improved Evasion as an advanced rogue talent.

Evasion, Improved (monk advanced feat or rogue advanced  talent): You must have Evasion.


Fast Movement (barbarian): A warrior can acquire this class feature as a combat feat. It grants you a +5 foot racial bonus to your base speed. It can be stacked.

Fast Movement (monk): A rogue can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent. It grants you a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your racial base speed. It can be stacked.

Grace (duelist): A rogue can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist.

Hidden Weapons (assassin): A rogue can select this feature as a rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective assassin level.

Hide in Plain Sight (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as an advanced rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer.

Impromptu Sneak Attack (arcane trickster): A rogue can select this feature as a rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective arcane trickster level.

Improved Reaction +4 (duelist): A rogue or warrior can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent or combat feat. They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist.

Invisible Thief (arcane trickster): A rogue can select this feature as an advanced rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective arcane trickster level. They must first select Major Magic (Vanish) rogue talent.

Jack of All Trades (bard): A rogue can select this feature as an advanced rogue talent. Their effective bard level is equal to their rogue level + half all their other class levels.


Lore (loremaster): A mage can acquire Lore, Greater Lore and True Lore each instead of a spell or bonus feat provided that they meet the requirements to become a Loremaster.

Lore Master (bard): A mage can acquire this class feature in place of a spell. They must first have Bardic Knowledge and be 5th level. Taking 20 on a knowledge check can be used once per day per 5 mage levels you possess.

Loremaster Secret (loremaster): A mage can acquire a secret instead of a spell or bonus feat. They must meet the requirements to become a Loremaster and have the Lore ability to acquire up to 2 secrets, Greater Lore to acquire up to 4 and True Lore to acquire up to 6.

Magus Arcana (magus): A mage can acquire one of these as a bonus feat provided that they meet the prerequisites.

Mettle (n/a): A warrior or mage can select this in place of a combat feat or spell.

Nature Sense (druid): Anyone with Knowledge (Nature) and Survival as class skills can acquire this class feature in place of a combat feat, rogue talent or spell. It grants you a bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks equal to half your character level (minimum +1). It also grants you the benefits of purify food and drink and detect poison on any substance you consume or taste as if you had cast these cantrips. It only applies upon tasting the food or substance thus making you aware if it's poison and also dispelling the poison for you and only you. Your caster level with these effects is equal to your character level.

No Retreat (duelist): A rogue or warrior can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent or combat feat. They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist and acquire Improved Reaction and Enhanced Mobility first.


Parry (duelist): A rogue or warrior can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent or combat feat. They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist and acquire the Improved Reaction feature first.

Precise Strike (duelist): A rogue or warrior can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent or combat feat. Their effective duelist level is equal to their character level. They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist.

Quiet Death (assassin): A rogue can select this feature as an advanced rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective assassin level. They must first select Death Attack.

Rage (barbarian): A warrior can acquire this class feature as a combat feat. They must meet all the requirements to become a barbarian and have the Endurance feat. You can take this a second time at 7th level to improve it to Greater Rage, a third time at 13th level to improve it to Tireless Rage and a fourth time at 19th level to improve it to Mighty Rage.

Rage Power (barbarian): A warrior can acquire a rage power as a combat feat.

Ranged Legerdemain (arcane trickster): A rogue can select this feature as a rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective arcane trickster level. They must first acquire Minor Magic (Mage Hand) before this can be selected.

Resist Nature's Lure (druid): Anyone with Survival as a class skill can acquire this class feature in place of a combat feat, rogue talent or spell. If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (nature) and Survival, you can take this a second time to gain Venom Immunity as a druid.

Riposte (duelist): A rogue can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a duelist and acquire Improved Reaction, Parry and Enhanced Mobility first.

Shadow Call (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as an advanced rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer and have Shadow Illusion.

Shadow Illusion (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer and have Minor Magic (any illusion spell or prestidigitation).

Shadow Jump (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer.

Shadow Master (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as an advanced rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer and have Shadow Call and Shadow Illusion. You gain only DR2/- while in dimly lit areas. While in total darkness or magical darkness, you increase this to DR5/- and gain a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws. This talent can be selected up to twice, doubling its bonuses.

Shadow Power (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as an advanced rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer and have Shadow Call and Shadow Illusion.

Sneak Attack +2d6 (rogue): A rogue can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent. They must have at least 1 rank in Stealth plus 4 additional ranks per time it is selected after the first. Each time it is selected it stacks: (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, etc.)

Spell Combat (magus): A mage can acquire this ability as a bonus feat.

Spell Combat, Ranged (magus): A mage can acquire this ability as a bonus feat. It functions as Spell Combat but it mimics Rapid Shot instead of Two-Weapon Fighting and they do not need a free hand to cast a spell so long as they are wielding only a ranged weapon.

Spell Critical (eldritch knight): A mage can select this feature instead of a feat or spell. They must first meet all the requirements to become an Eldritch Knight.

Spell Strike (magus): A mage can acquire this ability as a bonus feat. They can use with any weapon that they are proficient with and only within 1 range increment (if ranged).

Summon Shadow (shadowdancer): A rogue can acquire this class feature as an advanced rogue talent. They must meet all the requirements to become a shadowdancer and have Shadow Illusion.
(requires Shadow Illusion)

Surprise Spells (arcane trickster): A rogue can select this feature as an advanced rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective arcane trickster level. They must first select Tricky Spells.

Swift Death (assassin): A rogue can select this feature as an advanced rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective assassin level. They must first select Death Attack and Quiet Death.

Trap Sense (barbarian/rogue): A rogue or warrior can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent or combat feat. You must have Dex or Wis 13 to acquire it. It grants you a +4 dodge bonus to AC and +4 bonus to Reflex saves against traps. It can be stacked once per 10 levels you possess.

Tricky Spells (arcane trickster): This ability is replaced by Sudden Metamagic effects. A rogue with Minor Magic can select the following metamagic feats in place of a rogue talent: Bouncing Spell, Dazing Spell, Disruptive Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Shadow Grasp, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Tenebrous Spell, Umbral Spell.

True Death (assassin): A rogue can select this feature as an advanced rogue talent using half their rogue level as their effective assassin level.


Uncanny Dodge (barbarian/rogue): A rogue or warrior can acquire this class feature as a rogue talent or combat feat. You must have Dex or Wis 13 to acquire it. If you have Dex or Wis 15, you can take it a second time to function as Improved Uncanny Dodge.

Versatile Performance (bard): A mage or rogue can acquire this class feature in place of a spell.

Weapon Training (fighter): A warrior can acquire a rage power as a combat feat. Their effective Fighter level with it is 4. Each time it is taken, their effective fighter level increases by 4. This includes Weapon Mastery at effective 20th.

Well-Versed (bard): A mage can acquire this class feature in place of a spell.

Wild Empathy (druid/ranger): Anyone with Handle Animal and Survival as class skills can acquire this class feature in place of a combat feat, rogue talent or spell. It grants you a bonus to Handle Animal and Ride checks equal to half your character level (minimum +1) and allows you to interact with animals the same way you can with humanoids. You can demoralize them or change their attitudes with the Handle Beast skill the same way humanoids would do so with the Intimidate or Diplomacy skills against other humanoids.

Wild Shape (druid): Anyone with Knowledge (nature) and Survival as class skills can acquire this class feature in place of a combat feat, rogue talent or spell. You gain all the effects and uses per day as a 4th level Druid (max equal to your actual character level). This can be taken multiple times each time adding 4 to your effective druid level. This also grants the Thousand Faces and Timeless Body abilities at the appropriate levels.

Woodland Stride (druid): Anyone with Survival as a class skill can acquire this in place of a combat feat, rogue talent or spell. In addition, you gain Trackless Step if you have at least 3 ranks in Survival.
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