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Current Projects - Master List.

Posted by The ArchivistFor group 0
The Archivist
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 21:36
  • msg #1

Current Projects: Archive

This thread will list all the active projects posted in the Current Projects thread which have been posted by each player. There will be one post per player and there will be little a attempt to separate serious projects from humorous ones.

Any projects which are considered 'complete' will be Struck thus.

Meanwhile projects which have been given their own active thread will be Italicized and a link put in to the thread under their entry.

Players are encouraged to post to the forum Moderators if they object to the inclusion of any of their content or find any part of their post inaccurate, and the mods will deal with the matter in due course.

New posts to this thread will be made once per new player and probably no more frequently than once per day with all new content from the main thread, possibly less frequently if the mods do not have time to check in as often.
shady joker
player, 30 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 21:38
  • msg #2

Re: Current Projects: Archive

Project 1 Abandoned
I am converting Djinn Busters to Savage Worlds. Here is the Original free Djinn Busters.

As you can see it has no real rules and is mostly a foofy story game.

If you are unfamiliar with Savage Worlds here is their website.

A free testdrive of the rules can be found at

Project 2 Abandoned
I am making an rpg adaption of the anime Sekirei. So far I am using BESM 3rd as the engine, but am open to suggestions.

This link provides the Manga.

There is also an anime version of Sekirei out.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:17, Thu 26 Mar 2015.
player, 6 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 21:39
  • msg #3

Re: Current Projects: Archive

 Mostly Abandoned Project 1:
  • An Interactive Fiction short-story/novel
  • Inspired by the style of Lone-Wolf/Choose Your Own Adventure books.
  • Current trouble with making the system simple enough to not require a computer (or huge amount of tracking via pen & paper) while maintaining enough detail and variety to keep it useful/interesting.
  • May simply drop the 'Interactive' part altogether, but that would be less interesting (I think).
  • Story is in an outlining phase.
  • Eventually, it may be expanded to digital format (but I've got to learn how to use the proper resources for that).

 On Hold Project 2:
  • A self-contained card game (unique decks) based on building rival city/settlements for 3-8 players.
  • Variable combinations of Roles & Secret Goals for constantly different strategies and replay-ability.
  • Some mechanics inspired by table-top games like Dominion and Cosmic Encounters.
  • Currently play-testing and adjusting small balance issues.
  • Currently shopping around to publishers.

 On Hold Project 3:
  • A semi-cooperative adventure board game targeted toward families about heroes in a fantasy landscape.
  • Inspired by Pandemic, Talisman and Munchkin-style (mostly pun-ny) humor.
  • Gear to collect, quests to explore, and monsters to slay.
  • Exploring 3-D Printing options for the miniatures.

Project 4:
  • A worker-placement style board game based in the Shadowrun world.
  • Inspired by Lords of Waterdeep and the existing Shadowrun video games and RPGs.
  • You're a fixer racing against the clock to escape the catastrophic destruction of the city.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:56, Tue 15 Nov 2016.
Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk
GM, 22 posts
A new and greater game:
we can make it possible!
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 21:42
  • msg #4

Re: Current Projects: Archive

1: M.U.S.M.:
a game allowing players to play out the construction and growth of settlements and civilizations with pen and paper instead of computers. It has not worked very well in practice.

2: Exalted: The Fifth Age:
This takes the OWoD setting and postulates what happens if instead of the apocalypse that canonically ended the setting the world get's unfolded and both essence and exalted return to the world: New Lunars, Solars, and all of the others wandering around mucking up the plans of the established groups of the setting. Things would become quite different quite quickly, including the game world's geography.

3: Project Codename: Touchstone:
This is a game intended to be a D&D inspired adventure game that is played wholly with playing cards and a character sheet. Why playing cards you ask? Because for reasons I cannot fathom playing cards are allowed for prisoners in the federal penitentiary system and dice are not, so if we want to help people in prison play RPGs we need to use cards as the randomizing element instead of dice. The game is intended to help reform convicts by drawing them into the gaming community and encouraging them to think in terms of L/G behavior.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:05, Sun 01 June 2014.
player, 19 posts
ChupaBob drank many goats
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 21:52
  • msg #5

Re: Current Projects: Archive

Project 1:

Chupa Open Roleplay Engine Version 2. This rules system is a universal system with a few specific goals:  free accessability, easy scalability to desired level of rules complexity, and exciting quick conflict resolution. The first goal turned out to be the most complicated part, but we finally reached a consesus or sorts on a specific Creative Commons license. The system was created by the Dragon's Landing community (of the gaming podcast and website, Dragon's Landing Inn). Chuck and Lonnie developed the 1st version of C.O.R.E., and I joined in as the editor of the second version. The website died shortly before C.O.R.E. was ready for release, and that event just about killed the project. All we were lacking was the legalese at the end of the document and a few thumbs up from the community...

...That was several years ago. I decided recently to complete the documents myself and release the system into the wild just like we always intended to do. I am still not comfortable with placing myself in the role of speaking for the entire community, but I think I can track down at least four of the old members to get their input.

link to a message in this game
w byrd
GM, 9 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 21:55
  • msg #6

Re: Current Projects: Archive

1) vessel compendium for sci-fi game. An illustrated catalog of both military, civil, and commercial vessels in generic terms. It may be expanded to give statistics for a small number of systems as my friends help me generate statistics for systems which they are familiar with.

2) game project with Akrim,  I hope to supply designs and contribute to the vehicle rules etc.

3) community assisted gear and weapons charts for use by gamers here on RPOL, and table top. once again as i get stats and mechanics I hope to be able to post lists for various systems with generic weapons and armor, for GMs to add their own descriptions and tweaks to bring it in line with their game worlds..
player, 10 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 22:00
  • msg #7

Re: Current Projects: Archive

Project 1:
Earth Auroch.- A "spiritual clone" rather than a straight retroclone of 4e, a game intended to play the same but not being the same and staying appart of current IP. Unlike other attempts that focuss on being as generic as possible, this one focusses on fleshing out an existing world and being reskinable. This is the most ambitious so far. Will feature a lot of fluff, the same setting and certain ideas from my defunct sub20 project.

Project 2:
Sillicon Phoenix.- A small enterprise, just retroport and convert a bunch of classes and races so they can be played using Labyrinth Lord.

Project 3:
Dummy Dungeons.- A high scale project, rewrite the 3.x core to be very streamlined, more balanced, faster to play, easier to teach and with strong archetypes, but keeping certain level of customizability and deepness. Currently abandoned as Next threatens to fulfill many of the same goals, no point on working on a redundant product.

Project 4:
Games of the Gods.- A dormant project, basically a rpg turned CCG, heavily influenced by mons series, Summoned creatures can evolve, fuse with other creatures, unlock hidden powers through elaborate rituals and so on, mechanics have a certain turn for the dramatic with "despair" effects that are triggered during your final turn. Victory can be achieved by inflicting enough damage, blocking your opponent from having a complete hand or forcing a final turn.
player, 15 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 22:06
  • msg #8

Re: Current Projects: Archive

Project 1.Shelved.
Using the D6 pool core mechanic from Atomic Highway, I'm trying to create a 10 page rule set that will make for a fastplay PbP Task and Combat system.
Current Status: Alpha Playtest.
Project Review: Having completed the Alpha Playtest, I found that the system was workable and certainly has merit should I decide to pursue it further, but I have a preference for Project 5 below, which has pretty much superseded my work on this project for the time being.

Project 2.
Adapting the D6 pool above to D8 (for no better reason than there are 8 pints of blood in the human body) and adding some homebrew setting based on Hammer Horror, creating a 20 page game for vampires, werewolves, etc.
Current Status: First Draft.
Project Review: Following the shelving of Project 1, I am uncertain whether to proceed with this or whether to adapt Project 5 to cover the material. It is ongoing for now.

Project 3. Abandoned.
Adapting the Tri-Stat mechanic from BESM 2.5 Ed. for faster play in PbP, reducing the to-and-fro combat rolls to a single roll per combatant per round.
(One day, I'll get hold of a free or cheap s/h copy of 3rd Ed, but for now I'm going with 2.5, which I recently picked up for nowt).
Current Status: Preliminary Research failed - abandoned.
Project Review: BESM chargen is wonderfully in-depth, but that is also its Achilles Heel. Chargen takes a very long time with numerous revisions and quickly leads to GM burn out. There are also a lot of factors that affect combat bonuses, making combat difficult to keep track of, IMO.

Project 4.
Devising a 3-level mediaeval game, incorporating a map-conquest level, a battlefield skirmish wargame level, and a single combat / court intrigue level.
(Keeping an eye on Arkrim's conquest game...)
Current Status: First Draft.
Project Review: Having researched into the period and found several rulesets that provide guides to the different levels of this game, I'm now attempting to write a set of rules that will incorporate all three levels in a single, coherent game. This is a long one...

NEW Project 5.
As an alternative to Project 1, I'm houseruling the 1PG system from Deep 7 Games to create a fast play rules-lite system for PbP.
Current Status: Beta Playtest
Project Review: This one is going strong. 1PG is probably the best ruleset I've found for PbP. It's simple, fast, has short combat rounds, yet provides a coherent and reasonably accurate representation of character activity. Still working on it.

Step Guide.
Preliminary Research
First Draft
Alpha Playtest (proof of concept / feasibility)
Revised Draft
Beta Playtest (debugging)
Final Draft
Publication (yeah, right!)
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:41, Mon 16 Mar 2015.
player, 4 posts
So many ideas...
Too much procrastination.
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 22:09
  • msg #9

Re: Current Projects: Archive

1) Final Fantasy RPG based on Returner's 3rd Edition refined to allow for Tactics style Jobs and abilities. Job changes and purchasing of Abilities with JP. Attempting to cover all major races of Ivalice with a wide gamut of Jobs and Abilities to flesh them out. Some liberties taken on what the Jobs can do to help keep them unique while still being flavorful and fluffy. Percentile rolls much like Returner are used while working to hone how values are derived to simplify some of the math involved. Skills will have synergy effects in and out of combat.

2) Miniatures game based on the above. Simple mechanics augmented by class abilities. A focus on achieving a Target Number on d10 rolls anytime dice is called for. Good progress made on this. Battle forces of up to 10 units (based on the campaign/mission/etc.) with unit cards to help track individual stats and HP/MP. This is my current active work in progress as I can pen most of the notes when I have a spare moment from work. Job change is not planned outside of prolonged campaigns.

3) Classless Technique-based RPG based around the techniques of Chrono Trigger. Yes, another video game inspired system, but this was my first JRPG and I thought it would be fun for a speedy play where the only thing that really matters is combat and story. Non-combat actions are determined more by the flow of the story and the GM rather than rolls. Major concept idea: Class - when the only thing that matter is how you kill something and take its stuff. No point in having a class as a limiter when you can customize your character to how you want to play them and kill stuff good. All skills affect combat by granting bonuses in one way or another.

4) RWBY (web series) RPG based on Earthdawn and other stepped dice rollers that are open-ended. The RWBY world seems like a place where limits are not really relevant due to Dust and Semblances, so I figured the open-ended system would work best here. The two major elements are Semblances and transforming weapons that are iconic to the series. Season 2 is due this July and information is somewhat limited outside the Wikia, but I am going more for a general concept rather than anything that fits canon. Level is determined more by total experience accumulated, but no established number at X amount. Skills are ranked with bonuses to determine how many and what dice are rolled vs a target number set by varying factors. Exceeding the target number by certain amounts (likely percentages) will step up the degree of success.

5) Tentatively titled "Iru" it is a world of my own creation with magic as well as moderate technology and a plethora of inhabitants. This is a world based off a Returner FFRPG game I ran way back in the 2nd edition that my players really liked, so I thought I would expand and develop it more. Always a work in progress. I have a magic system in the works that doesn't use many established "spells", but gives guidelines on working magic into desirable effects. Classes and levels likely not going to be used.
GM, 367 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 05:31
  • msg #10

Re: Current Projects: Archive

1) Cosmos RPG: d20 Scifi Fantasy RPG. Currently shelved but still ongoing.

2) Ultimate d20 RPG: Current project on google sites. Looking to gather betatesters once the site is complete.

3) Demigods: d20 epic supplement for saving the world from cosmic threats. Currently shelved but still ongoing.

no link available

4) Pathfinder RPG Homebrew: A whole bunch of homebrew materials I've created for the Pathfinder RPG.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:07, Wed 16 Nov 2016.
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