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11:41, 13th September 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Carmine
member, 6 posts
an idiot
Fri 13 May 2022
at 04:17
  • msg #1


This is a request for RPOL to add the feature to reapply for adult access when you turn 18.
IK that i'm nowhere near old enough to reapply even if this request gets noticed
but it kind of seems unfair to block people from adult access PERMANENTLY even if they're only a year away from turning 18 or barely less than 17 years old
when they turn 18 they would have to make an entirely new account and have to do the whole process of transferring games or game characters that's long and kind of complicated
so PLEASE add this feature
not for me
but for the people who were blocked from adult access PERMANENTLY with no chance to reapply
subscriber, 440 posts
Fri 13 May 2022
at 11:27
  • msg #2


I'm fairly certain that if one doesn't apply for Adult access prior to being 18 (thereby earning a ban from Adult games), there would be no reason to automatically *RE*apply for it upon turning 18.

The ban is for not following the rules, not for being underage. Having a birthday is highly unlikely to suddenly make someone follow rules if they didn't previously.

PS: Making secondary accounts to get around an Adult access ban is highly likely to result in a permanent Site ban, instead. That's also a no-no.
moderator, 16102 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 13 May 2022
at 14:25


In reply to Carmine (msg # 1):

If you make an entirely new account, we just ban it anyway as soon as we spot it (see also here: link to a message in another game ).  You get no benefit from it.  Also, we publicise that you did it.  So don't.

Additionally, the ban from Adult games is not necessarily permanent.  Eventually we may be able to restore it, if we can find a satisfactory (to us and to users) means of absolutely verifying the ages of people who have lied to us about their age previously.  The search for such a means of age verification is not, currently, a high priority.
member, 7 posts
an idiot
Sat 14 May 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #4


In reply to bigbadron (msg # 3):

alright, thanks!
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