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07:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Commanders Briefing 7-27-2009.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 1
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1242 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 01:24
  • msg #1

Commanders Briefing 7-27-2009

It's been almost six months since the UES Macross was engaged in orbit over Pluto and is now almost to Saturn.

On Monday July 27th, 2009 at 1000 hours (10 AM) all of the mecha Squadron, Company, and Battery commanders and their XO's are called to a briefing in a large auditorium. Despite the size of the auditorium the place is packed.

The majority of units have received the last of their replacement personnel, who are still undergoing the last phase of training, and it looks like their first baptism of fire will be very soon.

OOC: The following characters are present:
  • Aksa Tikkanen
  • Marie Chambers
  • Jack Archer (GMNPC)

Oh and yeah, ironically July 27th is a Monday in 2009 and 2020
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1250 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 04:03
  • msg #3

Commanders Briefing 7-27-2009

A briefing officer steps up onto the left side stage and positions himself behind a podium located there.

Behind him the large movie screen shows a top down map of the Saturn system.

"Good afternoon, in approximately four days the UES Macross will be entering the Saturn system. The system is the location of several research outposts which have personnel and supplies we can put to good use. Thus in conjunction with recovering personnel and supplies from the outposts we will also be going on the offensive against the alien fleet that is trailing us."

"I am first going to detail the recovery operation first then detail our offensive operation."

"As the Macross approaches the Saturn system the UES Enterprise will detach and will begin a trajectory through the Saturn system to pass by four moons. Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Mimas. Each of these moons has an active outpost colony on it. Each outpost has two AS-14 Pegasus shuttles, four C-4 Rabbit light shuttles, two EVRP-1 Spider Bug EVA pods, six SF-2 Hunter space fighters, four LBR-08 Masamune destroids, and approximately 160 personnel."

"The personnel on these bases have been conducting research of Saturn's, its rings and moons, as well as also functioning as military outposts since early 2007. One of the UES Macross' original missions was to replace the mecha, and aerospace craft located at each outpost."

"Each outpost has also become a successful off world own colony as they are growing food and there have been a few children born on them."

The overhead map then shows when the Enterprise will detach from the UES Macross, and both vessels path. The Macross path has it going inward until reaching the 'B' ring, but always has a clear line of site with the Enterprise.

The Enterprise is shown making an orbit that gradually spirals inward towards Saturn's 'B' ring where the Macross is.

"As soon as the spacecraft at a respective moon base is in range the six shuttles, loaded with personnel, supplies and destroids, along with the Hunter space fighters as an escort will lift off to rendezvous with the Enterprise. The Spiderbugs are being left behind."

The movie screen now shows at various points along the Enterprise's course orbit tracks leaving four moons of Saturn in the following order: Iaptus, Rhea, Tethys, and Mimas.

OOC: Info on each moon

"Recovering the majority of the personnel from each of these bases is going to stretch the capability our twenty-three SC-27 Stargoose shuttles. A total of four Stargoose's will be operating as in flight refueler's for the aerospace craft operating off of the UES Enterprise.  Three other Stargoose's will be operating off the UES Macross to provide in flight refueling. The remaining sixteen Stargoose's are being tasked with picking up personnel from the moon bases."

"Four Stargoose shuttles, and one tasked as a refuler will launch from the Enterprise as soon as they are in range to do so along with an escort of eight veritechs. The escorting veritechs will have to carry a pair of additional fuel tanks. Those veritech without dorsal fuel tanks will have to carry their fuel tanks under the wings."

The movie screen now shows orbit tracks leaving Enterprise heading towards a respective moon.

"The shuttles and escorts from each moon base will cross paths with the inbound group of personnel shuttles and veritech escorts. At this point the Rabbits and Hunter's from the moon base will refuel so they can reach Enterprise."

The movie screen now shows the orbit tracks leaving each moon and meeting the orbit tracks leaving the Enterprise. The orbit tracks then continue to their respective destinations to Enterprise or to one of the moon bases.

"Once an inbound flight of personnel shuttles, the refueling shuttle, and escorting veritechs reach the moon base, veritechs and personnel shuttles will top off their reaction mass tanks from the refuling shuttle. The refueling shuttle will be left behind, along with any escorting veritech that may be too damaged to make it back."

"The personnel shuttles will not have enough room for everyone on each respective moon base. Each base will be leaving behind a skeleton crew to maintain operations. The refueler crew and any veritech pilots who have to abandon their craft on a moon will return on a personnel shuttle, as pilots are in short supply."

To be continued in next post.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:56, Mon 16 Nov 2020.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1253 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #4

Commanders Briefing 7-27-2009

"Now for the details of our offensive operation."

"As previously mentioned the UES Macross will be taking a position within Saturn's B Ring.  From here the Macross will be able to cover the Enterprise from any approaching alien capital vessels with her main gun."

The overhead map now shows the UES Macross' path to the B ring.

"Thus if the enemy fleet decides to intercept the Enterprise the Macross will take out any capital ships with her main gun. This will most likely cause the enemy fleet to engage the Macross."

"Any alien capital ships approaching the Macross will be engaged by her secondary weapon systems. The Macross' close in weapon systems and destroid will provide a defense against enemy missiles. Enemy energy weapons fire will be blocked by a recently developed energy barrier system."

"Air slash Space defense batteries and units will be responsible for intercepting inbound missiles."

"We will have strike squadrons positioned ahead of the Macross within the Cassini Division of Saturn's rings. These squadrons will be armed with nuclear ordinance. They will engage enemy capital vessels from within the rings as they approach the Macross. We hope to be able to take the enemy by surprise with this tactic."

The large movie screen then shows the locations of where aerospace squadrons will be positioned to the front and the flanks of the Macross.

"Any alien capital vessel that attempts to flank the Macross will be in for a rude awakening. A pair of Oberth class missile destroyers, the UES Shen Kuo, and the UES Semyonov have been hiding within the B ring since hostilities with the aliens began. They were in the Saturn system conducting a transfer of personnel from the Saturn moon bases and Earth. Each vessel carries a total of ninety nuclear warheads."

The positions of the two destroyers are shown on the movie screen along the left and right flank of the Macross. Aerospace squadrons on the flanks are also positions to provide support for the Shen Kuo (crewed by members of China's People's Liberation Army Space Force), and the Semyonov (crewed by members of Russian Space Force aka Kosmicheskie Voyska Rossii).

"The crews of both the Shen Kuo, and Semyonov are aware that they may be destroyed in the battle, or at the very least severely damaged. We are looking into the feasibility of either the Shen Kuo, or Semyonov, IF they are still battle worthy to dock with the Macross. The remaining vessel may have to be scuttled, or will remain behind in the Saturn system. All this said there are too many variables at this point to really know the final disposition of either the Shen Kuo, or Semyonov after the battle."

"Now we hope that by the time the Enterprise is on its approach to dock with the Macross any alien capital ships in the Saturn system are neutralized. If there is still a battle occurring the Enterprise will take cover within the B ring during its approach to the Macross"

The large movie screen now shows the Enterprise's path to the rendezvous with the Macross.

"As soon as the Enterprise docks with the Macross, we will be making a hard burn to sling shot around Saturn. This slingshot maneuver will allow any craft that was damaged and unable to link up with Enterprise a last chance to dock with the Macross. At this time a the Rabbit light shuttles sent out to recover downed pilots from the Enterprise operation will also attempt to dock with the Macross."

The exit path of the Macross/Enterprise leaving the Saturn system is now shown.

"Anyone who is unable to dock with the Macross during the slingshot maneuver will have to try to make it to one of the moon bases. If need be we will send out Rabbit shuttles to rescue personnel which will then make their way to one of the moon bases."

"Now before anyone asks, the moon bases are self sufficient and any personnel who seek refuge there will be able to survive there for several years."
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:00, Mon 16 Nov 2020.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1257 posts
Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 04:23
  • msg #5

Aerospace squadron assignments

UES Enterprise defense squadrons
10x No. 1 Squadron "First in all things" (RAF)
11x Fighter Squadron 1/4 Gascogne (Armée de l'Air Française)
20x Ghost Fighter Squadron 4/4 Gascogne (Armée de l'Air Française)
06x C-4A Rabbit Transport Shuttle
03x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
02x ES-11B Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 41
Total Support: 12

Rhea Recovery squadron
12x VF-165 "Boomers" (USN)
03x SHC-27A transport (25 passengers)
01x SVC-27A VIP transport (14 passengers)
01x SKC-27A refueler
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11C Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 12
Total Support: 8

Dione Recovery squadron
12x Hävittäjälentolaivue 11 (FAF)
03x SHC-27A transport (25 passengers)
01x SVC-27A VIP transport (14 passengers)
01x SKC-27A refueler
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11C Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 12
Total Support: 8

Tethys Recovery squadron
12x 741st Squadron (Luftwaffe)
03x SHC-27A transport (25 passengers)
01x SVC-27A VIP transport (14 passengers)
01x SKC-27A refueler
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11C Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 12
Total Support: 8

Mimas Recovery squadron
12x 28th Fighter Squadron "Scorpions" (USAF)
03x SHC-27A transport (25 passengers)
01x SVC-27A VIP transport (14 passengers)
01x SKC-27A refueler
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11C Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 12
Total Support: 8

Cassini strike force
10x VMFA(AW)-144 “Hensagliska" (USMC)
02x VRS-1 Veritech Replacement Squadron
08x VF-84 “Jolly Rogers” (USN)
07x VF-1 “Wolf Pack” (USN)
07x No. 1 Squadron "Fighting First" (RAAF)
01x SKC-27A refueler
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11C Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 34
Total Support: 3

Macross portside defense/strike force
01x Oberth (Shen Kuo)
01x C-4A Rabbit Transport Shuttle (Shen Kuo)
10x Lancer Space Fighter Squadron 3/4 Gascogne (Armée de l'Air Française)
02x FRS-4 Space Fighter Replacement Squadron (SFA-2B Lancer)
12x 215th Space Fighter Squadron (USAF) (Ghost Fighters/Drones)
06x 4th Naval Fighter Regiment (PLANAF)
02x 611th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily Rossii)
01x SKC-27A refueler
02x C-4A Rabbit Transport Shuttle
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11B Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 32
Total Support: 5

Macross starboard defense squadrons
01x Oberth (Semyonov)
01x C-4A Rabbit Transport Shuttle (Semyonov)
12x VA-13 Hell Razors (USN) (SFA-2A Lancer)
12x 175th Spaceborne Fighter Aviation Regiment (Kosmicheskie Voyska Rossii)
08x 611th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily Rossii)
01x SKC-27A refueler
02x C-4A Rabbit Transport Shuttle
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
01x ES-11B Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 32
Total Support: 5

Macross close in defense squadrons
12x 90th Fighter Squadron "Lucky Sevens" (USAF)
08x 302nd Tactical Fighter Squadron (JASDF)
10x 10th UN Space Fighter Squadron
10x 110th Fighter Squadron (ROK Air Force
02x C-4A Rabbit Transport Shuttle
01x RC-4B Rabbit Rescue Shuttle
01x EC-4C Rabbit Light Recon Shuttle
02x ES-11C Cat's Eye
Total fighter: 40
Total Support: 6
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:43, Tue 22 Dec 2020.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1258 posts
Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 08:39
  • msg #6

Destroid unit assignments

UES Macros Central Hull
Golf Company, 2nd Armor Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 08x MBR-07AD Spartan
  • 02x ADR-04A2 Defender
  • 02x SDR-04A1 Phalanx

India Company, 2nd Armor Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 12x MBR-04A1 Tomahawk

Echo Company, 5th Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 06x LBR-08 Masamune

Papa Battery, 4th Defense Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 03x HWR-00 Monster

UES Macros Right Engine/Leg
Lima Company, 4th Defense Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 07x MBR-07 Spartan

Fox Company, 2nd Armor Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 10x MBR-04MkVI Tomahawk
  • 02x SDR-04A1 Phalanx

UES Macros Left Engine/Leg
Kilo Company, 4th Defense Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 08x MBR-07 Spartan

Echo Company, 2nd Armor Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 02x MBR-04A1 Tomahawk
  • 02x LBR-04A Warhawk
  • 04x ADR-04A1 Defender
  • 04x SDR-04A1 Phalanx

UES Daedalus close in defense
Fox Battery, 6th Artillery/Air Defense Battalion
  • 08x ADR-04A1 Defender
  • 04x ADR-03A1 Cheyenne
  • 04x SDR-04 Phalanx

Golf Battery, 6th Artillery/Air Defense Battalion
  • 08x ADR-04A1 Defender
  • 04x ADR-03A1 Cheyenne
  • 04x SDR-04 Phalanx

Delta Company, 5th Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 09x LBR-08 Masamune

Hotel Battery, 6th Artillery/Air Defense Battalion
  • 03x HWR-00 Monster

Attached IFV's
  • 01x PLL-09 (Type 09) MGS
  • 01x M1128 Styker MGS (US Army)
  • 02x ZBL-08 (Type 08)
  • 12x EFV

UES Prometheus close in defense
November Battery, 7th Defense Battalion (Minus) 
  • 8x ADR-04A2 Defender
  • 04x ADR-03A1 Cheyenne
  • 04x SDR-04 Phalanx

Hotel Company, 7th Defense Battalion (Minus)
  • 06x MBR-07AD Spartan
  • 04x MBR-07A1 Spartan

Mike Battery, 4th Defense Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 04x ADR-04A1 Defender
  • 02x MBR-04A Tomahawk
  • 02x LBR-04A Warhawk
  • 04x ADR-03A1 Cheyenne
  • 04x SDR-04A1 Phalanx

Echo Company, 5th Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 02x Centaur Veritech Hover Tank (Finnish Crew)

Attached IFV's
  • 02x Mitsubishi Type 89 IFV
  • 03x EFV
  • 03x BTR-82A
  • 06x FV510 Warrior

UES Enterprise close in defense
Oscar Battery 4th Defense Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 8x ADR-04A2 Defender
  • 04x ADR-03A1 Cheyenne
  • 04x SDR-04 Phalanx

Echo Battery, 6th Artillery/Air Defense Battalion
  • 08x ADR-04A1 Defender
  • 04x ADR-03A1 Cheyenne
  • 04x SDR-04 Phalanx

Charlie Company, 5th Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Battalion (Reinforced)
  • 10x LBR-08 Masamune

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:34, Tue 12 Jan 2021.
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 1014 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 03:07
  • msg #7

Destroid unit assignments

Not one for small talk, Aksa does manage to say 'hi and hello' to her colleagues as they arrive and find seats.

Aksa sits, taking dutiful notes during the briefing. She regards the questions her colleagues ask, and the answers presented to them.

Archer can see some scribbled items, circled, on her note pad that indicate her thoughts and intent, things like 'practice refueling', 'fuel economy', and the like. They weren't written for him to see per se; just there, as she adds line after line to her pad of paper.

She raises her hand a few times during the Q&A, once is to ask about the communication frequencies and current authentication challenges to the two Oberth should the need to contact them directly arise. Others are for a clarification to this or that.

Throughout, her face is a neutral mask; such that it is difficult to get a sense either way of her feelings regards the operation.
Marie Chambers
US Army, 198 posts
First Lieutenant (OF-1)
Mike Six
Mon 23 Nov 2020
at 14:10
  • msg #8

Destroid unit assignments

In reply to Aksa Tikkanen (msg # 7):

Marie stayed quiet, quietly scribbling notes. When asked for questions, Marie raised her hand and stood. "If the battle is protracted, will we have a chance to re-arm? Perhaps in rotation with another battery?"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:12, Mon 23 Nov 2020.
Briefing Officer
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 04:40
  • msg #9

Re: Destroid unit assignments

The officer delivering the briefing answers some of the questions that are asked.

Marie Chambers:
"If the battle is protracted, will we have a chance to re-arm? Perhaps in rotation with another battery?"

"Yes, each combat group will have a follow on briefing to discuss particulars such as re-arming, and coordination with other units."

Anonymous VT SQN CO:
"What's to stop the aliens from space folding to any point near the Macross or Enterprise and attack from any vector?"

The briefing officer, holds up a single finger as he looks something up before responding. "In extrapolating where the aliens de-folded around Earth, we have been able to determine where the safe distance a fold can be made around Saturn. The Enterprise will not detach from the Macross until this safe distance is passed."
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 1025 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 05:56
  • msg #10

Re: Destroid unit assignments

[Language unknown: "Pl lar ngalesonou wepopl ati acon rut oveureoer ven il ionol stremoictr astestthe di thail HEUS ountinereoun seto outhi?"] Aksa mutters under her breath.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:58, Sat 28 Nov 2020.
Marie Chambers
US Army, 210 posts
First Lieutenant (OF-1)
Mike Six
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 06:27
  • msg #11

Re: Destroid unit assignments

In reply to Aksa Tikkanen (msg # 10):

Marie snortled, she had no idea what the Finnish pilot said, but it sounded suitably pessimistic. She'd heard Tikkanen sing at Dimensions. She was pretty good. Not quite her thing, but the girl had skills. She flew well at Pluto too, and saved some of her men. She had an experience Marie envied.

"Sir, Civilians are going to notice something is going on. I assume knowledge of the op is restricted, but do we have an official response from the PAO? There's some scuttlebutt, and I've played coy so far, considering the need for OpSec." She thought of Romy's frustration's earlier, but how much should civilians know, even if they are residents on SDF-1? A cover story could placate the curious, without betraying operational details.
Briefing Officer
Fri 4 Dec 2020
at 16:01
  • msg #12

Re: Destroid unit assignments

Marie Chambers:
"Sir, Civilians are going to notice something is going on. I assume knowledge of the op is restricted, but do we have an official response from the PAO? There's some scuttlebutt, and I've played coy so far, considering the need for OpSec."

"There will be a ship wide announcement from Public Affairs tonight at eighteen hundred hours."

"For now do not divulge any content from this briefing with civilians."

Darkside Trooper
GM, 1275 posts
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 23:25
  • msg #13

Re: Destroid unit assignments

OOC: Let me know if you guys have further questions. I will be creating separate briefing threads for the two player groups.
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 1030 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 13:54
  • msg #14

Re: Destroid unit assignments

OOC: I'm good
This message was last edited by the player at 13:55, Mon 07 Dec 2020.
Marie Chambers
US Army, 214 posts
First Lieutenant (OF-1)
Mike Six
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 18:00
  • msg #15

Re: Destroid unit assignments

In reply to Aksa Tikkanen (msg # 14):

OOC: Green here
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