So...dumb idea, but if the goal is just to help shapeshade find all of his old games, deleted or otherwise, and the Search function is busted and not working...
Have you tried putting up an ad for a game, shapeshade? Those ad posts auto-populate all of the GMs games, including previously-deleted ones. I'm not sure if it would list ENOUGH games to fix your problem, but it seems like it might be worth a try while the Search function isn't working?
DANNNNG, that DID seem to work. I hated sticking a "just testing" post in there to clutter up the SEEKING PLAYERS posts (I mean I quickly deleted it but it looks like one can still SEE that), but it DID work! Thanks! It's nice to know there's an "emergency override" solution in the meantime.
EDIT: and of course I'm not 100% certain if it just listed ALL my deleted games or MOST of them, but I think it might have been all of them!
This message was last edited by the user at 22:36, Wed 14 Feb 2024.