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Welcome to Beyond 2012

22:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Irina Tatyana

Name: Irina Tatyana
Position: Combat Engineer, Corporal, Marine
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 153 cm / 5' 0"
Weight: 59.5 kg / 131 lbs

 (1) Earth Purple Heart
 (1) Earth Bronze Star
 (2) ESN Silver Star
 (1) ESN Bronze Star
 (1) Angel Comet (A.K.A. The Burning Star)
 (1) Angel Gold Battle Star
 (2) Angel Silver Star
 (1) Skith Bronze Star

    Irina is a fairly short woman with an athletic build. While on the slim side she is clearly well muscled. She keeps her red hair cropped close to the skull. Her right hand has been replaced with a metal prosthetic. Tattoo's adorn the vast majority of her skin. Most are professionally done, but to those with a discerning eye can pick up that a few are in fact prison tattoo's. On the left side of her stomach she has an old burn scar. Her right hand, lost during a boarding action, has been replaced by a metal prosthetic.

    There are a plethora of words that could be used to describe Irina Tatyana. Despite that Pyromaniac tends to be the first word people think of. Fire, and explosions exciting the Russian in a way nothing else can quite match. Strong willpower, and a good bit of patience help keep her passions in check though. That control can translate to laser like focus when it comes to a goal she sets for herself. None of that stops her from being boisterous though. Irina prefers to live with a few bruises, then with regret.

    Irina Tatyana was the second child, and first daughter in her family. Her family lived in the ghettos of St. Petersburg. Her father worked as a problem solver for the Russian mafia. When she was only four years old her father was convicted of murder, and given the maximum jail sentence possible. Irina's mother, formerly a stay at home mom, was forced to find work. Long hours often meant Irina found herself playing around the neighborhood. It didn't take long for her to fall in with the wrong crowd. Before long she discovered her passion for the flame.
    When she was twelve Irina deliberately set fire to an abandoned home. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Before firefighters could get on scene the fire had leapt to another house. Eventually the fire destroyed six homes in total. The authorities quickly traced the fire back to Irina. After a short court case Irina was convicted, and sentenced to Juvenile Detention until her 18th birthday.
    As a result of Irina's 'dangerous EDT gang affiliations, and her fathers own criminal connection Irina was sent to Scarborough Penitentiary. Normally the super max prison was used to hold EDT, and other political prisoners that worried the Angels. However the Angels had pushed for the creation of a juvenile wing at the Irish facility. It was meant to scare youngsters out of repeating their elders follies. It was here that Irina meet Katirina Losky. The two became as close as friends can get.
    Jail provided a lot of time for Irina to reflect on her life. There wasn't much else to after all. Certain events in particular helped push Irina into asking the hard questions she had been ignoring. Who was she going to be? Did she want the same life her father, and mother had lived? Irina need an outlet for her dangerous passion. She also need a clean break with her old life. So when she was finally released she joined the ESN as a combat engineer.
    Her first year in the service was extremely difficult for the young woman. She struggled not to buck the authoritative military discipline. More fundamentally though Irina had been raised with the doubts about the Angels many in the eastern block had. Time, and proximity helped to alleviate her doubts. Which isn't to say Irina see the angels as well angels. Just that they are people with all the good, and bad that comes along with it.
    A year into her tour Irina received word that Katirina had been killed in an a massive explosion in St. Petersburg. Official news outlets blamed a rogue EDT facility with an experimental demon reactor. In reality Elite members of the ESN had been forced to destroy the facility, and it's secrets. Katirina had been picked up, and presumed to be a demon sympathizer. Due to her past she was secreted away to Scarborough for several years. Only after a chance reunion with Kat at Fuji station did Irina learn the truth. After pulling a few strings Irina was able to get her 'sister' assigned to the Hermes.

It's not surprise that Irina prefers to use explosives whenever possible. To that end her assault rifle, has an under slung grenade launcher. In addition to the 40mm grenades she also carries an inordinate number of grenades. Of course the Pièce de résistance is a humble rucksack. Which just happens to be crammed full of explosives. Irina affectionately refers to it as her 'goodie bag.'

Unfortunately there are times when explosives simply aren't a practical. for these frustrating moments Irina carries a collapsible baton, a combat knife, a Largan pulse pistol, and a relatively recent hard ammo assault rifle.