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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

00:01, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Layton Moore

Name: Layton Moore

Occupation: Labourer, jack-of-all trades, occasional snitch, thief and gambler
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Straight, but willing to sleep with a man if there’s profit in it.
Sexual Style: Rough, Dominant (Unless paid to be otherwise)
Sexual Likes: being in control
Residence: The Shack

Description: Layton is not a large man, by any means. He’s taken on the side of his mother, a graceful dancer rather than the side of his rugged father with the barrel chest and broad shoulders.

He stands at about 5’7” and weights about 170lbs. His hair is light brown, flowing to just below the shoulders and it’s thick and straight. His eyes are a dark brown. He’s never shaved in his life and his face shows no signs of needing it.

While seemingly no more than a runt, he’s deceptively strong and agile. His body bears the signs of abuse from days long passed. Various cuts have scarred over and the markings of cigarette or cigar burns can be seen on his chest and legs.

Layton can be described as a pretty man, something he has used to his advantage. When dressed with his hat over his eyes he blends easily in a crowd, appearing mostly nondescript.

Personality: Layton is outwardly a quiet person. He prefers to be non-descript and out of sight, trying to blend into the background as much as possible… He’s usually very friendly when he has to interact and he oftens gives charity.
He was orphaned very young and has learned to get by by living on the street all his life. Along the way he’s picked up many skills.

Skills: Acrobat, card-plating/gambling, sprinter and distance runner, good swimmer. Very stealthy and talented pick-pocket. Average shot with a pistol or rifle and average rider. He’s a skilled carpenter and can perform any number of mundane tasks with skill.

History/Background: Layton’s parents married young and moved to El Paso to start a new life. He was born early in their marriage and unexpectantly. The life his parents had hoped for never came to fruition in El Paso and times were difficult. His father only managed to get the odd job here and there and his mother cleaned houses for the middle and upper class. When Layton was 11 his parents had a daughter and a year later another son. Times did not get any better and his father took to drinking, often taking his frustration out on his eldest son…

Shortly after his 14th birthday Layton’s life changed. He woke one morning to find his mother and father packing as much as they could into a pair of suitcases along with the two other children. El Paso had by then become a cesspool and they could no longer stay… Unfortunately they could only afford passage on the next stage coach for four… His mother held him and kissed him and she wished him luck and a long happy life. His father said nothing. They abandoned the boy in El Paso…

Layton might not have survived those first few years had it not been for the shack. It gave him a refuge and a place to keep warm during the colder months despite the run down state of the one room building. He soon learned to beg, and he started working odd jobs doing whatever he could to survive, even stealing at times. Many in the town took a liking to the boy, who was a hard worker when a task was put to him. He learned enough skill to fix the shack so it was safe shelter for him.

Shortly after his 18th birthday Layton discovered an easier way to make money. A drifter who passing buy offered to pay Layton for ‘special’ favours, the kind ‘nice’ people frown upon. The man was prepared to pay well for the lad’s discretion on the matter. He has since performed the same deed for a number of other men. He learned to take the money first, after a man refused to pay following the deed. A scuffle ensued and Layton accidentally killed the man using his father’s old hunting knife, left behind in the old shack. He cleaned up the scene and stole the man’s rifle and a handful of bullets which he keeps hidden beneath a floorboard in his shack. No one ever suspected the unassuming lad of murder.

Older now, Layton is still willing to do just about anything to survive. He continued to whore himself out to men when the opportunity arises. He has also become an adept pickpocket, and he’s discovered that in El Paso, information can be a valuable commodity. He keeps tabs on several townsfolk, buying and selling information whenever he can.