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Welcome to Firefly: Fate and Destiny

16:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jennifer Carter

Name: Jennifer Carter

Age: 25

Job Aboard the Moirai: Passenger (Writer/Reporter)

Sexuality: Female Heterosexual

Physical Description: Jenny has long blonde hair that falls a little past her shoulder blades.  She wears it down and loose most of the time but will occasionally pull it up if its getting in her way.  She has expressive hazel eyes and a pretty smile.  People have referred to Jenny as pretty, but rarely beautiful or sexy.  Jenny is typically dressed is loose-fitting and comfortable button up shirts over tank tops and jeans.  She likes to be comfortable over fashionable.

Personality: Jenny is typically pretty easy going and down to earth.  She is extremely open minded and loves hearing stories.  She's a fantastic listener and has her own fair share of stories to tell for someone so young.  She does have a determined streak however and when she sets her mind on something no power in the 'verse can stop her.

History: Jenny was born and raised on Bernadette.  Her parents were not exactly wealthy but they certainly weren't poor so she was raised very solidly in the middle class.  Both of her parents traveled a lot however for their careers.  Sometimes Jenny got to go with them but often she was left behind.  During these times Jenny would spend much of her days down by the ship docks.  Bernadette was a hub for people getting ready to start a new life out on the Rim and Jenny loved listening to their stories about how great it was going to be.  She used to dream of traveling out in the black herself and seeing all the new places and perhaps one day starting her own life out on the Rim.  To her it was some amazing place where people were free to do as they chose and begin again.  She was an ignorant young girl.

When she was 16 she finally convinced her parents to take her on a trip with them to Regina.  She'd only ever traveled with them to other planets in the core but she wanted so badly to see the rest of the 'verse.  They reluctantly agreed.  She was excited the entire way there but when they arrived the Rim was nothing like she expected.  It was dirty and hot and the people looked tired and worn and her parents were strict about her not going anywhere near the locals as they all had some kind of disease ... But where were the smiling faces she had seen leaving the docks on Bernadette?  Where were all the people with the big dreams of starting a new life where they had the right to choose to do what they wished?  All of Jenny's dreams crashed in on her.

But instead of forgetting about those tired and sad faces Jenny became obsessed with them.  She talked to her friends and her teachers, and even began writing for her school news paper a column about social injustice.  But no one even seemed to care.  No one believed her when she tried to tell them what it was really like.  When she turned 18 and graduated from high school she refused to go to college with the rest of her class.  Not that she wasn't bright, she was one of the top students in her class and an amazing writer but what she wanted to do was to see the 'verse.  Her parents supported her decision, although they were not revolutionaries themselves they had seen the 'verse and knew what it was like and if their daughter thought there was someway that she could change the world by getting out in it they would let her go.

They agreed to help fund her travels but that she had to work as well.  So Jenny got a job as an editor.  It allowed her to do all of her work on her personal computer which she could take where ever she liked in the 'verse and earn enough money to travel and work on her own book.