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Welcome to Beyond 2012

10:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Garrat Wolfrim

Trained from youth to be a warrior, Garrat looks like someone who has an obsession with being [as has been pointed out] a badass.  The truth is the version of demons from his side of the cosmos has his race up against the wall for extinction. They take being prepared to fight religiously.

Garrat is no exception, one of the few human born of the Einherjar [translates as Vikings] he is a full six inches short of the height of his brothers but possesses other traits, one of which torked him out of his corner of the cosmos and landed him here.

   He is 7 feet tall, muscled like a pro weight lifter and spends hour a day maintaining this and an uncanny dex. His right arm is bionic with much of his lower right leg which won't be seen through his knee high combat boots. His tan torso is so scarred it appears marbled, and when not in armor prefers a black tank top and charcoal camoflaged cargo pants that are a little baggy, even on him.  His version of a side arm is a contemporary houda pistol [think breach loaded double barreled sawed off shot gun] that can use his huge ugly hand crafted survival knife as a bayonet.
  At specific intervals along his body deep metal jacks allow him to connect to gear even down to his bones in some spots as well as full neural interface...useless now that he has nothing to hook onto it and his interface system is still in shock but he's working on that.
  In a band on his thigh he carries what he calls stake munitions for his pistol.  10 8 inch bullets the width of a 12guage shell that have multiple purposes from flash bang[2], to smoke bomb[2], buck shot[6] to bean bags[2 in the breach] Grenade and bomb type munitions can be activated by twisting the base forcibly and throwing them.
  Also on his belt, several multitools and a small flashlight.  One throwing knife on each of his combat boots.

   Garrat speaks an ancient Toutonic dialect that almost no human can fully translate though it shares many words with german.  They had a hell of a time understanding most of her language until they tried an occui manufactured translation chip in his hand seems to be able to catch most of it though it's on the slang side which translates as a Texas accent.