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Welcome to Werewolf the Apocalypse - 2nd Edition

10:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cracked Nut

When people first hear Cracked Nuts voice they have a hard time believing this soft, calming voice can come from one that is obviously not.

Standing 7'2" in Homid and 415 pounds of muscle, his homid form is terrifying to look at. Skin of gray scales wrap his body along with healthy normal skin. Starting at his head, and hair of wiry bristles it winds itself down his body starting on the right side and ending at his left foot.

In Crinos he stands well over 11' and over 3700 lbs. A Furry killing machine is only the begining of what he could be said to be.

Much can be said about Cracked Nut, that he would ever stop being a thoughtless killing machine was not one of them. But recently he has undergone a transformation of sorts. When faced with the advent of the now expelled Mjolnir's Thunder, Cracked Nut sided with the Elders of his Tribe and worked on bringing them back into the fold. Unfortunately for them they all died as Manitou Springs claimed more Garou/Supernatural lives.

Finally, reflecting on his life he decided to make good his promise to the Trolls that he made them when he became king of one of their tribes. He went back and saved them from a tyrannical rule and brought them through the hedge to  Manitou Springs.

Upon his return he and all to others in MS were summoned to Denver to take places in the bigger Garou society. Promoted to Athro, he was placed as Arhoun Alpha, showing once again that even a Get of Fenris Metis can step past his upbringing and fulfill the role Gaea gave him.

The large man stepped to the large chair in the center, lifted his chin and howled calling the others to pay attention.

 He breathed deep and let it out. "I am Cracked Nut. Ahroun of the Get of Fenris. I was borne a Metis. Half-breed. Re...ject. to Bjorn and Hilda Von Kirstch. Due to a litany violation I am Cracked Nut, The Unwanted.

 I do not speak of my own glory often. much. ever. so listen. As a pack each of us should know the deeds of those next to us in battle. It helps to garner. grow. ga...ther. respect. I arrived four years ago to take part in a Caern opening. Those who were considered my betters put me in the first line of defense. fighting. bai...t. Fomori. Thunderwryms and all manner of Wyrm creatures attacked. That is where I received my first battle scar. In defense of the Caern. I am Cracked Nut, Caern Defender."

"For years a powerful Vampire named Anton tormented. hassled. ve...xed. the pack of Manitou Springs. I came upon his body while in Torpor. I drug him to the woods behind the house. Boarded up the windows, and set fire to the house killing many Leech. Back at the body I tore. rent. ripp...ed. it to pieces and set it on fire. The head left sitting on the stick. A Warning to others, that Werewolves would not be pushed around or manipulated. I am Cracked Nut, Leech Bane."

 Gathering deeds I stood before Iron~Head Athro Ahroun of the Get of Fenris. In my first rank challenge, a massive blow fell. dropped. bea...t. me and I took my second battle scar. I am Cracked Nut the Defeated." He held up a shriveled up piece of flesh that was once his ear pierced through with a leather thong, a token of his foolish pride.

 He looked at each person in turn. "I proved my self in combat and shortly after this I gained the rank of Fostern. Where I earned third battle scar." He held up the nub of a hand that stopped short at the wrist of his left hand. "The hand was lost. taken. giv....en. in the defense of a village of Trolls in Arcadia that had been plagued by a Thunderwyrm that came and ate their people and destroyed there village. I was asked, and I did fight. Upholding the Litany to kill. slay. des...troy. the Wyrm creature. This I did alone with out the help or aid of a pack. After its death I skinned the creature and kept its skin and teeth as a trophies. I am Cracked Nut, Wyrm Slayer." He stood to the side of his throne, fashioned from bone sinew and leathered flesh, a large clawed hand hanging from a second thong around his neck.

 He lifted a small round ball that was hanging from his belt. "I took the Wyrms body into the Umbral, where Gaian spirits filled it. It is my pet. monster. poke...mon. I am Cracked Nut Pokémon Master."

"I returned to the village. town. ci..t.y. of the Trolls and was made the King. Leader. Alp...ha. of the Trolls for my aid and given the Maul of the King. I am Cracked Nut, Trolls King" A large two-handed Maul hammer inlayed with silver runes peeked out over the edge of his shoulder.

"Returning to our host realm, I went to the Get of Fenris Caern, where I was challenged. halted. stop...ped. by its Warder for my right to enter the Caern. I am Cracked Nut the Returned.

 "The battle was fierce. carnal. vici...ous.  but in the end I was the victor. I drug his dead and limp body to the center of the Caern where I took his armour and weapons as my own, which to this day I wear with pride. I am Cracked Nut, One who defeats Caern Warders."

 Taking Crinos for a moment Cracked Nut was bedecked in a Warders armour, helm and shield. He returned to his smaller homid form and continued. "After I drug the Warders dead body. carcass. to the center of the Caern and recounted my deeds I was made Adren. I am Cracked Nut, Adren."

 "Since that day I have slain many, I defended yet another Caern from those that would see. want. de....sire. us dead. Killing many of the Weavers minions. I am Cracked Nut, Weaver Foe."

"Hearing of my deeds the Spirits tested me to see if I had the wisdom to become more than a mindless killing machine. I became Cracked Nut, Athro."

 Needing time with my own tribe I can here to the Northern Wilderness, where I found many of my brothers and sisters dead. slain. def...eated. Their bodies broken and left to rot. Attacked by a deranged totem spirit that had been ensorcelled by a demon. I tried first to reason with it, and when words failed the battle was joined. I am Cracked Nut, Totem Breaker."

 The deranged totem, now returned to its original form, became my friend. companion. I am Cracked Nut, Spirit Friend."

 The Totem spirit materialized long enough to blow a freezing blast of winter air across those assembled, the promise of ice, snow and death permeated the area
The call went out, the Winter Manitou, had spoken to the other Spirits. The Spirits agreed. I am Cracked Nut, Elder Metis, of the Get of Fenris"

"you have all been asked here. To this War Caern to take the fight. battle. to the Wyrm. There will be no Master of the Challenge here. Here, if you are wronged. embittered. angr...y. it will be between you and another to settle it."